llustrated Weekly
Illustrated Weekly
Volume: 4
1 Veez Konkani
No: 25
May 27, 2021
Kristamvancher uzo vonkche bijepi
gelea hofteant uddupi somsod sodosy (em'.Pi.) xobha korondlajen kristamvam virodh opradh manddun madhyomant ek tsunami asa kelem mhonnyet. Tem mhonnalem ki "kristamv aplea igorzamni kovidd injekxonam ghemvchim nakat mhonnon aplea lokak sangtat" mhonnalem. Ho tannem kel'lo ek chil'lar opradh nom-i; ho ek somudayakchch dhornnik xeuttamvcho opradh. Nizaki sangchem tor sorv kristamv bholaike kendramni, aspotreamni sobhar xalamni kovidd kendram zamvn bodlileant ani piddestank soulobhyota dilea. Konn'nch eka yazokan zamv, dharmikan zamv vo layikan konnaki kovidd injekxonam ghenakat mhonn sangl'lem na; bodlak tannim injekxonam ghemvcheak prosar kela ani tannim-i tim injekxonam ghetleant. Osem astam hea tokli soma naschea razkaronnik tem dhoir khoim thamvn ailem ho fottkiro opradh kristamvancher manddunk? haka khoim thamvn hi sosorgai mell'lli?
kristamv kitem hachea fottkiroea opradhak bhimyan kamptat mhonn lekhlem? hea sovalank zovabi turthan hea xobhan dizai zaleat. Ho opradh tannem eklea-dogam thoim thapunk na, bogar okhea kristamv somudayakchch guneamvkar korun fott prochar kelea. Hannem osem mhollem tori sobhar kristamv je bijepi paddtik rigon xoronnagot zaleat tannim ekchch ek sobdh kaddunk na. Potramni , madhyomamni ayil'lea khobre prokar fokot adlo em'melsi oivon ddisozan matr aplo bollixtth virodh ucharla matr nhoim tannem sorkari odhikarink mellon xobha virodh okrox vyokt kela. Sobhar amche mukheli fokot botlintlem vo bumyamvantlem lonnchem kosem zaleat. Fokot tankam faido labtana matr te tanchem tondd ugtem kortat nam tor zalem pott bhorn khamvn cheari pam-i soddn nidon poddchea sunneaporim asat. Hi bharichch bezarayechi gozal, hankam apunn kristamv mhonnonk loz disonk zai! dhikkar hanchea befikir chintpak
2 Veez Konkani
ani korneank. Amchea sorv mukheleamni apli paddt khonchi mhonn lekhinastam mukhar yeunko zai aslem, aplo tallo ubharn hea xobha virodh avaz uttounko ani sota khatir zhuzonk. Hankam ekleaki kitench dhom' na; he fokot tea gadea meremni prannisuknneank bhexttaunko ube kel'le berchoppa kose. Somarombha vellar matr he bispa sangata, dharmik vhoddilam sangata vedir yemvn haso dakhoitat; punn hea gombhir sondigdh poristhitent hanchea penkttant kitench boll na. Sorvamni sangata mellon xobhar turthan sorv kristamvamlagim kxoma opekxunk vicharunk zai tosench hea bezovabdari vortonak tachea hud'deak raji diunko vicharunk zai. He razki-i mukheli lokachi seva korunk ani tankam mellche poixe hea lokan dil'lea tteaksantle. Sorv somudayank sorisoman hokk asa apnnacher fottkiro opradh manddttana tea virodh zhuzonk ani nyai axeunko. Hankam souy zamvn gelea kristamvanchi sosorgai ghemvn
tonddak ayil'lem zhankllunk. Hem turthan bondh zaunko zai. Bijepin zativad uttoyil'lo matea voir gela ani sot axeteleam aikon puro zamvn gelam. Hantum kolltta ki hankam kitlo mosor kristamvancher ani tanchea kamancher asa tem. Tim zamvn korinant ani heram lokopokari kamam kortana horyekant fotti guntun korchem sorv konveddttor korunk mhonn kitench loz nastam ghonkhtat. Zor az amche kristamv mukheli oivonaporinch dhoiradhik asle tor osem ghoddttem na. Penkttant kitench boll naschea amchea thoddea vallche bhaji mukheleamni sotakhatir zhuzom mukhar sorinastam ravol'lea amchi got hea chintazonok sthitek paulea! aplea svartha khatir voge ravon sthobdh zamvchea bodlak dhoiran fuddem soron aplo probhavo ghalcho vell aila. Mukheleamno, disa ujvaddak nidon poddanakat; lokanchea hokkam khatir, sota khatir zhuzonk mukhar sora.
-dda| asttin probhu, chikago
3 Veez Konkani
Sobar tornea ani pornea kolakoram
sovem aplea char ‘songit sunami’
mukantr gitam songitachim laram valloun somsarbhor songit premink
songit xetant konknnintlo ‘kixor
dhados korn tanchim kallzam mona
kumar’ mhonnon'nch vollkoncho
jikon famad zal'lim don konknni
manest roni krasta aplea ballponnar
taram manest roni krasta ani tachi
dakoun soukas fulon yeun atam
4 Veez Konkani
sogllean famad zal'lo loka mogall
gaupi. Korddel firgojechea manest fransis krasta ani manestin efrojin krastachea (dogam-i devadhin) so zonnam bhurgeam poiki nimanno. 1966 novembor 9 tarker tacho zolm'. Taka ek bhavo ani chougi
bhoinni asat. Eseselsi xikop zoddn uprant oittioi kors sompoila.
Songitachea poinnachi survat: pattlea 35 vorsam thaun khollmit nastam songit xetant apli denngi
diun aschea manest ronichi survat to tisre klasint xiktana zali. Tache thoim asl'lem denne somzal'lea
5 Veez Konkani
karyokromamni gain korunk taka aukas dilo. Chouti klas poroeant kulxekor sam zuje iskolant xikop
zoddtoch panchve klasik to eloxiyos
iskolak gelo. Thoimsori taka boro aukas mell'llo. Vividh spordheamni
Oxem fuddem kazora sobhannamni
gain korcho aukas labhlo. Osolea
6 Veez Konkani
sondorbhim vixv konknni kolarotn bab erik ojherion ronichea talleachi proxomsa keli matr nhoi mandd
pauttim gamvcho aukas mell'llo
sobhann hanchea ‘rong torong git
mhonnta roni.
malla’ hantum poile pauttim vedir gamvcho aukas ronik dilo. Toxench
Tum mukar mukar chol..
konknnentlo yoddling king manest melvin
bhoktik gitanchea koullent poile
Survilea protsahan manest roni songit xetant noulam korunk paulo.
7 Veez Konkani
Edoll voreg sumar tin hozaram voir kazoram sobhannamni toxem vividh songit sanjemni ronin aplea modhur
tallea dvarim hozaranchim monam
klementt moskorenhas toxem ma|
dholoileant. 800 voir koulleamni
voleriyon menddonsa hanchi vollok
aplo tallo dila. 75ki chodd podam
zaun tanchea koullemni gamvcho
boroileant. Kazoram sobhannamni
aukas taka labhlo. Teach porim fa.
konknne xivai kon'noddo, hindi,
Roni seravo, fa. Anttoni, fa meaksim'
tomill podamyi gaileant. Ma| ddenis
ddi soza, fa. Valttor ddi soza, fa.
8 Veez Konkani
Melvin kapuchin, fa. Ddolfi seravo kapuchin, fa alvvin sikvera karmelit, fa.
noronha toxem
oxoknogor yazokamni
prokott kel'lea bhoktik gitanchea koulleamni gain kelam.
Teach porim vilfi rebimbos, melvin peris, klodd ddisoza, leansi moras, meakxim' anjelor, klerens pintto
anjelor, henri ddi soza, jerom' ddi soza, jeri bojzoddi, elear takodde, anttoni
9 Veez Konkani
sikvera, zakson kundapur, vilson olivera, roni bondel, machcha milar, vikttor konseso, vinsentt fernanddis kassia, hanchea koulleamni podam gaileant ani songit sanjemni aplea sumodhur tallean lokachim monam
sontosbhorit keleant. Mevisa..
Manest ronin ugtaddak haddl'li ek ch siddi zaunasa sorvank posond zal'li ‘mevisa’ ani hantlem ‘mevisa’ pod azun ‘hitt’ pod zaun famad zalam. Heranchea koullemni gaitana apnnachi-i
haddunk manest ronichem mon ani 10 Veez Konkani
kalliz atregtalem. Toxem tannench ghoddl'lim bara podam sangata ghaln, apnnachea jivitant paxar zaun gel'lea mevisachea namvar hi siddi tanne 2006 isvent lokarponn
Mevisa pod ronik namv haddunk soklem matr nhoi tache thoim aschea kolechea obhivrid'dhek saks zalem. Manest melvin perisan likh
l'lem ‘sofia viddio alboma’ntlem pod ‘sofia’ edoll voreg 10 lakh 11 Veez Konkani
vikxonn zaun ronichi kirt okhkhea songit somsarant thik zaun urolea.
songitachea poinnant tanne novo
Songit sunami:
sador keleat. Tache borabor tanne
roni krastachea hea lamb
tankam somaje mukar haddunk
‘songit sanz’ toxem don ‘mini naitt’ novea novea talentank aukas diun sador kel'leo char ‘songit sunami
12 Veez Konkani
vorochuvol rialitti xo’ ek moila fator. Konknni, kon'noddo, hindi, tullu
choloun vela. ‘devan'nch mhaka
toxem her bhasanchea podamni
samball'llam’ mhonn roni devacho
novea ani pornea kolakorank aukas
upkar bhavuddta. ‘songit sunami’
toxem ‘songit sanje’ vellar apnnak
porzollonk tanne aukas korn dila ani
adhar dil'lea sorvancho to khaltea
kallzan ugddas kaddn tancho upkar
obhimaninchim kallzam jikla. Heach
vorsa epril 16ver aplea dhuvechea zolma disa ‘korona korfyu’ toxem
Hea sovem..
kolangonnachea vedi thaun ho
* mandd sobhann mega baila xo
opurbayecho xo bovo yoxosven
hantum bhag ghetla
13 Veez Konkani
* mandd sobhann hanni sadhor
* vividh firgozamni choloun vel'lea
kel'lea ‘konknni nirontori gin'nes
vividh vinodaull karyokromamni tirp
vorldd rekordd’ hantum ek gaupi
dar zaun seva dilea.
toxem koir mestri zaun seva dilea *
* firgojechea toxem diesejichea
koiramni patr ghetla.
ontakxori karyem choloun velam.
* reddior toxem ddel'li ani bengllur
* daijivorldd ttivi chanelar ‘tara..
durdorxonar songit karyim sador
Rom.. Pom..’ konknni ontakxori xo
hache prodhan tirpdar zaun xo yoxosvi
sohonirdexon gaileant
karyokromant tachem sondorxon prosar zalam.
14 Veez Konkani
* sondexo reddior ‘kola sondexo’ karyoullint
prosar zalam.
sombhroma vellar char podam gaun
zatana ronichea tallean ghat kelo. Kitem keleari tallo vochaje zal'lea vochana
kreak zala ani fuddem poilenchea
poinnant modhegat ek oghat udelo.
Uprant dakteran porikxa korn tallo
Modhem il'lo okant...
karyem sompoun to pattim ailo..
* to ek boro fottograforyi zaunasa.
koxtt ronik
Dakteronichea talleachi
chukanastam keli. ‘devachea doyen tallo
orgam’ mhonn roni devacho upkar bhavuddta.
15 Veez Konkani
Muklim mettam:
korona marichi pidda unni zatoch
Kuttma jivit:
‘songit sunami-5 vorochuvol rialitti
vrit'ten nors zaunaschea mettildda zosinta lagim logn zaun pattlea 18 vorsam thaun kuttma jivit sarun asa.
korddelant vosti. Mettilddayi ek gaupinn zaunasa.
xo’ asa korchi alochon edollch manest
Hantum choddtavo ball gaupeank ovkas
protsavo dimvcho tacho ud'dex. Apnnachea bhurgeanki
16 Veez Konkani
mholl'llea boroea ud'dexan asa korchea hea karyokromak sorvamni adhar dimvcheak tachi khalti vinoti asa. Teach borabor ‘iventt meanez mentt’yi to choloun vorta. Tumchea kosoleayi
kosolyai sevek to aito asa. Hea denneavont kolakorak ami adhar
7259299300 ball gaupin rixol melba krasta ‘zoso ruk toxem foll’ mhonntat toxem roni ani mettildda krastachi
17 Veez Konkani
* es ke e londdon hanni lokddauna
ballponnar thaun'nch ek gaupinn
zaun rupit zayit't ailam. Aplea
spordheant 14 vorsam sokoilea
vhoddilanchea preronnan edollch
vibhagant poilem sthan
tem songit xetant porzollok laglam. 2008
zolmal'lem sekredd
rixol hartts
kulxekorochea iskolant
moisur hanni asa kel'lea kornattok rajy mott'ttachea gain spordheant
sompoun attvea klasik pam-i tenkta.
poilem sthan
Rixolachea sadhonachi zhollok:
* jiniyos kornattoko rajy mott'ttar
* konknni nattok sobha hanni asa
choloun vel'lea gain spordheant
kel'lea ontor firgoz gain spordheant
poilem sthan ani xasvot folok
sotot tin pauttim poilem sthan 18 Veez Konkani
* dubaichea konknni voveo doddtea gainant proxosti.
‘fon in songita tare’ hantum ontim' spordheak vinchon ayil'lea solla spordhikam poiki eklem ani sorvam pras lhan prayechem.
xennoi ‘klasikol’
kolakorank ‘viz konkonni’ ul'lasita ani muklea mettamni tankam sorv
hantum vividh bhasanchim podam gaun konknnentlem xreya ghoxol mhonn vollkonk laglam.
Konknni somajentlea hea opurv
zoddn asa.
borem axeta,
* aplea bapoi songim vorochuvol
* daiji vorldd tti vi hanni asa kel'lea
* prostut konknni vidvan xrimoti
-richordd olvaris, korddel 19 Veez Konkani
Kiran Stephan John D’Silva (48) Dubai UAE
Kiran Stephan John D’ Silva, 48 years old, unemployed in Dubai for the past one year collapsed in the washroom on May 12, 2021 and was rushed to the hospital in Dubai. The doctor advised after his CT scan that he should be operated immediately for brain haemorrhage. He has not gained consciousness and is still in ICU in the critical condition. The paramedics decided to bring him to the private hospital. The expenses in the hospital are beyond the reach of his wife. The doctor advised to keep him in ICU for another two weeks, but the estimated cost would be around AED 500,000. His wife has pleaded to consider her request for generous donations for his treatment on humanitarian grounds. Please send your kind remittances to one of the following two bank accounts: In India: Bank Account No. 0882101052004 Name of the Account Holder: Anisha Sunitha Tellies Bank: Canara Bank, Tumkur Road branch, Yeshwanthpur, Bank IFSC Code: CNRB0000882 In the Gulf: Bank Account No. 10517074214001 IBAN: AE410030010517074214001 Name of the Account Holder: Anisha Sunitha Tellies Bank: ADCB Mob:- 971 528757893
20 Veez Konkani
21 Veez Konkani
22 Veez Konkani
dotorn _vizoi , kulxekor
poti, ddol'la nhoi, ani hamv zuli, ddoli nhoi.”
pilikumeri firgojecho vigar, bap obundiyos (thoddeank to fa| ombu ddais, her thoddeank obbu padeab), sokallinchea adesar, aplea doftorant boson bhettkaranchi vatt polleun as l'lo. Vell axear korunk mhonn tea disachem inglix khobre potr, “ddoili noiz” vachun astana “besamv dia, pador”….. Mholl'llea striyechea modhur tallea thoim tanne tokli ukol'li. “ho ddol'la ani ddoli, devachem besamv... Tumkam ani tumchea sontotik sodankal. Yeya ani tumchi zoddai amchea kodelancher golloya…… kosoli firead haddn aileat?”
“ho maf korat, tumkam got'tasa mhaka ugddas unno mhonn .... Mhojench namv mhaka uddas urana. Kitlexe pauttim hamvem mhojench namv sohaik vigara kodde vichar l'lem asa. Atam hamv mhojem namv eka chittir boroun ti bolsant dourn asam. Mhakach loz dista. Rittairdd zaveam mhollear goulli bap aikana. Somiachea xetant vauraddi unne zaleat – ne, tumi punn yi mon korn eka putak punn yi seminorik dhaddunk polleya….” zuli kisk korn haslem. “fador at'tam tumi amchea sontoticher besamv ghalem ne... Tumchea sosayen ti sontot ubzali tor tumchi soloha motint dourtam.”
stri uloili, “fador ho val'lu, mhozo 23 Veez Konkani
“mhollear…. Tumkam edoll bhurgim zaunant.?” "kazar zal'lea panch vorsam thaun hamv aputt'tt ankvar asam mhollear tumi patyetat?" "ravo, ravo…. Ailevar asolich ek kez mhoje kodde ayil'li.” “got'tasa, fador. Nirallantlem katrin…. Bara vorsam tachea ghovan zujen taka apddunk t't na him... Magir tem zujek gheun tumche kodde ayil'lem. Atam tem gurvarhim. Abbu padreabachea sosayen gurvar zalim mhonn tumchi vhoddvik gazoita tem. Ba| obundiasachem voilem dantanchem sett nisron talleant xirkalem toxem zalem. "pliz moli, zuli tea makrinak katrinak sang toxem mhonnanaka mhonn. Konn yi oparth korunk asat. Don ani don bavis mhonnonk lokak xikoije mhonn na."
"zait fador…. Taka bohuxa gurvar zal'lea sontosan kalem ulomvchem tem kollana astolem. Tannent mhaka sanglem, abbu padreaba kodde val'luk vhor, bhurgem zata mhonn." “atam, tuvem mhonnchem kitem mhollear kazarachea disa thaun mal'lun tuka apddunk ch na?” zulin atam tidvunchem, soddlem ani mhonnalem, bhilkul na fador….. "tuvem apddunk naye taka?" “hamv apoddtana udaro as l'lo ho pochokk korn vomto nidta, rovannechi kombi choppor poddta toxem..." "vhoi ga al'lo, tuji bail sangta tem sot gi?" "devachea ghora fotti sangonk zataye padreaba?" val'lun yi vigarak tidvunchem soddlem. Asom oxend kaim bodlana ne….
24 Veez Konkani
“hem kalem mhollear bailen apoddtana mhaka ek nomun zata. Atam, taka tem koll'llem zalear kitem chintit mholl'llea bhimyan hamvem momtem nidchem.”
mhonn got'tuna tuka?”
vigar bapan nill xvas soddlo. Bailen apoddtana ghovak nomun zata mhollear rochonechem hater soma asa mhonn zalem. Ek ch rochonechea vaurachi somzonni unni, ya kosoli punn yi motichi addkoll…
"olle nel'lo devak tuvem sohokar dina zalear to tuka bhurgim dina. Tum tujea bapaichea sohokaran tujea auyk zolmaloi. Tuji bail jil'liy tachea bapaichea sohokaran tachea auyk zolmalem. Hamvi tosoch. Somsarantlem horyek jinn apaplea bapoichea sohokaran apaplye auy thoim zolmata. Koll'llemye tuka?”
“vhoi ga, al'lo mhaka hem sang, tum kazar kitea zal'loi?” “olle padreaba, mam-i ek dis mhonnali, “val'lu puta, mhaka anik kam' korunk tankana... Kazar zaun ghora ek sun haddxi zalear mhaka il'lo suxeg mellat.” hamve zait mhollem amger ami dogant't. Babak hamve polleuna. Hamv don vorsancho zaun as l'lo toull thaun to sasnnachea vixevar asa mhonn mam-i mhonntali…. Mamyn cheddum pollelem ani amchem kazar zalem." “kazar zalea’prant bhurgim zaije
“bhurgim dimvchim devan mhonn hamv zannam…. Taka kedalla zai tedalla ditolo."
“tumi sangche pormanne hamvem zulik sohokar dilear devo taka bhurgem dita. Atam hamve kalem korije mhonnjem tumi?” “mil'li, tumim kazarachye dotornik vochonantye?” “kazarachye dotornichi sorttifikett nastana konn yi resper kortaye fador?” “kazari zoddeank bhurgeanche rochone logti dotornechea yazokan kaim xikouna kitem?”
25 Veez Konkani
“kazari bhesant devan axirvad ghal'leacho foll zaun zal'lim bhurgim upkari monan svikar korije ani devak manva sarkem vagoije, itlench ." mhojea poti tosole masum' dadle hea adhunik somsarant asat mholl'llem mhakach kollit nat l'lem .... Tem tea padreabak koxem kollit astolem?” masum' mhonntana zulin mogan val'luchea bhuzak thapuddlelem polleunko ba| obundiasak opurbai disli. Val'lu bauddo boll beppobori pillipilli korn polletalo.
khobor kolltoch hamvem-i val'luk gheun tumchexim yemvchem dhoir ghetlem. Atam tuminch amcho adhar.” “olle, ddoli hea songtint ‘tumchea sosayen’ mhonn bilkul mhonnanaka. Aikunk borem lagana. Hamv eklo solohedar matr. Sosai devachi, adhar devacho, besamv devachem….. Tum atam ek kam' kor. Vochun sakramenta mukar tuzo irado dourn mag. Hamv hanga ddol'lakodde il'lem uloun tachem jnnanodoi korounko polletam….”
“nhoi sel'le, tuka mel'luchem problem' kollit zalea uprant panch vorsam oxench raulem-i kitea?”
kosoleagi novea bhorvoxean tambxel'le pole gheun, padreabak kollana zamvdi mhonn zuli turtan utton igorjek gelem.
“ani kitem korum fador? konnai kodde sangunk loz nem? mhozach ghovachi moread hamvench kaddchie? deva koxem punni hea mhojea potichem jnnanodoi kor mhonn magon ch dis sarle. Eve bori naddunk zaitem proiton kelem. Eppol diun nhoi, nomuneavar ritimni….. Koddek katrin tumchye sosayen gurvar zalem mholl'lli
Hangasor obundiyos bapan val'luk khoddakhodd sanglem “olle bhava, devan so disamni rochonechem kam' sompoun satve disa vixevo ghetlo. Tache uprant rochonechem kam' tannem "vadda ani chodda somsar bhora" mhonnon kazari monxank opun dilem. Toxem atam devachem rochonechem kam' mukarsun vhorchi vhodd zovabdari
26 Veez Konkani
tujea khandar asa. Ti tum pallina zaxi zalear nimannye zhoddte vellar tuka opradhi lektole ani tujye bailek tujea dolleam mukar sorgim ghetana tuka sorginchea darvattea kodde dhorn dourtolem ani tench tujem yemkondd zatelem!”
zulichem fon: “fador, tumchea sosayen mhojem ankvar ponn somplem……!”🤣 ** ** ** ***
val'lu kamperea tallean mhonnalo “tor padreaba, atam hamvem kitem korije mhonnchem tumim?” ani toull bap obundiasan apnnak onbhog nat l'lem, punn kollit as l'leyitlem lomygik xikop val'luchea motik ttrans for kelem…. Dusre disa bap obundiasak vizoi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 Veez Konkani
32. Axubhaxonn sfordho... Lok ddounachea niban ghora bhitor ravon don vorsam lagim zalim. Kaim kam' na... Ghora bhair pam-i dourunk na... Kazaram sobhanna sormunnam... Kettoring gar monno monno... Holache gaitat gannam.. Beandd bean... Em'. Si. Chi novim novim pleanam . .. Bholaiki atam sokkoddi magtat. . Chiyors konni bo roina…… ghora rava... Ghora jeva.. Samball deva... Magnnem .. Boslear zambayo... Nidlear zollarincheo orabayo.. Chol'lear pam-i dukhtat... Jeulear bhuk lagta... Moboil polleun dolle sujtat... Tti. Vi polletana tokli foddta..." pi. Hech. Ddi. Ttomilagim ardhem anglem kanni sangtana ttomi himv khel'le bori ang vollaun
tinam bodlak ghumvon nidlo.
Ti vichari..."bor zataye tuka?" tannem "hum" kelem. Tor atam amim gom'motaye khatir ek lhan sfordho... Chitti kaddn vixoyacher ek minutt ulomvchem.. Niyomam... Konnaiki dukhanaxem.. Hascheporim asaje. Mokkor , mukkal asonk nozo. Haka axubhaxonn mhonntat. Hanga chitti toyar asat. Vinchounn tumchi.. Inamam astelim.
28 Veez Konkani
Poili chitt aili makachch... Vixoi "ole"... Mhojem axubhaxonn suru. " mogacheamno... Ale kand'ddecho sobd punn sobar bhasamni upeg zata. Konknnent 'lharam' ani tullvent tak. Mogacheamno... Adlea vorsa ra. Ga. N sanglem... ' koronachem ole yemvchear asa' sokkodd taka hasle. Punn fosle... Yemvchem yeun gelem.. Atam tisrem ole yeta mhonntana hastat. Mogacheamno.. Amim toyar asaje.. Veaksin, aksizon aspotr, bedd'ddam asaje.." "puro ya sokttamni sanglem tem hanga tuvem sangle puro... Ra. Ga. K kaim kam' na."
"dex bhoktamno... Hea amchea desak novemsamv zalam. Novo ovotar.. To kixnna uprantlo ho autar. Ani borem zata... Ramorajyo zata... Amim dexachea obhivrid'dek denngi dije. Dekun amchi obhivrid'di zata... Amim ji. Es. Tti. Ditamv.. Amkam pattim mellonk na. Vanjelant sanglam... ' asleank oniki ditele... Konnalagim na tachelagim aslem-i kaddn vhortele.." amkam aspotr asa... Bedd'ddam nant... Aksizon na... Amim dakhle keleat... Satt vorsant geasak tinxim charxim asle te atam nouxim kele... Pettrol ddisilak xembor kele... Osleank dile te londdon gele.. Natleank kaim na ... Ghorach ravonk dilem. Oni ghollaje mhonn na. Ghora rava. ... Ko ko rona dhamvddaya." puroya vell zalo.
"ani kitem mel'lim moddim purunk zago ani kafi follar ditam mhollamye?" maka rag ailo. Dusri chitt... Ttomik... "asleank oniki ditele"....
Atam ardhem anglem... Vixoi "gai" bhari sulobh. Tinnem suru kelench. " gai amchea dexachi auy... Tichem dud ttonik.. Tichem xenn vokat. Gaichem mut sorv piddestank
29 Veez Konkani
sokot. Gai amkam zai. Az amim gai khatir borench kelam. Gai vixim dur dilear sekxon... Gaik viklear ekxon.. Jivexim marl'lar kes. Gai khatir aksimittor ditamv... Pols ani hyumidditti polleje. Gai amkam zai..."
"vat pettoya " hamv dhamvlom. Tinnem tichem kortana ailem....
moboil survat
"dex vasimyom...."
"tallio petta..." ttomi bobattlo.. axubhaxonn ardhear ch raulem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ikravo odhyai: xikari ani khun (The Hunt & the kill) 30 Veez Konkani
ami kuddak vochon toyar zaleamv.Thoddem khelem ani soroi pieleamv. Poteant vattek mhonn thoddem mas, soro ghetlo.Amcha penkttacher xikarechi suri dourli. "to amchi khuni korunki puro" lio mhonnalo. Mhaka khanacho okhrecho, bhoinkor haso uddas ailo. "attenan amkam mornachi dhomki dil'limu?" lion asem mhonntananch dar ugtem korun khan bhitor ailo. Vollok mellanaye mhonn kallo doglo ghal'lo tannem. "tumi toyar aslear chola.Punn tea suriechi gorz na.Tumi xikari korunk vochanant" "aminch xikari zalear mhonn" hamvem mhollem. "tor tumi hangach rava.Ek dis mon bodlun khania gett ugti korunki puro" ’tose mhonn hamv hamvem zap dili.
Ami khanacho pattlou kelo.Gett
kosi ugti korta to mhonn hamv chint'tolom. Tannem amkam dusreach vatten apoun velem.Zhoddani damplelea eka gettilagim pautoch tannem chavien ti ugti keli ani ami raullera bhair pauleamv. Titlear kallokant avaz ,bobatt aikon hamv bhielom. "bhienakat. Petteank az upvas. Faleam tankam thoddea opradhink uddoun khann melltelem." to mhonnalo hason. Titlear ghoddeancho avaz aikalo. "mhojech te. Tumkam. Chodda." ami tosench korun tacho pattlou kelo. Tannem amkam xoracha dusreach kuxi thaun apoun velem.Ami nhoincha lagim pautana thoimsor ek navo toyar asul'li. "tumi ghoddea sangata navo chodda" to mhonnalo. "sankhovo vaparunk zaina.Rakvoli osat. Vhocha porkeano, poinnarano" to bobattlo. "porvotacha spiritalagim maga. Undir ani ti, lio tum mog korchi tumcher dolle dourinant mhonn" ami navo choloili.
31 Veez Konkani
"veginch vhocha, navo vegim choloya. Tumcha pattlean moronn asa". Mhonnon to vhoddlean haslo. Bhoinkor haso.
zal'leamv.Khaniacho gamv pattlean urlo.Mukhar uzo,bhorop ani dhampun ascho mister. To mister ami soddounko zai ya morazai.
"taka ami jivexim marchem borem.To ghatki" lio uloilo inglixant tori rosenak tem arth zalem zaizoi.
Osem ami sobhar moilam poin kelem- gadeantlean, voddtantlean, rostean, sagvolli korcha loka modlean.Sobhar lhan holl'lleo polleunko mell'lleo. Donpar zatana porvot oniki lagim dislo.Tea vorsa paus unno zal'lean gade choddaut sukul'le. Thoincha lokak dog porki dadle yemvcha vixeant khobar osa mhonn amkam koll'llem.Omkam paus pattim dia mhonn lok bobatt'talo. Bailam ani burgim soit poilem porvotak uprant amkam tokli bagoun paus dia mhonntalim.
"vell utrala" to hason kallokant bobattlo. "chol" hamvem mhollem. Poinn koxttani sagsalem.Okhrek nhoincha dusrea toddi pautoch ghoddeank veveggim bhair vorun turont tancher boson dhamvdailemujeacha porvota dixim. Sarko rosto natlelean surver poinn il'lem koxttachem zalem.Eka ghonttea uprant ek holl'lli mell'lli. Ami rosto vinchlo. Uprant koll'llem to lambayecho mhonn.Chandno nopomych zatana ami ghoddeank thoddo aram' dilo. Lagsilea zollacha gadeant chorounko soddlem.Sakall zatoch tankam udak pivoun poinn mundorsilem. Ratichem bhyem vochon ami ul'lasit
Mukhar vetana lokacho sonkho unno zalo. Sanz zatana ami porvotak vecha vattelagim pauleleamv. Tosem mhonn ami chintlem. Thoimsor vhodd vhodd fatrache khambe ubhe kel'le. Punn amkam konn'nch disonk na. Sureo buddtana ami eka vistar zageak pauleleamv. Lok natul'lo. Ami ghoddeank chorounko soddlem ani vixevo ghencho nirdhar kelo.
32 Veez Konkani
Khanian edoll ch xipayank dhaddlamstelem. Ami mas khaun soroi pielo. Titlear choroun ascho mhozo ghoddo ek dom choddpoddlo ani poddlo.
Tacha petteank kollonk" titlear mhoza kanank kosologi avaz aikalo. "aik lio"
"kiteak tachi tokli tambddi?" lion polleun vicharlem. Hamvem-i pollelem. Tambddea bonnachi mati tokler. Kitengi bhorsun toklet mati sorailea mhonn amkam bhoglem. Amsannecho vas marlo.
"aieo deva ! pette,mornache pette" lio ghabrelo.
"azap" hamvem' mhollem."tujea ghoddeak polleveam"
"kitem korchem?"
"vhoi. Khan amchi xikari korunk axeta. Dekhunm ch to tosem hasul'lo"
hamvem porvotak pollelem. Lagim na.
vhoi, tacha tokleri tambddi mati. "gamvtti vokat" lio mhonnalo. Hamvem chintlem. Ek alochon mhaka zhollkalli. "tuka bieunko mhonn hamv sangina lio.Ami otanch vhochazai, atanch" "kiteak?" "tea on'naddean ghoddeank vokat dilam. Ami vechi vatt taka kollta.
"ami cholon tea porvotak veche bori na.Ghoddeank soddche bori na.Dekhun robhosan dhamvddaun ya" ami tosench kelem.Sureo buddlo. Chandne ailem.Tea ujvaddant amkam dislem- ghoddeacher dadle. Khan amcha xikarik ayil'lo.Ami oniki vegan ghoddeank dhamvddailem. Chandne vochon mollob kallokant
33 Veez Konkani
buddlem. Moronn pattlean asa tem khonddit. Ani titlear porvotacher uzo dislo.Kuddint amcha ul'las ailo. Pattlean thaun bhoyanok avaz, khanacha xikaricho, tacha petteancho. Chandne portun ailelean amkam vegan vochonk upkarlem. Ghodde thokleat mhonn amkam koll'llem.Tannim amkam borench dhamvddayil'lem tori tanchem boll unne ani unne zatalem. Thoddea vellan ek nhoim disli. Nhoim utralear porvot. Char moilam vetoch udkacho avaz aikalo. Ani kitem lagim pautastana amche ghodde thokun poddle. Uttle nant. Ami tanka soddn dhamvonk suru kelem. Mukhar ami vochonk zai ascho porvot, pattlean moronn. Zor omi udkant demvlear petteank matyecho vas yemvcho na. Mhaka sust bhoglem. "tum vhoch lio. Hem tujem sahos. Ayexa tuka rakon asa. Ti tuji. Mhoji nhoi. Hamv moronk axetam." "vogo ravo" mhonnat't tannem mhoka voddunm ch velem. Ami
nhoink lagim zateleamv. Pettey lagim yetale. Ami kitlem sahos keleari nhoink, udkak pavonk zalem na. "na, zaina" lio mhonnalo. "polleveam kitem zata mhonn" khan sumar xembhor futt pois ubo ani thoimsor tache bhukel'le petteteg. "tum petteank samball ani hamv khanak polletam" lio mhonnalo.Itlear petteani amkam polleun zal'lem.Hamv bhielom. Ek petto mhojer uddlo. Kiteak gi hamvm-i uddlom. Mhoji suri sida tacha pamyam modhem rigli ani dusrea ghoddye to sokla poddlo. Dusre dog liocher uddul'le.Tachem vostur soit pindlem.Tachi suri eka petteak nidaunko sokli.Anyek pattim sorlo. Titlear khan raksa bhasen hason mukhar ailo. Dolleant rag ani krodh. To amkam jivexim marunk ya apunn'nch moronk aila tosem mhaka bhoglem. Suri gheun liocher uddlo. Mukhar kitem zalem?
34 Veez Konkani
mhoji suri eka petteacha pottant rig l'li. To dodboddon poddlo tori mhaka tannem il'lexem chab l'lem.Tisro petto mhojer ghumvlo. Khan taka ’masttor’ mhonn apoitalo. Tannem uddon mhozo baullo chablo. Dhukin hamvem suri sokla ghali.Boll yekttam-i korun payan tacha pottak zoran lat marli. To loll'llo sangata hamv. Asem lolltana hamvem lio ani khan ekamekak dhorun zhogoddchem pollelem. Eka ghoddye hamvem' liok khanacher boson aschem pollelem ani teach ghoddye mhoza hatak ek fator mell'lo. Hamvem to zoran masttoracha toklek marlo. To poddlo . Punn dusrea ghoddye hamvem liok pollelem. Tannem masttaracha pattlea payank dhorun varear ghumvddaun sorsilea eka fatrak marlo. Dodd'dd! "ye. Hamvem kitem kelam tem
polle" tannem mhaka ukol'lem. Khan eka fatrak vonnkon bosul'lo. Ami lagim geleari to hal'lo na. "tumi dhoiradhik monis ani bollvont soit" to mhonnalo. Tacha tondda voilem pixemponn nopomych zal'lem."tea petteank marlem matr nhoi, mhojem penkadd soit moddlem. Tea undran sanglele borich zalem. Tumchi nhoi, hamvem attenachi xikari korizai asul'li. Ti otam mhojer hogem tirsunk axetatichach khatir. Ti tuza pattlean asa lio. Hea petteanchaki bhoinkor pette haddn tuza pattik lagteli. Mhaka maf kora ani vhocha tea porvotak. Thoimsor attenachaki bollvont ekli jieta. " itlem mhonnat't to moron sokla poddlo. ********
(ikravo adhyai somapt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 Veez Konkani
sanglem maka, brek pastt bahrenant zalear, ddin'nor kuveyttant khoim... Ratchem jevann khottarant zalear nidchem dubamyt khoim. Bhirankull zaloi saiba tum...
Pearachutt (lesli margar yetana ddol'la leslik ulo korun dhamvon yeta) ddol'la : lesli... Lesli... Hamv tukachch melleam mhonn ayil'lom. Lesli : maka mellonk kiteak re? ddol'la : tum atam inttor neaxonol figor zalai khoim. Gel'le gel'le kodden tujench namv. Karyem nirvahok mhonnje... M. C. T bhari namvadd'dik khoim. Mohineak ek pauttim golfak ubtai khoim... Golfant tuje sarko M.C. Dusro na khoim... Golf vais af menglor sogllem haloilam khoim... Konnengi
Lesli : atam tem asom... Tum maka kiteak mellonk ailai? ddol'la : ham... Kom' ttu do pomytt... Maka ek borem kam' mell'llem ne.. Patoll pearachutt kompenint. Atam mongllur thaun ddoirektt plenam suru zalea uprant amchea patoll pearachutt kompenin mongllurant ek ejensi ghalea. Toxem tantun maka sels meanachem kam' mell'llam. Maka thoddea golfagaranchi vhollok asa ne lesli... Patoll pearachutt, zakett ghal'leabori axem gomttek xirkamvchem... Ani plenar boschem... Itlench... Kitem tori vaitt ghoddat tor plenar thaun sokla uddlear attomettik botton riliz zaun sotrebori pearachyutt ugtem zata...
36 Veez Konkani
Monis sef... Titlench nhoi... Panch vorsanchi gearontti.... Atam sumar zonn golfagar vete asat nem... Sokttank ekekcho dije khoim... Toxem poilem tuka ek diun ek bori boni korije mhonn chintlam. Lesli : tem vhoi mu ddol'la... Voir plena thaun uddlea uprant tuza pearachuttachem botton opon zaina zalear...? ddol'la : taka kiteak bhimyetai?... Gearontti asa... Tokxonn bodlun ditam. Lesli : piso... Pisochch re tum. (toull ddol'lachem moboil ring zata) ddol'la : holo... Vhoi ma...Tuzo tallo ek maka kollanangi ma...Zait kitem zai mhonn sang... Taz malacho
holvagi...? haddtamne... O.Ke... Oniki dubavo gi? konn to? to puttlo... Taka tum chhayent bhairechi gulli diba... At'tam yetam bai... (fon bondh korta) lesli : bhari...Romeanttik uloitai... Konnachem pon?
ddol'la : bailechem... Lesli : voigi... Tuka tuji bail mhollear ... Titlem-i mog re? bari romeanttik... Bari mog... Bari mog tujea bailecho... Ddol'la : mhoji bail nhoi ya... Lesli : ani konnachi...? ddol'la : bail tuji... Lesli : ham.....!! 🤣
37 Veez Konkani
Dinobhovixyo... Bailechem
raulom... Ailem varobhovixyo... "gonddo ninoge benki khenddo.. Saudhanove vorodano" _ ponchu, bonttvall. Sokallim utt'tana tti. Vi pollemvchi souy. Tti. Vi. R ram' devo babachem yogo zal'lench ailem...
Varobhovixyo Dinobhovixyo
chintop ailem.
Varobhovixyo pattapatt sangtana maka mhojem ani bailechem
sorlom... ** ** ** ** **
varobhovixyo aikaje aslem.
mhoje "achche din" kedalla yetat
Mhojem raxi mexo...
mhonn havem sodanch chintchem...
"zai titlem zoddtai... Tachaki chodd moddtai..." aikon maka bezar zalem.
Padd dis ayil'le nant.. 'eka jivo sodaxiv' mhonn sodam-i ghollchem,
38 Veez Konkani
nidchem... Bailen mat sodam tondd
pollemvchem mon zalem. Mukar
polletam vhollkichem selun asa... Thoim kes kaddounko ayil'le sobar
Hamvem gholl l'lem khorchunchem
polleun eklo vichari... "bhovixea
vixim tum kaim chintinam-i gi?"
mhojelagim zap natli...
"poilem bara mohineachem bhovixy vachun
mohineachem ,
Maka fokot't bhovixyo polleunko zai
vachchem lek ghaln bhitor rigtana
Xida tokli ponda ghaln
choltech raulom.
Il'lem mukar
noxib borem natlem. Pepor dusro
vetana ek bordd dislo. "il'li bhovixyo
eklo vachun aslo. Hamv laginch
kelli... " polletana jeotixyo sangcho...
boson tillunk laglom. To khellachem pan
Sott'tt korn az bhovixyo vixim
uloyil'lea vixim ugddas ailo. Hea
bhovixy kollta. Bolsok hat ghaltana
listtir tannem
nodor pan
aichta khorchache matr poixe asche koll'llem maka. Jeotixi sorxim gelear
"xxe... Viratt kohli che skor kitle gai?"
hamv churchurlom.
poddtit.. Mhonn oniki chodd mukar gelom.
presiddentt 'bidden' moik soddina Sott'tt
Voilim vhodd vhodd hedd'ddingam
39 Veez Konkani
ulomvchim tosvir.
portilem. "sinema sinema.." novem
pan... Novim novim taram.. Kaim distagi
mhonn bagvatana
Vachunk survat...
bohuxa pepor
vachteleak voll aili.
Poilem : bhovixyo
Tannem pepor kaddn maka dilem.
dusrem : varo bhovixea...
Tisrem : nityo dino bhovixyo...
muklea panar
zaina... Na tor taka khadd kaddunk
bara mohineachem
dinobhovixyo vachunk suru kelem.
vell na..." Mexo raxi : poixtanchi addchonn... muklea panar vottachi khobar.... Vrixobho Dusrea panar vott jik l'leanchi
Mithuno raxi : labh punn noxtt... Tisrea choutea panar dex videx... Korkattoka raxi : vilasi jiun kholas... Panchvta panar lekhonam.... Simho raxi : Sovear xrod'danzoli...
Olle... Satvem pan.. Sobda gondoll,
40 Veez Konkani
zagea voivattant
Tula raxi : ovghodd zata... Chotrai.
mhoineacho... Epril pul... Bhiacho pukko...
Vrixchika raxi : baile songi loddai...
sanglam... "poixeanchi oddchonni..." bolsant
Dhonossu raxi : leka pras chodd
khorch... Pepor Mokoro raxi : poixe noxtt...
korun ubho zalom.
Soukas bhair ailom. Rokettaporim Kumbho raxi : amsor ch demvchar...
vegan mukar gelonch...
Mino raxi : sezarache upadr...
Tambddea borddak pulam ghaln patti vetana ek bail monis aple
Aieo deva.... Ek ch ek mohineachem
gettikoddem ravon
pollet't asli.
bhovixy yi borem na. Mokoro raxint
Tinnem maka rauylem...
borem mokkor asa... "konnai lagim poixe nant khoim"
mama?" bailecho ugddas ailo. Tem vrixchika
raxi chem. Bhovixyo sangta "baile
lagim loddai". Soval udelench... Konnalagim
"amcho petto bamyk poddla.."
korchi..?" "borogi?" maka puku puku suru zalem.
"pixe pette posina amim... Bamyk Mhojem bhovixy polleunko bhyem
bhatti demvoun
41 Veez Konkani
pam-i ani jivo alkondtalo.
Khorchak il'le poixe zatit mhonn motint
lek ghalem. Bamychea
doriek bhatti bhandun tachea bhitor
Ghora pautana, bailechi bobatt suru zali.....
khursaporim add nitt ripam ghaln bamyk bhatti demvoili. Tenkdden
Hamv zata titlem nitt ravonk preton
bhatti pettea lagim vhortana petto
kortalom. Zaleari nitt ch... Add
tenkddek uddlo.
poddonk na.
Bhattiek char
pauttim uddlo ani tin pauttim udkant poddlo. Bhattiechim ripam
Jib il'li add poddtali. Ximpi haddun
jibek thondd kelem...Ani jib nitt keli.
voddli. Dolle Petteak
nott haddn hatant
cheplo. Khuxi zali.
Atam bhitor sortana vers suru keloch...
Ghora vhochonk aniki
" khorchak poixe na mhonntai...
vell asa dekun porot pattim gelom.
Nisteak mitt na... Cherkeak pentt
ditalo. Tinnem dil'le
na... Maka bezar na... Tuka izar na...." hata thaun hatak
ti pottaki puttle bhaxen putton asli
paule... Ani vonttan leulem, jiben
chaklem, ani pottant somblem....
hamvem vachl'lem mhojem ani tichem dinobhovixyo sot zal'lem...
Ghorchi vatt nitt'tt asli... Patt pott 42 Veez Konkani
Bhovixy sot zata...
Sodam-i pepor vacha...🤣
Bharotantlea ostomte korauller
“toukte” karbharam
prokritent zaitim vichitram bhorleant. Ekach kilo mittoracha ontorar eka pontar paus yeta tor anyeka pontar vot asta. Eka gamvant himv tor anyeka gamvant dhog. Bhumycho protixot 71 vantto udkan aurit zala. Hea sogllea udkacho protixot 96.5 vantto sagoramni bhorla sagorancha gorbha thaun sunami ubzon sumar pois poreant nasak. Henne tenne tedalla tedalla varem vadallam, tupanam ubzon zaitea monxea jivacha ani asti bodkacha nasak karonn zata. Thoddea zageamni
bhumychea ponda lava ros ason ho oprupxem bhair yeta. Prokritecha vichitrank fudd korn jiemvchem monxak onivary. Prokritecha khella mukar monis kitench nhoi. Astomtek orebiyon doreo, udentik bongall kol'li (be af bengal) ani tenkak hindu moha sagor – axem bharotacha tin kuximni doreo va sagorasat. Sumar 6100 ki.Mi. Mukel bhumyk lagon dorea toddasa. Bongall kol'lintlea onddoman ani nikobar dvipank ani orebiyon doreantlea lokxodip dvipak dhorlear hi dorea koraull 7517 ki.Mi.
43 Veez Konkani
Zata. Hea korauller kanddla, mumboi, nouxeva, mongllur, kochchin, chen'noi, ttuttikorin, vixakhopottnno, paradip he vhodd bondor tor sobar lhan toxem maslleche bondor asat. Korauller zamvchea ghodditank spondon korunk bharotant febrouri 1, 1977 ver inddiyon kostt gardd mholl'llo vingodd vibhag rochla. Astomte korauller tufan: dorea ascheakodde tufan va varem vadall (Cyclone) kaim novem nhoi. Somsaracha vividh raxttramni hacho probhavo tedalla tedalla zal'loch asta. Hea songti thaun bharotyi kaim bhair na. Bharotacha udenti
korauller vorsa vorsak mholl'lleabori tufanam yetat. Zaitem lukxann zata. Punn astomte korauller tufanam yemvchim unni. Ostomte ghotta tosole gudde dongor, tacha voilim ruk, zhoddam haka karonn zaunkoyi puro. Astomte korauller vhodd mott'ttachem tufan yeun thoddixim vorsam utraleant. Hea me (2021) mohineant astomte korauller tufanacho probhavo dison ailo. Bharoti-i hovaman ilakhea (oi enddi) n gorjechi zagrutkai gheunko kottonn dil'lem. Tufana thaun noxttak sampddoncha rajeamni veginch zagrutkai ghetli. Porihar vaur hatim gheunko en ddi ar ef (National Disaster Response Force)
44 Veez Konkani
hache pon'nasa voir pongodd tenne tenne paule. Svabhavik (prakritik) karonnamni va monxa sombondhi lai luttin nagorik koxttamsonkoxttank sampddatana otyont xighr ani vixex ritin seva dimvcheak vavurcho ho vixixtt pongodd Disaster Management Act, 2005 cha sekxon 44 khal rochon zal'lo. Tufanani tachem namv: tufan mhollear doreant ekekodde nirvat (xunyotai- Vacuum) asa zaun bhomvtonni thaun tea nirvat zageak varem bhitor sorchi prokria. Varem vozon unneponnyi haka karonn
zata. Varem xida bhitor soranastana surulli surulli zaun rigta. Ghumvon ghumvon tea prodexantlea ddank uklun tufan zaun thoddeach ghontteam bhitor vhodd sokot apnnaunko sokta. Hem eka zagea thaun anyeka zageak fuddem veta. Tednam tosolea prodexamni bhari vegan mhonnje ghontteak 40-50 thaun 150-200 ki.Mi. Poreant varem vallta va vallchi sadhyota asta. Xirandharicho paus poddta va poddyeta. Kollon ayil'lea prokar atam ayil'lem tufan 2021vea vorsachem poilem tufan. Aplea bhomvtonni ubzoncha tufanank tea tea voloyantle dex
45 Veez Konkani
sorte prokar namvam ditat. Orebiyon doreo ani bongallo kol'li doreamni ubzoncha tufanank namvam dimvchea peanelacher bharot, bangladex, meanmor, pakistan, maldivs, oman, xrilonka, thailendd, iran, khottar, saudi orebia, yunaittedd orob emiretts ani yemondexasat. Prostut tufan toukte: hea pauttincha tufanak namv dimvchi sorti meanmor (borma)chi asl'li. Tanni toukte mhonn volailam.
Bormisbhaxent toukte ‘Tauktae’ (uchchar- Tau’te) mhonn namv dilam. Toukte mhollear eka nomuneachi pal. Orebiyon doreant lokxodvipacha lagsar sumarme 1314 tariker ubzal'lea hea tufanacho probhavo kerollo, kornattoko, gõya, moharaxtt'to ani guzorat rajeancher poddlo. Doreo uchamboll zal'lo. Me 13 tariker kerollant paus poddonk laglo. Uprant kornattoko ani here rajeamni paus survatlo. Sovem bharich vegan varem vallonk laglem. Inddiyon kostt gardd sibonden aplea bottimni kornattoko koraulli prodexantlea doreamni bhomvon doreant maslli pagunk
46 Veez Konkani
gel'leank tea kuddle pattim yeunko maika mukantr hindi, inglix ani kon'noddo bhaxemni prokottonnam dilim. Here rajeamni asolim prokottonnam tancha rajy bhasemni zalim. Tufanacher hondvon tea tea disank arenz olortt ani redd olortt pacharlem. Me 14-15 tarikemni kornattokacha koraull toxem her jil'leamni bharich vegachem zhodd varem toxem vixex mhonnyet tosolo paus yeunko laglo. Thoddea kodde pokornni zaun dorean bhumyk grasilem. Dorea toddir asl'lim lhan bandpam,
madd iteadi kosllon poddle. Hem boromvchea disa (me 19) tufan mongllura thaun utron gelam tori sodancha vornim chodd varem vallta. Tedalla tedalla paus yeun asa. Dokxinno kon'noddo jil'leant me mohineant sumar 60 mili mittor paus poddchi rivaz tor hea vorsa ordea mohineantch sumar 220 mi.Mi. Paus poddla. Me mohino mhollear kotthinn dhogiche dis tori hea pauttim vareacha ani pausacha karonnan hovo thonddasa. Gõyant, moharaxttrant, guzoratant ani herekodde zhoddvarem vallon, paus poddla. Toukte karonnan kornattokantli
47 Veez Konkani
desvatt: kornattokacha korauller vhodd promannacha lharamni dorea degeli bhum-i pokorlea. Demvnni prodexacha ghoramni udak rigon desvatt kelea. Kundapur morounte doreatoddir ru. Pon'nas lakh khorchun kel'lo rosto desvatt zala. Molpe bondra thaun maslli pagunk gel'li donn buddlea. Punn tantum as l'le dog zonn upyeun salvar zaleat. Ponnombur bondra thaun gel'li guzorat mullachi olains ttog vomti udari zaun poddubidricha kaddipottnnalagim toddik ailea. Hi mongllur rifainaricha krudd ail jett'tticha vaurar asl'li. Hantum as
l'lea 8 zonnam poikim teg zonn loif zakett galn salvar zal'le. Dog zonn moronn pavol'le. Url'lea teg zonnanchi khobarna. Jiunt url'lea ekleacha prokar dog zonn keabina bhitor nidon asl'le. Rifainorin hi ttog toddik haddcheak mettam ghetleant mholl'lli khobar asa. Ponnombur thaun lharank xirkon boddga kuxik vallon gel'li koromonddolo eks pres ttog kapu loitthousa thaun 15 ki.Mi. Pois doreantlea khoddpam modhem xirkal'li. Hantum 9 zonn sumar 47 voram mhonnasor sampddal'le. Hanka me 17ver inddiyon nevicha helikopttoran kostt garddacha oien
48 Veez Konkani
es voraho botticha kumken salvar kelam. Atam sod'deacha maheti prokar kornattokant 8 zonn moronn pauleat. Dokxinno kon'noddo, uddupi, ut'toro kon'noddo, koddogu, xivomoggo, chikkomogolluru, hasono ani bellgamv jil'leamni vhodd mott'ttar astibodkachi desvatt zalea. Kornattoko rajeantlea 22 talukantlea 121 gramamni desvatt zal'li gumanak ailea. 57 ghorank purnn, 330 ghorank onxik lukxann zalam. Dokxinn kon'noddo jil'leantlea 28 gramamni touktecho probhavo poddla. 24 ghorank purnn ani 63 ghorank onxik ritichi
desvatt ghoddlea. Uddupi jil'leantlea 32 gramamni lukxann, 7 ghorank purnn ani 90 ghorank onxik ritichi desvatt ghoddlea. Zaitea ghorank udak riglam. (hem onkdde – sonkhe choddonk puro). Hea disamni ghoddl'lea desvatt khud polleunko ayil'lea kornattokacho revinyu montri ar. Oxokan udak rig l'lea ghorank ru. Dha hozar, onxik desvatt zal'lea ghorank ru. Ek lakh ani purnn desvatt zal'lea ghorank ru. Panch lakh porihar dimvchi bhasaunni kelea. Mongllurxerantli gozal:
49 Veez Konkani
toukhte tufanak lagon me 15 ver mongllurant boroch paus poddl'lo. Mongllur xerant atam smartt sitti babtin rosteachim, vhallachim (kalvo), choronddi ani her kamam cholon asat. Udak vallon vochonk aukas nastana sobhar rosteamni tolleambori udak bhorl'lem. Izoikapikadd balliga sttoralagim zoit ruk poddl'lo. Mudd xedd'ddent guddo kosllon votsolacha ghorachi onxik desvatt, mongollodevi lagxilea monkistteanddant florin ddisozacha ghorak lagxilea ghorcho pagor kosllon poddon onxik desvatt zalea. Moharaxttrantli desvatt: kornattoko ani gõychea koraulle thaun mukargel'lem tufan me 17-18 vea modhean ratim itleak ghontteak sumar 180 ki.Mi. Vegan moharaxttrachi koraull utron gelem.
Axem utronve cha eka ghonttea poilem moharaxttrantlea doreant mumboi thaun 70 ki.Mi. Poixilea tela rifainaricha barzar sampddal'lea 177 zonnank inddiyon nevin bochavo kelam. Hea barzar ott'ttuk 273 zonn asl'le. Aniki 96 zonnancho pot'to zaunko na astam tanchi sodhnam choltat mhonn kolloilam. Moharaxttrant tufanak lagon me 18 tariker 8 zonn morcha sovem ott'ttuk 12 zonn jivo hogddaunko pauleat. Mumboi ani moharaxttracha vividh prodexamni boroch paus poddla. Ghontteak 8090 ki.Mi. Vegan varem vall'llam. Kotthinn paus ani zoit lharank lagon gettve af inddiache lonkddache getti ani surokxit vonndink opai zala mhonn thoinchea odhikarimni kolloilam. Mumbomyt me 16 ver 24 ghontteancha audent poddl'lo 230 mi.Mi. Paus edollcha itihasant poilea
50 Veez Konkani
pauttim zaunasa mhonn hovaman ilakhean sanglam. Toukte guzoratant: guzorat korauller porbondor ani mohuva (bhaunogor jil'lo) modhegat hacho vixex probhavo poddtolo mhonn hovaman ilakhean poilench chotrai dil'li. Tea vellar varea (varem)cho veg ghontteak 150 thaun 175 ki.Mi. Poreant astolo mholl'llem. Me 17- 18 modheane uprant souraxttro voloyacha diyu ani un'no koraullik apttal'lea tufanaurvim zhoddvarem ani xirandharicho paus poddl'lo. Souraxttracha omreli lagsar tufan chodd kotthinn asl'lem. Guzoratant tufanaurvim me 12 zonn meleat. 16500 ghoranchi desvatt zalea. 40000 voir ruk poddleat. Unnear 1081 ilekttrisitti khambe moddon poddleat. 159 roste kosllon geleat
ani zaitem lukxann zalam mhonn guzorat mukel montri vizoi rupanin me 18ver sanglam. Tufanacha bhirankullayevixim poilench ondaz kel'lea hovaman ilakhean zagrutkai gheunko sangl'lem. Hea prokar guzoratant sumar don lakh lokak koraull prodexa thaun surokxitayecha zageank daddl'lem. Me 18 sanje itleak guzorat koraulli thaun nirgomon zal'lea tufanachi bhirankullai unni unni zaun soukas nitrann zalam mhonn hovaman ilakhean kolloilam. Fuddemyi apaiasat: doreant ekekodde nirvat asa zaun bhomvtonni thaun tea nirvat zageak varem bhitor sorcha prokrient horyek pauttim tufanachem rochon zaizai mhonn na. Paxar zaun gel'lea vorsamni orebiyon doreant tufanam unni asl'lim. Punn atam hovaman
51 Veez Konkani
ani titlim tufanam uttleari uttlim. togoneamni ani vigoneanimni ostomte prodexant hovaman bodlaunnek mhonnje hunsann choddnnek ani orebiyon doreant tufanam choddon yemvcheak tall poddta mhollam. Dorea udkauyli hunsann ailevarcha vorsamni choddon asa. Ddel'li mullacha kloimett ttrendds somsthean choloyil'lea odhyoina prokar dorea hunsannek ani tufan rochon zamvcheak sombondh asa. Dorea udkauyli (si sorfes) hunsann 28 ddigri senttigreddvornim chodd zalear nirvat prodex ubzatana tufan rochon zamvchi sadhyota chodd. Ailevarcha vorsamni si sorfes hunsann choddon asl'lean aplestokim nivarnrnrnvochyeta tosolim prokoronnam soit tufan zaun porivorton zauyeta mhonnta hem odhyoin. Hea karonnan orebiyon doreant muklea vorsamni
Atam porgott zal'lea khobre prokar bongallo kol'lint me 23vea tarike titleak ek tufan rochon zamvchi sadhyota asa. Hem me 27 titleak oddixa (orissa) koraullek apttonk puro. Hea vorvim her rajeam sovem kornattokantyi paus yemvchi sadhyotai asa mhollam hea khobrent.
52 Veez Konkani
ech. Ar. Allvo
Mull kon'noddo boroinnar : ddi. Nollina chik mogllur
mornnam vikrapak asat……
Konknnek: novin kulxekor. utram ghorant dukhant asleleank santvon dinant mholl'llem gomonant vhorije zal'lo vichar zaunasa. Mot vicharchea niban eekleak ch mornnacha konddant lottun haddchea khellak dikkar! korona mholl'llea dolleank disanaschea voirosan zhoza thollar ghalchea bobek monxeachim sorv aidam zalim puss...Az ya faleam amimyi mhonnchea ritir koronan monxakullak ek chealenz dilam. Madhyomamni dimvcheo, yemvcheo sot khobro mornnaghorant ghantticha nada bori sadtat. Raz cholomvchea karbhareanchim bhuzaunnechim
Tenaliramacha kanniamni udemvchea tontr garikecha upoyam bori dakhomvcha razaddollteanchi utram zhoza moidanar zoit apnnaunko proiton korinastana solvonnent, mel'leancha dolleamni zhozangnnantleo bobo matr polleunko melltat. Lokancho zatro choloun mot vicharcho dondo choloun lokancha sagorak mornnacha kondda sorxin haddn eekleak ch lottun ghaln haschea hea mornnacha khellak dikkar! zannason ya nennari zaun – toxem
53 Veez Konkani
kaim zamvchemna mholl'lleanchi oti budvontkayecho porinnam', mask bandinastana ascho porinnam', az darunn mornnanchem sodanchem dorxon amchea dolleam mukar asa. Choddunne mornnam vikreak asat…. Oti dukhanim mornnak khandar dourlele viddio amkam mornnachi vatt dakhoita. Ittolint chol l'lem az dusrea dusrea autarant amchea modhem mornnachi sunami zalea. Konnak aplea khanna voir mog udeta sanga? pottacha bhuke khatir, kamacha sodhnek vochana zalear ghora as l'leank pottam bhorchim konne? mhoje khatir, bhomvche khatir , herank pidda dimvche khatir ghora bhair yemvche asat. Punn mornnak dhorm', zat, ling ani vorg dvex na nomygi? mortaureg borem gi vaitt gi? mugd gi? mondir bandlagi? moxid bandleagi? devacha imajik
kiritt bosoilagi? vojranchi hunddi khoncha devacha hunddient ghalam? kitlea ghorank padd korun mot vicharleat? kitlea hozar lokank kritok gobor laila? kamyinch naka saiba, vanchon urlear puro, moronn pavo l'leancha kuttmacha dolleam thaun demv l'lea dukhanchem lekh hea razoki-i monxank orth zait gi? koliyug zolmoncha poilem dvapor yugo onty zal'lea sondorbar chitronn kuvempu vivorsun sangta ki "koliyugant yi mohimeunt zolmon yetele " mhonn kolipuruxocha tonddantlean sangoilam. Koliyugacha hulponcho sario amchea dolleank disanatlea dhorm' zhozacho porinnam' zal'le porim disleari hem monxa kullachi ghor choritra boromvcho vaitt kall mhonnchant kayinch dubavo na. Vigean, tontrojnnanacha tokler ascha e monxa tujeach vikritek prokriten dil'lem bhirankull mar koso asa? dex choloun lokank padd kel'lea itihasachem pont poreant pollelam tori az soit itihas porot aila.
54 Veez Konkani
Bhurgeamballank yi pidda prosartana ube ravon polleun as l'leanki dhonyovad.
Fleg sankramik geli ani korona mar aili. Amcho dex, amchem rajy, amcho lok, amchech, axem pura sangon amchank mot diun xirkon poddleamv. Dhonyovad. Amchech amchea dolleam mukar vollvollchem, darunn ponni morche, hordhem boddoun roddche bori korn ghorantlem somadhan vikleleak dhonyovad. Mel'lea amcheanchi moddim hulvaunko disanche dis rakoyil'lea katir dhonyovad. Hanga moddim salan poddon astana tenne dil'lintlem dorbar borea thoran sangleleak dhonyovad. Thoim tea ittolint zal'le porim amcho dex tea marik boli dil'le khatir dhonyovad.
Amcho gamvchea smoxanamni nirontor ujeachim sormunn pettoyil'le khatir dhonyovad. Aplemponn tumcha khatir vaparun prochar kel'le khatir dhonyovad. Amcho mornnadut tuminch mhonn dakoun khochit kel'le khatir dhonyovad. Tumka razoki-i addomborant amkam bokreambori boli ghaln bollixtt zal'le khatir dhonyovad. Tumchea indrozala (meajik) kormakanddak dhonyovad. Ambor pikea hasean, mohok utramni barot khonddachem bhonddar khali kel'le khatir tumcha hadd natlelea jibek dhonyovad. Amcha dexant zolmon amche khatir, dexa khatir, jienatlea horam' ponna khatir dhonyovad. ---------------------------------------
55 Veez Konkani
jivitant asadhy mholl'llem kitench nam korona pidda pois vechim nam horoyek ghoddye somadhan ani sosnnikai douroeam asadhy zal'lem mondogoten jikeam gheuyet zal'lem somadhanen polleveam asadhy mholl'llem utor fott koroeam thirasonn douroeam monxank asadhy mholl'llem kitench nam vigoneanachem avixkarak khoncheyi samotyai nam asadhy mholl'lleam sobdank viram' diveam. -lovitta ddi’sozo, nokre. 56 Veez Konkani
Kalliz khoddap zatana.... Sezari mhozo koxttar astana kalliz mhojem roddlem na ovghoddak boli zalea monxank dekhtana mon mhojem koddlem na bhuken vollvollchea dublleak dekhtana kalliz mhojem kollvollonk na bhurgeanchea tonddar dukam dekhtana kalliz mhojem xindlem na so roeachea omalar ghorcheank koxttitana kallzak mhojea kitench bhoglem na piddek lagon moddim anath zatana monxaponn mhojem zagem zalem na mhojea bhitorlo monis mosran, ragan, dvexan bhitor moronn podd l'lo -osunta ddisoza, bozal 57 Veez Konkani
sid'di konkonnantlo kumvor ho daktto babulo sid'di lokak zolmal'lo komol kupulo
-ayonsi paloddka
polleunko dista saullo mannsugecho mudo gunnan sado bollo lokxonnacho gado purvoz tache afrikache konkannak ayil'le. Konkonn loka chakri korun mayamogan jiel'le. Konkonni amche bhaxecho tannim mog kelo amche bhaxek lagun tannim apleacho teag kelo. Konkonnacho kumvor ho konknni uloitolo pillge thavun pillge lagim konknni khelloitolo. 58 Veez Konkani
Pausa vikro hat dhuvn dhuvn udok unnem zalam dekun pausak tirvo astolo zoglannem goddgodde fri gamvant varem unnem zalam soiklon sunamin holsel velam dekun varoeak tirvo astolo toukte yas mogem geas fri konn mhonnta bekaroponn choddlam chovis voram-i latthi kam' korotat! mel'leank purunk mati na suddgaddamni korentt na asat thoim hanga moidonam uzo asa lankudd na sodam vhalltot gonga yomuna nant kitem monis thondd poddleat gamv rananthaun aileat somikxek vag ani ximv 59 Veez Konkani
korfyu kaddlea uprant sorkos chalu astelem torbhetik vag ani ximv melltat punn bolpo aikona! vagak ani ximvak konxeak lottun bolpo pattar bosla bokre xellio ghabreun thoktot ulounko konnaiki tallo na torbhet kel'le pette matr ghonktot! doreak mitt ghaln uchamboll kela dekun doreo gamvak rigla gamvchem udok khodvoll kelam khodvoll udkant maslli dhorochem solis zalam desvatt zalea uprant ddeamez konttrol somsrant khoim zhuz zamv hanga mharog ddisol pettrol ttivi matr amchi tancho rimott konttrol monxea sontot remvebori ontrallachim taram korochem kitem toull toull marotot kovidd laram poilem maron gelem 60 Veez Konkani
dusrem asa chalu tisrem marocha poilem bondh zamv daram -sivi, lorett'tto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
povitr gonga?? povitr mhunntat gonga melli kel'li konnem sang ga? vhalltat tichach bhoktanchem hadd oni mas! villas natlim moddim ras ras..! vichar korchi jibek ar marlea! sot dekcha dolleank sai manddlea! man moread varear soddlea! tonddak aplea maskan dhamplam! konnacho husko konnak osta? apnnachem bhollkem 61 Veez Konkani
bhorlear pauta! 'vixv guru' mhatallo gumvta toklent dhubllea- daktteancho kiddi pottant! -flavia olbukork put'tur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cholunk ani kitlim moilam? koslem vikall vadoll marolim zoiti laram lipun gelim bhumyt zaitim ontroll taram lokle khambechch ghoroche poddlim kosllun ghoram porot bandhun haddunk nant chovis voram koslem vikall vadoll marolem zaitea rukam thokle sobar fantte golloun aklas dukam fantteank bollan soddoun gelem matyent uddoun sangtat ruk duki kanni hordem aplem boddoun 62 Veez Konkani
koslem vikall vadoll ghorant aslo ujvadd fankcho divo protibimb dimvcho arso atam zollovak asa tel ghorant na divo vadollancha doreant konn tarum vorocho protibimb divonko ujvadd na tor kiteak ani arso? koslem vikall vadoll marolem monxea vatte kitlim sobhit vorosam tim techch xabhit patte dhamvleant kitlim roilam hozar dolleam choilam vozon patteam vhauylam zai thoim roilank pauylam atam nikllun gele patte sosche koxe attevitte sod'deak rauleant roilam nennamv cholunk uroleant kitlim moilam
-sivi, lorett'tto 63 Veez Konkani
Dry oregano pinch of crushed pepper basil chopped parsley 4-5 medium pcs of chicken breast marinate with salt and pepper . Keep pan apply half tbsp butter fry the chicken pcs turning both sides just 3-4 mnts .. till you see sides brown ; on high flame ) Keep aside.
Chicker Lemon Garlic Ingredients: 4-5 medium pcs of chicken breast 6-8 garlic pods chopped 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice 3/4th cup cooking cream
Take a pan add one cup chicken broth , get to boil , add 6-8 garlic pods chopped .. as it is boiling add 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice ( adjust as per taste ) . Stir nicely . Now add 1 tbsp butter and 3/4th cup cooking cream . Stir well . Now add fried chicken . Lower the flame ., Sprinkle dry oregano , pinch of crushed pepper and basil . Check the consistency .
64 Veez Konkani
Once it is thick close the flame. Garnish with chopped parsley . (do not add any salt to the sauce) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
🔸️Crispy Dosa with Chutney & Samber🔸️ Breakfast Special. Restaurant style dosa Ghar
▪︎Grind all into fine smooth batter with water. ▪︎Transfer this into bowl and keep for fermentation overnight or minimum 6 - 8 hours.
Only 3 main ingredients super crispy dosa. Rice, Masoor Dal & Methi Seeds
▪︎Adjust batter consistency just spreadable, like idli batter. Add salt as per taste and little sugar if required. Mix well.
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup dosa rice or Basmati rice 1 cup masoor dal 1 tsp Fenugreek seeds Salt as per taste Sugar powder {optional}
▪︎Remember while spreading batter your pan must be cool and not extremely hot. Increase flame once full spreading is done. Sprinkle some ghee or oil in sides.
METHOD: ▪︎Wash, soak rice, dal and methi seeds overnight or soak in the morning and grind in the evening.
▪︎Fry dosas and enjoy with choice of your chutney, korma, samber or any curry. This can eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In place
65 Veez Konkani
of kori rotti | enjoy kori crispy dosa.
Chicken grill/fry with garlic, fresh parsley, herbs, butter, and honey Ingredients : 1) 12 pcs chicken thighs
2) 1 full pod garlic, finely chopped 66 Veez Konkani
3) 3 tbsp butter melted
- Cut slits in the chicken so that masala penetrates inside the chicken
4) 2 tbsp honey 5) 2 tbsp lemon juice
- Mix all above ingredients and apply all over the chicken and marinate for 24 hours in the fridge
6) 1 tbsp chilly flakes 7) 1 tbsp pepper powder 8) 1 tsp each dried parsley, thyme and rosemary 9) 1 bunch of fresh parsley, finely chopped
- Cut into small pieces vegetables like broccoli, potato, baby corn and carrot and apply leftover chicken marinated masala to fry/grill together with chicken. - Take a grill fry pan and baste oil
10) 1 tsp chilli powder (optional just to get lovely colour) 11) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 13) 1 tbsp olive oil 14) Salt as per taste Recipe: - Clean chicken nicely and keep aside to drain water completely (can keep skin if you grill in the oven or remove skin if you fry in pan)
- Once pan is hot, reduce the flame to low and add marinated chicken pieces in the center and vegetables in the sides (see pic) and cover the lid nicely so that chicken will fry well
67 Veez Konkani
and gets juicy with the steam. - After one side is fried well with golden colour, flip to the other side until golden brown and cover the lid
68 Veez Konkani
Delicious chicken fry is ready to salad. serve with hummus, kaboos and ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poddvollem sukem zai poddcheo vostu:
2 ttispun konnpir 1/2 ttispun jirem chimttibhor sasamv chimttibhor methi heo sorv voileo vostu pitto kor korchi rit:
1-2 lamb poddvollim sal kaddn, bio kaddn lhan lhan kuddke korn dour. 2 ttispun mugachi dall 1 piav 1 ttometto 2 ttebl spun narl chimttibhor hollod 6 sukeo lamb mirsango
poddvollem il'lem udak ghaln ukodd. Orvas ukoddtoch taka dall ghaln uprant piav, ttometto, narl, 69 Veez Konkani
hollod, mitt ghaln akhrek voilo pitto ghaln challn bhum-i dour.
bevacho palo ghaln voilem nistem ghal ani bhorxi.
Atam il'lexea telant sasamv,
Muska sango, iteadi heachch nisteaporim randyet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vilfi rebimbosachea ’fatimachem kazar’ kothecher odhyoin
22 mai 2021: axavadi prokaxon, okhil bharoti-i konkonni porixod ani ujvadd pondralle hanchea zodd palovant choll'lea kothapatth dusrea xinkollent, vilfi rebimbosan 1970-vea dakddeant boroyil'lea ’fatimachem kazar’ kothecher
odhyoin, poinnari sompadok vol'li kvaddrosan choloun velem. Mongllur, gõy kolejimni xikchim vidhearthim, pradheapok, toxench her pranteathaun sahitik obhiruch ascheamni hazor asl'lea hea vebinarachi surovat bai smita xennoi hinnem jeral yeukar magun, hea kothapatthachea misamvavixim mottvo vivor dilo. Okhil bharoti-i
70 Veez Konkani
Vol'li kvaddrosan 1970vea kallar kothechi patthbhum-icher vivor divun mongllurochi, ghattachi arthik, samajik porigot kosoli asli mholl'lleacher mottvo vivor ditoch, kothechea panch onxancho ul'lek korun, ’fatimachem kazar’ kothecher kholayen vixlexonn kelem. Bab vil'li goyesan oplea somikxent ’fatimachem kazar’ kotha toxench tea kothechea patthbhum-ichea sovistar vivoronnachi thoknnai keli. Dusro somikxok echchem' pernalan vilfi rebimbos az soit oplea sahiteamukhantr prostut mhonnalo. Ujvadd pondralleachea sompadokan dhinvas attoile. Bai smita xennoin hem vebibar choloun vhelem
konkonni porixodechea gourix vernnekoran yeukar kelo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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tiso challiso vorxa poilem murddexvoro eko sanoso gamvo zaunaassilo. At'tom prosid'dho provasi kendro zaunasa. Dexo videxantuleano provasi murddexvoro yet'tati. Bhottkollo ani hon'nauro taluka modhye , bhottkollocheano 16 k.m ontorari murddexvoro assa. Murddexvorako kornattokacho koneakumari mhonnotati. Karonno
thonche puranno prosid'dho ixvorale deusthano vivekanondo xila smarokauri somudrantu assilem. Deusthanacho jirnnod'dharo kortona vahono sorollo deusthana poryonto vochche tossim somudrantu bhoravo ghalnu vatto toyaro kel'li. Tem nhoisi , at'tanche deusthanacho vastu xilpi , vivekanondo xila smarokacho vastu xilpi ekllochi.
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Murddexvorocho udeogopoti ar.En. Xett'ttino aponneale gamvche obhimanano , devavoile dhroddho bhoktino , deusthanacho jirnnod'dharo kel'lo. Dha-bara vorxo kamo sototo chalu assilem. Deusthano bore bandholeam. Azubazucho viso ekoro zageri sundoro bogicha kel'la. Gongautoronno , bhukoilaso , bhogoudgita bhodono xilpokroti kornu modem modem dourleati. Podmasono ghalnu dheano mudrentu bosilo , 126 futto uncho
choturbhuzo yogexvorali murti murddexvorocho landmark zaunassa. Ti murti amgelo kornattokantulo xivomoggacho prosid'dho vastuxilpi ke. Kaxinatho mhollileano toyaro kelili. Murti polloileari bhoktiroso pazorta. Uncho bhubhagari urcheadikunu ti murti khoyim rabletiki dista. 8-10 k.m ontoravoileamno dista.
73 Veez Konkani
Nexonol hai ve bogoleno ,
ossim assa –
ekodikano konkonno roilve sttexon assa. Ani an'neko dikano murddexvoro yet'toleanko svagoto korcheako bandhile provexo dvaro assa. Novino pikchoro rilis zat'tona poilem ttrelor dakoitatinove , tossim provexodvoravoilem sundoro xilpo murddexvorochi bhouyota , divyota puroprovexo kortona dakoita. Provexodvarasaunu sorollo deddo ki.Mi choloto geleari deusthana vochunu pautati. Provexo dvaralaggi rikxa sttenddo bhi assa. Kahim sorokari bosso gamva bhit'tori vot'tati.
koilaso porvotari raunno ugro topoxchoryo kornu ixvoralo atmolingo prapto korta. Tem gheunu vot'tona , gonnopotilo karasthanano lingo gokornno somudro tirari zominintu purnu ghott'tti zat'ta. Xoto proitno kel'letiki mohaboloxali raunnaleagi tem poroto nikkollocheako zaina. Hotaxeno atmolingo bandhuno haddilo vostro murddunu mud'do kornu to bisattuno uddoita. Vostro vegano vareari ubbunu yeunu poddilo zageako murddexvoro mhonnu namvo poll'llem. Tem eko tirtho kxetro zal'lem. Deusthana vot'tona exea khonddantulo oti uncho razogopurantuleano provexo korka. Lifttantu bosuno gopurache lastto floravoile vyu gelorintu vocheazat'ta. Disa eurez donohozaro loko gelorintu vochunu murddexvorche vihongomo noino monohoro droxyo pollonu yet'tati. Amgelo dexantu liftto assilo gopuro hem ekkochi.
Murddexvorochi puranno kotha 74 Veez Konkani
Dhormosthollo dhormadhikari xri virendro heggoddeno , 249 futto uncho , viso mallecho gopurachi udghattona (12-4-2008) kel'li. Hem gopuro bandhucheako 18 vorxo laglim. Trichonapoll'lli rongonatho svami ttempol'lache gopuro 243 fitto uncho assa. Tonzavuroche brohodexvoro ttempol'la gopuro 239 fitto uncho assa. Moharaxttrantulo gonnopoti pulle vori murddexvorantu bhi moilom moilo lambo somudravelli assa. Svochchho assa. Mumboiche choupattivori , modrasoche morina bichauri godd'di na. Roje disantu chike zasti loko urtati. Donniri , lonchari bosuno deusthano assilo dvipako ordho (2 k.m) sut'tu mareto. Attho-dha lokamlo grup asleari lonchari somudrantulo (18 k.m) netranni gudd'dderi vochunu yeveto. To romanchonokari zolo provaso ovismoronniyo zaunu astolo. Thoyim zonousoti na. Sorkaro netranniko " noisorgiko
poromporagoto tanno " mhonnu ghoxito korche vicharo korto assa. Murddexvorantu khauchi , pivchi , rabchi kayim kalloji korka mhonnu na. Sorvo torecho soukoryo upolobdo assa. Khonche sizon'nantu vocheto . Tondore na. Eko ponta murddexvoro yeuche mono korati. " fal'le polloveam " mhonnu mukkaro dhungullnakkati. Karonno kalochokro thambona.
- podmonabho naiko. ( ddombivoli)
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Amish Community: Model for Community Life
Amish, also called Amish Mennonite, member of a Christian group in North America. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, Christian pacifism, and slowness to adopt many conveniences of modern technology, with a view to not interrupt family time, nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible. The Amish value rural life, manual labour, humility, and Gelassenheit, all under the auspices of living what they interpret to be God's word. History and church structure:
The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann (c.1644-c.1730). Those who followed Ammann became known as Amish. In the second half of the 19th century, the Amish divided into Old Order Amish and Amish Mennonites. When people refer to the Amish today, they normally refer to the Old Order Amish. Amish communities sprang up in Switzerland, Alsace, Germany, Russia, and Holland. The Amish began emigrating to North America early in the 18th century; they first settled in eastern Pennsylvania, where a large settlement remains. Schism and disruption occurred after 1850 because of tensions between the “new order” Amish, who accepted social change and technological innovation, and the “old order,” or traditional, Amish, who largely did not. During the next
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50 years, about two-thirds of the Amish formed separate, small churches of their own or joined either the Mennonite Church or the General Conference Mennonite Church. Most traditional Amish are members of the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church. As of 2020, over 330,000 Old Order Amish live in the United States and about 10,000 live in Canada, a population that is rapidly growing, as the Amish do not generally use birth control. Amish church groups seek to maintain a degree of separation from the non-Amish world. NonAmish people are generally referred to as "English". The largest groups were located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas, and others were found in Wisconsin, Maine, Missouri, and Minnesota. Their settlements are divided into church districts, autonomous congregations of about 75 baptized members. If the district becomes much larger, it is again divided, because members meet in each other’s homes. There are no church
buildings. Each district has a bishop, two to four preachers, and an elder. Beliefs and way of life: Two key concepts for understanding Amish practices are their rejection of Hochmut (pride, arrogance, haughtiness) and the high value they place on Demut (humility) and Gelassenheit (calmness, composure, placidity), often translated as "submission" or "letting-be". Gelassenheit is perhaps better understood as a reluctance to be forward, to be self-promoting, or to assert oneself. The Amish's willingness to submit to the "Will of Jesus", expressed through group norms, is at odds with the individualism so central to the wider American culture. The Amish antiindividualist orientation is the motive for rejecting labour-saving technologies that might make one less dependent on the community. Modern innovations such as electricity might spark a competition for status goods, or photographs might cultivate personal vanity.
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Humility, family, community, and separation from the world are the mainstays of the Amish. Everyday life and custom are governed by an unwritten code of behaviour called the Ordnung, and shunning (Meidung) remains an integral way in which the community deals with disobedient members. Members who do not conform to these community expectations and who cannot be convinced to repent are excommunicated. In addition to excommunication, members may be shunned, a practice that limits social contacts to shame the wayward member into returning to the church. Amish lifestyle is regulated by the Ordnung (rules), which differs slightly from community to community and from district to district within a community. What is acceptable in one community may not be acceptable in another. The Ordnung is agreed upon or changed within the whole community of baptized members prior to Communion which takes
place two times a year. The Ordnung include matters such as dress, permissible uses of technology, religious duties, and rules regarding interaction with outsiders. In these meetings, women also vote on questions concerning the Ordnung. Religious practices: In formal religious doctrine, the Amish differ little from the Mennonites. Holy communion is celebrated twice each year, and foot washing is practiced by both groups. Amish church membership begins with baptism, usually between the ages of 16 and 23. It is a requirement for marriage within the Amish church. Once a person is baptized within the church, he or she may marry only within the faith. Church districts have between 20 and 40 families and worship services are held every other Sunday in a member's home or barn. The district is led by a bishop and several ministers and deacons who are chosen by a combination of election and cleromancy (lot). Religious
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services are conducted in High German, and Pennsylvania Dutch (an admixture of High German, various German dialects, and English) is spoken at home and is common in daily discourse. The services are held on a rotating basis in family homes and barns. A large wagon, filled with benches for the service and dishes and food for the meal that follows, will often be pulled to the host’s property. In most Amish homes a special place is reserved alongside the Bible for the Martyr’s Mirror, a book chronicling Amish history and honouring the many Amish, Mennonite, and Anabaptist forebears who died for their faith. Community based life: Bearing children, raising them, and socializing with neighbours and relatives are the greatest functions of the Amish family. Amish typically believe that large families are a blessing from God. Farm families tend to have larger families, because sons are needed to perform farm labour. Community is
central to the Amish way of life. Working hard is considered godly, and some technological advancements have been considered undesirable because they reduce the need for hard work. Machines such as automatic floor cleaners in barns have historically been rejected as this provides young farm hands with too much free time. Dress code: The Amish are best known for their plain clothing, most of it self-made and sewn by hand, and nonconformist lifestyle. Men and boys wear broad-brimmed black hats, dark-coloured suits, straightcut coats without lapels, broad fall pants, suspenders, solid-coloured shirts, and black socks and shoes. Their shirts may fasten with conventional buttons, but their coats and vests fasten with hooks and eyes. Men grow beards after they marry to symbolize manhood and marital status, as well as to promote humility, but are forbidden to have moustaches because
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moustaches are seen by the Amish as being affiliated with the military, which they are strongly opposed to, due to their pacifist beliefs. Women have similar guidelines on how to dress, which are also expressed in the Ordnung, the Amish version of legislation. They are to wear calflength dresses, muted colours along with bonnets and aprons and black socks and shoes. Prayer caps or bonnets are worn by the women because they are a visual representation of their religious beliefs and promote unity through the tradition of every woman wearing one. The colour of the bonnet signifies whether a woman is single or married. Single women wear black bonnets and married women wear white. The colour coding of bonnets is important because women are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind, such as wedding rings, as it is seen as drawing attention to the body which can induce pride in the individual. Amish women never cut their hair, which is worn in a bun. The Amish attire, which is essentially that of 17th-century European
peasants, reflects their reluctance to change, their respect for tradition, and their interpretation of biblical strictures against conforming to the ways of the world (e.g., Romans 12:2). Simplicity of life:
The Old Order Amish shun personal home-based telephones but will occasionally use a communal one. They also deliberately avoid automobiles. They ride bicycles and drive horse-drawn buggies instead, though many of them will, on occasion and in emergencies, ride in cars, trains, and buses operated by others. Although the buggies are traditional boxlike vehicles, they are not always black, as commonly thought; some of them are white,
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gray, or even yellow, and many Amish and Mennonite groups can be distinguished by their chosen colour of buggy. The buggies may also be equipped with such modern conveniences as heaters, windshield wipers, and upholstered seats. The use of electricity, however, is strongly avoided, as it is a prime connection to the world that could lead to temptations and worldly amenities detrimental to the community and family life; occasional exceptions to this ban have involved Amish who must use electric flashers on their buggies in order to drive legally in their communities and certain farm equipment that could not be operated without a minimal amount of electricity and without which the community’s economic livelihood would be threatened; for example, certain milking equipment may be impossible to operate without some electricity, and electric fences may be deemed critical for keeping cattle. Bottle gas is often used to operate appliances, even barbecue grills, and gas-pressured lanterns
and lamps might be used for indoor lighting. Excellent farmers:
The Amish are considered excellent farmers, growing and storing the majority of their food and purchasing in stores only staples such as flour and sugar. The Old Order Amish refuse to use most modern farm machinery, preferring the sweat of their brow over the ease of modern conveniences. What modern machinery they do use will often be operated not by electricity but by an alternative power source. The Amish are famous for their barn raisings. These cooperative efforts often involve hundreds of men, as well as scores of women who feed the workers. These custom-made barns are a constant reminder of Amish tradition, community, industry, and craft. The hex signs that often adorn the barns (the round geometric emblems painted
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to ward off evil) are synonymous with the agricultural communities of the “Pennsylvania Dutch.”
on these occasions a separate hymnal (with “faster tunes”), called the “thin book,” is used.
Other customs:
Craft and cuisine:
The Amish typically accept the photographing of their way of life, but they forbid photos of themselves, believing such things are graven images in violation of the Second Commandment. For this same reason the dolls young Amish girls play with are traditionally faceless. Musical instruments are also forbidden by the Old Order Amish, as playing these, they believe, would be a “worldly” act contrary to the critical Gelassenheit: Amish may play an instrument in private, such as the accordion or harmonica, but never in public. Singing, however, is important to Amish life, whether at work or at play, at home or in church. Selections from the Ausband (their hymnal) are commonly sung. Group singing is always in unison and never harmonized. Hymn singing is popular on Sunday evenings, especially among young Amish, and
Amish quilts, meticulously stitched by groups of Amish girls and women, are popular with tourists and highly praised by collectors. The quilting bees are a form of socialization and relaxation for Amish women, and the group effort reflects the Amish virtues of community and cooperation. The quilts can be intricate in design with colourful patterns but may not contain representational images, which are considered fancy and prideful. The selling of quilts, handmade crafts such as hex signs, and their famous baked goods such as friendship bread and shoofly pie is a common source of income for Amish families. Amish cuisine is noted for its simplicity and traditional qualities. Food plays an important part in Amish social life and is served at weddings, fundraisers, farewells, and other events. Many Amish foods are sold
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at markets including pies, preserves, bread mixes, pickled produce, desserts, and canned goods. Many Amish communities have also established restaurants for visitors. Amish meat consumption is similar to the American average though they tend to eat more preserved meat. Education system: Amish children typically attend oneroom schools run by the community with teachers (usually young, unmarried women) from the Amish community. They attend school only through the eighth grade and generally discontinue formal education after grade eight, at age 13 or 14. Almost no Amish go to high school and college. Instruction is in English and concentrates on the basics of reading, writing, and math. Amish history and practical farming and homemaking skills are also taught. As in many of the separatist branches of Protestantism, convincing the children of believers to stay in the faith community can often be a challenge. If a young man
joins a Mennonite church or other less exacting religion, the Amish will often say “he got his hair cut.” If a young person abandons the faith altogether, they say that person “went English.” The quiet, reserved manner that the Amish try to maintain does not prevent them from partaking in common pastimes and games. Volleyball and softball are popular with many Amish families, but they are played strictly for enjoyment and not in a spirit of competition. Flower gardens, if kept simple, are also permissible. Once the daily chores are finished and the children’s school work completed, Amish families will often read or sing together in the evenings, before going to bed early in preparation for their next day’s chores. Out of politics: The Amish are not involved in state or national politics, and, as pacifists, they do not serve in the military. They also avoid social security and
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most types of insurance, often pooling their resources to help Amish families in need, but they will visit doctors, dentists, and opticians. As has often been said, the Amish are in the world but not really of it, as they try, in their simple and placid ways, to maintain the greatest possible separation from the rest of society. Challenges: As time has passed, the Amish have felt pressures from the modern world. Issues such as taxation, education, law and its enforcement, and occasional discrimination and hostility are areas of difficulty. On occasion, this has resulted in
sporadic discrimination and hostility from their neighbours, such as throwing of stones or other objects at Amish horse-drawn carriages on the roads. Amish community truly is a model for all of us to show how to live a simple but cheerful life based on high morals and protecting the earth from destruction. Are we ready to follow their good example? I have attached here below two videos on Amish Community. Pratapananda Naik, sj 15th May 2021
Caretakers of the Earth and important place to God in their life. They love God by faithfully following his 10 commandments.
Amish people who live mainly in America and Canada give the first
Their life is governed by the Bible, an unwritten code of behaviour called the Ordnung, and their traditions.
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They live, work, and do everything as a unified small community. They will not sacrifice the importance of the community for their individual convenience. They respect their community and find their identity remaining with their community. They are a people who in their respect for the law of God, cherish the earth and keep it safe by promoting waste and pollution free
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methods of agriculture and cottage industries. Their lifestyle is simple but filled with joy and cheerfulness without electricity, TV, phone, and modern gadgets, etc. Their life is the living testimony for others how to live in this world with harmony with others and nature.
They do not have church buildings. Every Sunday they meet at the house of a member in rotation for three hours to listen to scripture
reading from the Bible, sermon by the bishop or pastors and of singing and prayers. It is followed by lunch prepared by everyone and socializing. They sing without 86 Veez Konkani
instrumental accompaniment or harmony. They believe in dialogue with the community and not in arguments and fights. They strictly abide by what is agreed upon by their community from time to time. They are peace loving people and do not use any arms to defend them. They live as a community like that of early Christians. Among them nobody is too rich or extremely poor. They always support one another. They are not caught in the web of uncontrolled and unlimited progress and civilization. They know how to accept the limits of
They do not discard their past but remain faithful to their tradition and culture. Their life is built upon cooperation, unity, fellowship and not on competition or boosting of personal ego. They live a contended life with minimum and basic things. They do not believe in accumulating wealth. They live for their basic needs and not for their greed. They have no bank accounts or insurance policy or any social security. They find security in God and in their community. Most of the food items which they eat are produced by them in their farms. They stich their own clothes. Their children attend their own school, where besides reading, writing, they learn their rules and customs. They live a quiet life, without interfering in the lives of others. They live and practice what they believe. They believe that true happiness comes through their faith
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in God, disciplined life, simple lifestyle in harmony with others and nature. Amish lifestyles vary from community to community. Yet, the simplicity is their hallmark. Usually, they avoid alcohol. Even those who take it, always with moderation. Funeral practices vary across Amish communities. But all of them reflect the core Amish values of simplicity, humility, and mutual aid. Funeral services are held at home rather then using the funeral parlour as Americans do. Instead of eulogy of the dead person, they focus on biblical accounts of resurrection. Gravestones are uniform, modest, and plain. After a funeral, the community gathers to share a meal. They are really people of God and true caretakers of the earth. They use the earth for their livelihood but never exploit it. They live in this world, but not of it. They are the torchbearers to carry on God’s divine vision and mission.
As human beings there will be a few shortcomings and negative aspects in their life. The main is inbreeding. Due to this, mental disorders are found, but Amish do not reveal it to the outside world. They take care each member of their community. Divorce or birth control are absent among them. Compared to us who claim “progressive, modern, developed, civilized, educated” their short comings are negligible. In India Adivasi tribals lived in the past like the Amish. Unfortunately, they are swallowed in the lifestyle of the mainstream of India and thus lost their unique identity. Since I lived somewhat Amish way of life in my village, till I joined the Jesuits, I am convinced that simplicity of life and living in harmony with others and nature will save our planet. Industrialization, modernization, wars, and uncontrolled exploitation of the earth has wounded it and caused innumerable problems, promotes new diseases and pandemics. We have forgotten that we are not the
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owners or masters of the planet and universe. We are merely the caretakers of it. When we realize the truth that we are pilgrims on this planet, then we will become enlightened persons and we will fulfill the dream of our creator. One of the most important aspects of rearticulating human development is to emphasize the need for fairness to nature and other living beings. We cannot be developed unless our lives become reconnected and in balance, cooperation, and harmony with nature. Up to now our focus was human centred development. We must give up this concept to save our planet and ourselves. We must promote earth centred development, where humans, other creatures and nature live a blended life. If it is God’s will, I want to live and work with my hands for the rest of my life (I have completed 70 years) in a remote village farm in Goa as a Jesuit in the arms of our mother earth like the Amish community. My dream is to live use exclusively solar
energy, organic cultivation free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides, plastic, pollution and garbage free campus, promoting eco-spirituality, promoting green revolution by planting more trees, living in harmony with nature and promoting friendship with others, abandoning modern gadgets like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, computer, etc. In short, a life of simplicity, humility, and solidarity with nature and with those who live in the campus. I am a dreamer like that of Jacob’s son Joseph in the Old Testament.
Pratapananda Naik, sj 19th May 2021
89 Veez Konkani
A PENTECOSTAL CATHOLIC # chhotebhai Does this sound like an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms? Is it possible celebrating the feast of Pentecost. Where was the Holy Spirit before Pentecost? Let me answer the first question. A Pentecostal is usually described as a person who gives more importance to the Holy Spirit and its actions and has a predilection for saying “Halleluiah” at the drop of a hat. A Catholic, on the other hand, is perceived as a person steeped in liturgical traditions and pious devotions, living a straight jacket
to be both a Pentecostal and a Catholic when there is so much animosity between the two? I have another question, as we prepare for spiritual existence. Catholics are also wary of Pentecostals when they poach on their members. Both sides believe that the “other” is in serious error. Let me clarify what I understand by the words Pentecostal and Catholic. Pentecostal usually refers to those believers who emerged about 120 years ago giving special importance to the Holy Spirit and its gifts like praying in tongues, prophecy, and healing. These are all rooted in
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scripture, and are not, per se, contrary to Catholic beliefs. In the Catholic community this spiritual movement is usually referred to as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, duly recognized by the Catholic hierarchy. It began in the USA in the late 1960’s. The word Catholic means “universal”, belonging to the whole world, and by its very nature embracing all. In its organized form it has papal leadership, a hierarchy, set norms and practices, with strong clerical control. Some of these aspects, like “clericalism” are acquired traditions that are at variance with its own Dogmatic Constitution as laid down by Vatican II. When I say that I am Catholic, I mean that I subscribe to the teachings of Vatican II and not the many aberrations and excesses that the hierarchy and clergy conveniently revert to. For me,
being a Pentecostal Catholic is a Christian whose life and values are rooted in sacred scripture on the one hand, and the teachings of Vatican II on the other. I have often said that the wished-for renewal of the church as envisioned by Pope John Paul XXIII, who prayed for a new Pentecost, is still a long way from achieving its goals. Recent moves of Pope Francis on synodality, accountability and fraternity are according to the mind of Vatican II. Now let me address the second question. Where was the Holy Spirit before Pentecost? It is a stupid question, but it merits a cogent response, because there may be some who are inclined to believe that the Holy Spirit got activated only at Pentecost. A scriptural journey of Jesus’ own life shows the all-pervasive presence of the Holy Spirit. Let us start at the very beginning, my favourite event, the
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Annunciation. The angel Gabriel tells Mary “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will cover you with its shadow” (Lk 1:35). So, the Holy Spirit is present and active from the moment Jesus is conceived/ incarnated. It also covers Mary with its shadow. Translations do not always covey the exact meaning. I would prefer to say that Mary was enveloped by the Holy Spirit. The next major epiphany/ manifestation of the Holy Spirit is at the baptism of Jesus. “The Holy Spirit descended on him in a physical form, like a dove. And a voice came from heaven “You are my son; today I have fathered you” (Lk 3:21). Notice that all three persons of the Holy Trinity are mentioned in the same event, and the message to Jesus is personal, not generalised – YOU are my Son. This is how the Holy Spirit works, forming a direct personal relationship between God and man. In his final discourse Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to his disciples. Jesus
defined the role of the Holy Spirit as the ability to discern between right and wrong, and to arrive at the truth. It is not just a Paraclete (helper) but one who leads from the front and shows the way forward in various situations. “When he comes he will show the world how wrong it was about sin, and about what is right, and about judgement” (Jn 16:8). And again, “When the Spirit of the truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth” (Jn16:13). There are three important take aways from Jesus’ promise. The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of spiritual discernment, something strongly emphasised by the Jesuits in their Ignatian Exercises. It also teaches us morality, what is right or wrong in God’s eyes. And finally, it leads us in the path of truth. I see this as the true role of the Holy Spirit, as promised by Jesus himself. This is a sin qua non for all Christians, especially those in leadership roles. This requires both humility and openness. Unfortunately, most religious leaders are so full of their own
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power and pelf that they block the working of the Holy Spirit; thereby often mistaking traditions for faith; or rules and regulations for the path of truth. The Resurrection adds another dimension to the role of the Holy Spirit; that of power and authority. “Receive the Holy Spirit, If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone’s sins, they are retained” (Jn 20:23). This authority cannot be seen in absolute terms or in isolation from other texts. It presupposes the correct disposition, as stated herein above. How do we recognize the working of the Holy Spirit? St Paul had earlier cautioned against external manifestations like prophecies, tongues, and knowledge (cf 1 Cor 13:8). They are subjugated to the three cardinal virtues. “As it is, these remain; faith, hope and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love” (1 Cor 13:13). St Paul goes on to say that “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Gal 5:22). I find that all the fruits are gentle and not aggressive, in contrast to the approach adopted by many who claim to be led by the Spirit. I see some interesting events that are indicative of how the Holy Spirit spurs us to action. In his first discourse, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus had exhorted his disciples to walk that extra mile (cf Mat 5:42). He was stirring the pot, asking us to emerge from our comfort zones. This is manifested in the rich young man who had kept all the commandments. He was good, but not good enough for radical Christian discipleship. “If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me” (Mat 19:21). A big task. Basically, Jesus is telling us not to rest on our oars, but to make a personal sacrifice, to walk the extra mile. The second instance of not being
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good enough is the oft repeated episode of Martha and Mary. Here again Martha was a good person, doing good things, but at that point of time Jesus expected something else of her – to listen to what he had to say. Like Martha we too are often so busy, that we have no time to listen to Jesus in prayer (cf Lk 10:3842). The most poignant example of Jesus inviting us to take the extra step is his encounter with Nicodemus. He too was a good man but needed to take another step forward. “You must be born from above. The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from, or where it is going. So, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (Jn 3:8). Jesus was speaking before the advent of weather satellites that can quite accurately predict the eye of the storm and the course of a cyclone. This does not dilute Jesus’ message. Are we solid, liquid or gas (wind). Something in a solid state, like a piece of metal, remains in a state of
fixity. It does not change unless some external force is applied. A liquid either runs off or assumes the shape of the receptacle into which it is poured. Gas (wind) as in Jesus’ time, did not have airtight containers. So the reference to the wind is something that is not restricted, chained or bogged down. It is constantly open/ receptive to what God wants of it. This is never easy. A more poetic translation of the Bible, like the Kind James version, ends the Sermon on the Mount with the words “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Mat 5:48). In contrast, The New Jerusalem Bible that I use ends the discourse much more prosaically, “You must therefore set no bounds to your love, just as your heavenly Father sets none to his”. I would like to believe both translations, that limitless love is the perfection to which we are called. This Pentecost may the Holy Spirit lead us in the path of perfect love and show us what extra mile we now need to tread. This is because the “good” is
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invariably the greatest enemy of the perfection to which we are all called in Christian discipleship. Happy feast of Pentecost.
• The writer has written several books and articles on spirituality. MAY 2021
STAN TAKES A STAND -*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ
It was quintessential Stan! In a manner which has come to characterize him Jesuit Fr Stan Swamy told the Bombay High Court during a hearing on 21 May 2021, “I want to go to Ranchi to be
with my friends….Whatever happens to me I would like to be with my own.” Fr Stan who turned eight-four a few weeks ago on 26 April, has
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been lodged in the Taloja jail since his arrest on 8 October 2020. He was the last one of sixteen to be arrested, in the Elgar Parishad/Bhima-Koregaon conspiracy case. That he had nothing to do with either is clear as daylight! His only ‘crime’ over the years, much to the chagrin of powerful, vested interests, was his total identification with the Adivasis and of his accompanying them, in their quest for a life based on justice, dignity and equity. So naturally, when Fr Stan says, “Whatever happens to me I would like to be with my own”- he is making an immensely powerful statement of his life and mission. Fr. Stan had approached the High Court some time ago challenging a Special Court's decision of March this year. In the order, the Special Court had rejected his bail sought on medical grounds as well as on merits. On 21 May, Fr Stan was produced before a Division Bench of Justices S J Kathawalla and S P Tavade of the Bombay High Court, via videoconferencing from the Taloja prison, where he is lodged as an undertrial. Some days ago, in a telephonic conversation with a
fellow-Jesuit he spoke about his deteriorating health condition. Ever since, plenty of efforts were being made from several quarters, to ensure that he receives the proper and adequate medical treatment and if needed, also hospitalisation. Fr Stan reiterated this position telling the court that he had suffered much during his stay in prison, “I was brought here eight months ago. When I came to Taloja, my full system, my body was still very functional. But during these eight months, I have gone through a steady regression of all bodily functions. Eight months ago, I could have a bath by myself and do some writing by myself. But these are disappearing one after another. Taloja jail brought me to a situation where I can neither write nor go for a walk by myself or even eat. I am not able to meet this demand. Eating has become a real difficulty; someone has to feed me with a spoon.” He also spoke about the dire conditions in Taloja jail that prompted prisoners to help each other in the face of acute economic deprivation.
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The Court then asked Fr Stan if he wished to be admitted to the Government-run J J Hospital for a “general treatment in order to improve his overall health." His response was a categorial ‘no’ saying, “I have been there twice. I am not for being hospitalised in JJ Hospital. What medicines will that hospital give me? It will not improve; it will keep going. I will rather die here very shortly if things go on as it is." Fr. Stan went on to add, "I was taken to JJ hospital and there were a lot of people, but I had no opportunity to explain what I should be given. There are some medicines which the jail authorities game me, but my deterioration is more powerful than the tablets they are giving me," Earlier the High Court was provided with a Medical Report of Fr Stan Swamy prepared by the JJ hospital. This report was submitted pursuant to the Court’s order of 19 May, wherein the Dean of JJ Hospital had been asked to constitute a committee and to examine Fr Stan’s health condition on 20 May. However, Fr Stan’s advocate, Senior Counsel Mihir Desai was not given a copy of the
Report; therefore, it had to be read out in the Court. The report mentioned that the petitioner’s poor health largely had to do with age. The committee did not find any neurological defect or psychopathology. Some of the ailments mentioned in the report include the imbalance of limbs, lumbo sacral degeneration and some degree of hearing loss. It recommended urgent surgical assistance for the hearing loss and physical assistance owing to his general weakness. It also said that he required physical assistance in the form of a walking stick or a wheelchair. However, his overall condition, his pulse rate etc., were stable and Swamy was "responsive" and "cooperative". Fr. Stan’s personal sharing to the High Court of his deteriorating health condition in fact thrashes this report. The Court also informed Fr Stan that it was willing to issue orders to transfer him to JJ Hospital or any other hospital of his choice for the general treatment of his health, which was largely deteriorating due to his advanced age; the response of Fr Stan was noticeably
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clear, "The only thing I request is to consider for interim bail. I have been in deteriorating condition. I would rather be in Ranchi. I do not think any of that (hospitalisation) is going to help." He also told the Court that his co-accused were worried about his health, and he believed that his condition would gradually worsen if he was kept back at Taloja Jail or any other hospital. Advocate Desai was also given an opportunity to speak with Fr Stan during the videoconference. He then urged the court to adjourn the hearing for a week to permit him to speak again with Swamy and to convince him to get admitted to a hospital. "Since he is a priest, he feels ‘forgive them, for they do not know what that do'... This is the approach he has taken," The High Court granted him the liberty to approach it again if Fr Stan changed his mind about hospital admission. The bench said, "Someone must have told him, or he himself is an intelligent man. He knows his problems are only age related. That's why he is pressing only for interim bail says won't take hospital admission."
The High Court in the meanwhile has directed the authorities of the Taloja prison to strictly comply with all the recommendations made by J J Hospital in providing the necessary health facilities and treatment to Fr. Swamy while in prison. The Court finally posted the matter for hearing on June 7, 2021. The drama that unfolded in the virtual court hearing was vintage Fr Stan: someone who is noticeably clear about his choices: that he is innocent, that he should be given the bail to go back to Ranchi and to be with his people; if not, he would rather continue to be in Taloja jail identifying himself with his fellow-prisoners and even die there! Stan takes a Stand! However, whilst respecting his opinion ,there are many others, who are genuinely concerned about his deteriorating health and would like him to be hospitalized as soon as possible. In this Ignatian Year: for Jesuit Fr Stan and for several others, his reality today is indeed a cannonball moment! 21 May 2021
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*(Fr Cedric Prakash (GUJ) is a human rights, reconciliation, and
peace activist/writer. Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com )
Attorney General Ohio Dave Yost to address ‘Labour Trafficking’ with
crusader Harold D’Souza
Invisible’ on May 29th, 2021 Saturday 6:30 pm IST, 10:00 am EST. All that glitters is not gold. All foreign nationals visiting United States of America for a better life are not in Heaven. Many immigrants are in Hell, after falling trap to the influence of manipulative perpetrators and become victims of ‘Labour Trafficking’. Eyes Open International (EOI) President Harold D’Souza is organizing a mega international event ‘Labour Trafficking – The
The special guest of honor is highly respected Dave Yost Attorney General of Ohio. This is indeed a moment of great privilege, pleasure, and pride for victims, survivors, and community members in Ohio, USA, and Globally shared Harold D’Souza Co-Founder of EOI. This auspicious event will be graced by eloquent speakers Carol O’Brien, Deputy Attorney General for Law
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Enforcement, Yvan Demosthenes, CEO of HamiltonDemo, and Jennifer M. Rausch, Legal Director, Human Trafficking Initiative, Office of Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. Connect for a cause will be hosted by famous R.J. Preethi Balaji of Bharat FM from Chicago. Crusader Harold D’Souza who hails from Bajpe, Mangalore has left no
stone unturned in creating prevention, education, protection, and empowerment of victims of ‘Labour Trafficking’ in India. Harold said, America is the destination, but India is the source. Attorney General Dave Yost words of wisdom will change the thinking of community members especially in countries like India, Nepal,
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Mexico, Guatemala, Cambodia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, U.A.E. and numerous countries across the world.
Health Care Fraud, Crime Victims and Criminal Justice.
Dancy D’Souza Co-Founder of Eyes Open International spoke to the press; “Carol O’Brien Deputy Attorney General for Law Enforcement invited me to speak at Dave Yost Attorney General headquarters in Columbus for Ohio Human Trafficking Conference. I was humbled by Dave Yost humanity, grace, and compassionate personality.
Harold D’Souza shared his experience, “Carol O’Brien drove all the way from Columbus to Cincinnati specially to meet me personally. This was before the pandemic. Carol wanted to engage me for an event at Attorney General’s Office. She spent a few hours at our humble home happily. Till today I am touched with Carol O’Brien’s cool, caring, and compassionate nature. Carol has the heart of ‘Mother Teresa’. The best and beautiful behavior of Attorney General Staff towards ‘Survivors’ is strengthening their success stories to self-sustainability with respect, dignity, and self-esteem.”
Carol O’Brien as chief counsel for Attorney General Dave Yost oversees seven “sections” focused on law enforcement/criminal justice: The Bureau of Criminal Investigations, the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, Special Prosecutions, the Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission,
Yvan Demosthenes is the CEO of HamiltonDemo, an executive search and placement company that helps FORTUNE 500 Companies with its hiring needs and has a specialty in diversity recruiting. He has been involved with numerous nonprofit boards and community associations such as the United States Global
David Anthony Yost is an American lawyer and politician who currently serves as the 51st Attorney General of Ohio.
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Leadership Council – USGLC. That is where he first met Harold D’Souza and became involved with Eyes Open International. “I was introduced to Harold during a USGLC meeting with Congressman Brad Wenstrup.” says Yvan. “In addition to building a friendship, we were able to identify and connect EOI with resources to build infrastructure, grow awareness to their mission and donors.” ---------------------------------------
This mega international event will be live on Bharat FM, Eyes Open International Facebook page, YouTube. One can join from this link: https://youtu.be/HBoCPjO09BY If you or anyone you know is a victim of labour or sex trafficking in the United States of America call National Human Trafficking Hotline Number: 1-888-373-7888 24/7, 200 languages. ---------------------------------------
Rs. 2.39 Crore Research Grant Sanctioned to St Aloysius College under DBT-BUILDER SCHEME
Adding yet another feather in the cap of St Aloysius College in its research credentials, the College has been sanctioned DBT- BUILDER
(Level-1), Ministry of Science & Technology Government of India. The College authorities have informed that a sum of Rs. 2.39
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Crore has been sanctioned under the BUILDER Scheme (Boost to University Interdisciplinary Life Science Departments for Education and Research) Programme (Level-1) by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology Government of India. The Grant is intended to invigorate the interdisciplinary modern Bioscience research through the up gradation of the postgraduate teaching and training laboratories; evolving a comprehensive curriculum without gaps and overlaps; and enhancement of the hands-on practical training to students so that they develop expertise in the field of Life Sciences. Sources said that St Aloysius College intends to carry out Bioprospecting of marine macroalgae for value added
products from Dakshina Kannada and Udupi coast. The main objective of the project is to survey, isolate and identify marine macroalgae for its cultivability and potential uses. In vitro and in vivo toxicity studies of the algae will be carried out to assess their usability in the food industry. Biochemical profiling of the algae will be conducted to aid in the development of value-added products. The outcome the research would provide alternate sources of income to the fishermen community in addition to an increased public demand for macroalgae based products. The Postgraduate Departments of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Food Science & Technology will collaborate with the Physical
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Sciences as well as Humanities for the execution of the project. The Principal and the Management have commended Dr Asha Abraham, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology (PG), the Project Coordinator for submitting the proposal on behalf of the research team and presenting it before the Task Force. The research work is expected to be carried out in an interdisciplinary manner with three research groups: Research Group 1, headed by Shashikiran Nivas (Research Coordinator, LAB), will carry out the Bioprospecting and culture of macroalgae from Dakshina Kannada and Udupi coast. Research Group 2, led by Dr Lyned Dafny Lasrado (HOD, Biochemistry,
PG), will carry out the Biochemical profiling and evaluation of in vitro and in vivo toxicity and immunological capacity of selected macroalgae. Research Group 3, headed by Dr S N Raghavendra (HOD, Food Science & Technology, PG), will carry out Product Development & Technology Transfer. The Management and the Principal have congratulated all the Research Group Heads for their meticulous work and have expressed their dep semnse of gratitude to Prof. Cletus D’Souza, the External Advisor and Rev. Dr Leo D’Souza, SJ, the Internal Advisor for their valuable guidance. Taking note of the excellent research promotion activities of the
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College, DBT, Government of India, had selected the College under its STAR College Scheme in 2011 recognizing some select departments in Sciences and the College has been upgraded to STAR STATUS in 2016. The College has been able to receive grant to the tune of Rs. 1.75 crore under the Scheme.
disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy, Component 1. A sum of Rs. 84 lacs have been sanctioned under the UGC Scheme. The recent announcement regarding the selection of the College under DBT-BUILDER (Level1) has come as the icing on the cake to the consistently upgrading research credentials of the College.
From 2020, the College has been recognized as the Centre for Research Capacity Building by being a recipient of the newly constituted UGC-STRIDE, Scheme for Trans-
This distinction happens to be one of the rarest of accolades the institution has received so far in the recent past. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Radio Daijiworldk az char vorsam somptat konknni madhyom' xetant ek novemsamv zaun zolm' ghet l'lea reddio daijivorlddant pattlea char vorsanthaun nirontor konknni oni
tullu podam prosar zate osat.Novim ani pornim mhonn konknnecha don pillgeank protinidhitv korchim podam hea majeacher nirontor
105 Veez Konkani
prosar zatat mhonntana kal mhollea itihasasovem az mholl'lli hokigot moti podd'deacher paxar zata. Eka kallar konknni somsarant vixes ovaz uttayil'li punn tantrikotent bodlaunn zatana khoim gi konxak podd l'lim punn azun toull toull aikaje mhonn bhog l'lim hozarom ’eur grin’ mhonnche tosolim podam reddio daijivorlddacha ddijittol loibrerint osat. Hem konknni songit somsarachem daiz. Eka disak orvas vantto punni osolim podam prosar zatat. Dusrean az kall zaiti novim konknni podam yetat. ’podanchi koulli’ mholl'llo konseptt bodlon ’singols’ mholl'llo prokar chodd procholit zala. Hacha bhair rimiks, kour mhonn her novemsamv. Punn reddio daijivorlddan ’konknni songitak sompurnn pattimbo’ mholl'llea dhyeyakhal hea sorv
prokarank ukoln dhorlam. Zaitea novea songitgarancha songit projekttank vixes prochar dila, oni gaupi, gaupinn, vhazantram khelghaddi mhonn tanchi vollok korn dimvcheant, tancha projejttamvixim lokak aikoupeank mahet dimvcheant, oni tanchim bhognnam somsaracha hor konxanim aschea konknni lokak pavamvcheant reddio daijivorlddan vixes vaur kela. Reddio daijivorlddacha hea varxik disa vogta hachem sunkann dhorn aschea orunn ddi olmeddak protyek obhinondon favo. Reddio bhair opnnak ek khasgi jivit osa tori tem oplea kary kxetrant protifolit zaunko nhozo mholl'llem chintap
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tachem. Opunn khoim vetam cholounko opunn sodam toyar thoimsor reddio gheun vecha osam. Vellar mahet pavit kelear orunnan, hem madhyom' zalem. Uprant kam' reddio cholomvcheak kaddchi minot vixes. daijivorldd korta mhonn. Konknni Prosoronna xivai, podanche somsar reddio daijivorlddachem kolekxonn, pormixon, kopi roitts, hem ofor svikar kortalo mhonn ddokyumenttexon mhonn singolpatyeun hea varxik disa reddiocha heanddedd zaun kam' korcho orunn sorv karbhareank, aikoupeank ul'las pursote pormanne ’ghottagar’ pattaitam. mholl'llea namvakhal reddiont uloita. Tannench mhonnche osa. (Android oni iOS thaun reddio Novim podam, karyokromank daijivorldd App dhormarth prochar diunko , songitgar – gaupiDownload koryet.) gaupinneam songi somvad -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Miriam / Sydney and Daryl / Asleeta, passed away on May 22, 2021.
Fr Vincent Victor Menezes (75), Ex Editor of Raknno Weekly, son of the late Gregory Menezes and the late Mary Magdalene Noronha, Valencia, brother of the late John / Christine, the late Catherine / the late Dennis, Andrew / Dorothy, Veronica / the late Egbert, the late Joseph / Gretta, the late Peter / Rita, the late Gerald / Eva and Ivan / Emma, passed away on May 20, 2021.
Denis Rego (71), Famous Photographer, husband of Monica, father of
Edwin (Eddy) Rodrigues, Kadri, Kaibattal, Mangalore, husband of Janet, father of Deylan/Sonya, Denver and grandfather of Emma, passed away on May 18th, 2021.
Sr M Olivia BS (80) nee Benedicta Sequeira of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, daughter of the late Xavier Sebastian Sequeira and the late Apoline Sequeira, belonging to Immaculate Conception Church Kinnigoli, of Mangalore Diocese, passed away at Rosa Mystica
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Convent, Kinnikambla, on May 21, 2021.
Sr Grace BS (88), former name Celestine Monteiro of the Congregation of Bethany Sisters, daughter of the late Callistus Monteiro and Rosalin D’Souza (Kulur, Mangalore), sister of the late Michael Monteiro, the late Hilda Monteiro, the late Sr Mary Laura (AC), the late Fravian Monteiro, sister-in-law of Mable Monteiro, aunt of Mishal Monteiro / Reynold Lazarus, passed away on May 18, 2021.
Sr Anita Pinto (60), Sisters Of Charity, Principal, D.Ed College Capitanio convent, daughter of the late Jerome Pinto
and Josphine Pinto, sister of John, Robert, Juliet, Pauline David and Wilma, passed away on May 17, 2021.
Sr M Gretta D'Souza BS (70) nee Benedicta Clara Gretta D'Souza of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, daughter of the late Albert D'Souza and the late Juanna D'Souza, belonging to St Lawrence Church Bondel, of Mangalore Diocese, passed away on May 16, 2021.
Fr Rolfie D'Souza (56), son of Stella D'Souza and the late Bernard D'Souza, brother of Felix / Winny, Hary / Ivy, the late Thomas, Arthur / Divya, Praveen /
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Divya, and Pramila / Prakash D'Souza, uncle of five nieces and one nephew, passed away on May 13, 2021.
Mangalore, passed away on May 7, 2021.
Fr Thomas C D, OP Fr Ambrose D’Souza SJ (66), passed away on Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
Sr Ottilia Pinto UFS (81), residing at Shanthi Dham, passed away on May 8, 2021.
(71), passed away on May 7, 2021.
Msgr Marcel J Pinto (92), former Vicar General of Chickmagalur Diocese and was spending his retired life at the Little Sisiter of the Poor, Mangalore, passed away on Apr 28, 2021.
Sr Marie Rose (91), Nazareth Convent, Balmatta, Sr Mary Prema AC 116 Veez Konkani
(72), Annunciation Convent, Ladyhill, Mangaluru, nee Lizzie Matilda DMello passed away on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at Annunciation Convent, Ladyhill, Mangaluru.
and Sabina Lobo, brother of the late George Lobo, Kulshekar, the late Albert Lobo, Mulki, the late Jerome Lobo, Shaktinagar, the late Alice D’Cunha, Vamanjoor and Gilbert Lobo, Australia.
She belongs to the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province and has served in St Mary’s Convent, Marjil; St Joseph’s Convent, Kundapura; St Ann’s Convent, Mangaluru; St Maria Goretti Convent, Kemmannu; Carmel Convent, Gangolli; Stella Maris Convent, Kotekar and Annunciation Convent, Mangaluru.
Fr Hilary Lobo SJ (80), born in Neermarga, Kulshekar, 60 years in the Society of Jesus (Jameshedpur province), passed away on April 26, 2021 at Tata Memorial Hospital, Jamshedpur. Son of the late Rosario Pascal Lobo
Dr Clement Cutinho (80), son of the late Thomas Cutinho and the late Piad Cutinho, husband of Flavia Cutinho, father of Caroline / Lionel Fernandes and Clinton / Roma, grandfather of Crissa Roclin Cutinho, passed away on April 24, 2021.
Fr Erwin Lazrado SJ (58), born in Mumbai, passed
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away on April 17, 2021 in Gujarat Province. 37 years in the Society of Jesus, 25 years serving as a priest. Son of the late Casimir and the late Teresa Lazrado (Bandra). Brother of Elvira / the late Charles Crasto, Eleanora / Raymond Merlin, Elfreda / Allan Lewis, Errol / Iona Lazrado and Elmer / the late Daisy Lazrado. Uncle of Erika / Michael, Karen / Arnaud, Ian, Stéphane / Ophélie, Sophie / Noel, Elaine / Olu, Aaron and Danielle. Granduncle of Marcus, Louis and Mathis.
Fr Jerry Sequeira, SJ (73) Ahmedabad/ Madanthyar, 54 years in the Society of Jesus, 42 years as priest Son of Late Leo Sequeira and Late Juliana Sequeira (NetharaMadanthyar) Brother of Antony/ Jean Sequeira, Sr Susheela Sequeira (Superior General UFS), Lethicia/ Peter Machado, Cyril/ Celine
Sequeira Uncle of Priya/ Clyde Andrades, Prem/ Pearl Sequeira, Neal/ Ovita Machado, Kim/ Kalpesh Menezes, Preethi and Preema Sequeira Missed by Nicole, Jayden, Ken and Rita, passed away on April 18, 2021 at Ahmedabad
Sr. Shanthi Lobo UFS (71), of Mangalore Province passed away on Saturday April 17, 2021.
Sr Mary Teresa, Avila of Jesus AC (83), Nee Celine Cecilia Monteiro, daughter of the late Antony L Monteiro and the late Letitia Alvares, passed away on Sunday April 18, 2021 at St Agnes Convent, Mangaluru.
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Joseph's Convent, Kundapura, St Maria Goretti Convent, Kemmannu, Stell Maris Convent, Kotekar, Lourdes Convent, Kallianpur, St Anne's Convent, Mangaluru, St Mary's Convent, Marjil and St Cecily's Convent, Udupi.
Fr Julian Pinto (87), son of the late Jacob Pinto and the late Anna Juanna Pinto, brother of the late Lucy Pinto, the late Alphonse Pinto, the late Ephrezine Rego, the late Lawrence Pinto, the late Sr Fortunata (Sisters of Charity), the late Rose Mary Saldanha, the late Theresa Pinto and the Late Boniface Pinto, passed away on April 17, 2021.
She hails from Barkur, Udupi Diocese and is the daughter of the late Paul Clement Fernandes and the late Maria Sequeira.
Fr Thomas D'Souza (73), (presently Bhalki mission) in Gulbarga diocese for the past 25 years, passed away on April 12, 2021. Sr Venantia AC (94) nee Pauline Fernandes, passed away on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 in St Cecily's Convent, Udupi. She belongs to the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province and has served in St
Born on 25.7.1947, he was ordained priest for Mangalore diocese on 12.5.1973. He had volunteered to serve Gulbarga diocese in 1997 and served as a missionary till the last. For 22 years, he served in Gulbarga diocese.
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Sr Ena BS of The Holy Family (69) of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, passed away on April 6, 2021 at Bethany Convent, Vadakangulam, Tamil Nadu. She hails from Karkal from the Diocese of Udupi. She is the daughter of the late Piada Pereira and Mary Pereira.
Sr Colette (82), Sisters of St Ann of Providence, St Ann’s home for the aged, Simon lane, Nagori, passed away on March 22, 2021 --------------------------------------
Sr Mediatrice BS of the Immaculate conception (90) of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, passed away on Monday, March 22, 2021 in Maryvale Convent, Kinnigoli. She was born on 15.9. 1931 at Kottuvally in Ernakulum District of Kerala. She is the daughter of late K V Augustine and Anna. She has four brothers and one sister. She served in the field of education as teacher and Headmistress in various institutions of the congregation.
Sr M. Apolina A.C (72), passed away on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at Bal Yesu Nilaya, Maryhill, Mangaluru.
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She belongs to the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province and has served at Carmel Convent, Haliyal; Presentation Convent, Maryhill; Carmel Convent Ashanikethan; St Cecily's Udupi; St Maria Goretti Convent, Kemmannu; Stella Maris Convent, Kotekar; Balayesu Convent, Maryhill; Annunciation Convent, Ladyhill and St Mary's Convent, Falnir. She hails from Siddakatte, Bantwal and is the daughter of late Joseph Rodrigues and late Alice Pinto.
Sr M Josphine BS (88) nee Juliana D'Souza of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, daughter of the late Lawrence D'Souza and the late Juvan D'Souza, belonging to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Kolalgiri, Udupi, passed away at Santa Cruz Convent, on March 13, 2021.
Sr Judith Quadras MSI (74) (Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate, Vijayawada), daughter of the late Sylvester & the late Lilly Quadras, sister of Anjeline Lobo, Eliza D’Almeida, the late John Quadras, Albert Quadras and Robert Quadras, passed away on March 9, 2021 at Villa Balcony, Vegavaram, Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh.
Sr Nancy Mary Crasta (51), PDDM, sister of Fr. Vincent Crasta, (Secretary, CESU and Director, Commission for Proclamation and Evangelization, Diocese of Udupi), passed away on Friday February 26, 2021.
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passed away on Wednesday May 5 at Father Muller Hospital. He was 85. Fr Peter, from Bondel in the city, was born on January 31, 1936. He was ordained as a priest on December 4, 1961. Sr Lidwin Mary Rodrigues (70), daughter of the late Frederick Rodrigues and Benedicta Rodrigues, sister of Richard Rodrigues, Rosy Williams, the late Winny D’Souza and Stany Rodrigues, passed away on April 19, 2021.
He had rendered service as assistant parish priest in Bajpe and Bejai parishes, and parish priest in Katipalla, Udupi, Bantwal (Modankap) and Bendore parishes. He was also noted for his work as the director of Father Muller Hospital from 1978 to 1988.
Lawrence Pinto, Kuwait (73), husband of Virginia Pinto, father of Christopher and Clifford, passed away on April 27, 2021. Fr Peter S Noronha, the former director of Father Muller Hospital,
In the later years, he served as the resident priest at Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and then retired. After his retirement, he was living at St Zuze Vaz Home, Jeppu.
REST IN PEACE, AMEN 122 Veez Konkani
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