autotechnician magazine Oct22

Page 1

OCTOBER 2022 P13 introducing... The mechanic's mentor P18 Diagnostics futureproof your fault-finding P30 additives fighting the filth P41 deciphering DPF's On & off-car Cleaning tips from the bIG WEEKEND trainers INSPire techs TO WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER
Thanks to Mewa industrial cleaning wipes, the environment is becoming a little cleaner. Mewa

P4 Industry news

P6 Advice from the Big Weekend

P13 The Mechanic’s Mentor

P18 Diagnostic tooling

P30 Quality additives

P38 Turbo tips

P41 Deciphering DPFs

P47 Parts, Tools & Tips

P48 Reader giveaway







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Enthusiasm is infectious – this was evident at our recent Big Weekend event at Delphi Technologies, where technicians left with an ignited passion and a notebook full of practical advice, we share some of the highlights from page 6. Our diagnostic focus continues within our tooling feature from page 18, we take a look at some new hardware, just-in-time learning and consider what the future holds for independents wanting to compete with the franchised networks.

Using high quality parts, following best practice, and ensuring you charge correctly for your expertise, nurtures a competitive edge – we highlight the use of additives from page 30, turbo replacements from page 38 and DPF cleaning from page 41.

We also welcome respected marketeer Dee Blick from page 13, in the rst of an exclusive series, providing advice resulting from her role as the Mechanic’s Mentor.

We hope you enjoy the issue and look forward to your feedback.



* View and download previous digital issues at:

Subscription to the magazine is free to those who ful l the publisher’s criteria. UK independent workshops can subscribe at Nine issues will be published throughout 2022 and will be mailed out free of charge to qualifying readers - you must work in a UK independent workshop, have buying responsibility and reside in the UK. Those who do not meet the qualifying criteria can request to receive a link to the digital issue free of charge or can opt to pay £25 for an annual subscription to receive an issue in the post.

All material, unless otherwise stated, is the copyright of Aftermarket Media Solutions Ltd and reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photograph or illustration, without prior written permission of the publishers, is prohibited. While all due care is taken to ensure the content of Autotechnician is accurate, the publishers cannot accept liability for omissions or errors. Any written material or pictures supplied by contributors are published in good faith and on the understanding they are free from any copyright or other restrictions.

Published by: Aftermarket Media Solutions Ltd, The Joiners Shop, Historic Dockyard Chatham, Kent ME4 4TZ



Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) chief executive Mark Field has said that energy support packages and tax cuts will mean nothing to independent aftermarket businesses –unless sector speci c legislation, such as the current MOT frequency and motor vehicle block exemption regulations (MVBER), are maintained and strengthened.

The Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng unveiled a massive scal shake-up in the recent mini budget – scrapping the additional tax rate, cancelling the rise in corporation tax, and reversing the recently introduced rise in National Insurance. These measures followed the Government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme which sets the wholesale cost of energy for businesses.

To ensure e ective competition remains possible for the UK automotive aftermarket, Field is keen to see the aftermarket sector receive wider support and recognition in the legislative agenda. He said: “Any plans to extend the current MOT test frequency or failure to uphold Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulations (MVBER) and update vehicle type approval regulations will render any business support packages worthless in the independent aftermarket.

“In a post-Brexit era, our lobbying in support of aftermarket businesses has intensi ed and part of this is to remind government that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector was allowed to stay open and played a critical role in keeping vehicles roadworthy. The aftermarket is a leader in the supply of mobility services, o ering a ordability and choice to millions of motorists for the service and maintenance of their vehicle. Through our work with UK AFCAR, we are collectively raising awareness of the sector ensuring that we are rightly considered across legislative and business policy making.”

Following the announcement of the government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme, the Independent Garage Association (IGA) is warning that additional support will be needed to help independent garage businesses survive the ongoing energy price crisis and protect UK road safety. The scheme will x wholesale energy prices for businesses at £211 per MWh for

electricity and £75 per MWh for gas, initially for six months between 1 October 2022 and 31 March 2023.

Stuart James comments: “We are pleased that the government has nally introduced support for businesses to help them with the extortionate cost of energy, following our communications with Chancellor and Secretary of State. However, small businesses like garages will need help far beyond the next six months to keep their doors open, protect jobs and help prevent accidents on our roads.

“Independent garages provide vital, a ordable services that keep the UK’s vehicles roadworthy and roads safe, however we are already seeing reports that motorists are avoiding MOTs and car repairs to save money amidst the rising cost of living. If garages are forced to raise their prices signi cantly to cover their energy costs in the near future, this could seriously impact road safety throughout the UK.”

A false economy

The bi-annual MOT proposal will not alleviate the rising cost of car ownership, warns Intelligent Motoring, as delaying repairs will double already rapidly rising costs. As a new RAC survey rears fresh consumer concerns about Government’s plans to change the compulsory MOT from every year to every two years, Intelligent Motoring highlights the rising cost of vehicle repairs and says that short-term nancial gains from delaying an MOT by twelve months will have long term nancial implications, as well as signi cant road-safety consequences.

Duncan McClure Fisher comments, “Delaying repairs to vehicles for short-term nancial gain is not an answer. Our analysis of service, repair and maintenance claims con rms that the costs are rising and this is likely to continue. A small fault today already costs a third more to rectify than it did this time last year. Leave this small fault to develop another 18-24 months and the cost implications could be signi cant, let alone the safety risk it could pose to the driver, their passengers and other road users.”



To celebrate the rst National Intern Week (26-30 September) Autotech Academy is reporting the success of its internship initiative, which is paving the way for a new generation of skilled technicians to enter the industry.

Autotech Academy, launched in January 2021, was created to help newly quali ed Level 3 students secure their rst automotive role through a paid internship. Now, with a full academic year under its belt, the Autotech Academy concept has helped over 150 young people gain employment within the industry. It has also generated a new recruitment stream for the sector which has been plagued by a skills shortage for years.

Working as a conduit between FE Colleges and motor industry employers, Autotech Academy identi es qualifying Level 3 automotive students, equips them with a starter tool kit and uniform, before placing them with an employer for a period of 6 -12 months on a paid internship. At the end of the agreed term, the employer can decide to employ the intern on a permanent basis with no recruitment fees. Over two thirds of interns, placed into the industry by Autotech Academy, are successfully transitioning to permanent employment on completion.

One major misconception around Autotech Academy has been the myth that an internship is the same as an apprenticeship. “Put simply, an apprentice is a school leaver with no automotive education while an intern is fully quali ed with the latest theoretical training and will work full-time. They do not require day release to attend college as an apprentice would,” comments Simon, Managing Director of Autotech Group.

Employers have shaped the internship to suit their speci c needs. From interns ‘shadowing’ master technicians before working independently, to putting them on smaller, repetitive tasks so they can re ne their skills. “While the interns have the right quali cations, they’ll initially need to be directed and potentially shadow people to gain the con dence to put their knowledge into practice. However, by all accounts, the interns placed by Autotech Academy are working independently very quickly and o er an immediate extra pair of hands.”

Now, as a new academic year gets rmly underway, Autotech Academy, building upon the relationships forged with over 60 FE Colleges across the UK, is set to increase the number of internship positions created and inject a new cohort of newly quali ed talent into the sector.


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Big Weekend inspires guests to work smarter not harder

Trainers share the processes they have honed over the years to improve their rst-time x rate, to nurture customer trust and get paid accordingly

When you want to improve – whether it’s upskilling, increasing your nancial health or striking a better work/life balance – one of the best ways to start is by surrounding yourself with people who share that desire, are committed to that same journey and who will lift you up. Those who attended the Big Weekend at Delphi Technologies did just that and were inspired by technician trainers who are also striving to improve their process and rst-time x rate, and have also specialised to futureproof and diversify their business. No-one can know everything but it’s those that turn up, evaluate their e ectiveness regularly and encourage an open culture in the workshop to learn from mistakes without blame who will see big improvements.

Andy Crook uses an optical illusion to demonstrate that everyone has their own perspective and agenda – when managed, this can create better outcomes for both the technician and customer

The enthusiasm, humour, and honest presentations from each of the trainers were infectious and all guests – from those in their early twenties to those with decades of experience in the trade – left with a renewed vigour and a head or notebook full of ideas, tweaks and resources to use back at their own workshops. These tried and tested processes would help reduce time spent headscratching when faced with troublesome faults, improve relationships with customers and help workshops charge accordingly for their expertise.

For those of you who couldn’t make this year’s event, here are a few highlights...

Framing a problem

Andy Crook of GotBoost opened each day’s training with content taken from his 'Business of Diagnostics' course. We hope you will get to experience his sessions in the future as he delivers an incredible amount of valuable, practical guidance relevant to both technicians and workshop owners. Congratulations to Mr Crook as he received news at the event that he had been accepted to begin a PHD where he will be looking to create an aviation engine that can be powered by Hydrogen! But back down to earth with vehicle faults, he rst considered how to frame a problem and asked guests to consider the three perspectives of the customer, the technician and the person front-of-house when faced with an engine light that has switched on. The rst feels panic and only cares about how much it will cost to x and how long it will take. The technician has a mindset of ‘I must x this’ and wants to be e cient, with front-of-house focussing on securing the booking and being e ective. As technicians are under pressure to get an answer, it is tempting to nd shortcuts and make assumptions, but Andy says workshops should build a system and follow processes to avoid pitfalls. The following steps should be taken:

1. Primary data capture

2. Communicate our o er

3. Deal or no deal (must be a win-win)

4. Take payment.

When communicating your o er to customers, Andy says the four Cs should be followed: The CONTRACT should be clear to both parties; Agree on when and how to COMMUNICATE,

COUNT – agree on a budget for repairs; CONSENSUS – deal or no deal? When the contract is agreed, Andy books in the initial diagnostic assessment and takes payment for it there and then (and when he books in re-maps) and says that customers who do not like this are the types of customers he doesn’t want.

One big takeaway from his rst talk – when good customers want to get an approximate idea of cost for an MOT and any subsequent repairs, he will explain the average MOT bill is say £200 and ask if they are happy to preauthorise up to this amount. He has also given customers an average repair bill of £500 and average repair time of four days to some good customers, removing the need for pre-approval at every step.

The Killer Test

Andy’s second session focussed on closing the loop. He suggested following a script to collect vital initial information and when you think they have o ered up everything, asking the customer ‘Is there anything else?’ This has paid dividends time and time again at GotBoost, providing a clue that could have easily been missed out by the customer. Talking of clues, he urged attendees to use the Columbo Test (“Just one more thing”) when you believe you have the faulty part in your

Delphi’s Phil Mitchell discussing diesel injectors and coding VAG specialist Gareth Davies presents a real case study of a vehicle
has too many regenerations
there’s no DTC present
"Andy books in the initial diagnostic assessment and takes payment for it there and then...customers who do not like this are the types of customers he doesn't want"

sights. Ask yourself if the part you are about to t doesn’t x the car, what will you do then? You could run a simulation, run the monitors, just one more test… to prevent that engine light coming back on.

Live case study

This was only the second time that autotechnician contributor and VAG specialist Gareth Davies had ever hosted a training session and his comprehensive presentation did not disappoint. He conducted 5V reference troubleshooting in his rst session, to help build a robust process when faced with these often-intermittent faults that provide weird and wonderful symptoms. Fault code PO641 Sensor reference A open circuit was present on a 2010 VW Polo 1.2 TDi and with the help of the crowd, he gathered initial data using Autodata and Alldata. He advised to take guided fault- nding with a


In addition to the main presentations, sponsors provided a few technical tips and a heads up on new technology within the workshop and during the networking lunch. febi’s Technical Manager Charles Figgins considered the science of NVH and the need for quality parts to ensure NVH countermeasures are not impaired. When diagnosing problems, Charles stressed the importance of getting as much detail from the customer on what happens and when, ideally heading out on a road test with them to analyse the issue. Delphi’s Phil Mitchell provided an insight into coding and how injectors are controlled. He also gave guests a sneak peek into the development of Hydrogen ICE – injection systems redeveloped to be powered by hydrogen. Darren Lloyd, ZF’s Technical Training Manager, gave advice on automatic transmissions, suggesting oil changes should take place no later than 96,000 miles or as it enters your workshop if its past is unknown or has had high load or use. There are still some places left on ZF's transmission course running on 23rd November, email

pinch of salt as they would commit you to go down certain paths depending on the validity of the answers you input into them.

Gareth’s second session focussed on interpreting live data and signals, again presenting evidence from case studies within his workshop. He guided the technicians through a ‘dreaded diagnostic job’ where there was no DTC present, but the vehicle was performing too many regenerations.

Top tip – Use Control F when trying to nd a search term on reference sources rather than scanning through reams of data!

Gareth will provide another meaty case study for readers in the next issue of autotechnician.

The primary data capture is all important


electric trailblazers pave the way for newcomers

Having not been able to join us in person last year due to coming down with Covid, (he managed to lm a fevered video message) Matt Cleevely was ring on all cylinders (or should we say fully charged) at the Big Weekend accompanied by his FrankenLeaf – which shows all the HV components of a Nissan Leaf. Matt has been repairing cars for 26 years and moved into EV repair after buying a Leaf. Cleevely EV is a specialist sister company of Cleevely Motors that sees customers travel far and wide for their expertise. He came to the Big Weekend to dispel some myths, highlight ways of diversifying (becoming a battery specialist, EV sales, parts supply) and to show how

Matt Cleevely presents his FrankenLeaf! Pete Melville of HEVRA guides technicians through diagnosing a Renault Zoe fault

a move into this growing sector can put you a step ahead of your competitors and keep your passion in vehicle technology alive! He stated that 95% of the work they undertake on EVs is not related to the high voltage components, it is still just a car that needs steering & suspension, brakes, tyres and mechanical xes. “There’s a huge opportunity to get this jump on the main dealers who aren’t prepared to take a risk and give it a go.”

Matt explained how HEVRA’s technical support is an invaluable resource for his workshop and founder Pete Melville got the technicians at the event to suggest tests and the plan of action when faced with a fault code on a Renault Zoe. Pete guided them through the diagnostic process, explaining the HV components and systems along the way.

autotechnician visits Cleevely EV and talks to HEVRA within in a special Hybrid & EV feature in the November issue.

Last, but not least… When you are in the fortunate position of working with such a supportive, friendly team, it doesn’t feel much like work. Thank you to all our trainers who put so much e ort into delivering thought-provoking sessions and to our wonderful hosts at Delphi Technologies. autotechnician would also like to thank each of the sponsors who took the time to network with guests over the Big Weekend, to our amazing caterer Gemma ( who made sure we were all well fed and to the great bunch of technicians who took time out of their busy workshops to invest in their livelihoods. It was a pleasure, until next time…

AUTOTECH 2022 is sponsored by:
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The Mechanic’s Mentor

In May, I had the pleasure of speaking at a DPF Doctor Network event at Darren Darling’s HQ in Ashington. It was an amazing day with Gilbert Groot, the founder of JLM Lubricants ying in to join us. In the evening I got chatting to Alan and Jeanette Landale. They’re both from a part of Leeds where I grew up. It was clear they had a great business, but they would bene t from mentoring. I made the decision that evening I would be their mentor and within two weeks we had our rst session. I have been supporting mechanics for 17 years, so my realworld experience helps and I’m no fan of theory. It is my plan to share much of what we cover in the next few issues of autotechnician. It made sense in this rst feature to introduce you to the business via Alan.

Here, Alan shares details of his journey into vehicle repair and how A&J Fleetcare has evolved…

“My time at school was marked with mischief and truanting. Teachers predicted I wouldn’t amount to much in life. But the real turning point was a work placement in a garage. Cars fascinated me and what started out as two days a week led to a full-time career. I realised that when it came to cars, I was a perfectionist with an insatiable appetite to learn. Within two months I was a HGV apprentice mechanic. In the years that have elapsed I’ve had many roles in workshops ranging from team leader and the manager of a large eet to key roles at independent garages. Along the way I’ve invested heavily in attaining many related quali cations even emerging with a distinction in some – vastly di erent from my school days.

The rst in an exclusive series where we look at how A&J Fleetcare are growing their business with the help of a mentor –international bestselling business author and marketer Dee Blick
The team at A&J Fleetcare with DPF Doctor founder Darren Darling, far right

In 2002 I started my own business as a fully- edged garage working on cars. Our business grew, our training grew and my wife Jeanette joined us, heading up customer service and everything in the business bar working on a car!

“Within ve years of successfully operating on the outskirts of Leeds with 800 customers, we made the decision to invest in a large workshop in the centre of Leeds with ample parking, a place for customers and, most importantly, several bays including a DPF bay. We’re members of Darren Darling’s DPF Doctor Network and attend most of his live training to ensure we remain at the top of our game. Joining Darren’s network was a real turning point. We were lacking in DPF experience but nevertheless customers were looking to us to solve complex problems. Darren’s training covers all aspects of DPF faults and xes. We’re now regarded as one of the best DPF specialists in West Yorkshire with a 100% rst-time x rate.

“How have we grown in the last few years? I’d say customer service and the fact we o er specialised services. We invest heavily in training and Jeanette is known for always going the extra mile for customers. We’re registered with the IMI and the Motor Ombudsman and recently gained a 5-star award for the North Region. As well as being DPF doctors we’re part of the Simply Diagnostic Network and Scanner Danner. Our son Matthew joined us when he was 17 and is now fully trained in diagnostic DPF work, Hybrids and EVs.

“Having Dee as our mentor is brilliant. We already had her books and after meeting her at Darren’s event felt a real connection. We could see that with her onside as our mentor and marketer we could take o . Having not had a mentor before, we were not sure what to expect but it’s working well. Dee challenges us, guides us, and helps us to focus on our strengths. She also gives Jeanette the con dence to talk about our business with key people by reminding us that we’re directors of our business, not just hired help! In our calls with Dee, we talk about day-to-day stu ; what’s working, what isn’t and what we can do to change things. A real breakthrough was the session on being positive about our business. It’s easy to become so bogged down in the small stu that you lose sight of why you started your business and where you’re planning to take it. Dee is one of a kind and we couldn’t ask for anyone better.”

In the next feature: Building the Success mindset – turning talk into action.

“A real breakthrough was the session on being positive about our business. It’s easy to become so bogged down in the small stu that you lose sight of why you started your business and where you’re planning to take it”

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Delphi’s latest diagnostic tools include access to e-learning

Delphi Technologies, makers of the pioneering Bluetech VCI diagnostic unit, has added extra functionality to its diagnostic tooling to enable ‘on the job’ training using customised, remote e-learning.

Delphi Technologies’ diagnostic tooling is supplied with car and light commercial vehicle diagnostic software, providing access to in-depth, up-to-date diagnostics and advanced technical information for a comprehensive range of makes and models.

The interface is designed to be easy to use and provides fast and accurate diagnostics of key vehicle systems. Key functions include:

• Ability to read and erase fault codes

• Recode/activate components and reset service lights

• Full system scans

• VRM lookup, technical data, help les and a report function.

Build your CPD credits

In addition, it has integrated its e-learning within the diagnostic tool software. This means techs can capture and absorb the key principles of diagnostic operation without leaving the workshop. The e-learning modules contribute to Institute of Motor Industry (IMI) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accreditation, with the ve sections worth 1.5 CPD credits. The IMI development path encourages techs to accumulate 30 credits over the period of 12 months.

The rst stage of diagnostic tool e-learning is an introductory lesson, detailing the setup requirements for Delphi’s diagnostic equipment, which ensure a stable, reliable operation for fault- nding and calibration activities. Stage 2 details EOBD (European On-Board Diagnostics) principles and operation. EOBD enables emission system tests, ‘freeze-frame’ data and fault code assistance, all of which are critical to tracing all-toocommon faults like faulty diesel particulate lters on modern diesel vehicles.

Stage 3 discusses service light resets, as required by most modern vehicles after routine servicing. Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) reset is also covered, along with engine code cross-


Luke Garratt, Technical Services Manager, says: “We recognise the value of technicians’ time, so our latest addition to DS software is an easy-to-use portal to e-learning. There is nothing more frustrating than having the hardware without the requisite knowledge to perform a task, so Delphi Technologies’ diagnostic tooling now incorporates e-learning to support techs wanting to learn on-the- y.”

“The IMI CPD credits earned during these Delphi Technologies e-learning courses help develop technicians’ careers. Ultimately our diagnostic tool range is a one-stop shop for contemporary vehicle diagnostics, covering routine service jobs to advanced fault- nding on newer, sophisticated electronic systems.”

Reader review

We spoke to Andy Marsden, owner of Stonegate Garage in Hunmanby, North Yorkshire, who runs an independent, familyowned village garage that’s been trading for over 26 years. Andy’s team of technicians have always used Delphi tooling so it was a natural progression to the Bluetech VCI diagnostic unit, obtained through York Motor Factors two months ago. “It ticks all the boxes and does everything we need it to do – service lights, regens, resets... code reading being the main one.” Andy is keen to get his team using the eLearning element when they are a little less busy.

Delphi Technologies’

concludes with an end test, to ensure an appropriate understanding, before awarding the 1.5 CPD credits.

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section also explains the use of a data logger to track sensor outputs and measure
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cation (ISI). This
certi cates.
diagnostic tool e-learning

Tools that keep tasks in-house

TopDon’s range of diagnostic tools provide varying levels of functions, ranging from the Phoenix Lite 2 entry tool, which is useful when servicing and frees up the main diagnostic tool, the Phoenix Elite, which includes ADAS capabilities and enables online coding and programming for six manufacturers for an investment of £1,695, up to the top of the range Phoenix Smart and Phoenix Max – its two most popular tools. The Phoenix Max includes a 4-channel oscilloscope, ADAS compatibility, and Topology Mapping. It provides the ability to reprogramme ECUs and replacement modules on 14 vehicle brands. TopDon also supplies an ADAS solution in the form of the Phoenix Mobile ADAS, a foldable calibration frame. TopDon states these tools unlock huge potential for independent workshops, keeping tasks in-house rather than lining the pockets of local dealerships and stalling the job.

Its latest tool, Phoenix Remote, is a new take on all-make vehicle diagnostic tools and is now available to pre-order. It has a vehicle database of over 200 vehicle brands for local diagnostics and also o ers a Remote diagnostics Pay-bysession platform – allowing workshops to reduce vehicle key-to-key repair times and the amount of work that is subcontracted to local specialists or dealerships.

It is mounted within a powerful Android 10 rugged tablet, boasting a 12000mah Battery and 128GB HDD, alongside a Quad-core 2Ghz processor. Unlike other all-make diagnostic tools, the Phoenix Remote does not come with a wireless VCI, eliminating any possible disconnection issues and allowing the tool to charge the battery directly from the vehicle's OBD port.

The Local diagnostics within the TOPDON Phoenix Remote includes Cloud Based Programming and online coding for 14 Vehicle brands. These include VW, Seat, Skoda, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Nissan, Renault, In niti, Jaguar Land Rover, Hyundai and Subaru. All the latest vehicle protocols are also covered, including CAN-FD, RP1210 & DoIP.

The Remote service is provided by Auto Diagnostic Support, based in Poole – a team of experienced technicians alongside a vast level of Genuine Manufacturer and all-makes diagnostic equipment. Create a Remote session booking using your Phoenix Remote tool and once the booking is picked up by an ADS technician, a communication window is opened, allowing you to chat directly and give as much detail as they require to complete the job successfully.

Once connected to the vehicle, the ADS technician can use any OBD diagnostics equipment remotely to access the vehicle in your workshop – whether you need a control module programmed, software updates, VAG component protection removal or just help to diagnose a problem you are struggling

Remote tool is now available to pre-order,

with. Continuous communication is essential whilst any diagnostic functions are being carried out as this will more than likely include physical actions to be performed during the process, such as switching the ignition of the vehicle on and o .

Pricing per remote function varies per job, depending on the steps, process and tooling required to complete the job successfully.

In addition to Remote diagnostics, users are able to utilise ADS knowledge and equipment to check for fault guidance, suggested solutions and technical service bulletins provided by vehicle manufacturers.

The Phoenix Max sits at the top of TopDon’s range, which comes with a bigger tablet, faster processor and 4-channel scope

autotechnician discovers the range of diagnostic tools available from TopDon
The Phoenix providing workshops with remote functions, such as dealer tool coding

Keeping up with the latest goings-on behind the parts you t is never time wasted

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Discover the next generation of diagnostics.

Access to secured vehicle data

A number of vehicles now require a manufacturer-speci c access authorisation in order to perform active diagnostic tasks, such as the calibration of driver assistance systems or resetting of service noti cations. This can present most independent workshops with some serious problems. To overcome this, Bosch has developed Bosch Secure Diagnostic Access (SDA) which provides access to securityprotected diagnostic contents using ESI[tronic] diagnostic software.

Since August 2021, workshops using ESI[tronic] 2.0 Online, combined with a license for Control Unit Diagnosis, are able to access protected electronic systems of several vehicles produced by the Volkswagen group via SDA. Bosch SDA meets the requirements of the current security level for tasks on vehicles produced by the VW group. Ever since the ESI[tronic] 2.0 Online and KTS 250 software updates released earlier this year, users can now also use SDA to access protected vehicle data of Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth, Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge/RAM vehicles, plus Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The company is working closely with the development departments of additional vehicle manufacturers in order to expand the access possibilities via SDA.

Personal Bosch ID

Bosch SDA is a single access point for secure and authorised diagnostics with no extra charges if you have an ESI

subscription. To use Secure Diagnostic Access, members of workshop sta need to create a personal free-of-charge Bosch ID consisting of an e-mail address and a self-chosen password. Once registered, they will be granted access to all protected diagnostic data.

To access protected data of Mercedes-Benz vehicles, an additional process step called User Identi cation for two factor authentication (2FA) is required, besides creating a Bosch ID.

Explanations and hints

There are two ways of accessing SDA via ESI[tronic] workshop software. Users can activate the SDA access within ESI[tronic] right at the beginning of their diagnosis using their Bosch ID. ESI[tronic] also informs users: Once the vehicle is connected for diagnostic purposes, ESI[tronic] opens a pop-up window pointing out that the respective vehicle is equipped with a protected electronic system. By means of a link, users can also access the SDA Help Center providing additional support. It contains important information concerning topics related to Secure Diagnostic Access, such as frequently asked questions as well as explanatory images and videos.

A prerequisite for the use of Bosch Secure Diagnostic Access is ESI[tronic] 2.0 Online diagnostic software and a valid license for Control Unit Diagnosis, as well as a stable internet connection. A diagnostic tester of the current Bosch KTS generation – such as KTS 590, KTS 560, KTS 350 or KTS 250 – is also required.

RELIABLE DIAGNOSTIC SOLUTIONS Phoenix Lite 2 £850+VAT Your workshops go-to for fast service functionality Phoenix Elite £1695+VAT Featuring Cloud based Programming for 6 Brands & vast vehicle diagnostic coverage Phoenix Smart £2250+VAT Cloud based Programming for 14 Brands & Latest Protocol functionality Phoenix MAX £3495+VAT Same Smart capabilities, but a huge hardware upgrade including 4 channel oscilloscope Phoenix Remote £44.95+VAT Tornado 90000 £595+VAT Reliable, Smart and Affordable Battery support for all your diagnostic needs @TOPDONUK Per week or £2700+vat outright Diagnostics Without Boundaries – 14 Brands of in house, cloud based Programming with the addition of Remote Diagnostics Specialists for those ‘dealer only diagnostics’ jobs.

Pushing the envelope

autotechnician talks to Andy Brooke, Managing Director of Wrexham-based Maverick Diagnostics, to nd out how they are supporting workshops who want to futureproof their diagnostics

“We are the only company in the UK that currently o ers an end-to-end solution for OEM diagnostics for the life of the tool. We not only help workshops register, but we also check out their prerequisites before registering with the OEM. We have a real inside track to this because I work with UK AFCAR and the IAAF in an advisory capacity, providing feedback when we have problems with manufacturers. If you are an independent workshop who wants to work with OE tools, we can advise you on what manufacturers are going to be possible and what ones are going to be possible in the future. We're trying to futureproof your workshop, to ensure that you're going to earn money into the future and we're going to make sure you're fully supported.

“Aftermarket tools are all well and good – I have been developing and designing aftermarket tools for many years and I still do; we have some tools that will come out through Maverick next year. We understand the reverse engineering side of the tools, but here's the problem – you can't currently keep up, by the time you've reversed engineered that tool it is out of date. The manufacturers change the tool protocols and add new chassis numbers to it every single day. So realistically, the very best aftermarket tool will not have security

“Our number one priority is remaining at the forefront of advances in the industry, notably from a technology and software perspective, and continuing to push the envelope”

A tool to take on Tesla!

Maverick boasts that it has just introduced the world's rst full OEM level Tesla diagnostic tool, enabling the diagnostics, repair and con guration of Tesla vehicles. A 2-day remote training course is provided with this kit.

LOKI provides Live Data from CAN, will read & clear alerts, self-test & calibrate. It comes with free regular software updates to stay up-to-date with the latest Tesla version. Free technical support and the latest information is supplied via a Telegram support group.

access, particularly after August 1st 2023, because that's when SERMI comes in" [a scheme for accreditation, approval and authorization to access security-related repair and maintenance information].

Could remote diagnostics be the answer?

"If you read the manufacturer's prerequisites, it says that you cannot carry out remote diagnosis. It’s actually illegal because you are, by security terms, not the technician who is working on the vehicle. So realistically, what they want you to do, what they're going to try and force through SERMI, is to have everybody with their own OE tool and they're own OE login. So, unfortunately, it does push the future into OE, which is actually ten times more complex than using an aftermarket tool. This then pushes the market into specialisation. This is something we've realised for a number of years, but we have an end-to-end solution to help those customers that want to move down that route, and Maverick has got a proven track record that's been going for 23 years this year.

What dealer tools do you supply?

“Pretty much all of them, there's really nothing we do not cover. Some of them are really a ordable; the average cost of the majority of them is between three/three and a half thousand pounds and that includes your registration set-up and an OE tablet. Unfortunately, ones like Renault, Nissan, Kia, Hyundai have nailed it down, so you have to pay around seven and a half/eight grand for a kit.

Can you tell us about TechSuite?

"When you have an OE tool, if you're in the dealership, you have somebody there who can support your IT. When it needs an update, a lot of the time, it actually just stops working. Now it may take you four or ve hours to reload and upload that system. It's not a small programme, it could be 100 gig of les on there. We charge a small monthly fee, and we'll do however many is needed a month on that tool, which saves the workshop a lot of time. We also provide dealer tool support as well as technical support. We also have online training, and we recently opened our Automotive Training Academy."

The Maverick Automotive Training Academy in Wrexham delivers a suite of IMI Hybrid & EV courses from levels one to four and will also provide OE training courses in the near future. Visit for more information.

Technical support & training

For less than £6.50 a day, TechSuite provides access to tailored support packages – 70 live Master Technicians, training, dealer tool support & IT support.

The Maverick Diagnostics Vehicle Technical Support (VTS) ticketed system includes unlimited use of an online portal detailing known xes; OEM Tool Software Support with Maverick Help Desk and a suite of 26 e-learning courses recognised by the IMI. Within the Maverick Academy Online, you’ll also nd skills tests to motivate and guide student learning.

Maverick's new Autotmotive Training Academy in Wrexham provides Hybrid & EV courses Level one to four

The APOLLO-D9 has landed

The APOLLO-D9 from Snap-on Diagnostics is designed to withstand the rigours of the workshop environment and features a fourway thumb pad for quick navigation, a 9" colour touchscreen display, and 5 GHz wireless compatibility for more productivity in the garage.

Designed to help users get answers faster, experience-based software lters out unnecessary information. ’Intelligent Diagnostics’ on the APOLLO-D9 is said to simplify your work ow, with SureTrack delivering veri ed parts replacement records and ‘Real Fixes’ — along with Smart Data for relevant vehicle and code-speci c PIDs, and access to pre ltered functional tests to verify repairs.

To reduce the amount of time switching back and forth between resources to nd information you need, the tool o ers advanced graphing features and OEM-level data, with up to eight live data parameters onscreen at a time.

Tool features

Quick Access Menu

Ability to switch quickly between functions at any time — without having to go back to the start of the process.

Code Scan and Code Clear

Fast code scans with a complete overview of the vehicle and its history for fast fault diagnosis and work ow organization; “Clear All Codes” lets you quickly nish the repair.

Pre and Post-Scan Capability

Faster approvals, histories, repairs, and payments — with reports (including speci c ADAS calibration reports) that help you build customer con dence.

Product Support

The APOLLO-D9 comes with Snap-on Customer Care, plus 24/7 online training and support, online training, exible nancing, and exclusive access to the Snap-on Cloud, where you can save, sort, and share pre/post scan and ADAS calibration reports.

A subscription programme provides regularly scheduled software upgrades, and the ability to self-download these, and full access to the Intelligent Diagnostics features to ensure that your diagnostic tool continuously provides the most up-to-date data and information, whilst saving up to 30% on the software costs. Online training and support is available at

You can discover what Snap-on Diagnostic tool suits you at Snap-on’s Tool Matcher,

Reader reviews

Colin Shea, owner of Wellesley Service Station in Clactonon-Sea, invested in the APOLLO-D9 around two months ago. He told AT: “We’ve always used Snap-on and it just does everything we need, it’s a brilliant bit of kit.” Colin and his team have found it very easy to use, so much so, that they felt they didn’t need to do the product training as they quickly learnt its functions on the job. “We’re quite involved in diagnostics, most days we’ll use it – we use the graphing a lot for the waveforms, resistances and so on. We’ve had to contact the support team a couple of times, but the helpline is fantastic.”

Colin says that the return on investment has been quickly realised, he explains: “We charge customers a diagnostic fee and it makes things so much easier. We normally charge customers £25 plus VAT and if they have the work done, we’ll deduct that from the price of the job.” They print out the fault codes and any initial ndings, which they nd a useful tool when explaining issues with the customer.

Chris Venni upgraded to the APOLLO-D9 from the SOLUS in the past month as he was interested in the guided fault- nding function. Chris told AT: “I’ve used the Intelligent Diagnostics on injector and airbag issues, DPF problems… So, the rst thing I’d look at is the error code and when you go into that, you can see other people who have seen the same one and it provides quick things to check on that error code, such as a blocked injector, fuel pipe issue, a wiring issue, and it helps you quickly work out where the problem actually lies. I would say it has been accurate a good 95% of the time. It will give you a graph of the most common solved problems in that area – it does save a lot of time. I used to take around 45 minutes to do the same thing with the older machine, I’m now down to 15-20 minutes.”

• Legal Advice • HR Support • MOT Quality Control Schemes • Health & Safety Programmes • Technical Support Helpline • MOT & Technical Training • Implementing Legislation • Digital Service Records • Trust My Garage • Utilities Management • Industry Scam Information • Access to ADR for consumer disputes • Exclusive Member Offers & Services • Lobbying for issues affecting your garage ...and any other issues you need help with We can support you with: DO YOU OWN OR RUN AN INDEPENDENT GARAGE? The Independent Garage Assocation has been your trade body since 1913. Join us to receive everything you need to run a successful garage business, all in one place at an unbeatable price. Contact our friendly team today to find out how your independent garage can benefit from membership: 01788 225 908 Scan here to visit the IGA website

KCAN2 failure

Vehicle: BMW F11 520D 2015

Customer complaint: Vehicle electrical systems misbehaving. Various warning message appearing, and instrument cluster had a mind of its own. Plus, the radio could not be turned o .

After receiving the support request, the BMW Master technician opened up the quick test to look for clues as to the cause of the customer complaint. The quick test report, see Figure 1, showed that a large group of control units were not communicating. Before calling the customer to discuss further, the Master Support Technician looked for a link between all of the control units.

Using their years of experience, the Master Support Technician noticed that the AHM (trailer module) was one of the control units not communicating. A quick check on the wiring diagram for the AHM control unit power supply showed that the AHM was connected to the KCAN2 body network. He then proceeded to look up the KCAN2 complete circuit diagram and noticed that all of the other control units that were shown as not communicating were also part of the KCAN2 Circuit. Armed with this information, he called the customer and began the diagnostic process.

The AHM is located in the rear right of the boot, is low down and can su er from water ingress. When guided to the AHM,

Figure 1.

the mechanic working on the car said the AHM was ne and dry. As we were here already, this was the best place to actually check the K-CAN2 circuit.

What is K-CAN?

The Support Technician then described what K-CAN is and how we can test it.

K-CAN2 is a high-speed body bus/CAN network. It has two wires for data transmission – a high side and a low side. The high side has an approximate signal voltage of 2.6V and the low side approximately 2.4V This is because the base voltage for both signals is 2.5V, the high will switch up to 3.5V and the low down to 1.5V. When testing, we see the average voltage, see Figure 2.

Opus-IVS Case study –
As it is a high-speed circuit with a 500kb/s data transfer rate, there are two terminating resisters tted at either ends of the circuit, these are connected in parallel and are each around 120 Ohms – this gives a total circuit resistance of approx. 60 Ohms. Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Voltage checks

When the mechanic working on the car tested the KCAN2 high and low voltages we got something di erent to what is desired. Both the high and low sides were measuring 2.01V, see Figure 3. The Master Technician knew straight away because of his years of experience and knowledge of BMW BUS and CAN systems that the high and low sides were shorted together. To prove this further, after disconnecting the battery, the Master Technician got the mechanic to measure the circuit resistance by placing his meter probes across both pins at the AHM control unit for the KCAN high and low sides. What was measured was approx. 0.6 Ohms, this further proved that the circuit was shorted together somewhere as a good, complete circuit should be 60 Ohms.

The challenging task now awaiting the mechanic was to locate the area where the short was. One method would be to access each control unit connected to the KCAN2 circuit and disconnect them one at a time whilst observing the voltages or signals to see if they become correct after the disconnection. However, the K-CAN2 circuit is quite large and has several control units connected to it – this would be a lengthy process.

Using his experience of diagnosis CAN faults and reading BMW wiring information, the Master technician noticed that there was a connector behind the glove box that, when separated, would separate the KCAN2 network into three sections.

With the plug disconnected, we measured the resistance across pins 24 and 25 – this showed a resistance value of 126 Ohms. This proved that the wiring, control units, and the terminating resister connected after that point were OK.

We then measured the resistance across pins 22 and 23, this showed a resistance of 120 Ohms. This proved that the wiring, control units and the second terminating resister were all OK.

All that was left was the middle section and with the connector reconnected the resistance value shot down to 0.6 Ohms again.

A quick check of the vehicle spec provided the information as to what control units were tted to the car. In the middle section, the Master Technician was able to establish that only the radio head unit, iDrive controller and the Combox (telephone) control units were the only control units in the middle section of the KCAN2 circuit.

It was easier to start by checking the Combox as it is located in the rear left of the boot. The Combox and wiring tested OK. This meant the radio head unit and centre console had to be removed. It was at this point that the cause was found.

The wiring for the iDrive controller was not routed correctly and the centre console was crushing it against the vehicle oor/tunnel.

Opus IVS helps independent workshops repair the most complex vehicle fast with diagnostics, programming, and live repair guidance from OE brand-speci c master technicians.

For more information, or to discuss the ideal Opus IVS Solution for your workshop, contact the sales team on +44 (0) 1865 870 060 or email

"The Quick Test Report showed that a large group of control units were not communicating"

ADDITIVES: Fighting the filth

Contamination has become a serious enemy of modern motorcars but quality chemical help is at hand. Rob Marshall looks into whom to trust and how these products should be employed.

While fuel companies and engine manufacturers would love their customers to believe that their products are ultra-e cient, they are both imperfect in reality. Road fuel is a complex mix of chemicals and motorcar engines cannot o er impeccable combustion conditions. The result is not just poisonous exhaust emissions, some of which have to be mopped up by sophisticated after-treatment systems, but also internal contamination in the form of sludge, soot, varnishes and lacquers.

Addressing automotive asthma While polluting crankcase ventilation fumes have passed through engine intakes for many decades, oil residues tended not to build in su cient quantities to cause lasting harm.

"As they do not have to comply with any set technical standards, put faith in brands and companies that can prove their technical worth with veri able data"
Correct oils are crucial for modern engines but the role of quality additives have positive roles to play both for vehicles and workshops


As they do not have to comply with any set technical standards, put your faith in brands and companies that can prove their technical worth with veri able data, which has not been conducted in-house. JLM Lubricants, for instance, had its GDI-speci c fuel injector cleaner tested at the Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire, which found that fuel consumption was reduced by 4% and deposits levels within the intake manifold and behind the inlet valves did not increase.

Kalimex, for instance, sought to prove the competence

of K-Seal, its well-known coolant leak repair product. The relevant standard is ASTM D-3147, which dictates that a stop-leak product should seal a hole up to 0.635mm in diameter, which is of a size that can empty a typical cooling system in, approximately, 20 minutes. Unfortunately, with no test facility in either the UK, or North America, Kalimex engaged Brighton University to build a test rig (pictured) and conduct the tests, independently. The result proved K-Seal's competence and Kalimex reports that K-Seal remains the top recommended coolant leak repair product in the UK by the motor trade.

31 For Motul Sales, Product information and Technical enquiries contact: Trade enquiries: 01905 676819 I Club Motul: 01905 676818 I ADDITIVES
AT_OCT22.indd 31 29/09/2022 19:05

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and direct injection put paid to that. Nowadays, the accumulation of oily sludge can restrict the air supply to such an extent that the ECU must compensate, by adjusting the fuel trim. Eventually, an EML will illuminate, at which point the accumulation has built to such an extent that, perhaps, the only option is to remove the inlet manifold and re up the parts wash. On GDI engines, i.e. petrol direct injection, the sludgy build within the cylinder head inlet tract gets so hot that it bakes into a rubbery accrual that is tough enough to even restrict movement of the valves.

The problem is that neither fuel, nor oil, additives can resolve the problem. Interestingly, JLM Lubricants has developed a toolkit speci cally for direct injection diesels, where an idling engine can ingest a prescribed quantity of cleansing uids via the intake, which loosens the deposits and allows them to pass into the DPF. The toolkit is ideal also as a preventative measure. JLM highlights that the procedure is straightforward and can be conducted by a sole technician, who does not have to be present throughout the entire procedure and can, therefore, address other tasks while the tool is in use.

Oil's well... or is it?

Oil ush is, probably, the most common additive that workshops employ. As with many such products, varying qualities exist – but how do you know which one to trust?

BG Products advises that, whichever product you choose, study its Safety Data Sheet for the “Flash Point” ASTM D-93 information. This gure should be at, or below, 50°C, which indicates that any remaining ush will evaporate out of the oil and not contaminate it, once it has reached normal operating temperatures. Castrol nds that the engine ush market is dominated by solvent-based products, which it says can degrade engine seals and dislodge sludge in the form of larger deposits, causing both lubrication system blockages and oil leaks.

Slightly more controversial is the use of engine oil forti ers. The VLS states that,

"OEMs and lubricant manufacturers invest heavily in formulating, testing and specifying engine oils that provide the lubrication each engine needs. The smallest change in formulation can have a real impact on the performance of the nished product. Aftermarket engine oil additives risk interfering with the lubricant's ability to cool, clean and protect


Ensuring that lubricants are of the correct quality and make accurate performance and application claims is vital to ensure that garages are con dent that a product can deliver on its claims. It is good for the lubricants industry, too. All manufacturers and blenders should be able to compete on a level playing eld in an open and transparent industry.

This is why the VLS was established in 2014 as an independent industry trade body. Its role includes investigating compliance to industry standards and performance claims within the UK marketplace, to engage with market participants and relevant authorities and industry bodies to pursue incorrect, or false, product quality and standards claims. It also promotes the importance of lubricant quality and performance speci cations within every UK lubricant market.

Since its formation, the VLS has investigated 75 complaints regarding lubricant products, the vast majority of which have centred on marketing claims. These are anonymised and investigated by the VLS Technical Review Panel, a team of recognised industry experts. These investigations involve both desk research and product testing to identify if a product has an o cial OEM approval, for example, or whether its technical speci cation meets the claimed ACEA category/OEM speci cation(s).

When the VLS identi es a problem, the company concerned tends to be quick to resolve the situation, by updating its Technical Data Sheets, other communication materials and product labels so that its marketing claims are now correct. Should the named party fails to respond, or comply, the case is referred to Trading Standards, the nal arbitrator.

Ultimately, product liability lies with the marketer/ distributor, and it is down to them to ensure any claims made are valid and supported by the appropriate data. However, VLS, supported by Trading Standards, challenges and corrects any marketers that are found to be making inaccurate claims on a product. This ensures end users get a fair deal from the products that they purchase.

Should you be concerned about the accuracy of a product's claims, your rst point of contact is the distributor, or factor. Should you not be satis ed with the response, you can contact the VLS online at, calling 01442 875922, or emailing

"Oil ush is, probably, the most common additive that workshops employ. As with many such products, varying qualities exist – but how do you know which one to trust?"


Aftermarket garages are seeing an increasing number of classic vehicles. Older cars have very di erent lubrication requirements and rely on certain anti-wear additives that are harmful to catalysers and DPFs. Aside from viscosity, you have very little information to decipher whether the oil you use is t-for-purpose, considering the vehicle's usage patterns.

Motul informs readers that its classic range is formulated with a combination of high-Zinc levels (with a ZDDP content above 1800ppm) and Molybdenum additives,

which o er speci c protection to critical components like high-lift cams and at tappets.

The company explains that ZDDP possesses a chemical structure that makes it well-suited to sticking to metal surfaces. Under heat and pressure, ZDDP forms a microscopic layer that lls in the peaks and valleys of surface roughness, improves lubrication, and forms a sacri cial wear coating. Molybdenum disulphide is an inorganic compound composed of molybdenum and sulphur. It works by coating metallic surfaces, thus reducing friction and, therefore, wear.


moving parts and emission control devices, which could result in unnecessary expense to customers and loss of reputation for workshops."

Castrol elaborates, "Supplementary additives may o er an improvement in a speci c area of performance, however, they may also cause a negative impact in other areas of engine oil performance. Without fully testing, Castrol would not recommend supplementary engine oil additives to be used in normal vehicle operation."

BG Products counters: "It is important to note that, for market pricing and engine warranties, these lubricants are standardised to perform well under most normal operating conditions. However, when operating conditions exceed the testing benchmark... the addition of more additives can actually help this specialised lubricating oil perform better. Speci c additives, like anti-oxidants, acid neutralisers, detergents, and anti-wear metal protectors will increase oil life. even in exceedingly harsh operating conditions."

BG Products explains that dosing additives to oil is a science and not an exercise in haphazard excess guesswork and o ers the following purchasing advice to workshops:

"Adding too much of one ingredient (like ZDDP for anti-wear) might actually cause the oil to destabilise and sludge faster. So, knowing the limits of how much to add to the oil to make it better is as important as knowing what ingredients to add in the rst place. Any time you use an oil forti er product, it should be evaluated to know whether it actually enhances the performance of the oil, or simply ruins it, due to the reckless addition of disproportionate, or low-quality ingredients."

Fuelling quality improvements

While BG products advises against low-grade, or inappropriate, oil forti ers, it also has similar advice about pour-in fuel additives. The Worldwide Fuel Charter (WWFC), a document signed by all the major engine manufacturers, warns against cheap additives in fuel, because they can leave additional deposits, rather than cleaning up those left by the fuel. The

36 ADDITIVES Many garages include an EPR service in EVERY oil change because of the LOW COST and HIGH NUMBER OF BENEFITS to the customer. Leaders in automotive solutions and improving garage profitability | T: 01284 777934 | Email: • Proven to Restore and Balance Compression • Cleans Oil Passages, Helps Maintain Oil Supply to Critical Components COMPRESSION RESTORATION SERVICE Fouled using BG’s high-quality Engine Performance Restoration flush Clean •Helps Restore Power and MPG Call us on 01284 777934 for your FREE product trial (Trade Customers Only) While modern engine oils must comply with set speci cations, be certain that any additives do not undermine them. For instance, adding high-SAPS anti-wear additives in an engine that requires low-SAPS oils could have long-term rami cations for catalyst and/ or DPF health.
"The Worldwide Fuel Charter warns against cheap additives in fuel because they can leave additional deposits, rather than cleaning up those left by the fuel"

The Race Group, part of Certas Energy, reasons that workshops having the correct oil range pack size in stock is important for workshop e ciency. As there are many oils that an all-makes aftermarket workshop needs to stock, the Race Group o ers an e ciency stand, which can hold up to nine 20-litre drums to reduce storage space. It also reduces costs, compared to holding many 5-litre bottles.

Furthermore, the Castrol Ambassador online oil selector is available solely for independent workshops, so you can be certain that you are using the correct oil for a speci c application. If desired, the Race Group will contact workshops weekly to replenish stock. The delivery services are exible and include a next-day service.

WWFC identi es polyether amine (PEA) as being e ective against additional combustion chamber deposits and BG Products emphasises that this is why BG44K possesses a high concentration of this chemical.

Again, know what you wish to achieve, before dosing the fuel. Most garages seek additives for cleaning purposes and a variety of products even from the same company exist for the same purpose. Yet, even then, decide on your needs – are you dosing as a preventative measure or to assist in solving a problem? Take JLM's diesel cleansing range: its Rapid Fuel System Clean and Diesel Extreme Clean fuel additives sound identical but they are not. In cases of a severe build-up of dirt inside the fuel system, causing uneven running, engine

hesitation, or excessive (black) exhaust emissions, JLM advocates its Rapid Fuel System Clean as a curative “shock treatment". Meanwhile, its Diesel Extreme clean is a very powerful all-in-one system cleaner that can be used to prevent problems, or when mild symptoms occur. Therefore, become familiar with your preferred brand's range and the intended applications.

Always employ additives for their intended purpose. Using an engine seal-swell additive to solve an oil leak in an automatic transmission, for instance, will in uence all rubber components indiscriminately, and will cause further problems.

37 ADDITIVES PatFluid® Additive for Diesel Particulate Filters Contact us today on +44 (0) 1293 804 770 or email: • A universal aftermarket replacement for Original Equipment DPF additives • Cost effective & highly reliable formulation • Aids DPF regeneration by lowering the combustion temperature
• Transfer Kit available to refill the on-board tank • UK aftermarket product
choice for
of soot trapped
the filter

Turbos: Best practice installation and preventing problems

Most replacement turbo breakdowns are due to improper installation or ine ective troubleshooting. Here, Nissens provides a detailed best practice guide for the installation process

Before tting a new turbo, Nissens Automotive stresses you should always nd out why the original unit failed – if the underlying cause is not identi ed and addressed, the replacement will also fail and will not be covered by any warranty claim. Does the intercooler leak? Is the particulate lter clogged? Are any of the hoses cracked? Does the EGR valve close properly? What is the state/condition of the engine oil, is there the appropriate oil pressure generated?

You should also check whether the vehicle manufacturer has issued a service bulletin for changing the turbocharger because certain cars require the replacement of speci c parts or undertaking special procedures when the turbo is replaced. Ensure the new turbo, as with a Nissens unit, is of high quality and includes a gasket set. In addition, purchase any other necessary installation parts, such as the oil and air lter, oil, hose clamps and pipes, etc.

Cleaning and examination

Clean the area around the turbo before starting the disassembly and then carefully examine all the parts such as the intercooler, inlet/exhaust manifold, pipes, hoses, ventilation, air lter box, EGR, DPF, CAT, etc., that are in and around it for any

faults, damage, leaks and impurities, and place all the screws and bolts into a dedicated box.

Clean these parts as they are removed and, if necessary, replace them, but take note that if the previous turbo breakdown was caused by seizure of the turbine/compressor wheel or foreign objects inside the turbo, the intercooler should always be replaced. Always replace the O-rings, gaskets and hose clamps.

Always use the correct tools – avoid using pneumatic tools, crowbars and hammers and never use liquid gaskets and exhaust gum when mounting the new turbo because it must be installed properly and with care.

Prime the turbo’s shaft by injecting new engine oil into the turbo’s oil feed before mounting the oil feed pipe and rotating it ten times. Then measure the oil pressure at the turbocharger and check the oil ow before tting the oil return.

Connecting and testing

Once the turbo is in place, start the engine and while it’s at idle for a couple of minutes, inspect the entire system. Check that all the turbo connections are leak-proof (intake air, pressure, oil and coolant, if applicable) and inspect any suspicious sounds. Ensure that there isn’t too much back pressure in the exhaust system and naturally repair any detected issues.

Connect test equipment and reset the fault before taking the car out for a drive to check if it runs correctly, and with the right boost pressure.


Oil – the lifeblood of a turbocharger

Tom Wright, product manager at Melett, outlines the core purpose of oil in relation to the turbocharger. Wright argues there are many ways in which oil related issues can damage the components, outlines why oil is the lifeblood of a turbocharger, and details the preventable steps a technician can take.

Oil contamination

Dirty oil is one of the top killers of a turbocharger and can happen in a multitude of ways. When repairing the vehicle, if the oil system is not emptied, purged and changed correctly, it can leave debris from the previous failure, which can contaminate the new oil and cause premature failure.

If a damaged, or poor-quality oil lter is used, this is another way debris can pass through the lters and into the oil system. In addition, liquid contaminants can lead to premature oil degradation, and increased corrosion and wear, while oil degrading can also be caused by excessive temperatures or extended service intervals.


If a turbo has failed, it’s important to ensure that all the oil systems are purged and free from any foreign objects. A simple way of preventing dirty oil from a ecting the turbocharger is by taking extra care when changing the oil during servicing to prevent accidental contamination. It is also key to check for engine wear that could leave swarf deposits.

Something that must be done is to replace or clean the oil inlet pipes and in-line micro lters, as this helps to prevent carbon deposits entering the oil ow to the bearings.

It is important to get a vehicle serviced every year or every 10,000 miles, as well as changing the oil in accordance with the vehicle manual, as it gives a turbo the best chance of having a longer life cycle.

Insu cient lubrication – oil starvation

It is often caused by blockages in the oil feed pipe and micro lters within, damaged or bent oil feed pipes, a lack of priming of the new turbo, as well as a damaged or worn oil pump, or sludge and coke build up in the bearing housing from hot shutdowns.


Using the correct grade of engine oil speci ed by the OEM engine manufacturer is essential to give the turbocharger a long-lasting life cycle.

Equally, oil supply is critical to the turbo, so it is important that a technician ensures the oil ow is correct. Priming the turbocharger and oil systems can stop the turbo from instant failure. Oil inlet pipes should also be cleaned or replaced to remove carbon deposits or sludge that could restrict oil ow to the bearing systems.

It is important that drivers are aware that they need to allow time for the engine to warm up at the start of each journey and cool down at the end.

Oil leaks

Oil leaks are somewhat of a myth when it comes to the turbo being at fault. The biggest cause of oil leaks comes from the environment that the turbo is situated in. There are very few cases where an oil leak happens because of a component or manufacturing issue.

Oil leaks can occur when an engine is running on idle. This is because the pressure within the housings is lower, which in turn can lead to a vacuum being created, causing the oil to leak into the turbine housing. Once the engine starts to run at normal speeds the pressures will be restored, and the leak will stop.

Other things to consider are ‘engine blow by’ and ‘crank case blow by,’ both of which cause the same e ect, as they increase the pressure in the crank case. This a ects the oil owing to the turbo at the correct rate, which acts as a restriction to the oil return pipe, causing the turbo to leak oil at either the turbine or compressor end.

Oil leaks can occur on VSR (high speed) balancing machines, as the ambient pressures required to create the seal are not present as no housings are used. This can then force out oil from both the compressor and turbine ends, giving the impression of a leak. This is unlikely to occur when the replacement turbo is tted to the engine.


When it comes to oil leaks, it is imperative that the technician ensures air, exhaust, and oil drain systems are clear from blockages or restrictions, before moving on to check there are no leaks present in the exhaust system.

The use of silicone on oil gaskets is not advised as both can easily become detached and block oil passages. Similarly, technicians should ensure the diesel particulate lter and catalytic converter are free of blockages.

The correct gaskets and o-rings should always be used, and only the correct standard of turbine housings and compressor housings should be tted.

Lastly, technicians should always check for correct oil levels and pressure.

39 Insu cient lubrication –
Material transfer from journal bearing Oil Contamination – scoring to journal bearings

Remanufactured turbos engineered to perform just like the OE

Carwood is an approved supplier to the world’s leading vehicle and engine manufacturers, including Jaguar Land Rover, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, CAT and Perkins, supplying remanufactured turbochargers that are designed, engineered and tested to perform just like the OE, sometimes better.

The company brings these very same parts to the aftermarket. The cost and eco-friendly reman turbos and all-new ancillary parts cover the major OEMs – Borg Warner, Garrett, Mitsubishi, IHI, Mahle and Continental – and supports both old and latemodel car and light commercial vehicles. Recent introductions include Mazda 6 2.0 SKYACTIV-D 2016-, Jaguar XE, E/F Pace 2017-, Range Rover Evoque 2.0 D 2019- and Peugeot Boxer 2.2 Blue HDI 2019-.

Carwood is also an o cial distributor for BorgWarner and an authorised Garrett reseller.

Meticulous testing

With the Ministry of Defence also one of its customers, all Carwood product must meet the very highest quality standards. Whether it’s for a Challenger tank or an independent garage, every turbo goes through the same stringent inspection, cleaning, rebuild, calibration and test procedures, with all major wearing parts replaced. For example, 95% of Carwood turbos are tted with a brand new CHRA. Others have new journal bearing(s), thrust bearing, piston rings, retaining rings, O-rings and a shaft nut, replaced as standard. All units are then balanced and tested – variable vane turbo actuators and vanes are set and calibrated to OEM speci cations using either a Turbo Technics VTR or G3 Power rig.

Online cataloguing, next-day delivery and expert technical support are provided and every one of its turbos comes with a full tting kit (gaskets, mounting studs and copper washers), for a best-practice, yet cost-e ective vehicle repair.


Things to avoid:

• Investigate why the turbo broke down • Clean surroundings around the turbo • Place all parts you remove into a dedicated box • Inspect and clean the oil pipes • Inspect and clean the pressure pipes • Inspect and clean the intercooler • Inspect and clean the intake/air lter box • Inspect and clean the inlet manifold • Inspect and clean the exhaust manifold • Inspect and clean the EGR along with the pipes and hoses • Inspect and clean the crankshaft ventilation • Install the turbo carefully • Lubricate the turbo with engine oil using a syringe.
Turbo replacementthings to
• Foam cleaners • Liquid gaskets • Exhaust gum • Silicone • Air tools • Crowbar • Hammer • Forgetting to remove the protective caps • Keeping the
idling for long periods of time • Second-hand parts • Taking the turbo
• Dropping the
• Modifying the
• Repairing the
• Using unskilled
installing the turbo.
To learn more about turbo installation and fault diagnosis, visit the Nissens Automotive expert knowledge portal at: en/material/self-learning-course-turbochargercomponent-installation
Carwood technician testing turbo on Turbo Technics Rig

DPFs can block with soot and historical residues, such as those caused by infrequent oil changes, or a low SAPS lubricant not being used. Poor quality additives can also cause great harm.

Deciphering Dirty DPFs

With autumnal temperatures plummeting and MOT demand rising, garages should expect an increase in reported DPF problems, leading Rob Marshall to research how the current situation impacts technicians, striving to execute high-quality solutions

Autumn may bring seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness (according to our more knowledgeable editor, the line is from the pen of John Keats, not a 1990s Mr Kipling Cakes advert as I thought), but it also heralds the start of peak diesel particulate lter (DPF) season. With the hullabaloo surrounding DPFs, one would be led to believe that they have been tted deliberately to rob motorists of cash and technicians of their sanity. However, the truth is that DPF problems tend to be caused by something else. Therefore, dealing with a blocked DPF alone is only the rst step of a multi-faceted repair process. DPF Doctor Network training, for instance, uses the analogy of an over owing bathtub – you will be mopping the oor forever, if you do not turn o the running taps. The same situation applies to cleaning the DPF continually – you must address the underlying issue.

As our previous article on additives details, DPF soot blockages can be caused by contamination elsewhere in the engine and fuel injection system. Yet, it can also be caused by mechanical faults, such as compression leaking past fuel injector seals. These facts are relatively easy to relate to a customer. The delicate matter of trying to explain that their driving may be to blame may risk a smack-in-the-mouth and should be explained tactfully to avoid o ence.


Several companies o er mail-order DPF cleaning services, the main disadvantage for garages, of course, is taking the DPF o , which is not easy on some vehicles, and storing the vehicle until the cleaned part is delivered. Thankfully, quality specialists o er a fast turnaround. Since launching the operation towards the end of 2020, Carwood reports that it has witnessed a marked growth in demand for its o -car cleaning services. While some of this has been down to DPF issues resulting from some car owners trying to reduce maintenance costs, by extending service intervals, it is encouraging that some drivers understand that a free- owing, clean DPF enhances engine performance and emissions, yet cuts fuel costs.

Carwood reports that its bio-enzyme cleaning agent cleans throughout the lter structure and eradicates any residual matter, including all PM10 particles, cerium and oil deposits to restore the DPF to 98% of the OEM’s original capacity. The main advantage is that, while on-car cleaning methods remove lighter ash layers, they cannot touch the stubborn, thicker crusts of ash, which is more problematic. The company reveals that, while surface ash reductions may provide an initial improvement in DPF performance, remaining deposits will harden on the DPF cell walls, eventually. Carwood concludes that its o -car cleaning solution cuts through even the hardest to remove ash, which is not possible by other methods.


Many technicians are aware that short journeys and low speeds do not permit the exhaust system to heat su ciently to burn o DPF soot accumulations. Again, helping the customer to understand this, as well as researching and selling suitable additives as preventative measures, will prove bene cial for all parties. Yet, poor driving techniques can also hinder the active regeneration cleaning process. Erratic throttle pedal control, especially when allied to sudden bouts of acceleration that is followed by sharp braking, can also discourage regeneration from completing successfully. It may be worth joining the owner for a test drive, while looking for these undesirable driving traits, and (possibly) hunting for the most diplomatic way of explaining that the DPF might bene t from smoother driving techniques...

The preventative procedure

To maintain your high-quality reputation, your goal should be preventing problems from happening. Keeping in touch with regular customers is essential, especially if a scheduled service is due before the winter. The DPF Doctor network advises garages, which look after particulate lter-equipped vehicles, use a professional oil ush additive, prior to adding a fuel system cleaner, such as JLM’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Treatment, or GDI Injector Cleaner for petrol engines thus equipped. Should you suspect that a regular diesel-driving customer is going to conduct regular short runs at low speeds, it is worth emphasising the value of undertaking a 40 minuteslong journey at least once per week, so the car can complete an active regeneration cycle to keep its DPF clean. While a customer might complain about the resultant fuel costs, it is worth explaining that the repair invoice associated with an overloaded DPF will result in even higher expenditure. With household budgets forecast to be stretched considerably over the winter, highlight that ignoring DPF-related lamps is a false economy but state that you are on-hand to o er advice and support, should one illuminate.

DPFs blockages tend to be caused by external factors. Damaged intercoolers, or boost hoses, are common issues that lead to rapid DPF soot lling.


The DPF Doctor, Darren Darling, emphasises the importance of being a detective. Obviously, you do not wish any customer to feel put on the spot but you need to extract truthful answers. Therefore, before the customer has left the premises, you should ascertain:

1. What is the car's service history? Not only look at whether, or not, it has been performed regularly but also if it is up to date.

2. What is the customer’s driving style and under which conditions is the car used primarily? For instance, it is mainly urban stop-start conditions, short shopping trips, long motorway runs, or a wide variety?

3. Has any other garage or mechanic tried to resolve the current issue already and, in particular, were fault codes cleared?

The quality connection

Clearly, garages cannot deliver high-quality solutions with neither decent training, nor trustworthy uids. Take the fuelborne 'Eolys' additive systems that DPF-equipped Peugeot and Citroëns employed initially over 20 years ago as examples. This is the same technology that has spread to other brands, Mazda and Volvo included. Despite extra complications of additional additive tanks/pouches, plus pumps and ECUs, they work surprisingly well. Yet, a quality additive is key to making the soot deposits vapourise at lower temperatures. This Eolys uid survives the combustion process and encapsulates the soot particles with a coating that burns at a lower temperature than the soot. Once it combusts, it creates su ciently high temperatures to vapourise the soot. However, since this

4. Is the car tanked with branded fuels, from supermarkets, or a mix of the two sources? The answer gives an indication of possible engine condition, including injectors, turbochargers and the EGR circuit.

5. Has the customer, or a previous mechanic, used any in-tank additives to try to resolve the issue? This is essential, because overuse of DPF regeneration additives, particularly those with budget formulas that utilise iron-based catalysts, can cause DPF overheating to such an extent that the core can melt.

Do not forget the role contamination plays with premature DPF lling. Decent quality engine and fuel system additives will help.

Self-dosing fuel-borne additive systems can only work with a quality additive. Recent

additives are entering the independent garage trade. Pictured here is an early version of the

showing post injections that are used to facilitate active regenerations.

additive needs replenishing at set intervals, aftermarket businesses have provided cost-e ective alternatives to main dealer uids.

One of the best-known of these is PatFluid, formulated and sold by CDTi of Gatwick, West Sussex. While the company views competition as welcome and healthy, it has discovered relatively inexpensive Eolys-replacement fuel-borne additives being o ered to the aftermarket that are making DPF blockages and damage more likely. This is because uid formulations require a particular quantity of catalysts to work properly. CDTi has laboratory proof that some of these tempting products contain between 50 and 95% less of these active ingredients, compared to both PatFluid and OEM

research from CDTi highlights that low-quality Peugeot/Citroën Eolys additive system, Low-grade additives and DPF cleaning chemicals can strip the catalyst coatings from the internal monoliths. Therefore, always source suppliers based on quality, not price.
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Parts, Tools & Tips

New products, tting tips & technical advice to ease fault- nding and installation


NGK has published a new NTK Lambda sensors catalogue and says the experience it has in supplying the VMs worldwide allows it to o er exactly the right sensor for every vehicle application.

The Lambda Sensors Catalogue 2022/23 comprises 160 pages and features 449 total part numbers including 43 new additions, of which 35 are wideband sensors, to increase vehicle parc coverage by 2.1 million. They give improved engine e ciency, reduced emissions, and increased economy. A new NTK Lambda sensor should be tted whenever a vehicle’s catalytic convertor is replaced. A worn or failed sensor can result in drastically reduced control of the fuelling system which could result in increased fuel consumption, uneven running, generally poor performance or failure of an MOT emission test, so replacement is good news for the customer, garage, and distributor.

NGK has reassured garages that its Lambda sensors supplied in traditional yellow boxes and new green and white boxes are both genuine products.


Seventy new product lines are introduced in the latest edition of Sealey’s Tool Promotion, valid from 1st October until 31st December 2022. The mammoth 180-page issue includes over 1,760 deals, including o ers on many seasonal items such as battery chargers, lighting, and heating.

There are savings to be had on its new range of 12V RoadStart Lithium Jump Starter Power Packs. Available in three di erent capacities, the 1200A model is suitable for starting 8L petrol or 6L diesel engines. Each model includes a USB outlet for powering or charging a variety of small electronic devices.

If you’re already counting down the days to the Christmas break, you can take inspiration from their festive gift guide which includes the new 35pc Ratchet, Socket & Bit Set Advent Calendar. Inside, you will also nd details on how to enter their latest competition to win a topchest and Premier black tool bundle worth over £650. Enter on the website before 31st December 2022 for your chance to win!




Two-post lifts have become one of the most popular types of lifts for workshops as they are ideal for many jobs, from tyre changing and brake work to servicing, and even wheel alignment. Tecalemit Garage Equipment has a range of 2-post lifts with 3,000Kg to 7,000Kg lifting capacities and includes both mechanical and hydraulic lifts, with a wide choice of con gurations to accommodate almost all vehicle types. The supplier now o ers a new 2-post lift from their sister company FOG Automotive. The AZUR 42CH is one of France's best-selling hydraulic 2-post lifts and is now coming to the UK and is pitched as a versatile all-rounder. The lift bene ts from an Accurate Positioning System (APS) to adjust the lift by small amounts to position a vehicle to the desired height, a feature often only found on more expensive models.

The AZUR 42CH is a 4.2t hydraulic 2-Post lift with a minimum lifting pad height of only 90mm, accommodating vehicles with


Schae er has developed clutch replacement solutions for both the 872cc and 964cc two-cylinder engined versions of all Fiat 500 models from July 2010.

This popular model is tted with complex, lightweight and vibration absorbing drive train components, which if damaged or worn can have a knock-on e ect on all associated parts. Schae er o ers a solution to drive train damage with its OE quality LuK programme of repair solutions and single components.

The complete solution comes in the form of the LuK RepSet DMF (part number 600 0323 00), which includes everything needed to carry out a professional replacement, including the dual mass ywheel (DMF). However, if a test and assessment of the DMF concludes that it is within wear tolerance parameters, a LuK RepSet

low ground clearance. In addition, the lift comes with 100mm lift pad extensions for lifting vehicles with higher ground clearance.

can be tted (620 300 00).

The LuK GearBOX kit (462 0154 10) enables in-house gearbox renovation and has been specially developed to repair speci c, high wear applications and contains all the parts necessary to carry out a complete and professional gearbox overhaul. Installation instructions, videos and other support materials are available through the REPXPERT portal.

The aftermarket parts are the same parts delivered to vehicle manufacturers around the world for original tment, and everything needed for a complete and professional replacement is included in the box.

Information on Schae er products and systems, tting instructions, labour times and more can be found on the REPXPERT app, which is a free download for all iOS and Android devices workshop portal at

autotechnician is giving readers the chance to win one of ve ATbranded beanies to help keep you warm in the workshop this winter.

Simply email the answer to the following question to, along with your workshop name and address, by 31st October to be in with a chance of winning one, good luck!

Q. Who spoke about The Killer Test at the recent Big Weekend training event?

(Turn to page 6 to nd out!)




Neil Hilton, Head of Hella Gutmann UK, provides an overview of two tools that he believes will allow independents to compete with the VM franchised dealer network

“The mega macs X is the stand-out diagnostic tool within reach of the independent sector and provides users with the utmost exibility with an array of options when it comes to both the hardware and software con gurations,” explains Head of Hella Gutmann UK, Neil Hilton. “It allows individual workshops to choose whether they wish to combine their existing desktop browsers or tablets with the mega macs X or move to a totally mega macs driven platform. This variability means that, should the workshop’s requirements change, then it is able to alter the mega macs X setup to match.

“The mega macs X is not only exible in terms of hardware, thanks to the di erent software modules that are available, workshops also have a choice when it comes to the scope of the services that can be accessed. This ensures that the workshop is always able to gear the service level it requires to the needs of its customers and, if necessary, the software module altered to make sure it always ful ls the workshop’s requirements.

“The mega macs X is also very di erent in appearance, as it has neither a display nor a keypad. At rst glance, the wired OBD plug with integrated LED lighting, looks like a modern, neatly

designed VCI, which incidentally it is, but this future-orientated solution is also the most advanced diagnostic tool Hella Gutmann has ever developed. It incorporates the processor, diagnostic software, and integrated diagnostic protocols, which includes among others, the CAN FD and DoIP for recent vehicle models such as Škoda Octavia, Volvo XC 90, and Golf 8 of Volkswagen, and communicates on a wireless basis.”

Beyond the investment for the mega macs X hardware and relevant SDI X software, the only ongoing cost is an annual license, which includes any updates and system improvements as they are issued.

“Naturally, as with the other mega macs devices in the Hella Gutmann line-up, the mega macs X is equipped with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) calibration software, which is now a must-have feature for workshops. In addition, however, it also comes with a Cyber Security Management (CSM) function.

“This means that instead of having to register individually with each vehicle manufacturer (VM) portal to obtain diagnostic releases for their customer’s vehicles, a one-time authentication, activated by proof of identi cation by passport or identity card, is all that’s needed for a mega macs user to have a clear path to work on all vehicles with a security lock, at the usual diagnostic depth.

“With the recent addition of Renault, Kia and Hyundai, the CSM function has been extended to allow mega macs users to save considerable time and administration when working on protected vehicles from these manufacturers, as well as those


Making an enquiry?

from Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Cupra, Seat, Škoda and VW,” Hilton added.

“Each mega macs recognises when it is dealing with a secured vehicle and initiates all the steps for unlocking the vehicle gateway in a fraction of a second, enabling the user to perform the usual diagnostic functions, such as fault code reading/ deleting, parameter viewing, basic settings, calibrations, codes, actuator tests and service resets.

Neil explains that its latest tool, the macsRemote, pictured on the previous page, allows independents to legitimately access

VMs own data, to diagnose diagnostic faults and activate solutions from the moment a vehicle leaves the showroom. “By connecting the macsRemote to the vehicle and creating a job ticket via the Hella Gutmann online portal, our technical team can remotely access all the vehicle’s electronic systems and perform the required tasks, using the VMs diagnostic equipment. In addition, as there are no ongoing licence charges, it also provides the ultimate pay as you go system."

Please mention you saw it in autotechnician!


Shaftec, supplier of remanufactured and new drive, steer and stop products, has released more details about its rst product launch in ten years – a comprehensive range of new propshafts. At launch, the surcharge-free programme consists of 170 OE matched quality parts, with many more in development. The programme of one, two and three-piece shafts covers Rear, All and Four-Wheel Drive passenger cars and light commercial vehicle applications. As with all its safety critical parts, all are tested to the extreme in line with strict industry guidelines. All parts are engineered for low NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) 100 percent balanced and fully inspected. Next day-delivery is available and all application details can be found on: Shaftec ECAT online catalogue; TecDoc & MAM, each part comes with a 24 month/24,000-mile warranty.

Shaftec’s Marketing Manager, Adrian Kitchen, explains: “This is a big move for Shaftec – our rst product launch in 10 years. But one for which we are fully prepared. We did the research and identi ed a gap in the market which, with our experience across the elds of driveshafts and CV joints, believe we can con dently ll. This product programme incorporates more than 25 years of experience and perfectly complements our existing portfolio.

The programme caters for cross class models produced by most vehicle manufacturers, including: Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) –BMW 5 and Mercedes C Class; Four Wheel Drive (4WD) – Land Rover, Range Rover and Toyota Landcruiser – you can have up to three propshafts on a 4WD vehicle; All Wheel Drive (AWD) –Audi Q7, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Edge, Audi A4 Allroad, BMW xDrive, Mercedes 4 Matic, Golf Alltrack and VW 4motion.

52 +44 (0)1953 859138 Follow on Social Media: The Mini-Ductor Venom is the professional’s choice of handheld, induction heaters and leverages the power of Invisible Heat® to heat ferrous metals in seconds. The Venom releases hardware from corrosion and thread lock compounds – all without the collateral damage caused by torches. Manufactured with genuine OEM parts. APPLICATIONS: > Seatbelt Bolts > Lug Nuts > Suspension > Fuel Tank Straps > O2 Sensors > Brakes > Inline Connectors > And 100’s more! INCLUDES: > Carry Case > 7/8” Pre-Formed Coil > 23” U-Form Coil > 41” Bearing Buddy® Coil This tool is marked CE for user safety. Available through your local motor factor and stockist. SAFETY CERTIFIED Mini-Ductor® Venom® PARTS, TOOLS &

MEYLE celebrated 20 years of its HD programme of parts, which improve upon the original and address any vulnerabilities, at last month’s Automechanika Frankfurt. Celebrations continued as two of its products – the MEYLE ABS sensor repair kit and the MEYLE PD cabin air lter – were recognised as nominees in the Parts & Technology Solutions category of the Automechanika Innovation Awards.

The ABS sensor repair kit saves materials, time, and money, providing a targeted replacement of a defective ABS sensor and sensor ring – an innovative solution that MEYLE was rst to roll out in the market. Up until recently, if an ABS sensor had been damaged by a defective sensor ring, it would have been necessary to replace the entire wheel hub, which is expensive for both the driver and workshop.

The MEYLE-KIT comprises the ABS sensor, sensor ring and installation materials and can be used in situations where the wheel hub is still fully functional. Kits are currently available for the Audi A3 8P, VW Golf V and VI, VW UP, VW Jetta, Seat Toledo III, Seat Leon II, Seat Mii, Opel Corsa D and Fiat Punto III, whose ABS sensor and sensor ring on the wheel hub can be replaced separately using the MEYLE-KIT. These ve references can cover a car eet of 12 million vehicles in Europe.

All ve MEYLE ABS sensor repair kits are suitable for factoryinstalled wheel hubs, MEYLE wheel hubs and other aftermarket wheel hubs. To guarantee an accurate t and to cover all vehicle models, MEYLE o ers two of the ve references with an additional sensor ring (MEYLE numbers: 114 899 0013 and 114 899 0014).

“All of MEYLE’s electronic parts ful l OE speci cations 100 per cent and are only incorporated into the portfolio after extensive functional testing," says Dimitri Knorr, Head of MEYLE’s Electronics product team." The focus is additionally placed on data quality. Thanks to detailed research on application and vehicle data, MEYLE guarantees an accurate t – a key criterion that enables fast and correct parts identi cation for workshops and minimises return costs. Particularly in electronics, the right data forms the basis for selecting the appropriate parts for models and thus ensuring seamless communication between components,” explains Knorr.


…moreimportantthanever ContactyourPrimalecdistributororFactororcallusfordetailson 01622816955 | Primalec,NettlesteadGreen,Nr.Maidstone,KentME185HD,England. A/CRefrigerants–Hydraulics–Engines–Industrialmachinery Find – diagnose – fix Primalec Leak Free Systems 190x130 v2.qxp_Layout 1 26/05/2022 14:49 Page 1 PARTS, TOOLS & TIPS REPAIR RATHER THAN REPLACE



Launch Tech has seen demand increase for its Euro Tab III diagnostic system. Richard Collyer, National Sales Manager at Launch Tech, said: “Euro Tab III sits within our high-end diagnostics product o ering for the technician. We’re nding that with MOT season approaching and more, older vehicles on the road as fewer new vehicles arrive on the roads, more garages are needing diagnostic equipment as demand increases.”

Packaged with a new O2-1 four-channel oscilloscope and TSGUN and four TPMS sensors, the Euro Tab III is designed for professional diagnostics technicians, boasting worldwide vehicle coverage, powerful diagnostics, and numerous special functions. Richard continues, “Launch UK is committed to o ering a full range of diagnostics for full time professionals and DIY enthusiasts. Priced competitively, the brand’s range of tools are compatible with most vehicles and provide easy to use solutions, with a full directory of compatible makes and models available on the website.”

O ering intelligent diagnostics for more than 100 car brands, Euro Tab III o ers topology mapping to provide visual checking on diagnostic trouble codes and all system communication statuses. The Euro Tab III has 33 service and reset functions, and features Launch CarSet Electronic database powered by Haynes PRO, Launch guided diagnosis, optional ADAS calibration, and an advanced coding and programming function.

New for the Euro Tab III is the Smartlink C VCI. This advanced module allows for communication and advanced functions in several ways. Featuring its own 4.0-inch screen the Smartlink C communicates directly with a vehicle for local diagnosis, remotely for Launch SRD diagnosis, (Launch Super Remote Diagnosis), the VCI is also compatible with DOIP (Diagnosis over the Internet protocol), CAN FD, ( exible data-rate), and as a

Pass-Thru device communicating by J2534, D-PDU and RP1210 protocols.

The Euro Tab III includes the Launch professional database, fully integrated into the diagnostic software. This will take you directly from the DTC to a step-by-step testing routine, leading to a potential fault code solution. Its 2.4GHz & 5GHz dual band communication ensures a quick and stable connection and its built-in repair information and training video modules help to track and x issues fast.

Euro Tab III is delivered with the Launch oscilloscope and Launch TSGUN. The oscilloscope features automatic pre-sets for many automotive applications. Pre-sets can be used in combination mode, testing several components at the same time. Launch TSGUN will read all sensor information, programme Launch sensors, and diagnose TPMS fault codes.


Pliers’ specialist KNIPEX has launched a new downloadable brochure featuring its popular tool cases and kits.

The brochure features ve models, each o ering a myriad of con gurations and options, designed to strike a balance between an attractive design and plenty of storage space.

The tool cases have a sturdy construction and the most compact dimensions possible, as well as being light in weight. They are available in a wide range of sizes and versions.

The brochure also features full tool kits.

Download the brochure at downloads.


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