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Let’s go to see


sessions, where we could learn the vocabulary to make our greatest game.


What were the class’ objectives?

In this class our objective was to identify the students’ previous knowledge and recognize their likes and dislikes.

What teaching materials did you use?

For this class we used the board, a slide presentation, the TV, a computer, papers and pencils.

What techniques did you use?

In our first class we used TPR method and Natural approach because third grade students are very kinesthetic and they need to learn in a different way.

What were the students’ reactions?

They were very motivated. They enjoy to play so our activities were funny for them. They participated in all of them.

Were you able to accomplish your goals?

We think that in part we could accomplish the principal goal that was identify their previous knowledge and recognize their likes and dislikes but we had behavior problems that have to improve in each class.

Were the materials effective?

Yes, because kids are very visual they really loved the pictures and the games. The slide presentation was very successful because it was very animated and colorful.

Did anything amusing or unusual occur?

Yes, we had many amusing situations, the first one was that children were very restless because they wanted to catch mangos and one of them caught one and the rest of them had bad behavior for that reason. The other aspects was that one of them found marihuana in the soccer field, but we could manage the situation and anything else happened.

Which parts of the lesson were more successful?

We thing that all the activities were successful because although we had behavior problems we could control all the activities and the kids participated in all of them.

Which parts of the lesson were less successful?

The most difficult in the class was to control the discipline, because the students were very restless and they only wanted to run and play with cards, they didn’t want be sit on the chair.

What could be done better next time?

For the next time is possible that we design a list of rules to avoid the bad behavior between the students.

Session No 2 (second) First Stage: Learning the vocabulary March 21st / 2015


What were the class’ objectives? Our objective was diagnostic of the students’ knowledge.

What teaching materials did you use? -

Video of animals sound. Slide presentation of the fruits Fruits for make a fruit salad Clues Couples- flash cards Songs

What techniques did you use?

What were the students’ reactions? The students like so much the games, they enjoyed so much it, and they were very active to participate because they are very competitive and each one want to win. For that, each one had positive points and as a prize we ate a delicious fruit salad.


Were you able to accomplish your goals? Our principal objective is to make a game with the instructions that the children invented about each topic seen in the classes, but yes, we accomplish our objective because they used the vocabulary in every moment for asking or explain something.

Were the materials effective? Yes, the materials were the suitable for explain the vocabulary.

Did anything amusing or unusual occur? No, in this day they had a good discipline.

Which parts of the lesson were more successful? We didn't have difficult when they had to search the clues and found the correct fruit images that the clues explained.

Which parts of the lesson were less successful? We had difficulty when the students could not identify what kind of fruit they ate and each one wrote some fruits in Spanish because it was unknown.

What could be done better next time? Suggestions We think that each class will be funny.

Session: 4 Four / March 28th 2015 First Stage: Learning the vocabulary

What were the class’ objectives?

He/she is able to identify the names “pronunciation” of the fruits (colors, flavor, and form). Together with the help of the teacher and the knowledge previous of them.

For this class we used the board, slides presentation, flags, flash cards, a stair game, a die, papers and pencils.

What techniques

did you use?


What were the students’ reactions?

They were very motivated. They enjoy to play so our activities were funny for them. They loved the run game, finding the correct flag. Those were their favorite games of that session.

Were you able to accomplish your goals?

We think that in part we could accomplish the principal goal that was the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Were the materials


Well, Of course, because the students participated, they answered right most of the questions and they could show us all the pronunciation of the vocabulary that they have learned in our classes. ď Š

Did anything amusing or unusual occur?

We had a little of indiscipline, however, we didn’t have any amusing situation. But, if we had a hard situation, in our journal we wrote that:

Which parts of the lesson were more successful?

The most successful part of our class was the finding the correct flag, because the children wants run, they love all the run activity.

Which parts of the lesson were less successful?

The most difficult in the class was to control the discipline they didn’t respect their classmates turn. Besides, the worst was that Richard and Brandon bought pumps, was a bad decision.

What could be done better next time?

We think that for the next time, it will a good idea that the kids work about the vocabulary learned.

Session. 4(four) First stage: Learning the vocabulary April 11th / 2015 Description of the activities

What were the class` objectives? The principal objective was that the students will review the previous topics to the class, (animals, colors, fruits and places of the city). Other objective was that the children “learned the professions� for that they will recognize the persons that work in each place of the city.

What teaching materials did you use? Paper, pencil, board and markets (stop game). Slides, TV and professions).




Flash cards, images and tape (relate the vocabulary with the image).

What techniques did you use?

What were the student reactions? The first activity the students reacted very well, being they had seen all topics, they participated actively and they showed wishes for expose their answers. For the second and third activity, the students paid attention to all professions. One student recognized that your father was a chef when the teachers explained the slides. All children related very well the images. And the last activity was the best because they had played this game so they began to say and propose some rulers for play the game. That was successful.

Categorization, comments and reflection

Were you able to accomplish your goals? This class has been one of the best, because all the activities were developed with successful, being reached the objectives. Moreover the discipline helped us much, because the students most undisciplined were absent that day.

Were the materials effective? Yes, because for the first activity they knew the format of the stop game, so they begin to search the letter column. But after they found that this was different, then they were excited and wanted to know how to play. The slides also have been materials very effectives for the students. Because the teachers always try of put them a lot of images for they associated with the vocabulary.

Did anything amusing or unusual occur? Only we remember that in the third activity "relate the image with the vocabulary", some professions not coincided with the professions that the teachers had explained in the slides. It was funny, because the students said us that we were cheats. This happened, because the activities were planned separately.

Which parts of the lesson were more successful? We think that the last activity “rock, paper, scissor� with the professions, was the part more successful of the class, because the students began to tell all forms that they knew for play this game. It was such as six or seven. We only knew three.

Which parts of the lesson were less successful? From start to this day we think that this class has been the best. For this reason we one class such as this is the ideal.

What could be done better next time suggestions? For this class only we suggest that the teachers are more organized, to avoid mistakes like the professions and the images.

Question to ask yourself as language teacher

What are my strengths as a language teacher? My strengths as a language teacher are that I have best developed the abilities writing and reading. In my group I am the charged of work this abilities with children. Although the focus of our proposal is develop mainly the speaking ability.

What are my limitations at present? In accordance with my abilities I have had difficulties with the abilities of the speaking and listening, but I try to of prepare me for each class, although the vocabulary that teach to the children is easy.

Are there any contradictions in my teaching? Maybe the thinking that for to teach the English is necessary a context immersed in the language, I try to of implement strategies as create the situations that help me and help them to the children to learn the English.

How can I improve my language teaching? I think that I have to improve in my difficulties, try to created my world in English, prepare me much better for each class with the children, study the vocabulary, and try to speak in English in all moment, of this way I learn and teach the language.

What satisfaction does language teaching give me? The first is able to communicate me with people of other culture, learn different things the other places of the world, know that I can help to the other person for that understand a written, an audio, a speech is very satisfactory for m




What were the class’ objectives?

In this class our objective was to reinforce the students’ new vocabulary that they have acquire during the last sessions through many games, because this was the second stage of our final project.

What teaching materials did you use?

For this class we used the board, flash cards, a stair game, a die, papers and pencils.

What techniques did you use?

In our first class we used TPR method, Natural approach and leaning styles because third grade students are very kinesthetic and they need to learn in a different way.

What were the students’ reactions?

They were very motivated. They enjoy to play so our activities were funny for them. They loved the obstacle race and the run game. Those were their favorite games of that session.

Were you able to accomplish your goals?

We think that in part we could accomplish the principal goal that was reinforce they vocabulary. In this session we didn’t have any behavior problem, they loved to play all the games. The students were very motivated.

Were the materials effective?

Did anything amusing or unusual occur?

We had a little of indiscipline but it was normally. We didn’t have any amusing situation

Which parts of the lesson were more successful?

The most successful part of our class was the obstacle race and the run race because they loved to run although snake and stairs game liked them too.

Which parts of the

lesson were less successful?

The most difficult in the class was to control the discipline because in stairs and snakes game all the students wanted to participate and throw the die. They didn’t respect their classmates turn.

What could be done better next time?

For the next time is possible that we design a list of rules to avoid the bad behavior between the students.

Session No. 6 (sixth) Second Satage: Practicing the vocabulary April 25th / 2015.


What were the class’ objectives? Our objective was demonstrate the ability to respond questions about the previous knowledge.

What teaching materials did you use? -

Animated video List of the vocabulary previous

What techniques did you use?

What were the students’ reactions? The students like so much the games, for that reason we use so many games for explain the topics, in that case we showed to them one movie and they enjoyed while to related the last vocabulary with the characters seen in the movie.


Were you able to accomplish your goals? Our principal objective is to make a game with the instructions that the children invented about each topic seen in the classes, but for this lesson the children demonstrate their knowledge asking and answering basic questions in English and for that reason yes, we accomplish our goal.

Were the materials effective? Yes, the video was very animate for that reason they were very concentrating watching this one.

Did anything amusing or unusual occur? No, in this day they had a good discipline.

Which parts of the lesson were more successful? We didn't have difficult when they had to make the mimic for represent something that they learned

Which parts of the lesson were less successful? We had difficulty when the students could not remember the alphabet for play Hangman.

What could be done better next time? Suggestions We think that a suggestion will be ask to them if they remember the vocabulary that they have to use for the class

Please, let us know, if are you like our work with the children?

Your advices are important for us, for our work and for the learning of the kids. Thanks!




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