Coffee Hour with BEAT
It is our vision to create communities with every price point from an apartment to a townhome, to a single-family home and estate, where you are almost guarFrom inception, it has anteed diversity just in always been very important for Avalon Park this aspect. Orlando and each of the Additionally, it is not communities that we build to embrace diver- uncommon in Avalon sity. First and foremost, Park to have families I grew up in Switzerrespect, understanding with 4 generations livland a country that is ing within walking disand learning comes about one quarter the tance of each other. The from knowing each size of Florida, in the grandparents can spend other and belonging heart of Europe. Foundto something together: quality time with the ed in 1291, the small grandkids after school a community. And I country has had over 700 years of developing its rich culture, diversity, and history. the ability to interact in their own culture, while respecting the other national and international cultures.
It is my belief that culture often starts with languages and in Switzerland there are 4, the national language German, French, Italian and Romansh. While I speak the first 3, I do not speak Romansh, which is a mix of Italian, Arabic and a few more. It is very common in Switzerland and other European countries to speak several languages. If you were to follow a debate in the Swiss House of Representatives, you may be surprised that all official languages are spoken. So, a representative from my native Zurich may address the audience in German, and the answer from his colleague from Geneva will come swiftly in French. Each part of the country has
are what help us build diversity into our communities. Another diverse component is the inclusion of our global partners. Several times a week we have intercontinental video calls. Generally, early in the morning in Orlando, we discuss business, politics and other subjects with our offices in Switzerland, Singapore and Australia. When friends and business partners from 4 continents, with different ethnical backgrounds share ideas for the good of Avalon Park, diversity can be realized at its fullest.
While these are just a few examples of how we embrace diversity at Avalon Park Group, while the parents may believe a healthy community is a made up of still be at work. Build- we continue to grow, learn and develop how ing roots in a commua diverse body of peowe can create comnity is a healthy way ple. This melting pot munities where every to make any town and of perspectives gives person feels like they family strong. the community depth belong in and can live, and allows its members learn, work and play With age comes expeto live life inclusive of together. This month every background and rience and at Avalon we celebrate the dibelief regardless of gen- Park Group we work versity in our commuwith team members eration, origin, race, nities in Orlando and ages 15 to 90+. Someand income class. times when pondering Wesley Chapel with a multi-cultural event a business idea, I not As a developer, one of called Absolutely Avathe ways that we build only ask my 15-yearlon. We invite you to in diversity, is literally old son Alex, but also join us as we celebrate my Switzerland-based by building an open the diversity in these and long-term busicommunity at every ness partner and friend communities and we price point. I personlook forward to being ally do not think gated Raoul, who will turn able to celebrate in our communities with only 91 this month. While single-family homes in they both have different newer communities in one price point (often at ideas and perspectives Tavares and Daytona very soon! about business and the higher end) create life, those differences a healthy community.