Ave Maria College Vidian 2019

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1 From the Principal 2 Deputy Principal – Staff, Learning and Teaching 3 Deputy Principal –Student Learning Culture and Growth 3 Director of Student Wellbeing 4 Director of Studies 4 Director of Professional Learning and Pedagogy 5 Board of Governance 5 College Captains 6 Academic Captains 7 Faith and Social Justice 7 Dux 2018 8 Valedictorian 8 Academic and Community Awards Night 9 Director of Faith and Religious Education 10 Ave Maria Day 12 Helene Province 14 Grease 16 I.D.E.A.L. Study Tour U.S.A. 18 Timore-Leste Immersion Trip 20 Indonesian Study Tour 22 Co-Curricular 24 Clare House 26 Francis House 28 Helene House 30 Mary House 32 Religious Education 34 and Physical Education 35 Visual Arts 36 Year 12 Arts 37 Excellence in the Arts 38 Performing Arts 39 Design Technology Food and Textiles 40 Digital Technology and STEM 41 Mathematics 42 Science 43 English 44 Humanities 45 Languages other than English 46 Helene Library 47 Careers 48 Counselling 48 Horizons 49 Learning Enhancement Team – LET 49 Student Leadership 50 Peer Support Program 51 Junior School 52 Year 7 54 Year 8 56 Middle School 58 Year 9 60 Year 10 62 Senior School 64 Year 11 66 Year 12 68 Class of 2019 Celebrations 70 Ave Life 72 CONTENTS God is doing great things for us


In acknowledging new leaders and new initiatives this year, I would also like to acknowledge the fine work of our Year Level Leaders, Joanne Thompson, Mel Zahra and Tania Stangherlin each of whom assumed a new role as ‘sub school’ leader, overseeing the learning and growth of two year levels, together with Mentor Teachers. In re shaping structures, roles and services, all for the benefit of students, staff have been extraordinarily committed, collegial and supportive of one another in learning Thistogether.year saw the introduction of a number of new subjects; Design Thinking, Media and Allied Health. Each of these has been introduced in response to student feedback and in recognition of future trends in the workforce requiring our students to develop advanced skills in technology and entrepreneurial thinking, along with the known growth in the health sector.

On this note I thank the Business Manager Allan Thompson and College Board of Governance for their great support of our Master planning which has seen this 18 month project successfully Acompleted.furtherdistinguishing feature of the 2019 year has been two major initiatives within our community. The development of a new Mission Statement and Strategic Plan for the period 2019 - 2022 gave direction to these initiatives in working to continuously improve learning and growth for students. Secondly, a new leadership structure was implemented which gave focus to leadership for learning and student growth. We have welcomed two new Deputy Principals, Angela Torelli and Michelle Robertson who have swiftly and expertly immersed themselves within our community. So too, our new Director of Student Wellbeing, Natalie Meddis who brings a focus to our Mentor program and student wellbeing initiatives. Together with the continued expertise and exemplary commitment of Jo Hammer (Director of Pedagogy), Jessica Hall (Director of Studies), Patrick Jurd (Director of Faith and Religious Education) and Allan Thompson (Business Manager), the College has been superbly led.

Helene de Chappotin, foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) formed another important focus for us this year as we celebrated the much-anticipated opening of the Helene Province, the most ambitious renovation and extension within the College Master Plan. Helene was a highly intelligent, extremely energetic, faith filled compassionate woman who devoted her life to the pursuit of truth and love. All that she did with her FMM sisters was driven by a relentless desire to enact the call of the Gospel, infused by a Franciscan ethos of authenticity, justice, inclusion and peace.

The Blessing and Opening of the Helene Province occurred in September. Incorporating a smoking ceremony led by Aboriginal elder Sherry Balcombe, Archbishop Comensoli led proceedings and engaged all students in a celebration marked with gratitude and excitement. The Helene Province encompasses all student services such as counselling, Careers education, IT support, Learning Enhancement and Library. In addition, it incorporates the Domains of Technology (Food, Materials and Information), along with Year Level Mentor areas for Years 9, 10 and 11. We are delighted with this new learning environment for our students and know that it will provide a great facility for students to explore, discover, collaborate, create and extend their learning.

Mary’s words remind us firstly that our work, our study and our very existence is in fact God’s good presence, God’s creative, revealing hand at work in partnership with us. We are not alone; great things happen when we trust and partner with God! Mary’s words of praise also remind us of the importance of gratitude and humility for the gift of faith, education and community which has been ours to enjoy and share at Ave Maria College this year.

I thank Eliza Gollant and Natalie Cierpisz for their fine leadership of the student body this year. As Co Captains, we have seen two young women who have complemented one another beautifully.

I thank each of them, along with the whole Year 12 Student Leadership Team for their generous giving, their creative ideas and their very real kindness to all students this year. Throughout, they have remained committed to the pursuit of excellence in their studies; they epitomise what it is to be an ‘Ave girl’.

Elizabeth Hanney PRINCIPAL

Two extraordinary women formed the backdrop of our 2019 school year. Our College theme conveyed the words of Mary, mother of God, “God is doing great things for me”. Indeed, God’s grace has been with us and in us this year.

I commend this YearBook, Vidian, to you. It captures a dynamic faith, learning and growth community at work across the year. It has been created under the watchful eye and skilled hand of Emily Raffaele and her committed team of students. They have given us a great gift to Intreasure.acknowledging many wonderful new beginnings in 2019, it is also a year of some endings. Very significant in this has been the retirement of Dr Helen Eischeid in this, her 50th year of teaching, 49 of which have been at Ave Maria College! This article cannot do justice to Helen’s legacy of lives touched and impacted still by her presence and gift within the Ave Maria community. We also extend thanks and very best wishes to Mr Rob Martini who this year enters a new chapter of life in retirement, following 20 wonderful years of committed service to the College. We acknowledge with deep thanks the outgoing Chair of the College Board of Governance, Julianne Tkaczuk who has given 6 years of generous and skilled service to the work of the Board, the last two as Chair. This year also marks the end of my time as Principal; it has been a blessing and a privilege, every day. I thank the College Executive who have been such steadfast collaborators, the College Board of Governance, the parent body and the outstanding staff – how fortunate I have been and how fortunate our young women are to learn and grow in this great place. Ave girls – you are extraordinary young women! This year, I leave with the Class of 2019 who were in Year 7 when I commenced. Beginnings and endings shared. I know that all Ave Maria women will go on to be fine women of Truth and Love in the world. I wish my successor and all at Ave Maria every joy and success in the future. My heart is filled with very fond memories, with pride, love and gratitude for my time with you.

• I initiated a ‘Morning Tea to meet the new DP-Students’. This involved inviting all students to my office for morning tea during recess break in groups of 10. I started with the Middle School and specifically Year 9 students who were able to sign up for a morning tea and come along to chat. I also extended this invitation to staff at each Year Level. My goal was to be meet with students from all Year Levels by the end of the year and I have been successful in this endeavour. This initiative was very important to me, I wanted to get to know both staff and students and make sure they know I am an advocate for them, I care about what they think and want to know what issues matter to them.

• Working closely with the Student Leaders in the College to promote student voice opportunities. I worked closely with our Student Leaders to make sure that student voice was heard in all aspects of school life - including inside the classroom, policies that impact their daily lives and most importantly giving them opportunities to tell us what matters to them today.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my start at Ave Maria College.



• The ‘Student of the Term Award’ is a new initiative that celebrates an individual who actively seeks to achieve excellence in their participation in, and contribution to Ave Maria College school life - recognising and celebrating the “every day of school life” and contributing to our learning community culture. Students and staff nominate students for this Principal’s Award. The criteria for nominations take in Community, Ave Spirit, Endeavour, Co-Curricular, Reflecting College Mission Statement, Displaying Truth and Love and the Learning Charter Attributes. Every student has one vote and this year the awards have been a wonderful celebration of student success in the College.


WevalueHelenedeChappotin’svisionforeducation;thatlearningisforfullnessoflifeforall.LearningexcellenceatAveMariaCollegeiscontemporaryandcollaborative,rigorousandrelevant.Everymemberofourcommunitycontributestoalearningcultureofendeavourandexcellence.Together,wedevelopaloveforlearningandareadinesstocontributetotheworld.(AveMariaCollegeMission2019-2022)AsalearningCommunity,wefosteranddrivealearningandperformancecultureacrossalllevelsoftheCollege.In2019,staffhavecontinuedtoworkcloselywiththeLearningandTeachingcomponentsoftheAveMariaCollegeLearningCharter,ensuringitisembeddedandpromotedwithinourclassroompractice.Allteachingstaffwereengagedinpeerclassroomvisitsdesignedtoobserve,discussandrefineteachingpracticeacrossallYearLevels.ThishasalsobeenastrongfocusinourProfessionalLearningTimesessionsthroughouttheyear.CollaborativePlanningTimebuiltintothetimetablehasincreasedopportunitiesforsubjectteamstoplan,developandreviewlearningprogramsandtofocusonpedagogicalpractice.Staffhavealsoproactivelyengagedintheirprofessionalgrowththroughaprocessofstrategicallyalignedgoalsetting,studentandpeerfeedback,professionallearningconversationsandself-reflection.ThisyearallstaffwereintroducedtoS.T.E.P,theCollege’sprogramforsupportingteacherstoenhancetheirpractice,linkedtothe8PrinciplesofEffectiveTeaching.Welookforwardtodevelopingthesekeyinitiativesinlearningandteachingin2020. Robertson



During my first year at the College it was important that in my role as Deputy Principal- Students, Learning Culture and Growth to meet as many students as possible. My highlights for the 2019 year were;

Jessica Hall



The opening of our new Helene Province has seen the expansion and redevelopment of learning spaces to further engage and enrich the student learning experience. The flexible learning spaces promote opportunities for students to collaborate in their learning, enabling learning from and with each other and developing both their creative and critical thinking.

Student Wellbeing at Ave Maria College is best considered as a net that is made up of every staff member. We care for our students and provide them with opportunities to participate, belong, lead, learn and be heard.

In addition to these new spaces there have been new subject offerings introduced, including Year 10 Media and VCE/VET Allied Health. Facilitated by ACU College, Allied Health has provided our students with opportunities to engage with external agencies during their structured workplace learning and apply their skills in a range of Insituations.working with the College and Year Level Academic Captains the Subject Selection Night was revolutionised with the inclusion of student panels and subject representatives. This fantastic initiative enabled students to hear firsthand from their peers about subjects of interest and for older students to share their experiences of learning.

Student Wellbeing in schools involves providing proactive support to build students’ social and emotional capabilities, while also responding to their needs as they arise throughout the year.

A significant part of the Student Wellbeing program is the Mentor Program. Designed to nurture our students, while also providing them with important social and emotional skills, the Mentor Program is a holistic approach to supporting student development and growth. The Mentor Program consists of Mentor Time each day and a Mentor Period each fortnight, both led by the Mentor Teacher. The program aims to support students to navigate the challenges of secondary school. We have reviewed and refined the program throughout the year, in consultation with students and staff, and look forward to an enhanced program in 2020.




Students are supported by the Student Wellbeing Team to work with them, and their families, to ensure that we work collaboratively to encourage the full flourishing of our students.

Natalie Meddis

Pathways were further explored through a range on incursions and excursions across Years 9 – 12 reinforcing to students that anything is possible.

Ave Maria College continues to strengthen its position as an exceptional secondary Catholic College for young women, valuing and promoting peace, truth and love in a faith filled learning Icommunity.takethisopportunity to thank all Board members for their time and valued contributions in 2019.

Other key highlights and areas brought into focus during Board meetings this year include:

As a Board we continue to see positive progress and remain confident in the College meeting its strategic goals in the future.



2019 marks my final year on the Board. It has been an honour and privilege to serve on the Board over the last six years. I extend my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my fellow Board members and College Executive for their generosity and valued support over this time.


This year we welcomed Robert De Fazio as our newest Board member and parent representative. I especially acknowledge the support of our Delegated Canonical Administrators (Fr Tony Feeney, Sr Heather Weedon, Mr Ward Italiano and Mr Peter Devery) who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Board. Our Principal Elizabeth Hanney, also the Board’s Executive Officer, once again has demonstrated strong inclusive leadership and unwavering commitment to outstanding education, student wellbeing, continuous improvement and innovation. I sincerely thank Elizabeth for her service and enormous contributions over the last six years - the College has grown from strength to strength under her guidance.


This year marks a significant milestone, with the completion and official opening of the Helen Province, providing a contemporary and innovative learning environment within the College.

Working with the College Academic Captains, the 2019 SES was re-imagined to more closely reflect the Learning Charter and the classroom experience. Each Semester all students were provided the opportunity to give feedback on each of their subjects using a consistent survey and scale. Across the year we had a survey completion rate of over 70% and more than 8,000 individual survey responses. This feedback has been invaluable to teachers who have been very open to hearing from students in a measurable and consistent way.

• Establishment of a Risk Management Committee, to oversee operational, business, compliance and reputational risks for the College • Commencement of the College’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, with strong outcomes achieved in the 2019 Action Plan

On behalf of the Board, I congratulate the Class of 2019 and wish them future success.


• Strong enrolment figures and increased interest in the College by prospective families

The newly established position of Director of Professional Learning and Pedagogy has provided an opportunity for a particular focus on supporting teachers. Whilst the majority of work in this role concerns teacher education, particularly aligned to the Learning Charter, one area where this overlaps with students is with the Student Experience Surveys (SES).

• Review of the 2018 VCE results and plans for continued improvement

• Improved College community engagement, including enhanced Alumnae development




College Captains. A role that has taken us places we never would have imagined, a role that has let us witness unquantifiable growth and fruition in students – a role that has helped us make a meaningful impact on our Ave Maria community. To say that we came into this position knowing what to expect we would achieve in 2019 as a Senior Student Leadership Team would be the overstatement of the year. The only thing that the two of us were expressly decided on was that in our eyes, 2019 was to be the year of Empowerment- so came to be our ’12 Months of Empowerment’ initiative. Our initial goal of cultivating an environment where students could thrive and excel in ended up turning into something more than just the year that we saw students forming meaningful connections with each other, with their mentors, and with the wider College community. We saw students empowering themselves, by empowering others. We saw girls reaching their full potential in all aspects of College life, whether this be in the academic sense, sports or arts related, as well as honing in on their personal development. As difficult as it is to come to the end of a good book, we have come to the end of our chapter in leadership at Ave Maria College. Furthermore, we hope that our legacy of Empowerment continues to resonate with the College community in future years, especially as we pass on our role to the more than capable hands of the Class of 2020.

In the wise words of two College Co-Captains, don’tforgettocarpediem



Natalie Cierpisz and Eliza Gollant COLLEGE CAPTAINS 2019

Madeline Saxton and Chloe Dalla Fontana

2019 has been a year of academic growth and success within the Ave Maria College community. We are extremely honoured to have been elected as the 2019 College Academic Captains and feel very privileged to have had this opportunity to lead the students in achieving their academic goals.

We are very grateful for the support of the College in fostering our growth as individuals and leaders. As we move onto the next chapter of our lives, we will take with us the knowledge and skills that we have acquired throughout our educational journey at Ave Maria College.


and Aristea




As young women, we appreciated the work of the Australian organisation ‘Share the Dignity’ which provides sanitary products to women experiencing homelessness or domestic violence in Australia. We were overwhelmed with the generosity of each Year Level as they filled multiple boxes of sanitary products which we then donated to the organisation. We are so grateful for the opportunities that have been provided to us and we hope that our legacy will live on. Portelli Havelas

This year has been a journey filled with joy and growth. As Faith and Social Justice Captains, we have been privileged to collaborate with members of our Franciscan Community to further express our College Mission of striving to be people of Faith and Love. We had fortnightly meetings with Mr Jurd and the Faith and Social Justice Leaders from each Year Level to discuss how we, as students at Ave Maria College, could promote awareness and funds for relevant issues. We recognised that there is a high percentage of people experiencing homelessness in Australia and decided to do something about this.

Our mission for 2019 was to encourage growth mindsets and a positive approach towards academic endeavors. This year saw many changes to the Subject Selection Evening, including the introduction of two Student Panels and the presence of Student Subject Representatives. Our goal was to provide a broad range of perspectives on subjects in order for students to make informed decisions about their subject choices for 2020. Alongside the Subject Selection Evening, we also created videos summarising student experiences within each subject. With the help of Mrs Hall and the Year Level Academic Captains, we were able to develop a successful Subject Selection Evening which was well received by the Ave Maria College community.


For both of us, our vision for the ‘St Vinnies Winter Sleepout’ was to reflect messages of offering a hand and advocating the causes of human injustice. As a Catholic secondary school, encouraging young women to be pioneers of their own destiny, correlated with the College’s Mission in implementing action in service for others.



To this class of 2019, I hope and have faith, that each of you will be successful in whatever you pursue in the future. I wish each of you luck in whatever you endeavor. I am beyond grateful to have had all of you with me for the past six years of my life; years I wouldn’t change for anything. A lot of love for you girls.


Mrs Hanney, we, you and the class of 2019, began and finished our journey at Ave together, so thank you for looking out for each of us over the past six years, making sure we had the perfect opportunity to pursue and achieve all of our goals….


Going into Year 12 I had heard a lot of different advice, and I’m sure the girls in that situation here have heard the same, so I tried to narrow it down by thinking about what really helped me the most. The first way I could think of was to set yourself up to do your best is choosing subjects that you’re really interested in. This helps you to keep up your motivation for the whole year which can be hard since you have to learn the content the first time in class, then revise for SACs, then again for exams. Building off this, I would say that trying to get ahead of the class by reading ahead in your textbook is worthwhile, since each time you revisit content it becomes easier to remember later. And no matter how well you prepare exams are always intimidating and it is easy to get overwhelmed during that time, so taking advantage of the time you have in semester one can help you heaps later on in the year. For example, I started looking through unit four concepts early in the year and trying out a couple of questions here or there so that when it came to semester two I already had an idea of what we were learning and I could focus on exam revision. This is what worked for me, but at the end of the day everyone’s goals are different and we’ll always have different approaches to how we want to reach them. But believing that you are capable of getting there is the first step for everyone. A year is a long time and you never know what you can accomplish in that time, so good luck!

…to start off I’d like to say a huge congratulations to the Class of 2018. Whether they’re sitting up here today or not, it was a long year of hard work for everyone and I’m sure we can each be proud of the massive effort we put into our own personal goals regardless of what ATAR we ended up with. Everyone went through their own ups and downs over the year, but what really amazed me was how people supported each other and become a closer group than we had been before. This environment made coming to school and facing those weeks when we might have had at least one SAC every day less scary, since I knew I could depend on others, especially my amazing friends, to help me out when I needed it.


… I am beyond proud to be a part of this class of 2019. Before we all say our goodbyes, I thought it only fitting to reflect on our last six years at Ave and the legacy we’ve left behind… our notorious reputation as fake tan obsessors. This time four years ago, we were reading the daily bulletin written by then Year 12s, informing us “oompa loompas” about the “50% off Bondi Sands sale at Priceline”. Brutal, but sometimes the truth hurts, and looking around now, it doesn’t seem like we were fazed at all.

And then our final reminiscence; what many of you like to call ‘the curse’. Retreat: cancelled because too fire-y, Swimming Carnival: optional because too hot, Athletics Carnival; cancelled because too rainy.


Even with all of the support from our teachers here at school, this year was only made possible by the unconditional love from our families. I can vouch for my parents in saying it is not an easy task having patience with a moody teenager who isn’t afraid of using “I’m studying” as an excuse to get out of any job possible.

However, even with our unpredictability, we know we can count on your love and support always. We attribute a lot of our success to you, so thank you – we love you.

Meg Gleeson

Well done to all award recipients.



The Academic and Community Awards Night (ACAN) is the annual celebration of achievement by staff, students and community of Ave Maria College. This event is our celebration of excellence and high performance in a number of areas – College spirit, sporting and cultural contributions, community recognition and, of course, academia.


HOUSE AWARDS House Cultural Award • Junior: Alice Barbey (Year 7) • Intermediate: Mia Paris Scalise (Year 9) • Senior: Hannah Portelli (Year 12) House Sports Award • Junior: Isabella Ewing (Year 7) Intermediate: Emily Bock (Year 9) Senior: Hannah Shaw (Year 12) House Champion • Ruby Fitzgerald (Year 8) Performance of the Year Abby Port (Year 11) Equestrian Co-Curriculum AcknowledgementLeaderAward Sarah Maxwell (Year 7) Sophie McAllister (Year 11)




ACADEMIC AWARDS – YEAR LEVEL HONOUR ROLL AND YEAR LEVEL DUX Year 7 Honour Roll: Alannah Boccabella; Misha Monteiro; Anica Raspudic; Eva Rendina Year 7 Dux: Georgi Hinton Year 8 Honour Roll: Alice Hengel; Chelsea Atkins; Olivia Malvaso; Julia Vendramini Year 8 Dux: Emma Lemke Year 9 Honour Roll: Olivia Cartwright; Isabella Dogovski; Kate Gleeson; Lauren Harb Year 9 Dux: Alexandra Evans Year 10 Honour Roll: Mia Sciberras; Kathryn Hooper; Rachel Nguyen; Hannah Dau Year 10 Dux: Arijana Kekoc Year 11 Honour Roll: Alicia Librandi; Lauren Griege; Sara Hinton; Danielle Reed Year 11 Dux: Mia Kefenhoerster

MAJOR COMMUNITY AWARD Helene de Chappotin: Bianca Sprague St Clare Service Award: Christina Martini St Francis Staff Service Award: Robert Martini and Joanne Thompson Future Leaders Awards Years 7-8: Evelyn Zuccarelli (Year 8) Years 9-10: Eliana Daoud (Year 9) • Years 11-12: Catherine Lewis (Year 11) Spirit of Ave Award • Year 7: Georgi Hinton Year 8: Grace Williamson • Year 9: Ella Hill • Year 10: Mariam Touma Year 11: Mia Ranalletta Year 12: Hannah Shaw Caltex All-rounder • Jessica Storey (Year 12) Moonee Valley Foundation Award Neisha Scully (Year 12) Lee Dow Scholarship (Melbourne University) Elisha Andres (Year 10) LONG TAN AWARD Grace Abboud (Year 10) Madeline Saxton (Year 12)

Grace Abboud and Madeline Langenbacher, Year 10 Faith and Social Justice Leaders

Bianca Sprague, Year 12

It took me a while to comprehend people rejecting the toiletries we offered, as I assumed that they would take everything they could. However, Sarah (St Vinnies volunteer) explained that they know there are people that need it more than themselves, so they only take what they truly need. I found this inspiring as they put others needs before their own and don’t complain about what they don’t have.



On Friday, 15 March 2019, the Faith and Social Justice Leaders attended the annual Mass for Schools at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral as part of Catholic Education Week. It was a rewarding and enriching experience to be in attendance, celebrating such an important day in the Catholic community. In the words of Archbishop Peter, “we are all ‘saints’, some of us just haven’t earnt the capital ‘S’ yet…” Madeline Langenbacher and Grace Abboud, Year 10 Faith and Social Justice Leaders

YEAR 7 FAITH FORMATION DAY Claudia Fox from Year 11 talked us through her Timor Leste experience. We then wrote a special letter to a student in Timor-Leste which will be delivered by the students going to Timor-Leste in September. The day ended with a small Liturgy. I thought that the day was fun and worthwhile and I believe that it brought me even closer to God.

SOUP VAN ‘So what I’ve learnt from this experience is to never judge someone for the way they look, to treat everyone with respect, and to simply be kind to everyone because we often underestimate the impact a simple smile can have on a person’.

The College is most grateful for the priestly ministry of our appointed chaplains, Fr Nhan Le and Fr John Hannon who preside at a variety of Masses in the College. The musical leadership of Mr Minty, Mr McLeod and the vocal ensemble adds greatly to a variety of College Masses.

Patrick Jurd


The Year 10 Faith Formation Day started with a talk from Lina, a volunteer for over 18 years at the St Vinnies Soup Van. The touching stories Lina shared moved every single student, and further inspired us to consider all our options for our FIAT (Faith in Action Today) community service program.

Hannah Portelli, Year 12

The Board of Governance and the Leadership team engaged in faith formation sessions. The Staff Faith Formation Day in August was held at the Treacy Centre, led by staff who were fortunate to go to Assisi, Italy on pilgrimage. The focus of the day was to deepen staff understanding of the Franciscan charism.


Georgia Cullie 7A Faith and Social Justice Leader

Abbey Crowley and Georgia Wheaton, Year 12

The 2019 College theme is “God is doing great things for me”. This timeless message of gratitude is adapted from Mary’s words in the Magnificat in Luke’s Gospel. Faith is alive and well at Ave Maria College and you will see testament to that in a number of expressions on these pages. We also live our faith through Mission Action Day where the whole College undertook a walkathon around the Maribyrnong River track to raise awareness and money for the St Maria Mazzarello school in Venilale, Timor-Leste. This year also saw the fifth Timor Immersion Trip by a group of students and staff from Ave Maria College, occurring in September. The College Student Leaders co-ordinated our participation in Kick Arts, which is the talent showcase for dance, music and drama for students from St Bernard’s, St Columba’s and Ave Maria Colleges. This event raised over $4,400, for the St Bernard’s nominated charity, Headspace.

AVE MARIA DAY Chief Canonical Administrator, Fr Tony Feeney spoke powerfully to the College of the importance of making the most of the gifts that God has given us, seeing God’s hand at work in our lives every day. He also succeeded in getting the girls to raise the roof with the final ‘Amen’ and with their singing of the Hymn to St Francis.

We would like to thank the Friends of the Maribyrnong, but more specifically Judy Ingram for taking the time to come to our school and educate us on the history of their organisation and encourage girls to play their part in the rehabilitation of our environment within our local community.





We definitely have the Year 12 Leadership Team and College Executive to thank for making this year’s Ave Maria Day one of, if not the, best Ave Maria Day we as students have seen yet. Student involvement and enthusiasm, as well as serotonin levels, were at an all-time high.

Sophie McAllister and Mia Ranalletta


The day began at 8.40am with a Talent Show and concluded with a Whole School Mass. The entire community farewelled Dr Eischeid with a standing ovation and the most lively rendition of “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” that Ave Maria College has seen in years. We then moved into the ‘Italian Festa’ portion of our day where we spent the afternoon splurging on all the treats on offer. Some students chose to witness the intense annual Student v Staff Debate which taught us the ‘Importance of the Arts and Sciences’, while others were keen to bust a move at the Francis Hall Disco, and if neither of these activities were right for you, you could flex your childhood MarioKart skills in front of a crowd at the eSports Tournament. The House Dance presented the perfect end to a perfect day, with plenty of smiles, laughs and semi-coordinated dance routines to go around. We have to admit, although the respective House Dances were pretty cute, the clear champions of the competition were the sensational staff who risked a back injury to give us an unforgettable performance of ‘Baby Shark’. Overall, it was a highlight, not only of the year but of our time at Ave Maria College, and we cannot thank you all enough for your positive energy and incredible spirit on the Here’sday.to Ave Maria Day 2020!


Adorned by comfortable couches and booths, open plan classrooms and an abundance of flora and fauna, Helene Province brings life to the learning facilities of Ave Maria College. The new facility houses Food and Technology design spaces, a new library, and the student support and services Archbishopteam.Comensoli described Helene Province as a “marvellous facility” that would “build the community of education and faith”.



The spirit of Ave Maria College was truly alive at the Official Blessing and Opening of Helene Province on Thursday, 5 September 2019. Guests, students, and staff gathered for the official blessing of the College’s newest addition to the campus. His Grace, Archbishop of Melbourne Peter A. Comensoli officially blessed the new facility whilst Aboriginal Catholic Ministry’s Sherry Balcombe led guests through a smoking ceremony.

Current Moonee Valley Mayor (and Ave Maria College Alumna) Counsellor Narelle Sharpe, deemed the new building “amazing!”, whilst Canonical Administrator and Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Sister Heather Weedon was “astounded at the contemporary design” which is “so comfortable for the students”. The ceremony’s magical atmosphere was heightened by the College Vocal Ensemble’s mesmerising hymns and captivating solo Namedperformances.afterthe Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Founder, Helene de Chappotin, the new Helene Province embodies her energy, intellect and engagement with others. College Academic Captains Madeline Saxton and Chloe Dalla-Fontana, shared an inspirational dedication to Helene, encapsulating her mission in four definitive words- passion, Francis, Mary and mission.

Georgia Wheaton YEAR 12 STUDENT


The Clocktower Centre was brought to life this year with Ave Maria College’s 2019 production of Grease. After five months of rehearsals and preparation, over 60 Ave Maria College students showcased their talents to three audiences and impressed the wider community with a vibrant and professional Congratulationsshow.to all members of the cast, crew and dance chorus on their dedication, resilience and enthusiasm. Each student challenged themselves, formed strong friendships and grew into confident young Ourperformers.Production Student Leaders shone this year, mentoring their peers and ensuring each student had an enriching experience. They embodied what it means to be a driven, creative and compassionate Ave Maria College student. Congratulations to Abbey Crowley, Madeline Saxton, Georgia Wheaton, Joanna Ckuj and Giuliana ThankLombardi.you to the Administrative, Maintenance and Arts staff for their ongoing support of Grease, as well as the dynamic team of teaching staff who generously gave their time and talents during Production Week. Finally, thank you to the wonderful creative team of Craig Minty, Melanie Zahra and Claude Ferrarese for creating lifelong memories for our students. Pearce






Jo Hammer and Jessica Hall

On Sunday, 31 March 2019, 32 students and 5 staff headed off to the United States of America on a 16-day learning adventure of a lifetime. I.D.E.A.L stands for Innovation, Design and Enterprise Applied Learning, and this tour was jam packed with opportunities to witness this first hand. Our tour took us to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington DC. Each city provided a range of learning opportunities covering the visual and performing arts, commerce, history, sciences, sport, religious education, technology, media and communication. We also visited well know Colleges, such as Harvard, MIT, Penn and Georgetown. In addition to the many learning activities, each tour participant designed a research project that combined the skills and knowledge from at least two of their current subjects. These covered everything from the physics of bridges and rollercoasters, the effectiveness of billboards in Times Square, to comparisons between healthy food options across states and countries. One of the best aspects of the tour are the many opportunities for personal learning and development. In each city, a small group of students were responsible for navigating the various transport systems and activity locations. In addition, students across Years 10-12 formed new friendships and seeing them working collaboratively was a genuine highlight.



The tour was a wonderful experience with both staff and students creating memories to last a lifetime.


We arrived in Timor-Leste with an understanding of who we are as students in a first world country and left with the deeper knowledge of friendship, our faith and ourselves. In a country stricken by poverty, where children are considered lucky to learn without a roof over their head, we were enriched with the beautiful and integral gifts of what it means to be a person of faith and a part of the greater human the first night in Dili, we spent most of our time at the beautiful school of St Don Bosco, Maliana. The students greeted us with open hearts, and we created some of our favourite memories by immersing ourselves in every aspect of their life. From washing dishes after meals and teaching the St Don Bosco students how to play footy, to teaching English classes and crying of laughter with the girls in our dorms before bed, we truly made the most meaningful friendships. During our stay in Maliana we also visited the nearby town of Colaco, where we met kindergarten students and spent an entire day singing and dancing to traditional Timorese songs, with the contagiously energetic children at Sister Vigilia’s Community Centre. Overall, we are so grateful to have met our wonderful friends in Timor-Leste, and the week we spent with them is one we will treasure forever.

Grace Abboud, Mia Kefenhoerster, Emily McMahon, Mia Ranalletta, Danielle Thompson and Eliza Wilson






22 Indonesia welcomed us with perfect weather, bright sunny days and low levels of humidity making our experience comfortable and Earlyenjoyable.risingevery day, but totally compensated with sumptuous breakfasts to kick start our daily adventure and explorations. Our journey began in Yogyakarta travelling through Central Java and later flying across to Bali, island of the gods, where we headed for the hills exploring Ubud and its surrounding areas. Carrying close to our hearts St. Francis’ message, we embarked on this journey to connect with the environment and realise how we are called to care for creation and all its wonders. Documented by our photos, the students embraced every activity and tackled each day with fresh energy and positivity. They were willing to learn, to explore, to give things a go and more importantly to engage in reflective conversations. I am sure they will forever hold wonderful memories of these shared experiences.



Carla Godoy



So back to what persistence can do, its tenacity and perseverance and doggedness that takes a House from ordinary to extraordinary and that is what Helene House did this year in wining the overall House Championship. It was all about participation for this House. Congratulations to House Captains, Sarah Addinsall and Genevieve Iudica for their efforts in steering their House to victory overall. A special mention to all the House Leaders for their efforts in making 2019 such a successful year. This group of leaders have made great suggestions and driven some fantastic initiatives that will continue providing a legacy for future leaders to emulate.

Over the last few years I have talked about how important participation is when trying to collect points for your House and attempt to be the champion House for the year. This year was a year where participation made the difference. Although both the Inter House Carnivals were disrupted, Swimming running in a modified program and Athletics being rained out, it was numbers that pushed Francis House ahead of the others overall.





An awesome effort by House Captains, Mia Salvador and Aleshia Torca in guiding their House to victory. But carnivals only make a small proportion of points for overall House champions. Students have numerous opportunities to be involved in both SCSA and Co-curricular activities offered at lunch and on special days throughout the term. Ave Maria College participated in more than ten sporting activities winning accolades in five of these sports.

Well done to all students who participated and received points for their House by participating with non-sporting activities like Book Corner, Lab Rats and Creative Spaces. Social Justice activities allowed students to participate in Refugee Tutoring and helping with St Vincent de Paul Soup Van, also assisting in supporting their House. Of course, I would be remiss not to mention all the cast and crew associated with the production of ‘Grease’, well done on your contribution. Finally, the Ave Maria Day House Dance Competition, every House worked so hard on performing their best on the day, an enormous effort by all the House Leaders and a special congratulations to Clare House for taking out the gong for this event.



As we reflect back upon this amazing year, we have been blessed with lasting memories of a special comraderie that has enveloped the wonderful Clare House. It was an absolute privilege to have been your Co-Captains in our final year of secondary school, as it was for us back in Year 7 as House Ambassadors. We hope that the level of enthusiasm, commitment and overall fun we had, is a lasting legacy, as well as the ‘Clare Spirit Stick’, which we both hope is passed onto future leaders of Clare House. Our spectacular dance performance (and much deserved win) on Ave Maria Day and equally successful House Patron Day activity, were definitely highlights for us all. This led to the increased participation in Co-curricular activities, for which we are both grateful.

We would like to sincerely thank our House Ambassadors, especially our Year 11 Ambassadors Sophie McAllister and Claudia Fox for assisting us in the lead up to Ave Maria Day, and our House Mentors Ms Lovell and Ms Sacchetta for supporting us in the preparation of events such as the House Swimming Carnival, Clare Patron Day and House Assemblies. Our biggest thank you is reserved for each and every fellow Clare House student. We couldn’t have done it without you. luck our 2020 Co-Captains!

Best of



GO CLARE HOUSE!!! Sarah Giuffre Fittipaldi and Hannah Shaw CLARE HOUSE CAPTAINS CLARE HOUSE CLARE HOUSE AMBASSADORS Year 7 Eleanor Hinton and Beth Gollant Year 8 Alessia Torcaso and Amy Cunningham Year 9 Alexandra Priestly and Bianca Sweeney Year 10 Mikayla Wyllie and Emily McMahon Year 11 Claudia Fox and Sophie McAllister


2019 came to a close with Francis House finishing in second place with only 9 points between us and the victors. All our success’ as a House this year are a testament to the young women of Francis, and it gives us so much hope for the future of the mighty Orange House.

To celebrate our House Patron Day, we held a lunchtime ‘Boogie Bonanza’ where we danced lunch time away with cake and treats. These dancing skills became useful later in the year at the Ave Day House Dance Competition where our ‘Footloose’ dance resulted in us sitting at a comfortable third place.

Mia Salvador and Aleshia Torca FRANCIS HOUSE CAPTAINS FRANCIS HOUSE FRANCIS HOUSE AMBASSADORS Year 7 Gemma Shilston and Tylah Bell Year 8 Amelia Salvador and Chantel Vo Year 9 Taylor Alissa and Emily Bock Year 10 Mya Mollica and Alessia Granato Year 11 Holli Bates and Charlotte Vinecombe

2019 was a great year for all sporting and academic endeavors of the Francis Army. At the beginning of the year we won the Junior and Senior divisions of the House Swimming Carnival and were crowned the overall champions. This success was a reflection of the dedication and commitment that our Francis girls possess, and we could not have been prouder.



Sarah Genevieve


Addinsall and

Throughout the year, we have been privileged and honoured to lead Helene House in many school events and leave our own mark on Helene. The Helene family has shown their determination and solidarity by participating wholeheartedly in all school events. Winning the House Cup and being the Champions for 2019 was an amazing surprise and proves how determined Helene is.

It was incredible to see so many students attend and participate in the House Swimming Carnival and the House Dance, showcasing their amazing talents in the pool and celebrating their House Spirit and pride in the heat. We would like to say a big thank you to our House Mentor; Mrs Hall, our lovely House Ambassadors, Mr Whicker and the entire Helene House for providing us with so much support, enthusiasm and participation that allowed us to win the 2019 House Cup. Thankyou you so much for a great year, it is an unforgettable experience that we will always treasure.

Ludica HELENE HOUSE CAPTAINS HELENE HOUSE HELENE HOUSE AMBASSADORS Year 7 Georgia Cullie and Georgi Hinton Year 8 Ruby Fitzgerald and Inca Joeng Year 9 Angelica Polimeni and Charley Hinton Year 10 Mia Sciberras and Alissia Bellistri Year 11 Karsha Pereira and Elyse Borderick



As Mary Co-House Captains, we have had the privilege of leading the girls in blue for 2019. Although we didn’t have the opportunity to partake in the College Athletics Carnival due to rain, we were so pleased to see the students shine in the Co-curricular life of the College none-the-less, particularly in the production of Grease and SCSA sports. We would like to say a huge thank you to our Mentors, Ms White and Mrs Zanini and also to our fellow Year 12 Mary girls for their endless support and encouragement this year. To our ‘Mary Army’, thank you for an awesome year filled with fun and energy. All of your participation and involvement has meant so much to us and made us proud to lead you. We hope that we have made you proud this year as well and that you will continue in years to come to be the loud and proud Mary girls we love.

GO MARY! Giuliana Lombardi and Chelsea Reid MARY HOUSE CAPTAINS MARY HOUSE MARY HOUSE AMBASSADORS Year 7 Cate Ciccarelli and Scarlett Colson Year 8 Isabella Chiaravalle and Iona Davidson Year 9 Theresa Dang and Hannah Masters Year 10 Talia Motta and Victoria Gleeson Year 11 Madison Anderson and Carla Boyle


Religious Education needs to be holistic and provide opportunities to touch hearts – through reflective classroom activities, as well as making connections with the Year 12 Retreat, Year Level Faith Formation Days and College Masses. Whether in class discussion, prayer or in written responses, our young women continue to indicate their desire and need for meaning that comes from faith and spirituality. I am grateful to my colleagues as we accompany our young women on their faith journey.

Patrick Jurd


This year has seen an embracing of a pedagogy of encounter by both staff and students at Years 7 to 10. This pedagogy is central to the renewed Religious Education curriculum which has been promoted by Catholic Education Melbourne and has the approval of Archbishop Comensoli. Our partnership with the Religious Education Domain of St Columba’s College has provided excellent shared learning as well as opportunities for staff to plan units of work which lead to rich learning. This takes different forms at each Year Level, such as ‘Francis: Rebel for Justice’ the Year 10 unit that links with the FIAT (Faith In Action Today) community service program.





Louis Tsui Po DOMAIN

Health and Physical Education is a unique subject that allows students to develop knowledge and skills that can be used to improve the quality and longevity of their lives. The students at Ave Maria College had many opportunities to participate in a wide range of learning activities that exposed them to these lifelong skills first hand. These experiences included visiting the Royal Women’s Hospital Maternity ward to experience prenatal and early childhood development Year 11 Students developed their physical health during new experiences like learning to play racquet ball and squash in Year 9, learning to surf, stand up paddle board, cross-country ski and canoe in VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies. Students also developed an appreciation of mental, emotional and social health when looking at the impact of bullying, identity and harm minimisation on themselves and others. These and many more learning activities would not be possible without the professionalism, dedication and hard work of the wonderful Health and Physical Education staff who support the development of every student in their care.




Thecurriculum.yearbegan with success from the ‘Class of 2018’, with students represented in VCE Season of Excellence, Fireworks and the Annual Catholic Education Week Art exhibition, and again we finished in style with our annual Arts and Technology Festival.


Art is a visual way to communicate, enabling us to understand who we are, to express ourselves and to speak to others. The visual arts are also an important part of the historical record of every culture having been used to capture and express a wide array of values, beliefs, and ideas.

2019, was another year in which we embraced these foundations within our subject areas, developing units and courses that reflected these ideals. All students were encouraged to be creative and skilful and to show their passion and commitment to the many opportunities and areas of the Visual and Performing Arts

The third level of the newly completed Helene Province provided a perfect flow and connection for our visual arts exhibition from the Art wing in the Mary Centre. A wonderful celebration, the Class of 2019 showcased their achievements through a combined display of Visual Arts folio work and Year 12 VCE folio subjects of Media, Studio Arts and Visual Communication and Design. Other displays included live music performances in the Atrium, horror movies, as well as displays of Visual Arts folio work from all areas of Year 7 to 11. The evening concluded with solo performances in Drama, Music and the Product Design and Technology Fashion Parade in Francis Hall. The evening was warmly supported with many of our families, and also a number of people from other areas of our community.

In closing, I would like to acknowledge the hard work by all members of the Arts Domain, Visual and Performing for their continued commitment, energy and passion during the year and most importantly in making the Arts and Technology Festival the huge success that it was. We look forward 2020, in readiness to continue our many and varied creative pursuits and individual expression.

37 YEAR 12 ARTS Antonia Kerrison, Visual Communication Design Hannah Liu, Visual Communication Design Dalia Hirmiz, Media, Digital Photography Elyssa Hancock, Media, Film Julia Myszka, Media, Film Annabelle Beard, Studio Arts Katia Pietrolungo, Media, Print Alexandra Moran, Product Design and TechnologyCristina Gattellari, Studio Arts Rhiannon Youngson, Product Design and Technology

Catholic Education Week Visual Arts Exhibition 2019, also in March showcased the creative artworks from both primary and secondary students in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The following students are to be congratulated in being selected to have their work (from 2018) exhibited.


Top Arts - Natalie Cierpisz Top Designs Lia Chiarilli

Many wonderful achievements and acknowledgments for our students.

The coveted annual Seasons of Excellence 2019 recognised four of our Art students, after a rigorous selection process, to have their work shortlisted and selected as part of the VCAA’s coveted Season of Excellence. This event included a series of exhibitions and performances showcasing outstanding work from VCE students across Victoria and it is always a mark of honour for any school to have its students acknowledged by being shortlisted from hundreds of applications. We recognize and congratulate the following students from the Class of 2018.

Also, congratulations to Lia Chiarilli (Class of 2018) whose Media magazine layout was exhibited as part of Top Designs at the Melbourne Museum. We also acknowledge Isabella Ellul who was selected to perform her solo work from 2018 in this year’s Top-Class Dance program.

Shortlisted for Top Designs: Product Design and Technology • Nina Kotowskyj Shortlisted for Top Arts: Studio Arts • Livana Raczynski


38 2019 has seen several student works acknowledged and included in a range of Art related exhibitions, continuing to raise our College’s profile in the Victorian Arts community.

Early in March, Fireworks at Incinerator Gallery, Moonee Valley’s annual art and design exhibition and award for VCE students who live, work, or study in Moonee Valley opened. Exhibited students included, Tess Chiera, Alannah Cutajar (Class of 2018) Natalie Cierpisz and Olivia Siracusa (Class 2019).

Finally, in June Natalie Cierpisz was again exhibited and shortlisted for the Footscray Art Prize 2019, exhibition providing “a significant overview of Australia’s contemporary art scene.”

Georgia Wheaton, VCE Studio Arts – Fineliner and water colour on cartridge Elyssa Hancock, VCE Studio Arts – Colour pencil on cartridge Mia Ristevski, Alicia Guarnaccia, Wanyea Foley, Year 11 Studio Arts Portraits –Oil on canvas Elisha Andres, Lucy Parente, Laura Eid, Kira Pejcinovski, Keely Robinson, Mia Sciberras, Year 9 Visual Arts Acrylic on board – Composition Pears

Very special congratulations goes to Natalie Cierpisz whose folio work was displayed at TOP ARTS 2019 at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV. Natalie should also be commended, after demonstrating excellence in VCE Studio Arts, for being selected by Art Education Victoria to speak at KickstArt 2019, a VCE program for students in partnership with the NGV designed to help current students understand the requirements and get the most out of their studies.

2019 has been a year filled with rich and dynamic performances from our talented Ave Maria College girls.

Congratulations and thank you to all performers.

Olivia Pearce

demonstrated newly acquired skills of Mime and Commedia Dell’Arte this year, creating hilarious and engaging performances. At Year 8, students danced to the phenomenon of Bollywood inspired music, learnt from expert Bollywood dancers and choreographed their own amazing routines. They also interpreted a script for performance, producing an adaptation of Frankenstein.

Students performed at numerous assemblies, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day breakfasts, Open Mornings and the Official Opening and Blessing of the Helene Province, just to list a few. Our VCE class also gave the very first performance to be held in the lovely Helene Atrium during Term 2; a wonderful occasion for all in Parentsattendance.and friends also enjoyed the performances given at the Annual Arts and Technology Festival and the Year 9 Music Evening in Semester 2.

The College’s Vocal Ensemble, Senior Rock Band and Soloists across Years 7 to 12 impressed the local community at the Moonee Valley Arts Show in March, where they performed a series of contemporary pieces to an eager audience.

Ave Maria College shone at ‘Kickarts’ this year, where after weeks of rehearsals, our students delivered five incredible performances, with our Ave Maria College Drama Crew taking out first place in the acting category.

The student’s talents continued to take centre stage at the Official Blessing and Opening of Helene Province, where senior singers presented an exquisite rendition of Ave Maria, complemented by performances from our Vocal Ensemble and soloists. Our invited guests were overwhelmed by the astounding talents of these groups.

Of course, these are only a few of the performances we have seen this year, as our rich and diverse Performing Arts culture continues to flourish.

My sincere thanks to all students involved in Music throughout this year, and to our instrumental tutors as well as Ms Kayla Sims and Mr Alex Brown for all the support of the students throughout the year. I would also like to thank Mr Christopher McLeod for his work during first term with the Ave girls.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”


Students from all year levels have challenged themselves and shared their immense musical and performance talents with their peers and the wider school community.


It has been another fantastic and busy year for Music at Ave Maria College. There have been numerous performance opportunities for our students, and another academically successful year for our VCE class.

– Plato Craig Minty TEACHER


Our very enthusiastic and committed group of Year 9 students, who chose this elective, performed their own fairy tales, with music accompaniment, to an audience of children from Our Lady of the Nativity Primary School.



At Year 10, learning about playwright Bertolt Brecht and his Epic Theatre for the people, the students devised ensemble performances that were eclectic in nature and ‘did not represent life as it is lived’.

Mr Claude Ferrarese, Ms Suzanne Lake and Ms Olivia Pearce


The VCE classes worked tirelessly on the development of characters in a range of performance styles. Ensembles explored the ‘Jack the Ripper’ story and solo performances tested the individual’s ability to manipulate expressive skills.



The co- and cross-curricular presence of Food Technology was also on display through the year through activities such as the ‘Nourish Bowl’ and Donut Decorating competitions, Cupcake decorating for Science Week (with a Moon Phase theme) and smoothies on sale in HPE week.

2019 was an exciting year for Design Technologies at Ave Maria College, as we were able to take ownership of our brand-new rooms in the Helene Province and move out of the temporary Assisi rooms. The three new spaces all have excellent facilities and the Technologies staff are very excited to utilise them to their full potential in coming years.

The senior Product Design and Technology and VET Applied Fashion Design and Technology students have spent the year designing and making their garments, whilst also learning about sustainable practices within the fashion design industry. Their many hours of work and efforts were then showcased as part of the Fashion Show at 2019 The Arts and Technology Festival.



The Year 8 and 9 cohorts considered the social and environmental impacts of garment production, whilst designing and producing the ever popular hoodies and pyjama shorts, whilst our Year 7 students learned how to navigate their way around the sewing machine, and producing their machine samples and equipment bag.

The Food Technology students across Years 7 to 10 have spent the year learning about nutrition, food in the media and sustainable packaging, whilst also learning about personal and commercial food production. As part of the look at commercial food production, our Year 9 students baked a range of biscuits and treats that were then sold as part of the ‘Groovy Beans’ Coffee Cart in Term 4.





2020 will be an exciting year for Digital Technologies at Ave Maria College, with classes at Year 9 through 12 for the first time in a few years. The exciting realm of ‘eSports’ also arrived at Ave Maria College this year, with both formal and informal competitions being run throughout the year. Ave eSports Season 1 kicked off in Term 2 with Mario Kart Wii. A fastest lap format was used to determine the Heat Winners, whilst a Grand Prix was used to determine the Season 1 Champion, Ebonie Gattellaro, Year 10.




STEM students also had opportunities to see how STEM is present in the real world through visits to the Australian F1 Grand Prix (Semester 1 classes) and the Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project (Semester 2 classes). Both excursions gave all students opportunities to experience virtual reality, 3D printing and drone technologies in action.

Digital Technology is an emerging area at Ave Maria College. This year, the Year 11 Computing students developed knowledge and proficiencies in a range of areas, such as data manipulation and visualisation, networks, web design, various ICT issues, programming with Visual Basic.NET, as well as database design and construction.


Ave eSports will be back bigger and better in 2020.


STEM This year, our Year 9 and 10 STEM students gained hands-on skills and were able to experiment and apply knowledge through a range of activities such as building Spaghetti Bridges (Science, Mathematics), 3D modelling and printing (Technology), prototyping electric cars (Science, Technology, Mathematics) and working with electronics and robotics (Science, Technology).

Our Year 8 Maths students have had to work within a budget to design their ideal backyard, while the Year 9 cohort have used measurement techniques to find the surface area of different types of food packaging. At Year 10 students have been carefully considering what their future mathematics pathway looks like.

This year there has been a number of exciting things happening in Mathematics. This includes the expansion of the Absolute Maximums program.




Dianne Lodge DOMAIN

The Year 7 Maths classes have applied their knowledge of geometry, solving billiard table and car-parking problems. They have also worked in teams to design intricate board games to show case the mathematical rules associated with integers.

Whilst VCE Mathematics classes have focused heavily on being able to demonstrate and apply their understanding of the different concepts being studied, they have still had opportunities to utilize their mathematical skills. The Year 12 Mathematical Methods class have used calculus to help solve a crime, whilst the Further Mathematics classes have used the Socrative App to race against each other to solve different types of problems. Overall, it has been a successful year, due in no small part to the dedication and hard work of the members of the Mathematics Domain. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank them for all that they do. LEADER: MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS IS, IN ITS WAY, THE POETRY OF LOGICAL IDEAS.’ ALBERT EINSTEIN

Students from Years 8 to 10 studied a range of interesting topics all the way from DNA through to Cells and Human Body Systems, examining how life itself works, starting at a molecular level.

Our ‘Lab Rats’ Science Club, open to all students at Ave Maria College, continued in 2019 with the introduction of our first Science Fair in which students had an opportunity to conduct their own research and present it to their peers and a panel of judges that included current VCE Science students. With the success of the Science Fair it is hoped to be back bigger and better in 2020.

Science in 2019 was full of exciting opportunities for our students in and out of the classroom. Our Year 7 cohort took their quest to promote sustainable environments and the conservation of wildlife to the Zoo in Term 2. They were also able to participate in the Engineering Without Borders program, looking at the cleaning of drinking water.



Across a range of year levels students were also able to participate in outings such as the Women in Physics Breakfast, a Luna Park excursion for Physics and studying at the Victorian Space Science Education Center to name a few. This was capped off by a moon themed Science Week that saw students having the opportunity to launch rockets and learn about the phases of the moon by decorating cupcakes at lunchtime.

Kristian Davies DOMAIN LEADER:

Thank you to all of the Science Team members for a fantastic 2019.

None of the amazing and challenging learning or exciting opportunities provided to our students could happen without the support of our ever hard-working Science Team who continue to challenge and grow our students daily.

The Wonderful World of English…

The texts studied in Year 9 English this year have taken us on many journeys. We studied poems from different eras and places but then focused on the here and now through our study of contemporary Australian short stories. Our study of Romeo and Juliet gave us an understanding of Shakespeare’s incredible talent and insight into why his plays are still relevant today.

Year 8 English students have experienced a year full of possibilities in the world of literature; exploring language, how it works and how it can captivate an audience. The Year 8 cohort examined Australia’s First People’s connection to The Land in their study of “Crow Country,” while their reading and analysis of “The Giver,” provoked much discussion and analysis of a society’s attempt to control its people. Author Alice Pung shared her own writing process in a presentation to the cohort. Alice shared her ideas on how to find inspiration for short story writing. She encouraged students to look at their own life to draw inspiration.

Here is a snapshot of the rich learning and class activities that each Year Level has been immersed in this year in English…

Year 10 English students worked hard in 2019, completing course work that was modelled on the VCE English study design. Students were introduced to Rumi’s Poetry and learnt that ‘There are many ways of knowing.’ Through their reading of the play A Doll’s House, the lead character Nora inspired the girls to ‘believe that first and foremost I am an individual, just as you are.’

Year 7 students enjoyed a wonderful opportunity to learn skills in debating. Students were able to learn how to debate and develop better communication skills and have some fun along the way. They were taught the specific roles applicable for each speaker and the importance of rebuttal.

Students studied a wide range of texts styles in VCE this year, from short stories and graphic novels to the wonderful lyrics by Paul Kelly.


Joanne Thompson, Deb Horbec, Suzanne Lake, Joanne Fastuca, Elisa Scoglio and Michelle Robertson

VCE English Language focused on why we use the language we do, how our bodies also convey information and how we learn to speak. We also considered the positives and negatives of English being a global language and what is lost when languages like aboriginal dialects are lost.




The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, sociology, politics, geography, economics, law, history and business studies to understand and record our world. These modes of expression have become some of the subjects that traditionally fall under the Humanities umbrella. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries. Students from the College have strengthened this connection by partaking in an array of educational experiences including: involvement in the Ave Maria College Business Fair, an invitation to participate in the finals of the Bond University Mooting Competition on the Gold Coast, participation in the United Nations Youth Conference, a Mock Referendum at the College, as well as numerous other incursions and excursions. Spalliera





The study of a foreign language provides students with a more global outlook on life and an increased awareness of other lifestyles and traditions, but also a deeper appreciation of their own. Furthermore, languages give learners the world, by opening their minds to other cultures and opening doors to new possibilities.

The Swinburne Junior Poetry Competition – June session followed, with Alyssa Caruso of Year 7 receiving Second Prize.


Marissa D’Astoli DOMAIN LEADER:


Term 3 culminated with the Education Perfect World Championships which ran concurrently with the ‘Ave Championships’, pitting one language class against the other. At its conclusion, the Year 10 Indonesian class took out the school-based prize, while Tahlia Tassone of Year 11 won the individual Highpoint Voucher after amassing 7,304 points. I take the opportunity to thank the language teachers for providing students the opportunity and capacity to think critically and creatively, whilst nurturing an appreciation of social and cultural diversity, and a sense of global citizenship in an ever-changing world.

This year, students seized the opportunities afforded to them and participated in an array of activities and competitions embracing Indonesian and Italian cultures. The Sayembara Lisan Speaking Competition resulted in three students being recognised for their excellent performance. Lauren Harb was awarded a “Highly Commended” in the Year 9 Continuing Section, and in the Year 8 Beginners Section, Grace Williamson and Lucy Harrop also received a “Highly Commended”.

The Dante Alighieri Poetry Recitation Competition came next, and this resulted in Giuliana Lombardi being awarded First Prize in the Year 12 Italian-Australian category, Alexandra Evans receiving Second Prize in the Year 9 Non-Italian section, and Isabella Trinchera winning Third Prize in the Year 12 Italian-Australian category.

The Helene Library is once again located in the heart of the College in the new Helene Province. The newly refurbished library is a hub of collaboration and learning from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. Educational libraries are a pivotal part of any school’s learning culture and students at Ave Maria College are fortunate to have a state-ofthe-art library and committed library staff.


Reading improves vocabulary, increases empathy and helps students better understand and connect with people in the real world. It is exciting to see all the books back on the shelves in the new library. They are being browsed, borrowed, read and shelves left in shambles after class visits. It’s a librarian’s dream library to work in where books are still valued!

Co-curricular activities in the library continue to be popular with students in all Year Levels. Attending ‘Book Corner’ or ‘Creative Spaces’ in the Library earns each student House points. Library staff put together a great program for the debut of Literary Week, a week-long celebration of all thing’s books, with guest authors, competitions, prizes and opportunities to get reading! The award-winning author Will Kostakis entertained students with his engaging stories and autographed many books. The daily emoji quiz was very popular and overall more than 230 people participated Literary Week. The week concluded with ‘Books and Breakfast’ a community event. Parents, students and staff enjoyed an enlightening presentation by bestselling Australian author and screenwriter, Anna Snoekstra. A strong sense of community is always evident in the Helene Library, we were overwhelmed with the support of all students, staff and parents, who attended and participated in making Literary Week such a success. The Library team works closely with students and teachers throughout the year to ensure students at Ave Maria College develop the necessary skills to become life-long learners and lovers of reading.



This year our professional dedication to develop students to ‘read for pleasure’ steered the library away from the traditional alphabetical classification of novels. The library adopted a contemporary ‘genre’ classification system that was specifically researched and designed with the students of Ave in mind. Thirteen reading genres were hand-picked to represent the modern young adult fiction collection in the new lush green Reading Area. With the colourful and popular genre collection in place, library staff witnessed an increase in borrowing and students independently experimenting with different reading styles and authors.

On a personal note, the highlight of 2019 has been running the Tuning into Teens Program on Thursday evenings in Terms 2 and 3. The program teaches emotional intelligence and explores the challenges of parenting adolescents. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know program participants and witnessing the close bonds develop within both parent groups.

The Year 10 students criss-crossed the city and suburbs to complete Work Experience and structured workplace learning placements. They travelled by train, tram, bus and car. They experienced disruption whilst voyaging into the unknown. They attended the Career Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and interacted in an exciting format that encompassed career opportunities for employment and training.

Adjacent to my office is the ‘Chill Out’ area. This area is available for students who experience overwhelming emotions such as frustration, anger, sadness or anxiety. Students take responsibility for self-regulating their emotions in a peaceful and safe place before returning to the classroom.



‘Every time you leave home, Another road takes you Into a world you were never in”. – John Donohoe’s poem for the traveler


The Year 12 students travelled the length and breath of Melbourne on their University Excursion Day. They discovered La Trobe University, Swinburne University, Victoria University, University of Melbourne, Australian Catholic University and RMIT.


“May you travel in an awakened way Gathered wisely into your inner ground That you may not waste the invitations Which wait along the way to transform you”

The only constant in life is change. This has certainly been the case with the College Counselling Service in 2019. To name just a few of the changes, there has been a relocation to the brilliant new Helene Province, the introduction of a new ‘Chill Out’ area and my involvement in the Tuning into Teens Parent Program.

– John Donohoe’s poem for the traveler

The new Counselling area is a blissfully quiet and private space where students can come and talk through any difficulties.

LET 49

Can you doubt that you exist? This was just one of the many philosophical discussions I had with Horizons students in Philosophy Club this year. We also pondered: Should you ever tell a lie? Is there really such a thing as chance? And my personal favourite- Do you owe your parents anything?

Once again, we entered two teams into Tournament of Minds –a competition challenging students to use all their creativity and performance skills while developing a response to a set topic. The particpants had to write their own scripts and perform their plays in front of two judges as well as complete a five minute challenge on an unseen topic. It was wonderful to see such fabulous collaboration and ingenuity.

Homework Club has continued to run four nights a week and is available to all students at all Year Levels. This club provides an opportunity to consolidate concepts learned in class, prepare for upcoming tasks and assessments and provided a space where students can feel they can ask questions, reflect on their learning and support their peers in a mutually respectful environment.

Kate De Bolfo

HORIZONS LEADER In April, The Learning Enhancement Team made the move to the Helene Province. We are privileged to be based in what can only be described as an innovative, creative and dynamic learning environment. Our new area has provided us with an office for meetings with students, parents, teachers and external consultants. We have an interactive learning space where students can work independently, collaboratively and have a sense of connectiveness. The Learning Support Officers also have their own office and personal work stations.

Some of Horizons’ keen creative writers went to the Melbourne Writers Festival to listen to inspirational authors talk about the craft of writing and their inspirations. The students then had the opportunity to write some of their own stories while in the magnificent Dome Room of the State Library of Victoria.

The Learning Enhancement Team are also a crucial component for collecting the necessary documentation for the annual Nationally Consistent Collection of Data.

The Learning Enhancement Team have welcomed new staff to the team which has enabled us to bring further expertise to our College community. The team have continued to be involved in a wide range of supports including working in classes assisting teachers and students, working as advocates for students, assisting students attending excursions and specialised programs off-campus, meeting with parents and all stakeholders, completing diagnostic testing to support adjustments being implemented to assist students in accessing the curriculum, working with subject staff to ensure that the delivery of content is personalised to meet the needs of our students and attending transition meetings with local primary schools.

Michelle McNamara




Year Level Captain Lauren Cunnington, Faith and Social Justice Leader Elizabeth Curtolo, Year AcademicLevelCaptain Olivia Mangion, Year Level Captain Madeline Piccione, Year AcademicLevelCaptain Renee Thompson, Faith and Social Justice Captain Grace Williamson, Year Level Captain Ella-Grace Arnold, Faith and Social Justice Leader Grace Abboud, Faith and Social Justice Leader Tara Clark, Faith and Social Justice Captain Alyssa Caruso Year Level Captain Alexandra Evans, Year Level Captain Chiara Barrasso, Year Level Captain Sophie AcademicMcAllister,Captain Lindsay Cecil, Faith and Social Justice Leader Hannah Masters, Year Level Academic Captain Karen Habashy, Year Level Academic Captain Stephanie Nind, Year Level Captain Georgia Cullie, Faith and Social Justice Leader Kate Maxwell, Year Level Captain Madeline Langenbacher, Faith and Social Justice Leader Josephine Porcheddu, Faith and Social Justice Captain Eva Rendina, Year Level Academic Captain Holly Rose Te Maro-Bogusz, Faith and Social Justice Captain Mya Mollica, Year Level Captain Danielle Reed, Year Level Captain YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEARYEAR1011



The Student Leadership Program from Years 7 – 11 at Ave Maria College consists of a number of key roles, each with a particular focus and portfolio. Peer Support Leaders are solely Year 11 students and College Tour Guides are limited to those at Year 9 . However, each Year Level has Captains, Academic Captains, Faith and Social Justice Leaders and Ambassadors for each Mentor Group, Environmental and House. Thankyou to all the Leaders across the College for their dedication to their roles this year.

Year Level

The role of a student leader is one of privilege and responsibility. They act as positive role models within the College community, upholding the College expectations and code of conduct to the highest level. Student Voice is respected and encouraged within Ave Maria College, and students who take up positions of Leadership take on the responsibility of being the voice of the students and of the College.


Angela Torelli


Faith and Social Justice Leader Ella

Leni Adams Captain Bacak,Colomer,

Tara Clark Sara Hinton AliciaAbbyLibrandiPort

Charlotte Vinecombe Lily


Leah SophieJemimaAlessiaBacakFazioJaggardMcAllister

Talia MiaClaudiaCapassoFoxKefenhoersterKaraMurone


Natalie Zuccarelli

The Peer Support Program is an example of our Franciscan faith in action as our Year 11 Peer Support Leaders show the sisterly love of Clare by working with the Year 7 students throughout the year, from the first day they enter the TheCollege.transition to secondary school is one of the most significant that occurs in the life of a young person and the Peer Support Program has been integral to supporting our Year 7 cohort as they become part of the Ave Maria College Thecommunity.Year11 students worked as a team of three to support a group of Year 7 students in their integration to the College. This included working with them during orientation, conducting Peer Support sessions and attending Year 7 Thecamp.Year 7 camp was a highlight for both the Peer Support Leaders and the Year 7 students. It was a wonderful opportunity for the girls to bond with their groups and to develop their leadership. Our Peer Support Leaders have been a fantastic support to our Year 7 students, enabling their growth and flourishing this year.


Kahlia Szabo Mikaela Benito Holly


Mia Ristevski Bridget Tennant SUPPORT LEADERS



Danielle Reed Claudia Favrin Briana

ChloeRebeccaFortunaKeenanMcMahon Thompson



Josephine Porcheddu

Alyssa Chiarilli Lauren CatherineGreigeLewisKarshaPereira


Joanne Thompson JUNIOR SCHOOL LEADER JUNIOR SCHOOL THE JUNIOR SCHOOL WELLBEING DAYS ENCOURAGED STUDENTS TO CONSIDER THEIR GIFTS AND RESPECT THE GIFTS IN OTHERS. AMBASSADORSENVIRONMENT Georgi Hinton 7A Isabella Ewing 7C Emma Keenan 8C Abinaya Arunan 8C YEAR AMBASSADORSLEVEL 7A – Lauren Hadeed 7B – Ava Newman 7C – Ciaan Holmes 7D – Clara El-Khoury 7E – Sophia Rao Huygen 8E – Milana Buscema 8F – Ruby Gojevic 8A – Alana Centofanti 8B – Erin Crowden 8C – Chloe Huygen 8D – Estella De Bolfo

The incoming Year 7 students faced the challenges of commencing secondary school with excitement, confidence and positivity. They supported each other to form new friendships and developed a real sense of House spirit and belonging to the Ave Maria College Campcommunity.Marysville was a highlight of the year. The girls actively participated in all activities and encouraged and supported one another to try something new. It was wonderful to see them having fun participating in Bike Riding and Canoeing amongst many other activities. The Year 7 cohort developed a strong connection to their Year 11 Peer Support Leaders on Camp. The evening activities of a Camp Fire and a Talent Show saw students from the two Year Levels bond with one another and their knowledge of the Marysville community was enhanced by two special guests who informed them of the Black Saturday Bushfires.

The Junior School Wellbeing days encouraged students to consider their gifts and respect the gifts in others. The students were engaged in several presentations.

The Year 8 students continued their secondary schooling with enthusiasm and a positive mindset tackling the challenges of a more complex curriculum with determination and resilience. They have participated eagerly in many excursions and Co-curricular activities showing their willingness to extend themselves and take on board all the College has to offer.

THE GIFTS IN ME. In this inaugural year of sub schools, the Junior School, Years 7 and 8 came together as one. Through the theme of ‘The Gifts in Me’ the Junior School explored many positive aspects of themselves and how they can use them to face challenges and become resilient. These gifts were celebrated further through various activities throughout the year.

Project Rockit, empowering students to build strong relationships and navigate the risks and rewards of challenging online behaviour. They participated in a Respectful Relationship session to develop a creative and critical mind and build strategies to enhance their relationships with others. Students also showed their creative side in the Art Therapy session designed as a method to help with relaxation. Students individually personalised their sketch art and mindfulness Mandela with positive affirmations.

The Year 7 students having been immersed in the world of our sister school, St Maria Mazzarello, in Venilale, responded to their need to practice written English by corresponding via letters. The Year 8 community came together, on their Wellbeing day, to listen to a presentation by Melissa Tracina, 2007 Ave alumni who shared her journey into her current career as a commercial radio announcer. Melissa’s message to the Year 8 cohort was, “tomakethemostofeveryopportunitybecauseyouneverknowwhereitmightleadyou”.ForthefirsttimeasaJuniorSchool,thestudentscametogethertoshareinspecialactivitieswhichincludedtheSpecialPersonsMass,JuniorDAVDebating,StudentLeadershipmeetingsandFaithFormationDaysjusttonameafew.StudentsfurtherdevelopedtheirfaithandcommitmenttosocialjusticebycontributingtoSamaritansPurse,OperationChristmasChild.Studentsfilledover200shoeboxeswithessentialsandgiftsforchildrenindevelopingcountries.StudentsfurthersupportedsocialjusticebyraisingawarenessandprovidingfinancialsupportfortheworkoftheAsylumSeekerResourceCentrethroughseveralbakesales.TheJuniorSchoolYearLevelCaptains,FaithandSocialJusticeLeaders,AcademicCaptains,EnvironmentalAmbassadorsandMentorAmbassadorshaveledamicablyandhavedisplayedrespect,compassionandastrongsenseofworkingtogetherasateam.Theyaredevelopingintoyoungwomenwhoarepassionate,curiousandinquisitive.Theyhaveinspiredtheirpeersandteacherswiththeirconfidentvoiceandpositiveattributes.Theyhaveshowntheirinnergiftsandhelpedotherstorecognisetheirspecialgifts.Itwasapleasureoverseeingthisamazinggroupofgirls.IwishtheYear8studentsallthebestastheyembraceMiddleSchoolandllookforwardtoworkingwithallYear7studentsastheystepuptomeetthechallengesofthecomingyear.


54 YEAR 7 Alice Barbey Cara GeorgiaLindsayBrownCecilCullie Emily AlexandraDoneganFarrugiaLaurenHadeed Leni IsabellaSophyAdamsBarnesEllaButlerCiaffaglioneChristinaD’Agata Ashley MichaelaDoyleGalleLaylaHanlon Tia Abdoush Ava OliviaBarbounisBuchananHannahCefaiCarlaCutri Cara Dossis Amelia Formosa Ava Hande Annabelle Alissa Mia CateSiennaBastianonCabralCiccarelliAvaDalley Clara El-Khoury Lara EmmaEleanorGaninoHintonLeanneAllenLaylaBatresCamilleriScarlettColsonChiaraDaquino Ava GeorgiMarissaElwoodGeeHinton Sienna Athaide Alannah Boccabella GeorgieJessicaCartwrightCrea Erica Di Mia-IsabellaClioIsabellaMatteoFakhriBethGollantIliopoulosBacciJessicaBockAlyssaCarusoAlessiaCuda Megan Doherty Sienna Farfalla Charlotte Guardiani Gisele Inguanti Scarlett Anderson Amelia Belcastro JuliaMiaAbbeyCampioneCooperDarmanin Mia AnaliseCiaanIsabellaDarmaninEwingSarahGillardHolmesKatrinAntaklyTylahBellCapitoTaraCostello Adrey De Fazio Celeste Failla Georgia Glavas Chiara Hutchinson

55 Keira Izzard Victoria Mastramico Bethany Kerr Armani Milesi Ava AmelieAnicaPapadopoulosVictoriaNewmanRaspudicSchembriGeorgiaThorley Abbey Kerr Sarah MiaGiaanMaxwellNesciPapadopoulosSophiaRaoMonterraRoweAlyssaStavridis Talia La Rocca Alyssa AlexandraMisianoNorrishLilyPeelRenataRaspudicJaidaSciberrasChristinaTrang Brooke Mischa-KiaLandersMonteiroOliviaOcchinoIsabellaPerniceIsabelRavaioliGemmaShilstonNhiVo Isabella PanagiotopoulosBiancaMarminaMottaDaisyAlyssaPolimeniMegRichmondSophieSmithEmmaWard TianaTaliaMarroccoMotta SiforaBrhaneMussie Olivia Panaia Sienna Paone Lauren Putnik Jordan Quinsee Lily-Mae Robertson RowbottomCharlotte Maya Stajewski Carla Stanojevic Olivia Wassell Mackensie Wilson Juliette HaileyAlessiaJacquelynLatinaMoranPalazzoloSiennaPesoReilly-BainesLarnaSimunicAllyVurusic Mia AlessiaOliviaLeccaditoMoreyPalumboVittoriaPisanelliEvaRendinaEllieSmithBridgetWalsh Petra Zagari Mrs Mary HicklandYounesSasha Young Mentor Teachers Mrs Kirstee Cananzi Ms Ellie KatsaouniMs Carolyn Mills Ms Suzanne Lake

56 YEAR 8 Chelsea Atkins Milana Buscema Mia IonaLauraChindamoCuceDavidsonCharliDoyleKianaFentonTylaGreyAliceHengel Mia SiennaKiaraAgostinoBacakCadee Isabella Cipolla Lauren Cunnington Carla Del Moro Lauren Dunne Ruby CassandraFitzgeraldHadwenKaitlynAcquavivaJuliaAuldKatelynBusuttil Sienna Chircop AmyEstellaCunninghamDeBolfoAliviaDrakatosOliviaFerraliKatieGrocock Madison Allawi Elissa Basile Mikayla Coley Elizabeth Curtolo Kiara Di Matteo Isabella KristenGeorgiaDunstanFlajnikHagidimou Olivia Andrews Tess Baxter Kiara SiennaAlexCardinaleCollardD’Angelo Mia Di Natale Abbey NatalieMidelleEdgarFoleyHanna Abinaya Arunan Amy Boyle Alana ChelseaJuliaSabineCentofantiContiniDamianoDimitriouLaurenFaccioloRubyGojevicAvaHellyer Rebecca Asta Tayah Brooks Isabella Chiaravalle Erin BridgetTahliaAdrianaMaryCrowdenDanielDinotoJasmineFalletiGoodwinHenderson OliviaPriscillaAndronacoBibby Ava AnastasiaAllegraCarrickCollettaDalianis Chanel Di Sauro Giulia Elia Sofia LourdesGaleaHarb Anika Anthony Mia Bishop Chanel Caruana Ella Colomer Jade Dalla-Fontana Sienna Di Guardo Ella MadisonFabianiGaroniLucyHarrop Stephanie Hensley

57 Emma Lemke Kyra-Lee Iaconis Chiara IsabellaMackenzieItaliaHillTaliaLoNigroMadilynMhayaAlessiaNaimoSofiaRamettaKeeraRuthStefanovski Siena Iaconis Lydia MichaelaMaeveLicciardiMeggsMurphyMadeleinePoleEjazRumbollSiennaStaropoliSienna Italia Sienna CassandraHisniLorenziEmilyMilardovicJessicaO’ConnorAmelia-RoseRandelloPhebeRyanMiahStrangio Isabella Jessen Ocean Ho Olivia RubyGeorgiaMalvasoMilesO’ConnorStellaRangoOliviaSadiqTahliaSweeney Isabella Karpouzis Ines Hrkac Amy MadelinePiperMarazitaMollicaPiccioneAmeliaRileyRebeccaShaayaAlessiaTorcaso Emma Keenan ChloeSiennaHuygenMarazita Odessa McKerrell Poppy Mostert Grace Mulgrew Alannah Piscopo Carolina Pizza Alex Rivette Emily Ronald Hannah Sorbello Melissa Sotiropoulos Tess Torrance Alexandria Tucker Inca Joeng Meg Hogan Mia IsabellaMammoneMingaarsAlexandraPapadopoulosEmilyRiberaAmeliaSalvadorReneeThompson Sandra Kalta Katelyn Hon Olivia Mangion Layla LucindaOliviaMollicaPericRigoniHollySeddonNickyTon Chantal Vitale Miss Julia White Julia EvelynVendraminiZuccarelliChantel Vo Thy Vo Lily Williamson Stella Xie Tahlia ZarbChloe Watson Grace Williamson Mentor Teachers Mrs Claudia Filippone Ms Rachel FantauzzoMrs Cheryl KerinMrs Maria Saunders Mr Craig Minty (absent)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Middle School Mentor Teachers for their support and hard work throughout the year. I wish all students great success in 2020.


58 2019 implemented a new structure to the College which saw the introduction of Sub-Schools. The Middle School consists of Year 9 and Year 10. Although these are two very different year levels who experienced different activities throughout the year, the theme of ‘God is doing great things for us’ brought the cohorts together. In our fortnightly assemblies, we acknowledged, celebrated and recognised students from each of these year levels for their contribution to the Ave Maria College community. It was amazing to see Middle School come together and help each other grow in their learning, faith and relationships. Year 10 students have been great role models for the Year 9 cohort and I wish them all the best as they move into the Senior School next year. I look forward to seeing the Year 9 students become big sisters next year as they move to the head of the Middle School in 2020.

YEAR 10 It was a busy start to the year for our Year 10 students. In Term One, they participated in a Personal Development Day where they were involved in a range of activities such as a presentation from Elevate Educate around time management, an introduction to self-defence, yoga and an inspiring presentation on true vision. Something that all students look forward to at Year 10 is Work Experience. At the end of Term Two, the girls completed one week of work experience where they went to a variety of work places to learn more about the job, develop skills and find out about what they need to do from now to pursue a career in this area. Year 10 students have adapted well to the demands of the increased workload, accelerated subjects and Mid-Semester examinations. Students have worked so hard and should be so proud of their efforts and achievements throughout the year. They are in a great place to excel and succeed as they begin the next step of the academic life.

This cohort has experienced lots of activities, incursions and excursions such as participating in a Romeo and Juliet performance, heading into the city researching Melbourne as a community, representing the College at LOTE excursions and visiting the Shrine of Remembrance.


9A – Majella Portelli 9B – Mia Paris Scalise 9C – Isabella Dogovski 9D – Loredana Gattellari 9E – Monique Lafauci 10A – Hannah Dau 10B –Monique Amarella and Kathryn Hooper 10C – Alissia Bellistri 10D – Alexia Bugeja 10E – Brianna Coyle

Melanie Zahra

YEAR 9 Year 9 had an opportunity to demonstrate their survival skills whilst attending the Outdoor Adventure Camp at the beginning of Term Two. Students survived stormy nights, sunny days, bushwalks, surfing and sleeping in tents. They truly stepped out of their comfort zone and should be so proud of all that they achieved.


Theresa Dang 9A Emelia Di Guardo 9E Claire Crowden 10A Abbey Nagle 10B YEAR AMBASSADORSLEVEL

It has been great to see Year 9 students involved in so many different activities to aid in their learning. In Term Four, students participated in their Wellbeing Day where they had a presentation from Elevate Educate around mnemonic devices, discussed relationships, participated in stress minimising activities and made some bath bombs which they could use to help them relax prior to examinations or as a way to celebrate the end of examinations.


60 YEAR 9 Kate Blackmore Tahlia GeorgiaTheresaCastelloDangFisherCaitlinGrechTamilaIluffiJessieLuu AlannahImogenAcquavivaBond Olivia Cawthray Emelia Di Guardo Alannah Gabriele Amelia Haber Charli Kennedy Elena Mandalas CeliaEmilyAbbenanteBock Sara CharlotteOliviaEbonyElianaCatanzaritiDaoudFortunaGuardianiLillyJaggardMahoney Taylor Alissa Isabella Brewster Sarah Ckuj Isabella MargaretLaurenKiaraDogovskiGalleHarbSarahKirkMansorAmalieAllanTaraBurke Matisse Commisso Alyssa CelineEmiliAlessiaDowsettGangiEllaHillKoneskaMarganis Hayley Barnes Ruby Calnan Sophie HannahShaniaKateLarissaConnellFaillaGleesonHowellPhoebeLewisMastersBronteBasil Olivia AlessandraChiaraCharlizeAngelinaTahliaCartwrightCudaFakhriOliviaGrandeIaconisLiberatoreMatic Ella-Grace Arnold Lauren Buttigieg Stephanie Commisso Janice Draim TaylaMoniqueCharleyGasparinatosHintonLafauciEmiliMarticSophieAuldTahliaCadoni Elise LoredanaAlexandraConfortoEvansGattellariJadeHowellAlessiaLazzaroOliviaMartin Alexandra Caine

61 Kate ChristinaMaxwellOcchino Lauren CarmelaMolinaroPalamaraJacintaRagognaEmilySawayaKateStephensCharlotteTennantGabrielleWhitingMilla McGlynn Emily HelenaLyndaOppedisanoRabieErikaSarciaStephanouHollyRoseTeMaro-BoguszTaraWalsh Mikayla Moodie Amelia Panaia Charli Raso Mia Paris Scalise Siena Stepic SenukiJessicaThotahewageWilliams Elizabeth Moran Ava AlannahScarlettPanopoulosReinkeSciaraffaGraceSullivanGreerTickleKristenZammit Jennifer Nguyen Majella Portelli Emma Safadi Monica Siracusa Bianca MayganSweeneyUren Ngwenya-NeilNkhensaniIsabellaPrestia Alexandra Priestley Isabelle Santopoli Sarah Santopoli Ashlee Srour Kiera Stavridis Emma Tadinac Brooke Tatam Chloe Vasiliadis Chanel Vo Simona HayleyEbonyBreianaBrhaneMussiePepiRiveraTriniShineSummerhillSiennaTortoraNatashaZarafa Lalia AngelicaNasalioPolimeniJaydeRumoroMegSingletonNatalyaSurawskiNyahTrounsonSiennaZoccali Miss Nadia Di Salvatore Mr John Condello Mrs Jacqueline CullieMs Deb HorbecMs Jennifer Lorrimar Mentor Teachers Miss Natalie Sacchetta

62 YEAR 10 Lucy EbonieOliviaAlexiaBarbutoBugejaAislinnCefaiCurtoloLauraEidGattellaroKarenHabashyArijanaKekocAlyssa Africano Chiara EmmersonBarrassoBusuttilSamanthaComitoDominiqueCutriCharlizeEl-KhouryIsabellaGiurinMegHogan Grace Abboud Ghazal Alyssa-GraceMorganSiennaMeganBarhoumBurkeColomboCaitlinCutajarEinsiedelGiglioGinaHeard Jessica KathrynCharlotteAmarellaBatesNatalieCachiaSimoneCookeHannahDauAlannahEllulIsabellaGlavasHooper Monique Amarella Leile VictoriaJessicaAlishaAmeliaBaxterCainCorsoDaviesAvaFabianiGleesonOliviaHormoz Marina Androutsos Chloe Borraccino Mia StephanieClaireCaruanaCrowdenDugoHannahFishAlessiaGranatoOliviaJohnson Emilie AlanahLouiseAshleighAutolitanoBrooksIsabellaCarusoKimberlyCuCaitlynEdgarGaragozloGrcic-TennerJaneKartalElisha CharlotteMadelineAndresBellinoMaeCamerottoTaylaCoutinhoOliviaDibEllaFarrellGoddardGiuliettaIeria Taylor MoniqueBriannaAlissiaAndronacoBellistriEmilyCarterCoykeDimitriouLaurenFedericoHollyGrahamLaurenJackson

63 Taylor McCarthyJessica Lam EmilyMikaylaTaylahTaliaMcMahonMottaEmmaPeelRonaldJessicaTantiWyllie Cassandra Kennedy Chloe RachelKeelyOliviaMcLaughlinMottaOliviaPattiRobinsonTamburroJacintaWalker NatalieStephanieKiraLangenbacherMadelineBonnieMeggsAbbeyNaglePejcinovskiRyanMariahTaylorZampaglione Jessica Lima Alicia MadeleineMarinaMeilakNawarPertaBiancaSalasLaurenTenaceJulietteZanellini Tess ClaudiaMadelinMarazitaModicaDeahnaOrfiniLinhPhamSchavoneLucyTurner Isabella Massoud Mya Mollica Lilianna Morgan Leah Palmieri Lucy Parente Abigail Philip Tara Riitano Mia Sciberras Ella Soloczynskyj Haylee Victor Michaela Vimba Leah AmandaTaliaLombardoMiatelloNguyenIsobelPettersenSarahSanfilippoMariamToumaAlessiaZoccali Cheyenne Mallia Heidi Milne Rachel Nguyen Paris ScambiatterraDaniellaPettinellaMonicaTrang Mr Christopher Moss Mrs Erika Zanini Mrs Sue OoiMs Tess Spalliera MentorTeachers Mr Garry Whicker

Tania Stangherlin SENIOR SCHOOL TEAM LEADER SENIOR SCHOOL ...AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE LEVEL OF EFFORT REQUIRED BY THOSE COMPLETING VCE STUDIES WAS SHARED AMONGST ALL. AMBASSADORSENVIRONMENT Mia Ranalletta 11E Chloe McMahon 11E Abbey Crowley 12E Georgia Wheaton 12E SENIOR AMBASSADORSSCHOOL 11A – Kahlia Szabo 11B – Carla Scalise 11C Claudia Fox 11D – Sarah Lia 11E – Liana Capito 12A – Alexandra Duma 12B – Basma Hadchiti 12C – Jessica Storey 12D – Mia Muscat 12E – Gemma Iacobacci

This year, the Year 12 cohort were a little unlucky with fires compromising their Retreat, heat impacting the Swimming Carnival and rain being the winner on the day of the Athletics Carnival. However, they were lucky enough to have the privilege of occupying the College’s very first common room fitted with a kitchenette and an open space for the Year Level to retreat to.


Year 11 students were also privileged to participate in a new initiative called ‘Care Day’. A day centred on selfcare, environmental- care, and teambuilding. Many Year 11 students and all Year 12 students undertook the rigor that is Unit 3/4 VCE. We congratulate them on their efforts and perseverance during this time. It is never easy, but it is always worth it.

2019 was our first year spent as a ‘sub-school’, known as the Senior School. From the beginning, Year 11 and 12 students were joined by their Mentor Group letter rather than their Year Level number. Each fortnight, they participated in Year Level activities, facilitated by each separate Mentor Group. Although the Sub-School was a foreign concept at first, bonds began to form, advice was passed on, and an understanding of the level of effort required by those completing VCE studies was shared amongst all.

The Senior School Mentor Teachers and I look forward to spending the final year of secondary school with the current Year 11 students in 2020. We also wish the current Year 12 students the very best of luck for their futures. We will be forever proud to call them ‘Ave Girls.’


66 YEAR 11 Juliet JasmineAlyssaAliciaBattistellaBrookerChiarilliLaraDockingLarissaFazzariIsabellaGarraSaraHintonLaRoccaJosephine Agresta Scarlett Bibby Emily AmeliaMarianneTaraCamilleriClarkLauraEliaFinlayGennaccaroGiselleIaconis Elizabeth Agresta Mikaela Benito Jemma Bustard Lara NicolaDurringtonCharlotteCipollaFazzolariOliviaGastonJuliaHiron Madison Anderson Elise RachelNishmmahLeanneOliviaBonaguroCanturiColacoEricFitzgeraldAlessiaGrazianoBrianaIacovone Emily Asta Elyse Borderick Talia JemimaLaurenMikaylaNatalieCapassoCreaSarahEsberFloodGreigeJaggard Tyrah MiaClaudiaNatashaAlannaBanksBoyleLilyCervettoDeiesiFavrinClaudiaFoxNaomiHadlaKefenhoerster Holli Bates Carla Boyle Alicia AdrianaChiaravalleDiBiaseAlessiaFazioAlyshaFranzeSarahHillFeliciaKung Eliza Auld Mya StephanieLianaBorderickCapitoDamianoIsabellaFarfagliaWanyeaFoleyJessicaGreyBrigetteJohnston Leah AliciaJenniferLaurenBacakBorgCarretoChloeDavisBreannaFarleyHollyFortunaGuarnacciaRebeccaKeenan

67 Julia MarcheseClementine Leonhill Alessia Massara Anna Nguyen Mia MichelleRanallettaShaayaMegThornton Alanna La Spina Briana Marino Kara DanielleNadineMuroneRabieCarlaScaliseThompson Genevieve Leonhill SophieStephanieMcAllisterNindDanielleReedJordanShollClaudiaTurco Catherine Lewis Chanel ClaudiaMahrukhBijankaMcKayOrfiniGeorgiaReidShujaatVendramini Alicia Librandi GeorgiaPhebeRoumeliotisPorchedduJosephineMcshanagAnastasiaTadinacElizaWilson AlanaStephanieLoschiavoMontegan Isabel Moore Abby Port Simone Potter Tia Ryan Alannah Sajkoski Tahlia Tassone Bridget Tennant Johanna Zoccali Natalie Zuccarelli Sarah Lia Madeleine Mcleod Carly Parente Mia CharlotteLaraRistevskiSlavichVinecombe Alyssa Liberman Chloe AnabelKarshaMcMahonPereiraRobinsonKahliaSzaboRebeccaWaring Mr Anthony Spanti Mrs Anna MiskellaMrs Kate De Bolfo Ms Joanne Fastuca Mentor Teachers Mrs Judith Cole (absent) Mr James Vella

68 YEAR 12 Isobel Bava Olivia Chan Laura GiulianaBasmaIsabellaCurcioGaleaHadchitiGraceKempLombardiMareeMilionis Sarah AlexandraAddinsallBernykChiaraChristodoulouHannahDimevskiReneeGiuffreAristeaHavelasBridieKeoghIsabellaMagazzuCarissa ChloeAnnabelleAcquavivaBeardJuliaChieraDalla-FontanaCristinaGattellariElyssaHancockMichelleKentAngelaLopez Erin MadelineAdornoBonnettNatalieCierpiszAlexandraDumaSarahGiuffre-FittipaldiDaliaHirmizAntoniaKerrisonSophiaMasiero Marie ShevonnaRisjhanAgnesiBrunoJoannaCkujSallyEl-RassiMegGleesonHormozEllaLaddsDomeniqueMassoud Taylah Barbaro Serena MoniqueChantelleCapozziCostaMonicaFaillaGrechGenevieveIudicaKatelynLeToilleIsabelleMerai Stephanie Battershill Jessica Castro Abbey Crowley Isabelle Formosa Emilia Grosso JessicaHannahJacksonLiuAylaMesic Olivia GemmaIsabellaBridgetSarahAndersonBurkeCollardFabianiEllaGoddardIacobaccioAlessiaLatinaBridieMcGuire GiordanaMonicaAndronacoElisabettaCampioneParisCondidorioFaggianoElizaGollantJuliettaIbrahimAmberLawesEmilyMeilak

69 Olivia PalumboMarianna Monarca KatiaTaylorNeishaPietrolungoScullySweeneyMarleeVictor Kiara Mitchell Angel MadelinePerkovicSaxtonJessicaStoreyElizaVelthuis Monique Moore Hannah GeorgiaHannahPortelliShawBiancaTantiWheaton Alexandra Moran Caitlin Priestley Natalie Shilston RebeccaStephanieThompsonWhite Amelia Njegac Kara AlyshaLaurenRiggioSponzaAleshiaTorciaWitham Niamh O CharlotteHaraRonke Mia Salvador Bianca Sprague Ella Stivala Teresa Tran Isabella Trinchera Rhiannon Youngson Olivia Zieba Mia MoniqueKeelyOliviaTelesiaMuscatPuaSiracusaThorntonWilliams Julia AlyssaChelseaMyszkaReidSoloczynskyjJessicaTieppoIsabellaWinton Mr Andrew Dulhunty Ms Christine LovellMs Elisa Scoglio Ms Sandra Mamo Mentor Teachers Mr Patrick Hogan




MrsCichelloJacquelineMrs Leah AtkinsMs Helen Aliaga Mr John CondelloMs Jacquie Bigby Mrs Ann ContiniMsBrewsterCarmel Mrs Karen CottleMr Alex Brown Mrs DiMissCananziKirsteeNadiaSalvatoreMrs JacquelineCullie MrDulhuntyAndrewMrs D’Astoli-CarinciMarisa Ms FantauzzoRachelMr Kristian Davies Ms Joanne FastucaMrs Kate De Bolfo Mr Claude FerrareseMrs Sarah De Nicolo Mrs Jessica HallMrsFilipponeClaudia Mrs Susanne HallMr Scott Fraser Ms Jo HammerMrs Hazel Gard MrsHanneyElizabethMrs Carla Godoy Mr Stuart HensleyMrs Rosie Haber Mrs Cheryl KerinMr Patrick Hogan MrsKhouryDanielaMs Deb Horbec Mrs Bianca KlineMrs Patricia Hunter Mrs Sarah KlineMr Patrick Jurd Ms Suzanne LakeMs Ellie Katsaouni MsLorrimarJenniferMrs Kelly Lapolla Ms Christine LovellMrs Lawlor-McNamaraMichelle Ms Sandra MamoMrs Rita Lentini Mr Robert MartiniMrsLeonelloBelinda MsMaruzziSimoneMs Dianne Lodge Mrs Anna MiskellaMrs McCormickHelen Mrs Lisa MoranMr ChristopherMcLeod Mrs Clara MorganMrsMeddisNatalie Mr ChristopherMossMrs Arlene Miller Mrs Sue OoiMs Carolyn Mills MrsRobertsonMichelleMiss PapassarantopoulosJenny MsRossettoManuelaMs Olivia Pearce MissSacchettaNatalieMr John Perez MrsSaleraMichelleMs Brooke Poynton Ms SaltauMargaretMs Laura Pugliese MrsStronachSusannaMrsSaundersMaria Mr ThompsonAllanMs Elisa Scoglio MrsThompsonJoanneMs Tess Spalliera Miss Angela TorelliMr Anthony Spanti Mr Louis Tsui PoMiss StangherlinTania Miss Julia WhiteMr James Vella Mrs Anna WillMs Tyana Viti Ms Tanya WillmottMs Monika Wagner Mrs Mary HicklandYounes-Ms Sharon Walsh MissZahraMelanieMr Garry Whicker Mrs Erika Zanini MrsZarafaDanielle Ms Sarah Ziino STAFF

14–22 Vida Street, Aberfeldie 3040 Telephone 03 9331 avemaria@avemaria.vic.edu.au9300 www.avemaria.vic.edu.au Ad veritatem per caritatem ABN 41 797 220 262 Designed and Printed by Kreate Graphics. Ph: 9416 3577 www.kreategraphics.com.au SHE WHO EXC ELS

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Articles inside

Helene Library

page 49

Ave Life

pages 74-76

Peer Support Program

page 53

Senior School

pages 66-67

Student Leadership

page 52

Middle School

pages 60-61

Junior School

pages 54-55

Languages other than English

page 48


page 47

Performing Arts

page 41


page 46

Digital Technology and STEM

page 43

Design Technology Food and Textiles

page 42


page 44


page 45

Visual Arts

page 38


pages 26-27

Francis House

pages 30-31

Religious Education

page 36

and Physical Education

page 37

Clare House

pages 28-29

Helene House

pages 32-33

Mary House

pages 34-35

Indonesian Study Tour

pages 24-25

College Captains

page 8

Ave Maria Day

pages 14-15

I.D.E.A.L. Study Tour U.S.A

pages 20-21

Director of Faith and Religious Education

pages 12-13

Helene Province

pages 16-17

From the Principal

page 4

Timore-Leste Immersion Trip

pages 22-23


pages 18-19
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