2 last year
201 E. Washington St., #1200, Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-262-5311 · lrrc.com Year Est: 1950 # AZ Attorneys: 5 Practice Leader: Amy Altshuler Locations - US / Int’l.: 9
Gust Rosenfeld PLC
last year
One E. Washington St., #1600, Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-257-7422 · gustlaw.com Year Est: 1921 # AZ Attorneys: 7 Practice Leader: Christopher M. McNichol Locations - US / Int’l.: 7
Tiffany & Bosco
last year
2525 E. Camelback Rd., #700, Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-255-6000 · tblaw.com Year Est: 1967 # AZ Attorneys: 8 Practice Leader: Mark S. Bosco Locations - US / Int’l.: 4
The Davis Miles McGuire Gardner transactions team, ranked No. 1 in helping clients with their PPP loans and related needs. ©2021 DuaneDarling.com
40 E. Rio Salado Pkwy., #425, Tempe, AZ 85281 480-733-6800 · davismiles.com Year Est: 2002 # AZ Attorneys: 4 Practice Leader: Michael Ferrin LAST YEAR
Law Firms: Banking
avis Miles McGuire Gardner has a sophisticated business and transactions department which, during 2020 helped Arizona businesses in their response to a global pandemic. In large part, PPP loans, forgiveness strategies, and policy updates were a critical component of business survival. Davis Miles McGuire Gardner stayed abreast of updates and made sure its clients could adapt. This service, Davis Miles McGuire Gardner believes, is why it was ranked No. 1 in “banking law” this year. COMPANY STRENGTHS: “We believe in improving lives. When COVID-19 hit, our clients’ livelihoods were threatened. We were able to work hard to stay abreast of all applicable laws and help businesses borrow to stay open and keep people on payroll.” IMPACT OF 2021 TRENDS: “The pandemic will continue to drive response to the economy. Businesses that are agile mobile and opportunistic will grow and find ways to adapt. Others that are burdened by shutdowns may have to try to access more government help or the bankruptcy courts.” OUTLOOK FOR 2021: “We are cautiously optimistic. Much depends on COVID and restrictions that are making it hard for small business.”
196 · Ranking Arizona: The Best of Arizona Business 2021
Lewis Roca
last year
2394 E. Camelback Rd., #600, Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-916-5000 · fennemorelaw.com Year Est: 1885 # AZ Attorneys: 12 Practice Leader: C.W. Ross Locations - US / Int’l.: 10 offices including Phoenix, Tucson and Nogales, Arizona as well as California, Colorado and Nevada.
Greenberg Traurig
last year
2375 E. Camelback Rd., #700, Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-445-8000 · gtlaw.com Year Est: 1999 # AZ Attorneys: 6 Practice Leader: Jeffrey H. Verbin and Karl A. Freeburg Locations - US / Int’l.: GT has 2,100 attorneys in 41 offices worldwide, with 31 offices in the U.S. and 10 internationally
Jennings, Strouss & Salmon
last year
1 E. Washington St., #1900, Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-262-5911 · jsslaw.com Year Est: 1942 # AZ Attorneys: 11 Practice Leader: Robert J. Novak Locations - US / Int’l.: 4
Quarles & Brady LLP
last year
1 Renaissance Square, 2 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-229-5200 · quarles.com Year Est: 1970 # AZ Attorneys: 15 Practice Leader: Kathryn M. Moore, partner, National Chair Financial Services Industry Team Locations - US / Int’l.: 10
Dickinson Wright
last year
1850 N. Central Ave., #1400, Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-285-5000 · dickinsonwright.com Year Est: 1968 # AZ Attorneys: 3 Practice Leader: Carolyn J. Johnsen Locations - US / Int’l.: 17/1
10 Snell & Wilmer last year
One Arizona Center, Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-382-6000 · swlaw.com Year Est: 1938 # AZ Attorneys: 21 Practice Leader: M. Lawrence Brown, Brian W. Burke, Barbara J. Dawson, David A. Sprentall, Craig K. Williams Locations - US / Int’l.: 15
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