Education & Events AMA education classes are tentatively scheduled as online (Zoom) only. Some AMA events are scheduled to take place both in-person and online. To register online you will need your username and password. For times and more information on AMA events please visit
PHOENIX n EDUCATION CLASSES Fair Housing July 8 For rental property owners and managers, understanding and complying with fair housing laws and the American with
by just taking a deep breath
Develop Your Leadership Skills
your CALP, CAM, CAPS and
and getting back to basics. This
July 21
CAMT. (Please select option if
class is designed to be interac-
A leadership development pro-
applicable when registering).
tive and participation is a must!
gram is intended to grow the
Get CE credit for your CALP,
skills, and enhance the attitudes,
of its participants to better
live the dream of a great career
important than ever. This
2021 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) Course
Disabilities Act (ADA) is more interactive course will provide
July 19-23
an overview of fair housing and
Developed by the National
ADA law, and investigative pro-
Apartment Association Edu-
cedures. This course is taught
cation Institute (NAAEI), the
by an AMA attorney. Get CE
Certified Apartment Manager
credit for your CALP, CAM,
(CAM) course offers the high-
CAPS and CAMT, as well as
est standard of professional
Real Estate CEC’s.
training for the on-site manager.
Fight or Flight: Are you Overstimulated?
growth in the apartment indus-
July 14 - In Person Are you Living The Dream? Why Overstimulation is causing the Fight Or Flight response in us! This interactive class covers: Stress, getting back into the “normal” business model, over stimulation and why people are so darn cranky. We’ll be working on stress relief, time management, conflict resolution and how to get back to a positive mindset. Why our
perform in leadership roles or positions of influence. Leadership development programs help build self-confidence and wisdom, encourage introspection, and equip participants with knowledge of best practices in leadership and communication. Get CE credit for your CALP, CAM, CAPS and CAMT. (Please select option if appli-
Enhance your professional
cable when registering).
with conflict. Get CE credit for
Human Trafficking Awareness August 17 This course will provide a look into human trafficking to include how it affects our industry and how apartment owners and operators can respond to this growing issue. Learn the signs you should look for, how you should respond to a suspected human trafficking situation and what preventative measures you should put into place. Get CE credit for your
try by becoming a (CAM) and
Conflict Resolution
take your career to the next
July 28
(Please select option if applicable when registering).
level. CAM training helps you
Designed to help overcome
manage your community and
conflict in the office, with
your team more effectively. The
residents or even at home, this
CAM Program consists of eight
course will give you key take-
modules plus a comprehensive
aways to implement immedi-
two-part certification exam.
ately. We will cover the verbal
Demonstrate skills, knowledge,
techniques and body language
and ability to manage. Achieve
that may be used should be
owner and management goals.
used to defuse a situation
Make connections and build
before it becomes physical. You
comradery that builds lifelong
will learn how to calm a hostile
industry contacts.
person to prevent violent behavior with an option for live role
Fight Or Fight instinct is kicking
play scenarios. Applicable for
in and how to handle ourselves
managers or anyone who deals
and see it in others. We can
Apartment News | July/August 2021
Electrical Troubleshooting August 26 This introductory/refresher course will cover electrical safety; lock out/tag out; PPE; color coding; wire sizing; wire type and its applications; troubleshooting basic circuits and components; preventive maintenance; and Ohm’s law and how to use it. A special thanks to Kowalski Construction and Kowalski Electrical for hosting this hands-on class at their facility.