Baltimore Jewish Home - 3-4-21

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MARCH 4, 2021


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CONTENTS COMMUNITY Around the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6


MARCH 4, 2021

Community Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Zvi Teichman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Parsha Ponderings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Delving into the Daf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

What a shame Purim has to end. The joy and uplifted spirits are a real treat, but most of all it’s the brotherhood and feeling part of one large family which makes it my favorite holiday. We lay down our guard, say things we usually keep on the inside, and feel proud to be part of an eternal nation. It’s time we take off our masks (please?) and show who we really are. There’s a post-Purim message we can take from the Megillah as well: We’ve gotten rid of our enemies, our non-Jewish neighbors now honor us, the queen is


one of us, we have Mordechai second only to the king, and living in the most spa-

613 Seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

cious mansion, along with all the wonderful descriptions found in the Megillah, yet we were still longing to go back to our homeland. Our state was described as:


“We are still servants to the King Achashveirosh,” (Megillah 14:A), which is one

Centerfold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

of the reasons Hallel is not said on Purim. Yes we had political power, financial

Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

success and respect as a people, but that’s not the ultimate. We are Jews, and as

LIFESTYLES World Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Forgotten Heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Health and Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Parenting Pearls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Your Money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

such we want our Jewishness to be tangible and our souls to be felt, similar to the way we feel on Shabbos and the Chagim. Despite all the benefits of being a Jew circa post-Purim-story, we still kept dreaming about (and indeed built) the second temple in Jerusalem. Couldn’t this be true today? Yes, we are safe, we have power and most decent people respect us as a nation. But we are torn inside that we are not home.

Dating Dialogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

We are frustrated with the moral depravity all around us. We are tired of the

Mental Health Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

good being called bad and bad being called great. We want to finish the journey

In The Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

of bringing heaven down to earth.

Gluten Free Recipe Column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

NEWS Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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Dear Readers,

National. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 That’s Odd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Our post-Purim challenge is to refuse to settle for temporary comfort and convenience and to remember who we are. Let’s continue to long for no less than the complete fulfillment of our mission, when justice will reign, goodness will be revealed and G-d will call this world His home. Wishing you a continued festive month of Adar and a most wonderful and enjoyable Shabbos! Shalom

The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. All opinions expressed by the journalists, contributors and/or advertisers printed and/or quoted herein are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME, their


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Around the Community

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MARCH 4, 2021

Bais Yaakov Alumnae Reminisce And Reflect By Chaya (Meth) Tendler, CLASS OF 2012


6,800 hours is a lot of hours. That’s a rough estimate of the hours spent in school, from kindergarten through twelfth grade. So, it’s pretty safe to say that much of our formative years is shaped by the school we attend. But what is the lasting impact of those hours? It was a pleasure for me, a proud Bais Yaakov alumna, to reach out to fellow alumnae to gather their impressions. The enthusiastic responses from my interviewees offer a glimpse at the impact Bais Yaakov has had on their middos, Jewish values, relationships and careers. IMPACT ON CAREER Mrs. Chavi (Willner) Drang, class of 1999, is an occupational therapist living in North Miami Beach. She credits Bais Yaakov for giving her a solid education in both Judaic and secular studies, along with tools and opportunities which guided her in choosing her career. “I remember going to the school job fair when I was in twelfth grade and having observation days where I was set up to shadow other OTs. Both really helped me choose my career path.” When she recently opened a home bakery business, she implemented leadership and entrepreneurial skills she had learned in high school, as well as the computer skills she had gained from Mrs. Yudkowsky’s computer class. Mrs. Simi (Malin) Sokoloff, class of 2013, is currently a Registered Nurse at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore and is also studying to be a Nurse Practitioner. She recalls, “I started off as a weaker student and due to the efforts and teaching methods of my teachers I became a strong student, which led me to great academic and professional success.” Another lesson that technically may not be part of the actual curriculum, but that Bais Yaakov students learn well is the importance of time management. Bais Yaakov is famous for starting events on time and for ending

the school day precisely at 4:59! Simi notes that properly managing her time is crucial to her success. “Time in Bais Yaakov was always used wisely and never wasted. As a wife, mother, nurse and student, using my time efficiently helps me stay organized and allows me to accomplish all that I do.” IMPACT ON SELF DEVELOPMENT AND RELATIONSHIPS “The social aspect was outstanding,” recalls Mrs. Aviva (Schlossberg) Sondhelm, who graduated in 1966 from a much smaller Bais Yaakov than what we are familiar with today. “Since the school was so small then and the staff wanted to encourage ruach (school spirit), every girl’s special talent was considered important and enlisted for the benefit of all.” The emphasis the school placed on extracurricular programming and the way it encouraged blossoming social interactions enabled Aviva to develop special close connections to her classmates. “I credit my classmates, most of whom I am still in contact with, for enabling me to accomplish things I would never have attempted without their prompting and encouragement; their support long ago was felt long after.” Mrs. Rivka (Roll) Teitelbaum, class of 2005, lives in Johannesburg, South Africa where her husband is a member of Kollel Yad Shaul for Dayanus and together they have much community involvement. She too

maintains strong connections with her grade mates. “Our grade has an active WhatsApp group. It is truly unique and special that we can still support each other. I love seeing pictures of my friends from high school and what they are up to; it always makes me so happy.” Not only do students have fond memories of the relationships built with peers, but they also value the connection to Bais Yaakov’s dedicated staff. Simi Sokoloff reminisces, “One of the most important ways Bais Yaakov has helped me to be successful in life is by modeling positive relationships. The respect between the hanhala, teachers and students is extremely admirable. Whenever I would speak to teachers or hanhala members, I felt respected and cared for. Bais Yaakov also provided many opportunities for developing and improving friendships. Because of the way interactions in Bais Yaakov made me feel, I now use Bais Yaakov’s model in my personal and professional interactions.” IMPACT ON SHAPING MIDDOS AND JEWISH VALUES “The whole atmosphere of Bais Yaakov was one of acceptance. Acceptance of every person, thanking the maintenance staff for keeping the school clean; acceptance of every Yid, even those in school who were not frum; and acceptance of each girl as

an individual,” says Dr. Rivka (Goldfinger) Stein, class of 1992, who is currently a pediatrician living in Boro Park. She stressed that these lessons were not lectures given in an auditorium; rather they were learned by watching and interacting with each of the staff members, from the principals to the teachers to the office staff. Rivka Teitelbaum echos this recurring theme. “Bais Yaakov taught me through osmosis to be accepting of all types of people from all walks of life. This has served me well throughout my life.” Aviva Sondhelm also notes that much emphasis was placed on respect for parents, teachers and fellow schoolmates, in addition to other basic Jewish values. “Even our English principal, Mrs. Rosenberg, would gently remind children at the water fountain to say the bracha in gratitude to Hashem,” she says. Singing the morning tefilos and bircas hamazon often during her formative years made a deep impression on her. Bais Yaakov’s impact reaches further. As Rivka Stein concludes, “The lessons I internalized from being in Bais Yaakov have carried through in every step of my life and I am now zoche to see them passing through to my children.” Bais Yaakov is not only shaping the education of Jewish girls today; it is developing Jewish women who will strengthen our community tomorrow.


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Around the Community

Mayor Scott Takes Exception To Gov. Hogan’s Claim On Vaccine Supply


MARCH 4, 2021

By: Staff Reporter Cohn


altimore City leaders are reacting with consternation to an offhand comment from Gov. Larry Hogan. During remarks outside the justopened mass-vaccination center at M&T Bank Stadium, Hogan said the city had gotten “far more (doses allocated) than they are really entitled to.” Mayor Brandon Scott has been asking state officials to reserve for city residents a portion of the doses to be administered at M&T Bank Stadium. “Baltimoreans are Marylanders too. They are both entitled to and deserve

the vaccine. However, city residents do not have equitable access to vaccine doses,” Scott said in a statement Friday. “The state has not provided an equitable share to Baltimore City, but has required local health departments to utilize a broken, online-only sign up model that has forced our Health Department to develop workarounds. The state has ignored the barriers to access for communities too often left behind when we talk about health care in America.” Scott said Hogan has failed to set up an equitable model for statewide vaccine registration and has not allocated the city an equitable supply of doses.

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MARCH 4, 2021


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Around the Community


MARCH 4, 2021

J&J COVID-19 Vaccine Arriving In Maryland This Week By: Staff Reporter Cohn


ov. Larry Hogan announced Monday that Maryland will be receiving the new single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine this week. On Saturday, the Food and Drug Administration gave emergency use authorization to the J&J vaccine, which is the first-ever single-dose vaccine for the coronavirus available in the United States, and the third vaccine, following Pfizer and Moderna. Maryland has been initially allocated 49,600 doses of the J&J vaccine, 100% of which will be deployed to providers this week. “The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is safe, effective, and made right here

in Maryland,” said Hogan. “Our plan is to get this vaccine into the community right away and right into arms so that we can continue increasing our vaccination rate.” People 18 and older could be treated with it, and it does not require special storage. Officials said 4 million doses of the J&J vaccine are ready to ship immediately with 20 million to be ready by the end of March. State health officials will direct the J&J vaccine allocation widely to mass vaccination sites, hospitals, local health departments, and community health centers. In addition, the J&J vaccine will be deployed to pharmacies that the federal government has selected to participate in its retail pharmacy partnership. This is only an initial allocation of

the J&J vaccine from the federal government, which has shipped its entire inventory to jurisdictions. The federal government has stated that future allocations of J&J could be uneven, and may be significantly smaller than this week’s allocation. In preparing for the allocation of J&J vaccines, federal officials have

Cong. Ohel Moshe Welcomes Rabbi Elie Levi as Learning and Growth Coordinator


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abbi Elie Levi will be joining Congregation Ohel Moshe, Rabbi Teichman’s shul, in the position of Learning and Growth Coordinator. Rabbi Teichman welcomed and introduced Rabbi Levi to the shul

this past Shabbos. “With Rabbi Levi’s wealth of experience and success as an effective communicator and master teacher, we look forward to his facilitating and supporting an increase in programming, learning options, and connecting opportunities for the wider membership.”

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advised states that “persons may receive any recommended COVID-19 vaccine and are encouraged to receive the earliest available COVID-19 vaccine.” Additionally, “a single-dose vaccine may be desirable for people who want to complete their immunization schedule quickly, do not want to return for a second dose, or have difficulty returning for a second dose.” “For sure, there are advantages to the J&J (vaccine), given its refrigeration requirements and the single dose, but overall, we’re just welcoming the fact that we have many more doses to put shots in arms and that will allow us to vaccinate the population faster,” Maryland Acting Health Secretary Dennis Schrader said. Health officials said the new vaccine has proven to be 72% effective by U.S. standards.

Many Young Maryland Students Heading Back To In Person Learning This Past Monday By: Staff Reporter Cohn


ace-to-face learning returned to many Maryland school districts this past Monday In Baltimore County, students in preschool through grade two will be able to start hybrid learning, which includes two in-person learning days and three virtual learning days per week. Families who chose hybrid learning will receive their child’s group assignment of Co-

hort A or Cohort B before their child’s return date, which varies by student group. Families also have the option to continue full virtual instruction. Baltimore City Public School students also began in-person learning options for kindergarten through grade two. In January, Gov. Larry Hogan and State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Karen Salmon called on all Maryland school systems to return to hybrid instruction no later than March 1


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MARCH 4, 2021


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What local organizations are you involved in? I’ve been involved in Jewish Caring Network for the past 20 years. I am a coordinator. I am also involved in Bikor Cholim, helping to organize meals. I enjoy serving hot lunch at my daughters school Bnos once a week. Also, I am an active member of my shul, Ner Tamid.

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Tell us about yourselfI have been living in Baltimore for 30 years. I am a single mom of two awesome daughters.

Anything else you would like to share? We would just like to thank every-








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The Week In News

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MARCH 4, 2021


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Iran Behind Explosion on Israeli Ship?

Defense Minister Benny Gantz accused Iran of orchestrating the explosion that crippled an Israeli ship off the coast of Oman. No one was heard in the blast on Friday on the Israeli-owned MV HELIOS RAY as it anchored off of the Gulf of Oman. The freighter has since reported to Dubai for repairs, while Israeli intelligence agencies investigate the incident. In an interview hours after the incident, Gantz said that the close proximity to Iran coupled with the high degree of tactical proficiency exhibited pointed to Iran as the culprit. He stressed, however, that the probe was still ongoing. “We need to continue investigating,” Gantz told Channel 11. “The Iranians are looking to harm Israelis and Israeli infrastructure. The proximity to Iran brings the assessment that there is a likelihood that this is an Iranian initiative.” A slew of vessels has suffered mysterious accidents in recent years in attacks attributed to Iran. The ship is owned by Israeli magnate Rami Unger and was carrying a fleet of cars from Saudi Arabia to Singapore when it was rocked by a massive explosion. According to a report the Dryad Global maritime intelligence firm released on Saturday, the attack was likely perpetuated by Iran in an effort to hurt Israeli interests while maintaining plausible deniability. “Whilst details regarding the incident remain unclear, it remains a realistic possibility that the event

was the result of asymmetric activity by Iranian military,” wrote Drydad Global. “Such activity would be commensurate with current tensions and Iranian intent to exercise forceful diplomacy through military means within its immediate area of interest,” continued the report. “Tensions between Israel and Iran remain fraught, especially in light of increased signs of rapprochement between Iran and the Biden administration. “Increasingly, Iran is also becoming fearful of improving relations between Israel and the Gulf states. Recent reports of behind-the-scenes cooperation between Saudi and Israel to counter Iranian activity are likely to influence any potential Iranian activity.”

A New Helicopter for the IDF

The Defense Ministry announced that it has chosen the Sikorsky CH53K to be its new heavy-lift helicopter. The CH-53K will replace the aging CH-53 Sea Stallion, which has been in service for over 50 years. The CH53K beat out the Boeing-made CH-47 and V-22 Osprey, which takes off like a helicopter but flies like an airplane, a capability that would have granted Special Forces more flexibility. “The decision to purchase new Sa’ar transport helicopters for the Air Force, after decades, is a significant step in building the IDF’s power and essential for performing a wide range of operational tasks as routine and in combat,” said Defense Minister Benny Gantz. “It is also essential to the IDF’s ability to carry out a wide range of operational activities,” Gantz added. “The new helicopter is adapted to the [IAF’s] operational requirements and to the challenges of the changing battlefield.” The Israeli Air Force had recommended purchasing the CH-53K over the other two aforementioned models


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MARCH 4, 2021


The Week In News due to the significant economic benefits. The CH-53K is based on the Sea Stallion’s design; retraining pilots to fly the helicopter would have been cheaper and easier. The Israeli Air Force will include the CH-53K in the mammoth $9.5 billion arms package the cabinet approved last week. The largest-ever weapons purchase in Israel’s history, the deal will buy two new F-35 squadrons, the CH-53K, and new refuelers. Named the “Yasur” in Hebrew, the CH-53 heavy-lift helicopter was tasked with ferrying Special Forces and gear behind enemy lines but had seen an alarming rise in accidents in recent years due to its age. First pressed into service in 1969, the IAF’s Yasur fleet was grounded entirely due to safety reasons last year. Senior officers had warned in recent months that continuing to operate the helicopter would lead to disaster. In 2018, then-Israeli Air Force Commander Major General Amir Eshel said publicly that “flying 50-yearold helicopters with 50 people onboard during wartime and 30 people

onboard in peacetime — that’s not safe.”

Denmark & Austria to Join Israel? Denmark and Austria are exploring the possibility of establishing a joint vaccine production plant in Israel to ensure that all three countries have an uninterrupted supply of the lifesaving drugs. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced on Saturday that he and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen had been conducting talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the initiative, adding that both would fly to Israel on March 4 to explore the idea further. Contending that the COVID-19 pandemic proved the importance of having access to the latest in pharmaceutical research, Kurtz wrote on Twitter that Austria had ramped up its research and production effort.

“The aim must be to adapt the existing vaccines and treatments as quickly as possible or to produce new ones as quickly as possible – and to do so independently,” tweeted Kurtz. He added that Austria’s most important challenge was to “accelerate the production and procurement of vaccines for the future. “We have to prepare for this and for the phase after the summer,” said Kurtz.

Netanyahu and the Danish prime minister have already discussed the joint inoculation effort in a phone call on February 13, exploring cooperation in vaccine research and development, production, and marketing. Netanyahu also recently revealed that he is negotiating with Pfizer to establish


a vaccine plant in Israel and will host CEO Albert Bourla in March. Since ascending to power in 2017 at only 31 years of age, Kurtz has established a strong relationship with Netanyahu that has seen Austria reverse its traditional anti-Israel stance. In March, Kurtz publicly thanked Netanyahu for warning him of the danger of COVID-19, saying that the February 2020 conversation opened his eyes to the severity of the pandemic. “Also, I can say in this case: Thank G-d for Bibi Netanyahu,” Kurtz said. “He contacted me some time ago and told me, ‘Hey, you’re underestimating this over there in Europe. Wake up and do something.’ “That was a wake-up call that shook me up.”

JNF Earmarks $11M for Judea and Samaria The Jewish National Fund (JNF-


‫בס"ד‬ ‫בר"ה‬


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MARCH 4, 2021


The Week In News KKL) voted to earmark NIS 38 million ($11.5 million) to purchase Palestinian-owned property in order to expand settlements in Judea and Samaria. The vote was held over Zoom last Thursday and passed by a single vote, an extraordinarily slim margin that attests to the plan’s controversial nature. The vote followed an hour-long rancorous debate between the charity’s left-leaning board members who fiercely opposed funding settlement expansion. While left-wing representatives had thought that they had a sufficient majority to block the measure, last-minute absences by the Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America and Maccabi paved the way for the allocation’s approval. A final vote on the matter is scheduled to take place on March 23. The far-left Meretz party has since appealed to the JNF’s governing body to order a repeat of the vote in light of the close result. A slew of progressive board members has also circulat-

ed a petition calling for the vote to be annulled, arguing that Chairman Avi Duvdevani had prevented them from hearing legal opinions holding that the measure violated international law.

The vote marks the first time the century-old charity fund has allocated budgetary funds for expanding settlements in Judea and Samaria. The JNF has traditionally avoided using its considerable resources to purchase property over the 1967 borders due to its controversial nature. However, the JNF board of directors voted in February to begin funding land purchases in Judea and Samaria, enraging its more liberal members. Led by Duvdevani, the initiative will see the JNF work towards expanding Jew-

ish communities in the disputed territories by locating and buying land from local Palestinians. As per February’s resolution, the JNF-KKL will develop Jewish villages in Judea and Samaria by funding “projects, education, forestation and environmental protection.” The funds will be restricted towards expanding existing communities and will not go towards establishing new settlements. The policy shift has resulted in sharp condemnation from left-wing movements, lawmakers, and non-Orthodox denominations in the U.S. and Israel, who say that it harms the effort establish a Palestinian State. Ahead of the vote in February, Defense Minister Benny Gantz penned a missive asking board members to reject the “highly sensitive” measure and due to the damage it would cause Israel “in the international arena as well as in relations with the incoming U.S. administration and relations with Diaspora Jewry.” Members of the board on the right celebrated the development.

Fear of Terror at UAE Fair Fears of an imminent Iranian terror attack reportedly led Israel’s biggest weapons companies to cancel their participation in a massive weapons exhibition in the United Arab Emirates.

Known as IDEX, the conference took place last week in Abu Dhabi and is the Middle East’s biggest arms fair. While Israeli companies had been historically banned from the trade fair since its inception, a slew of Israeli

‫בס"ד‬ ‫בר"ה‬


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MARCH 4, 2021

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MARCH 4, 2021


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The Week In News companies was slated to participate for the first time due to the Abraham Accords that normalized relations between the two countries. With Israel being a world leader in weapons production, companies such as Elbit, the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), and Rafael had expected to sign multi-billion dollar deals at the trade fair. However, Israel’s Defense Ministry announced on February 15 that the major weapons producers would not attend, ostensibly due to the month-long travel ban that has prevented Israelis from flying overseas. But according to a new report, Israel didn’t take part in IDEX due to fears of an imminent Iranian terror attack that would target top executives at the trade fair. The result of intelligence supplied by the Mossad, the warning led the country’s biggest companies to pull out of the conference despite the lucrative deals they expected to sign. The terror attack was said to be planned by Iran in retaliation for this past November’s killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a world-renowned physicist who headed Iran’s nuclear program. Iran has blamed Israel for the daring hit and has vowed to exact revenge for the killing. With Abu Dhabi located a short distance from Iranian territory, Israel intelligence warned that the arms exhibition constituted an easy target for the Islamic Republic. The decision to scrap Israel’s participation, which included an official Defense Ministry delegation, was made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz. Israel has been bracing for an expected Iranian retaliatory attack ever since the Iranian nuclear mastermind was killed near Tehran. Over the past three months, security at its overseas embassies have been upgraded to the highest possible level while the IDF has stepped up its defenses on the Lebanese border. In December, the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) vowed to exact revenge for Fakrizadeh’s assassination, warning that it “could happen at any place and at any time.” “The great nation of Iran will inflict its harsh vengeance on them at the right time,” said Major General Hossein Salami. “The crime of the savage terrorists created a great honor

for the martyr Dr. Fakhrizadeh, and it presented this scientist as General Haj Qassem Soleimani, who had taken revenge on the Americans many times during his lifetime.”

Israeli-BahrainUAE-Saudi Arabia Military Alliance?

Israel is reportedly in talks with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to establish a regional anti-Iran military alliance. Quoting senior Emirati and Saudi sources, Israel’s i24 television channel reported that the military alliance would be modeled off of NATO and would aim to halt Iran’s regional subversion. The talks are said to be in the early stages and are a response to the Biden administration’s intent to return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran. “There is much to be gained by expanding cooperation,” said one source. Notably, the report was not denied by Saudi Arabia or Israel, with Prime Minister Netanyahu saying simply that “we are always looking to expand our ties with our Middle East partners”. The report came hours after Netanyahu conversed with Bahraini Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the tiny island nation’s de-facto ruler. According to the official transcript of the call, the two leaders conversed about the Biden administration’s effort to reach an agreement with Iran and stressed “the importance of the participation of regional countries in any negotiations on the Iranian nuclear file.” With Saudi Arabia officially refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist, the alliance would constitute a major change in the relations between the Arab world and the Jewish State. While the UAE and Bahrain normalized relations with Israel this past summer as part of the U.S.-brokered Abraham Accords, Riyadh refused



MARCH 4, 2021

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MARCH 4, 2021


The Week In News to follow suit despite heavy pressure from the Trump administration. As part of the effort, Netanyahu flew to Saudi Arabia in November together with then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) in the coastal city of Noem. The trip, which was denied by Saudi officials, marked the first time an Israeli leader set foot in the Kingdom.

PA Vaccine Fraud This week, the Palestinian Authority acknowledged that some of the COVID-19 vaccines in its possession did not go to healthcare workers. Rather, the coveted shots went to government officials, the Jordanian royal court, and the Palestinian national soccer team. The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry had previously said that the handful of doses available would be given first to healthcare workers and then to the elderly and other at-risk groups. As such, the announcement

of where the vaccinations went produced ire amongst Palestinians.

Among those given vaccines were security officials working in the offices of PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, 100 Palestinian students heading abroad to study, fieldworkers in the Central Elections Committee, PA government ministers, Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee members over the age of 65, and some foreign embassy staff in Ramallah. The Palestinian national soccer team was also immunized. The Health Ministry explained that the team had been asked to play a match abroad representing Palestine and that a coro-

navirus immunization was a condition for their participation. As of Tuesday, only 12,000 vaccines have reached Ramallah. Approximately 2,000 Moderna vaccines were sent by Israel to vaccinate medical staff, and another 10,000 were Russian Sputnik V vaccines sent as a donation by Russian president Vladimir Putin. The Palestinian Authority sent around 2,000 Sputnik vaccines to Gaza. The PA acknowledged that it also transferred 200 doses to Jordan. The Health Ministry claimed that 90% of the vaccines it had distributed in the West Bank — around 9,800 vaccines — had gone to frontline health care workers. The virus continues to surge in Palestinians territories. Palestinian Authority areas saw 1,819 new coronavirus infections on Tuesday, with 28 patients on ventilators. “Israel, the occupation state, has far more respect for and fear of its own people than you,” one furious commentator wrote on the Health Ministry’s Facebook page. “It even

cares more for Arab workers… all you’ve done is inflict corruption and nepotism on us, while the rest of the people die from coronavirus or enter quarantine and die from hunger.”

Geirus Ruling

In an unfortunate turn of events, Israel’s high Court of Justice ruled on Monday that non-Orthodox conversions in Israel would be considered legitimate for the purpose of Israeli citizenship. The Reform and Conservative religious movements celebrated the ruling. Union for Reform Judaism Pres-

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MARCH 4, 2021

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The Week In News ident Rabbi Rick Jacobs said the ruling “was years in the making and reflects the diversity and vibrancy of Jewish life in Israel and around the world.” “The Court has affirmed the reality that the Jewish people are stronger because of the contributions of Reform and Conservative Movements and their commitment to bringing more Jews into the Jewish People,” he continued. “We hope this ruling establishes a precedent that will lead to further recognition of the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel.” The Conservative Movement’s Rabbinical Assembly in a statement called the ruling a “rebuke” of “recent Knesset efforts to restrict religious freedom in Israel.” “This was a very long time coming. Not swift justice, but sweet and righteous just the same,” it said. Monday’s High Court ruling determined that people who convert to Judaism in Israel through the Reform and Conservative movements must be recognized as Jews for the purpose of the Law of Return and are thus entitled to Israeli citizenship. The bombshell decision, which shatters the longstanding Orthodox ruling on officially recognized conversions in Israel, was the culmination of an appeal process that began more than 15 years ago, involving 12 people in the country who converted to Judaism through non-Orthodox denominations. The justices specified that they had previously withheld issuing a ruling to allow the state to handle the matter, but the state had failed to do so. The ruling only applies to conver-

sions in Israel. Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef blasted the ruling. “What the Reform and Conservatives call ‘conversion’ is nothing but a forgery of Judaism,” he said in a statement, calling on lawmakers to work for a “quick” legislative fix. Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau said that those who undergo Reform or Conservative conversions “are not Jews.” “No High Court decision will change this fact,” he said. According to Agudath Israel of America, the ruling is a “body blow to true Jewish unity” and is “both misleading and dangerous.” “Misleading, because conversion is not a secular change of status; it is, inherently, a religious one. And dangerous, because bestowing legal status of any sort to ‘conversions’ that lack the essential elements that have defined geirus for millennia can only confuse the Jewish public and increase disunity.”

White House Declassifies Khashoggi Report The State Department declassified an intelligence report that accused Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) of ordering the 2018 assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Saudi journalist had been abducted and killed in Riyadh’s Istanbul consulate in 2018 by operatives reporting to the crown prince. Ever since the saga exploded in an international scandal, MBS has denied knowing about the assassination and vowed to punish those responsible. The now-public State Department report released on Friday found that MBS had personally recruited and trained the ex-Special Forces soldiers before tasking them to find Khashoggi and kill him. Known as the “rapid intervention force,” or RIF, the force, according to the State Department, is there “to defend the Crown Prince, answers only to him, and had directly participated in earlier dissident suppression operations in the Kingdom and abroad.”

Citing the crown prince’s “control of decision-making in the Kingdom” and the “direct involvement of a key adviser and members or Mohammed bin Salman’s protective detail in the operation,” the report said that there “was no way” MBS was not aware of happenings. It added that MBS had frequently indicated his “support for violent measures to silence dissidents abroad, including Khashoggi.” “Since 2017, the Crown Prince has had absolute control of the Kingdom’s security and intelligence organizations, making it highly unlikely that Saudi officials would have carried out


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an operation of this nature without the Crown Prince’s authorization,” the report concluded. Saudi Arabia categorically denied the allegations, calling them “misleading and false” in a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia completely rejects the negative, false and unacceptable assessment in the report pertaining to the Kingdom’s leadership and notes that the report contained inaccurate information and conclusions,” the Foreign Ministry asserted. This report marks the first that the U.S. allowed the findings to be published. Former President Donald Trump had prohibited the State Department from airing the conclusions due to concerns that such an act could torpedo the U.S.-Saudi alliance. Following the release of the U.S. intelligence community’s findings, the Biden administration sanctioned 76 senior Saudi officials for their role in the murder. The aforementioned individuals will be banned from visiting the United States and will have their assets in the U.S. frozen. Upon announcing the sanctions, Secretary of state Anthony Blinken said the move was a sign of the Biden administration’s intent to “push back against governments that reach beyond their borders to threaten and attack journalists and perceived dissidents for exercising their fundamental freedoms. “As a matter of safety for all within our borders, perpetrators targeting dissidents on behalf of any foreign government should not be permitted to reach American soil,” Blinken added.

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MARCH 4, 2021


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28 ‫בס״ד‬


MARCH 4, 2021

MARCH 2021

OUT OF PRISON, WITHOUT ASKANIM! They are a wonderful family; special parents, exceptional children. But one son was somewhat different. His problems began in his younger years, with his difficulties in yeshivah. In time, he fell in with the wrong crowd and was lured further away from Yiddishkeit. His parents were beside themselves. Then, one day, they got a real shake up. The parents found out that their son had been arrested and was put in prison. He was all alone in a cold building somewhere. The pain. It was too heavy to bear. The boy’s father felt his heart shatter into even tinier shards. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. A ray of hope split through the despair: Tehillim Kollel!

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In the wee hours of the very next morning, the minyan of exceptional talmidei chachamim were already davening for the fresh name on their list. In the merit of David Hamelech, and in the merit of the tear-soaked pages of the sefer Tehillim, they implored for the vulnerable teen to make his way back home – with no physical or emotional scars. That day, something fascinating happened. The justice officials decided that this arrestee did not have to sit after all. Just like that. He would be set free. Several hours later, the boy was already back home – back to his delighted parents, back to a tranquil, ehrliche lifestyle as part of the family.

The Week In News Peanut Butter Party If you’re a peanut butter lover, this confection is for you. The Hershey Company recently announced a new addition to the Reese’s line-up that’s very peanut-buttery. In fact, that’s all these candies will have – there is no chocolate is sight. The chocolate company said it will be celebrating National Peanut Butter Day with the release of a new, all peanut butter cup. According to a press release, the new product will be called the Reese’s Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cup and will only be available for a limited time only. The new candy is similar to an item Reese’s released for limited runs in 2019 and 2020, the Peanut Butter Lovers Cup, which had an extra layer of peanut butter on top of the cup’s candy shell. This time, however, the cup’s entire candy shell is made out of peanut butter and also filled with peanut butter. “While launching a Reese’s Cup with absolutely no chocolate might come as a shock, we’re giving the truest peanut butter fans something to go wild about,” said Margo McIlvaine, Reese’s Brand Manager. “The frenzy that comes with changing an icon like the Reese’s Cup is real – but you can still enjoy the classic plus get more peanut butter flavor with a new option that’s every peanut butter lover’s dream!” The Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups will be available starting in April of 2021. Get ready to party.

Meant to Be



Courtney Mahnken and Nick Monguso are engaged – but they’ve known each other all their lives. In fact, they started out life together. The couple recently discovered that they were born side-by-side in the same New Jersey hospital 26 years ago. When Courtney’s mom met Nick’s mom a few years ago, the moms felt that they looked so familiar. “The first thing she [Nick’s mom] says to his mom is ‘Oh my G-d, you look so familiar! Where did you give birth?’” Court-

ney recalled. “Well, come to realize, they gave birth next to each other.” Courtney explained, “My boyfriend and I are less than 24 hours apart, and my last name starts with ‘Ma,’ his starts with ‘Mo,’ so not only that, we were next to each other in the baby room. “My mom remembered them because he was the ‘big fat baby.’” Courtney adds, “Now he’s 6’5, I’m 5’2, and 12 years later, we’re engaged!” she exclaimed. Nick proposed to Courtney in November 2020. They plan to marry in June 2022. It’s just meant to be.

Such a Potato Head Cancel culture is going after toy vegetables now. Mr. Potato Head – you know, the toy that looks like a potato and comes with facial features with which to decorate – will now be known as Potato Head. Hasbro says its Mr. Potato Head brand, which includes all kinds of toy tubers, is being changed simply to “Potato Head” in order to “better reflect the full line.” It clarified, “While we’re renaming the Mr. Potato Head brand to Potato Head to better reflect the full line, the iconic Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head characters aren’t going anywhere and will remain Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.” Kimberly Boyd, the senior vice president of global brands and general manager at Hasbro, said. “Culture has evolved. Kids want to be able to represent their own experiences. The way the brand currently exists – with the ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’ — is limiting when it comes to both gender identity and family structure.” The toy that would eventually become Mr. Potato Head was originally conceived in the early 1940s by Brooklyn-born inventor George Lerner, who initially only planned to market the push-pin-style face pieces and body parts. (Consumers would provide their own vegetables to jab the pieces into.) He first sold the idea to a cereal company, which planned to use the pieces as prizes, before the Hassenfeld Brothers learned of Lerner’s idea and purchased it back. The toy soon went into production and debuted in 1952 under its official new name: Mr. Potato Head. The world is turning on its (potato) head.




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MARCH 4, 2021

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Torah Thought


MARCH 4, 2021

Crying with Joy specifically that brings them such extreme delight?

By Rabbi Zvi Teichman

We all aspire to attain it. We exert much energy and time in pursuit of it. Most of us never achieve it. It’s happiness. What defines happiness? Is it wealth, fame, family, health or success? There are many healthy and famously rich entrepreneurs with families, who aren’t very happy. Perhaps we can determine what this elusive goal is by examining its antonym.

Is sadness the opposite of happiness? There are many people who aren’t sad, yet wouldn’t claim to be happy. Is worry the polar end of joy? Go ask the many resigned homeless, who wander about without any apparent worry in the world, if they are truly happy. At a wedding we bless the bride and groom to be as joyous as Adam and Chava were in the Garden of Eden. Seemingly the joy of a wedding approximates the epitome of happiness - life in paradise. What is there

A dear friend of mine whose celebrated a wedding for a child who divorced shortly afterwards, pondered about all the lost joy the family experienced at the wedding, that now came to be unrealized. Upon further contemplation he made a remarkable observation. Although the hopedfor happy future for their child was suddenly quashed, nevertheless the closeness the family sensed at that time, having put aside for that night all the normal and natural contentions that develop within the family unit, choosing to focus that evening on the instinctive and deeply honest connection and love they felt for one another, will never fade.

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The Targum translates ‫שמחה‬, simcha/joy, as ‫חדי‬, literally translating into ‘oneness’ from ‫ חד‬meaning one.

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Man craves connection. When we feel connected we sense bliss. The antonym to happiness is loneliness. When one feels isolated and disconnected from those around him, unhappiness sets in. The elation we often experience at a wedding is not due solely to the joy in seeing two people hopefully meet their destiny together, but more so to the exquisite bond we sense expanding outward from the nucleus of the family that encompasses the wider circle of dear friends that are so integral to their lives, and beyond. The first human report regarding the unfurling of the terrible events surrounding the worship of the Golden Calf is given by Yehoshua to Moshe. The first thing he observes is how he hears the sound of the people ‫ּבְ ֵרעֹ ה‬, literally ‘rejoicing’ loudly. The word ‫ ּבְ ֵרעֹ ה‬rooted in the notion of ‫רעות‬, joyful camaraderie of spirit. )‫(רש"י‬ Targum Unkelos, however, translates this word as ‫מיבבן‬, crying, ‫ּבְ ֵרעֹ ה‬

similar to the word ‫תרועה‬, the staccato ‘crying’ sound of the Shofar. Evidently they expressed their frustration over Moshe’s delay by crying and eventually retreated to placate their loss by worshipping the Golden Calf in his stead. Alternatively, it may reflect on the tears of the righteous among them who cried over their brethren who rejoiced in their devotion to the Golden Calf. The Targum Yehonoson ben Uziel, enigmatically, combines both interpretations by translating it as ‫מיבבין‬ ‫בחדוא‬, crying with joy. How does one ‘cry’ through joy? In man’s quest for happiness - connection, one often misplaces genuine bonding with artificial adhesives. When observing sport fans rooting excitedly for their team, there is clearly an intensified fervor knowing thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of others are joining in their hoped for win. But the thrill is fleeting and only skin deep. The same is true when going to a concert and jointly rocking wildly to a common beat. But it too, is often fueled by a shallow desire to be distracted in the enjoyment of the moment, with no defined or purposeful goal that truly unites the audience. We often pursue these types of venues, subconsciously seeking to nourish our innate quest for connection, and discover only temporal satisfaction that quickly fades, leaving us pining for something else to soothe our need to connect. Might that be the deeper meaning in Targum Yehonoson’s reference of ‘crying with joy’? They are really crying within their souls for genuine connection but seek it in vacuous events that, to all outside observers, may seem like joy but is in truth desperate cries for meaningful belonging. When the nation suddenly became despondent, mistakenly thinking that Moshe had abandoned them, they felt



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Please take two minutes to think about those who can’t afford to make Pesach, and give generously so that this Yom Tov can be a special one for all.

For 43 years, Baltimore’s Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund has discreetly helped our local poor and needy. Ahavas Yisrael is

Last year, we distributed over $3 million in food and basic needs right here in our community.


Unemployment, sickness and other adversities have left some of our neighbors impoverished. Many suffer quietly, with no one even aware of their distress.

run almost entirely by hardworking, dedicated volunteers. Due to our very low overhead, 92¢ of every dollar you donate goes to the needy.

MARCH 4, 2021


! W

As we celebrate the holiday of our freedom, please remember those in our greater family whose lives are still oppressed.


MARCH 4, 2021


a profound sense of loneliness and isolation. The Torah describes how in their anxious state they made the grievous error of ,‫ויקמו לצחק‬they got up to revel, frantically substituting contrived connection and joy for the real thing. As so often happens when attempting to create camaraderie on a foundation of superficial relationships, it quickly devolved into promiscuous behavior and a contentiousness that resulted in the murder of the innocent and righteous Chur. )‫(שמות לב ו ורש"י שם‬ They too, wined, dined and danced, rejoicing externally in a futile attempt to quell their despondence and loneliness. Despite their greatest efforts they couldn’t conceal the fact that they were really: ‫מיבבין בחדוא‬, crying with joy - crying for connection under a facade of happiness.

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The Parah Adumah is the specific

antidote for the effects of this sin. In the ability to overcome death and its defilement lay the correction of this sense of misdirected pessimism that fuels our need to find happiness in the finite material world and its offerings. As the illustrious Rav A.Y. Kook so eloquently states in his Orot: “Death is an illusion, its defilement is its deception; what people refer to as death is actually the epitome of life. Yet through the superficial vision into which man is plunged by following his inclination, he paints the epitome of life as a dark and dreary picture which he calls death. “The holy priests must shield themselves from this falsehood, so long as this lie, rules the world. They must protect their eyes from this vision which engrains this mistake upon the soul, hence they shall not come into contact with the dead, they shall not defile themselves.”

Man attempts to fight death by maximizing his enjoyment of life, by involving himself deeper and deeper in the experiences of life. The result is that he deepens his commitment precisely in the material aspects of life, precisely in those aspects which death will attack and destroy. Man cannot elude the recognition that the beauty which he worships is destined to fade, the things he acquires are transitory, and therefore that the repression of death cannot succeed. Death cannot be fought in this manner. The solution is in maximizing the soul, “from its inner source.” True purity is the ability to draw near to G-d and fulfill His will. Death, on the other hand, is avi avos hatum’ah, the primary source of impurity. Death is an example of a phenomenon in the world that is diametrically opposed to the genuine intention of G-d, Who desires life. A person noting the phenomenon of

death could deduce the exact opposite of G-d’s true intention in the world, concluding that G-d does not wish that His creations live. How do we purify ourselves from the impurity of death? To correct the misleading impression of death, we need to recognize the limits of the human intellect in understanding G-d’s rule in the world. By performing the ritual of Parah Adumah, a mitzvah that transcends logic, we acknowledge the limitations of our intellect, and avoid the pitfall of inferring G-d’s will from the phenomenon of death. (Sapphire from the Land of Israel, Rabbi Chanan Morrison) Is not that the ultimate expression of His unity and our connection to it in the world? In fathoming that reality lays the secret to finding true joy. If you would like to contact the author, you may email him at: Ravzt@


camaraderie of studying with your from your

MARCH 4, 2021



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Take advantage of your time at home to grow in Torah:

PE SAC H I I 8:16 PM

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Nisan 17





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MARCH 4, 2021

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Simchas Esther Chinese Auction See page 19













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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Parsha Ponderings Parshas Ki Sisa



MARCH 4, 2021


With the End in Mind By Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky

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fter the last few parshios discussed the building of the Mishkan, Parshas Ki Sisa discusses the mitzvah of Shabbos. The pasuk tells us, (31:17) “Uvayom hashevi’i shavas vayinafash, And on the seventh day, He rested and was refreshed.” But there is an additional hidden reference in this pasuk as well. The Gemara (Taanis 27b) tells us an additional lesson learned from this pasuk. When the Shabbos arrives, along with it comes a neshama yesaira, an “additional soul.” This extra soul comes to every Jew at the onset of the holy Shabbos and remains with him throughout the day, boosting his spiritual capacity and enabling him to soak in the extra holiness of the day. The Gemara tells us that the word “Vayinafash” hints to “Vay avdah nefesh, woe to him” when this soul leaves us at the end of Shabbos, as we have lost this special additional divine boost. Why does the Torah give us this reference in middle of the text discussing the arrival of Shabbos, rather than in midst of the discussion of the end of Shabbos?    Rav Akiva Eiger, zt”l, the great Talmudic scholar, was the leader of

the Jewish world in the late 1700s and early 1800s. One of his close students was getting married and requested that his great rebbe travel to the wedding to officiate the ceremony and rejoice with him. Unfortunately, Rav Akiva Eiger was unable to make the trip, but he assured his student that he would send a replacement to take his place. Rav Eiger asked a close disciple,

parted the hall, and only close family and Rav Margoulis, remained. Noticing this strange phenomenon, one of the guests approached him and asked him why he stayed so late at the wedding. Rav Margoulis answered, “I am here as a messenger of my great rebbe, Rav Akiva Eiger. Our sages teach us that one who sends a messenger to do a mitzvah for him is considered

Shabbos is so holy, yet sometimes it is hard to appreciate it fully – until you don’t have it anymore.

Rav Ephraim Zalman Margoulis, author of Sefer Beis Ephraim and noted rabbi and scholar in his own right, to take his place and travel to the wedding, which he gladly did. At the wedding, Rav Margoulis officiated the ceremony, enjoyed the festive meal, and rejoiced with the groom. However, even after most of the guests had left, Rav Margoulis stayed at the wedding. As the wedding was winding down, all the other rabbis and community leaders de-

as if he himself actually did it. So, in essence, right now, since my rebbe sent me as his messenger, I am in his place and I am him! But I can only remain in this exalted status so long as I am his messenger – at the wedding. So I am staying here as long as I can!”    My grandfather, Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky, zt”l, quotes the Rebbe

of Ger, Rav Yehuda Leib Alter, in his classic 19th century work, Sfas Emes, who explains the above quandary. Hashem is commanding the Jews about Shabbos. Shabbos is so holy, yet sometimes it is hard to appreciate it fully – until you don’t have it anymore. As the sun sets on the Shabbos, and we start to realize that we are being thrust back into a new work week, we suddenly begin to feel the pain of the loss of Shabbos. “Woe to us” as we lose our extra spiritual boost in the form of an additional soul. Hashem therefore tells us at the onset: don’t squander the Shabbos! You will receive an extra gift of an extra soul. Appreciate it in the beginning, right at the onset of Shabbos – then you will merit to use it fully!

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky is the Director of Advancement at Yeshiva of South Shore – Yeshiva Toras Chaim Beis Binyamin. He is currently compiling the Torah thoughts from his grandfather, Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky, zt”l, into print, in Hebrew and English. If you have any stories or divrei Torah to share from his grandfather, or to subscribe to receive a weekly dvar Torah from Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky’s teachings, you can email him at


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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Delving into the Daf

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MARCH 4, 2021

A Challah Covering Quiz By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


he Daf this week touched on the practice of covering the challah before the Shabbos meal (Pesachim 100a-b). Three reasons are offered for this practice. Tosfos cites two of them. The first is from Rav Achai Gaon. He said it should be clear that the challos are specifically for Shabbos. This is a way of honoring Shabbos. We cover the challos to demonstrate that the challos were not for a weekday meal. When we say “Boruch… Mekadeish HaShabbos” before uncovering the challah it is clear that the meal is for Shabbos. The second reason cited by Tosfos is that a double portion of manna fell on Friday. No manna fell from the sky on Shabbos or yom tov. Therefore, we commemorate the manna that was absent on Shabbos or yom tov by using two challos to represent the double portion of manna. Hashem protected the manna with a layer of dew below it and above it. Therefore, the covering on the challah represents this layer of dew. The third reason cited by the Rishonim for covering the challah is to protect it from shame. In general, the bracha recited on the challah should precede the bracha recited over wine. During the week, Hamotzi is recited before Hagefen. On Shabbos, when kiddush must be recited first, we are forced to reverse the order and recite Hagefen first. To somewhat rectify this “wrong,” we cover the challah, leaving the wine the only food in front of us. Each of these reasons can cause different results depending on the situation. To test your understanding, please take this quiz. The answer to every question is any combination of A, B, or C or perhaps a solitary letter. A represents Rav Achai Gaon’s

answer of kavod Shabbos. B represents double portion of manna. C represents protecting the challah from shame. 1. Which explanations mandate that you cover the challah by the Friday night meal? That was easy. The answers are A, B, and C. 2. Which explanations mandate that you cover the challah by the Shabbos day meal? The Mordechai says that the only reason one would think a meal was not for Shabbos is if it comes right after a weekday, in this case, Friday or erev yom tov. It is clear that the Shabbos day meal is for Shabbos. Therefore, A does not apply according to the Mordechai and the answer is B and C. 3. Which explanations mandate that you cover the challah by the third meal of Shabbos? There is no kiddush with the Hagefen bracha to shame the challah, therefore C doesn’t apply. A doesn’t apply; see answer #2. There-

fore, only B applies. The Aruch HaShulchan did not cover the lechem mishna by the third meal. The Kaf HaChaim says one should. My Rebbe, HaGaon HaRav Henoch Leibowitz, zt”l, would cover the lechem mishna by the third meal. 4. May one use a clear plastic challah cover according to all the explanations? Certainly, according to A and B one may use a clear plastic cover. However, perhaps one could suggest that a clear plastic cover doesn’t save the challah from shame. It is still visible and doesn’t hide the challah, while leaving only wine in front of us. Rav Nissim Karelitz, zt”l, agrees and rules that, according to the third explanation, one may not use a clear plastic challah cover. Rav Shlomo Zalman, zt”l, disagrees. 5. May one just keep the challah uncovered and place it on the table after kiddush? According to A and C, one may. It is clear the challah is for Shabbos because it is being placed on the ta-

ble after kiddush. Likewise, there is no shame for the challah because at the time of HaGefen it isn’t present. However, one loses out on the symbolism of the double covering of dew. 6. May one remove the covering off the challah right after the eracha of Hagefen, before one recites the second bracha? According to A and B, no. However, there is no shame after Hagefen is recited. So, C wouldn’t apply. (Pri Megadim.) 7. May one remove the covering off the challos after the full kiddush? Certainly, according to C, one may. See answer #6. According to answer A, one may do so as well. Once a person recited Mekadesh HaShabbos, when one uncovers the challah, it is clear it is for Shabbos. Whether B applies is a machlokes Acharonim. They debate if we need to symbolize the double covering of manna even during the recital of Hamotzi. 8. According to any explanation is there a reason to attempt to keep the challah covered even while slicing it? There is a chassidishe custom that extends B as far as possible. 9. If one would like to recite Havdala and eat bread for Melave Malka immediately after, is there any reason to cover the challah? Yes. Reason C may still apply. One is reciting Hagefen before Hamotzi. 10. At a large Friday night meal, one person is reciting kiddush for everyone. However, everyone has their own challah roll in front of them. Do they have to cover their challah rolls? According to A, yes. They must demonstrate that their meal is in honor of Shabbos. B applies as well since they will be using their own



MARCH 4, 2021

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MARCH 4, 2021

42 rolls for lechem mishna; they should cover their rolls to symbolize the double layer of dew. C is a machlokes between Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Moshe. Rav Shlomo Zalman says that since the listener is not reciting his own Hagefen there is no shame to his challah. Rav Moshe disagrees and reasons that since the person is listening to kiddush, it is as if he is reciting it and there is shame to the challah. 11. At a kiddush on Shabbos day, where one is only eating cake and not challah, does he have to cover the cake in front of him while he recites kiddush? A doesn’t apply on Shabbos day. B doesn’t apply since the cake is not lechem mishneh; there is no reason to symbolize the dew. Whether one has to cover cake or not because of reason C is a machlokes. The Eshel Avrohom says no. The Levush Mordechai says yes. 12. If one is reciting kiddush on challah instead of wine, does he

have to cover the challah? According to B, yes. According to C, no. There is no embarrassment since it is first! See the MB 271:41 for the proper procedure in this scenario. 13. Is there any reason to cover

of Shabbos, and the food should be served after kiddush. The Rashbam on 100a uses the term “food” instead of “bread,” possibly indicating that all the food should be covered during kiddush or not brought out before kiddush.

and recites kiddush. (This procedure is somewhat complicated.) Does one have to cover the challah? According to A and B yes but not according to the C. One is not reciting Hamotzi, therefore there is no embarrassment to the challah that it is coming in second place.

How did you score?

We cover the challos to demonstrate that the challos were not for a weekday meal.

any other food on the Shabbos table Friday night? According to B and C, no. However, according to A, it would seem that the answer may be yes. Rav Soloveichik once attended a communal Friday night meal and asked that all the serving dishes be returned to the kitchen before kiddush. The meal should be served in the honor

14. The Elya Rabba recommends that one use a white challah cover. Which explanation does that fit with? B. White most closely symbolizes a dew covering. They didn’t have clear plastic back then! 15. If one was eating a Friday afternoon bread meal and it became time for Shabbos, one stops the meal

Every answer that is a machlokes can be scored correct if you answered yes or no for that letter. If you got an 85 or above using whatever grading method you feel appropriate, email the author to be entered into a raffle for six gourmet chocolate bombs.

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at


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MARCH 4, 2021


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



Making a Difference


ast Sunday morning, just after 8:00 a.m. passersby spotted a woman sprawled on a mattress in an alleyway just off of Bnei Brak Street in Tel Aviv. Worried about her well-being, the concerned citizens called emergency services and requested assistance. United Hatzalah volunteer EMT and ambucyclist Raphael Dan Michaeli was in the middle of his morning commute from his home in Ramat Gan to his office in Tel Aviv

when he received the alert. He quickly switched on the sirens of his ambucycle and sped over to the location of the incident just two blocks away. Raphael arrived in less than three minutes. Avraham Levy, who lives in Netanya and works in Tel Aviv, was just finishing a different medical emergency on Dizengoff Street when he received the emergency alert and headed over to Bnei Brak Street. Shai Fargoun, who lives in the town

Raphael Dan Michaeli standing next to his ambucycle in Tel Aviv

of Achiezer and was also on his way to work in Tel Aviv, turned off of the highway in his car and drove to the scene, arriving just a moment after Dan Michaeli and Levy. “When I arrived, I found a homeless woman lying on a mattress in the alley,” recounted Dan Michaeli. “It was unclear what had caused the woman’s condition but whatever it was, I could not find a pulse. Together with Levy, Fargoun, and an ambulance team that had also been close by and arrived around the same time

ble to go from the emergency on Dizengoff, where we were not able to save the person, and switch immediately to an emergency where we managed to save a life. For me, this was very meaningful.” Fargoun added: “I am always happy to start off my morning by helping someone and saving a life. Any day that begins like that is a good day.” Dan Michaeli, who has been in the field of emergency medicine for the past 35 years and has seen his fair share of medical emergencies,

“It is always meaningful to save a life.”

I did, I began CPR. We attached a defibrillator that did not advise a shock, so we continued with compressions and ventilation, alternating between the various members of the team. A mobile intensive care ambulance arrived sometime later and joined the effort. It took the combined team about 10 minutes before we succeeded at bringing the woman’s pulse back. Once she was stabilized, she was transported to the hospital with a steady pulse and regular blood pressure.” Levy said: “It was kind of incredi-

concluded by saying, “I started as a teenager as I always liked helping others. I’ve seen some really terrible incidents, including the period of time during the early 2000s when there were bombings all across the country. Each incident is different. “While this isn’t new for me, it is always meaningful to save a life. Whenever I can help someone, it is important, but in an instance where I can really make a difference, it makes being a volunteer worth the time and effort. “Today was one of those days.”


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For over 33 years, Ms. Noa Goldman built the educational foundation for thousands of children with love and dedication. If you or your child was a student at the Ner Tamid Bearman Reich Montessori Preschool please consider adding your/your child's name or a short message to help us express our deep gratitude to Ms. Noa. The walkway will be built between the school wing and playground.

MARCH 4, 2021

Ms. Noa Goldman Walkway


for the


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

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MARCH 4, 2021


Forgotten Her es

Jewish Doctors in the Civil War By Avi Heiligman

David Camden de Leon, the “fighting doctor”


he American Civil War was by far the bloodiest conflict to take place in North America. While the knowledge of medical practices was primitive, doctors and medical personnel did their best to save as many lives as possible. People like Clara Barton, who volunteered to go to the frontlines and give medical treatment to soldiers still lying on the battlefield, are still remembered today. There were some Jewish doctors and medical personnel who aren’t quite as famous who served on both sides of the conflict. David Camden de Leon had an interesting background before becoming the surgeon general for the Confederacy. Dr. de Leon, who became known as “the fighting doctor” for his heroics during the Mexican American War, hailed from a Sephardic Jewish family in Charleston, South Carolina. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a medical degree and became an assistant surgeon in the U.S. Army in 1838. The first war that de Leon served in was the Seminole War in Florida where he “served with distinction” (the dispatch makes no reference as the particular action). He was then stationed on the western frontier for several years, and in 1845, he went with General Zachary Taylor down to Mexico. During the Mexican American War, the doctor was present at most of the battles during the drive to Mexico City. On two occasions at the Battle of

Part of a letter written by Bernhard Behrend to President Abraham Lincoln about allowing Jews in the army to rest on Shabbos

Chapultepec, he led a charge of cavalry after the commanding officer had been killed or wounded. The doctor was able to lead counter-attacks that effectively stopped the enemy. For his heroics, de Leon was cited by congress for his gallantry in action. After the war, he became a surgeon with the title of major. As with many officers from Southern states in U.S. Army, he was opposed to secession and was torn when time came to choose a side at the start of the Civil War. Dr. de Leon resigned his commission in early 1861 and was appointed by Confederate President Jefferson Davis to the role of Chief Surgeon of the Army of the Confederate States of America. From March 1861 until August 1862, he held the post as the South’s surgeon general. After the war, he moved to New Mexico and died in 1872. Surgeon Dr. Morris Asch served with the Army of the Potomac in the Union Army and was present at many important battles during the war. Asch was born in Philadelphia and graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1855 as a medical doctor. When the fighting began in 1861, Dr. Asch was appointed as an assistant surgeon in the U.S. Army. A few months later, he went on active duty and in 1862 was appointed surgeon-in-chief for the artillery reserves in the Army of the Potomac. He later held positions as the medical inspector of the army, medical director for the 24th Army Corps, and

Surgeon Dr. Morris Asch is buried in Salem Fields Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY

after the war became the staff surgeon for General Phillip Sheridan. During the Civil War, Asch was at important battles including Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, The Wilderness, and Appomattox Court House. Altogether, he tended to wounded soldiers during sixteen battles. Right before the war concluded in 1865, Asch attained the rank of major and continued serving in the army even after the conclusion of hostilities. While on Sheridan’s staff, he came down with yellow fever. Once he recovered, Asch rejoined the army and tended to the wounded during the wars with the Plains Indians. Dr. Asch retired in 1873 and became a renowned expert in the field of laryngology. Many in the medical field served with the regular U.S. Army. Hospital steward Adajah Behrend was a Jewish soldier from Germany. He enlisted with the regular army in 1861 and was promoted to hospital steward. He was wounded at James River in 1862. After recovering, Behrend rejoined his unit and continued to serve through the rest of the war. His father wrote a letter to President Lincoln of which the contents became known after the war. It was in regards to an executive order that religious soldiers can observe Sunday as their Sabbath. Part of the letter reads: Now by the order of your Excellency you give the privilege to those offi-

cers and men in the army who by their religious creed do observe the Sunday as a holy day and a day of rest; but you make no provision for those officers and men in the army who do not want to observe the Sunday as a holy day, as for instance … the Jews, who observe the Saturday as a hold day and a day of rest … I gave my consent to my son, who was yet a minor, that he should enlist in the United States army; I thought it was his duty, and I gave him my advice to fulfill his duty as a good citizen, and he has done so. At the same time, I taught him also to observe the Sabbath on Saturday, when it would not hinder him from fulfilling his duty in the army.” After the war, Adajah received his M.D. from Georgetown and became a well-known physician. Many others served in the medical field during the war, including Mark Blumenthal, who served as surgeon major in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment. Those serving in the medical field while in the military are often overlooked. While they usually aren’t the ones who can change the outcome of a battle, they can change lives on the battlefield for the better and are truly Forgotten Heroes. Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at



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MARCH 4, 2021


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Health & F tness

National Nutrition Month Personalize Your Plate Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN


he month of March is National Nutrition Month. National Nutrition Month was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as a campaign for nutrition education and information. The goal of National Nutrition Month is to help the public make informed food choices and develop healthful eating and physical activity habits. This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month is “Personalize Your Plate.” The Academy divvies up the overall goal for National Nutrition Month into smaller goals to master over each week of the month so that by the end of March, you will be nutrition expert. The overall goal is to” Personalize your Plate” to ensure that you are eating the right foods for yourself. The goal of week one is to eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. This includes eating healthful foods from all food groups. Some people feel that by eating salad all day, every day they are being very healthy. In actuality, they are lacking key nutrients. Yes, vegetables do supply many key vitamins and minerals to our body – but not all of them. Our body needs protein and whole grains, as well as low-fat dairy to supply all the vital nutrients. One food group alone is not substantial enough. Eating a variety of foods from all food groups ensures that your body is getting all of necessary tools it needs to function optimally on a daily basis. Furthermore, don’t simply eat the same foods from each food group daily. Different foods offer different nutrients, and therefore you should vary or at least rotate the different foods that you eat. Your body needs fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats on a daily basis. Choose different foods from each of these cat-

egories daily for ideal nutrition. Included in this sub-goal is healthful hydration. Many times, individuals are under the misconception that they are eating healthy by eating all the right foods, yet when it comes to drinking, they have it all wrong. Drinking three cups of coffee daily does not mean that you are hydrated. Nor does drinking only Diet Coke daily. The brain is composed of 95% water; blood is 82% water; the lungs are nearly 90% water. Our body is composed of a lot of water. At the same time, we also excrete plenty of water daily through urination, sweating, and crying. Our body must replenish its water stores on a daily basis. If lacking adequate water, your body will let you know. A 2% drop in body water can cause a small, but critical shrinkage of the brain, which can decrease concentration and cause light headedness, weakness, and dizziness. Proper hydration is required for maintaining healthy blood flow, proper kidney function, proper sodium/potassium /electrolyte balance and proper digestive functions. Drinking water is essential. Aim to drink between 8-10 cups of water daily. Additionally, you should focus on learning how to read nutrition labels properly. Look out for serving sizes, sodium content, ingredients (such as high fructose corn syrup), total sugars, protein, vitamins and minerals. Comparing nutrition labels in the grocery store can help you make wiser choices. Don’t be fooled by marketing terms such as “low fat” or “heart healthy.” Read the nutrition labels and decide for yourself. The goal for week 2 is to plan your meals each week. Planning your meals at the beginning of each week is a recipe for success. Choose healthful rec-

ipes to make during the week. Plan your breakfast, lunch, and snack as well. Many times, dinner gets planned but the other meals get forgotten about. Healthy eating should be consistent throughout the day. Once you create your menu, review it to make sure you have all the ingredients, especially when using an actual recipe, and definitely if using a new recipe. Compile a list of which ingredients you will need. Keep your pantries and freezers stocked with grains, brown rice, quinoa, wild rice, nuts, canned vegetables, canned tuna, frozen vegetables, frozen fruits, whole grain bread, poultry and meats. Next, have a running shopping list that includes fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, dairy products, and perishables. Then use that list when shopping in the grocery store. When dining out, be menu savvy and use your nutrition knowledge to make healthier choices. If traveling, or eating on the go, take that into account when planning your meals as well. The goal for week 3 is to learn skills to create tasty meals. While cooking might be time-consuming and stressful for some, it is by no doubt the healthiest option. Don’t be scared to try new recipes, new foods, or new flavors. There are other flavors other than salt. One teaspoon of salt almost reaches the daily allotted amount of sodium daily. Don’t take this as an excuse to use consommé or onion soup mix, though. Those contain plenty of sodium, too. Use a variety of spices and herbs to provide flavor to your food. Use various vinegars on your salads for different flavors such as balsamic, apple cider, tarragon, and red wine vinegars. There are many ways to explore with flavor and make tasty meals without adding so-

dium, chemicals, or calories. The goal for week 4 is to consult with a registered dietitian and to receive personalized nutrition advice to meet your goals. Remember, each and every person has different needs and different goals. Everybody has different schedules and food likes and dislikes. There is no black and white when it comes to eating healthy. This idea is represented in this month’s theme: “Personalize your plate.” What works for you may not work for your friend, your coworker, or your spouse. Yes, there are basic guidelines for eating healthy, yet each person’s menu requires individual tweaking and adjustments, as each person’s goals differ as well. One person’s goal may be to exercise more, while another will be to eat less pizza weekly. Another goal can be to drink more water or increase fresh fruit intake as opposed to dried fruit. Somebody may want to lose 10 pounds, while another may want to gain 10 pounds. Eating healthy is a very broad term and needs to broken down for each individual and personalized and individualized according to each person’s needs. For more information and resources on National Nutrition Month, visit

Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a dietitian at Boro Park Center and a private nutrition consultant. She can be reached at Follow us on Instagram @EatBetterandFeelBetter.


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MARCH 4, 2021

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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Parenting Pearls

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MARCH 4, 2021

Meet Your Team By Sara Rayvych, MSEd


elcome to the team! You and your child are part of a highly skilled educational team. Today’s schools are not only filled with professional educators but also with highly trained therapists and other related service providers. Education and the related therapies have come a tremendous way in recent years. Sadly, previous generations never had access to the amazing opportunities our children have to help them reach their potential in every area. With all of these opportunities can come a lot of confusion for parents. The various providers, what they do, and how they interact can overwhelm most people. Many therapists cover areas you wouldn’t expect, and there can be lots of crossover when they work together. This crossover is intentional. The various therapists work together with your child’s teacher as a team to give your child the best they can provide. Think of it like a delicious cholent; while there are certain basic ingredients, each dish has unique additions. While you can’t always tell each ingredient apart, they all merge to make something complete. You can feel comfortable knowing that these professionals have advanced certification, hours of supervised, practical experience, and/or mandated testing before they can use their professional titles. All services are provided confidentially. Your child’s therapists have similar confidentiality requirements as any medical provider, and you should be comfortable speaking with them. As the parent/guardian, you are an integral part and should feel involved in every step of the process. You are an unsung hero in this partnership, and your role can’t be overstated. Think of yourself as the coach.

General Education Whether your child has a rebbi, a morah, a teacher or all three, this is your child’s general education teacher. This is who stands in front of the class and teaches the daily curriculum. This is the name you spend the summer waiting to hear. Every child in a regular yeshiva classroom has a general education teacher. There are various levels of training and certification this teacher can have. This teacher will teach your child the overwhelming majority of their education and guide them in classroom interactions. Many kids will never need more than this one rebbi or morah or teacher. For those who do, please continue reading.

The Game Plan The IEP or IESP (Individualized Educational plan) is the basic document that details what services or therapies a child qualifies for and how often they receive those services. Other details will include whether each therapy is 1:1 (one on one) or if your child will receive their therapy in a peer group. If your child requires testing accommodations (such as extra time), this will be included, as well. There will be goals listed for your child. Obviously, each therapist uses their own techniques and clinical judgement but these are the overall goals to aim towards. The goals and testing accommodation are unique for each child, and no two IEP documents look the same. It’s important to keep a copy of your child’s IEP. Personally, I even maintain copies of old ones. Even though the document is rewritten every year or two, the old ones, while not currently legally binding, are a legal record of your child’s needs. Many parents of high schoolers have used

these former documents as proof for extended time or other accommodations on the SAT or other high stakes testing. For obvious reasons, many places don’t want to give accommodations to a student with no prior history of need or disability. On the other hand, they’re more than happy to accommodate any child who has a documented history of prior accommodations. I’d like to include a word of caution about the IEP and the accompanying reports. As the parent, you are entitled to the full reports of how your child did in each evaluation. For children who require services, these reports are written to highlight your child’s needs, weaknesses and explain their need for services. They can depress even the most optimistic parent. Read them with the awareness of their purpose, and remember that your child is far more amazing than any report will show.

Special Education

While we may associate the special education teacher with a special needs’ classroom, these teachers also may serve as resource room teachers and even general education teachers. In addition to their regular training, there are other advanced certification add-ons, such as reading specialties, that these providers can have. Special education teachers are specially trained to teach and assist children with a wide variety of educational needs and learning disabilities. They have a variety of creative tools at their disposal to help each child and learning style. They will work with

your child on their reading, math, and other skills and help them understand whatever is challenging them in the main classroom.

Shadows Some children will qualify to have someone in the classroom who stays in the background but is there whenever that particular child needs. A shadow can prompt a child to stay focused, cue them throughout the day, and help the child become more independent and appropriate within the classroom setting.

Speech Language Pathologists This is the fancy, but accurate, way to refer to a speech therapist. I’ve often been surprised by the breadth that speech therapists cover. We often associate speech therapists with verbal language, but they are also professionally trained to assist children who have issues with expressing themselves in writing. Speech therapists are the ones that specialize in all forms of expressive and communicated language, no matter the means. They help children with everything from trouble enunciating words/sounds to difficulty speaking or writing complete thoughts.

Occupational Therapist Occupational therapists are often referred to as “OTs” to make life simpler. Occupational therapy is actually a division of the health and medical


Physical Therapy

School Psychologist or Social Worker They are the underappreciated members of the school’s team. I’ve personally seen the difference these specially trained providers can make

Assistive Technology This is not a provider but equipment that some children will qualify

Medical and Mental Health Professionals We can’t forget the role pediatricians, psychiatrists, specialized medical providers (such as ophthalmologists), and mental health providers contribute to a child’s development. Whether it’s medication, emotional support, hearing aids or glasses,

Knowing you recognize their challenges can make the difference in their success.

for. While there is highly sophisticated equipment available to meet a variety of special needs, most general education students won’t require that level. Simple Chromebooks or laptops, often equipped with special software, can help children with a variety of writing, spelling and other issues.

these providers will want to make sure your child has all they need to succeed in the classroom. They, too, will work as part of your child’s team. I was trained to always ensure a child had a recent hearing and vision test as part of their special education workup.

Your child’s physical health is no less important in their success.

Our Star Player We saved the most important teammate for the end. The star player is your child. It’s through their hard work (trust me that they’re working hard) that your child is reaching each goal. It can be challenging, and it can be painful to do what they do each day but knowing you recognize their challenges can make the difference in their success. Appreciate what they’re going through, acknowledge their struggle, and greet them with an extra hug at the end of the day.

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

MARCH 4, 2021

Physical therapists work with gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. They help ensure your child is physically at their best and able to function in their daily life.

when a family is in crisis or a child is struggling. School psychologists function in many roles, from testing children to making sure their emotional needs are being met.


fields. These therapists are trained to assist your child in a variety of areas. While many parents know to associate occupational therapy with fine motor skills, few people realize the vast range of disabilities that OTs are trained to work with. An OT will often be called in when a child has something that gets in the way of their learning or has trouble with daily skills. They cover everything from trouble with shoelaces to visual perception issues.

JoiN our virtual oPeN houSe 1PM eSt SuNday, MarCh 7, 2021 For more info and to register visit

Gavriel Novick Program Coordinator

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Siona Margrett Program Coordinator


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


MARCH 4, 2021




Your Pesach Finances Mesila Addresses a Common Question


Ordinarily, my income is sufficient to cover my family’s needs. But when Pesach approaches, we experience a severe financial crunch. The money just seems to fly out the window. There’s extra cleaning help, going out to eat, and babysitting or entertainment during all the days when the children are off from school. Then, there are the costs of matzah, wine, meat, and other Pesach products. And, of course, let’s not forget clothing and shoes for the whole family.

On top of all that, I lose a great deal of time from work during Nissan, so my income during that month is much lower. I cannot help but dread this time of year, since I know that I will end up with an empty or overdrawn bank account and a credit card bill that will take me months to repay. There are numerous local organizations that distribute money, matzah, and even clothing and shoes before Pesach. Some offer their assistance to anyone, not only to “charity cases.” I am strongly considering approaching these organizations for assistance this year, but I wanted to hear Mesila’s view on the matter.

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hen making Pesach, it is critically important to maintain a clear perspective of what this time of year is all about. Pesach is a time of the collective rebirth of the Jewish people. It is a time of spiritual rejuvenation and renewal for every individual as well. If we view Pesach as a burden – financial or otherwise – then the season of freedom turns into the season of bondage. It’s true that Pesach involves a great deal of work and expense, but there are things we can do to prevent ourselves from becoming overwhelmed. You say that you dread the Pesach season. Do you dread paying income tax? If you are an employee, your income tax is probably deducted off your monthly paycheck, without you ever having to take the money out of pocket. So when tax season rolls around, you should have nothing to fear. If you approach Pesach expenses in the same way, you will not need to dread Pesach. You know when Pesach is coming. You know that your income is less during Nissan and that your expenses are high. Don’t just sit back passively and “dread” the terrible financial crunch. Be proactive! Make a yearly budget that includes your Pesach expenses, the same way it includes your tuition and medical

When people are frazzled, they tend to make impulse purchases and spend much more money than they would have if they were not under stress.

insurance. Then put aside money every month for Nissan. This way, when Nissan rolls around, you will not have to panic. You will be able to make Pesach without going into debt. Some pre-Pesach expenses are avoidable. By keeping a record from year to year of the actual quantities you use during Pesach, you can ensure that you do not buy too much

very expensive shemurah matzah or get stuck with boxes of macaroons that no one will touch after the chag. By preparing a comprehensive shopping list, you can save yourself the time and expense of multiple trips to the corner grocery. And by taking inventory of everything in your freezer and pantry several weeks before Pesach, you can

plan meals that will use up many items you might otherwise have to burn on erev Pesach. This also reduces the need for expensive meals out. One of the keys to keeping yom tov costs to a minimum is ensuring that everyone in the family maintains their peace of mind. When people are frazzled, they tend to make impulse purchases and spend much more money than they would have if they were not under stress. If, despite your best efforts, you still cannot cover your Pesach expenditures, then you have two options: The first, and much preferred option, is to simply scale back your yom tov. Making a more modest yom tov does not require you or your family to have a miserable yom tov. It does, however, require you to do without some of the things you would have liked to have for yom tov. Last year, in the shadow of Corona, when many were unable to do their usual large-scale Pesach clothing – and even food – shopping, we all had a chance to see that it is possible to break out of old spending habits, tone down, and still enjoy a beautiful and perhaps even more meaningful yom tov. We should carry that insight with us even now, as life slowly returns to “normal.” If you are working with limited means, you should discuss with your rav exactly how to fulfill the mitzvah


How much did we really use? How much do we need to buy for next year? Summary of Pesach (year) _______________ No. of people: Children __________

Babies ________________

No. of meals prepared for Shabbos and Yom Tov _____________ Light meals for Chol Hamoed ______________ House was ready for Pesach on (date) __________

We were hosted for ________ meals

We traveled to: ____________________________

First day of Pesach was on (day of the week) ______________ Remember for next year: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Products saved for next year Product remaining

Unused amounts left from Purchases Amount

Product remaining


__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Mesila is an international organization dedicated to empowering people to achieve and maintain long-term financial independence. Mesila accomplishes this goal both by coaching families and businesses to attain financial stability and by instilling healthy financial attitudes and practices in youths and adults through financial literacy education programs in schools and workshops/ seminars/webinars in the community. info@mesilausa. org 212-784-6790

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Additional shopping to be done for next Pesach: ___________________________________

MARCH 4, 2021

Guests ______________


On Motzei Pesach, Plan Ahead!

of simchas yom tov. Then, together with your wife and perhaps your children, you should create a Pesach budget and establish a list of priorities. What is more important to your wife – extra cleaning help or a new dress? Would the children prefer to get afikoman presents or go on a family chol hamoed outing? And so on. The second option is to accept the assistance of the tzedakah organizations you mentioned. Before you decide to do this, you have to ask yourself, and your rav, if you qualify to be on the receiving end of tzedakah. And make no mistake about it – any distribution of money, food or clothing is tzedakah. Even if the distributors claim that they are offering their assistance to anyone, they are saying this to protect the dignity of their recipients. When deciding whether to approach organizations for assistance, take into account that there is a limited amount of assistance available, and if you accept such assistance, another needy person will possibly be denied it. That does not mean that you should not take the help, if you need it. All it means is that the decision to accept charity funds is not one that should be taken lightly. Note, however, that it is better to accept tzedakah than to borrow money that you have no way of repaying. Encouraging people who could manage on their own, with some effort, to accept contributions and rely on others is not true chessed. Mesila’s goal is to give people the tools to support themselves without having to resort to charity or loans. This way, they can release themselves from the vicious cycle of poverty and debt and achieve financial freedom. May we all be zocheh to enjoy Pesach in the true spirit of freedom.



OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



MARCH 4, 2021


TJH Sugar High Trivia 1. How many calories are there in one teaspoon of sugar? a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d. 120 2. In 1843, Moravian Jakub Kryštof Rad, director of a sugar company, was granted a patent to do what? a. Use sugar in candy b. Make sugar cubes c. Turn sugar into a powder-like substance d. Make ices out of sugar 3. Which country consumes the most sugar in the world, per capita? a. U.S.A. b. Germany c. Netherlands d. Ireland

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4. There are three main categories of sugar. Which one of the following is not one of those three? a. Polyos b. Disaccharides c. Monosaccharides d. Miluvshalachmanows

5. Two hundred years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, how much sugar does the average American currently eat per year? a. 4 pounds b. 13 pounds c. 21 pounds d. 152 pounds 6. To avoid listing “sugar” as the first ingredient, food manufacturers may use a different name (such as dextrose, galactose, glucose, etc.). How many different names are there for sugar? a. 12 b. 32 c. 56 d. 1,354 7. In 1985, Coca Cola switched over to corn syrup rather than cane sugar, to sweeten their classic cola. If you want to see what Coca Cola with sugar tastes like today, what do you have to do? a. Go to the Coca Cola museum in Atlanta where they give out small cans of Coke sweetened with sugar b. Go to South America where they still use sugar to sweeten Coke

Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. D Wisdom Key: 6-7 correct: ARRRRRGGHHHHHHHh!!!! You have got to slow down on the sugar. Do you really need to spray that sugar spray in your mouth? Isn’t it enough that you have a ring pop on every finger? 3-5 correct: You are an average American… How are those 152 pounds of sugar feeling? 0-2 correct: “Uh, well, I just must tell you. Aunt Sally and I have been off of sugar for 13 years now and we, uh, eh, feel so great. You really have to try it. I mean we don’t feel deprived at all. We eat blackened salmon for breakfast, grilled salmon for lunch, and seared salmon for dinner. On our anniversary we celebrate with broccoli ice cream.” Sounds like fun – but at least they have all their teeth!

c. Try to find an old can in your grandmother’s pantry d. Buy a kosher for Pesach Coke bottle (marked with the yellow caps), which use sugar instead of corn syrup which is not kosher for Pesach

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



Here are some excuses for not hanging out with your buddies I’m sorry; I have to rotate the strings on all of my shoes. I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I left my tolerance in another coat. I’m too busy watching the paint dry. I’m going to be playing with my mental blocks.

MARCH 4, 2021

You Gotta be Kidding Me! Jim gets pulled over by police. “Step out of the car,” says the cop, “I am going to need you to take a breathalyzer test.” “I can’t,” Jim says, “I have asthma that can set off an attack.” “Alright,” says the cop, “then you’re going to have to take a blood test.” “Can’t do that either,” Jim replies, “I am a hemophiliac. If a wound is opened, I won’t stop bleeding.” “Ok,” the cop answers, “then I will need a urine sample.” “Sorry,” says Jim, “I also have diabetes. That could push my sugar count really low.” “Fine, so just come on out, and walk a straight line for me.” “Can’t do that either,” responds Jim. “Why not?” asks the cop. “Well, because I’m drunk! I could go to jail!”

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The President said he might drop in. The man on television told me to say tuned. I’ve been scheduled for a karma transplant. I did my own thing and now I’ve got to undo it. I have to go to the post office to see if I’m still wanted. I have to check the freshness dates on my dairy products. I’m attending the opening of my garage door. I’m being deported. I’ve come down with a really horrible case of something or other. My plot to take over the world is thickening. I have to fulfill my potential. I have some real hard words to look up in the dictionary. The last time I went out, I never came back. I have to answer all of my “occupant” letters. None of my socks match. I changed the lock on my door and now I can’t get out. I’m making a home movie called, “The Thing That Grew in My Refrigerator.” I’m touring China with a wok band. I never go out on days that end in “Y.” I just picked up a book called “Glue in Many Lands,” and I can’t put it down. There are important world issues that need worrying about. I feel a song coming on. I’m trying to be less popular. I’m waiting to see if I’m already a winner. You know how we psychos are. My favorite commercial is on TV. I have to study for a blood test. I’m observing National Apathy Week. I’m going to the Missing Persons Bureau to see if anyone is looking for me. I have to stay home and see if I snore. I prefer to remain an enigma. I have to make an air sandwich.


Feeling Anti-Social?


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


“Say What?!”

Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as G-d’s will is no concern of this Congress.


MARCH 4, 2021

Notable Quotes - Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) in response to Rep. Greg Steube’s (R-Fla.) speech quoting the Bible, in an effort to thwart Congress’ radical “Equality Act”

Mr. Nadler has forgotten the Constitution. The Founding Fathers required Congress to avoid infringing upon the free exercise of religion, meaning it must be sensitive to what every religious tradition describes as G-d’s will. It is especially true that Congress must remain cognizant of the set of foundational moral principles – including valuing peace, human life, and individual liberty and responsibility – that America calls Judeo-Christian ethics. Graduates of this course will have the knowledge and skills to push themselves to new challenges while climbing safely and responsibly…. This class is for people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other people of color.

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– From a description of Cornell University’s Rock Climbing course, which is closed to white people because minorities have been underrepresented in the sport of rock climbing (Can overweight white people join? They have been underrepresented, too)

He said, “Hey, I didn’t see you after the game. I just wanted to tell you thanks and what a great journey and how much I appreciated everything you did.” The second thing he said: “I was just sitting here thinking, and I think we can really be better next year. I think we’re going to be a better team.” - Tampa Bay quarterbacks coach Clyde Christensen relating to the Tampa Bay Times what Tom Brady told him in a phone call the morning after Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl

- Statement by Rabbi Pesach Lerner, president of The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which advocated that Congress not pass this bill

Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law … for cancel culture. So that when the woke mob comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you’ll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who’s on the [canceled] list. – Bill Maher, HBO

Cancel culture is real; it’s insane; it’s growing exponentially, and it’s coming to a neighborhood near you. If you think it’s just for celebrities — no. In an era when everyone is online, everyone is a public figure. - Ibid.



MARCH 4, 2021

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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



MARCH 4, 2021

58 Common Cause, which purports to be a liberal, not a radical, organization has now demanded that Facebook keep Donald Trump off its platform. We are getting liberals … [calling for] Fox News [to be] taken off the networks. I hated communism but I defended the rights of lawyers to defend accused communists. If any lawyer is the subject of this kind of McCarthyism, I will represent you pro bono, in front of universities and bar associations. I will dedicate myself that the new McCarthyism of the hard left doesn’t become American culture. - Attorney Alan Dershowitz, Fox News

We’re not starting new parties. You know, they kept saying, he’s going to start a brand new party. We have the Republican Party. It’s going to unite and be stronger than ever before. I am not starting a new party. “Let’s start a new party and let’s divide our vote so that you can never win.” No, we’re not interested in that.

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- Donald Trump, speaking at the CPAC convention this weekened

I can’t tell you if, what the timeframe on the bill is, but I can tell you this: if you start talking about free college tuition to [historically black colleges and universities] and you start talking about free community college and all of those things, I think that you are well on your way. - Senior advisor to President Biden Cedric Richmond talking to Axios about Biden’s plan to give reparations to African Americans

With your help, we will take back the House, we will win the Senate, and then a Republican president will make a triumphant return to the White House. And I wonder who that will be. I wonder who that will be. Who? Who? Who will that be? I wonder.

The ultra-Orthodox parties will respond furiously to the Supreme Court’s ruling. We urge the organized North American Jewish community to stand with us, and reject and oppose legislative efforts in the Knesset that would undo the ruling of the court.

- Ibid.

Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us.

I’m increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days, when I see what my other white males [are] saying.

- A United Airlines pilot, in a radio transmission, upon seeing an apparent UFO while flying over New Mexico last week

- Former CIA Director John Brennan, on CNN, lamenting that some people have a different political opinion than him

- Ammiel Hirsch, leader of a Reform temple in Manhattan, in a statement about the Israeli Supreme Court allowing Reform conversions to be recognized in Israel

I hate to say this, but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast. It went right over the top of us. - Ibid.



OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



That doesn’t seem like a venue for political jokes, thank G-d. Amy and I have talked about how we can just make it a fun hangout for people at home — kind of a stress reliever – so I don’t think you can expect much politics at all .- One of the co-hosts of the Golden Globes, talking in advance of a show in which there would be no political jokes (She must have forgotten that over the past four years there have been no non-political jokes. Why the change? Hmm. Perplexing.)

- Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chair Charlie Munger, 97, at a shareholder’s meeting

- ibid.

It’s a very irritating system because the poverty that causes so much misery is also causing the growth that makes everybody get out of poverty. - Ibid.

- A Sacramento courtroom clerk to a defendant during a virtual traffic ticket appearance, when it appeared as if the defendant was in scrubs and performing surgery while appearing to fight his ticket

I am, sir. Yes, I’m in an operating room right now. Yes, I’m available for trial. Go right ahead. - Dr. Green’s reply, before the judge smartly adjourned the proceeding despite Dr. Green explaining that there were other surgeons present to perform the surgery as well

I went to CPAC — that was a problem. – Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) joking after falling and getting a black eye

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There wasn’t some malevolence of the rich that caused it. It was an accident. And the next time around, the poor will get richer faster than the rich. That thing’s circular. Who gets rich faster by class is going to vary over time, and I don’t think anybody should be too concerned by it.

Hello, Mr. Green? Hi. Are you available for trial? It kind of looks like you’re in an operating room right now?

MARCH 4, 2021

I think that to some extent, the complaint about the rich getting richer as a result of the Covid panic — I think that’s a misplaced concern. Nobody was trying to make the rich richer. We were trying to save the whole economy under terrible conditions, and I think, by and large, we made the most practical decisions that were available to us. We made the rich richer not as a deliberate choice but because it was an accidental byproduct of trying to save the whole civilization.



MARCH 4, 2021


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

I have been married, baruch Hashem, for five years, and often try to set my friends up with my husband’s friends. Being married, I realize how unimportant the questions the boys and their mothers ask. The questions I am asked are ridiculous. “How baalebatish is her family?” (a.k.a. are they rich?) “Do her grandparents align them-

selves with the Yeshivish world?” “Did she wear heels in seminary, or was she more of a flats kind of girl?” (this one is from a mother). Every time I get off the phone with these mothers, I want to vomit. When I married my husband, my

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father was doing incredibly well in business and was supposed to support us for three years in Eretz Yisroel. Long story short, a year after my marriage, his business was crushed by a competitor and all our “plans” were upended. We came back to America and both started working. We, baruch Hashem, are building a nice life together, although it is nothing like the one we dreamed of. I also used to dress up supe- nice, almost fancy, every day. Now, with two kids and 25 pounds later, I am lucky if I get to wear something other than what I wore the day before. Life is so busy and baruch Hashem for that! But dealing in shidduchim is so depressing. Seeing how people’s lives are so planned out before they even agree to meet each other is so sad and naive. Priorities have gone out the window. How can we change this system? Chaya*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.




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L A K E W O O D • W I L L I A M S B U R G • B O R O PA R K • M O N S E Y • M O N R O E • M O N T R E A L

MARCH 4, 2021

B L I T Z C R E AT I O N S . C O M



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MARCH 4, 2021

The Panel The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. ou are asking a good question. How do we change the system? I think the answer is a two-fold one. We change the system as individuals. We can provide a principled answer to the question about photographs. “I don’t share photos of boys or girls” is a stand you can take. This can be adapted to those who do send you their photos. In other words, you can say that you don’t ask for pictures. However, if a family sent you a picture along with the shidduch resume, they are giving permission for you to share it. “I don’t compare young people” is a good answer for people who are educators and youth leaders, especially. Very often, people who have already looked into someone or who know members of the community well will ask you to compare singles with one another. Taking a stand on that is another way to change the system. To respond to questions that are judgmental or imply an interest in knowing exactly what is going on the home and its values and practices takes more skill. It is helpful to craft some scripts and responses for yourself in advance so that you can actually respond in a respectful manner that causes a person to rethink the question. Are you actually asking me? ... I think I am hearing a question about … You don’t really think that XXX matters, do you? You can also repeat the question with disbelief in your voice. You can laugh at the question good-naturedly without sneering. Keep in mind that lecturing people doesn’t change them. Carefully prompting them to rethink their questions is a good goal for someone who is suggesting matches. But do keep your experience out of the conversation. Why? Because people will think you are bitter and discount your strategic efforts to get them to


reconsider. They will react to your story, not to your point. Changing the system, so to speak, demands action on the part of shadchanim as a group, too. About two years ago, I believe, a group of shadchanim took a stand on something. I don’t remember what it was, maybe it was about photos or something else. Keep in mind that parents are the ones who pay the shadchanim, so the latter can argue that they are trying to help the parents find what they are seeking. Public discourse is really the only way to change the system. The proliferation of shidduch columns in national and community papers is one sign of the healthiness of our community about some unhealthy shidduchim practices. Publishing discussion and various opinions bring greater openness to the community, and young people and their parents do pay attention. Many of these columns are discussed within families and include younger siblings as well as those in the parsha. There is healthy discussion between the generations about matters large and small. Another recent positive development has been the rising popularity of shidduch and dating coaches. A skilled third party who helps a young person clarify his thoughts, feelings, and behavior helps more than that young person sort things out. The young person has greater clarity and with that clarity can often manage parents, future dating prospects, and approaches to shidduchim in a healthier way. The parsha of shidduchim is more complicated than ever, perhaps. I think that young people with lists are a big problem, not just the judgmentalism of parents. Seminary and yeshiva administrations take their jobs seriously in this regard. I believe they stress growth and openness. But more needs to happen in terms of expectations of young people of future spouses in terms of levels of earning, learning, and more. Build-

Questions are thrown around as if life is a Hallmark film with the predictable storyline.

ing a life together by working hard, as you and your spouse are doing, is healthiest rather than bringing the other person vacations, values, and SUVs.

The Shadchan Michelle Mond


heoretical questions are sadly typical in the shidduch world. Questions are thrown around as if life is a Hallmark film with the predictable storyline. The beginning: Man meets woman at a post office and instantly knows they will live happily ever after. Middle: He tries tracking her down because he took one of her packages by mistake, calling it destiny. End: His dog runs away and while trying to find him, finds the woman from the post office at the dog park, with his dog. They all live happily ever after. I often think about this when I hear the questions similar to the ones you describe as off-putting in your letter – as if life usually goes as planned and as if we remain the same people we were while dating. If she wears heels to class in seminary, does it really indicate she will wear heels after having her first child? If her father can support for seven years of kollel, is there a kollel insurance policy if said father’s finances change? I’ve even gone as far as hearing from a boy I set up that he would like to continue dating the woman but must see her without a stitch of makeup because he must know exactly what she looks like. I mean, come on, really? If all the answers to these external questions can change in a moment, what is the purpose of asking them? I hear you, Chaya. I really do. It bothers me as a shadchan as much as it bothers you.

I also know that experience is usually the most effective teacher. While other people’s experiences would be the most convenient teacher, more often than not, people tend to learn from their own. Take you, for example. If you were told while dating that you should marry someone self-sufficient financially just in case your father can no longer support, would you have heeded that advice? Your friends are looking for something just like you were when you were dating. Now to your next question: how do we provide a wake-up call to people everywhere not to harp on silly unimportant details? This is something that can only be changed if society changes. If it becomes socially unacceptable to ask these questions, they will no longer be asked. Who determines what is or is not socially acceptable? I would venture to say that it must come from the rabbeim and roshei yeshivos, but who am I to say? I will leave that answer to the other panelists. Hatzlacha, and thank you for your holy work in shidduchim!

The Single Rivka Weinberg


commend you and your husband for trying to set up your friends. We all have the opportunity to be a shaliach of Hashem, so each of us



MARCH 4, 2021

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MARCH 4, 2021


has an achrayus to think of ideas for those around us. You ask how we can change the system, however, the system isn’t what needs fixing. The same process of shidduchim has been around for decades and, baruch Hashem, our community has seen, and continues to see, much success from it. Before we jump to the “shidduch crisis” conclusion and begin to bash the system, let’s take a broader look at society today. In the system, the pieces that have evolved over time are the people involved in it and their mindsets towards it. We live in a generation that is focused on instant gratification, where almost anything and everything can be customized, so is it really the system to blame? Given the reality we live in, are the questions you’re being asked by mothers and their sons really that far off? Keep in mind, these are individuals who are products of the always-wanting-the-best-and-more generation. People bolt to the latest designer coats and will stand outside in cold temperatures for all hours of the night to purchase the newest piece of technology. It would be naïve to say that these ideologies have not impacted our communities as well. If people are running for what they believe to be the best and supreme items in the world of gashmiyus, what makes you think there’s a magic switch that doesn’t

allow the thought process to seep into ruchniyus as well? Of course, any mother is going to find who she believes to be the “top” and “finest” girl for her son because she’s a creature of habit. To be clear, I agree with you that the priorities of many have gone out the window and the laundry lists of questions regarding topics no longer relevant to the girl are ridiculous. A girl should be looked at for where she is holding today and not judged for her choice to wear heels or not three years ago. Instead of trying to change a system that isn’t broken, we should fix the one that is. Although this issue must be reckoned with on a community level, it needs to start in every home with each parent teaching their child the difference between need and want. The entitled approach will only cause harm to future generations. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and because children are raised with instant gratification, they will never learn the patience to take the time to work through problems. If not stopped, this issue will continue to trickle into all areas, including shidduchim and relationships. So, to change the system, you can begin by discussing your values and priorities with your children to ensure they have a clear picture of what is truly important

and how those beliefs will help them navigate throughout their lives. Food for thought: isn’t it interesting that your father was doing incredibly well in business and had a plan to support you for three years in Eretz Yisrael when you first got married, and only now, after you’ve been married for five years, do you realize how unimportant the plans and questions are?

The Zaidy our letter raised three interesting issues. You discuss, first, how shidduch questions are often foolish and inappropriate; second, how your own married life turned out much differently than planned; and, third, how our contemporary shidduch process is in need of drastic overhaul. I have heard some outlandish questions folks ask shadchanim. I’ve been writing this column for one year now, and I still have no idea what the “right” answers are to these questions: -What kind of hat does the fatherin-law wear? -Do they cover their fancy Shabbos tablecloth with plastic? -Do they put the ketchup bottle on the table or put it into a serving dish? - W h a t dress does the mother wear when tak ing out the garbage? (That one

is a trick question. The correct answer is that the father is the one who takes out the garbage.) Isn’t it more appropriate to find out about character, moral fiber, and shared goals and aspirations? You are a very impressive young lady. You got married with certain expectations and found yourself in very different circumstances. It sounds like you were able to overcome adversity and, nevertheless, thrive. Good for you! I share your discomfort with our current system of matchmaking. Even though the system seems to work for many, for countless others it is painful, artificial, and anxiety-provoking. Dating should be a happy, enjoyable, and exciting time of life. Young men and women should consider alternatives to this archaic system. Organizations like YUConnects ( do wonderful work. They run events and programs, under proper rabbinical supervision, and recently announced their 450th successful shidduch. Very best wishes, and thank you for writing to us.

mal” than yours AND we only use the finest linens on Shabbos attitude and mindset. And in order to keep our perfect lineage and heritage, we are going to exclude anyone and any family who doesn’t fit the bill. And…no one will stop us!

Sometimes some of the questions and criteria I hear about are borderline neurotic. And, who is really suffering at the end of the day? Everyone! The singles and their parents and families. This system does work for a lot of people. But for too many, it doesn’t. It is exhausting and feels undoable. The problem runs so deep and is

Dr. Jeffrey Galler


Pulling It All Together The Navidaters

These are individuals who are products of the alwayswanting-thebest-and-more generation.

Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


hank you for writing into the panel about a very important matter that is at the helm of the shidduch crisis. I am going to do my best to deliver my honest, forthcoming, authentic opinion as to what needs to be done, at least in part, to help

resolve this leg of the shidduch crisis. But first, we must define what it is that you wrote in about: the holier than thou, my family is better/frummer/more important/wealthier/“more nor-



MARCH 4, 2021

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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


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MARCH 4, 2021


so embedded into the fabric of society that I truly believe correcting it starts in the schools and shuls. There must be a healthier message sent out to families by rebbeim and religious authority figures whom the families will respect if change is to be made on a grand scale. And the message must be something along the lines of giving up this hypercritical, FBI, humanity denying approach. Wouldn’t it be so beautiful to go out with someone based on chemistry, middos, and who the person is today? There needs to be education around relationships, a deep understanding into the psyche of men and women, and, dare I say it, kosher

ways for frum singles to naturally meet on their own. Whether that is a singles’ weekend (please G-d, the world should open soon!) or a fun event or party. Hashem gave men and women the instinct and the know-how. We need only to turn to key figures whom we emulate in the Torah and Nach to understand that man is…human. And certainly, many people met naturally, with Hashem’s help. Now, man has slowly taken this away by forbidding meeting naturally, making it taboo. We met on our own; how will we tell our parents we want to get married? I always tell people that I can’t cure normal! I just can’t. There’s someone

I want to go out with but my mother forbade it because the girl has a reputation from high school. The sad thing is that the ostracization for being one pinky toe out-of-thebox is all too real. Something must change on the macro level. If this little micro level column can nudge the macrosystem, then it will be a column well worth having written. I do believe change can be made, but it must come from the inside of the hub. From the people who make the rules and call the shots. I simply support those impacted by the system and the rules. I think you are absolutely incredible for rolling up your sleeves and continuing to help your friends.

Sometimes, it feels like the forces of the shidduch system are working against us. There is nothing that gives me greater joy than seeing my clients get engaged and married. The level of rejection I watch them experience, due to no fault of their own, makes me sad…every single time. We have to remember the individual. Keep on doing the amazing, holy work you do! I think anyone involved in shidduchim is very special! It is hard labor, but the payoff is out of this world! Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 516-224-7779, ext. 2. Visit for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

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Mental Health Corner

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MARCH 4, 2021

Rebellious Teens By Rabbi Azriel Hauptman

Teenagers often go through a period when they seem to be especially drawn to negative behaviors, friendships, and environments. This is an extremely complex topic, especially considering that trauma can play a decisive role in triggering rebellious behavior. In this article we will not focus on the trauma element, rather we will describe other factors that can

contribute to the waywardness and insubordination that we find in some adolescents. Acceptance Adolescents crave acceptance from their peers. As they emerge from the cocoon of their family and venture out into the world, they can feel unsafe or threatened if they do not feel

accepted. When a teen feels that he or she does not fit in, they will gravitate towards alternative behaviors if they believe that they will receive greater acceptance from a specific group of peers. Teenagers who are rejected or bullied by their peers are especially at risk since their search for an alternative group that will accept them can lead to becoming associated with groups that engage in risky or inappropriate behaviors. Attention When we show our children affection and attention, we are not just making them feel good; we are sending them a message that they matter and that their existence as an individual is important and valuable. During the teenage years, as adolescents start having more self-directed thought, they can start feeling as if their existence does not matter when they are not given enough attention. Sometimes, parents lead busy lives and a quiet and easy child might grow up without sufficient doses of attention. Lacking sufficient attention can be like lacking oxygen that the desperation for air will push you to get it at any cost. Similarly, a teenager who is attention-deprived might subconsciously feel that negative attention is better than no attention. Behavior that is against the ideals and expectations of parents evokes enormous amounts of attention, even though the attention is not positive in nature. Identity Children can blissfully pass through their younger years without

asking themselves questions such as, “Who am I?” or, “Why am I here?” Teenagers are often unable to maintain such idyllic ignorance and they will be asking themselves these very difficult questions. As they struggle to figure out who they are, they might try on different identities for themselves to see how they fit. Independence Teenagers are starting to feel somewhat like adults but don’t yet have the tools and skills that are required for living independently and taking care of themselves. Concerned parents will therefore limit the amount of independence allowed to a teenager. This will not stop the teen from pushing the limits to achieve as much independence as possible in order to assert his or her status as an emerging adult. This can potentially lead to rebellious behavior. Adolescence is a difficult period for both parents and teens. Parents are full of anxiety about their children and children are full of confusion during this transitional phase of their lives. There are times when a family therapist can be essential in helping parents and teens work together towards their common goal of emerging from this phase unscathed. This is a service of Relief Resources. Relief is an organization that provides mental health referrals, education, and support to the frum community. Rabbi Yisrael Slansky is director of the Baltimore branch of Relief. He can be contacted at 410-448-8356 or at


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

In The K




Stovetop Seder Wine Chicken By Naomi Nachman

MARCH 4, 2021

This chicken recipe is perfect for the seder as it’s cooked entirely on the stovetop. My family looks forward to this recipe every Pesach. They even request I make it during the year.



b8 chicken pieces on bone


b¼ cup oil, plus 1 tablespoon b1 cup potato starch b1 tsp salt b3 onions, sliced b3 cloves garlic, crushed b14 oz. can tomato sauce b14 oz. red wine b¼ cup honey b¼ cup soy sauce b½ cup chicken stock

2. Coat each piece of chicken on both sides with the potato starch, then season generously with salt and paprika. Set aside. 3. Heat a large wide sauté pan with ¼ cup oil and sear each piece of chicken on medium high heat for a few minutes on each side till browned. Set aside. 4.

While the chicken is searing, mix the tomato sauce, wine, honey, soy sauce, and chicken stock together.

5. After the chicken is seared, in the same pan, add remaining oil and sauté onions and garlic till lightly browned. 6. Once the onions are browned, add back all 8 pieces of chicken, snuggling them tight to fit. 7. Pour the sauce over the chicken and bring to boil.

8. Cover the sauté pan and reduce to a simmer on low for 1 ½ hours. Baste chicken before serving.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

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b1 tsp paprika

Preheat oven to 350°F.

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MARCH 4, 2021



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