Bangor International December 2017
No. 1 in the UK for Clubs and Societies WhatUni 2017
Internationals Go Green ‘Internationals Go Green’ is a project organised by the International Student Support Office. The initiative consists of a series of trips and events aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues, sustainability and wellbeing among students. Last week’s event consisted of the students together with Marcel Clusa from the International Student Support Office travelling to a nature reserve managed by the North Wales Wildlife Trust ‘Cors Bodgynydd’, and chopping down their own Christmas tree. The tree was brought back to the university and then decorated by the students with all of the litter that the students had collected from previous beach cleans around North Wales, helping to highlight the problem of plastics and littering in our current societies. After Christmas, the tree will be sent to a local sand dune reserve in Denbighshire to help stabilise the unique habitat together with
Marcel Clusa, top left, with some of the participating students
the Denbighshire Countryside Service. This will close the full cycle of an invasive tree species that went from a Nature Reserve in Snowdonia, to Bangor University to be used for educational purposes and to raise awareness about the problem with plastic and littering, to then end up in a sand dune reserve, helping our unique Welsh coastline to become healthier and nicer for all. The decorated Christmas Tree
In this issue of our newsletter...
l Winter Graduation l Scholarship Winners l Take a look at our International Student Newsletter here: