Bangor International June 2017

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Law Double degree awarded prestigious prize by the Franco-British Lawyers Society

Bangor University and Université Toulouse-Capitole have been awarded the 2017 RobertsonHorsington Prize by the Franco-British Lawyers Society (FBLS) for their double degree programme: the Licence/Master 1 in International Law / LLB English Law and French Law.

This innovative, transnational, double degree law programme, offered in partnership by Toulouse-Capitole, France, and Bangor University, Wales, offers law students the opportunity to spend two years studying law in each country, leading to the award of the British LLB and the French Masters 1 after four years.

The Award was received on behalf of both Universities by Dr Oana-Andrea Macovei, ToulouseCapitole European School of Law (ESL), and Professor Dermot Cahill, Head of Bangor Law School, at the Maison du Barreau (the Headquarters of the Paris Bar) in Paris on March 30, 2017.

Honorary First President Cour de Cassation

Professor Wanda Mastor, Head of the European School of Law (ESL) commented; “Working with Bangor has been a pleasure for us, our students love their time in Bangor, and find the Welsh experience both enriching as well as intellectually stimulating – finding a highly internationalised boutique law school among the Welsh mountains has a touch of magic about it! We are delighted that the programme is attracting many applications as French students increasingly see their future as one that requires them to see a wider world."

Read the full story here:

l Bangor student becomes

L-R: Prof. Dermot Cahill, Head of Bangor Law School, and Dr Oana Andreea-Macovei of University Toulouse-Capitole receive the Robertson-Horsington Prize from Guy Canivet,

Funding lifts Welsh Tidal Research

Oceanographers at Bangor University’s School of Ocean Sciences have teamed up with Nortek, and Partrac, to study ocean turbulence with the aim of reducing the costs associated with tidal energy devices

Bangor University’s School of Ocean Sciences are launching a project to study tidal turbulence at the Menai Strait in Wales, after having been awarded two grants totaling £230,000.

The project’s goal is to further develop the expertise in acoustic and optical observation techniques pioneered at Bangor University

Bangor visits China

L-R: Ms. Li Dandan Director of the Confucius Institute, (China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Ms Luna Wu China Office Chief Representative, Bangor University, Prof Zhang Linying, Dean of the School of International Education (CUPL), Dr Jonathan Ervine of Bangor University, Professor Andrew Edwards of Bangor University, Prof. Li Li from The School of Foreign Languages (CUPL), Prof. Yu Xueming Vice Dean of the School of Humanities (CUPL), Assistant Professor Yao Zejin, Deputy Director of Guangming School of Journalism and Communication, The Research Centre of Legal Institutions News (CUPL)

Professor Andrew Edwards, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, Dr Jonathan Ervine, Head of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures in conjunction with Luna Wu, Director of the Bangor Office in Beijing visited a number of current and prospective Chinese University

partners in April 2017. Discussions took place regarding the exchange of academic staff, exchange of students and joint research, all aimed at furthering academic exchange and developing Bangor University’s scholarly activity with Chinese Universities Amongst the partners visited was

China University Political Science and Law, Bangor ’ s partner in the establishment and running of the highly successful Bangor University Confucius Institutea firm foundation on which to develop and expand cooperation into a range of academic disciplines

Credit: James Hogan

Bangor student becomes overnight internet success with her singing and songwriting

18 year old Aditi Saigal (whose artist name is Dot) from India is studying for an undergraduate degree in Music and Creative Writing at Bangor University, and has now become an overnight success on the internet.

One of her songs ‘Everybody Dances to Techno’ was uploaded onto YouTube in February and it got over 42,500 plays, and gained her a lot of fans.

Aditi’s parents are Amit Saigal (the founder of one of India’s oldest music magazines, Rock Street Journal) and Shena Gamat, actor and co-founder of New Delhibased Barefoot! Theatre Company.

YouTube is the go-to medium for Dot and her fans right now, but the singer says she hopes more musicians get more gigs in the UK and India. Aditi will be back in India for a break between June and September and says; “For the first

month, it’s kind of just a holiday for me, but I do want to get as many gigs as I can.” Good luck Aditi!

Research News

Urgency scientific expedition to assess climate induced death of coral reefs

Dead shallow reef

A team of scientists led by a Bangor University professor have recently returned from a scientific expedition to the remote and largely uninhabited Chagos Archipelago in the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)

Professor John Turner from Bangor University’s School of Ocean Sciences, led the team of 14 scientists which included Dr Ronan Roche, also from Bangor University, and others from the University of Oxford, Zoological Society of London, University College of London, Scottish Association of Marine Science and an oceanographic instrument company

Professor Turner reported: “We are obviously saddened to see the coral reefs of Chagos in this state, which is no different to that of other climate affected locations such as the Great Barrier Reef, but remain optimistic that these reefs, protected and remote from human impacts, can still bounce back as they did after the 1997/98 warming event.”

Read the full story here: www bangor ac uk/news/ latest/urgency-scientificexpedition-to-assess-climateinduced-death-of-coral-reefs32202

Bangor at ‘ The World Conference of Banking Institutes’ in Nigeria

The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) was unanimously endorsed to organize the 22nd edition of the biennial Conference for all banking Institutes across the globe in Lagos, Nigeria 24-28 April 2017

Professor Ted Gardener, Programme Director of the Chartered Banker MBA at Bangor University was the Forum Chair for the Re-professionalising Banking through Continuous Education Session with colleague Professor John Ashton, Academic Director Chartered Banker MBA at Bangor University as one of the guest speakers within this forum.

The World Conference of Banking Institutes (WCBI) is a biennial global forum that brings together professionals from the financial services industry and other stakeholders engaged in banking operation with around 1,000 people in attendance The World Conference of Banking Institutes serves as a veritable platform for the banking institutes to strategically appraise the achievements and challenges faced by the banking sub-sector

globally and also effectively enhance the financial sector ’ s performance

The hosting of the WCBI in Nigeria by The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) would promote innovative talent management strategies for the financial services; encourage strategic learning, cross fertilization of ideas and networking for value; promote investment and economic growth especially in the financial services industry; enrich access to information, knowledge experience and expertise of professionals from other jurisdictions; and provide unique platform for bilateral relations

Professor John Ashton

New Professorship embodies partnership working between University and Health Board

Professor Debbie Roberts

Debbie Roberts feels that she is in prime position to have an impact on nurse education, and to influence patient care, having taken up the Foundation of Nursing Studies Chair in Practice

Learning, at Bangor University’s School of Healthcare Sciences

Her appointment to her unique role, supported by the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS), straddles both clinical practice and learning She is able to work with Bangor University’s students and with qualified nurses and other health professionals at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. Her focus is to enhance and develop learning environments for the student nurses at Bangor University’s School of Healthcare Sciences and to support continuing professional development within the NHS across north Wales.

Professor Debbie Roberts said:

“I’m passionate about teaching and learning in nurse education, and am eagerly promoting and enhancing practice learning in order to improve healthcare in the region. I’m very interested in ensuring that we link research,

teaching and innovations and use evidence as a basis for our teaching.”

Since being in post, Debbie has developed a strategy for practice learning that focuses on supporting undergraduate nursing through mentorship. She is also exploring how social media can be used at the bedside to enhance student learning and patient care.

Prof Chris Burton, Head of the School of Healthcare Sciences at Bangor University said:

“We’re delighted to have Professor Roberts join our team and to host this innovative joint appointment. The objectives of the post fit well with our own We have a long tradition of partnership-working with NHS and other interest groups at the School of Healthcare Sciences so that we deliver undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes that have impact for students and services alike and our world-leading research in healthcare improvement, enables us to work with partners to address modern healthcare challenges ”

Bangor University delivers workshop on Mental Health in Dubai

Professor John Parkinson

Professor John Parkinson, Head of the School of Psychology at Bangor University, was involved in delivering a workshop titled:

‘Joint Workshop: Building resilience in mental health across the lifespan’ on Mental Health between the 24 - 27 April, in Dubai

In partnership with the British Council and colleagues from Iranian Higher Education Institutions, the workshop was part-funded by a grant from the British Council and was sought to develop collaborative research links between UK researchers and those in Iran

The workshop has significantly rasied the international profile of Bangor ’ s work in the mental health domain and is hopefully a first step in a longer relationship with the British Council and other Higher Education Institutions within the UK and Iran.

Bangor Academic wins ‘Book of the Year ’ Award

Dr Rudi Coetzer, Clinical Academic in the School of Psychology attended the Award Ceremony of the British Psychological Society (BPS) annual conference in Brighton on the 5th May 2017, and picked up the prize of BPS Book of the Year Award 2016.

The book in question is ‘Working with Brain Injury’, Rudi’s co-author was Dr Balchin who works in the Department of Psychology in the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

L-R: Dr Rudi Coetzer of Bangor University and Professor Peter Kinderman, President of the British Psychological Society

'Working with Brain Injury' (Practioner Text), by Rudi Coetzer & Ross Balchin (2014), published by Psychology Press

North Wales scenery is the real star of the new King Arthur film!

Guy Ritchie’s re-make of the Arthurian legend, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, which was released on May 12th 2017 was filmed in the Ogwen Valley and Beddgelert area of North Wales, not far from Bangor University!

Introducing the movie - King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, at a special preview screening in Pontio on 14th May, Professor Raluca Radulescu, Director of Bangor University’s Centre for Arthurian Studies, said the university has a long-standing record of research and teaching the Arthurian legend dating back to its foundation in 1884

School of Sports Sciences visits China

Professor Nichola Callow, Professor in Sport Psychology, and Dean of the College of Health and Behavioural Sciences at Bangor University visited the following universities in China during May; Shanghai University of Sport, ZheJiang Normal University and Anhui Normal University, with the prime focus on collaborating further in the field of Sport Science.

Discussions took place regarding the possibilities of the exchange of students, visiting scholars, and applications for PhD’s through the Chinese Scholarship Council Programme

The trip overall was very successful and will hopefully lead to some exciting developments in the near future.

Student Led Teaching Awards 2017

The sixth annual Student Led Teaching Awards ceremony was held recently and celebrated the high standard of teaching and pastoral support in Bangor University

Nominations have significantly increased over the last few years, which shows that more and more students are recognising the importance of the quality of teaching on their education

Professor Carol Tully, Pro Vice Chancellor (Students) said: “The SLTAs are now firmly established in the University calendar and this year ’ s event has been a great success. Once again, the nominations were incredibly inspiring and it was marvellous to

see so many staff recognised for their sterling work These Awards are a wonderful opportunity to emphasise the great work done by staff across the University and learn how individuals have positively impacted upon our students’ educational experience ”

Helen Marchant, VP Education and Welfare in the Students’ Union, and one of the organisers of the evening said: “The SLTAs are a fantastic experience to be a part of The Awards celebrate the partnership that staff and students have and it should be something that every University should strive for.”

One of the winners on the night was Ali Khan, international officer

at the International Education Centre won the ‘International Award’

Congratulations to all the 2017 winners, to see a full list of the winners click here: latest/student-led-teachingawards-201732181#sthash.OeGeULnQ .dpuf

Professor Nichola Callow
Ali Khan, International Officer at Bangor University
The Student Support Team with Ali Khan

Useful Contacts

Country Managers Office Contacts

Ali Khan

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 388874 : Email:

Country Manager responsible for: Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka

Karen Jones

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 388207 : Email:

Country Manager responsible for: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

Maggie Parke

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 388416 : Email:

Country Manager responsible for: The Americas: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, USA

Michael Rogerson

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 383648 : Email: m rogerson@bangor ac uk

Country Manager responsible for: European Union Countries

Noor Al-Zubaidi

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 382879 : Email: n al-zubaidi@bangor ac uk

Country Manager responsible for:

Middle East and North Africa including: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Qatar International students in the UK

Sarah Jones-Morris

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 388843 : Email:

Country Manager responsible for: Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon Central Asia - including Azerbaijan

Upcoming Visits for 2017

We shall be visiting the following countries between May and July 2017:

USA - May/June

Hong Kong - July

International Office

IEC, Bangor University

Bangor, Gwynedd

LL57 2DG, U.K.

Tel: +44 (0) 1248382028

E-mail: international@bangor ac uk

Web: www bangor ac uk

Beijing Office

Bangor University Room A029, 3rd Floor, The Exchange Beijing, B-118, Jianguo Road Chaoyang District

Beijing, P R China 100022

Tel: 010-58902596; 010-58902597

E-mail: luna wu@bangor ac uk

Web: www bangor org cn

Bangor International College

Oswalds Building, Victoria Drive Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG, U.K.

Tel: 01248 383 783



The Queen has a degree from Bangor University. In 1949, when she was Princess Elizabeth she was given the title Doctor of Music, by her husband who was Chancellor at the then University of Wales!

Visit our country visits page for more information: OR contact the relevant Country Manager.

Please do contact us if you would like one of our international officers to visit your school or if you need any advice.

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Bangor International June 2017 by Bangor University - Issuu