Letter from Banteay Prieb_Vol.15_Eng

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Letter from Banteay Prieb

Banteay Prieb is a vocational training center for persons with disability. Both male and female students from regions all around Cambodia gather here and learn to live a self-reliant life. Although all students come from different backgrounds, they are similar in that they have never lived as an independent and active part of the society. This is why many students struggle with homesickness when they arrive at the center for the first time. To those who have never left home before, the sudden change in environment could be very difficult to cope with. However, they slowly learn to enjoy the life here as they empathize with teachers and friends who are, or have

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been, in a similar situation. Banteay Prieb is not only a place for learning technical skills. It also helps students escape from the stereotype that they are incapable and find new hope in life. In fact, students’ growth in self-confidence and independence happens quite quickly and conspicuously in Banteay Prieb. By the end of the school year, they not only live and travel on their own but also participate in various social activities without hesitation. One year could be a very short part of life, but the happiness and experience that our students gain over this period could be hardly found anytime or anywhere else. Most importantly, they earn a second family that gives great love and encouragement. Finally, I would like to thank our volunteers whose sincere interest and involvement make this place a much better place than it would be without them. Best Wishes,

Yun Pheary â—Ž Yun Pheary completed the agriculture course of Banteay Prieb in 2008 and has been working as a student care teacher since 2009.

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