803.920.0689 3TEK now offers a totally new shredding option for small yards wanting to move up from collecting to shredding. With O&O costs less than $35/ton and with an output of up to 3,000 tons a month, 3TEK’s Bravo will raise your capability and your profits, putting you in command. Bravo | Your Path to Freedom INDEPENDENCESEEKSIMULATOREXPLOREYOUR


8 From the Editor 10 News Room 20 Spotlight 22 Paper Recycling 26 Battery Recycling 30 Size Reduction 36 Equipment Roundup 40 MRF 42 Last Word 46 Advertiser Index September 2022 | Volume 30, Number 6 DEPARTMENTS & SECTIONSFEATURES 14 Q&A with ISRI President Robin Wiener 22 STADLER upgrades deliver high purity rates for dry mixed recyclables plant 24 Total Fiber Recovery to open $80 million recycled pulp plant 26 Battery recycling update 30 Modular systems offer custom solutions 32 Shred to maximize metal recycling rates 40 Multi-million-dollar facility improves recycling processing for Des Moines

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WWW.VDRS.COM 203.967.1100 | T he original, patented SPLITTER® SCREEN Revolutionize front-end sorting with the pioneers in spiral screen design. Over 400 installations worldwide processing: FLAT WAVE TWIN WAVE Commercial & Industrial • Single Stream • MSW • C&D • Garden Waste • Organics • E-scrap

SLONE FOX recyclingproductnews.comsfox@baumpub.comEditor
While quitting cold turkey seemed like the easiest option, cutting ties with fast fashion comes with its own unique set of social and economic barriers.
While quitting cold turkey seemed like the easiest option, cutting ties with fast fashion comes with its own unique set of social and economic barriers. Shopping sustainably is expensive. Ethical clothing has been historically slow to start when it comes to size inclusivity. Many people feel like there’s no chance of change when you take into account the sheer magnitude of fast fashion brands that are out there. It can be overwhelming.Istartedmyjourney off slowly by ordering a dress that I’d had my eye on for months. It was handmade and hand dyed with eco-safe inks by a small business, and by all accounts seemed to be the perfect sustainable garment. However, when it arrived, I immediately felt defeated.
The dress came in a polypropylene plastic bag, surround ed by plastic air pillows, contained in a box that could have fit at least 10 dresses. When I took into account the shipping materials and transportation logistics, I didn’t feel much further ahead in my sustainability mission. Sure, I’d made a positive choice on the textile front, but now I was contributing to packaging waste. And not only that, now I was responsible for properly disposing of these hard-to-recycle, single-use plastics, something that can potentially be quite mystifying when taking things such as tape and labels into account. And I’m not alone in this.
P ersonally, I’m a big fan of mid-year resolutions. By the time summer rolls around, I’ve already forgotten every thing that I promised myself I was going to do in the New Year, so it’s nice to check in and re-evaluate my goals according ly. Last month, as one of these resolutions, I decided to cut fast fashion out of my life entirely. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the total amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by textile production stands at around 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2e annually, more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Not only that, but this number is estimated to rise by more than 60 percent by 2030.
A recent study by DS Smith shows that globally, there’s a gen erational gap when it comes to recycling packaging. Out of all of the generations polled, 71 percent of Baby Boomers claim to hold themselves accountable for recycling their boxes responsi bly, compared to 60 percent of millennials, 59 percent of Gen Z, and 58 percent of Gen X.
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This gap can be attributed to a number of factors including a lack of clear instructions when it comes to disposal, confu sion over which items can be recycled in which jurisdictions, or a lack of trust in recycling programs altogether. There are also social, economic, and public engagement constraints to take into account when considering barriers to recycling, all of which are closely interwoven. Due to this interconnectivi ty, it’s clear that any solutions moving forward must address not just one barrier, but all of them, in order to increase recy cling rates and implement a more effective recycling system as a Andwhole.while ordering one garment from a small business won’t be keeping any corporations up at night, it’s still one small step toward positive change.

The new model 4 E-Z log Baler is just what mid size scrap yards have been asking for! Priced right for any yard — small, mid size, or large! Like the Model 3, the NEW Model 4 has no set up time and a very low cost to operate. The one man operations are all handled from the newly designed cab. With the 400º rotation crane and a reach of 27’ adding the continuous rotation grapple, it makes loading the larger chamber a breeze. Taking your loose scrap to a highly sought after shreddable log. — Cycles in under 2 minutes! — Produces up to 70 tons per day. — Fully portable in the closed position. — New seat design for more operator comfort.

10 | SEPTEMBER 2022
ord and John Deere have collaborated to produce a new sustainable concept Gator, a machine prototype built in collaboration with Ford Motor Company’s sustainable materials team to examine ways of taking waste streams and turning them into viable machine components. The concept Gator features sustainable elements such as a hood made of plastic bottles pulled from the Mississippi River and a storage bin made of coconut filler.
“The sustainable concept Gator has provided us with key learnings,” Jill Sanchez, director of sustainability at John Deere says. “It shows how innovative thinking and innovative partner ships provide invaluable insight into how we can apply sustain able material use in the future.”
“When the idea of the sustainable concept Gator project came about, the goal was to explore a variety of materials to be used for possible adoption across product lines to support our goals around increasing use of sustainable materials,” says Andy Greenlee, senior staff engineer for sustainable solutions at John GreenleeDeere.was one of six Deere employees on the team tasked with developing the sustainable concept Gator. While the proj ect presented many challenges, the team worked closely with both Deere and Ford’s network of suppliers to build a prototype created with renewable, recycled, and recyclable materials such as soybeans, flax fibre, sugar cane, hemp fibre, bottles, and fishing nets.
Though many components used in the sustainable concept Gator are not a short-term production solution, the materials pave the way for sustainable solutions, including one that is in production now.
“It was difficult because we had to work within our current framework of production tooling, we weren’t going to invest in new tooling for a product that won’t go to market, but we did everything we could to find sustainable materials that were suitable replacements,” says Keith Shanter, senior materials engineer at John Deere.
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This 160,000-tons-per-year MRF will include several types of sorting equipment, with a focus on high automation to maxi mize recovery. The system will be equipped with 18 MACH Hy spec optical sorters for fibres, non fibres, and plastics sorting, along with three SamurAI sorting robots on the container lines for quality control. The automation will drastically increase material recovery and purity without extra workers.
According to Chris Hawn, Machinex Technologies’ CEO, “Working with Rumpke and their team has always been a plea sure. Going into large projects such as this, it is important that any buyer complete due diligence to understand market chang es and the equipment necessary to tackle past, present, and fu ture challenges. We were fortunate enough to remain Rumpke’s selected vendor and with the level of automation provided, they are prepared to handle what the future might bring.”
Machinex has launched a new project with long-time partner Rumpke Waste & Recycling that includes the delivery of a brand new 56-tph residential singlestream system in Columbus, Ohio. The new material recovery facility will be one of the largest dedicated residential sin gle-stream systems in the country.
teel Dynamics will construct and operate a 650,000-tonne low-carbon, recycled aluminum flat rolled mill with two supporting satellite recycled aluminum slab centres. The investment is estimated to be $2.2 billion for the three facili ties, and commercial production is planned to begin in the first quarter of 2025. The planned $1.9 billion aluminum flat-rolled mill will be located in the Southeastern United States, with an annual pro duction capacity of 650,000 tonnes of finished products, serving the sustainable beverage packaging, automotive, and common alloy industrial sectors. The product offering will be supported by various value-added finishing lines, including continuous annealing solutions, heat treating lines, continuous coating, and various slitting and packaging operations.
The company’s focus on decarbonization will also be applied to this aluminum operation, including plans to use a significant amount of pre- and post-consumer aluminum scrap in its pro duction process, supported by the company’s metals recycling platform. The company will own over 94 percent of the rolling mill facility through a joint venture arrangement with Unity Aluminum.Atfullcapacity, the aluminum rolling mill will require ap proximately 900,000 tonnes of annual aluminum slab supply. The rolling mill is expected to have the capacity to supply ap proximately 50 percent of its recycled aluminum slab require ments on site, with the remaining amount to be provided by the construction and operation of two additional satellite recycled aluminum slab centres, one to be located in the Southwestern United States and the other in Northcentral Mexico. The satel lite slab centres will benefit from abundant regional aluminum scrap supply and cost-effective operations. The two facilities are expected to cost approximately $350 million in aggregate, with the Mexico facility expected to begin operations in 2024 and the U.S. facility by the end of 2025. The company will own 100 percent of the satellite facilities.
Rumpke’s facility will not only feature advanced technology, but will also host a research centre for college students as well as an educational area to raise awareness and consciousness about the environment. The system, entirely designed and equipped by Machinex, will efficiently sort all recyclable materials, including papers, cardboard, HDPE, PET, PP, and mixed plastics coming from local residential and commercial curbside collection. Achieving effective sorting of all these materials while maximizing purity rates, interconnectivity, and high-tech equipment were the driving requirements for the design of the system for Rumpke.
“Rumpke’s commitment to recycling dates back nearly 90 years . . . by working with Machinex to develop the Rumpke Recycling & Resource Center in Columbus, Ohio, we remain confident that we can continue delivering the best recycling solutions to our customers for years to come,” said Jeffrey Sny der, director of recycling at Rumpke Waste & Recycling.
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NEWS ROOM packaging types reclaimed for raw material processing. For example, AMP recovers a portfolio of #1 to #7 plastics in a va riety of different form factors, colours, and opacities with high precision and purity. PET and HDPE together account for a majority of recycled plastic demand, with growing interest in polypropylene – a 12 | SEPTEMBER 2022

MORE www.recyclingproductnews.comNEWS 13SEPTEMBER 2022 |
DS SMITH REMOVES 313 MILLION PIECES OF PLASTICS FROM PACKAGING IN TWO YEARS D S Smith consumers have asked for packaging to re place single-use, unrecyclable plastic items. DS Smith responded and designed out over 313 million pieces of problem plastics in the last two years alone as part of its plastic replacement program. DS Smith’s designers have worked with clients on their packaging and displays to replace or remove more than three million units of plastic per week, or 13,000 an hour, as consumers demonstrate a demand for fibre-based packaging as an alternative to hard-to-recycle, single-use plas tics. DS Smith’s designers have created thousands of designs to eliminate even the smallest amounts of plastic in its packaging, such as replacing plastic sealing tape with self-locking cardboard flaps and swapping plastic labels by printing directly onto card board. Over the next year, DS Smith will continue to drive the adoption of fibre-based alternatives in response to consumer demand for plastic alternatives. caps, with a generic solution expected in 2023. According to Carlsberg, the fibre beer bottle already per forms better than the single-use glass bottle in the product’s life cycle assessment. Carlsberg aims for the fibre beer bottle to achieve up to 80 percent less emissions than current single-use glassWithbottles.thatgoal, for every single-use glass bottle created, five fibre beer bottles could be created using the same carbon foot print. Ultimately, Carlsberg aims for the fibre bottle to achieve the same low carbon footprint as a refillable glass bottle, which is currently one of the best-performing primary types of packaging when collected and reused in efficient systems.
NORTH AMERICAN MASTER DISTRIBUTOR | +1-866-733-2358 | ECOHOG WINDSHIFTER STATIC AIR SEPARATOR ECOHOG RECON-Q MOBILE SCRAP RECOVERY DOWNSTREAM ELV Select Equipment is the authorized North American Distributor for Ecohog Waste Processing Equipment. There is a machine for a variety of waste applications, including: C&D, Compost, Scrap Metal and Biomass. WASTE PROCESSING MADE EASY ECOHOG HOGMAG TRACKED EDDY CURRENT SEPARATOR

Congratulations on being the latest recipient of the Israel Proler Award. I was so honoured and humbled because I know the great contribution and legacy of Izzy Proler and I know a lot of those in the Gulf Coast region who received the award before me, who I respect immensely. The best example is Arnie Gachman, who was selected to present the award to me. And it just so happens I posted something in social media two days earlier about how much I admire Arnie and how he’s an icon in the industry, not just for what he’s done to advance the recycling industry and the time he’s given, but for all he’s done to help the communities both in which he lives and where his facilities are located. He is someone I admire so much, so this was very meaningful for me and I’m just so grateful to the industry, the Gulf Coast region, to all the staff that make me look good, and to all the chairs I’ve had the opportunity to work with over the years. It really is a great industry to work for. I wouldn’t be sitting where I do for the last 33 years unless I loved everyone and everything about it.
We obviously do not believe that recycling is broken. It is actually doing very well. Are there parts that can be stronger? Absolutely. And we are all for certain efforts on the part of Congress and others to help strengthen theAsystem.focusof the hearing was a number of proposed legislative solutions that have come forward, some of which we support and, to be honest, we have been a part of drafting. And others which we do not believe
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Robin Wiener has been serving as president of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) since March 2000. Prior to that she was ISRI executive director and had also directed the organi zation’s environmental compliance activities. Just prior to our con versation, she was named this year’s recipient of the Gulf Coast Region’s Israel Proler Award for outstanding leadership achieve ment and contributions to the recycling industry. Our discussion includes topics such as ISRI’s advocacy efforts, the advent of new recycling technology, the state of the recycling industry, and more.
ISRI recently offered testimony to the US House Energy and Commerce

RW We believe very strongly that’s where the emphasis should be. There are also proposals in Congress to extend education and recycling awareness. We believe that’s also very important. We have been part of previous efforts that were part of the infrastructure bill that passed last year that included language on education and awareness as well as on data collection. Proper definitions for recycling and recycled materi als are also in a number of these bills. The one proposal that’s being put forward that we do not support has to do with extended producer responsibility (EPR). We don’t believe that EPR is a solution to the system. We think that you have to attack it in different ways.
According to Wiener, the key to greater strength in the residential recycling system is greater access to collection.
will actually lead to a solution. ISRI’s chief lobbyist Billy Johnson testified along with several others. His message was that recy cling is strong and is an important part of the solution to a more resilient planet and a sustainable economy. Recycling is working very well in major segments of the industry, such as commercial and industrial. In resi dential, it certainly can be stronger. The key to greater strength in the residential recy cling system is greater access to collection. Collection is a weak point in the system. One of the bills that we’ve actually been a part of promoting, the Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act of 2022, increases access to underserved areas throughout the country.

We are seeing increased fuel costs, in creased labour shortages, and increased commodity costs for all our materials that we use in our processes. But there is also greater demand for our products. So that’s goodRecyclingnews. is essential to manufacturing. It is important that there is awareness and understanding of what recycling is, that we are part of the manufacturing sector, and that we are affected like everyone else by shifts in the economy. One of our industry’s
What effect have gas prices, inflation, and the U.S. economy in general had on the recycling industry?
As we look more and more at climate change as an important issue throughout the world, as well as resource constraints that we’re going to run into as a result of the increased move toward decarbonization, recycling is going to become more and more important. It’s very good news, but the growing demand for recycling will reach perhaps some imbal ance in some markets. And then, certainly, there are all the is sues around plastics and making sure that there’s awareness that plastics recycling does work. Plastics encompasses many different polymers and resins and not all of it was meant or designed to be recycled.
PET and HDP bottles, for example, have high recycling rates. We’ve seen great advancements. Other materials though, when they’re in packaging and combined in such a way to not be recycled, that’s an issue. So, we’re working on design for recycling issues.
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RWAS What other advocacy is ISRI involved in?
Certainly, one of the biggest challenges that our industry is facing, as are most indus tries across the economy, is with the supply chain. Supply chain logistics, the move ment of materials throughout the country and globally. We were very pleased with the recent passage of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act. Shipping is one of the weak points in the system. Part of the chal lenge had been that the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) did not have adequate authority to regulate shipping companies. This new law gives them greater authority to go after detention and adopt best prac tices that will help those companies that are shipping recycled materials, and other products. The impact will not be imme diate. It is going to take time for FMC to develop the necessary regulations, but it’s a great first step. We’re also working on rail issues through the surface transportation board (STB) and have made progress, working to give STB more authority for items like reverse demurrage which will charge the railroads when they hold up our materials. STB is actually looking at that, which is pretty remarkable.There’sthe general issue of market access.
Are you encouraged by the technology that has been developed in recent years for the recycling industry?
While innovation has always been a constant in recycling, the pace of innovation has picked up a lot in the last five years or so. We see more robotics in the industry, the use of AI, optical sorters, and advanced sorting systems using laser and other technologies. All of this is great news for the future of recycling in the U.S. and globally. One of the challenges we face is getting the word out about all this innovation. Unfortunately, there is a lot of talk about what the plastics industry and oil and gas industry call “advanced recycling.” They are using that term to refer to chemical recy cling, also referred to as molecular recy cling. But there is nothing more advanced about chemical recycling than there is with mechanical recycling. It is important to note that we support the emergence of new processes such as chemical recycling that transforms end of life materials into new materials for manufacturing. It’s another great example of innovation in recycling, but it also requires economic feasibility to be considered successful recycling and should also not be confused with burning for energy recovery or processes that gener ate fuel as a product.
big challenges is breaking through the noise and getting messaging and awareness out about the industry. One of the exciting projects we’re working on right now is something we call the “Lan guage Project”. We have hired a language expert to help us develop the language lexi con that we should be using in the industry to describe what we do and our role in the supply chain and in manufacturing. For example, I frequently use the terms “com modity-grade material,” “feed stock,” and “virgin materials” – but those terms do not mean anything to most people. We have to figure out what words we should be using to get our message through. I am very excited by the preliminary results that have been presented to us. It’s all about using the right words. For example, we need to be talking less about what’s coming “into” our yards, and more about what’s coming “out.” That’s what people identify with.
RWAS How would characterizeyouthe current state of the industry? It’s very healthy. We are certainly seeing increases in the volume of material being recycled. Looking year over year, 2020 to 2021, we have seen a 12 percent increase in recycled volumes. Prices are also strong. But at the same time, as we discussed, we are experiencing challenges with labour markets, inflation, etc. Over the long term, I do see continued and even greater strength in recycling, and a greater under standing on the part of the general public and policy makers about the importance of recycling. This vision is especially true in the framework of what is needed for a re silient planet going forward. Decarboniza tion and the goal of net zero by 2050, what does that mean? We’re going to need more copper, steel, lithium, and other metals and minerals to create the electric vehicles, batteries and related infrastructure of the future. And you think about how to get those materials efficiently from an environ mental and an economic perspective with out increasing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing them through recycling. Recycling is a necessary and beneficial part of the solution.
800.835.2526 BUNTINGMAGNETICS.COM • Patented High Intensity Neodymium Magnetic Circuit Head Pulley. • Capture 98% of small fraction and 94% of large fraction stainless steel. • Optional vibratory feeder and air knife. Powerful Enough for the MagneticWeakestMaterial Now patented in the United States and Europe UnitedStates ofAmerica Europe Bunting’s SSSC® Stainless Steel Separation Conveyor For more information call 800.835.2526 or visit

How important is the generationnext that will be entering into the industry?recycling Our success in the future depends upon today’s youth –those kids that are in college and in high school now – to be thinking about careers in recycling. We need them to know that these are valuable, good paying, and high-tech jobs. These are jobs that require skills in AI, engineer ing, and material science. And so many different career paths can lead to recycling. We need accountants, we need managers, we need marketing people. We need economists, computer scientists, engineers, etc. In fact, ISRI has developed an apprenticeship and intern ship program focusing on historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), tribal universities and colleges, and the trade schools called “Sustainable Pathways.” This year we launched the pro gram on a pilot phase and it was even more successful than we hoped it would be. We are currently expanding it for next year. I was just at the Gulf Coast region meeting and I was in troduced to a 14-year-old girl. She had her own business card. That’s a future leader! RPN AS RW
CP Group • Manufactured in the USA We don’t just manufacture machines, we engineer solutions. • Reduce headcount • No discs, no wrapping • Increase system performance • Minimal cleaning • Improve system uptime • Improve worker safety INTRODUCING THE PATENTED OCC AUGER SCREEN Learn more at THE FUTURE OF MECHANICAL SCREENING NO PRESORT A true non-wrapping or jamming screen placed after the infeed conveyor that doesn’t require a presort. Rotating series of cantilevered steel augers fractionate inbound material and produce a clean OCC end-product. The OCC Auger Screen reduces demand on sorters. This decreases the amount of sorters required, while increasing their productivity and the overall system performance. Patented non-round auger shape causes material agitation to create clean OCC product. THE FUTURE IS HERE. OCCAugerScreen_working file_v2_RPNsize_halfpageisland.indd 1 2/28/2022 9:55:50 AM18 | SEPTEMBER 2022
Plastics encompass many different polymers and resins, not all of which are designed to be recycled. NEWS ROOM

PMR’s state of the art PGM laboratory provides suppliers with the most accurate and precise precious metal returns 6x faster than competitors, allowing businesses to react quickly to market changes with detailed and transparent results; diminishing the risks associated with a naturally volatile Throughmarket.multiple and exclusive data insight tools, such as an online database that assigns converter count and value to vehicle VIN number, PMR helps businesses be more aggressive in obtaining market share while elevating their competitive edge.
PMR focusses on providing attentive and consultative support to each recycler looking to not only maintain but gain in the years to come. Working with PMR means working with a company that adapts to your needs. PMRCC.COM 1-855-901-5050
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PMR is an industry leading expert in the recovery of Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium from scrap converters.catalytic With the lowest minimum quantity requirement in industry for ceramic, foil, DPF and aftermarket converters, we assist scrap metal recyclers, automotive recyclers, and core buyers in getting the best potential value for all material types.

SWEED SINGLE-SHAFT SHREDDER SWEED’s new single-shaft shredder, the PCR1856, is the largest in the SWEED PCR series. Featuring a 125-hp motor, 18-inch rotor diameter, 56-inch rotor length, and a 50- x 57-inch cutting chamber, the shredder functions as either a primary or sec ondary processor in high-volume applications. The PCR1856 features a more extensive knife profile which enables larger materials to be pulled into the machine quicker and more efficiently, making it ideal for processing a wide range of bulky scrap. The machine also features fewer knives than its prede cessor, but double the cutting capacity. Fewer knives allow for quicker knife changes and lower maintenance costs.
The new STADLER PX acceleration conveyor was built to meet the demand for higher throughput in sensor-based automatic sorting. The PX conveyor carries over the solid frame construc tion and long service life of its predecessors, the BB and DB models, while also featuring a new air stabilizer which ensures consistent sorting quality at faster speeds with light materials, resulting in enhanced purity rates. The PX also benefits from a compact size and is designed for easy transport. The frame, with the belt already mounted, can be separated into sections that can then be stacked for transport.
Dennis Eagle ELECTRIC COLLECTION TRUCK A new model of the all-electric eCollect refuse collection vehi cle has been launched by Dennis Eagle, making it the second configuration of the eRCV. The company chose the 18 tonnes 4x2 model as the next eCollect to meet the demand for a small zero-emissions RCV suited to collection rounds in urban areas with restricted access. The 4x2 eCollect is a smaller version of the original 6x2 but features a 10-cubic-metre body capable of carrying 4.8 tonnes – the same as its diesel equivalent. The vehicle is fitted with three battery packs instead of five which provide the vehicle with 180 kWh of power, allowing for a full day’s work on a typical double-shift round. Single-shaft shredder
Collection truck Conveyor
20 | SEPTEMBER 2022

SINGLE-SHAFT SHREDDER Lindner’s upgraded Jupiter BW single-shaft primary shred der series is focused on optimizing the handling of plastic films for the downstream NIR sorting process. In addition to a constant volume flow and homogeneous larger particles, this also includes optimzsing the particle size for NIR sorting. With the new, resource-efficient Jupiter BW setup, Lindner has managed to reduce the proportion of fines generated by 50 percent. As a result, the newly developed cutting system of the Jupiter BW series is able to significantly increase the added value along the chain.
Shredder Refuse truck21SEPTEMBER 2022 |
Autocar ELECTRIC REFUSE TRUCK Autocar has launched its first all-electric cabover refuse truck, the E-ACX. Two alpha units of the E-ACX will soon begin val idation testing and demos with select customers. The E-ACX features a battery-agnostic solution and integrated cooling system that Autocar has engineered to adapt to different battery technologies. As innovations and improvements in the EV industry change, Autocar’s E-ACX is built to evolve and adapt to use any battery the customer decides for their program ming. In addition, the truck uses Meritor E-axles designed to fit electric trucks, as well as a unique smart display integration for operator information and diagnostics.

The upgrade has hit the targets we outlined, that is to improve quality, reduce labour costs, and increase throughput.
The mid-size fraction, below 170 mm, is separated into fines, 2D, and 3D fractions by the STADLER STT2000 ballistic sep arator. The 2D flat fraction is processed through eddy current separators and an optical sorter before a final quality control check to produce two streams, a mixed paper fraction and a metal fraction. STADLER added a TOMRA AUTOSORT optical sorter on the flat fraction line to recover a high percentage of paper with fewer contaminants.
The oversize materials – those above 170 mm – go through a quality control cabin and an optical sorter to remove mixed paper, cardboard, and plastics and produce a newspapers, peri odicals, and magazines fraction (PAMS).
Matt OperationsTyrie
Director, J&B Recycling resulting in detection becoming more challenging. Metals have also evolved since we first designed the plant in 2008, with a shift from aluminum to ferrous metal in drinks packaging, and the increasing volumes of coffee capsules which contain aluminum.” For this reason, sorting plants need to be able to process
“Over the years, the amount of cardboard has significantly in creased,” says Benjamin Eule, director at STADLER UK. “Sorting plants are receiving bigger volumes of packaging generated by the growth of online shopping and deliveries. Another change that is having an impact is the switch to different printing techniques in magazines, which makes it more difficult to sep arate the ink from the fibre. Plastic packaging is also changing with multiple layers and bottles with different types of sleeves
“The J&B Recycling plant was originally designed to process 12 tph with STADLER trommel screens, conveyors, and ballis tic separators taking care of the mechanical pre-sorting and preparing the material flow for effective downstream pro cessing,” says Eule. “Conveyors make sure that the material is sent efficiently to the next sorting process and bunker storage conveyors hold the product before being baled.”
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TADLER’s relationship with J&B Recycling began in 2008 when STADLER built and designed J&B’s dry mixed recy clables plant in Hartlepool, United Kingdom. The manu facturer has remained at the company’s side ever since, support ing them in a continuous improvement process of the plant.
Starting the process is a dosing drum that feeds the material onto a pre-sort platform for the manual removal of old corru gated containers and large film. A STADLER screening drum separates the remaining material into three fractions: fines, mid-size, and oversize.
multiple materials while delivering the consistently high purity rates required by the recycling industry. The design of the plant also needs to be flexible enough to accommodate subsequent upgrades and modifications to meet changing requirements. In designing the sorting plant, STADLER adopted its tailored approach and drew on its in-depth knowledge of how the vary ing composition of waste material affects the sorting process.

This last upgrade was completed in March 2022.
fewer contaminants. To remove aluminum, an eddy current separator was installed to recover the non-ferrous material from the 2D flat fraction line.
Since then, six further upgrades have been carried out to op timize the plant and meet evolving market demands. The latest upgrade aimed to achieve even higher purity of the paper and increase capacity, which has now been raised to 15 tph.
“In all the years we have worked with STADLER, the quality of their product and their ability to hit deadlines on the install stand out. We really appreciate the excellent planning of the projects and their ability to turn ideas and drawings into reali ty,” concludes Tyrie.
In 2017, J&B Recycling and STADLER worked together on a concept to remove paper and aluminum. To remove the paper, STADLER’s team added a TOMRA AUTOSORT optical sorter on the flat fraction line to recover a high percentage of paper with
Matt Tyrie
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The 3D rolling fractions follow a similar process, which begins with an overband magnet to produce mixed plastic, HDP, and PET fractions. Fines are being processed to remove contaminants to create a glass product. All the output fractions, with the exception of glass, are then baled and sold.
“The upgrade has hit the targets we outlined, that is to im prove quality, reduce labour costs, and increase throughput,” says Matt Tyrie, operations director at J&B Recycling. “We have increased the quality of our hard mix grade by adding a laser object detection (LOD) system to the AUTOSORT optical sorter to remove more non-fibre contamination. This technology allows each shift to run with reduced labour, and it has allowed the throughput to increase, as the quality of the hard mix was a bottleneck on the plant.”
In all the years we have worked with STADLER, the quality of their product and their ability to hit deadlines on the install stand out. We really appreciate the excellent planning of the projects and their ability to turn ideas and drawings into reality.
“We installed a further optical sorter, the latest AUTOSORT sorter, to remove film, plastic bottles, and cardboard from the PAMS fraction to achieve a 95 percent purity paper,” says Eule. “We recirculate the materials we removed into the plant to be reprocessed into their respective streams, increasing the recov ery of the plant.”

TFRC is a joint venture between Oregon-based Total Fiber Recovery, and Swedish company CellMark. The project will be supplied by CellMark’s recycled fibre division, and Bulk Han dling Systems, an affiliate of Total Fiber Recovery, will provide equipment for the facility.
TFR will begin operations in Q4 2023 and will annually process up to 300,000 tons of mixed paper and old corrugated containers (OCC) from the region’s materials recovery facilities (MRFs). The company will increase the region’s capacity to process recycled fibre and produce a clean recycled pulp for consumption in paper mills around the world. With domestic and international offtake agreements in place, the pulp product created by TFR in Chesapeake will be transported to paper plants to become new products.
T otal Fiber Recovery of Chesapeake (TFRC) has started construction of its $80 million recycled pulp production facility in the City of Chesapeake, Virginia. This will be the first of several such pulp facilities by Total Fiber Recovery.
ing creative waste management plans, to the dedicated MRF operators sorting out materials, Americans have shown that we care about recycling. All that is missing here is the capacity to achieve our goals, and that is what TFR provides. We could not be more excited to be a part of the solution and to start here in Chesapeake, and we thank the local leadership for helping us realize our vision.” FIBER RECOVERY MILLION PULP PLANT PLANT WILL BE THE COMPANY’S FIRST PULP PRODUCTION FACILITY
“We are excited that Total Fiber Recovery has chosen the City of Chesapeake for its first recycled pulp production facility due to the region’s workforce and global access through the Port of Virginia,” said Chesapeake Mayor Dr. Richard West. “The revenue from exporting TFR’s pulp product in addition to the creation of 68 new jobs will be a positive economic boost for the City of Chesapeake and the Commonwealth. The oppor tunities this facility provides in new jobs, capital investment, and environmental stewardship will pay dividends for years to come. We look forward to having TFRC in Virginia.”
“TFR is the latest example of Virginia’s expanding manufac turing base that is taking advantage of the global reach The Port of Virginia provides,” said Steven Edwards, CEO and executive director of the Virginia Port Authority. “The manufacturing business sector is growing, and we are working closely with its members to ensure they have efficient access to world markets. To that end, the port is making significant infrastructure invest ments to ensure cargo can move across our terminals safely, reliably, and consistently. We welcome TFRC to Virginia, and we look forward to collaborating with its team.”
Dr. Richard West Mayor, City of Chesapeake
“The paper industry demands recycled pulp to make new products, and North America is home to some of the world’s most advanced MRFs that produce high-quality recycled fibre,” said Total Fiber Recovery CEO Steve Miller. “From consumers recycling at their homes, to legislators and regulators develop
The opportunities this facility provides in new jobs, capital investment, and environmental stewardship will pay dividends for years to come. We look forward to having TFRC in Virginia.

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“SWANA is very concerned about the continued uptick in fires at recycling facilities and other disposal sites, often caused by lithium-ion batteries,” says David Biderman, SWANA executive director and CEO. “These fires threaten workers’ lives and operations at these facilities and undercut EPA’s ambitious National Recycling Strategy. We can’t recycle discarded items at a burnt-up materials recovery facility.”
The increased usage of lithium batteries poses serious fire risks and safety challenges for the recycling industry.
26 | SEPTEMBER 2022
T he Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), National Waste and Recycling Association (NWRA), and Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) have issued a joint letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan citing best practices for the safe recycling and labelling of lithium batteries. The letter is in response to the EPA’s Request for Information on the Development of Best Practices for Collection of Batteries to be Recycled and Voluntary Battery Labeling Guidelines.
“By joining together to provide comments to the EPA, our organizations are offering solid solutions to minimize the risks of fire and injury that occur in recycling operations.”
Once in the recycling or waste stream, these batteries become fire risks as they get mixed with tons of materials and placed in hot temperatures under significant compression.
A scend Elements plans to invest $310 million in Phase 1 – and up to $1 billion over several possible phases – to build a sustainable lithium-ion battery materials facili ty in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, with groundbreaking expected in Q4 of 2022.
Lithium batteries are being used to power everything from electronic devices to on-board automobile systems. However, the increased usage poses serious fire risks and safety challeng es for consumers and the recycling industry.
While most of these fires are the result of mismanagement of consumer lithium batteries, larger batteries, such as those in electric vehicles, also pose risks. The organizations rec ommended that the EPA develop best practices and labelling guidelines to include batteries of all sizes and chemistries. They also advised that the EPA should proceed with a parallel track for best practices and labelling of the larger lithium-ion batteries. The groundbreaking of the facility is expected in Q4 of 2022.
“It is imperative that a clear path is delineated for the respon sible recycling of batteries,” says ISRI President Robin Wiener.
The letter commends the EPA’s increased focus on the hazards that batteries pose in the waste and recycling streams. The orga nizations note that these hazards are increasing as more lithi um-ion batteries get discarded and improperly placed in curbside residential waste or recycling collection containers and bags.

Located on over 140 acres in the Commerce Industrial Park II in Hop kinsville, the 500,000-square-foot facility will begin operations in late 2023. With the potential expansion phases, the fa cility would employ up to 400 people in a variety of roles – from engineers and chemists to warehouse associates and manufacturing operators. The project is expected to potentially generate $4.4 billion in economic impact to Kentucky over the construction period and first 10 years of operation.
Euro Manganese is the first high-puri ty manganese company to join the GBA and intends to participate in discussions around battery materials transparency and traceability, particularly as the GBA advances the development of the Bat tery Passport. The Battery Passport will be a digital representation of electric ve hicle batteries. Batteries that meet strict quality and sustainability standards will be awarded a quality seal, providing customers with the assurance of respon sible manufacturing processes.
Euro Manganese has become a member of the Global Battery Alliance (GBA), a partnership of governments, academics, NGOs, and organizations from across the battery value chain who have mobilized to ensure that battery production not only supports green energy, but also safeguards human rights and promotes environmental sustainability.
The facility – known as Apex 1 – will be home to the company’s hy dro-to-cathode direct precursor synthe sis process technology, taking in black mass from recycled electric vehicle batteries and producing enough lithi um-ion battery precursor and sustain able cathode active material to equip up to 250,000 electric vehicles per year. This closed-loop manufacturing system generates minimal waste and carbon emissions compared to traditional cath ode manufacturing. Apex 1 will feature on-site chemical recycling capabilities and a wastewater treatment plant.
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V olkswagen Group of America and Redwood Materials will collab orate to create a supply chain to recycle Volkswagen and Audi electric vehicle batteries in the United States, with the goal of providing accessible and more sustainable electric mobility for drivers. By advancing Volkswagen Group of America’s strategy to localize all major competencies for its electric transfor mation, as well as Redwood’s goal of creating a closed-loop supply chain for lithium-ion batteries, the collaboration represents a crucial step in growing

The collaboration aims to play a crucial role in growing North America’s domestic EV industry. North America’s domestic EV industry.
“For Volkswagen, going all-in on electrification means driving sustainable solutions at every turn,” says Scott Keogh, president and CEO at Volkswagen Group of America. “Redwood Materials is a great partner to help us accelerate EV adoption in America. This collaboration allows us to move closer toward our goal of closing the loop for a circular EV economy, giving American consumers yet another reason to go electric.”
Each year, Redwood already recycles more than 6 GWh of lithium-ion batteries, the equivalent of 60,000 EV batteries, in Nevada. The batteries that come to Redwood are from end-oflife consumer devices, battery production scrap, and electric vehicles, and represent the large majority of lithium-ion bat teries recycled in North America. Redwood then extracts raw materials such as cobalt, copper, nickel, and lithium, refines and remanufactures them into critical battery components, anode copper foil and cathode, before delivering those prod ucts back to domestic battery cell manufacturers.
The new EV battery recycling collaboration will be facili tated by VWGoA’s nationwide network of approximately 1,000 dealers, starting with the Volkswagen and Audi brands. Key to the collaboration is a holistic approach to the battery life cycle. By allowing for more sustainable utilization of battery components from the moment vehicles leave the assembly line through the end of their life cycle, the collaboration can sup port local battery capacity as Volkswagen continues its transi tion to an electrified portfolio. As Volkswagen Group brands plan to introduce more than 25 new battery electric vehicles to American consumers through 2030, VWGoA aims to begin establishing battery recycling capabilities for current and future vehicles in North America now. In addition, the new EV battery recycling collaboration will integrate prototype batteries from Volkswagen’s research facilities such as the Battery Engineering Lab in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Redwood Materials will work directly with dealers and Volkswagen facilities to identify end-of-life batteries and materials, and then safely package and transport them to their Nevada facilities.
“The transition to electric transportation and clean energy is coming and the batteries powering these technologies present an incredible opportunity. As more and more batteries reach end of life each year, an increasing and infinitely recyclable re source becomes available,” says JB Straubel, Redwood Materials founder and CEO. “Redwood and Volkswagen Group of America share a vision to create a domestic, circular supply chain for batteries that will help improve the environmental footprint of lithium-ion batteries, decrease cost and, in turn, increase access and adoption of electric vehicles.”
The collaboration of Volkswagen Group of America and Redwood Materials reflects a shared vision for a circular EV economy that, if adopted across the industry, could help reduce battery costs and the need to mine and ship raw materials.Volkswagen Group of America is aiming for 55 percent of its U.S. sales to be fully electric by 2030. To achieve this goal, the company will feature localized EV engineering and R&D capa bilities, EV assembly and component production for its brands, and plans for dedicated battery cell production.
28 | SEPTEMBER 2022

OPEN HOUSE at Repurpose Aggregates (Joppatowne, MD) September 22nd 2022 8am - 4pm Scan this QR code to register for the Open House today! *Please note registration is required to attend this event. REGISTER HERE In partnership with our customer, Repurpose Aggregates, we are excited to host an Open House event this September. Experience our industry-leading solutions live in action at one of our newest C, D & E waste recycling wash plants in the United States. Join our experts for a live plant tour, real-time equipment demonstrations and networking with our CDE experts. Don’t miss this opportunity to see our most innovative solutions in situ. Visit

hen it comes to shredding unusual materials or meeting special requirements, Vecoplan has taken a fresh look at its shredding machines and standard ized the interfaces to allow users to take advantage of a modu lar system that can accommodate a wider range of applications. Manufacturers of shredding equipment frequently have to modify components such as rotors, cutting tips, counter knives, and screens to meet user specifications. The component choic es and relevant combinations are critical to the performance and quality of the shredding process. One user might have to process especially tough materials, while another might re quire electric motors that comply with specific standards in the region. The design effort for such diverse solutions can be con siderable, and manufacturers must keep an increasing number of different parts in stock in order to be prepared. In order to reduce this complexity, Vecoplan has modified its product offerings and has established different system platforms depending on the application and size. The com pany has also classified separate modules according to their specific functions. The interfaces are standardized and the platforms remain unchanged. Application engineers can then put together suitable products according to each user’s needs by selecting appropriate modules for the screen, the rotor, and the drive. Each module is available in different variants and can be combined as needed with other assemblies.
The right choice of components is critical to the performance and quality of the shredding process.
THE GRID PRINCIPLE Vecoplan has organized components like cutting tools, count er knives, screens, and rotors in a grid with uniform module sizes. The grid allows the shredders to be finely graduated in width from 800 to more than 3,200 mm. A wide range of tool sizes and types can be mapped within this grid without the need to change the designs of adjoining components. Vecoplan has also applied the basic idea of the grid to other components such as drives. Due to this grid principle, Vecoplan can design custom solutions while maintaining a manageable degree of com plexity at the same time. There is no need to start from scratch with the design, and no time-consuming special solution is necessary. If the user decides to purchase a new machine, Vecoplan can tailor a shredder and manufacture it immediately.Customersalso benefit from stronger parts availability due to more streamlined warehousing. In addition, the various mod ules can be retrofitted, allowing a machine’s functionality to be adapted to changing requirements.



Think about e-scrap (or WEEE – Waste Electrical and Elec tronic Equipment – as it is known in some parts of the world). Consumer demand for electronic products is currently rising by 2.5 million tons per year, making WEEE the world’s fast est-growing waste stream. But if this producer trend continues at the current accelerated rate, it’s estimated that the world wide total would be an eye-watering 74.4 million tons by 2030. However, only 17.4 percent of 2019’s 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste was formally collected and recycled – not only posing significant risk to the environment, but representing mil lions of dollars of lost revenue and resources. This is a huge quandary for the supply chain to solve and it won’t be easy, but when it comes to the actual processing of e-scrap, there is evident progress to be made. Some certified and specialist handlers prefer to break down redundant equipment manually, by hand – affording the opportunity for inspections that explore reuse potential too. However, there are instances where this method is too time consuming, onerous, and labour intensive – not to men tion often more limiting in terms of recycling effectiveness. This is when the mechanical processing of e-scrap may be
moreShreddingappropriate.thescrap helps break down the “waste” into its component parts, so that the various ferrous and non-ferrous metals, precious materials, and plastic can be liberated. Down stream separation equipment is then better able to segregate these clean, high-value material streams with ease for onward recycling and remanufacturing. The result is a more commer cially and environmentally robust operation.
33SEPTEMBER 2022 |
T he scrap market represents one of the most estab lished circular concepts to exist in the material recy cling industry – smelting old metal to manufacture new metal. But that doesn’t mean waste contractors must be reliant only on traditional handling techniques and conven tional recycling machinery. Some scrap merchants continue to use the equipment they feel most comfortable with. They default to traditional shears to cut metals down, for example, because the per ceived high-wear nature of the application means alterna tive methods are considered too expensive. But failure to look beyond these large, cumbersome pieces of equipment means that ever-smarter sorting, grading, separation, and size reduction technologies are dismissed. An investment in such technologies shouldn’t be considered a non-recoupable expense, because as engineering advancements continue at pace, it’s possible to enhance the efficiency, sophistication, and potential revenue yield of metal recycling lines through the improvement of metal recyclate quality.
This approach is relevant not only to e-scrap, but to other waste streams where metals may otherwise remain locked in side the material – anything from mattresses to uPVC windows, and even pulper ropes from the paper manufacturing industry.
First, it’s important to think about where metals can be found. While some products have obvious metallurgic con tent, in other waste streams the metals are “locked” inside, making them a less appealing recycling focus. However, while they may once have been considered difficult to pro cess, they can now be handled with relative ease, thanks to technological innovation.
An investment in such technologies shouldn’t be considered a non-recoupable expense, because as engineering advancements continue at pace, it’s possible to enhance the efficiency, sophistication, and potential revenue yield of metal recycling lines through the improvement of metal recyclate quality.
Think also about commercial and industrial waste processed in MRFs and alternative fuel production plants. Fe and non-Fe magnets can extract material from the lines, but if the metal is contaminated with other substances, such as plastic film, it is almost worthless. However, a shredding operation – perhaps with density separators and other sorting technologies such as NIR for further segregation – can clean up the metal, resulting in maximum volumes of high-quality ferrous and non-ferrous scrap for resale.
Metal from an shreddinge-scrapline.

A large, heavy-duty fourshaft metal shredder. SIZE REDUCTION While content,haveproductssomeobviousmetallurgicinotherwastestreamsthemetalsare“locked”inside,makingthemalessappealingrecyclingfocus. 34 | SEPTEMBER 2022

C o n t a c t U s T o d a y ! ( 8 7 7 ) 8 5 1 0 8 9 6 s a l e s @ s c r a p u n i v e r s i t y . c o m w w w . s c r a p u n i v e r s i t y . c o m P r e s e n t e d i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h : SCAN TO VIEW OUR FULL CURRICULUM! ONLINE , DONEMAND! Metal Identification, simplified. C e r t i f i e d S c r a p M e t a l P r o f e s s i o n a l T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m ( C S M P ) L e a r n o v e r 8 0 F e & N F G r a d e s R e d u c e O n b o a r d i n g & R a m p U p C o s t s M i n i m i z e g r a d i n g e r r o r s M a x i m i z e u p g r a d e s I n c r e a s e e m p l o y e e r e t e n t i o n
Single-shaftapplications.machines have also evolved to further change the face of what’s possible in this arena. UNTHA has customers using the XR3000C-HT waste shredder with high-torque drive, for example, to shred tricky material like cables – including Steel Wired Armored, MICC or MI, domestic electrical, pluggy cable, automotive wiring harnesses, and plugs and sockets – at high volumes. Throughputs vary depending on the application and output specification requirements, but they can reach up to 20 tph for this material type. Innovation has continued further still, with the recent de velopment of the ZR2400 two-shaft pre-shredder, engineered specifically to process tricky materials at high volumes. The ZR2400W model is ideal for the shredding of metal scrap (Al-Cu coolers, Al mixed, Al profiles/Al wires/Al sheets, Al-ISO profiles, Al wheels), and large domestic appliances – such as washing machines – as well as WEEE. The goal is to achieve a rough ma terial breakdown (90 percent <300mm) for optimal downstream sorting, making this the ideal machine for metal processors, re GARY MOORE is the sales director at UNTHA UK.
WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR METAL RECYCLING? Industrial shredding won’t always be required to support the metal recycling process. However, for operators who want to prioritize throughputs and on-specification particle sizing to yield maximum environmental and bottom-line outputs, it’s worth reflecting on the role that such equipment could play in driving progress.
35SEPTEMBER 2022 |
Robust four-shaft shredding equipment – with a screen to regulate output particle homogeneity – is often the go-to choice when processing metal. Ideally, the machine should be high torque and slow speed for reduced dust, low wear, increased uptime, and added efficiency. Typically, such technology can be found in compact models for light e-scrap, such as computer hard drives, through to much larger alternatives for heavier-du ty
cyclers, and aluminum and metal manufacturers. This machine is also low speed yet high torque to guarantee throughputs without the wear, which protects the machine from damage and ensures a higher-quality shred. An interesting feature in the ZR machinery is its indepen dent, bi-directional shaft rotation. This means the shredder’s aggressive cutters can grab, shear, and liberate even bulky and heavy-duty material in forward and reverse for a machine action that always shreds. Both the XR and ZR are also supplied with the UNTHA Eco Power Drive with water-cooled motors – an environmental ly efficient concept which has the ability to reduce energy consumption by up to 75 percent. This, and a number of other carefully engineered design features, means that the technolo gy delivers low whole life running costs, greater margins, and strong green performance.


2 Rotobec’s series of waste attachments are available with either a dangle-style rotator or one of Rotobec’s RGP positioned rotators featuring bolt-on lugging. The RPA Trash Grap ple is used in waste material handling applications and features an extra-wide jaw that enables operators to grab large loads while the holes allow small debris to fall through. The Waste Com paction RPA configuration can be used as a bucket, and is commonly used in waste transfer stations for compact ing waste. The Contractor Grapples are available in multiple jaw configurations to suit a variety of different applications, and feature a box-style structure which provides enhanced strength and durability.
3 The Green Line fivetine hydraulic grapples for SENNEBOGEN scrap handlers include mod els ranging from .50 to 5 cubic yards and feature optional rotators that are designed to accept high radial and axial loads, ideal for the push ing and pulling stresses in recycling applications. Each model operates within a wide pressure range to a maximum of 5,500 psi. All wear surfaces of the tines are 33 percent more wear-resistant than T1 steel and the tips provide 44 percent better abrasion resistance than typical AR500 steel. The tines are also specifically designed to shed material cleanly and prevent material accumulation.
Liebherr’s new five-tine grapple attachment, the GMM 50-5, is available for material handlers with an op erating weight from 35 to 55 tonnes. Designed for optimal grabbing of mixed and shred der waste as well as chippings and shavings of up to 1.10 cu bic metres, the arrangement and shape of the tines are optimized for the penetration and holding of both bulky and loose material. The compo nents of the new GMM 50-5 are made of cast steel as well as high-strength steel sheets, making it resistant to wear de spite its low dead weight. The slewing drive comes equipped as standard with two motors, increasing service life and minimizing wear.
4 Moley Magnet Grap ples are a multi-pur pose tool built to provide enhanced handling efficiency for all incoming and outgoing material with the ferrous metal sorting capabilities of a magnet. The Moley 24V Magnet Grapple runs off of a 24-volt battery and is designed to withstand the extra load of the inte grated magnet. Moley’s 230V Magnet Grapples combine the tines of a standard or ange-peel grapple with the capability of a round lifting magnet. The operator can use the magnet to clean up an area, and use the grapple to increase the lifting capacity and hold scrap while de-ener gizing the magnet, saving on magnet wear and tear.


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40 | SEPTEMBER 2022
The agency sought a partner to engineer, manufacture, and install processing equipment in the new facility. After requesting proposed solutions from market leaders, Metro Waste Authority’s Board of Directors voted for CP Group of San Diego, California.
“CP Group understood our vision for an enhanced sorting system. One that would capture more material, reduce con tamination, and provide safe, pleasant working conditions for staff,” said McCoy.
s the largest landfill owner and operator in Iowa, Metro Waste Authority was challenged by an uncertain future for recycling. The agency chose to develop a new mate rial recovery facility (MRF) to provide a sustainable solution for the Des Moines metro area.
At the front end of the system, the primary auger screen and OCC auger screen work together after the infeed conveyor to fractionate material prior to any people, eliminating the pre sort and creating a safer environment.
The agency, which offers solid waste services for more than 30 communities and two counties in the metro area, began dis cussions with its Board of Directors about a new, agency-owned recycling facility in 2018, after China’s ban on the import of foreign recyclables disrupted the recycling world. in course for the processing and sale of material.”
To meet the needs of Metro Waste Authority, CP Group devel oped a system that would improve purity on recovered com modities, be low maintenance, and protect workers.
Michael ExecutiveMcCoyDirector, Metro Waste Authority
“Metro Waste Authority has a strong history of solving indus try problems with innovative solutions, and when it became difficult for our third-party processor to recycle the materials our Curb It! recycling program brought in, we dug deeper to create market partnerships and find a way to keep those mate rials out of the landfill,” said Michael McCoy, executive director. “We knew that if we wanted to provide a sustainable future for recycling in the metro going forward, it would require a change CP Group understood our vision for an enhanced sorting system. One that would capture more material, reduce contamination, and provide safe, pleasant working conditions for staff.
After a feasibility study supported a new, state-of-the-art facility for the region, Metro Waste Authority’s Board of Direc tors decided to move forward with building a MRF owned and operated by the agency.
To create a successful program, Metro Waste Authority emphasized advanced technology, strong partnerships and outstanding education as they developed the new facility.
The primary auger screen has a 6-inch minus fraction that sends overs to the patented OCC auger screen and unders to the CP Glass Breaker (that removes glass and fines) and then to the CPScreen that has new anti-wrapping discs to separate 2D from 3D material. MWA is the first in the world to incorporate the OCC auger screen into a single-stream sorting application. The patented OCC auger screen has steel cantilevered augers gener ating high agitation to create an OCC-rich stream while frac tionating out smaller materials. This machine does not wrap or jam and requires very little maintenance. The 8-inch cut sends unders to a MSS Fibermax optical sorter (instead of a traditional paper screen) that sorts out contaminants, and overs go to the OCC QC, where large rigids, metals, and residue are pulled out.

Another innovative feature is the first-ever installation of CP’s new auger silos that maximizes silo storage volume. The augers act as a material metering system that eliminates half and quarter bales by emptying the correct amount of material to be baled.
Additionally, there is a CP LightsOut Air Drum Separator to clean the glass and two MSS Plasticmax units to sort containers.
“The facility is the result of collaboration and a shared philos ophy by the cities and county, and it will improve recycling and benefit communities throughout the state for years to come,” said McCoy. “Just like when our agency was formed to create a region al approach with one landfill, we are excited to have this same opportunity with recycling.”
To meet the needs of Metro Waste Authority, CP Group developed a system that would improve purity on recovered commodities, be low maintenance, and protect workers.
In addition to establishing a state-of-the-art recycling operation, the new recycling facility also builds upon Metro Waste Authority’s commitment to education with an expansive space dedicated to learning. The space features a permanent exhibit that includes ed ucational kiosks, interactive infographics and a hands-on sorting station for visitors of all ages to learn about accepted recyclables and the recycling process. The centre also features an observation deck above the sorting floor, a vibrant mural designed by a local artist and multipurpose space intended for community talks, pre sentations, and other meetings.
“This advanced equipment package from CP Group reduces contamination early in the sorting process, allowing us to pro duce the best output for material sales and supporting the strong partnerships we’ve cultivated with brokers and end-market users,” said McCoy.
Metro Waste Authority officially began operations at the premiere MRF in late 2021. The new 101,100-square-foot single-stream facility processes material at 25 tons per hour and has room to grow as the region’s needs for enhanced recycling processing evolve.
“Metro Waste Authority has a MRF to be proud of, and we are happy to be their partner in bringing the latest innovations in re cycling technology to the region. This facility will serve the greater Des Moines metro area with sustainable solutions for many years to come,” added Terry Schneider, president and CEO of CP Group.

CCC and CCNA are always on the lookout for partnership opportunities to increase North American carton recycling capacity. Recently, CCNA, Michigan-based Great Lakes Tissue (GLT), the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural De velopment (MDARD), and the Michigan Department of Environ ment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) joined forces to purchase new equipment to help the GLT mill better handle the residual generated from the carton pulping process.
In 2022, CCC allocated $70,000 to support projects focused on improving the carton recovery rate in Ontario. CCC invited municipalities, waste management companies, and others to respond to the organization’s REOI (request for expressions of interest). The REOI solicited proposals related to consulting ser vices to enable or optimize carton sorting processes, financing for audits, pilot projects and equipment, awareness campaigns, and any other focus area that would benefit carton recovery –and, in turn, the carton recycling value chain. CCC has also announced its second Community Education Award (CEA); this time, the program focuses on the province of Quebec. The CEA was developed to enhance recycling educa tion in Canadian communities. To qualify for the $2,000 grant, the 15 Quebec-based organizations registered for the program must accurately and clearly define carton recycling on their Perhaps more than ever, it is critical to build and sustain a thriving carton recycling value chain. In doing so, we optimize the positive economic and environmental impact of the carton recycling process.
42 | SEPTEMBER 2022
Recently, the Carton Council of Canada (CCC) and Carton Council of North America (CCNA) implemented new val ue-chain-supportive initiatives including opportunities for materials recovery facilities, education and communication, and end-market development.
ISABELLE FAUCHER is the managing director of the Carton Council of Canada.
erhaps more than ever, it is critical to build and sustain a thriving carton recycling value chain. In doing so, we op timize the positive economic and environmental impact
websites and provide at least two other examples of commu nications activities conducted during the year that promote recycling, including cartons. Participants have until the end of November to submit their work to CCC and a final list of grant recipients will be announced in December.
According to the issued press release, in addition to allowing the company to process more cartons, the new high-density ex truder reduces the water content in the poly-aluminum from 65 to 17 percent. This significantly decreases its weight, allowing for more efficient transport with lower emissions. The com pany is also able to recapture and reuse the water. Currently, the material is shipped to a nearby waste-to-energy operation, but GLT and the Carton Council are working to identify other options. CCC and CCNA are both open to working with other carton end-markets on similar projects.
Additionally, CCC has been involved in helping increase access to carton recycling in communities where residents still cannot recycle cartons through their local residential Blue Box program. When it comes to the decision about what materials to include in, or exclude from, a municipal recycling program, there is often a lack of clarity about the roles and responsibili ties of the parties involved. For example, the service provider may be under the impression that the decision not to take cartons is one that the municipality has made, while the mu nicipality may believe that it was the MRF’s decision. CCC has facilitated these discussions, helping remove perceived barri ers. To date, this has resulted in two Ontario programs adding cartons to their list of accepted materials; others are expected to follow shortly.

OCTOBER 19-21, 2022 The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge RECYCLE.AB.CA REGISTRATION SEPT. 9 The Recycling Council of Alberta has set the stage for this fully reinvigorated conference where we can all plan for a more circular and positive future. For three days, you will hear from local, national and international experts, thought leaders and community innovators. Join us in thought-provoking sessions, network and exchange ideas and perspectives with your peers, and have a whole lot of fun doing it. The RCA has worked hard to bring you a conference that promises to engage, educate and entertain you. Register today, and get ready for the perfect mix of business, inspiration, actionable information and fun. The 2022 RCA CircularConferenceEconomy


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ADVERTISERINDEXNEXT ISSUE EMTERRA GROUP EXPANDS COLLECTION TRUCK FLEET WITH MACK LR ELECTRIC Dust&OdorController The Self-Contained& Por table 3 Tek 3 American Baler ........................................ 31 Association of ManufacturersEquipment(AEM) 38–39 BKT Tires 47 Buffalo Turbine ...................................... 46 Bunting Magnetics Company 17 Cardinal Scale 25 CDE Global Inc 29 CP Group ......................................................18 ELV Select 13 Ermeltek 23 Fullbay Inc. 31 Gensco ScrapEZR.M.RecyclingPMRPeninsulaParadigmOverBuiltMachinexLEFORTKensal(ECOMONDO)ItalianCorporationInternationalIndustrialHerbold..........................................................45USA45Netting23Baler................................................41ExhibitionGroup12Carbide30America.....................................15IndustriesInc.227Software34PlasticsLtd........................3419CouncilofAlberta43JohnsonCompany–Crusher...................................................9University35SENNEBOGENLLC48TORXXKineticInc.28VANDYKRecyclingSolutions..........7 46 | SEPTEMBER 2022

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