From the Editorial Desk Teaching Hospital – photo speak; Building the Nigeria of our dreams through leadership training; Status of Academic Programmes, Can Digital Transformation Mitigate BAZE FOCUS Magazine celebrates another year in the Impact of Covid-19 on Education Systems in Nigeria: existence; the fourth one to be precise. Another year has the Case of Baze University; and the Growing Postgraducome and gone, and a whole lot has happened since our ate Studies Programme. last edition. As we reminisce on Year 2020 - a year like no In this Edition we also present new topics: Leadother in the annals of world’s history - we celebrate our collective resilience to fight the CORONAVIRUS. The ership Tips for Success; Baze Pioneer Staff; Bar Final Best Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on the tertiary education Female Student in Criminal Litigation and other high-fliers; sub-sector showcased institutions leading in the use of IT Pro-chancellor’s Scholarship Award; Enhancing Civil Security; Counselling in the Covid 19 Era - ‘The New Normal’; tools and gadgets for remote learning. Twenty-first century parenting; Nutritious Nigerian DelicaBAZE FOCUS Magazine is a platform used by the cies - Killing me softly; Health is wealth; Interviews with university to share major events and new innovation with the Aces; Facts about Nigeria; Intelligence versus Wisdom members of the public. This is the 2020 Edition. Although -QED, etc. there is no Convocation this year due to the Covid-19 reThere are other regular features on Alumni, Engstrictions on public assembly; we still celebrate our deserving Class of 2020, for the well-deserved moment. You lish language; Campus Life, Laughter - the Best Medicine; survived: grueling tutelage under tough teachers connect- Poetry Corner, Photo Gallery, etc. All packaged for your ed by IT Tools, an unprecedented global LOCKDOWN in reading pleasure. Enjoy!!! recent human history; and the challenge of online teachTo view, share or down load any of our publicaing created by COVID-19. You weathered the storm with us, did not lose mileage in your academic race and have tions; just click: shown that only the tough gets going, when the going gets tough. Congratulations. As you climb the ladder of life and deploy the survival skills, we taught you; remember, the best is yet to come! Success is the flip side of failure when you add hard work. Nothing beats a sceptic than a try! ANOTHER YEAR HAS COME AND GONE!
To our dear parents, investment in properties is good but to develop human capacities using sound education for wards and children, is far better. Quality Tertiary Education is sine qua non to a better life and Baze University is the destination of choice. The Baze Brand Speaks for itself, we live up to our promise and groom our students in like manner! It is on record that, during the recent lockdown when almost all Nigerian Universities were closed, Baze University deployed its robust digital learning platform for students. We never shut down during lockdown! We have delivered the 2020 Trimesters successfully and our students never lost any time. We make bold to state that Baze is a brand that keeps its promise on excellence. To our Readers, it is a great honour to invite you to another sumptuous Edition of our Magazine. I present to you contributions from the Faculties: the Faculty of Medical Sciences – new status and giant strides; the Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences where a 400-level student, utilized locally sourced agro-waste to cultivate edible mushroom in the laboratory; the Faculty of Management & Social Sciences and partnerships amidst uncertainties; Faculty of law and international networks and partnerships; and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and innovative solution to online teaching. The star article in this edition is from the Faculty of Engineering showing an array of high-end equipment and memorable moments from the Open Day conducted before the lockdown. We also bring to you Mobile Technology – good servant, terrible master; Baze University
Dr. Jamila Shu’ara, FNIM, FHEPAN Editor-in-Chief
Copyrights © Baze Focus Magazine 2020 All Copyrights Reserved Baze University, Abuja Graphis & Design DS&SD Photo Credits: Japhet Yohanna Okam Ira A’aron Department of Mass Communication Special Credits: Prof. Peter Umoh DVC Academic BAZE UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS BAZE FOCUS MAGAZINE © BAZE UNIVERSITY PANORAMA © INNAUGURAL LECTURE SERIES © Back Editions Connect with us: Instagram: @official_BazeUniversity Twitter: @Baze_University