1 minute read
important information
If you believe the problem is in your telephone equipment, unplug it and test the line by plugging another telephone into the outlet. If the telephone works, then the problem is with your telephone set; otherwise the problem is with the telephone line. If the problem is with the telephone line, please call your Local Service Provider.
Wiring Options
Customers are responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of all new and existing telephone wiring located within their premises. Inside wiring is the wire that connects the telephone company line to telephones. Customers are responsible for any facilities beyond the Network Interface Device. All inside wiring must meet certain technical standards. Landlords may be responsible for wiring on rental property.
Your wiring options are:
1. You may call your local service provider for repair or installation of inside wire.
2. You may hire a contractor to do the wiring for you.
3. You may install or repair the wiring yourself.
Important Numbers
Underground Cable Location Assistance
(“Call Before You Dig!”)
All Oregon Exchanges ...................8-1-1
How To Obtain Local Directories
Additional directories may be obtained by calling 1-877-2-GET-DEX (1-877-243-8339)
Oregon Relay Service
Oregon Users ....................TTY: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2900
.................Voice: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-1232
(See Government pages in this directory for a complete list of Telecommunications Relay Services.)
Yellow Page Services
Advertising Sales & Customer Service ......................1-844-DEX-MEDIA (844-339-6334)
If you have questions, please call your Local Service Provider.