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long-distance calling

Types of Long-Distance Calls

Collect Calls:


Your call may be billed collect if the person or business you are calling agrees to pay the charges.

Dial 0 + the telephone number. When the operator comes on the line, say that you are placing a collect call and give your name. The operator will leave the line when the person you have called accepts the charge.

Third-Number Calls:

You may bill long-distance charges to an authorized third telephone number. Dial 0 + the telephone number. When the operator comes on the line, say that you would like to charge your call to a third number. Give the operator that telephone number, including the area code.

Person-To-Person Calls:

A person-to-person call may be made when you wish to speak to a particular person or extension number. Dial 0 + the telephone number. When the operator comes on the line, say that you are placing a person-to-person call. Give the name of the person to whom you wish to speak or the extension number you wish to reach. The operator will leave the line once you are connected to the correct person or extension.

International Calling:

Many international calls may be direct dialed. Follow the instructions provided by your long-distance company. If your long-distance company does not provide international service or you need assistance with specific routing codes, dial the operator.

• Listen for the announcement and follow the instructions.

• Report the date and time you used Call Trace to your local service provider.

Note: Repeat Dial, Three Way Calling, Return Call and Call Trace are already established on your line. Usage charges apply. Contact your Local Service Provider for usage charges and service availability. Charges are subject to change.

Types of Operator-Assisted


Collect Calls

You may call collect if the person or firm you are calling agrees to pay the charges. Dial the number and follow the operator or voice-prompted instructions.

Third-Number Calls

You may have long-distance charges billed to an authorized third telephone number. Dial the number and follow the operator or voice-prompted instructions.

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