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According to a U.S. EIA report released in early December, U.S. biofuels operable production capacity increased 500 MMgy in the year leading up to the end of September. Biodiesel industry capacity growth has been flat, with about 2.084 billion gallons as of September, down slightly from September of last year. Exports, however, are up slightly. That same month saw a rise to 94,391 metric tons, up from both the 88,142 metric tons exported the previous month and the 55,072 metric tons exported in September 2021. Despite this stagnant growth period for U.S. biodiesel capacity, there are many bright spots. I encourage you to check out the Clean Fuels Alliance America’s section on page 12, one topic of which provides an overview of national policy and incentive movements—passed and promising—that should help spur more consumption and subsequent development.
Backing up to visit capacity for renewable diesel and associated fuels, it was at 2.134 billion gallons in September, nearly doubling—up 1.12 billion gallons—when compared to September of last year. Speaking of capacity buildout, on page 16 you’ll find a renewable diesel and SAF project development report, the beginning of which includes some snippets of conversation I had with Mindi Farber-DeAnda, team lead of the U.S. EIA’s Petroleum & Natural Gas Modeling. She had some interesting things to say in terms of what the EIA is seeing and projecting. Note that the project updates are not inclusive of all operating/under development capacity in the U.S., but our 2023 annual map is—to the best of our knowledge—and it will be mailed out to subscribers.
The other feature article in this issue, “Something Big is Coming,” profiles Downy Ridge Environmental Company’s journey to success in deploying Greasezilla, its fats, oils and grease separation technology, at U.S. wastewater treatment plants. In the story, freelance writer Keith Loria chats with Ron Crosier, president of the company, who has been in the liquid waste business for close to 30 years. He told Loria that initially, the plan was not to market the technology—in fact, it was developed by Downy Ridge back in 2008 to solve its own grease problem. After scoring a patent, the company had installed nearly 20 units by the end of 2022, according to Crosier, and will double that by the end of next year.
Among lots of other expert-contributed content in this issue is an article authored by Graham Noyes, executive director of the Low Carbon Fuels Alliance, and Alex Menotti, vice preside of corporate and government affairs at LanzaJet, who discuss positive implications of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge, and whether there is sufficient policy to meet goals. In short, according to Noyes and Menotti, current incentives will accelerate industry expansion and provide an essential policy building block, but as the SAF industry moves forward in pursuit of its 2030 and 2050 market goals, continued expansion and evolution of state and federal SAF policy will be essential for success.
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There is perhaps no greater environmental threat facing California than the growing threat of wildfires, a challenge that the low-carbon fuels sector can help solve. As lawmakers in the Golden State look for realistic solutions to ease these yearly destructive and alarmingly predictable patterns, it is important to remember that one key to more environmentally sound firefighting is, almost literally, right under our feet.
Across California’s millions of acres of wilderness there are woody residues—such as limbs and excess bark—lying on the ground or otherwise being placed there to thin harmful overgrowth that causes forest fires. In the past, there was a market for these residues, but demand has slowed dramatically due to a dwindling paper industry and rapid digitization. However, that slowdown in demand is over.
There is a new and thriving marketplace, driven by demand for renewable, nonfossil fuels, and a genuine industry commitment to help the state deal with this problem. These producers can transform the highest-risk residues into sustainable, low-carbon products and help fund the next phase of effective forest management. Increasing the urgency to tap this natural resource of residues across California’s wilderness is the fact that the airtankers burn up to 50,000 to 60,000 gallons of fossil fuel a day when engaged in combating a massive blaze.
So, how does it work? The process of converting biomass into renewable fuels consists of using heat (our company’s approach) or other methods to break down polymers in a plant’s skeleton to create a hydrocarbon-rich liquid that can be processed and refined into low-carbon or carbon-negative jet fuel, chemicals and other biobased products. By using abundant and sustainable sources of biomass with much lower carbon intensity than finite fossil sources, the resulting renewable fuels can power the economic model of forest management, fuel the fleet of airtankers, and help stem the tides of forest fires engulfing the state. We can take an unvirtuous circle and make it virtuous.
Nationally, California is ahead of the game by embracing its Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which requires transportation fuels to meet a specific greenhouse gas or carbon intensity (CI) target. It has a bold mandate: to reduce the CI of the transportation fuel pool in the state by 20% before 2030. Right now, the California Air Resources Board is considering setting even more aggressive CI tar-
gets, and while commendable, the language in the LCFS is ripe for improvement.
My prior company converted a former petroleum refinery into the world’s first sustainable aviation fuel production facility in Paramount, California. My current company, Alder Fuels, has the technological expertise to harness and scale this extraordinary process, while contributing to the effort to stop destructive fires. Right now, however, the current requirements and definitions regarding renewable biomass in the LCFS inhibit our ability to help. For example, they do not recognize the full lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions savings from the use of forest residuals and have an arbitrary and burdensome threshold for residuals to qualify.
Recognizing the full emissions savings and expanding LCFS eligibility to cover more types of forest leftovers and land areas would help open the door for more renewable energy production and create a clear incentive for companies and landowners to more effectively contribute to forest management. With the potential to create a new economic model for forest management, advance the creation of renewable fuels, and decarbonize the Golden State, there has never been a more crucial time for legislators and regulators to reduce restrictions on utilizing these abundant supplies. California and federal lawmakers and regulators must back these critical technologies. In combination with the Biden administration’s inclusion of a tax credit for sustainable fuel in the recent Inflation Reduction Act, California’s renewable fuel industry could become the most advanced in the world.
The stakes could not be higher. The annual wildfire crisis is making California a less desirable—and more dangerous—place to live. Golden State policymakers must show leadership by building on the LCFS. We must make it easier to convert sustainable woody biomass residues to renewable fuels and incentivize the private-public partnerships that can play a vital role in both turning the tide of wildfire destruction and decarbonizing the state. The low-carbon fuels industry has the technology, the knowhow and dedication to help. Effective public policy should unleash it, not stand in its way.
Author: Bryan Sherbacow Founder and CEO, Alder Fuels Chairperson of the Board, Low Carbon Fuels CoalitionThe U.S. EPA on Dec. 1 released a final rule to create canola oil fuel pathways under the Renewable Fuel Standard for renewable diesel, jet fuel, naphtha, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and heating oil produced via a hydrotreating process. Per the rule, these fuel pathways meet the lifecycle greenhouse gas emission reduction threshold of 50% required to generate D4 biomass-based diesel and D5 advanced biofuel renewable identification numbers (RINs) under the RFS. Based on that determination, the agency is adding the canola oil fuel pathways to the list of approved pathways in the RFS regulations. Renewable diesel, jet fuel and heating oil produced with canola are eligible to generate D4 RINs if they are produced through a hydrotreating process that does not coprocess renewable biomass and petroleum, and for D5 RINs if they are produced through a process that does coprocess renewable biomass and petroleum. Naphtha and LPG production from canola oil using a hydrotreating process are also eligible to generate D5 RINs. A fuel pathway for the production of biodiesel and heating oil produced from canola oil via a transesterification process is already approved for the generation of D4 biomass-based diesel RINs.
In late October, Alder Fuels announced that it has selected BTG Bioliquids to be part of the first Alder Greencrude processing facility in the U.S. Southeast. Bryan Sherbacow, president and CEO of Alder Fuels, said the initial stage of the AGC process is technology neutral, which allows the company to pursue a range of providers. The Alder Fuels site is scheduled to start full-scale commercial production in 2024. Fast pyrolysis bio-oil conversion testing of Alder’s feedstock has been completed at BTG’s pilot- and demonstration-scale plants in the Netherlands.
Clean Fuels Alliance America hailed California’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2020, which reported a 16% decrease in transportation carbon emissions due in part to increasing use of biodiesel and renewable diesel. The state’s analysis notes that the percentage of biodiesel and renewable diesel in the total diesel pool grew from 0.4 % in 2011 to 20.8 % in 2020 through the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. According to California Air Resources Board data, biodiesel and renewable diesel generated 44% of the LCFS credits in 2020.
Topsoe's HydroFlex technology has been selected by Federated Co-operatives Ltd. to officially support the production of renewable diesel in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The FCL renewable diesel plant, once fully operational, will have the potential
to produce 15,000 barrels per day. The facility will be part of a larger Integrated Agriculture Complex, which also includes a canola crushing plant. FCL expects to be producing renewable diesel in 2027.
Shell Eastern Petroleum Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Shell plc, has acquired EcoOils Ltd., a waste oil recycling firm. This acquisition is part of Shell’s ambition to increase production of sustainable, low-carbon fuels for transport, including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The acquisition will include 100% of EcoOils’ Malaysian subsidiaries and 90% of its Indonesian subsidiary.
Sunweb Group, a European travel organization, and Neste have entered into a new partnership under which Sunweb Group purchases 306 tons (approximately 100,000 gallons) of Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from Sunweb flights. The SAF volume purchased provides an emission reduction equaling the amount of GHG emissions from all Sunweb flights departing in 2022. Sunweb does not own any aircraft itself, but uses commercial airlines for air travel to various holiday destinations.
The U.S. exported 94,391.3 metric tons of biodiesel and biodiesel blends of B30 or greater in September, according to data released by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service on Nov. 3. Biodiesel imports were at 65,176 metric tons for the month. The 94,391.3 metric tons of biodiesel exported in September was up from both the 88,142.4 metric tons exported the previous month and the 55,072.7 metric tons exported in September 2021.
The U.S. exported biodiesel to approximately eight countries in September. Canada was the top destination for U.S. biodiesel exports at 85,540.9 metric tons, followed by Peru at 8,427.7 metric tons and Germany at 326.7 metric tons.
The value of U.S. biodiesel exports was at $188 million in September, down slightly from $189.99 million in August, but up substantially from $65.23 million in September of last year. The U.S. imported biodiesel from approximately five countries in September. Germany was the top provider of biodiesel to U.S. at 354,929.6 metric tons, followed by Canada at 26,094.2 metric tons and South Korea at 4,030.6 metric tons.
The value of U.S. biodiesel imports reached $131.91 million in September, up from both $113.87 million the previous month and $91.99 million in September 2021.
A group of five lawmakers on Dec. 2 announced plans to introduce legislation that aims to change the way renewable identification numbers (RINs) are generated and traded under the Renewable Fuel Standard by directing the U.S. EPA to issue the credits at a fixed cost. Sens. Bob Casey, D-Pennsylvania, and Chris Coons, DDelaware, and Reps. Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pennsylvania, Brendan Boyle, D-Pennsylvania, and Donald Norcross, D-New Jersey, are the five lawmakers who announced plans for the bill. A statement released by the lawmakers references several oil refineries located within their states and explains the upcoming bill would reduce RFS compliance costs for the companies that own those facilities. According to information released by Casey’s office, the bill would direct the EPA to issue RINs at a lower, fixed cost for compliance with the conventional renewable fuel requirement. The lawmakers
said this “government backstop-RIN” would create new source of revenue that could be directed toward the research, development and deployment of advanced biofuels, incentives to support advanced biofuels feedstock production, and support for wildlife and habitat restoration.
Neste has agreed to acquire the used cooking oil (UCO) collection and aggregation business and related assets in the U.S. from Crimson Renewable Energy Holdings LLC. The transaction includes shares in SeQuential Environmental Services LLC and Pure LLC, as well as a UCO processing plant in Salem, Oregon. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of customary closing conditions and regulatory approval.
The U.S. EPA on Dec. 1 released its long-awaited Renewable Fuel Standard set rule, which includes renewable volume obligations (RVOs) for 2023, 2024 and 2025. The proposed rule expands the program beyond liquid fuels to include certain types of renewable electricity used to fuel cars. It sets the 2023, 2024 and 2025 RVOs at 20.82 billion gallons, 21.87 billion gallons and 22.68 billion gallons, respectively. For 2023, a 250-million-gallon supplemental obligation would also be imposed. The EPA has proposed to set the 2023 total RVO at 20.82 billion gallons, up 190 million gallons when compared to the 2022 RVO finalized earlier this year. The 2023 blend target includes the nested requirements of 720 million gallons of cellulosic fuel, 2.82 billion gallons of biomass-based diesel and 5.82 billion gallons of advanced biofuel. Conventional biofuels, such as corn ethanol, could fill up to 15 billion gallons of the RVO requirement. The 250-million-gallon supplemental obligation boosts the total 2023 obligation to 21.07 billion gallons. For 2024, the EPA is proposing to increase the total RVO by 1.05 billion gallons to 21.87 billion gallons, including 1.42 billion gallons of cellulosic biofuel, 2.89 billion gallons of biomass-based diesel, and 6.62 billion gallons of advanced biofuel. For 2025, the agency proposes to increase blend obligations by an additional 810 million gallons to 22.68 billion. The nested RVO would include 2.13 billion gallons of cellulosic biofuel, 2.95 billion gallons of biomass-based diesel, and 7.43 billion gallons of advanced biofuel. The volume of conventional biofuels that can be used to meet RFS blend requirements would be maintained at 15.25 billion gallons.
Clean Fuels Alliance America hosted its annual member meeting in Washington this November with three major agenda items to accomplish: grow our membership, elect new leaders, and maintain relationships with congressional champions.
In 2022, we welcomed several new members to our organization, including:
• CoverCress Inc., a seed technology company that is commercializing a new winter rotational seed oil crop.
• Royal DSM, a bioscience company that produces ingredients for animal nutrition, personal care and foods.
• National Oilheat Research Alliance, the oilheat industry’s research and education association.
• PSC Group LLC, which provides product handling and logistics services for the chemical, refining and marine transportation industries.
• ROC 1954, a small fuel and lubricant distribution service in Las Vegas.
• Third Coast Commodities, a group that trades fats and oils as well as biofuels and heating oil.
• Magellan Midstream Partners LLP, a fuel distribution, storage and transportation company.
The growing membership speaks to the diversity and breadth of our industry, which is also reflected in our new leadership. During the November member meeting, we elected new governing board leaders and appointed a new executive committee to lead the board over the next two years. These leaders represent the interests of both large and small companies, biodiesel and renewable diesel producers, as well as soybean growers and renderers.
Our board members bring together views and priorities from each part of the clean fuel value chain. The industry is growing rapidly to meet U.S. demand for better, cleaner fuels, and that is generating economic activity and supporting well-paying job opportunities across the country. Our elected board members will help us meet the challenge of supporting growth for every sector of the industry.
Clean Fuels members voted to fill eight vacant board seats for two-year terms. Members reelected are: Greg Anderson, Nebraska Soybean Board; Tim Keaveney, HERO BX; Gary Louis, Seaboard Energy LLC; Mike Rath, Darling Ingredients Inc.; Rob Shaffer, ASA; and Paul Teta, Kolmar Americas Inc. Also elected were Courtney Lawrenson of Ag Processing Inc., who is new to our leadership, and Tim Ostrem of South Dakota Soybean Checkoff, who is returning to the board.
Continuing to serve on the board for a second year are: Danielle Brannan, New Leaf Biofuel; Kent Engelbrecht, ADM; Neville Fernandes, Chevron Renewable Energy Group; Chris Hill, Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council; Ryan Pederson, North Dakota Soybean Council; Harry Simpson, Crimson Renewable Energy; and Dave Walton, Iowa Soybean Association.
The board appointed Mike Rath to serve as chair, Rob Shaffer as vice chair, Gary Louis as second vice chair, Ryan Pederson as treasurer, Paul Teta as secretary, and Kent Engelbrecht as past chair.
Most of the attendees at our November member meeting also participated in constituent meetings with elected officials and their staff. Clean Fuels hosted 63 meetings with congressional offices, nine of which were with congressmembers or senators. The meetings were evenly divided between House and Senate offices representing 20 states.
These visits to Capitol Hill help to educate congressional staff and policymakers about our industry and to build relationships between them and our members. They are a key part of our advocacy strategy to support the growth of the industry, and a key feature of our annual members meetings.
This past year, states across the country continued to prioritize lowcarbon renewable fuels like biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. Clean Fuels Alliance America worked with state soybean organizations and member organizations to enact new laws that will set a path forward for additional growth in the biodiesel industry across the country’s Heartland.
Illinois started the momentum. In April, the Illinois legislature passed comprehensive revenue legislation, which included the expansion of its biodiesel sales tax exemption. Illinois currently provides an exemption on the sale of B10 sold at in-state fuel retail locations. This new legislation, championed by the Illinois Soybean Association, would enhance the program by applying the tax incentive to higher blends of biodiesel escalating over the coming years. Starting in 2024, the incentive would apply to blends of B13 and higher, increasing to B16, B19 and higher in subsequent years. It is expected to drive another 120 million gallons in biodiesel demand in the state.
In May, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed some of the most comprehensive state biofuels legislation in the nation. Backed by the Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Biodiesel Board and others, the bill increased the state's biodiesel production tax credit from 2 cents to 4 cents per gallon while updating the state’s Renewable Fuel Infrastructure Program to increase access to higher blends of biofuels. The legislation maintains a biodiesel fuel tax differential by applying it to blends of B20, rather than B11. It extends current fuel retailer tax credits for B11 and higher, while introducing new credits for higher blends like B20 (7 cents per gallon) and even B30 (10 cents per gallon)—a national first.
In October, Clean Fuels joined Missouri Gov. Mike Parson as he signed legislation creating new incentives for the state’s biodiesel industry. Among other incentives, the law provides a 2-cent-per-gallon retail incentive for B5 to B10 and a five-cent-per-gallon retail incentive for B11-plus sold at Missouri fuel retailer locations. The bill also establishes a two-centper-gallon incentive for biodiesel produced in the state.
The success of these three states will have a huge impact on Midwest biodiesel demand. Combined, these new laws will grow biodiesel demand by 280 million gallons, and signal to other states that biodiesel is a worthwhile investment. For example, Michigan introduced legislation this past year that would incentivize biodiesel sales at in-state fuel locations. This legislation will be brought back in 2023 with hopes that it can receive strong support from lawmakers. Other states, like Nebraska and Indiana, are also deliberating what sort of biodiesel incentive package can be introduced, efforts being led by state soybean organizations with backing from Clean Fuels.
In addition to the success in the Midwest, Clean Fuels has been active in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states as well. Following up on industry-supported Bioheat fuel mandates that were adopted in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island in 2021 (those states alone make up 40% of the heating oil market in the Northeast), Clean Fuels and other stakeholders have been pushing for California-like low carbon fuel standards (LCFS) for both heating and transportation fuels.
Following the loss (by one vote) of a Clean Heat Standard (an LCFSlike program for heating fuels) in the Vermont legislature this year, the same bill is expected to be reintroduced early in 2023 and easily pass. In these states and others, Clean Fuels has been working closely with marketers to advocate for policies that both reduce greenhouse gases and expand market share.
In November, CFAA released a new study conducted by LMC International, “Economic Impact of Biodiesel on the U.S. Economy 2022.” The study measures the overall economic impact associated with the 3.1-billion-gallon U.S. market for biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel in 2021. It evaluates direct, indirect and induced impacts across the entire value chain from raw material production, collection and processing to fuel production and distribution. The topline finding is that the biodiesel and renewable diesel industry generated $23.2 billion in economic activity and supported 75,200 jobs paying $3.6 billion in annual wages in the U.S.
The study shows that biodiesel and renewable diesel production generates the largest economic and employment benefits in the farming, oilseed processing, and fuel production sectors. Some key findings include:
• The farm sector benefits from 30% of the overall economic activity, or $7.4 billion. It also supports 28,236 U.S. jobs earning $1.36 billion in wages.
• The oilseed processing industry benefits from more than 20% of the economic activity or $4.97 billion. The biodiesel and renewable diesel market supports 6,024 U.S. jobs earning $380 million in wages.
• Biodiesel and renewable diesel production supports 14,661 jobs earning $560 million in wages in the waste grease recycling and animal fat rendering sector.
• Clean fuel producers support $9.57 billion in economic activity— equal to 41% of the overall economic impact—and 17,120 U.S. jobs, earning $880 million in wages.
According to the study, the economic impact is largest for Midwest states that lead the nation in soybean production. For example, In Iowa, the biodiesel industry generates $4.29 billion in economic activity and is associated with more than 10,500 jobs, and for Illinois, the industry generates more than $2.75 billion in economic activity and supports 7,800 jobs.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute researchers Michael Timko, professor of chemical engineering, and Healther LeClerc, Ph.D. candidate, were guests on the Biodiesel Magazine podcast this fall. Timko and LeClerc are part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers at WPI that has been looking at ways to use food waste to make a renewable and more affordable fuel replacement for oil-based diesel. The work, led by Timko, is detailed in a paper recently published in the journal iScience. Through creation of biodiesel via a hydrothermal liquefaction method, the researchers believe they can bring the price of gas down significantly.
BDM: Tell our listeners a bit about the backstory of your research and the driving force, and how you came up with the idea.
Timko: We have been working on this for several years. The interest and motivation is that the U.S. alone produces many millions of tons of food waste every year. If left alone and out in landfills, it generates methane … besides that, it can decompose, cause problems for water quality, and it takes up a lot of space in our landfills. At the same time, food waste has a lot of embodied energy. The challenge with food waste is that it’s very heavy and has a high water content—roughly half—and a lot of technologies that have been developed really aren’t compatible with that
high level of water. Also, there can be fats, lipids and greases in food waste, but it’s not 100% FOG, so the typical biodiesel process, for example—taking used cooking oil and reacting with methanol—that kind of technology doesn’t work for whole food waste. So, you need different technology. What we’ve been working on for several years is a technology called hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL). We didn’t invent it, as it was discovered in the 1930s, but it’s made a resurgence in the past 10 or 15 years … it’s very compatible with wet waste. Basically, you take your organic stream, which probably has water in it, heat it up to temperatures that depend a bit on your product as well as your feed—maybe 250 to 250 degrees Celsius—with pressure that is sufficient that the water stays liquid, and a reaction time in the order of 10 mins to two hours. Out of that, you get several products, but the one we’re trying to maximize is biocrude, which can be treated in a separate step, to produce something like biodiesel—we call it renewable diesel. Chemically it’s closer to petroleum diesel than to FAME [fatty acid methyl ester] …
BDM: Why is hydroxyapatite a good catalyst for this process, and what does it do?
LeClerc: Real waste feeds have different things in it, like bones, and hydroxyapatite is a mineral found naturally in bones—
it’s made of calcium and phosphorus. What’s really cool about this mineral it has a tunable chemical structure, so you can actually change the chemical structure and some of the properties of this mineral by the way that you synthesize it, and the pH of the medium that you synthesize the catalyst in.
BDM: Can you tell us a little bit more about the pricing of the fuel resulting from this new process?
LeClerc: The typical feedstock for the past 10 to 15 years, before waste became really prevalent, has been algae, which has the issue of a high cost to cultivate, even though it performs really well in the HTL process and gives you high yields. The [cultivation] cost is over $1,000 per dry ton, which leads to a minimum fuel selling price upwards of $10 per gallon of gas equivalent (GGE). When we do that with our food waste without our hydroxyapatite catalyst, we’re able to bring the minimum fuel selling price to about $7 to $8 per GGE. With our catalyst, this drops all the way to about $4 without including any sort of environmental- or governmentbased incentives. Once we’re able to include current incentives based on the Renewable Fuel Standard, then were able to bring it down to about $1.10 per GGE, which is an amazing price, especially in the sate of today’s gasoline prices.
Listen to the rest of the podcast: www.biodieselmagazine.com/pages/podcasts
This fall, Biodiesel Magazine chatted with Mindi Farber-DeAnda, team lead of the U.S. EIA’s Petroleum & Natural Gas Modeling regarding biodiesel, renewable diesel and SAF capacity growth. At the time, she said EIA forecast that U.S. renewable diesel capacity would outpace biodiesel capacity in October—and that proved to be true. “Our annual production capacity numbers for biodiesel and renewable diesel facilities are as of the beginning of the year, containing data for 2021, and for biodiesel we reported 72 facilities with about 2.2 billion gallons per year (BGY) of capacity,” Farber-DeAnda said. As for renewable diesel, there were 11 operating plants—a number that has been on a steady uptick since Jan. 1—with an annual capacity of 1.75 BGY, according to Farber-DeAnda. While that data was in the EIA’s 2021 annual report not released until August of this year—its monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook contains more current data, with information for August showing capacity for renewable diesel (and associated fuels including renewable heating oil, renewable jet fuel, renewable naphtha, renewable gasoline and other biofuels) having reached 2.134 billion gallons—an increase of over 50% in just one year. Biodiesel capacity was down slightly, by 347 MMgy, when compared to the 2.431 billion gallons of capacity in place as of August 2021.
So, what’s attributing to a slight dip in biodiesel capacity? Farber-DeAnda shared what hasn’t a major factor, and that’s conversions from biodiesel to renewable diesel. “These are very different facilities … renewable diesel is much more complex … we are seeing [conversions] happen more
at refineries. Some biodiesel facilities are just closing over time. We are seeing greater biodiesel exports, but just not enough to warrant more production.”
The EIA’s 2021 annual report saw a substantial drop in petroleum refining capacity. “We also saw 440,000 barrels per day (bpd) of capacity converted to renewable diesel, but that actually happened in 2020—it just showed up in our records on Jan. 1, 2021,” she said. “In 2021, we were expecting to see a greater number of conversions, but there seems to have been some delays from COVID-19’s expanded economic impacts.”
In the next report, which will contain data from 2022, Farber-DeAnda said EIA expects up to 660,000 bpd additional conversions to renewable diesel.
Biodiesel Magazine’s annual production map showed 34 renewable diesel/SAF plants under development, construction or operating in the U.S., as of September. The following includes updates regarding some of these projects, in various stages of development.
Project name: Next Renewable Fuels
Location: Port Westward, Oregon
Project type: Greenfield
Fuel/s: SAF, renewable diesel, renewable propane Capacity: 750 MMgy Status: Under Development
Summary: Next Renewable Fuels received air permit approval from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in late August. The $1.5 billion facility will use feedstocks including animal tallow, seed oil and waste grease. In the most re-
cent project news, in mid-November, United Airlines announced an investment of up to $37.5 million in the company, so long as certain milestone targets are met. Shortly thereafter, Next announced it would become publicly traded via a special purpose acquisition by Industrial Tech Acquisitions II Inc., a transaction expected to close next year, and would be named NXTCLEAN Fuels Inc. Biodiesel Magazine confirmed with a company spokesman that it is currently targeting 2026 for fuel production.
Project name: Heartwell Renewables
Location: Hastings, Nebraska
Project type: Greenfield
Fuel/s: Renewable diesel Capacity: 80 MMgy
Status: Under Construction
Summary: Cargill and The Loves Family of Companies announced their partnership in April 2020. The joint venture broke ground on its renewable diesel refinery in early November, which will use vegetable oils and Cargill-suppled beef tallow as feedstocks. Musket, the commodity trading and logistics arm of Love’s, will transport and market the produced fuel. Worley was awarded a contract to provide detailed and field engineering services for the facility. Fuel production is slated for 2024.
Project name: Montana Renewables
Project type: Refinery conversion
Location: Great Falls, Montana
Fuel/s: Renewable diesel, SAF, naphtha Capacity: 230 MMgy
Status: Operational [Planned expansion]
Summary: Calumet Specialty Products Partners L.P. is considering plans to ramp up SAF production at its Montana Renewables biorefinery, which began commissioning this fall and is currently focused on renewable diesel production. A renewable hydrogen plant and feedstock pretreatment facility are under development and scheduled to begin commissioning this winter.
According to CEO Todd Borgmann during a Nov. 14 earnings call, the company is currently focused on taking time to understand the nuances of operating the renewable diesel unit at the Great Falls facility, particularly in the colder-than-normal temperatures the region had been experiencing. A planned expansion in 2024 would boost nameplate capacity to 20,000 bpd, with production estimated at 12,000 bpd of renewable diesel, 4 million bpd of SAF, and 1,500 bpd of renewable naphtha. Borgmann said the planned expansion will make the company the largest SAF producer in North America. Engineering is also underway to support a project that could optimize the facility for SAF production, boosting SAF capacity to
as high as 15,000 bpd, or 230 MMgy. Borgmann also discussed feedstock procurement for the plant—the facility is initially expected to take in soybean oil, animal fats and corn oil as feedstocks, but is also likely to process other feedstocks in the future, including canola oil and camelina. Borgmann indicated the U.S. EPA’s approval of canola oil fuel pathways for renewable diesel, jet fuel, naphtha and other associated fuels will benefit Montana Renewables, as canola is already widely cultivated in Montana.
Project name: CastleRock Green Energy
Location: Shelton, Washington Project type: Greenfield Fuel/s: Unspecified/low-carbon Capacity: Unspecified Status: Under Development Summary: CastleRock Green Energy is a renewable energy and infrastructure fund based in New York, and recently announced development of “a pair of biofuel production facilities” in the Shelton, Washington, area. The company does not appear to have a project website, but a Nov. 7 press release credited the Inflation Reduction Act as making the projects possible. The facility will require a $400 million investment, according to CastleRock, and the company indicated that it plans to deploy Ensyn Corp.’s RTP technology, which has been installed
at eight production facilities in the U.S. and Canada.
Project name: CVR Energy Location: Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Project type: Refinery conversion Fuel/s: Renewable diesel Capacity: 100 MMgy Status: Operational Summary: CVR Energy’s Wynnewood refinery—converted from a hydrocracking unit—began commissioning and startup in early May, after an initial project delay due to spiking feedstock prices (soybean oil in particular). The plant reached capacity at the beginning of October, according to CVR Energy David Lamp. During an early Nov. earnings call, Lamp said construction of a feedstock pretreatment unit is progressing, and is expected to be placed in service during the third quarter of next year, allowing the facility to take in a wider variety of feedstocks. Lamp said the renewable diesel conversion has been relatively straightforward and easy from an operating standpoint, though logistics have been more challenging. He said one of the company’s bigger challenges has been getting the railroad in tune with its needs to deliver soybean oil and corn oil on a timely basis, as well as remove product on a timely basis. The company is continuing to work through those challenges, he indicated.
CVR Energy is in the process of studying the feasibility of the conversion of its Coffeyville, Kansas, refinery to renewable diesel, and SAF and has selected Honeywell to conduct a feasibility study.
Project name: Martinez Renewables
Location: Martinez, California
Project type: Refinery conversion
Fuel/s: Renewable diesel, naphtha, propane
Capacity: 730 MMgy
Status: Under Construction
Summary: Marathon Petroleum Corp. on Nov. 1 confirmed that phase 1 of the renewable diesel conversion project at the company’s Martinez, California, refinery is expected to be mechanically complete by the end of 2022. The Martinez project is being developed under a 50/50 joint venture with Neste, which was finalized in September. Each Neste and Marathon will invest $1 billion in the project. Renewable diesel production at the facility is expected to begin in early 2023, with feedstock pretreatment capabilities expected to come online during the second half of the year. By the end of 2023, the project is expected to have the capacity to produce 730 MMgy. Marathon completed the conversion of its Dickinson, North Dakota, refinery to a 184 MMgy renewable diesel and naphtha plant that became operational in 2021.
Project name: Alder Green Crude
Location: U.S. Southeast, undisclosed
Project type: Greenfield
Fuel/s: Greencrude (for conversion into SAF/biochemicals)
Capacity: Undisclosed
Status: Under Development
Summary: Backed by and partnered with companies including United Airlines, Honeywell, Avfuel Corp., Enviva, Boeing and the U.S. DOE, Alder Fuels’ first site, in an unspecified Southeast U.S. location, is slated to start full-scale commercial production in 2024. Technology and feedstock testing at pilot- and demonstration-scale plants was completed in the Netherlands. Darren Fuller, senior vice president of sales and business development, recently
told Biodiesel Magazine that the company is finalizing the facility’s location. “It will be a greenfield facility, so there are no existing technology or utilities that we’re leveraging there … we’re hoping to make an announcement in this quarter, and that still may happen. It’s a big deal for us. We’re partnering with Enviva and BTW Bioliquids, our fast pyrolysis technology provider … We’re really excited about it and moving very quickly to making it a reality.” United Airlines has committed to purchase 1.5 billion gallons of SAF from the company.
Project name: Vertex Energy
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Project type: Refinery conversion
Fuel/s: Renewable diesel Capacity: 150 MMgy Status: Under Construction Summary: Vertex Energy is nearing completion of a $90 million-plus capital project to modify the Mobile refinery's existing hydrocracking unit to produce renewable diesel fuel on a standalone basis. Upon completion, the refinery is expected to commence production of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 bpd of renewable diesel, with production volumes anticipated to subsequently ramp up to approximately 14,000 bpd. In statements released this fall, the
company said that mechanical completion of the project has been proactively extended from its initial target of year-end 2022 to the first quarter of 2023, risk considerations due to COVID-19-induced product delays and global supply chain shortages in several previously unimpacted markets, including common pipes, valves and fittings. “Limited visibility into a solution for these challenges, combined with the notable financial benefits associated with reduced downtime and extending current operations, have allowed the company to respond by extending the project timeline to ensure all necessary parts and materials are ready and on-site prior to shutting the hydrocracker unit down,” Vertex stated.
Project name: DG Fuels-Louisiana
Location: Undisclosed, Louisiana
Project type: Greenfield
Fuel/s: SAF Capacity: 120 MMgy
Status: Proposed Summary: Slated for production in 2026, DG Fuels announced in mid-November that this plant has sold all of its initial production capacity after inking a final offtake agreement with an undisclosed buyer. According to the company, The $2.5 billion SAF plant has already secured offtake
agreements with four other buyers, including Delta Airlines, which has agreed to buy 55 million gallons per year for a seven-year period beginning in 2027, and Air FranceKLM, which agreed to buy 21 million gallons per year for a 10-year period beginning in 2026. DG Fuels' SAF production process uses cellulosic waste products as feedstocks. HydrogenPro will supply its green hydrogen technology with a capacity of at least 839 MW for DG Fuels' initial production plan. On Nov. 14, DG Fuels announced it has signed key land agreement for the development of its second proposed SAF facility, a 175 MMgy plant planned for development in Maine.
Project name: World Energy-Galena Park
Location: Galena Park, Texas
Project type: Refinery conversion
Fuel/s: SAF Capacity: 250 MMgy Status: Under Construction
Summary: In mid-August, World Energy announced the launch of advanced engineering plans to convert its existing assets in Houston to an SAF hub that will enable the company to produce another 250 MMgy of SAF by 2025. World Energy operates the world's first SAF plant in Los Angeles, where it is in the midst of a $2 billion expansion project to boost capacity to 375 MMgy. The company owns four operating biodiesel plants in Ontario, Pennsylvania, Mississippi and Georgia.
Project name: REG Geismar LLC
Location: Geismar, Louisiana
Project type: Expansion Fuel/s: Renewable diesel, propane, naphtha Capacity: 90/250 MMgy Status: Under Construction
Summary: REG’s Geismar plant is undergoing a $950 million expansion from 90 MMgy to approximately 250 MMgy. The
project broke ground in October 2021 and is expected to be completed in 2024. This summer, the U.S. EPA approved a Renewable Fuel Standard fuel pathway filed by REG that will allow the facility to generate D4 biomass-based diesel renewable identification numbers (RINs) and D5 RINs for certain biofuels produced using carinata oil feedstock. REG was officially acquired by Chevron in June.
Project name: Gevo NZ1
Location: Lake Preston, South Dakota
Project type: Greenfield
Fuel/s: SAF
Capacity: 55 MMgy Status: Under Construction
Summary: Following a recent groundbreaking ceremony in Lake Preston, South Dakota, Gevo reported that its Net-Zero 1, or NZ1, project is on schedule. Initial volumes of SAF are expected to be delivered in 2025. NZ1 will produce approximately
Deep South Commodities Specializes in Renewable Commodities and Feedstocks.
55 MMgy of SAF, or 62 MMgy of total hydrocarbon volumes, which would satisfy part of the approximate 375 MMgy of financeable SAF and hydrocarbon supply agreements that are currently in place, according to Gevo. “The transition to an ethanol-to-SAF design from Gevo’s original isobutanol-toSAF and isooctane design continues to yield improved output expectations as pre-project planning has been completed through phase 2 of front-end loading work,” the company said. Gevo indicated it is making progress on securing future SAF production locations beyond NZ1.
As of 2021, the Cle an Fuels Industr y:
• Contributes a total U.S. economic impact (direct , indirect , induced) of $2 3.2 billion
• Suppor ts 75,200 U. S. jobs throughout the economy/countr y
• Pays $3 .6 billion in wages
Supported by United Soybean Board, soybean farmers and their checko .
CLEANFUELS.ORGCity by city, Greasezilla is conquering problems derived from excessive fats, oils and grease waste.
When fats, oils and grease (FOG) separation technology Greasezilla was developed by Downey Ridge Environmental Co. nearly 20 years ago, the system was never expected to become the impressive solution it has for wastewater treatment sites needing to manage the overabundance of FOG created by food establishments and industrial food production facilities worldwide. Ron Crosier, president of the Lansing, West Virginia-based company, has been in the liquid waste business—particularly with grease trap service—since 1995, and has witnessed the evolution of FOG treatment solutions. “Early on, we used existing technologies to deal with and dispose of grease trap waste—dewatering and landfilling— which were labor intensive and expensive with regard to polymers and landfill tipping fees,” he explains. “Another method we used was composting, which wasn’t the worst, but it was also very labor intensive.”
Eventually, the company started to use sawdust as a bulking agent. However, the advent of wood pellets brought sawdust prices from little-to-nothing, to too expen-
sive to make sense for the job. “Rather than reverting back to drying boxes or any other dewatering technologies, we realized that if we could remove the brown grease component from grease trap waste, then the rest of the product was easy to dispose of,” Crosier says. “We knew there was some value in the brown grease, if for no other reason than the Btus that were in it.”
That led to the development of Greasezilla in 2008, though the company had no intention of marketing it at first; it simply looked to solve its own grease problem. Through contacts Crosier had in the sanitation industry, he realized that there was more value to the Greasezilla technology than just helping the company’s own interests. “We invested a significant amount of money and research and development to get to the place we had gotten to,” Crosier says. “We successfully applied for a patent and began marketing the technology to haulers. We sold a few units between 2010 and 2015, but quickly learned haulers just wanted to haul.”
The lightbulb went off that the real market for Greasezilla was most likely in the wastewater treatment industry, though the company knew it would need to make some changes to the system.“We did some engineering, especially in regards to automation, and sought out some investment capital, and relaunched a few years later,” Crosier says.
Understanding the Technology Greasezilla’s ability to turn the problem of FOG waste into a sustainable energy source addresses larger infrastructure, environmental and energy issues. “We take grease trap waste, which is generally difficult to dispose of because of the brown grease, which is very detrimental to the ecology of anaerobic digesters. It doesn’t break down in wastewater plants and typically will pass through, with the only change being it’s been somewhat diluted,” Crosier says. “Some wastewater treatment plants are able to decant grease trap waste somewhat and then incinerate the grease, but that causes a lot of damage to the incinerators.”
Greasezilla’s hydronic thermal system takes grease trap waste in its trucked-in form and separates it without any polymers, flocculants or chemical treatment. The brown grease layer is automatically pumped off, measured and stored, with the remaining products sent to the headworks or anaerobic digesters. “There will be three layers of product in the Greasezilla reactors—the brown grease, the
batter later—all other food particles—and water,” Crosier says. “The brown grease that our system produces will have a moisture content of under 1 percent, generally closer to half percent, so it is ready as a feedstock for biodiesel the moment it comes off the system.”
The heat for refining is generated by burning a small portion of the brown grease that is captured. “Our system uses less than 5 percent of the fuel it creates to generate heat, and therefore is very efficient,” Crosier says. “The brown grease you do burn to generate the heat burns very cleanly, much cleaner than petroleum fuel.”
Greasezilla’s standard two-tank reactor system requires a footprint of only 1,000 square feet and is easily scalable by adding additional
reactor tanks and boilers. There are usually no permitting issues because of the manageably sized boilers.
While there are certainly lots of companies in the grease trap waste processing space today, nearly all of them are trying to simply separate grease and solids from water, Crosier says, typically creating two waste streams from one. Downey Ridge Environmental knows of no other technology that does what Greasezilla accomplishes with anywhere close to the quality and cost, a pledge that Jacobs Engineering confirmed.
Downey Ridge Environmental is so confident in Greasezilla’s return on investment, the
company offer systems at no cost and revenue share with wastewater treatment plants to recoup cost. These private-public ventures are of great interest to many waste management plants. “We were set back a little because of COVID-19, but we will have close to 20 units in place by the end of 2022 and will double that by the end of next year,” Crosier says. “Expanding across several verticals—from wastewater treatment facilities to haulers, biodiesel refineries and even directly with food processors—is something we have had an eye on since the beginning.”
And rather than selling equity in the company, Downy Ridge decided that a few years of selling systems for proof of concept to demonstrate would make it much easier to raise capital. “We now have a number of capital groups wanting to invest in our growth plans, and we feel the time is right to bring in institutional and private equity to build out our footprint, which is well underway,” Crosier says.
Hampton Roads Sanitation District, which provides regional wastewater treatment to 20 cities and counties in southeast Virginia, is nearing completion of its state-of-the-art FOG receiving facility at its Nansemond Treatment Plant in Suffolk, Virginia, with operation expected in the spring of 2023. HRSD will utilize Greasezilla to separate and process FOG into advanced biofuel. “They have built everything from the ground up to support this process,” Crosier says. “Most of our customers incorporate our technology into their existing infrastructure; HRSD has built everything—a receiving station, a decanting operation with brand new tanks—it’s a very elaborate facility.”
Chris Wilson, HRSD’s chief of process engineering and research, notes an assured outlet for HRSD’s brown grease derived biofuel was a primary driver of its selection of Downey Ridge and Greasezilla, as the company differentiated itself with its demonstrated knowledge of the commodity markets for biofuels. “The Greasezilla equipment will allow HRSD to better allocate our existing personnel and treatment facilities by diverting hard-to-manage grease waste from the influent of the highly advanced Nansemond Treatment Plant,” Wilson says. “Greasezilla will be part of a dedicated facility within the Nansemond Treatment Plant purposefully designed to manage
The cle an fuels industr y supp or ts 75,200 U.S. jobs as of 2021.
As 2022 winds down, Downey Ridge Environmental sees a continuous increase in demand for the ecological system and the brown grease it produces. Currently, the company is working closely with wastewater treatment sites in New England, New York, New Jersey, the mid-Atlantic, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida
and Texas, and expects to install a minimum of 10 new systems at wastewater plants by the end of 2023. “The production of the brown grease is just a wonderful side benefit to our technology,” Crosier says. “The primary purpose is to provide an efficient way of processing grease trap waste.”
Looking ahead further, Crosier would like to have a network of grease trap waste receiving stations all around the country, particularly around the coastal regions.
“I would also like to see us be more involved in exporting our technology,” he says. “We’ve been working heavily on exporting this technology to Mexico, South America and the Caribbean, and hopefully Asia and Australia as well.”
To reach U.S. sustainable aviation fuel goals, adequate policy will be crucial.
BY GRAHAM NOYES AND ALEX MENOTTIThe Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge represents a breakthrough in federal energy policy, establishing a comprehensive strategy developed by multiple agencies to scale up new technologies and rapidly commercialize SAF in order to fully supply U.S. jet fuel demand by 2050. The International Renewable Energy Agency estimates that it will require approximately 35 billion gallons of fuel annually to achieve this goal. The first established milestone toward this is 3 billion gallons of domestic SAF production by 2030. Given
that the SAF industry must scale by orders of magnitude in seven years to hit the milestone, the crucial question emerges: Is there sufficient policy to drive the rapid expansion?
The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides the first indication of whether there exists sufficient will and capability in the federal government to execute on the promise of the SAF Grand Challenge. Passed by a vote of 51-50 in the Senate and 220-213 in the House of Representatives, it is fair to say that the will and capability existed in the 117th Congress by only the slimmest of majorities. However, this bare majority was sufficient to clear the first federal policy milestone, and so
the industry will now benefit from five years of tax incentives. While it is unlikely that these incentives will be of sufficient duration to provide an investment signal robust enough to put the industry on track to producing 3 billion gallons in 2030, they will certainly help address existing SAF production policy and structural disincentives that have, to date, driven production of renewable diesel instead. As a result, the incentives will accelerate industry expansion and provide an essential policy building block on which the complementary initiatives from the administration’s SAF Grand Challenge, including grant funding and loan guarantees, can build.
CONTRIBUTION: The claims and statements made in this article belong exclusively to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Biodiesel Magazine or its advertisers. All questions pertaining to this article should be directed to the author(s).
Congress included several SAF tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act. The SAF Blender’s Tax Credit will be effective from 2023-’24, and is generally consistent with the existing $1 per gallon biodiesel and renewable diesel tax credits, but differs in several key respects. First, qualifying SAF need not be from biomass alone, but can be produced from nonbiogenic feedstocks like captured carbon and other waste streams, so long as SAF is not derived from petroleum or palm fatty acid distillates. In a first from Congress for fuels tax credits, the SAF BTC further adds an additional performance-based requirement that eligible SAF achieves a carbon intensity (CI) reduction of at least 50% relative to petroleum jet fuel to be eligible to receive an enhanced $1.25 per gallon credit. Notably, Congress incentivized further reductions beyond the 50% minimum threshold by providing an additional one cent per percentage improvement beyond 50%, with SAF demonstrating a 100% reduction eligible for the maximum incentive of $1.75 per gallon. To be eligible, the SAF must also meet ASTM D7566 or the Fischer-Tropsch coprocessing provisions of ASTM D1655, Annex A, and be blended and sold in the U.S.—along with other statutory requirements.
The 50% CI reduction requirement is novel in terms of its designation of the appropriate lifecycle analysis (LCA) to apply. As industry participants are aware, there are significant and impactful variations between the LCA methodologies utilized by the U.S. EPA, the National Laboratory at Argonne, and the California Air Resources Board, to name a few. The IRA provides the following LCA criteria as the basis for meeting the 50% CI reduction requirement:
‘‘(1) the most recent Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation which has been adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization with the agreement of the United States, or
(2) any similar methodology which satisfies the criteria under section 211(o)(1)(H) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(o)(1)(H)), as in effect on the date of enactment of this section.”
While it is noteworthy that the U.S. has now adopted the lifecycle methodology developed for the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting Reduc-
tion Scheme for International Aviation as a methodology that can be used to qualify for a U.S. tax credit, the IRA also allows other methodologies meeting the criteria outlined in the Clean Air Act to qualify. The Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET model, EPA’s own methodology under the Renewable Fuel Standard, and potentially other methodologies should qualify based on these criteria, and the IRS recently sought comment on what methodologies beyond CORSIA should be eligible.
From 2025 to 2027, the SAF BTC transitions to the Clean Fuel Production Credit, which is also applicable to other transportation fuels, but like the SAF BTC, it provides an enhanced value for SAF. The applicable definition for SAF within the CFPC precisely tracks the prior SAF BTC definition, as do the provisions on acceptable lifecycle methodologies for SAF.
The CFPC structure is somewhat of a hybrid policy with a clean fuel standard component that may be a harbinger of future federal policies. Under a statutory formula that rewards fuels with lifecycle emissions below 50 kg CO2e/MMBtu (which also represents a roughly 50% reduction from petroleum fuels), for SAF with a 100% reduction, the CFPC would provide a credit of $1.75 per gallon versus $1 per gallon for other transportation fuels, though the incentive is considerably less generous than the SAF BTC for a reduction below 100%. For example, SAF with an 80% reduction would receive $1.09 under the CFPC, versus $1.55 under the SAF BTC. However, the CFPC contemplates crediting carbonnegative SAF beyond $1.75 a gallon, creating an important market signal for deeply carbonnegative fuels.
As noted at the outset, while these federal programs are extremely valuable to the industry and represent a policy breakthrough, standing alone, they are unlikely to be sufficient to achieve the rapid pace of the expansion set by the SAF Grand Challenge. Other elements of the IRA, including $244 million in dedicated SAF grant funding through a new U.S. Department of Transportation program and complementary clean energy tax credits, will help scale SAF, but effective policy will require long-term extensions of tax credits that are robust enough to support the vision of the SAF Grand Challenge and synergistic state policies.
The SAF producer group represented by this article’s author, attorney Graham Noyes, and that coauthor Alex Menotti, LanzaJet, actively participates in, is composed of Alder Fuels, Fulcrum BioEnergy, Gevo, LanzaJet, Red Rock Biofuels, Velocys and World Energy. This group is focused on the expansion of state SAF policies that complement federal policies. As of January 1, California, Oregon and Washington will have in place clean fuel standard policies for which alternative jet fuel is eligible to credit generation on an opt-in basis, but these policies alone do not provide sufficient incentives for SAF relative to ground transportation fuels—additional state policy support is required.
The rapid evolution of SAF policy is exemplified by an important distinction between the definition of SAF in the IRA versus the operative alternative jet fuel state definitions that are all comparable to the following California definition:
“‘Alternative Jet Fuel’ means a drop-in fuel, made from petroleum or nonpetroleum sources, that can be blended and used with conventional petroleum jet fuels without the need to modify aircraft engines and existing fuel distribution infrastructure.”
When the SAF producers, airlines and airports worked with CARB five years ago to develop the applicable definition, we were at a very early stage in the SAF policy conversation. As a result, the definition did not have a minimum threshold beyond being less than the applicable CI standard, and there was no reference to CORSIA as an eligible LCA methodology. As the SAF industry surges forward in pursuit of its 2030 and 2050 market goals, the continued expansion and evolution of state and federal SAF policy will be essential for success. Given the industry’s international nature and the lack of viable technology alternatives, the development of SAF policy and the full-scale commercialization of SAF provide substantial and unique opportunities for lowcarbon liquid fuels for the foreseeable future.
Contact: Graham Noyes Noyes Law Corp. Fuelandcarbonlaw.com graham@noyeslawcorp.com
Whether the end product is biodiesel, renewable diesel (RD), or sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), feedstock pretreatment is a critical to the economic, efficient and reliable operation of a biofuel plant. As compared to traditionally used, higher-quality biodiesel feedstocks, the momentous RD and SAF markets are largely targeting waste feedstocks, the impurities in which require more complex pretreatment processes to meet quality requirements. While Austria-based BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH is well known for its Repeatable Catalyst, or RepCAT technology, the company’s BDI Advanced PreTreatment process is another result of 25 years of experience and thorough understanding of the processing of oils and fats, allowing producers the ability to test and process a wide range of feedstocks—with support every step of the way.
In a high-level explanation, BDI’s flexible and modular pretreatment system utilizes a Tricanter process, followed by drying and advanced adsorption, especially designed for waste feedstock. The latter step is critical to an efficient process, says Manfred Baumgartner, BDI director of biofuels technology, and BDI will assist customers in selecting the most suitable adsorption medium, currently of which there are a range of different types on the market.
As BDI’s pretreatment system is suitable for the processing of fresh vegetable oils, waste oils and fats, it provides an advantage that will well-equip producers in the evolv-
ing and increasingly competitive feedstock landscape, according to Baumgartner. “The biofuel industry is seeing a change in feedstock coprocessing—a trend from vegetable oil to waste oils is happening right now,” he says. Mainly high-quality feedstocks have been used in the past, and though they are still being used for coprocessing, waste oils are becoming highly sought after. With the global market and resulting feedstock demand quickly growing, Baumgartner believes that feedstocks will become much scarcer in the future. Therefore, the ability to process a variety of waste oils and low-quality raw materials will become an even more important benefit to biofuel producers—and BDI-built plants already have the capability to do so. “These plants are specially designed for waste oils,” Baumgartner says. “A flexible pretreatment process configuration is essential to address all impurities, and in particular, this applies when different types of feedstock are processed in the same production line. We build them flexibly, so that all precautions have been taken for these challenges down the road.”
One of those challenges, for example, may be processing rendered animal fats with high polyethylene (PE) particle concentrations, which cannot be removed through traditional pretreatment methods. “This easily results in capacity problems,” Baumgartner says. He tells Biodiesel Magazine that BDI has developed a patent-pending, smart PE removal process that is installed upstream of the prepurification unit, and operates without filtration. In cases where feedstocks without PE particles are pro-
cessed, the unit can be bypassed, according to Baumgartner. If required, other units can be added downstream, for example—to reduce or convert free fatty acids.
As for a recent example of a pretreatment plant BDI has delivered, repeat customer Crimson Renewable Energy L.P., in Bakersfield, California, underwent commissioning in 2020. The 40,000-ton plant pretreats waste oils and fats for processing into biodiesel.
Baumgartner emphasizes BDI’s ability to react quickly to assist customers in testing new feedstocks. The company prides itself on its customer service, providing reliable support during the lifetime of the plant, from feedstock evaluation in the lab, to startup of the plant to post-commissioning, working with them to optimize production, whether it’s a pretreatment or biodiesel plant. And support is available 24/7 via a hotline.
Research and development, a cornerstone of the company’s business model, has paved the way for the technological developments BDI has achieved to date—and there is much more in store, according to Baumgartner. “We have conducted intensive research with a special focus on further reducing phosphorous and metals in poor-quality oils and lowering residual concentrations, as well as reduction of organic chlorine compounds,” he adds. “We have achieved positive results and are at a breakthrough point. This solution will be a significant advantage for BDI customers in the near future, and it will soon be ready for the market.”
In 2020, industry trade groups sued the U.S EPA over its final 2020 Renewable Fuel Standard. Part of the suit challenged the RFS requirements regarding separated food waste—the Clean Fuels Alliance of America alleged that new recordkeeping requirements were actively harming its member businesses. Since then, the EPA agreed to work with Clean Fuels to revise its recordkeeping requirements for biodiesel and renewable diesel producers.
Recordkeeping challenges in renewable diesel aren’t new, but the struggle to balance the desire to incentivize production of low-carbon-intensity (low CI) fuels without harming collectors or tolerating fraud has come to a head. The following is what stakeholders need to know about the regulations.
The collection and sale of used cooking oil and its use in producing biodiesel are regulated at both the federal and state levels. Essentially, some U.S. state and federal governments incentivize the use of low-carbonintensity fuels, such as sustainably grown virgin oil as well as ultra-low-CI recycled feedstocks, to help lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the country’s reliance on foreign sources of fuel. To do this, the government has designed three programs: a federal tax policy that rewards use of low CI fuel, the federal Renewable Fuel Standard and the California Air Resources Board’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, the latter two of which set standards for the quantity of carbon reduction credits (RIN and LCFS credits, respectively) that an obligated party
must accumulate via creation or purchase each year.
The EPA manages the RFS program, which is very similar to a reverse cap and trade program in that rather than limiting the production of a pollutant, it mandates the production of a substitute. The national policy was enacted in 2005 and expanded two years later. Its purpose is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions created by the use of petroleum-based fuel by requiring that some of it be replaced by renewable fuels, including fuel made from both recycled and virgin fats and oils with approved pathways.
To comply with the RFS and meet the EPA-specified RVOs, those who refine or
import gasoline or diesel need to blend renewable fuels that meet certain emissions requirements into transportation fuel. The EPA allows biofuel producers to create renewable identification numbers (RINs) based on the volume and type of fuel produced (anywhere) and then sold for end use in the U.S. The RINs then migrate through the supply chain either connected to the liquid fuel, or separated and traded at market value. Fuel producers that make only renewable fuel sell all of their RINs, revenue that is critical to profitability. In essence, the value of the RIN must trade at a level that incentivizes biofuel producers to create the RINs needed by the obligated parties.
The California Air and Resources Board enacted an additional program, similar to the RFS, called the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Since many in the industry sell oil into the state of California, it's relevant to more than just California residents. Like the RFS, CARB’s LCFS awards companies credits based on the volume of low-carbonintensity fuels they produce. One notable difference between the federal and California programs are that under the California LCFS program, each feedstock pathway generates a different number of credits, making feedstock tracking critical even amongst the basket of approved and sustainable feedstocks.
The high value of oil could also inspire bad actors to steal used cooking oil (UCO) from facilities that have not agreed for them to take it—a growing problem in the industry that harms restaurants, used cooking oil collectors and even the surrounding communities. If an aggregator purchases stolen cooking oil, oil that by definition lacks a verifiable supply chain, then there’s no way to confirm that their feedstock meets the requirements to produce renewable fuel that will reduce greenhouse gases. If unverified, stolen UCO can enter the supply chain, so what is to stop millions of gallons of unapproved palm oil from also slipping through the cracks? It also means that unscrupulous blenders, aggregators or traders could pass off noncompliant feedstocks such as virgin palm oil at a hefty profit, or perhaps, blend it with actual low
CI, recycled feedstock to better cover their molecular tracks.
Enter the recordkeeping requirements. A producer must be able to document the location of origin of all of the renewable fuel feedstock it uses, so that if one of the regulating agencies chose to conduct an audit, it could account for its renewable fuel throughout its lifecycle, proving that it really was renewable with the claimed carbon intensity.
Prior to the 2020 RVO, “From our understanding, for these record-keeping requirements, ‘location’ could be broad enough to be a small area, so whether that's a county or certain zip code or a certain suburb area,” explains Kate Shenk, regulatory director at Clean Fuels. “That way, if you were adding new restaurants or changing up where you're getting your UCO from, you weren't updating each restaurant location each time.”
But that changed with the 2020 iteration of the RFS. In 2020, the EPA updated the preamble to the rule, adding, “Since many renewable fuel producers receive wastes used as feedstocks from an aggregator, we interpret the term ‘location’ to mean the physical address that the aggregator obtained the wastes used as feedstocks from, not the physical or company address of the aggregator.”
Ashley Player, a partner in Energy Compliance Services at Weaver, explains that now, “In order to be in compliance with these regulations, renewable fuel producers that purchase UCO from aggregators must obtain documents demonstrating all of the sources of the oil collected, down to the restaurant addresses.”
The news was met with frustration and skepticism because many large biofuel producers don’t just buy UCO, they also collect it—if those companies had access to the client lists of the collectors they’re buying from, what’s to stop them from targeting those restaurants and facilities themselves? “This is considered confidential and proprietary information by collectors and aggregators, putting renewable fuel producers in a tough situation,” Player says.
When the EPA announced the updated RVO in 2021, smaller biofuel producers were left behind, Shenk says. These smaller pro-
ducers had voluntarily enrolled in a Quality Assurance Plan for the RFS. QAP required the producers to submit the compliance data for the UCO they purchased to a third party auditor who could verify its authenticity. Having this verification protects a small producer from liability for invalidated RINs.
Unfortunately, with the new interpretation of the RFS rule, producers enrolled in the program weren’t able to buy oil from their usual collectors, because some of the collectors were unable or unwilling to hand over the addresses of the facilities from which they’d collected the oil, which they now needed for verification. Only “larger producers who are not under QAP could take [the oil],” Shenk says, because they hadn’t enrolled in the QAP.
Ultimately, the Clean Fuels Alliance sued the EPA over the new regulations. Rather than animosity, the lawsuit has clarified industry needs, and the EPA seems to be listening. “We’ve had a lot of really great conversations [with the EPA] since this rule came out,” Shenk says.
On Dec. 1, the EPA released the new RFS rule for public comment. In it, the agency outlined a system by which third parties, rather than the biofuel producers, could collect, maintain and verify records from UCO collectors, keeping the restaurant addresses confidential. "A third party having those records and being able to verify the collections if there's a need for an audit will allow our industry to keep doing what it's already doing,” says Paul Winters, public affairs director at Clean Fuels.
Reiter software can securely maintain records with GPS confirmation and volume retrieved at each location, and allow for a nearly instant third-party audit. “Reiter software is always adapting, and as the industry evolves, our software will continue to streamline the work of UCO collectors,” adds Kristof Reiter, CEO of Reiter Software.
PQ provides a variety of adsorbents tailored to the Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel industries. Not only can such adsorbents address contaminant levels but they can contribute to lower operating costs by reducing overall chemical buy, minimizing feedstock losses and lessening generation of waste. Contact us to learn more and discuss a customized solution.
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Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
Mark Napier, Senior Trader
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Workmaster 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355 Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) info@workmaster.net www.workmaster.net
Phone (612-859-8207) sales@wolfmhs.com wolfmhs.com
Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketing Manager
Wolf Material Handling Systems 231 Main Street Northwest, Suite 6 Elk River, MN 55330
Phone (949-478-3488) peter.martin@jfm-llc.com www.wishstone-energy.com
Peter Martin, Partner
Wishstone Energy 1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Westmor 14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038 Jon Krueger, Field Service Sales & Operations Manager Phone (763-571-8110) info@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Western States Controls 815 Arnold Drive #118 Martinez, CA 94553 Tim Rose, President Phone (925-370-1500) timr@iwestco.com www.iwestco.com
Western Grease Recycling 4420 Capital Street, Suite D Caldwell, ID 83605 Jon Kruck, Owner Phone (208-870-4631) jon@westerngrease.com www.westerngrease.com
Thomas Brooks, General Manager Phone (563-744-3554) Fax (563-744-3524) tom.brooks@wdbiodiesel.net www.wdbiodiesel.net
Western Dubuque Biodiesel PO Box 82 904 Jamesmeier Road Farley, IA 52046
Randy Baerg, President Phone (559-591-6790) Fax (559-591-5728) info@warrenbaerg.com www.warrenbaerg.com
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc. 39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618
grace.com/industries/biofuels/ biomass-based-diesel
Chelsea Grimes, Marketing Manager of Materials Technologies Phone (667-300-8698) chelsea.grimes@grace.com
W. R. Grace & Co. 7500 Grace Drive Columbia, MD 21044
Ryan Hilburn, Chief Forester Phone (530-243-2783) ryanh@wmbeaty.com wmbeaty.com
W. M. Beaty & Associates, Inc. 845 Butte Street Redding, CA 96001
Vanguard Global Enterprises, Inc. 821 La Plaza Avenue South South Pasadena, FL 33707 Y.Z. Lahav Phone (727-710-1380) Fax (727-544-2543) yzleop@yahoo.com
Vance Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd. PLO 668/669, Jalan Keluli 5 Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim 81700 Malaysia Tian Ching Long, Director Phone (6072-571-328) Fax (6072-571-329) biodiesel@vancebioenergy.com www.vancebioenergy.com
Valuation and Assets Services, LLC 2108 Carroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702 K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) projects@valuationandassets.com www.valuationandassets.com
Viking Pump, Inc. 406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 John Hall, Manager of Business Development Phone (319-429-5575) jhall@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
Jim Buckingham, Director Phone (972-885-8899) info@vikingequipmentfinance.com www.vikingequipmentfinance.com/ energy
Viking Equipment Finance 5900 South Lake Forest Drive Suite 300 McKinney, TX 75070
Georg Schick, President Phone (267-757-0351) Fax (267-757-0358) info-us@verder-scientific.com www.verder-scientific.com
Verder Scientific, Inc. 11 Penns Trail, Suite 300 Newtown, PA 18940
Rand Dueweke, Vice President Phone (866-306-4777) rand.dueweke@verbio.us www.verbio.us
Welland, ON L3B 6A7 Canada
1 St. Clair Drive
VERBIO Diesel Canada Corporation
altorcV International PO Box 1928 Kennesaw, GA 30156 AJ Bental, President Phone (770-423-7100) ajbental@valtorc.com www.valtorc.com
Valmet 44 Bowditch Drive Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Jay Hunt, Business Development Manager Phone (508-852-0200) flowcontrol@valmet.com www.valmet.com/flowcontrol
Loren Isom, Assistant Director Phone (402-472-1634) agproducts@unl.edu agproducts.unl.edu USFiltermaxx 1257 Energy Cove Court Jacksonville, FL 32043 Stephen Chastain, Owner, CEO & Mechanical Engineer Phone (904-334-2838) steve.chastain@usfiltermaxx.com usfiltermaxx.com
Agricultural Products Center 3605 Fair Street 208 Chase Hall Lincoln, NE 68583
University of Nebraska-Industrial
United Color Manufacturing, Inc. PO Box 480 Newtown, PA 18940 Sales Department Phone (215-860-2165) Fax (215-860-8560) sales@unitedcolor.com www.unitedcolor.com
Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (970-472-1304) jfritz@towerperformance.com www.towerperformance.com
Jalene Fritz, Parts Sales Manager
Tower Performance LLC 8031 Airport Boulevard, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061
mkt.industrial@tolsa.com www.tolsa.com
Phone (34-91-322-0100)
UJulio Lopez, Marketing Leader of Industrial Products
TOLSA c/Nunez de Balboa 51, 1 Madrid Spain
Jon Olson, CEO Phone (312-286-1809) jon.olson@trumarx.com www.trumarx.com
TruMarx Data Partners, Inc. 110 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2500 Chicago, IL 60606
Gregg Yates, Director of Marketing Phone (214-631-4420) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com
TrinityRail 14221 North Dallas Parkway Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254
John Schneider, Southwest Regional Development Leader Phone (970-302-7061) jschneider@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
Trihydro Corporation 1672 Independence Drive, Suite 315 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Jason Hurst, CEO Phone (920-759-7477) info@tridentautomation.com www.tridentautomation.com
Trident Automation, Inc. 1001 West Kennedy Avenue Kimberly, WI 54136
Storage Tanks & Pressure Vessels Phone (214-704-3713) Fax (817-821-4618) don.wallace@triarccorp.com www.triarctank.com
TRIARC Tank, LLC 500 North Akard Street, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75201 Don Wallace, Sales Manager of ASME
Dan Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024) dgrabowski@trccompanies.com www.trccompanies.com
TRC Environmental Corporation 7521 Brush Hill Road Burr Ridge, IL 60527
bizdev@tsargent.com www.tasargent.com
Phone (515-232-0442)
Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development
Todd & Sargent, Inc. 2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010
Phone (731-234-1697) smaupin@tnsoybeans.org tnsoybeans.org
Stefan Maupin, Executive Director
TN Soybean Promotion Council 100 Executive Drive Jackson, TN 38305
John Kutsch, Executive Director Phone (312-303-5019) thoriumenergyalliance@gmail.com thoriumenergyalliance.com
Thorium Energy Alliance 107 West Front Street Harvard, IL 60033
Mary Perales, Executive Assistant Phone (800-869-5124) maryp@thirdcoastcommodities.com www.thirdcoastcommodities.com
Third Coast Commodities 107 Main Street Buchanan, MI 49107
Todd Fahring, Sales Phone (770-910-4232) tfahring@thermalpd.com www.thermalpd.com
Thermal Process Development 5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharetta, GA 30004
Phone (734-330-1961) Fax (734-475-0452) ryan@prxgeo.com www.proexporter.com
Ryan Ruikka, Biofuels Energy Analyst
The ProExporter Network 114 South Main Street, Suite 100 Chelsea, MI 48118
Phone (61-400-681-283) info@biocubeco.com www.biocubeco.com
Laurence Baum, Managing Director
The BioCube Coporation, Ltd. PO Box 567 Ashmore City, QLD 4214 Australia
Owner Phone (514-862-3127) info@tegaconsultants.ca tegaconsultants.ca
Cesar Augusto Colmenares, Consultant/Senior Process Engineer/
TEGA Consultants Inc. 15792 Willow Street Montreal, QC H9H 2W5 Canada
Emma Ragauskas, Division Manager Phone (770-209-7228) eragauskas@tappi.org tappi-ibbc.org
TAPPI International Bioenergy & Bioproducts Conference (IBBC) 15 Technology Parkway West Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
Krystal Moentmann, Administrative Assistant Phone (314-739-9191) Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
TAPCO Inc. 225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044
Terry Geraghty, Sales Manager Phone (314-739-9191) Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
TAPCO Inc. 225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044
Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfirefightingfoam.com novacool.com
SW Firefighting Foam & Equipment, LLC 25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505
Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc. 4803 Marymead Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Jill Hamilton, President Phone (703-322-4484) jhamilton@sesi-online.com www.sesi-online.com
Sunho Biodiesel Corporation 10F-6 380 Linsen North Road Taipei 104 Taiwan Jane Lai, Vice President Phone (886-225642720) Fax (886-225431603) info@sunhobiodiesel.com www.sunhobiodiesel.com
Phone (20-10-018-69632) hossam.bakry@suco-eg.com www.suco-eg.com
Equipment Engineer Manager
Elmohendessin, Cairo Egypt Hossam Mohamed Elbakry, Rotating
Suez Oil Company (SUCO) & EGPC 21 Ahmed Oraby Street
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP 180 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038 Marvin Goldstein, Partner Phone (212-806-5629) Fax (212-806-6006) mgoldstein@stroock.com www.stroock.com
TSTI/SPFA 944 Donata Court Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Tim O'Toole, Executive Vice President Phone (847-438-8265) info@steeltank.com www.steeltank.com
George Spina, Business Development & Marketing Manager Phone (973-778-3000) sales@swepcotube.com www.swepcotube.com
Swepco Tube, LLC One Clifton Boulevard Clifton, NJ 07011
Erick Neuman, International Business Manager Phone (708-587-2300) sales@swensontechnology.com www.swensontechnology.com
Swenson Technology, Inc. 26000 South Whiting Way Monee, IL 60449
Robert Young, Quality Assurance Phone (770-205-1969) Fax (770-205-2882) robert.young@sterlingdeaerator.com www.sterlingdeaerator.com
Sterling Deaerator Company 514 West Maple Street, Suite 205 Cumming, GA 30040
Phone (417-865-5696) info@stainlessfab.com www.stainlessfab.com
Dianne McCoy, Marketing Manager
Stainless Fabrication, Inc. 4455 West Kearney Street Springfield, MO 65803
Steven Levy, Managing Director of New Business Development Phone (914-328-6770) rp@spragueenergy.com www.spragueenergy.com
Sprague Operating Resources, LLC 185 International Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801
SOS, Inc. PO Box 7282 Duluth, MN 55807 Jim Carter, President Phone (218-626-3917) Fax (218-626-2027) jim@sosleakrepair.com www.sosleakrepair.com
Lois Baiad, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Phone (203-270-4600) Fax (203-270-4610) lbaiad@sonics.com www.sonics.com
Sonics & Materials, Inc. 53 Church Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470
Solvent Systems International 70 King Street Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Steve Rundell, President Phone (847-437-1100) Fax (847-437-1101) srundell@solvent-systems.com www.solvent-systems.com
Solutions 4 Manufacturing 1627 Baldwin Road Jacksonville, IL 62650 Tripp Fezler, CEO Phone (217-245-2919) Fax (775-361-0279) tripp@solutions4mfg.com www.solutions4mfg.com
Smart Alternative Fuels, Inc. 1095 Hilltop Drive, Suite 172 Redding, CA 96003 Jayson Nalley, President Phone (855-873-3645) jayson@smartalternativefuels.com smartalternativefuels.com
Kevin McLaughlin, Advertising/Public Relations Supervisor Phone (410-381-1227) kgmclaughlin@shimadzu.com www.ssi.shimadzu.com
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046
Sandeep Khadke, Director Phone (91-9820029829) Fax (91-2227696325) sales@sharplexfilters.com www.sharplex.com
Sharplex Filters (India) Pvt., Ltd. R-664 Rabale MIDC Navimumbai, Maharashtra 400701 India
Jose Miguel Paredes Sanchez, Senior Associate Phone (591-76969341) m.paredes@serratepaz.com www.serratepaz.com
Serrate Paz & Asociados Acera Norte Plaza Antonio Landivar Serrate No. 107 Zona Equietrol Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia
Phone (52-44-27-910-514) info@sepigel.net www.sepigel.net
Javier Aznar, Business Development Manager
Sepigel Camino a Puremin 1100 Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro 76700 Mexico
Barbara Cendon, Marketing Manager Phone (44-1-9353-82512) sales.uk@seepex.com www.seepex.com
Somerset, Yeovil United Kingdom
Seepex UK, Ltd. 3 Armtech Row Houndstone Business Park
Ron Lowry, Product Manager Phone (508-842-9292) Fax (508-842-9020) seatechbio@aol.com www.seatechbioproducts.com
SeaTech Bioproducts 167B Memorial Drive Memorial Business Park Shrewsbury, MA 01545
SearchPath of Chicago, Inc. 521 Devonshire Lane, Suite D Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Chris Hillman, President Phone (815-261-4403) chillman@searchpath.com www.searchpathofchicago.com
Maxwell Pfotenhauer, Sales Executive of Environmental Certification Services Phone (510-993-0167) mpfotenhauer@scsglobalservices.com www.scsglobalservices.com
SCS Global Services 2000 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608
Matthew Harrison, Manager Phone (503-975-8615) office@scoutseptic.com www.scoutseptic.com
Scout Septic, Grease & Drain 15535 Southeast 287th Avenue Boring, OR 97009
Megan Harmon, Partner Phone (412-577-5209) mharmon@schnader.com www.schnader.com
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP Fifth Avenue Place 120 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2700 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Savengy Technologies 3259 Progress Drive, Room 108 Orlando, FL 32826 Wei Wu, Manager Phone (407-494-5663) weiwu@savengy.com www.savengy.com
SAFFiRE Renewables 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.saffirerenewables.com SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 39
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www. safmagazine.com
SAF Magazine 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Adam Belyamani, Chief Operating Officer Phone (316-413-3345) Fax (316-413-3346) info@saolaenergy.com www.saolaenergy.com
Saola Energy LLC 100 North Main Street, Suite 600 Wichita, KS 67202
Phone (604-986-0663) Fax (604-986-0525) ahumber@sacre-davey.com www.sacre-davey.com
Alan Humber, Director of Business Development
315 Mountain Hwy Vancouver, BC V7J 2K7 Canada
Sacre-Davey Engineering
Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal Phone (516-333-4526) Fax (516-333-4571) bailey@rtpenv.com www.rtpenv.com
RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. 400 Post Avenue, Suite 405 Westbury, NY 11590
Route Simplified 599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507 Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reitersoftware.com
Joe Jobe, President & Founder Phone (573-680-1948) joe@rockhouse.us www.rockhouse.us
Rock House Advisors 1703 Bald Hill Road Jefferson City, MO 65101
Research Laboratories, Inc. 6209 Discount Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Matt Alt, Laboratory Manager Phone (260-489-2551) Fax (260-489-9834) malt@researchlaboratoriesinc.com www.researchlaboratoriesinc.com
Monte Goodell, Executive Director Phone (832-758-0027) info@renewablenaturalgas.com www.renewablenaturalgas.com
Renewable Energy Institute 6705 Bancroft Woods Austin, TX 78729
editors@rendermagazine.com www.rendermagazine.com
Render Magazine PO Box 126041 Benbrook, TX 76126 Sharla Ishmael, Editor/Publisher Phone (888-927-3634)
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reitertrading.com www.reitertrading.com
Reiter Trading, LLC 599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507
kristof@reitersoftware.com www.reitersoftware.com
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617)
SReiter Software, LLC 599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507
James Natwick, President Phone (701-793-2360) Fax (701-235-1573) natwick@integra.net natwick.com
Natwick Appraisals 1205 Fourth Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.nationalsafconference.com
National SAF Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com nationalcarboncaptureconference.com
National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Natalia Cetune, CEO Phone (786-356-4319) natacha9999@hotmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/ licenciadanataliacetune
Natalia Cetune 2899 Collins Avenue #627 Miami Beach, FL 33140
Rich Barton, President Phone (615-472-8431) rich@nhmoore.com www.nhmoore.com
N N Hunt Moore & Associates 1242 Old Hillsboro Road Franklin, TN 37069
Alicia Colacci, Marketing Coordinator Phone (973-233-6791) a.colacci@munzing.com www.munzing.com
Munzing 1455 Broad Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Phone (630-552-4115) Fax (630-552-3688) sales@mthpumps.com www.mthpumps.com
Scott Carlson, Graphics & Marketing
MTH Pumps 401 West Main Street Plano, IL 60545
Valerie Simeral, President Phone (410-729-6678) mpbtrading@mpbcommodities.com www.mpbcommodities.com
MPB Commodities Brokerage 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway Suite 175 Annapolis, MD 21054
Phone (406-370-7100) mtinvgrp@aol.com
Derek Nelson, Managing Partner
Montana-Boston Partners, LLC 107 Cotter Court Missoula, MT 59803
Sarah Hammond, Marketing Phone (941-727-1800) shammond@moisttech.com www.moisttech.com
MoistTech Corp. 6408 Parkland Drive, Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34243
Charles Nolan, President Phone (408-483-5922) chucknln@sbcglobal.net www.modular-e.com
Modular Energy Solutions PO Box 2759 Santa Clara, CA 95055
Phone (917-653-3017) bam@mklcapital.com www.mklcapital.com
Brian Morrison, Managing Director
MKL Capital LLC Box 963 Bronxville, NY 10708
Tom Rodis, Commodity Merchant Phone (507-842-6713) tom.rodis@mnsoy.com mnsoy.com
Minnesota Soybean Processors PO Box 100 121 Zeh Avenue Brewster, MN 56119
Jeramie Weller, General Manager Phone (507-846-6677) jeramie.weller@mnsoy.com www.mnsoy.com
Minnesota Soybean Processors PO Box 100 121 Zeh Avenue Brewster, MN 56119
Lisa Hughes, Business Development Manager Phone (507-380-3220) lisa.hughes@state.mn.us joinusmn.com
180 East Fifth Street, 12th Floor Great Northern Building St. Paul, MN 55101
Minnesota Clean Cities Coalition 490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103
Mike Youngerberg, Executive Director Phone (507-388-1635) Fax (507-388-6751) mike@agmgmtsolutions.com mnbiodiesel.com
Minnesota Biodiesel Council 1020 Innovation Lane Mankato, MN 56001
Jayce Tomlin, Marketing & Recruiting Manager Phone (605-252-2207) jtomlin@mmsinconline.com mmsinconline.com
Miller Mechanical Specialties 1200 Centre Point Curve #200 Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Everett Osgood, Fuel Additives Director Phone (913-390-5556) fueladditives@mcchemical.com www.mcchemical.com
MidContinental Chemical Company, Inc. 1802 East 123rd Terrace Olathe, KS 66061
James Miller, Digital Marketing Manager Phone (216-881-7900) jmiller@metchem.com metchem.com
Met-Chem, Inc. 837 East 79th Street Cleveland, OH 44103
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
Merjent, Inc. 1 Main Street Southeast, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Rich Slagle, Director of Development Phone (218-731-8282) rich.slagle@mcgough.com www.mcgough.com
McGough Construction 400 East Broadway, Suite 101 Bismarck, ND 58501
Mike Arrington, Sales Manager Phone (317-847-5413) mike.arrington@masonmfg.com www.masonmfg.com
Mason Manufacturing PO Box 3577 1645 North Railroad Avenue Decatur, IL 62524
Lisa Thurstin, Director Phone (651-223-9568) lisa.thurstin@lung.org www.cleanairchoice.org Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic
Manuelita Aceites y Energia Carrera 7 Numero 73-55 Oficina 1101 Bogota, Cundinamarca 110221 Colombia Francesco Giovanelli, New Business Development Manager Phone (57-131-53632261) francesco.giovanelli@manuelita.com www.manuelita.com
Tyler Maas, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (507-285-1444) maas@maascompanies.com www.maascompanies.com
Maas Companies, Inc. PO Box 7127 Rochester, MN 55903
LTS LLC 11932 Brittmoore Park Drive Houston, TX 77041 Dan Ward, Sales Manager Phone (832-467-4040) dward@ltsenergy.com www.ltsenergy.com
Zach Waickman, Biodiesel Lab Manager Phone (773-508-8852) zwaickm@luc.edu www.luc.edu/biodiesel
Loyola University Chicago 6349 North Kenmore Avenue Chicago, IL 60660
Robert Naidel, Vice President of Technology Phone (941-966-1885) engineering@lotusmixers.com www.lotusmixers.com
Lotus Mixers, Inc. 3449 Technology Drive #201 North Venice, FL 34275
Love Goyal, Project Manager Phone (805-637-5750) goyal@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
Life Cycle Associates LLC 884 Portola Road, Suite A11 San Mateo, CA 94028
Scott Lewis, Vice President Phone (952-939-0933) scottl@libertycomcorp.com www.libertycomcorp.com
Liberty Commodities Corporation 14702 Excelsior Boulevard #1301 Minnetonka, MN 55345
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reiterscientific.com www.reiterscientific.com
Reiter Scientific Consulting, LLC 599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507
Rocky Costello, President Phone (310-792-5870) rcca@rccostello.com www.rccostello.com
R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc. 1611 South Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 302 Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Richard Heiden, CSTO Phone (717-299-6860) Fax (717-299-6868) rwheidenphd@aol.com supersleuthchemists.com
1860 Charter Lane, Unit 206 Greenfield Corporate Park Lancaster, PA 17601
R W Heiden Associates LLC
Dusty Cooper, Sales Phone (806-356-9800) Fax (806-356-9807) info@psi-technology.com www.psi-technology.com
Process Solutions Integration (PSI) 5204 West Farmers Avenue Amarillo, TX 79109
Richard Rutigliano, President Phone (516-222-2041) rrutigliano@primediany.com primediany.com
PriMedia, Inc. 401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 310 Garden City, NY 11530
Phone (218-263-4444) Fax (218-262-4848) melisa@premiumplantservices.com www.premiumplantservices.com
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager
Premium Plant Services, Inc. 1336 East 31st Street Hibbing, MN 55746
RJohn McNichol, Global Market Development & Technical Service Manager Phone (561-379-8274) john.mcnichol@pqcorp.com www.pqcorp.com
Aaron Cummings, Director of Business Development Phone (281-991-3500) aaron.cummings@pscgroup.com pscgroup.com
PSC Group 5025 Preston Avenue Pasadena, TX 77505
Rudy Pruszko, President Phone (563-582-4545) biorudy@gmail.com biodieselbasics.com
Pruszko Consulting 16148 Paradise Lane Dubuque, IA 52002
Niall Gillen, Director of Operations Phone (800-871-0773) niall@propelfuels.com propelfuels.com
Propel Fuels, Inc. 1815 19th Street Sacramento, CA 95811
Rob Coffee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (209-483-5107) robc@procoproducts.com www.procoproducts.com
Proco Products, Inc. PO Box 590 2431 North Wigwam Drive (95205) Stockton, CA 95201
Ron Pagel, Sr. Account Manager Phone (920-841-3286) pagelr@pondco.com www.pondco.com
Pond & Company 3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 500 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
Fangshan, Weifang China Xavier Zhang, Commercial Director Phone (86-1885362192586) info@polynovabio.com www.polynovabio.com
Polynova Industry Co. Limited No. 5777
Pollution Systems, Inc. 2170 Buckthorne Place, Suite 160 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Curt Jordan, Account Manager Phone (713-574-6661) sales@pollutionsystems.com www.pollutionsystems.com
Bryan Debshaw, CEO Phone (317-808-3750) bdebshaw@polarislabs.com polarislabs.com
Pinion 8801 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219 Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5002) Fax (913-643-5001) donna.funk@pinionglobal.com www.pinionglobal.com/industry/ biofuels
Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191) Fax (262-338-8489) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
PQ Corporation PO Box 840 Valley Forge, PA 19482
Permanente Corporation 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Marc A. Seidner, President Phone (310-569-6500) marc@permanentecorp.com www.permanentecorp.com
Pennsylvania Energy Resources Group, LLC PO Box 1205 Harrisburg, PA 17108 John Nikoloff, President & Partner Phone (717-233-8606) Fax (717-798-3159) john@pa-erg.com www.erg-partners.com
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com/pelletmill-magazine
Pellet Mill Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Jenna Long, Director of Operations Phone (808-877-3144) jenna@biodiesel.com www.biodiesel.com
Pacific Biodiesel 40 Hobron Avenue Kahului, HI 96732
Plasma Blue 1020 Innovation Lane Mankato, MN 56001 Tom Slunecka, CEO Phone (507-388-1635) Fax (507-388-6751) tom@agmgmtsolutions.com plasma-blue.com POLARIS Laboratories 7451 Winton Drive Indianapolis, IN 46268
Oil-Dri Corporation of America 218 North Sixth Street West Dundee, IL 60118 Steven Powell, Regional Sales Manager Phone (317-361-5453) steven.powell@oildri.com www.oildri.com
Bruce Comer, Managing Director Phone (310-670-2093) bruce@oceanpk.com www.oceanpk.com
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Ocean Park 655 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 340-D
Rogerio Prata, Senior Manager of Technical Service Phone (919-494-3281) rogp@novozymes.com www.novozymes.com
Novozymes 77 Perrys Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525
Carlie Koberstine, Coordinator Phone (651-337-5096) carlie.koberstine@lung.org www.cleanairchoice.org/ clean-cities/north-dakota-cleancities/#/analyze?region=USND&access=public&a
North Dakota Clean Cities Coalition 490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103
Rodney Pennington, Senior Sales Director Phone (407-492-1955) Fax (610-323-7670) rpennington@nestecinc.com www.nestecinc.com
Nestec, Inc. PO Box 125 222 East Main Street Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Terrence Nayes, Owner & Engineer Phone (952-239-5377) tlnayes@hotmail.com
PNayes Associates, LLC 30 South Ninth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402
Brendan Lachaal, Owner Phone (716-319-4332) info@loliveoil.com www.loliveoil.com
Les Bons Vivants, LLC PO Box 918 465 Grant Street Buffalo, NY 14213
Chuck Penner, President Phone (204-949-1726) info@leftfieldcr.com www.leftfieldcr.com
LeftField Commodity Research 52 Swiss Bay Winnipeg, MB R2G 2P3 Canada
Ryan Boyd, Sales Phone (813-704-4966) r.boyd@leemfiltration.com leemfiltration.com
Leem Filtration 25 Arrow Road Ramsey, NJ 07446
Wayne Lee, CEO Phone (501-951-4774) Fax (501-833-8511) wayne@lec-exec.com www.lee-enterprises.com
Lee Enterprises Consulting Partners, LLC 9851 Brockington Road, Suite 4 Sherwood, AR 72120
Lawrence Sullivan, Principal Phone (651-269-7737) ldsul@ldsulco.com www.ldsulco.com
LD Sullivan & Company, LLC 2314 Hummingbird Lane Summerville, SC 29483
Jim Galvin, CEO Phone (312-386-5894) jim.galvin@lakeviewenergyllc.com www.lakeviewenergyllc.com
Lakeview Energy 300 West Adams, Suite 830 Chicago, IL 60606
Dave Kyte, President Phone (832-368-2667) info@kytecentrifuge.com www.kytecentrifuge.com
Kyte Centrifuge, LLC 59 West Bradford Hill Road Mills River, NC 28759
Phone (402-346-6000) Fax (402-346-1148) david.bracht@kutakrock.com www.kutakrock.com
David Bracht, Attorney
Kutak Rock, LLP 1650 Farnam Street The Omaha Building Omaha, NE 68102
KUKK K+F, Ltd. Szigetvari u 1 Budapest 1083 Hungary Andras J. Kovacs Phone (36-30-211-410-1) andras@kukk.hu kukk.hu
Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice Phone (202-508-5823) Fax (202-318-4087) mriedy@kilpatricktownsend.com www.kilpatricktownsend.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP 607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005
Jerry Dawson, General Manager Phone (641-792-8505) Fax (641-792-7898) jdawson@kmtlabs.com www.kmtlabs.com
Keystone Materials Testing, Inc. 600 East 17th Street South Newton, IA 50208
Supply, Marketing & Logistics Phone (661-845-0761) sales@kernoil.com www.kernenergy.com
Jayson Busch, Vice President of
Kern Oil & Refining Co. dba Kern Energy 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93312
Phone (502-782-9265) timd.hughes@ky.gov www.kyagr.com/trade
Tim Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor
Kentucky Department of Agriculture 105 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone (515-559-5100) brandon.lewis@kemin.com www.kemin.com/bio
Brandon Lewis, Principal Scientist
Keit Spectrometers 16180 Lea Oak Court Chesterfield, MO 63017
Louie Brown, Partner Phone (916-448-3826) lbrown@kscsacramento.com www.ksclawyers.com
Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP 1415 L Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814
JWC Environmental 2850 Red Hill, Suite 125 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Stephanie Jeffers, Marketing Manager Phone (949-833-3888) jwce@jwce.com www.jwce.com
Phone (905-201-9511) jpatitsas@sympatico.ca www.jmitech.ca
John Patitsas, Project Manager
JMI Technologies, Ltd. 24 Peterkin Road Markham, ON L6E 1Y9 Canada
Raj Mosali, CEO Phone (937-663-3010) rmosali@jatrorenewables.com www.jatrorenewables.com
Jatro Renewables, Inc. 4738 Gateway Circle #K209 Hypernova Kettering, OH 45440
Marla Evangelista, Sales & Marketing Director Phone (602-889-3715) Fax (602-438-4420) sales@jasc-controls.com www.jasc-controls.com
JASC 2303 West Alameda Drive Tempe, AZ 85282
Phone (605-997-3706) mel@jcramsdell.net www.jcramsdell.com
Kelley Ramsdell, President
J.C. Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc. 408 South Veterans Street Flandreau, SD 57028
Christopher Piper, Sales Manager of North America Phone (314-775-9099) chris.piper@keit.co.uk www.keit.co.uk Kemin Bio Solutions 1900 Scott Avenue Des Moines, IA 50317
fuels@iowafuellab.com www.iowafuellab.com
Iowa Central Fuel Testing Laboratory Four Triton Circle Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Jessica Kavanaugh, Manager Phone (515-574-1259)
Dean Schoppe, Principal Engineer Phone (210-863-4702) dean.schoppe@intertek.com www.intertek.com
Intertek 5404 Bandera Road San Antonio, TX 78238
Scott Crum, Vice President of Sales Phone (724-981-3771) Fax (724-981-8383) scrum@interstatechemical.com www.interstatechemical.com
Interstate Chemical Company/ Alpont Methanol 2797 Freedland Road Hermitage, PA 16148
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
International Biomass Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com
Margareta Luddemann-Faris, Manager Phone (202-508-1629) Fax (202-331-3247) interdevelopment@starpower.net www.interdevelopment.com
Interdevelopment, Inc. 1629 K Street Northwest #300 Washington, DC 20006
Christian Daniel, Sales Director Phone (49-7251-93-24300) Fax (49-7251-93-24399) info@intec-energy.de www.intec-energy.com
JINTEC Engineering GmbH John-Deere-Str. 43 Bruchsal, Baden-Württemberg 76646 Germany
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (844-799-6582) mschinderle@ innovativeplantsolutions.com www.innovativeplantsolutions.com
Innovative Plant Solutions 3125 East 14th Avenue Hibbing, MN 55746
Amarjit Singh Sarpal, Head of Quality Control Lab Phone (91-989-9443336) sarpal.as2@gmail.com www.ocsgmbh.com
Ahinsha Naturez Park, Gurkul Road Sector 41, Flat No. C501 Faridabad, Haryana India
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Debra Sullo, Interim Marketing Specialist Phone (847-541-8300) Fax (847-541-9984) dsullo@indeck-power.com www.indeck.com
Indeck Power Equipment Company 1111 Willis Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090
Kristina Thompson, Marketing Manager Phone (770-645-3369) kristina.thompson@imerys.com www.imerys.com
Imerys 100 Mansell Court East, Suite 300 Roswell, GA 30076
Claire Weinzierl, Communications Manager Phone (309-846-8683) claire.weinzierl@ilsoy.org www.ilsoy.org
Illinois Soybean Association 1108 Trinity Lane Bloomington, IL 61704
Dan Ballenger, Bio Equipment Manager Phone (309-241-3983) danb@iome.com www.iome.com
Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment 850 Brenkman Drive Pekin, IL 61554
Phone (910-452-7059) amanda.tripp@ika.net www.ikaprocess.com
Amanda Tripp, Marketing Coordinator
I IKA Works, Inc. 2635 Northchase Parkway Southeast Wilmington, NC 28405
Judy Allen, Marketing Director Phone (262-792-1450) judy.allen@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
services/biofuels-biomass-landfill-gas Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045
Phone (402-964-5027) david.gardels@huschblackwell.com www.huschblackwell.com/industries_
David Gardels, Partner
Husch Blackwell 13330 California Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154
Rick Landenberger, Vice President of Renewable Fuels & Business Development Phone (402-960-8638) rick.landenberger@htpenergy.com htpenergy.com
HTP Energy 1045 North 115th, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68154
Hoffmann, Inc. 6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761 Alan Steiner, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (563-263-4733) sales@hoffmanninc.com hoffmanninc.com
Tracy Hennigan Bonnyman, Market Development Manager Phone (800-472-8484) thb@henniganengineering.com henniganengineering.com
Hennigan Engineering/Hennigan Energy Services Group 55 Industrial Park Road Hingham, MA 02043
Phone (951-741-7713) hempfuelgroup@gmail.com www.hempfuelgroup.com
Eduardo Herrera, Co-Founder
Kevin Drury, Owner/President Phone (515-964-7997) kdrury@hedlinag.com www.hedlinag.com
Hedlin Ag Enterprises PO Box 1235 Ankeny, IA 50021
James Mmbando, Engineering Projects Manager Phone (209-200-5113) jgmmbando@gmail.com heavenhill.com
Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 110 Waverly Drive Bardstown, KY 40004
Ellen Nichols, Marketing Manager Phone (888-429-5538) ellen.nichols@hawkmeasurement.com www.hawkmeasurement.com
Hawk Measurement (HAWK) 5010 Gateway Drive Medina, OH 44256
Todd Porter, President/Recruiter Phone (770-420-7440) tsporter@htprof.com www.htprof.com
H.T. PROF Clean Tech 1470 Benbow Street Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Jess Hewitt, President Phone (281-496-5100) Fax (281-496-5101) jess.hewitt@gulfhydrocarbon.com www.gulfhydrocarbon.com
Gulf Hydrocarbon 2415 South Dairy Ashford Road #C009 Houston, TX 77077
Jenny Rudat, Energy Marketing & Communications Manager Phone (309-557-6186) jrudat@growmark.com growmarkenergy.com
GROWMARK Energy 1701 Towanda Avenue Bloomington, IL 61701
HEMCO Corporation PO Box 1059 (64051) 711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056 Jerry Schwarz, Marketing Phone (800-779-4362) Fax (816-796-3333) jerry.schwarz@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com Hemp Fuel Group, LLC 12952 Clemson Drive Corona, CA 92880
GRIP Global Resources for Industrial Projects 1686 57A Street Delta, BC V4L 1X8 Canada Doug Ballard, President Phone (604-889-1855) Fax (866-695-9655) griprojects@gmail.com conveycanada.ca
Max Gregersen, Principal Structural Engineer Phone (385-232-1747) max@gsestructural.com gsestructural.com
Gregersen Structural Engineering, Inc. 1493 North 1500 West St. George, UT 84770
Robin Spinks, Partner Phone (910-617-7544) robin@greenfield.bz www.greenfield.bz
Greenfield Development 213 Seacrest Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
Gorman-Rupp Company 600 South Airport Road Mansfield, OH 44903 John Hoffner, Product Manager Phone (419-755-1011) Fax (419-755-1251) john.hoffner@gormanrupp.com www.grpumps.com
Dennis Zeedyk, CEO/President Phone (219-369-1066) glycerintraders@gmail.com www.glycerintraders.com
Glycerin Traders, LLC 3522 South State Road 104 LaPorte, IN 46350
Global Technical Services B 234 Oshiwara Industrial Center Goregaon West Mumbai Haiti Gaurav Mathur, CEO Phone (9892545299) gkm@gtsindia.com www.gtsindia.com
Brian Bigger, President/Recruiter Phone (218-308-9200) brian@globaltalentsolutions.com www.globaltalentsolutions.com
Frazee, MN 56544
Global Talent Solutions PO Box 235 201 East Main Avenue, Suite 9
Phone (201-245-5652) gregory.waranica@gea.com gea.com
Greg Waranica, Market Manager
GEA North America 100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647
Phone (870-698-3000) info@ffcmail.com www.futurefuelcorporation.com
Jerry Allison, Sales Manager
FutureFuel Chemical Company PO Box 2357 2800 Gap Road Batesville, AR 72501
Robert Pavlik, Oilseed Sales Engineer Phone (937-451-5438) Fax (937-773-3424) rppavlik@frenchoil.com www.frenchoil.com
French Oil Mill Machinery Co. PO Box 920 1035 West Greene Street Piqua, OH 45356
Jim Risselman, Sales Phone (262-268-0180) usa@fpz.com www.fpz.com
FPZ, Inc. 150 North Progress Drive Saukville, WI 53080
Flottweg Separation Technology 10700 Toebben Drive Indpendence, KY 41051 Lori Huber, Marketing Phone (859-448-2300) sales@flottweg.net www.flottweg.com
Filtration Technology Corporation 11883 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77066 John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) sales@ftc-houston.com www.ftc-houston.com
FID Chemicals (Division of Future International Diversified Inc.) 926 Jacques Paschini Street Bois-des-Filion Montreal, QC J6Z 4W4 Canada Zack Monahoyios, President Phone (450-621-4230) Fax (450-621-0503) zack@futureinternational.com www.fidchemicals.com
Dan Smith, Business Development Manager Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
Fiber Chem, Inc. 14857 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001
Fata Oil & Plantation Sdn. Bhd. Loring Pasir No. 9 2.5 Mile Rock Road Kuching, Sarawak/South East Asia 93200 Malaysia Ralph Fassbender, Managing Director Phone (6011-134-68450) Fax (6082-4173) fataoil@gmail.com fataoilsarawak.com
F Fagen, Inc. 501 West Hwy 212 Granite Falls, MN 56241 Will Stark, Vice President Phone (320-564-5284) wstark@fageninc.com www.fageninc.com
ExcelVite Sdn. Bhd. Lot 56442, 7 1/2 Mile Jalan Ipoh Chemor, Perak 31200 Malaysia Alex Goh, Head of Business Phone (6052-014-192) info@excelvite.com www.evbiodiesel.com
C.W. Kimbrell, President & CEO Phone (901-767-3101) cwk@excaliburlipid.com www.excaliburlipid.com
Excalibur Lipid Technology, Inc. 5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 1435 Memphis, TN 38104
Rio Caraig, Jr. Marketing Manager of Functional Solutions & Performance Materials Phone (862-217-7812) rio.caraig@evonik.com www.evonik/biodiesel
Evonik Corporation 299 Jefferson Road Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone (216-692-8359) jcrisman@euclidchemical.com www.euclidchemical.com
Jennifer Crisman, Director of Marketing Services
Ethanol Producer Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
John Nikoloff, President Phone (717-233-8606) Fax (717-798-3159) john@pa-erg.com www.erg-partners.com
ERG Partners 228 Walnut Street #1205 Harrisburg, PA 17108
Kyle Althoff, President Phone (303-910-6052) kalthoff@equinox8.com www.equinox8.com
Equinox 4255 43rd Avenue South Fargo, ND 58104
Tasha Jamaluddin Phone (936-273-3300) epcon@epconlp.com epconlp.com
Epcon Industrial Systems, LP 17777 I-45 South Conroe, TX 77385
Niels Mastrup, Technical Service Manager Phone (775-622-6384) niels.mastrup@ussilica.com www.epminerals.com
EP Minerals, a U.S. Silica Company 9785 Gateway Drive, Suite 1000 Reno, NV 89521
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Walter Gillis, Marketing Phone (603-624-5110) wgillis@evaporator.com www.evaporator.com
ENCON Evaporators 1368 Hooksett Road, Unit 9 Hooksett, NH 03106
Phone (416-456-0466) alan@ecostrat.com ecostrat.com
Alan Peranson, Director of Business Development
Toronto, ON M4T 1N5 Canada
60 St. Clair Avenue East #404
Ecostrat, Inc.
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.ethanolproducer.com Euclid Chemical 19215 Redwood Road Cleveland, OH 44110
Economy Controls Corporation 9801 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63123 Andrew Freeman, Project Manager Phone (314-544-3700) Fax (317-544-5373) sales@economycontrols.com www.economycontrols.com
Phone (800-942-9249) sales@econochill.com www.econochill.com
Christian Antalics, Product Manager
Econochill PO Box 1453 Eagle Pass, TX 78853
Roxby Hartley, Climate Risk Director Phone (515-985-1260) rhartley@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
EcoEngineers 909 Locust Street, Suite 202 Des Moines, IA 50309
David Nelson, Owner Phone (816-728-7300) dnelson41@kc.rr.com www.ecocircle.net
EcoCircle 13605 Timber Ridge Kansas City, MO 64152
jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com
E EcoCira, Inc. 3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405 Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282)
Adam Best, Content Marketing Manager Phone (952-882-4455) adam.best@dtn.com www.dtn.com/refined-fuels
DTN 11400 Rudd Drive Burnsville, MN 55337
Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director Phone (301-668-7230) dtf@dieselforum.org www.dieselforum.org
Diesel Technology Forum 5300 Westview Drive, Suite 308 Frederick, MD 21703
Gary Smith, Sales Manager Phone (208-409-8661) gsmith@dicalite.com www.dicalite.com
Dicalite Management Group 1001 Conshohocken State Road Suite 1-500 West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Phone (770-693-0061) Fax (770-693-0071) bh@desmetballestra.com www.desmetballestra.com
Blake Hendrix, President & CEO
Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc. 450 Franklin Road, Suite 170 Marietta, GA 30067
Walter Dobson, CEO Phone (512-247-3835) walter@americanbiosource.com www.dentonbiodiesel.com
Denton Biofuels LLC 624 West University Drive #359 Denton, TX 76201
Matthew Webb, Project Manager Phone (707-745-2080) mwebb@deltatechservice.com www.deltatechservice.com
Delta Tech Service, Inc. 397 West Channel Road Benicia, CA 94510
Gary DeLong, Vice President Phone (515-240-9586) garyd@degartglobal.com www.degartglobal.com
Degart Global, LLC 4810 74th Street Urbandale, IA 50322
John Tapp, President Phone (407-204-1000) john@deepsouthcommodities.com www.deepsouthcommodities.com
Deep South Commodities 919 Orange Avenue, Suite 202 Winter Park, FL 32789
Dollard des Ormeaux, QC H9A 3G4 Canada Erwin Schwartz, President Phone (514-531-3794) erwin@ddi-heatexchangers.com www.ddi-heatexchangers.com
DDI Heat Exchangers Inc. 305 Baffin Street
CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
Dürr Systems, Inc. 830 Prosper Street De Pere, WI 54115
Phone (213-302-6741) Fax (213-302-6967) williamd@dtcint.com www.dtcint.com
William Davis, President/CEO
Davis Trade & Commodities 515 South Flower Street, 18th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone (866-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development
D3MAX LLC 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Jeremiah Bear, Business Development Manager Phone (812-283-6675) sales@dallasgrp.com www.d-sol.com
D-SOL® PO Box 489 374 Route 22 Whitehouse, NJ 08888
Rich Washkevich, Sales Manager Phone (800-233-3233) Fax (810-679-4510) info@conveyorcomponents.com www.conveyorcomponents.com
Conveyor Components Company PO Box 167 130 Seltzer Road Croswell, MI 48422
Dan Treleaven, President Phone (604-946-7626) Fax (604-946-9609) dtreleaven@consolidatedbiofuels.net www.consolidatedbiofuels.net
Consolidated Biofuels Ltd. 7651 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1A6 Canada
Conifer Systems 6515 Willowbrook Park Houston, TX 77066 Cary Allen, Vice President of Environmental Solutions Phone (832-476-9024) sales@conifersystems.com conifersystems.com
Jeffrey Burns, Regional Sales Manager of Refinery Services Phone (281-296-3216) Fax (281-465-9200) jeff.burns@clariant.com www.clariant.com/refinery
Clariant Corporation 2750 Technology Forest Boulevard The Woodlands, TX 77381
jcline@christiansoncpa.com www.christiansoncpa.com
Jamey Cline, Business Development Director Phone (320-235-5937) Fax (320-235-5962)
Christianson PLLP 302 Fifth Street Southwest Willmar, MN 56201
Steven Stieg, Sales s.stieg@chemra.com www.chemra.com
Chemra 601 East Palomar Street, Suite C-361 Chula Vista, CA 91911
jessica@cftechnologies.com cftechnologies.com
Bill Morphew, Global Commercial Director of Liquid Segment Phone (651-638-5407) sales@crowniron.com www.crowniron.com
Crown Global Headquarters & Innovation Center 9879 Naples Street Northeast Blaine, MN 55449
Bob Shank, Owner Phone (715-218-3979) bob_shank@cpmcm.com www.cpmcm.com
Critical Path Management, LLC (CPM) N4980 Bradley Street Gleason, WI 54435
Jalene Fritz, Membership Committee Vice Chair Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (281-537-1721) jfritz@tpitx.com www.cti.org
Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) PO Box 681807 3845 Cypress Creek Parkway Suite 420 (77068) Houston, TX 77268
DTim Ciucci, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (203-262-9400) Fax (203-262-9488) tim@compuweigh.com www.compuweigh.com
CompuWeigh Corp. 50 Middle Quarter Road Woodbury, CT 06798
Commodity Talent LLC 27 East 28th Street New York, NY 10016 George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com
Sofia Gomezalba, Marketing Director Phone (424-405-9327) sgomez-alba@cwt-global.com cwt-global.com
Clean Water Technology 13008 South Western Avenue Gardena, CA 90249
Phone (800-841-5849) info@cleanfuels.org www.cleanfuels.org
Clean Fuels Alliance America PO Box 104898 Jefferson City, MO 65110
Jessica Sweeney, Vice President Phone (617-364-2500)
CF Technologies, Inc. 1 Westinghouse Plaza, Suite D101 Hyde Park, MA 02136
CEM Machine 571 West End Avenue Carthage, NY 13619 Jason Flint, Sales Manager Phone (315-493-4258) Fax (315-493-4236) sales@cem-machine.com www.cem-machine.com
Steve Klostermeyer, Vice President of Sales Phone (847-438-0334) sales@cpilink.com www.cpilink.com
Catalytic Products International 980 Ensell Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
Cast Aluminum Solutions 1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 72070 Germany Moritz Pflueger, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-53-92221)
AST Construction Inc. 5 Canale Drive Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Robert Greigg, Director of Marketing Phone (609-277-7101) Fax (609-277-7014) ted@astconstruction.com astconstruction.com
Assured Automation 263 Cox Street Roselle, NJ 07203 Kim ONeill, Marketing Administrator Phone (800-899-0553) sales@assuredautomation.com assuredautomation.com
Phone (781-321-5409) Fax (800-787-6861) asahi@asahi-america.com www.asahi-america.com
Kristin McLeod, Marketing Manager
Asahi/America, Inc. 655 Andover Street Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone (216-389-0230) dlitle@arisdyne.com www.arisdyne.com
Darren Litle, Director of Sales
Alcohol Tax Consultants, Inc. PO Box 1595 Madison Square Station New York, NY 10159
Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854) Fax (858-255-7854) mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
Aequor, Inc. 9885 Mesa Rim Road #103 San Diego, CA 92121
Katy Lee, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (563-264-8066) sales@airoflex.com airoflex.com
Richard Wicht, Manager Phone (49-3072-62-5980) Fax (49-3072-62-5985) info@agqm-biodiesel.de www.agqm-biodiesel.com
Biodiesel-AGQM Biodiesel e.V. Am Weidendamm 1A Berlin 10117 Germany
Association Quality Management
Stephen Polotaye, Trade Operations
Phone (203-923-3075) stephenpolotaye@ ashcreekrenewables.com www.ashcreekrenewables.com
175 Rennell Drive, Suite B1 Southport, CT 06890
Ash Creek Renewables
Arisdyne Systems, Inc. 17830 Englewood Drive #11 Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Adam Wathen, Manager Phone (949-981-8669) ruthaglipa334@outlook.com area52.com
Area 52 3172 North Rainbow Boulevard #22136 Las Vegas, NV 89108
Phone (201-970-7297) r.scott@ardeinc.com www.abmixer.com
Roy Scott, General Manager
ARDE Barinco, Inc. 875 Washington Avenue Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Mike Peterson, Sales Manager Phone (720-356-7337) mike.peterson@apachestainless.com www.apachestainless.com
Apache Stainless Equipment Corp. 200 West Industrial Drive Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Phone (414-365-6400) kevin.summ@anguil.com www.anguil.com
Kevin Summ, Director of Marketing
Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc. 8855 North 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223
Amalgamated, Inc. PO Box 8977 Fort Wayne, IN 46898 Gary Pipenger, CEO Phone (260-489-2549) Fax (260-489-9834) gpipenger2@amalgamatedinc.com www.amalgamatedinc.com
Scott Dillner, Marketing Phone (262-605-2643) scott.dillner@alfalaval.com www.alfalaval.us
Airoflex Equipment 6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Brian Cannon, Vice President of Sales Phone (716-474-9462) bcannon@onececo.com www.cecoenviro.com
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355 Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) infocenter@airmatic.com www.airmatic.com
Thomas Wassel, Sales Phone (704-681-3025) twassel@airtechniquesinc.com www.airtechniquesinc.com
Air Techniques, Inc. 2999 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta, GA 30062
Brianna Tobin, Environmental Compliance Manager Phone (970-484-7941) btobin@air-resource.com www.air-resource.com
Air Resource Specialists 1901 Sharp Point Drive, Suite F Fort Collins, CO 80525
Glenn Person, President Phone (913-696-9990) gjp@agriassociates.com www.agriassociates.com
AGRI-associates, Inc. 6900 College Boulevard, Suite 275 Overland Park, KS 66211
Nathan Nolte, Sales Manager of Renewable Fuels Phone (402-431-5094) nnolte@agp.com www.agp.com
Ag Processing, Inc. 12700 West Dodge Road Omaha, NE 68103
Jose Gonzalez, Senior Principal Phone (404-434-3548) jose.gonzalez@afry.com www.afry.com
Matt Zuckerman, President Phone (917-771-9906) info@alcoholtax.com www.alcoholtax.com Alfa Laval Inc. 5400 International Trade Drive Richmond, VA 23231
Environmental 680 Langsdorf Avenue, Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832
Adwest Technologies, CECO
rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597) Fax (305-852-2598)
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd. PO Box 419 160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070
Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395) info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org
Advanced Biofuels USA 507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701
Advanced Biofuels Canada 206-566 Artisan Lane Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2 Canada Ian Thomson, President Phone (778-233-3889) ithomson@advancedbiofuels.ca www.advancedbiofuels.ca
Tad Cooper, President Phone (800-289-7371) info@acterragroup.com www.acterragroup.com
Acterra Group, Inc. PO Box 160 200 35th Street Marion, IA 52302
George Mihilli, President/CEO Phone (480-408-1139) gkmihilli@gmail.com boystown.org
295 Madison Avenue, Suite 300 New York, NY 10017
AFRY Management Consulting
Auris BioEnergy Inc. 245 First Street, Suite 1800 Cambridge, MA 02142 Irshad Ahmed, President & CEO Phone (617-955-0020) Fax (201-843-8010) info@aurisbioenergy.com aurisbioenergy.com Company Index
ATAGO USA, Inc. 14432 Southeast Eastgate Way Suite 450 Bellevue, WA 98007 Marketing Phone (425-637-2107) customerservice@atago-usa.com www.atago-usa.com Company Index
4M Investments 1672 East Wildhorse Place Chandler, AZ 85286
Carbon Capture Magazine 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.carboncapturemagazine.com
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com fuelethanolworkshop.com/ema/ DisplayPage.aspx?pageId=Carbon_ Capture___Storage_Summit
Carbis Solutions 1430 West Darlington Street Florence, SC 29501 Phone (800-948-7750) sales@carbissolutions.com carbissolutions.com
Canary Biofuels, Inc. 322 11th Avenue Southwest, Suite 408 Calgary, AB T2R 0C5 Canada Kavanagh Mannas, Vice President of Corporate Development Phone (587-813-4450) info@canarybiofuels.com www.canarybiofuels.com
CAMCORP, Inc. 9732 Pflumm Road Lenexa, KS 66215 Tracy Janssen, Vice President of Air Pollution Control Phone (913-831-0740) Fax (913-831-9271) tracyj@camcorpinc.com www.camcorpinc.com
Rebecca Baskins, Executive Director Phone (916-743-8935) rebecca@caadvancedbiofuelsalliance.org www.caadvancedbiofuelsalliance.org
California Advanced Biofuels Alliance (CABA) 1415 L Street, Suite 460 Sacramento, CA 95814
Monica Prather, Marketing Coordinator Phone (513-201-3100) info@bsiengr.com www.bsiengr.com
BSI Engineering 300 East Business Way, Suite 300 Cincinnati, OH 45241
Phone (610-388-6191) solutions@brdgstn.com www.brdgstn.com
Martin Anderson, President & CEO
Bridgestone Associates, Ltd. PO Box 1299 Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Clayton Tolley, President & CEO Phone (704-625-0106) ctolley@brandsymbol.com www.brandsymbol.com
Brandsymbol 2925 Senna Drive, Suite 207 Matthews, NC 28105
Bob Moore Financing 3509 Brookford Drive Brookhaven Square Norman, OK 73072 Bob Moore, President Phone (580-695-0331) Fax (866-383-4120) bobmoorebiodiesel@yahoo.com bobmooregreenenergy.weebly.com
Bob Moore Biodiesel-Green Energy Financing 3509 Brookford Drive Brookhaven Square Norman, OK 73072 Bob Moore, President Phone (580-695-0331) Fax (866-383-4120) bobmoorebiodiesel@yahoo.com www.bobmooregreenergy.weebly.com
Biomass Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com
Chengy Gwengo, Principal Scientist Phone (412-376-7101) biofm@biofuranchem.com www.biofuranchem.com
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselsummit.com
Biodiesel Summit: Sustainable Aviation Fuel & Renewable Diesel 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Biodiesel Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselmagazine.com
Bio-Circular Engine Cra 19 63C-58 Bogota, DC, Cundi Columbia Cesar Bautista Sterling, Machine Design Engineer Phone (573002412000) cesarbautistasterling@gmail.com www.intechopen.com/chapters/81389
Scott Thompson, Owner Phone (608-325-2191) scott@bigradio.fm bigradio.fm
Big Radio PO Box 710 916 17th Avenue Monroe, WI 53566
Joe Moore, President Phone (918-269-5636) Fax (918-836-2402) joe.moore@best-ok.com www.best-ok.com
Best Technologies, Inc. 2030 North Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74116
Biofuels International 124 Middleton Road Morden, Surrey SM4 6RW United Kingdom Peter Patterson, Publisher Phone (44-2-0864-87082) peter@woodcotemedia.com www.biofuels-news.com BioFuran Materials, LLC 2727 Second Avenue Detroit, MI 48201
BBI Project Development Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
BASF Corporation 1609 Biddle Wyandotte, MI 48192 Beth Primeau, New Business Development Phone (313-573-6585) beth.primeau@basf.com chemicals.basf.com
Andy Emerson, Broker Phone (239-494-8270) Fax (239-215-1843) andy@banyancg.com www.banyancg.com
Banyan Commodity Group 3301 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 313 Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Internal Combustion Engines Cra 19 63C-58 Bogota DC, Cundi Colombia Cesar Bautista Sterling, Machine Design Engineer Phone (57-300-2412000) cesarbautistasterling@gmail.com patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/ detail.jsf?docId=WO2020194030&_ cid=P10-KVJN5E-56560-1
B B100: New Bio-Lubricant for All
Scott Kennedy, Business Development Manager Phone (920-734-5791) skennedy@azco-inc.com www.azco-inc.com
AZCO 1025 East South River Street Appleton, WI 54915
jrommel@dynatrolusa.com www.dynatrolusa.com
Guilherme Cirino, Plant Manager Phone (305-930-1757) gcirino@bdlaus.com bdlaus.com
Jeff Rommel, Factory Sales Manager Phone (800-231-2062) Fax (713-869-7332)
CAutomation Products, Inc.DYNATROL® Division 3030 Maxroy Street Houston, TX 77008
BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH Parkring 18 Raaba-Grambach, Styria 8074 Austria Hermann Stockinger, CSO Phone (43-316-4009100) sales@bdi-bioenergy.com www.bdi-bioenergy.com/en/start BDLA 8815 Northwest 33rd Street, Suite 150 Doral, FL 33172
Aaron Cummings, Director of Business Development Phone (281-991-3500) aaron.cummings@pscgroup.com pscgroup.com
PSC Group 5025 Preston Avenue Pasadena, TX 77505
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) info@workmaster.net www.workmaster.net
Workmaster 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) infocenter@airmatic.com www.airmatic.com
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Gregg Yates, Director of Marketing Phone (214-631-4420) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com
TrinityRail 14221 North Dallas Parkway Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254
Love Goyal, Project Manager Phone (805-637-5750) goyal@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
Wastewater Treatment Clean Water Technology 13008 South Western Avenue Gardena, CA 90249 Sofia Gomezalba, Marketing Director Phone (424-405-9327) sgomez-alba@cwt-global.com cwt-global.com
Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282) jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com
RIN Management EcoCira, Inc. 3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405
Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282) jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com
3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405
EcoCira, Inc.
Life Cycle Associates LLC 884 Portola Road, Suite A11 San Mateo, CA 94028
Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282) jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com
3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405
EcoCira, Inc.
S-O-S, Inc. PO Box 7282 Duluth, MN 55807 Jim Carter, President Phone (218-626-3917) Fax (218-626-2027) jim@sosleakrepair.com www.sosleakrepair.com
EcoCira, Inc. 3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405 Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282) jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com
Jamey Cline, Business Development Director Phone (320-235-5937) Fax (320-235-5962) jcline@christiansoncpa.com www.christiansoncpa.com
302 Fifth Street Southwest Willmar, MN 56201
Christianson PLLP
Research Laboratories, Inc. 6209 Discount Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Matt Alt, Laboratory Manager Phone (260-489-2551) Fax (260-489-9834) malt@researchlaboratoriesinc.com www.researchlaboratoriesinc.com
Richard Heiden, CSTO Phone (717-299-6860) Fax (717-299-6868) rwheidenphd@aol.com supersleuthchemists.com
R W Heiden Associates LLC 1860 Charter Lane, Unit 206 Greenfield Corporate Park Lancaster, PA 17601
Jessica Kavanaugh, Manager Phone (515-574-1259) fuels@iowafuellab.com www.iowafuellab.com
Iowa Central Fuel Testing Laboratory Four Triton Circle Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Phone (210-863-4702) dean.schoppe@intertek.com www.intertek.com
Dean Schoppe, Principal Engineer
Intertek 5404 Bandera Road San Antonio, TX 78238
Bryan Debshaw, CEO Phone (317-808-3750) bdebshaw@polarislabs.com polarislabs.com
POLARIS Laboratories 7451 Winton Drive Indianapolis, IN 46268
Phone (641-792-8505) Fax (641-792-7898) jdawson@kmtlabs.com www.kmtlabs.com
Jerry Dawson, General Manager
Keystone Materials Testing, Inc. 600 East 17th Street South Newton, IA 50208
Aaron Cummings, Director of Business Development Phone (281-991-3500) aaron.cummings@pscgroup.com pscgroup.com
PSC Group 5025 Preston Avenue Pasadena, TX 77505
Dan Ballenger, Bio Equipment Manager Phone (309-241-3983) danb@iome.com www.iome.com
850 Brenkman Drive Pekin, IL 61554
Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment
Loren Isom, Assistant Director Phone (402-472-1634) agproducts@unl.edu agproducts.unl.edu
Agricultural Products Center 3605 Fair Street 208 Chase Hall Lincoln, NE 68583
University of Nebraska-Industrial
Cesar Bautista Sterling, Machine Design Engineer Phone (57-300-2412000) cesarbautistasterling@gmail.com patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/ detail.jsf?docId=WO2020194030&_ cid=P10-KVJN5E-56560-1
Private B100: New Bio-Lubricant for All Internal Combustion Engines Cra 19 63C-58 Bogota DC, Cundi Colombia
Kentucky Department of Agriculture 105 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 Tim Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor Phone (502-782-9265) timd.hughes@ky.gov www.kyagr.com/trade
Amarjit Singh Sarpal, Head of Quality Control Lab Phone (91-989-9443336) sarpal.as2@gmail.com www.ocsgmbh.com
Inmetro & Optical Control Systems Ahinsha Naturez Park, Gurkul Road Sector 41, Flat No. C501 Faridabad, Haryana India
Andras J. Kovacs Phone (36-30-211-410-1) andras@kukk.hu kukk.hu
KUKK K+F, Ltd. Szigetvari u 1 Budapest 1083 Hungary
Hermann Stockinger, CSO Phone (43-3164-009-100) sales@bdi-bioenergy.com www.bdi-bioenergy.com/en/start
Raaba-Grambach, Styria 8074 Austria
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 72070 Germany Moritz Pflueger, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-53922-21) moritzpflueger@at-agrartecvhnik.de www.at-agrartechnik.de BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH Parkring 18
Jason Flint, Sales Manager Phone (315-493-4258) Fax (315-493-4236) sales@cem-machine.com www.cem-machine.com
CEM Machine 571 West End Avenue Carthage, NY 13619
Marc A. Seidner, President Phone (310-569-6500) marc@permanentecorp.com www.permanentecorp.com
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Permanente Corporation
Laurence Baum, Managing Director Phone (61-400-681-283) info@biocubeco.com www.biocubeco.com
The BioCube™ Corporation, Ltd. PO Box 567 Ashmore City, QLD 4214 Australia
Phone (918-269-5636) Fax (918-836-2402) joe.moore@best-ok.com www.best-ok.com
Joe Moore, President
Best Technologies, Inc. 2030 North Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74116
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 72070 Germany Moritz Pflueger, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-53922-21) moritzpflueger@at-agrartecvhnik.de www.at-agrartechnik.de
Phone (770-693-0061) Fax (770-693-0071) bh@desmetballestra.com www.desmetballestra.com
Blake Hendrix, President & CEO
450 Franklin Road, Suite 170 Marietta, GA 30067
Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc.
Sunho Biodiesel Corporation 10F-6 380 Linsen North Road Taipei 104 Taiwan Jane Lai, Vice President Phone (886-225642720) Fax (886-225431603) info@sunhobiodiesel.com www.sunhobiodiesel.com
Raj Mosali, CEO Phone (937-663-3010) rmosali@jatrorenewables.com www.jatrorenewables.com
Hermann Stockinger, CSO Phone (43-3164-009-100) sales@bdi-bioenergy.com www.bdi-bioenergy.com/en/start
BDI-BioEnergy International Parkring 18 Raaba-Grambach, Styria 8074 Austria
Jatro Renewables, Inc. 4738 Gateway Circle #K209 Hypernova Kettering, OH 45440
Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 72070 Germany Moritz Pflueger, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-53922-21) moritzpflueger@at-agrartecvhnik.de www.at-agrartechnik.de
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH
Sharla Ishmael, Editor/Publisher Phone (888-927-3634) editors@rendermagazine.com www.rendermagazine.com
Render Magazine PO Box 126041 Benbrook, TX 76126
Peter Patterson, Publisher Phone (44-2086-487082) peter@woodcotemedia.com www.biofuels-news.com
Biofuels International 124 Middleton Road Morden, Surrey SM4 6RW United Kingdom
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.SAFMagazine.com
Grand Forks, ND 58203
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304
SAF Magazine
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com/pellet-millmagazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Pellet Mill Magazine
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.carboncapturemagazine.com
Carbon Capture Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselmagazine.com SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 21
Biodiesel Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.ethanolproducer.com
Grand Forks, ND 58203
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304
Ethanol Producer Magazine
Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Biomass Magazine
Scott Thompson, Owner Phone (608-325-2191) scott@bigradio.fm bigradio.fm
Big Radio PO Box 710 916 17th Avenue Monroe, WI 53566
Phone (734-330-1961) Fax (734-475-0452) ryan@prxgeo.com www.proexporter.com
Ryan Ruikka, Biofuels Energy Analyst
The ProExporter Network 114 South Main Street, Suite 100 Chelsea, MI 48118
Chuck Penner, President Phone (204-949-1726) info@leftfieldcr.com www.leftfieldcr.com
LeftField Commodity Research 52 Swiss Bay Winnipeg, MB R2G 2P3 Canada
Natalia Cetune 2899 Collins Avenue #627 Miami Beach, FL 33140 Natalia Cetune, CEO Phone (786-356-4319) natacha9999@hotmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/ licenciadanataliacetune
Dennis Zeedyk, CEO/President Phone (219-369-1066) glycerintraders@gmail.com www.glycerintraders.com
Glycerin Traders, LLC 3522 South State Road 104 LaPorte, IN 46350
Zack Monahoyios, President Phone (450-621-4230) Fax (450-621-0503) zack@futureinternational.com www.fidchemicals.com
FID Chemicals (Division of Future International Diversified Inc.) 926 Jacques Paschini Street Bois-des-Filion Montreal, QC J6Z 4W4 Canada
C.W. Kimbrell, President & CEO Phone (901-767-3101) cwk@excaliburlipid.com www.excaliburlipid.com
Excalibur Lipid Technology, Inc. 5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 1435 Memphis, TN 38104
Niall Gillen, Director of Operations Phone (800-871-0773) niall@propelfuels.com propelfuels.com
Propel Fuels, Inc. 1815 19th Street Sacramento, CA 95811
Jayson Busch, Vice President of Supply, Marketing & Logistics Phone (661-845-0761) sales@kernoil.com www.kernenergy.com
Kern Energy 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93312
Kern Oil & Refining Co. dba
Rick Landenberger, Vice President of Renewable Fuels & Business Development Phone (402-960-8638) rick.landenberger@htpenergy.com htpenergy.com
HTP Energy 1045 North 115th, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68154
Jess Hewitt, President Phone (281-496-5100) Fax (281-496-5101) jess.hewitt@gulfhydrocarbon.com www.gulfhydrocarbon.com
Biodiesel Gulf Hydrocarbon 2415 South Dairy Ashford Road #C009 Houston, TX 77077
Tyler Maas, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (507-285-1444) maas@maascompanies.com www.maascompanies.com
Maas Companies, Inc. PO Box 7127 Rochester, MN 55903
Marvin Goldstein, Partner Phone (212-806-5629) Fax (212-806-6006) mgoldstein@stroock.com www.stroock.com
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP 180 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038
Jose Miguel Paredes Sanchez, Senior Associate Phone (591-76969341) m.paredes@serratepaz.com www.serratepaz.com
Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia
Serrate No. 107 Zona Equietrol
Acera Norte Plaza Antonio Landivar
Serrate Paz & Asociados
Megan Harmon, Partner Phone (412-577-5209) mharmon@schnader.com www.schnader.com
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP Fifth Avenue Place 120 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2700 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
David Bracht, Attorney Phone (402-346-6000) Fax (402-346-1148) david.bracht@kutakrock.com www.kutakrock.com
Kutak Rock, LLP 1650 Farnam Street The Omaha Building Omaha, NE 68102
Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice Phone (202-508-5823) Fax (202-318-4087) mriedy@kilpatricktownsend.com www.kilpatricktownsend.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP 607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005
David Gardels, Partner Phone (402-964-5027) david.gardels@huschblackwell.com www.huschblackwell.com/industries_
Husch Blackwell 13330 California Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154
Jon Olson, CEO Phone (312-286-1809) jon.olson@trumarx.com www.trumarx.com
Software—Commodity TruMarx Data Partners, Inc. 110 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2500 Chicago, IL 60606
Bruce Comer, Managing Director Phone (310-670-2093) bruce@oceanpk.com www.oceanpk.com
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Ocean Park 655 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 340-D
Derek Nelson, Managing Partner Phone (406-370-7100) mtinvgrp@aol.com
107 Cotter Court Missoula, MT 59803
Montana-Boston Partners, LLC
George Mihilli, President/CEO Phone (480-408-1139) gkmihilli@gmail.com boystown.org
Lenders 4M Investments 1672 East Wildhorse Place Chandler, AZ 85286
Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Customer Service
BBI Project Development
Viking Equipment Finance 5900 South Lake Forest Drive Suite 300 McKinney, TX 75070 Jim Buckingham, Director Phone (972-885-8899) info@vikingequipmentfinance.com www.vikingequipmentfinance.com/ energy
Bob Moore, President Phone (580-695-0331) Fax (866-383-4120) bobmoorebiodiesel@yahoo.com www.bobmooregreenergy.weebly.com
Bob Moore Biodiesel-Green Energy Financing 3509 Brookford Drive Brookhaven Square Norman, OK 73072
Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development 180 East Fifth Street, 12th Floor Great Northern Building St. Paul, MN 55101 Lisa Hughes, Business Development Manager Phone (507-380-3220) lisa.hughes@state.mn.us joinusmn.com
Vanguard Global Enterprises, Inc. 821 La Plaza Avenue South South Pasadena, FL 33707 Y.Z. Lahav Phone (727-710-1380) Fax (727-544-2543) yzleop@yahoo.com
Jill Hamilton, President Phone (703-322-4484) jhamilton@sesi-online.com www.sesi-online.com
Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc. 4803 Marymead Drive Fairfax, VA 22030
Brian Morrison, Managing Director Phone (917-653-3017) bam@mklcapital.com www.mklcapital.com
MKL Capital LLC Box 963 Bronxville, NY 10708
BBI Project Development Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385)
onValuati and Assets Services, LLC 2108 Carroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702 K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) onandassets.comprojects@valuati onandassets.comwww.valuati
Natwick Appraisals 1205 Fourth Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 James Natwick, President Phone (701-793-2360) | Fax (701-235-1573) natwick@integra.net natwick.com
Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5002) | Fax (913-643-5001) donna.funk@pinionglobal.com
ngAccounti Pinion 8801 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Scott Lewis, Vice President Phone (952-939-0933) l@libertycomcorp.comscott www.libertycomcorp.com
Liberty esCommoditi onCorporati 14702 Excelsior Boulevard #1301 Minnetonka, MN 55345
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Jon Kruck, Owner Phone (208-870-4631) jon@westerngrease.com www.westerngrease.com
Western Grease Recycling 4420 Capital Street, Suite D Caldwell, ID 83605
Mary Perales, veExecuti Assistant Phone (800-869-5124) es.commaryp@thirdcoastcommoditi es.comwww.thirdcoastcommoditi
Third Coast esCommoditi 107 Main Street Buchanan, MI 49107
Steve Rundell, President Phone (847-437-1100) Fax (847-437-1101) srundell@solvent-systems.com www.solvent-systems.com
Solvent Systems onalInternati 70 King Street Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
hewMatt Harrison, Manager Phone (503-975-8615) c.comce@scoutseptioffi c.comwww.scoutsepti
Scout c,Septi Grease & Drain 15535 Southeast 287th Avenue Boring, OR 97009
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reitertrading.com www.reitertrading.com
Grand on,Juncti CO 81507
Reiter Trading, LLC 599 Colonial Drive
John Tapp, President Phone (407-204-1000) es.comjohn@deepsouthcommoditi es.comwww.deepsouthcommoditi
Deep South esCommoditi 919 Orange Avenue, Suite 202 Winter Park, FL 32789
Les Bons Vivants, LLC PO Box 918 465 Grant Street alo,Buff NY 14213 Brendan Lachaal, Owner Phone (716-319-4332) info@loliveoil.com www.loliveoil.com
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Stephen Polotaye, Trade onsOperati Phone (203-923-3075) stephenpolotaye@ ashcreekrenewables.com www.ashcreekrenewables.com
Ash Creek Renewables 175 Rennell Drive, Suite B1 Southport, CT 06890
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Fata Oil & onPlantati Sdn. Bhd. Loring Pasir No. 9 2.5 Mile Rock Road Kuching, Sarawak/South East Asia 93200 Malaysia Ralph Fassbender, Managing Director Phone (60-1-113-468450) Fax (60-8-24173) fataoil@gmail.com fataoilsarawak.com
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, embergBaden-Wuertt 72070 Germany Moritz uegerPfl, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-53922-21) ueger@at-agrartecvhnik.demoritzpfl www.at-agrartechnik.de
Valerie Simeral, President Phone (410-729-6678) es.commpbtrading@mpbcommoditi es.comwww.mpbcommoditi
MPB esCommoditi Brokerage 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway Suite 175 Annapolis, MD 21054
Smart veAlternati Fuels, Inc. 1095 Hilltop Drive, Suite 172 Redding, CA 96003 Jayson Nalley, President Phone (855-873-3645) vefuels.comjayson@smartalternati vefuels.comsmartalternati
Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Ron Lowry, Product Manager Phone (508-842-9292) Fax (508-842-9020) seatechbio@aol.com www.seatechbioproducts.com
SeaTech Bioproducts 167B Memorial Drive Memorial Business Park Shrewsbury, MA 01545
James Miller, Digital Marketing Manager Phone (216-881-7900) jmiller@metchem.com metchem.com
Met-Chem, Inc. 837 East 79th Street Cleveland, OH 44103
AJ Bental, President Phone (770-423-7100) ajbental@valtorc.com www.valtorc.com
Valtorc International PO Box 1928 Kennesaw, GA 30156
Phone (508-852-0200) flowcontrol@valmet.com www.valmet.com/flowcontrol
Valmet 44 Bowditch Drive Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Jay Hunt, Business Development Manager
Assured Automation 263 Cox Street Roselle, NJ 07203 Kim ONeill, Marketing Administrator Phone (800-899-0553) sales@assuredautomation.com assuredautomation.com
Kristin McLeod, Marketing Manager Phone (781-321-5409) Fax (800-787-6861) asahi@asahi-america.com www.asahi-america.com
Asahi/America, Inc. 655 Andover Street Lawrence, MA 01843
Tripp Fezler, CEO Phone (217-245-2919) Fax (775-361-0279) tripp@solutions4mfg.com www.solutions4mfg.com
Solutions 4 Manufacturing 1627 Baldwin Road Jacksonville, IL 62650
Phone (563-264-8066) sales@airoflex.com airoflex.com
Katy Lee, Sales & Marketing Manager
Airoflex Equipment 6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director
Cast Aluminum Solutions 1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Storage Tanks & Pressure Vessels Phone (214-704-3713) Fax (817-821-4618) don.wallace@triarccorp.com www.triarctank.com
Don Wallace, Sales Manager of ASME
TRIARC Tank, LLC 500 North Akard Street, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75201
Mike Peterson, Sales Manager Phone (720-356-7337) mike.peterson@apachestainless.com www.apachestainless.com
Apache Stainless Equipment Corp. 200 West Industrial Drive Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Alan Steiner, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (563-263-4733) sales@hoffmanninc.com hoffmanninc.com
Hoffmann, Inc. 6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Doug Ballard, President Phone (604-889-1855) Fax (866-695-9655) griprojects@gmail.com conveycanada.ca
1686 57A Street Delta, BC V4L 1X8 Canada
GRIP Global Resources for Industrial Projects
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451 Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) sales@ftc-houston.com www.ftc-houston.com
Filtration Technology Corporation 11883 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77066
John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) sales@ftc-houston.com www.ftc-houston.com
Filtration Technology Corporation 11883 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77066
Hawk Measurement (HAWK) 5010 Gateway Drive Medina, OH 44256 Ellen Nichols, Marketing Manager Phone (888-429-5538) ellen.nichols@hawkmeasurement.com www.hawkmeasurement.com
CompuWeigh Corp. 50 Middle Quarter Road Woodbury, CT 06798 Tim Ciucci, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (203-262-9400) Fax (203-262-9488) tim@compuweigh.com www.compuweigh.com
Econochill PO Box 1453 Eagle Pass, TX 78853 Christian Antalics, Product Manager of Glycol Chillers Phone (800-942-9249) sales@econochill.com www.econochill.com
Reactors—Continuous Flow Plasma Blue 1020 Innovation Lane Mankato, MN 56001 Tom Slunecka, CEO Phone (507-388-1635) Fax (507-388-6751) tom@agmgmtsolutions.com plasma-blue.com
Darren Litle, Director of Sales Phone (216-389-0230) dlitle@arisdyne.com www.arisdyne.com
Arisdyne Systems, Inc. 17830 Englewood Drive #11 Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Phone (941-727-1800) ech.comshammond@moistt ech.comwww.moistt
Sarah Hammond, ngMarketi
MoistTech Corp. 6408 Parkland Drive, Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34243
Viking Pump, Inc. 406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 John Hall, Manager of Business Development Phone (319-429-5575) jhall@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
Phone 44-1-9353-82512)( sales.uk@seepex.com www.seepex.com
Barbara Cendon, ngMarketi Manager
Seepex UK, Ltd. 3 Armtech Row Houndstone Business Park Somerset, Yeovil United Kingdom
MTH Pumps 401 West Main Street Plano, IL 60545 Scott Carlson, Graphics & ngMarketi Coordinator Phone (630-552-4115) Fax (630-552-3688) sales@mthpumps.com www.mthpumps.com
John nerHoff, Product Manager Phone (419-755-1011) Fax (419-755-1251) ner@gormanrupp.comjohn.hoff www.grpumps.com
Gorman-Rupp Company 600 South Airport Road eld,Mansfi OH 44903
Sarah Hammond, ngMarketi Phone (941-727-1800) ech.comshammond@moistt ech.comwww.moistt
MoistTech Corp. 6408 Parkland Drive, Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34243
Director of Liquid Segment Phone (651-638-5407) sales@crowniron.com www.crowniron.com
Bill Morphew, Global Commercial
Crown Global Headquarters & onInnovati Center 9879 Naples Street Northeast Blaine, MN 55449
Randy Baerg, President Phone (559-591-6790) Fax (559-591-5728) info@warrenbaerg.com www.warrenbaerg.com
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc. 39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618
Krystal Moentmann, veAdministrati Assistant Phone (314-739-9191) Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
TAPCO Inc. 225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044
Terry Geraghty, Sales Manager Phone (314-739-9191) Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
Dan Ward, Sales Manager Phone (832-467-4040) dward@ltsenergy.com www.ltsenergy.com
Piping—Flanges LTS LLC 11932 mooreBritt Park Drive Houston, TX 77041
George Spina, Business Development & ngMarketi Manager Phone (973-778-3000) sales@swepcotube.com www.swepcotube.com
One onClift Boulevard on,Clift NJ 07011
Swepco Tube, LLC
Phone (941-966-1885) engineering@lotusmixers.com www.lotusmixers.com
Robert Naidel, Vice President of Technology
Lotus Mixers, Inc. 3449 Technology Drive #201 North Venice, FL 34275
Phone (201-970-7297) @ardeinc.comr.scott www.abmixer.com
Roy Scott, General Manager
ARDE Barinco, Inc. 875 Washington Avenue Carlstadt, NJ 07072
TAPCO Inc. 225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044
Howard Brockhouse, Sales & ngMarketi Manager Phone (612-859-8207) sales@wolfmhs.com wolfmhs.com
Wolf Material Handling Systems 231 Main Street Northwest, Suite 6 Elk River, MN 55330
Jon Krueger, Field Service Sales & onsOperati Manager Phone (763-571-8110) info@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Liquid Westmor 14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038
Carbis onsSoluti 1430 West Darlington Street Florence, SC 29501 Phone (800-948-7750) ons.comsales@carbissoluti ons.comcarbissoluti
Aaron Cummings, Director of Business Development Phone (281-991-3500) aaron.cummings@pscgroup.com pscgroup.com
PSC Group 5025 Preston Avenue Pasadena, TX 77505
Material Handling
Gaurav Mathur, CEO Phone (989-254-5299) gkm@gtsindia.com www.gtsindia.com
B 234 Oshiwara Industrial Center Goregaon West Mumbai Haiti
Global Technical Services
Liners J.C. Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc. 408 South Veterans Street Flandreau, SD 57028 Kelley Ramsdell, President Phone (605-997-3706) mel@jcramsdell.net www.jcramsdell.com
Sonics & Materials, Inc. 53 Church Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470 Lois Baiad, Sales & ngMarketi Coordinator Phone (203-270-4600) Fax (203-270-4610) lbaiad@sonics.com www.sonics.com
Jerry Schwarz, ngMarketi Phone (800-779-4362) Fax (816-796-3333) jerry.schwarz@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
HEMCO onCorporati PO Box 1059 (64051) 711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056
ATAGO USA, Inc. 14432 Southeast Eastgate Way Suite 450 Bellevue, WA 98007 ngMarketi Phone (425-637-2107) customerservice@atago-usa.com www.atago-usa.com
Phone (267-757-0351) Fax (267-757-0358) info-us@verder-scientific.com www.verder-scientific.com
Georg Schick, President
Verder Scientific, Inc. 11 Penns Trail, Suite 300 Newtown, PA 18940
Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
Rich Washkevich, Sales Manager Phone (800-233-3233) Fax (810-679-4510) info@conveyorcomponents.com www.conveyorcomponents.com
Conveyor Components Company PO Box 167 130 Seltzer Road Croswell, MI 48422
Jeff Rommel, Factory Sales Manager Phone (800-231-2062) Fax (713-869-7332) jrommel@dynatrolusa.com www.dynatrolusa.com
Instrumentation Automation Products, Inc.DYNATROL® Division 3030 Maxroy Street Houston, TX 77008
Todd Fahring, Sales Phone (770-910-4232) tfahring@thermalpd.com www.thermalpd.com
Thermal Process Development 5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharetta, GA 30004
INTEC Engineering GmbH John-Deere-Str. 43 Bruchsal, Baden-Württemberg 76646 Germany Christian Daniel, Sales Director Phone (49-72-519-324-300) Fax (49-72-519-324-399) info@intec-energy.de www.intec-energy.com
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director
Cast Aluminum Solutions 1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Heaters—Thermal Fluid
Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191) Fax (262-338-8489) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Phone (317-847-5413) mike.arrington@masonmfg.com www.masonmfg.com Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191) Fax (262-338-8489) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
Mike Arrington, Sales Manager
Mason Manufacturing PO Box 3577 1645 North Railroad Avenue Decatur, IL 62524
Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Canada Erwin Schwartz, President Phone (514-531-3794) erwin@ddi-heatexchangers.com www.ddi-heatexchangers.com
DDI Heat Exchangers Inc. 305 Baffin Street Dollard des Ormeaux, QC H9A 3G4
Scott Dillner, Marketing Phone (262-605-2643) scott.dillner@alfalaval.com www.alfalaval.us
Alfa Laval Inc. 5400 International Trade Drive Richmond, VA 23231
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
Cast Aluminum Solutions 1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Stephanie Jeffers, Marketing Manager Phone (949-833-3888) jwce@jwce.com www.jwce.com
JWC Environmental 2850 Red Hill, Suite 125 Santa Ana, CA 92705
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Cast Aluminum Solutions
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505 Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfirefightingfoam.com novacool.com
SW Firefighting Foam & Equipment, LLC
Filtration Technology Corporation 11883 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77066 John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) sales@ftc-houston.com www.ftc-houston.com
Sharplex Filters (India) Pvt., Ltd. R-664 Rabale MIDC Navimumbai, Maharashtra 400701 India Sandeep Khadke, Director Phone (91-9820029829) Fax (91-2227696325) sales@sharplexfilters.com www.sharplex.com
Leem Filtration 25 Arrow Road Ramsey, NJ 07446 Ryan Boyd, Sales Phone (813-704-4966) r.boyd@leemfiltration.com leemfiltration.com
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) sales@ftc-houston.com www.ftc-houston.com
Filtration Technology Corporation 11883 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77066
Filtration Equipment
John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) sales@ftc-houston.com www.ftc-houston.com
Filtration Technology Corporation 11883 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77066
Dusty Cooper, Sales Phone (806-356-9800) Fax (806-356-9807) info@psi-technology.com www.psi-technology.com
Process Solutions Integration (PSI) 5204 West Farmers Avenue Amarillo, TX 79109
Robert Pavlik, Oilseed Sales Engineer Phone (937-451-5438) Fax (937-773-3424) rppavlik@frenchoil.com www.frenchoil.com
French Oil Mill Machinery Co. PO Box 920 1035 West Greene Street Piqua, OH 45356
Rob Coffee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (209-483-5107) robc@procoproducts.com www.procoproducts.com
Proco Products, Inc. PO Box 590 2431 North Wigwam Drive (95205) Stockton, CA 95201
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
Cast Aluminum Solutions 1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Erick Neuman, International Business Manager Phone (708-587-2300) sales@swensontechnology.com www.swensontechnology.com
Thomas Wassel, Sales Phone (704-681-3025) twassel@airtechniquesinc.com www.airtechniquesinc.com
Air Techniques, Inc. 2999 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta, GA 30062
ENCON Evaporators 1368 Hooksett Road, Unit 9 Hooksett, NH 03106 Walter Gillis, Marketing Phone (603-624-5110) wgillis@evaporator.com www.evaporator.com Swenson Technology, Inc. 26000 South Whiting Way Monee, IL 60449
CAMCORP, Inc. 9732 Pflumm Road Lenexa, KS 66215 Tracy Janssen, Vice President of Air Pollution Control Phone (913-831-0740) Fax (913-831-9271) tracyj@camcorpinc.com www.camcorpinc.com
Savengy Technologies 3259 Progress Drive, Room 108 Orlando, FL 32826 Wei Wu, Manager Phone (407-494-5663) weiwu@savengy.com www.savengy.com
Jalene Fritz, Parts Sales Manager Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (970-472-1304) jfritz@towerperformance.com www.towerperformance.com
Tower Performance LLC 8031 Airport Boulevard, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061
Andrew Freeman, Project Manager Phone (314-544-3700) Fax (317-544-5373) sales@economycontrols.com www.economycontrols.com
Economy Controls onCorporati 9801 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63123
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) ware.comkristof@reitersoft
Route edSimplifi 599 Colonial Drive Grand on,Juncti CO 81507
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) ware.comkristof@reitersoft ware.comwww.reitersoft
Computer wareSoft Reiter ware,Soft LLC 599 Colonial Drive Grand on,Juncti CO 81507
John Worrell, Vice President of Sales Phone (713-849-0849) Fax (713-849-0202) c-houston.comsales@ft c-houston.comwww.ft
onFiltrati Technology onCorporati 11883 enCutt Road Houston, TX 77066
Phone (904-334-2838) ltermaxx.comsteve.chastain@usfi ltermaxx.comusfi
Stephen Chastain, Owner, CEO & Mechanical Engineer
Kyte Centrifuge, LLC 59 West Bradford Hill Road Mills River, NC 28759
Greg Waranica, Market Manager Phone (201-245-5652) gregory.waranica@gea.com gea.com
GEA North America 100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647
Lori Huber, ngMarketi Phone (859-448-2300) weg.netottsales@fl weg.comottwww.fl
wegFlott onSeparati Technology 10700 Toebben Drive Indpendence, KY 41051
Phone (847-541-8300) Fax (847-541-9984) dsullo@indeck-power.com www.indeck.com
Debra Sullo, Interim ngMarketi Specialist
Indeck Power Equipment Company 1111 Willis Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090
Jim Risselman, Sales Phone (262-268-0180) usa@fpz.com www.fpz.com
FPZ, Inc. 150 North Progress Drive Saukville, WI 53080
Dave Kyte, President Phone (832-368-2667) info@kytecentrifuge.com www.kytecentrifuge.com USFiltermaxx 1257 Energy Cove Court Jacksonville, FL 32043
Kevin McLaughlin, sing/PublicAdverti onsRelati Supervisor Phone (410-381-1227) kgmclaughlin@shimadzu.com www.ssi.shimadzu.com
Shimadzu cfiScienti Instruments 7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046
Christopher Piper, Sales Manager of North America Phone (314-775-9099) chris.piper@keit.co.uk www.keit.co.uk
Keit Spectrometers 16180 Lea Oak Court eld,Chesterfi MO 63017
Curt Jordan, Account Manager Phone (713-574-6661) onsystems.comsales@polluti onsystems.comwww.polluti
onPolluti Systems, Inc. 2170 Buckthorne Place, Suite 160 The Woodlands, TX 77380
Rodney Pennington, Senior Sales Director Phone (407-492-1955) Fax (610-323-7670) rpennington@nestecinc.com www.nestecinc.com
Nestec, Inc. PO Box 125 222 East Main Street Pen Argyl, PA 18072
CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
Dürr Systems, Inc. 830 Prosper Street De Pere, WI 54115
Conifer Systems 6515 Willowbrook Park Houston, TX 77066 Cary Allen, Vice President of Environmental onsSoluti Phone (832-476-9024) sales@conifersystems.com conifersystems.com
cCatalyti Products onalInternati 980 Ensell Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Steve Klostermeyer, Vice President of Sales Phone (847-438-0334) sales@cpilink.com www.cpilink.com
Kevin Summ, Director of ngMarketi Phone (414-365-6400) kevin.summ@anguil.com www.anguil.com
Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc. 8855 North 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223
Adwest Technologies, CECO Environmental 680 Langsdorf Avenue, Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832 Brian Cannon, Vice President of Sales Phone (716-474-9462) bcannon@onececo.com www.cecoenviro.com
Epcon Industrial Systems, LP 17777 I-45 South Conroe, TX 77385 Tasha Jamaluddin Phone (936-273-3300) epcon@epconlp.com epconlp.com
Max Gregersen, Principal Structural Engineer Phone (385-232-1747) max@gsestructural.com gsestructural.com
Gregersen Structural Engineering, Inc. 1493 North 1500 West St. George, UT 84770
Cesar Augusto Colmenares, Consultant/Senior Process Engineer/ Owner Phone (514-862-3127) info@tegaconsultants.ca tegaconsultants.ca
Alan Humber, Director of Business Development Phone (604-986-0663) Fax (604-986-0525) ahumber@sacre-davey.com www.sacre-davey.com TEGA Consultants Inc. 15792 Willow Street Montreal, QC H9H 2W5 Canada
Ron Pagel, Sr. Account Manager Phone (920-841-3286) pagelr@pondco.com www.pondco.com
Sacre-Davey Engineering 315 Mountain Hwy Vancouver, BC V7J 2K7 Canada
Pond & Company 3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 500 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
Rich Barton, President Phone (615-472-8431) rich@nhmoore.com www.nhmoore.com
N Hunt Moore & Associates 1242 Old Hillsboro Road Franklin, TN 37069
Phone (408-483-5922) chucknln@sbcglobal.net www.modular-e.com
Charles Nolan, President
Modular Energy onsSoluti PO Box 2759 Santa Clara, CA 95055
Adam Belyamani, Chief ngOperati cerOffi Phone (316-413-3345) Fax (316-413-3346) info@saolaenergy.com www.saolaenergy.com
Saola Energy, LLC 100 North Main Street, Suite 600 Wichita, KS 67202
Phone (866-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Terrence Nayes, Owner & Engineer Phone (952-239-5377) tlnayes@hotmail.com
Environmental Nayes Associates, LLC 30 South Ninth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone (866-746-8385)
Customer Service
Wishstone Energy 1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Peter nMarti, Partner Phone (949-478-3488) n@jfm-llc.competer.marti www.wishstone-energy.com
Marla Evangelista, Sales & ngMarketi Director Phone (602-889-3715) Fax (602-438-4420) sales@jasc-controls.com www.jasc-controls.com
Mark Yancey, CTO myancey@d3maxllc.com rerenewables.comwww.saffi
SAFFiRE Renewables 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
John tsasPati, Project Manager Phone (905-201-9511) co.catsas@sympatijpati www.jmitech.ca
JMI Technologies, Ltd. 24 Peterkin Road Markham, ON L6E 1Y9 Canada
chillman@searchpath.com www.searchpathofchicago.com
Chris Hillman, President Phone (815-261-4403)
SearchPath of Chicago, Inc. 521 Devonshire Lane, Suite D Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Kevin Drury, Owner/President Phone (515-964-7997) kdrury@hedlinag.com www.hedlinag.com
Hedlin Ag Enterprises PO Box 1235 Ankeny, IA 50021
JASC 2303 West Alameda Drive Tempe, AZ 85282
Monica Prather, ngMarketi Coordinator Phone (513-201-3100) info@bsiengr.com www.bsiengr.com
BSI Engineering 300 East Business Way, Suite 300 ,Cincinnati OH 45241
Rocky Costello, President Phone (310-792-5870) rcca@rccostello.com www.rccostello.com
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 8
Trident on,Automati Inc. 1001 West Kennedy Avenue Kimberly, WI 54136 Jason Hurst, CEO Phone (920-759-7477) on.cominfo@tridentautomati
Tim Rose, President Phone (925-370-1500) mr@iwestco.comti www.iwestco.com
Western States Controls 815 Arnold Drive #118 nez,Marti CA 94553
Tuebingen, embergBaden-Wuertt 72070 Germany Moritz uegerPfl, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-539-22-21) ueger@at-agrartecvhnik.demoritzpfl www.at-agrartechnik.de R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc. 1611 South cPacifi Coast Hwy Suite 302 Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Todd Porter, President/Recruiter Phone (770-420-7440) tsporter@htprof.com www.htprof.com
H.T. PROF Clean Tech 1470 Benbow Street Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Brian Bigger, President/Recruiter Phone (218-308-9200) ons.combrian@globaltalentsoluti ons.comwww.globaltalentsoluti
Frazee, MN 56544
Global Talent onsSoluti PO Box 235 201 East Main Avenue, Suite 9
George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com
Commodity Talent LLC 27 East 28th Street New York, NY 10016
Robin Spinks, Principal Phone (910-617-7544) robin@greenfield.bz www.greenfield.bz
Greenfield 213 Seacrest Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
BBI Project Development Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Phone (515-985-1260) rhartley@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
Roxby Hartley, Climate Risk Director
EcoEngineers 909 Locust Street, Suite 202 Des Moines, IA 50309
Matt Zuckerman, President Phone (917-771-9906) info@alcoholtax.com www.alcoholtax.com
Regulatory Alcohol Tax Consultants, Inc. PO Box 1595 Madison Square Station New York, NY 10159
Gary DeLong, Vice President Phone (515-240-9586) garyd@degartglobal.com www.degartglobal.com
Degart Global, LLC 4810 74th Street Urbandale, IA 50322
Quality Assurance—
Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reiterscientific.com www.reiterscientific.com
Reiter Scientific Consulting, LLC 599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507
Phone (501-951-4774) Fax (501-833-8511) wayne@lec-exec.com www.lee-enterprises.com
Wayne Lee, CEO
Lee Enterprises Consulting Partners, LLC 9851 Brockington Road, Suite 4 Sherwood, AR 72120
Lawrence Sullivan, Principal Phone (651-269-7737) ldsul@ldsulco.com www.ldsulco.com
LD Sullivan & Company, LLC 2314 Hummingbird Lane Summerville, SC 29483
Phone (202-508-1629) Fax (202-331-3247) interdevelopment@starpower.net www.interdevelopment.com
Margareta Luddemann-Faris, Manager
Interdevelopment, Inc. 1629 K Street Northwest #300 Washington, DC 20006
John Nikoloff, President Phone (717-233-8606) Fax (717-798-3159) john@pa-erg.com www.erg-partners.com
ERG Partners 228 Walnut Street #1205 Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone (866-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development
Pruszko Consulting 16148 Paradise Lane Dubuque, IA 52002 Rudy Pruszko, President Phone (563-582-4545) biorudy@gmail.com biodieselbasics.com
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 72070 Germany Moritz Pflueger, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-53922-21) moritzpflueger@at-agrartecvhnik.de www.at-agrartechnik.de
Adam Best, Content Marketing Manager Phone (952-882-4455) adam.best@dtn.com www.dtn.com/refined-fuels
DTN 114400 Rudd Drive Burnsville, MN 55337
Equinox 4255 43rd Avenue South Fargo, ND 58104 Kyle Althoff, President Phone (303-910-6052) kalthoff@equinox8.com www.equinox8.com
Glenn Person, President Phone (913-696-9990) gjp@agriassociates.com www.agriassociates.com
AGRI-associates, Inc. 6900 College Boulevard, Suite 275 Overland Park, KS 66211
John Nikoloff, President & Partner Phone (717-233-8606) Fax (717-798-3159) john@pa-erg.com www.erg-partners.com
Pennsylvania Energy Resources Group, LLC PO Box 1205 Harrisburg, PA 17108
Louie Brown, Partner Phone (916-448-3826) lbrown@kscsacramento.com www.ksclawyers.com
BBI Project Development Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com D3MAX LLC 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP 1415 L Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814
Bridgestone Associates, Ltd. PO Box 1299 Chadds Ford, PA 19317 Martin Anderson, President & CEO Phone (610-388-6191) solutions@brdgstn.com www.brdgstn.com
Jose Gonzalez, Senior Principal Phone (404-434-3548) jose.gonzalez@afry.com www.afry.com
AFRY Management Consulting 295 Madison Avenue, Suite 300 New York, NY 10017
Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597) Fax (305-852-2598) rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd. PO Box 419 160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070
BBI Project Development Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Phone (530-243-2783) ryanh@wmbeaty.com wmbeaty.com
Ryan Hilburn, Chief Forester
W. M. Beaty & Associates, Inc. 845 Butte Street Redding, CA 96001
John Schneider, Southwest Regional Development Leader Phone (970-302-7061) jschneider@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
Trihydro Corporation 1672 Independence Drive, Suite 315 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Dan Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024) dgrabowski@trccompanies.com www.trccompanies.com
TRC Environmental Corporation 7521 Brush Hill Road Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
Maxwell Pfotenhauer, Sales Executive of Environmental Certification Services Phone (510-993-0167) mpfotenhauer@scsglobalservices.com www.scsglobalservices.com
3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405
Air Resource Specialists 1901 Sharp Point Drive, Suite F Fort Collins, CO 80525
SCS Global Services 2000 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608
Brianna Tobin, Environmental Compliance Manager Phone (970-484-7941) btobin@air-resource.com www.air-resource.com Merjent, Inc. 1 Main Street Southeast, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Stainless Fabrication, Inc. 4455 West Kearney Street Springfield, MO 65803
Robert Greigg, Director of Marketing Phone (609-277-7101) Fax (609-277-7014) ted@astconstruction.com
AST Construction Inc. 5 Canale Drive Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal Phone (516-333-4526) Fax (516-333-4571) bailey@rtpenv.com www.rtpenv.com
EcoCira, Inc.
Steven Levy, Managing Director of New Business Development Phone (914-328-6770) rp@spragueenergy.com www.spragueenergy.com
Sprague Operating Resources, LLC 185 International Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801
Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282) jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com
EcoCira, Inc. 3019 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 108 Sana Monica, CA 90405
Jeff Baldino, Principal Phone (310-745-4282) jeff.baldino@ecocira.com ecocira.com RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. 400 Post Avenue, Suite 405 Westbury, NY 11590
Rock House Advisors 1703 Bald Hill Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 Joe Jobe, President & Founder Phone (573-680-1948) joe@rockhouse.us www.rockhouse.us
BBI Project Development Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Richard Rutigliano, President Phone (516-222-2041) rrutigliano@primediany.com primediany.com
PriMedia, Inc. 401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 310 Garden City, NY 11530
Clayton Tolley, President & CEO Phone (704-625-0106) info@brandsymbol.com brandsymbol.com
Brandsymbol 2925 Senna Drive Matthews, NC 28105
Tad Cooper, President Phone (800-289-7371) info@acterragroup.com www.acterragroup.com
Acterra Group, Inc. PO Box 160 200 35th Street Marion, IA 52302
Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development Phone (515-232-0442) bizdev@tsargent.com www.tasargent.com
Todd & Sargent, Inc. 2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010
Rich Slagle, Director of Development Phone (218-731-8282) rich.slagle@mcgough.com www.mcgough.com
McGough Construction 400 East Broadway, Suite 101 Bismarck, ND 58501
Will Stark, Vice President Phone (320-564-5284) wstark@fageninc.com www.fageninc.com
BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH Parkring 18 Raaba-Grambach, Styria 8074 Austria Hermann Stockinger, CSO Phone (43-316-4009100) sales@bdi-bioenergy.com www.bdi-bioenergy.com/en/start Fagen, Inc. 501 West Hwy 212 Granite Falls, MN 56241
Dianne McCoy, Marketing Manager Phone (417-865-5696) info@stainlessfab.com www.stainlessfab.com Construction
Bob Shank, Owner Phone (715-218-3979) bob_shank@cpmcm.com www.cpmcm.com
N4980 Bradley Street Gleason, WI 54435
Critical Path Management, LLC (CPM)
Dan Smith, Business Development Manager Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
14857 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001
Fiber Chem, Inc.
Jennifer Crisman, Director of Marketing Services Phone (216-692-8359) jcrisman@euclidchemical.com www.euclidchemical.com
Euclid Chemical 19215 Redwood Road Cleveland, OH 44110
Scott Kennedy, Business Development Manager Phone (920-734-5791) skennedy@azco-inc.com www.azco-inc.com
1025 East South River Street Appleton, WI 54915
Emma Ragauskas, Division Manager Phone (770-209-7228) eragauskas@tappi.org tappi-ibbc.org
15 Technology Parkway West Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
TAPPI International Bioenergy & Bioproducts Conference (IBBC)
National SAF Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Customer Service service@bbiinternational.com www.nationalsafconference.com
National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com nationalcarboncaptureconference.com
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com fuelethanolworkshop.com/ema/ DisplayPage.aspx?pageId=Carbon_ Capture___Storage_Summit
International Biomass Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 11
Aviation Fuel & Renewable Diesel 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (866-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselsummit.com
Biodiesel Summit: Sustainable
Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191) Fax (262-338-8489) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (218-263-4444) Fax (218-262-4848) melisa@premiumplantservices.com www.premiumplantservices.com
Hibbing, MN 55746
Premium Plant Services, Inc. 1336 East 31st Street
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (844-799-6582) mschinderle@ innovativeplantsolutions.com www.innovativeplantsolutions.com
Innovative Plant Solutions 3125 East 14th Avenue Hibbing, MN 55746
Robert Young, Quality Assurance Phone (770-205-1969) Fax (770-205-2882) robert.young@sterlingdeaerator.com www.sterlingdeaerator.com
Sterling Deaerator Company 514 West Maple Street, Suite 205 Cumming, GA 30040
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Industrial Sales ons,Soluti LLC
Tracy Hennigan Bonnyman, Market Development Manager Phone (800-472-8484) thb@henniganengineering.com henniganengineering.com
Hennigan Engineering/Hennigan Energy Services Group 55 Industrial Park Road Hingham, MA 02043
Delta Tech Service, Inc. 397 West Channel Road Benicia, CA 94510 hewMatt Webb, Project Manager Phone (707-745-2080) mwebb@deltatechservice.com www.deltatechservice.com
Judy Allen, ngMarketi Director Phone (262-792-1450) judy.allen@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Water Treatment Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway eld,Brookfi WI 53045
Hossam Mohamed Elbakry, ngRotati Equipment Engineer Manager Phone (20-10-018-69632) hossam.bakry@suco-eg.com www.suco-eg.com
Suez Oil Company (SUCO) & EGPC 21 Ahmed Oraby Street Elmohendessin, Cairo Egypt
Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854) Fax (858-255-7854) mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
Aequor, Inc. 9885 Mesa Rim Road #103 San Diego, CA 92121
Judy Allen, ngMarketi Director Phone (262-792-1450) judy.allen@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Munzing 1455 Broad Street eld,Bloomfi NJ 07003
Foam Control
Judy Allen, ngMarketi Director Phone (262-792-1450) judy.allen@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
CIP Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway eld,Brookfi WI 53045
Rogerio Prata, Senior Manager of Technical Service Phone (919-494-3281) rogp@novozymes.com www.novozymes.com
77 Perrys Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525
Xavier Zhang, Commercial Director Phone (86-1885362192586) info@polynovabio.com www.polynovabio.com
Polynova Industry Co. Limited No. 5777 Fangshan, Weifang China
Alicia Colacci, ngMarketi Coordinator Phone (973-233-6791) a.colacci@munzing.com www.munzing.com Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway eld,Brookfi WI 53045
Interstate Chemical Company/ Alpont Methanol 2797 Freedland Road Hermitage, PA 16148 Scott Crum, Vice President of Sales Phone (724-981-3771) Fax (724-981-8383) scrum@interstatechemical.com www.interstatechemical.com
Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway eld,Brookfi WI 53045 Judy Allen, ngMarketi Director Phone (262-792-1450) judy.allen@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Rio Craig, Jr. ngMarketi Manager of onalFuncti onsSoluti & Performance Materials Phone (862-217-7812) rio.craig@evonik.com www.evonik/biodiesel
Evonik onCorporati 299 ersonJeff Road Parsippany, NJ 07054
Beth Primeau, New Business Development Phone (313-573-6585) beth.primeau@basf.com chemicals.basf.com
BASF onCorporati 1609 Biddle e,Wyandott MI 48192
Alcohol Heaven Hill lleriesDisti Inc. 110 Waverly Drive Bardstown, KY 40004 James Mmbando, Engineering Projects Manager Phone (209-200-5113) jgmmbando@gmail.com heavenhill.com
W. R. Grace & Co. 7500 Grace Drive Columbia, MD 21044 Chelsea Grimes, ngMarketi Manager of Materials Technologies Phone (667-300-8698) chelsea.grimes@grace.com grace.com/industries/biofuels/ biomass-based-diesel
Julio Lopez, ngMarketi Leader of Industrial Products Phone (34-91-322-0100) mkt.industrial@tolsa.com www.tolsa.com
TOLSA c/Nunez de Balboa 51, 1 Madrid Spain
Sepigel Camino a Puremin 1100 Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro 76700 Mexico Javier Aznar, Business Development Manager Phone 52-44-27-910-514)( info@sepigel.net www.sepigel.net
Chemicals & vesAdditi
Chemicals & ves/CleaningAdditi
John McNichol, Global Market Development & Technical Service Manager Phone (561-379-8274) john.mcnichol@pqcorp.com www.pqcorp.com
PQ Corporation PO Box 840 Valley Forge, PA 19482
Oil-Dri Corporation of America 218 North Sixth Street West Dundee, IL 60118 Steven Powell, Regional Sales Manager Phone (317-361-5453) steven.powell@oildri.com www.oildri.com
Phone (812-283-6675) sales@dallasgrp.com www.d-sol.com
Jeremiah Bear, Business Development Manager
D-SOL® PO Box 489 374 Route 22 Whitehouse, NJ 08888
Kristina Thompson, Marketing Manager Phone (770-645-3369) kristina.thompson@imerys.com www.imerys.com
Imerys 100 Mansell Court East, Suite 300 Roswell, GA 30076
Dicalite Management Group 1001 Conshohocken State Road Suite 1-500 West Conshohocken, PA 19428 Gary Smith, Sales Manager Phone (208-409-8661) gsmith@dicalite.com www.dicalite.com
EP Minerals, a U.S. Silica Company 9785 Gateway Drive, Suite 1000 Reno, NV 89521 Niels Mastrup, Technical Service Manager Phone (775-622-6384) niels.mastrup@ussilica.com www.epminerals.com
United Color Manufacturing, Inc. PO Box 480 Newtown, PA 18940 Sales Department Phone (215-860-2165) Fax (215-860-8560) sales@unitedcolor.com www.unitedcolor.com SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 2 Additives—Filter Aids
tprovemenIm Clariant Corporation 2750 Technology Forest Boulevard The Woodlands, TX 77381 Jeffrey Burns, Regional Sales Manager of Refinery Services Phone (281-296-3216) Fax (281-465-9200) jeff.burns@clariant.com www.clariant.com/refinery Additives—Dyes
Kemin BioSolutions 1900 Scott Avenue Des Moines, IA 50317
MidContinental Chemical Company, Inc. 1802 East 123rd Terrace Olathe, KS 66061 Everett Osgood, Fuel Additives Director Phone (913-390-5556) fueladditives@mcchemical.com www.mcchemical.com
Brandon Lewis, Principal Scientist Phone (515-559-5100) brandon.lewis@kemin.com www.kemin.com/bio Additives—Cold
Jenny Rudat, Energy Marketing & Communications Manager Phone (309-557-6186) jrudat@growmark.com growmarkenergy.com
GROWMARK Energy 1701 Towanda Avenue Bloomington, IL 61701
Chengy Gwengo, Principal Scientist Phone (412-376-7101) biofm@biofuranchem.com www.biofuranchem.com
BioFuran Materials, LLC 2727 Second Avenue Detroit, MI 48201
gpipenger2@amalgamatedinc.com www.amalgamatedinc.com
Gary Pipenger, CEO Phone (260-489-2549) Fax (260-489-9834)
Amalgamated, Inc. PO Box 8977 Fort Wayne, IN 46898
Alicia Colacci, Marketing Coordinator Phone (973-233-6791) a.colacci@munzing.com www.munzing.com
Munzing 1455 Broad Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Phone (512-247-3835) walter@americanbiosource.com www.dentonbiodiesel.com
Walter Dobson, CEO
Denton Biofuels LLC 624 West University Drive #359 Denton, TX 76201
Jessica Sweeney, Vice President Phone (617-364-2500) jessica@cftechnologies.com cftechnologies.com
CF Technologies, Inc. 1 Westinghouse Plaza, Suite D101 Hyde Park, MA 02136
Irshad Ahmed, President & CEO Phone (617-955-0020) Fax (201-843-8010) info@aurisbioenergy.com aurisbioenergy.com
Auris BioEnergy Inc. 245 First Street, Suite 1800 Cambridge, MA 02142
Thomas Brooks, General Manager Phone (563-744-3554) Fax (563-744-3524) tom.brooks@wdbiodiesel.net www.wdbiodiesel.net
Western Dubuque Biodiesel PO Box 82 904 Jamesmeier Road Farley, IA 52046
Rand Dueweke, Vice President Phone (866-306-4777) rand.dueweke@verbio.us www.verbio.us
Welland, ON L3B 6A7 Canada
1 St. Clair Drive
VERBIO Diesel Canada Corporation
Tian Ching Long, Director Phone (6072-571-328) Fax (6072-571-329) biodiesel@vancebioenergy.com www.vancebioenergy.com
Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim 81700 Malaysia
Vance Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd. PLO 668/669, Jalan Keluli 5 Kawasan Perindustrian
Marc A. Seidner, President Phone (310-569-6500) marc@permanentecorp.com www.permanentecorp.com
Permanente Corporation 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tom Rodis, Commodity Merchant Phone (507-842-6713) tom.rodis@mnsoy.com mnsoy.com
Minnesota Soybean Processors PO Box 100 121 Zeh Avenue Brewster, MN 56119
Jeramie Weller, General Manager Phone (507-846-6677) jeramie.weller@mnsoy.com www.mnsoy.com
Minnesota Soybean Processors PO Box 100 121 Zeh Avenue Brewster, MN 56119
Manuelita Aceites y Energia Carrera 7 Numero 73-55 Oficina 1101 Bogota, Cundinamarca 110221 Colombia Francesco Giovanelli, New Business Development Manager Phone (57-131-53632261) francesco.giovanelli@manuelita.com www.manuelita.com
Zach Waickman, Biodiesel Lab Manager Phone (773-508-8852) zwaickm@luc.edu www.luc.edu/biodiesel
Loyola University Chicago 6349 North Kenmore Avenue Chicago, IL 60660
Jim Galvin, CEO Phone (312-386-5894) jim.galvin@lakeviewenergyllc.com www.lakeviewenergyllc.com
Lakeview Energy 300 West Adams, Suite 830 Chicago, IL 60606
Jerry Allison, Sales Manager Phone (870-698-3000) info@ffcmail.com www.futurefuelcorporation.com
FutureFuel Chemical Company PO Box 2357 2800 Gap Road Batesville, AR 72501
Alex Goh, Head of Business Phone (6052-014-192) info@excelvite.com www.evbiodiesel.com
Jalan Ipoh Chemor, Perak 31200 Malaysia
ExcelVite Sdn. Bhd. Lot 56442, 7 1/2 Mile
David Nelson, Owner Phone (816-728-7300) dnelson41@kc.rr.com www.ecocircle.net
EcoCircle 13605 Timber Ridge Kansas City, MO 64152
Dan Treleaven, President Phone (604-946-7626) Fax (604-946-9609) dtreleaven@consolidatedbiofuels.net www.consolidatedbiofuels.net
Consolidated Biofuels Ltd. 7651 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1A6 Canada
Steven Stieg, Sales s.stieg@chemra.com www.chemra.com
Chemra 601 East Palomar Street, Suite C-361 Chula Vista, CA 91911
Canary Biofuels, Inc. 322 11th Avenue Southwest, Suite 408 Calgary, AB T2R 0C5 Canada Kavanagh Mannas, Vice President of Corporate Development Phone (587-813-4450) info@canarybiofuels.com www.canarybiofuels.com
Nathan Nolte, Sales Manager of Renewable Fuels Phone (402-431-5094) nnolte@agp.com www.agp.com
Jenna Long, Director of Operations Phone (808-877-3144) jenna@biodiesel.com www.biodiesel.com Ag Processing, Inc. 12700 West Dodge Road Omaha, NE 68103
Pacific Biodiesel 40 Hobron Avenue Kahului, HI 96732
Phone (731-234-1697) smaupin@tnsoybeans.org tnsoybeans.org
Stefan Maupin, Executive Director
John Kutsch, Executive Director Phone (312-303-5019) thoriumenergyalliance@gmail.com thoriumenergyalliance.com TN Soybean Promotion Council 100 Executive Drive Jackson, TN 38305
Thorium Energy Alliance 107 West Front Street Harvard, IL 60033
Tim O'Toole, Executive Vice President Phone (847-438-8265) info@steeltank.com www.steeltank.com
STI/SPFA 944 Donata Court Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Phone (832-758-0027) info@renewablenaturalgas.com www.renewablenaturalgas.com
Monte Goodell, Executive Director
Renewable Energy Institute 6705 Bancroft Woods Austin, TX 78729
Carlie Koberstine, Coordinator Phone (651-337-5096) carlie.koberstine@lung.org www.cleanairchoice.org/ clean-cities/north-dakota-cleancities/#/analyze?region=USND&access=public&a
North Dakota Clean Cities Coalition 490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103
Phone (651-223-9568) lisa.thurstin@lung.org www.cleanairchoice.org
Lisa Thurstin, Director
Minnesota Clean Cities Coalition 490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103
Cesar Bautista Sterling, Machine Design Engineer Phone (57-300-2412000) cesarbautistasterling@gmail.com www.intechopen.com/chapters/81389
Bio-Circular Engine Cra 19 63C-58 Bogota, DC, Cundi Colombia
Phone (507-388-1635) Fax (507-388-6751) mike@agmgmtsolutions.com mnbiodiesel.com
Mike Youngerberg, Executive Director
Minnesota Biodiesel Council 1020 Innovation Lane Mankato, MN 56001
Phone (605-252-2207) jtomlin@mmsinconline.com mmsinconline.com
Jayce Tomlin, Marketing & Recruiting Manager
Miller Mechanical Specialties 1200 Centre Point Curve #200 Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Illinois Soybean Association 1108 Trinity Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 Claire Weinzierl, Communications Manager Phone (309-846-8683) claire.weinzierl@ilsoy.org www.ilsoy.org
Phone (910-452-7059) amanda.tripp@ika.net www.ikaprocess.com
Amanda Tripp, Marketing Coordinator
IKA Works, Inc. 2635 Northchase Parkway Southeast Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone (951-741-7713) hempfuelgroup@gmail.com www.hempfuelgroup.com
Eduardo Herrera, Co-Founder
Hemp Fuel Group, LLC 12952 Clemson Drive Corona, CA 92880
Toronto, ON M4T 1N5 Canada Alan Peranson, Director of Business Development Phone (416-456-0466) alan@ecostrat.com ecostrat.com
Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director
Diesel Technology Forum 5300 Westview Drive, Suite 308 Frederick, MD 21703
Phone (213-302-6741) Fax (213-302-6967) williamd@dtcint.com www.dtcint.com
William Davis, President/CEO
Davis Trade & Commodities 515 South Flower Street, 18th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071
Jalene Fritz, Membership Committee Vice Chair Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (281-537-1721) jfritz@tpitx.com www.cti.org
3845 Cypress Creek Parkway, Suite 420 (77068) Houston, TX 77268
Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) PO Box 681807
Clean Fuels Alliance America PO Box 104898 Jefferson City, MO 65110 Phone (800-841-5849) info@cleanfuels.org www.cleanfuels.org
Rebecca Baskins, Executive Director Phone (916-743-8935) rebecca@caadvancedbiofuelsalliance.org www.caadvancedbiofuelsalliance.org
California Advanced Biofuels Alliance (CABA) 1415 L Street, Suite 460 Sacramento, CA 95814
Bob Moore, President Phone (580-695-0331) Fax (866-383-4120)
Bob Moore Financing 3509 Brookford Drive Brookhaven Square Norman, OK 73072
Phone (301-668-7230) dtf@dieselforum.org www.dieselforum.org Ecostrat, Inc. 60 St. Clair Avenue East #404
BDLA 8815 Northwest 33rd Street, Suite 150 Doral, FL 33172 Guilherme Cirino, Plant Manager Phone (305-930-1757) gcirino@bdlaus.com bdlaus.com
Andy Emerson, Broker Phone (239-494-8270) Fax (239-215-1843) andy@banyancg.com www.banyancg.com
Banyan Commodity Group 3301 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 313 Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Association Quality Management Biodiesel-AGQM Biodiesel e.V. Am Weidendamm 1A Berlin 10117 Germany Richard Wicht, Manager Phone (49-3072-62-5980) Fax (49-3072-62-5985) info@agqm-biodiesel.de www.agqm-biodiesel.com
Adam Wathen, Manager Phone (949-981-8669) ruthaglipa334@outlook.com area52.com
Advanced Biofuels USA 507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701 Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395) info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org Area 52 3172 North Rainbow Boulevard #22136 Las Vegas, NV 89108
Advanced Biofuels Canada 206-566 Artisan Lane Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2 Canada Ian Thomson, President Phone (778-233-3889) ithomson@advancedbiofuels.ca www.advancedbiofuels.ca
98 Vertex Energy Inc. Mobile AL 200 CO, AF, WVO RD
Under Construction/Conversion 99 World Energy - Houston Galena Park TX 250 Multifeedstock SAF Under Construction/Conversion 100 World Energy - Paramount Paramount CA 290/340 AF SAF Under Construction/Expansion
95 Seaboard Energy Hugoton KS 89 AF, VO RD, naptha Operational 96 Sierra Biofuels (Fulcrum Bioenergy) Reno NV 11 MSW SAF Operational 97 Strathcona Refinery (Imperial Oil & ExxonMobil) Edmonton AB 264 Multifeedstock RD Proposed/Under Development
93 ReadiFuels-Iowa LLC Sioux Center IA 36 UCO, DCO RD, SAF, naptha Proposed/Under Development 94 REG Geismar LLC Geismar LA 90/250 UCO, CO, SO, AF, caranita oil RD, SAF, naptha, LPG Under Construction/Expansion
Proposed/Under Development/Conversion
Proposed/Under Development 92 Phillips 66 - Rodeo Renewed Rodeo CA 800 Waste oils, fats, grease, VO RD, SAF, green gasoline
Proposed/Under Development
91 PBF Energy Inc. - Chalmette Refinery Chalmette LA 300 SO, CO, AF RD
90 Parkland Corp. Burnaby BC 99 Canola oil RD
89 Next Renewable Fuels Inc. Clatskanie OR 760 Multifeedstock RD, SAF, naptha Proposed/Under Development
88 New Rise Renewables Las Vegas NV 100 FOG RD Under Construction/Conversion
87 Montana Renewables (Calumet) Great Falls MT 175 Seed oils, UCO, AF RD, SAF Operational
86 Martinez Renewables Martinez CA 730 Multifeedstock RD, naptha, propane Under Construction/Conversion
85 Marathon Petroleum - Dickinson Renewable Diesel Facility Dickinson ND 184 SO, CO RD, naptha Operational
84 Louisiana Green Fuels (Strategic Biofuels) Caldwell Parish LA 34 Wood waste RD Proposed/Under Development
83 Kern Energy CA Bakersfield CA 150 AF, organic waste, MSW, woody ag waste RD Under Construction/Conversion
82 HF Sinclair - Sinclair Sinclair WY 117 SO, DCO, AF RD Operational
77 Diamond Green Diesel - Port Arthur Port Arthur TX 470 AF, UCO RD, naptha Under Construction 78 Gron Fuel LLC Baton Rouge LA 900 FOG, seed oils RD, SAF Proposed/Under Development 79 Heartwell Renewables (Love's/Cargill) Hastings NE 80 AF, DCO RD Under Construction 80 HF Sinclair - Artesia Artesia NM 125 Multifeedstock RD Operational 81 HF Sinclair - Cheyenne Cheyenne WY 90 Multifeedstock RD Operational
76 Diamond Green Diesel - Norco Norco LA 720 AF, UCO, CO RD, naptha Operational
69 BP - Cherry Point Refinery Blaine WA 55/110 VO, AF RD Under Construction/Expansion 70 Braya Renewable Fuels Come by Chance NF 260 SO, AF, UCO, CO RD, SAF Under Construction/Conversion 71 Centerpoint Biofuels (Fulcrum BioEnergy) Gary IN 33 MSW SAF Proposed/Under Development 72 Chevron USA Inc. El Segundo CA 153 Multifeedstock RD, SAF Under Construction/Conversion 73 Covenant Energy Ltd. Llyoydminster SK 120 Canola, SO RD Proposed/Under Development 74 CVR Energy Inc. - Coffeyville Coffeyville KS 150 Seed oils RD, SAF Proposed/Under Development 75 CVR Energy Inc. - Wynnewood Wynnewood OK 100 SO, CO RD Operational
67 Aemetis Riverbank CA 90 Forest/orchard waste RD, SAF Proposed/Under Development 68 Bakersfield Renewable Fuels (GCEH) Bakersfield CA 210 Camelina, UCO, DCO, SO RD Under Construction
Idle: 17 MMgy Proposed: 3 MMgy Operational: 2,326 Mmgy Total: 2,436 mgy/2.436 billion gallons per year (BGY)
61 Western Iowa Energy LLC Wall Lake IA 45 Multifeedstock Operational 62 White Mountain Biodiesel LLC North Haverhill NH 8 Yellow grease Operational 63 World Energy - Hamilton Hamilton ON 18 Multifeedstock Operational 64 World Energy - Harrisburg Camp Hill PA 40 Multifeedstock Operational 65 World Energy - Natchez Natchez MS 72 VO Operational 66 World Energy - Rome Rome GA 20 Multifeedstock Operational
Capacity (MMgy) Feedstock
NOTE: Plant listings include operational, under construction/conversion/expansion, proposed and temporarily idled plants, as well as those producing intermittently. Facilities under 5 MMgy are no longer listed, and those with an unknown status, known closure or repositioning, have also been removed. If you would like to add your plant or have any questions or comments, please send an email to Anna Simet, Biodiesel Magazine, at asimet@bbiinternational.com
Source: Biodiesel Magazine / BBI International PLANT
Plant Name City
51 SMES Dublin LLC East Dublin GA 5 Brown grease Operational 52 Solfuels USA LLC Helena AR 40 Yellow grease, AF, CO, VO Operational 53 Southeast Biodiesel Charleston SC 5 UCO/multifeedstock Operational 54 Verbio Diesel Canada Corp. Welland ON 45 Canola oil, SO Operational 55 Virginia Biodiesel Refinery LLC West Point VA 5 UCO, poultry grease, SO Operational 56 W2Fuel - Adrian Adrian MI 15 SO Operational 57 W2Fuel - Crawfordsville Crawfordsville IA 10 SO Operational 58 Walsh BioFuels LLC Mauston WI 5 DCO Operational 59 Western Dubuque Biodiesel LLC Farley IA 36 SO, AF, canola oil, CO, UCO Operational 60 Western Iowa Energy - Agron Bioenergy Watsonville CA 15 Multifeedstock
Operational/Proposed Expansion 28 Iowa Renewable Energy LLC Washington IA 36 VO, AF Operational 29 Lakeview Biodiesel LLC Moberly MO 10 Multifeedstock Idle 30 Louis Dreyfus Agricultural Industries LLC Claypool IN 99 SO Operational 31 Mid-America Biofuels Mexico MO 50 SO Operational 32 Minnesota Soybean Processors Brewster MN 36 SO Operational 33 New Leaf Biofuel LLC San Diego CA 12 Yellow grease Operational 34 Newport Biodiesel Inc. Newport RI 8 Yellow grease Operational 35 Owensboro Grain Biodiesel LLC Owensboro KY 54 SO Operational 36 Pacific Biodiesel Kea`au HI 6 UCO Operational 37 RBF Port Neches LLC Port Neches TX 144 SO, canola oil Operational 38 REG Albert Lea LLC Albert Lea MN 46 High and Low FFA Operational 39 REG Danville LLC Danville IL 50 High and Low FFA
Delek Renewables - New Albany New Albany MS 12 UCO, AF, SO, canola oil Operational 18 FutureFuel Chemical Company Batesville AR 60 CO, UCO, SO, AF Operational 19 Genuine Bio-Fuel Inc. Indiantown FL 9 VO, AF Operational 20 Green Biofuels Miami LLC Miami FL 7 UCO Idle 21 Green Energy Biofuel (GEB3) Warrenville SC 40 FOG Operational 22 Hero BX - Clinton Clinton IA 10 VO, AF Operational 23 Hero BX - Erie Erie PA 50 VO, AF Operational 24 Hero BX - Moundville Moundville AL 20 VO, AF Operational 25 Imperial Western Products Inc. (Biotane) Coachella CA 12 UCO Operational 26 Incobrasa Industries Ltd. Gilman IL 62 SO Operational 27 Innoltek Inc. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC 3/6 AF, UCO
Delek Renewables - Cleburne Cleburne TX 12 UCO, AF, SO, canola oil Operational 16 Delek Renewables - Crossett Crossett AR 15 UCO, AF, SO, canola oil Operational
Crimson Renewable Energy LP Bakersfield CA 37 UCO Operational
Cargill - Wichita Wichita KS 90 SO Operational
Cargill - Kansas City Kansas City MO 56 SO Operational
Cargill - Iowa Falls Iowa Falls IA 56 SO Operational
Canary Biofuels Stockton CA 10 Multifeedstock Operational
Canary Biofuels Lethbridge AB 20 Ag waste, AF, UCO, DCO, canola oil Operational
Bioenergy Development Group Memphis TN 36 Waste oils Operational
Archer Daniels Midland Co. - Velva Velva ND 85 Canola oil Operational
Archer Daniels Midland Co. - Lloydminster Lloydminster AB 70 Canola oil Operational
Archer Daniels Midland Co. - Deerfield Deerfield MO 50 SO Operational
American GreenFuels LLC New Haven CT 35 UCO, AF Operational
Ag Processing Inc. - St. Joseph St. Joseph MO 42 SO Operational
Ag Processing Inc. - Sergeant Bluff Sergeant Bluff IA 76 SO Operational
Ag Processing Inc. - Algona Algona IA 76 SO Operational
& Renewable Diesel/SAF Plants