Washington British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Unisol Liquid Dyes Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Montana North Dakota Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa Illinois Indiana Ohio West Virginia Virginia Pennsylvania New York Maine Missouri Arkansas Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida North Carolina South Carolina Michigan South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Idaho Wyoming Oregon California Nevada Utah Arizona Colorado New Mexico Kentucky Louisiana TONSIL® RNF FOR PURIFYING EVERY FUEL FEEDSTOCK TONSIL® RNF For purifying every fuel feedstock BIODIESEL TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE MARKET LEADER more than 2,000,000 t biodiesel per year customized perfection for highest yield CO2 reduction measurable solutions fo O. 407.204.1000 F. 40 .386.7550 919 Orange Avenue, Suite 202, Winter Park, FL 32789 Used Cooking Oil Deep South Commodities Specializes in Renewable Commodities and eedstocks. DeepSouthCommodities.com Made in USA Keeping People SAFER and Produc ts FLOWING C arbisSolutions .com U.S. & Canada Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel/SAF Plant Map 2024 Plant Name City State Capacity (MMgy) Plant Status Biodiesel Plants Archer Daniels Midland Co. Lloydminster Lloydminster AB 70 Opera�onal Canary Biofuels Lethbridge AB 20 Opera�onal Hero BX Moundville Moundville AL 20 Opera�onal Delek Renewables Crosse� Crosse� AR 15 Opera�onal FutureFuel Chemical Company Batesville AR 60 Opera�onal Canary Biofuels Stockton CA 20 Opera�onal Crimson Renewable Energy LP Bakersfield CA 37 Opera�onal Imperial Western Products Inc. (Biotane) Coachella CA 12 Opera�onal New Leaf Biofuel LLC San Diego CA 12 Opera�onal 10 American GreenFuels LLC New Haven CT 35 Opera�onal 11 Down to Earth Energy LLC Monroe GA 2 Opera�onal 12 World Energy Rome Rome GA 20 Opera�onal 13 Pacifi Biodiesel Kea`au HI 6 Opera�onal 14 Ag Processing Inc. Algona Algona IA 76 Opera�onal 15 Ag Processing Inc. Sergeant Bluff Sergeant Bluff IA 76 Opera�onal 16 Cargill Iowa Falls Iowa Falls IA 70 Opera�onal 17 Hero BX Clinton Clinton IA 10 Opera�onal 18 Iowa Renewable Energy LLC Washington IA 36 Opera�onal 19 REG Mason City LLC Mason City IA 39 Opera�onal 20 REG Newton LLC Newton IA 38 Idle 21 REG Ralston LLC Ralston IA 49 Opera�onal 22 Western Dubuque Biodiesel LLC Farley IA 36 Opera�onal 23 Alterna�ve Fuel Solu�ons LLC Hun�ngton IN Opera�onal 24 Western Iowa Energy LLC Wall Lake IA 45 Opera�onal 25 Adkins Energy LLC Lena IL Opera�onal 26 Incobrasa Industries Ltd. Gilman IL 62 Opera�onal 27 REG Danville LLC Danville IL 50 Opera�onal/Proposed Expansion 28 REG Seneca LLC Seneca IL 76 Opera�onal 29 Louis Dreyfus Agricultural Industries LLC Claypool IN 99 Idle 30 Cargill Wichita Wichita KS 91 Opera�onal 31 Con�nental Refining Co. Somerset KY Opera�onal 32 Owensboro Grain Biodiesel LLC Owensboro KY 56 Opera�onal 33 Cape Cod Biofuels Sandwich MA Opera�onal 34 Maine Standard Biofuels Portland ME Opera�onal 35 W2Fuel Adrian Adrian MI 15 Opera�onal Idle: 142 Opera�onal: 2,221 Total: 2,358 Biodiesel Plants Continued Plant Name City State Capacity (MMgy) Plant Status 36 Thumb Bioenergy LLC Sandusky MI Opera�onal 37 Ever Cat Fuels LLC Isan� MN Opera�onal 38 Minnesota Soybean Processors Brewster MN 36 Opera�onal 39 REG Albert Lea LLC Albert Lea MN 46 Opera�onal 40 Ag Processing Inc. St. Joseph St. Joseph MO 42 Opera�onal 41 Archer Daniels Midland Co. Deerfield Deerfield MO 50 Opera�onal 42 Cargill Kansas City Kansas City MO 70 Opera�onal 43 Mid-America Biofuels Mexico MO 50 Opera�onal 44 Seaboard Energy Missouri LLC St. Joseph MO 35 Opera�onal 45 Delek Renewables New Albany New Albany MS 12 Opera�onal 46 Sco� Petroleum Corp. (C&S Fuels) Greenville MS 17 Opera�onal 47 World Energy Natchez Natchez MS 72 Opera�onal 48 Blue Ridge Biofuels LLC Newton NC Opera�onal 49 Archer Daniels Midland Co. Velva Velva ND 85 Opera�onal 50 White Mountain Biodiesel LLC North Haverhill NH Opera�onal 51 Seaboard Energy Oklahoma LLC Guymon OK 40 Opera�onal 52 Verbio Diesel Canada Corp. Welland ON 45 Opera�onal 53 World Energy Hamilton Hamilton ON 18 Opera�onal 54 SeQuen�al-Pacifi Biodiesel LLC (Crimson Renewable Energy) Salem OR 12 Opera�onal 55 Hero BX Erie Erie PA 50 Opera�onal 56 World Energy Harrisburg Camp Hill PA 45/50 Opera�onal 57 Innoltek Inc. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC Opera�onal 58 Green Energy Biofuel Warrenville SC 40 Opera�onal 59 Southeast Biodiesel Charleston SC Opera�onal 60 Bioenergy Development Group Memphis TN 36 Opera�onal 61 Delek Renewables Cleburne Cleburne TX 12 Opera�onal 62 RBF Port Neches LLC Port Neches TX 144 Opera�onal 63 Rio Valley Biofuels LLC El Paso TX 15 Opera�onal 64 Virginia Biodiesel Refinery LLC West Point VA Opera�onal 65 REG Grays Harbor LLC Hoquiam WA 107 Opera�onal 66 REG Madison LLC DeForest WI 28 Opera�onal 67 Walsh BioFuels LLC Mauston WI Idle 68 Imperial Oil & ExxonMobil-Strathcona Refinery Edmonton AB Under Construc�on 264 RD 2025 69 RETI-Calgary Region Green Energy Industrial Park Calgary AB Proposed/Under Development 100 SAF, RD 70 Vertex Energy Inc. Mobile AL Opera�onal 200 RD 71 Tidewater Renewables Prince George BC Opera�onal 45 RD, hydrogen 72 Aeme� Riverbank Riverbank CA Proposed/Under Development 90 RD, SAF 73 Bakersfield Renewable Fuels Global Clean Energy Holdings Bakersfield CA Under Construc�on 210 RD Delayed-Q4 2023/2024 74 Chevron El Segundo El Segundo CA Opera�onal 153 RD 75 Kern Energy Bakersfield CA Under Construc�on 6 RD 76 Mar�nez Renewable Fuels Project Mar�nez CA Opera�onal 730 RD 77 Phillips 66 Rodeo Renewed Rodeo CA Opera�onal/Under Construc�on 120/800 RD, SAF, renewable gasoline Q1 2024 78 World Energy Paramount Paramount CA Opera�onal/Under Construc�on 42/340 SAF 2025 79 Lanzajet-Freedom Pines Fuels Soperton GA Under Construc�on 10 RD, SAF Late 2023/early '24 80 ReadiFuels-Iowa LLC Sioux Center IA Proposed/Under Development 36 RD, SAF, naphtha 81 Lanzajet/Marquis Sustainable Avia�on Fuel Hennepin IL Proposed/Under Development 120 SAF 82 Fulcrum Bioenergy-Centerpoint Gary IN Proposed/Under Development 33 SAF 83 CVR Energy Inc. Coffeyville Coffeyville KS Proposed/Under Development 150 RD, SAF, hydrogen 84 Seaboard Energy Hugoton KS Opera�onal 85 RD 85 Diamond Green Diesel-Norco Norco LA Opera�onal 1,000 RD, naphtha 86 DG Fuels-Louisiana St. James Parish LA Proposed/Under Development 120 SAF 87 Gron Fuels LLC Baton Rouge LA Proposed/Under Development 900 RD, SAF, hydrogen 88 Strategic Biofuels-Louisiana Green Fuels Caldwell Parish LA Proposed/Under Development 34 RD, naptha 89 PBF Energy Inc./Eni Sustainable Mobility Spa - Chalme�e Refinery Chalme�e LA Opera�onal 306 RD 90 REG Geismar LLC Geismar LA Opera�onal/Under Construc�on 75/340 RD, propane, naphtha Late 2023/early '24 91 Shell Convent Refinery Convent LA Proposed/Under Development RD, SAF 92 Azure Sustainable Fuels Portage Prairie MB Proposed/Under Development 264 SAF 93 DG Fuels-Maine Aroostock County ME Proposed/Under Development 175 SAF 94 Jaxon Energy LLC Jackson MS Opera�onal 25 RD # Plant Name City State/ Province Plant Status Capacity (MMgy) Products Comple�on Renewable Diesel/SAF Plants Hawaii U.S. & Canada Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel/SAF Plant Map 2024 95 Montana Renewables (Calumet) Great Falls MT Opera�onal/Proposed Expansion 180/230 RD (150), *SAF (30/230), naphtha 96 Marathon Petroleum Dickinson Renewable Diesel Facility Dickinson ND Opera�onal 184 RD, naphtha 97 Heartwell Renewables (Love's/Cargill) Has�ngs NE Under Construc�on 80 RD Late 2024 98 Braya Renewable Fuels Come by Chance NL Under Construc�on 260 RD, SAF Early 2024 99 HF Sinclair Artesia Artesia NM Opera�onal 125 RD 100 New Rise Renewables Reno Reno NV Opera�onal 43 RD 101 Ryze Renewables Las Vegas (Edgewood Renewables) Las Vegas NV Under Construc�on 100 RD *Delayed 102 Sierra Biofuels (Fulcrum Bioenergy) Reno NV Opera�onal 11 SAF 103 CVR Energy Inc. Wynnewood Wynnewood OK Opera�onal 100 RD 104 Refuel Energy Toronto ON Proposed/Under Development 46 RD, SAF, hydrogen 105 Next Renewable Fuels Inc. Clatskanie OR Proposed/Under Development 750 RD, SAF 106 Mahoney Environmental (Neste)-Newport Newport RI Opera�onal 10 RD, SAF 107 Gevo Net-Zero Lake Preston SD Proposed/Under Development 65 SAF, renewable gasoline 108 Covenant Energy Ltd. Lloydminster SK Proposed/Under Development 113 RD 109 Federated Co-opera�ves Ltd. Regina SK Proposed/Under Development 215 RD 110 Diamond Green Diesel Port Arthur Port Arthur TX Opera�onal/Under Construc�on 490 RD (235), *SAF (235), naphtha (20) Fulcrum Bioenergy-Trinity Gulf Coast* TX Proposed/Under Development 31 SAF 111 Nacero Penwell TX Proposed/Under Development 250 SAF (145), LCAF, naphtha, LPG 112 Texas Renewable Fuels-USA BioEnergy Bonweir TX Proposed/Under Development 34 SAF, RD, naphtha 113 World Energy Houston Galena Park TX Under Construc�on 250 SAF 2027 114 BP Cherry Point Refinery Blaine WA Opera�onal 110 RD SkyNRG Americas-Pacifi Northwest *Undisclosed WA Proposed/Under Development 30 SAF 115 HF Sinclair Cheyenne Cheyenne WY Opera�onal 90 RD 116 HF Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair WY Opera�onal 117 RD 117 SAF+ Consor�um Montreal QC Proposed/Under Development 15 SAF 118 Varennes Carbon Recycling Varennes QC Under Construc�on 34 RD 2025 # Plant Name City State/ Province Plant Status Capacity (MMgy) Products Comple�on New Foundland www.pscgroup.com group.com THE product handling experts for the Renewable Fuels Industry Map Legend BIODIESEL PLANTS Operational Operational/Proposed Expansion RENEWABLE/SAF PLANTS Operational Operational/Proposed Expansion Proposed/Under Development Operational Under Construction Under Construction New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel/SAF Plant Map data as of November 2023 •Plants listed have minimum of MMgy produc�on capacity. •Due to uncertaintly of project �melines, comple�on dates are only listed for plants that have reported commencing construc�on. •Projects that have not announced state or province for loca�on are not listed. •Product lists may not be exhaus�ve. •If known/disclosed, volumes of facili�es producing both SAF and RD are listed in parenthases. In the case of two numbers seperated by a slash, they represent current volume and proposed/under construc�on volume. Volumes of products other than RD and SAF are not included/specified. *#91 Shell has led for tax credits with the state of Louisiana to convert its Convent Refinery to SAF and renewable diesel but has not indicated volumes. The refinery closed in 2020 with 240,000 bpd proccessing capacity. The EIA also reported some RD produc�on at its Norco refinery, but Shell did not respond to media requests to confirm. *#95 Montana Renewables is currently producing both RD (180 Mmgy) and SAF (30 Mmgy), but announced planned shi� to all SAF (230 Mmgy). *101 Ryze Renewables led for bankruptcy in spring 2023 and the plant was sold to Edgewood Renewables. As of April, the facility was 40% complete. *#110 Diamond Green Diesel is the process of upgrading half of the 470 MMgy renewable diesel plant’s capacity to SAF. *#112 Fulcrum Bioenergy-Trinity has not disclosed an exact loca�on and is not plo�ed on the map *#116 SkyNRG Americas announced the project would be in Washington state in May 2023, but has not disclosed the loca�on and is not plo�ed on the map. Data as of 10/09/2023. To add or modify, email asimet@bbiinterna�onal.com. TRISYL® silica adsorbents for feedstock pre-treatment LEARN MORE