U.S. Biomass Power Facilities Hawaii Data as of September 2022 *Included on the map are power facilities that utilize solid biomass fuel as a primary fuel source, producing at least 1 MW of power, sending at least portion to the grid. *Plants that have been idle longer than two years and/or declared permamently closed are not listed. *Secondary/non-biomass fuels are not listed; an exception is Virginia Hybrid, a 600-MW plant that uses 20% biomass (120 MW). *Plant data is to best of knowledge, based on research or independent verification. To add/remove plant or modify data, email asimet@bbiinternational.com. STATE/PLANT NAME OWNER CITY NAMEPLATE CAPACITY FEEDSTOCK ALABAMA 1 Resolute Forest Products Coosa Pines Resolute Forest Products Coosa Pine 30 Wood-processing waste 2 Westervelt Renewable Energy Moundville The Westervelt Co. Moundville 13 Wood waste ARKANSAS 3 Potlatch Land & Lumber Power Plant PotlatchDeltic Warren 10 Bark, sawdust, shavings ARIZONA 4 Novo BioPower LLC Novo Power LLC Snowflake 27 Wood waste CALIFORNIA 5 Blue Mountain Electric (BioMAT) Calaveras Healthy Impacts Products Solutions Willseyville Forest residue 6 Burney Forest Power Olympus Power LLC Burney 31 Wood waste 7 Burney-Hat Creek Bioenergy (BioMAT) Fall River Resource Conservation District Mcarthur Forest thinnings 8 Camptonville Biomass Plant (BioMAT) Camptonville Community Partnership/Yuba Watershed Protection & Fire Safe Council Dobbins Forest thinnings 9 Collins Pine Co. Power Plant Collins Co. Chester 12 Forest thinnings/residue 10 Desert View Power Greenleaf Power LLC Mecca 45 Woody biomass 11 DG Fairhaven Power EWP Renewable Corp. Samoa 18 Wood waste 12 DTE Stockton Biomass Power DTE Energy Stockton 45 Woody biomass, ag residue 13 Honey Lake Power Greenleaf Power LLC Wendel 30 High-hazard forest material/thinnings 14 Indian Valley Wood Utilization Campus (BioMAT) Sierra Institute for Community and Environment Crescent Mills Small-diameter logs, forest biomass 15 Mariposa Biomass Project (BioMAT) Mariposa Biomass Project Mariposa 2.4 High-hazard forest material/thinnings 16 McArthur Bioenergy (BioMAT) Fall River Resource Conservation District McArthur Forest thinnings 17 Merced Power Global Ampersand LLC El Nido 12.5 Ag waste 18 Mt. Poso Cogeneration Co. LLC DTE Energy Bakersfield 44 Wood waste 19 Nevada County Bioenergy (BioMAT) Nevada County Biomass Task Force Grass Valley High-hazard forest material 20 North Fork Community Power Phoenix Energy North Fork High-hazard forest material 21 North Fork Lumber Co. (BioMAT) North Fork Lumber BioMAT Korbel Sawmill, forest waste 22 Pacific Ultrapower Chinese Station IHI Power Services Corp. Jamestown 25 Woody biomass 23 Rio Bravo Fresno IHI Power Services Corp., North American Power Group Fresno 24.3 Ag/urban wood waste 24 Rio Bravo Rocklin IHI Power Services Corp., North American Power Group Lincoln 24.4 High-hazard forest material, ag/urban waste 25 Roseburg Forest Products Biomass Roseburg Forest Products Weed 13 Wood waste 26 Scotia Cogen Humboldt Redwood Company Scotia 28 Wood waste 27 Shasta-Sustainable Resource Management Sustainable Resource Management Inc. Anderson 56 Wood waste, forest residue 28 SPI-Anderson Biomass Power Sierra Pacific Industries Anderson 30 Logging/mill residue 29 SPI-Burney Sierra Pacific Industries Burney 20 Logging/mill residue 30 SPI-Lincoln Biomass Power Sierra Pacific Industries Lincoln 18 Logging/mill residue 31 SPI-Quincy Biomass Power Sierra Pacific Industries Quincy 35.2 Mill residue 32 SPI-Sonora Biomass Power Sierra Pacific Industries Sonora 10.9 Logging/mill residue 33 Tubit Enterprise (BioMAT) Fall River Resource Conservation District Burney Forest thinnings 34 Wadham Energy LP Enpower Corp. Williams 30 Rice hulls 35 Woodland Biomass Power DTE Energy Woodland 25 Wood chips, urban wood waste, ag waste COLORADO 36 Eagle Valley Clean Energy Greenbacker Renewable Energy Co. Gypsum 12 Forest restoration thinnings/residue CONNECTICUT 37 Plainfield Renewable Energy Greenleaf Power LLC Plainfield 37.5 C&D/forestry waste FLORIDA 38 Buckeye Florida Biomass Buckeye Florida Ltd. Perry 69.4 Wood waste, black liquor 39 Deerhaven Renewable Generating Station Gainesville Regional Utilities Gainesville 102.5 Wood waste 40 Fernandina Biomass Plant Rayonier Performance Fibers Fernandina Beach 22.5 Mill residuals 41 Okeelanta Biomass Cogeneration New Hope Power Partnership South Bay 74.9 Bagasse 42 Telogia Power Multitrade Telogia LLC Telogia 14 Logging/mill residue, hog fuel, peanut hulls 43 U.S. Sugar Corp. Cogeneration Plant U.S. Sugar Corp. Clewiston 50 Bagasse GEORGIA 44 Albany Green Energy ReGenerate Energy Holdings LLC Albany 50 Forest residue, urban wood waste, pecan shells, peanut hulls 45 GRP-Franklin LLC Georgia Renewable Power Carnesville 65 C&D waste 46 GRP-Madison LLC Georgia Renewable Power Colbert 65 C&D waste 47 Macon Mill Graphic Packaging Corp. Macon 38 Logging waste 48 Multitrade Rabun Gap Rockland Capital Rabun Gap 18 Woody biomass 49 Piedmont Green Power Atlantic Power Barnesville 55 Urban wood waste, mill and logging residue HAWAII 50 Green Energy Team LLC Standardkessel Baumgarte Koloa, Kauai 7.5 Eucalyptus, albizia 51 Honua Ola Bioenergy Hu Honua Bioenergy LLC Pepeekeo 24 Eucalyptus, wood waste, albizia IDAHO 52 Plummer Cogen Stimson Lumber Co. Plummer 6.2 Wood waste KENTUCKY 53 Cox Waste-to-Energy Cox Interior Campbellsville Wood waste LOUISIANA 54 Agrilectric Power Partners Ltd. The Powell Group Lake Charles 12 Rice hulls MASSACHUSETTS 17 Woody biomass 39 Forest residue, C&D waste 48 Forest/mill residue 25 Woody biomass 25 Woody biomass Map Legend Biomass Power Plant Operational Biomass Power Plants Proposed/Under Development Biomass Power Plant Idle Waste-to-Energy Plant Operational Waste-to-Energy Plant Proposed/Under Development www.biomassmagazine.com www.bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com 2023 # STATE/PLANT NAME OWNER CITY NAMEPLATE CAPACITY FEEDSTOCK MICHIGAN 60 Cadillac Renewable Energy Atlantic Power Cadillac 40 Forest residue 61 Genesee Power Station CMS Enterprises, Fortistar Flint 40 Landscaping/storm debris, waste wood 62 Grayling Generating Station CMS Enterprises, Atlantic Power Corp., Fortistar Grayling 38 Forestry residue, mill waste, bark 63 Hillman Power LLC Fortistar Biomass Group Hillman 20 Wood waste 64 L'Anse Warden Electric Company Convergen Energy L'Anse 20 Wood waste, railroad ties 65 National Energy-Lincoln National Energy Lincoln 18 Wood waste 66 National Energy-McBain National Energy McBain 18 Wood waste MINNESOTA 67 Koda Energy LLC Rahr Malting Shakopee 23.4 Oat/rice hulls, corn, barley and malt screening, urban tree waste 68 M.L. Hibbard Energy Center Minnesota Power Duluth 72.8 Wood waste 69 Rapids Energy Center Minnesota Power Grand Rapids 28.6 Logging/mill residue 70 St. Paul Cogeneration LLC DTE Energy, Ever-Green Energy LLC St. Paul 33 Urban wood residue MONTANA 71 Stoltze Cogeneration Power Plant F.H. Stoltze Land Lumber Co. Columbia Falls Mill residue NORTH CAROLINA 72 Craven County Wood Energy Atlantic Power, CMS Energy New Bern 50 Wood chips, forestry residue, mill waste, bark, sawdust, poultry litter 73 North Carolina Renewable Power Georgia Renewable Power Lumberton 22 C&D waste, wood waste, poultry litter NEW HAMPSHIRE 74 Bridgewater Power LP Bridgewater Power Co. LP Plymouth 20 Woody biomass 75 Burgess BioPower CS Solutions Berlin 75 Wood waste 76 Stored Solar Bethlehem Stored Solar LLC Bethlehem 20 Logging residue, forest thinnings 77 Stored Solar Springfield Stored Solar LLC Springfield 19 Woody biomass 78 Stored Solar Tamworth Stored Solar LLC Tamworth 20 Woody biomass 79 Stored Solar Whitefield Stored Solar LLC Whitefield 15 Woody biomass NEW YORK 80 ReEnergy Black River ReEnergy Holdings LLC Fort Drum 60 Woody biomass OREGON 81 Biomass One Biomass One LP White City 30 Logging/wood debris 82 Dillard Complex Cogeneration Plant Roseburg Forest Products Myrtle Creek 51.5 Mill residue 83 Douglas County Forest Products Douglas County Forest Products Winchester 6 Wood residue 84 Evergreen Biopower LLC Freres Lumber Co Inc. Lyons 10 Mill residue 85 SPI-Eugene Sierra Pacific Industries Eugene 19.8 Mill, forest residue STATE/PLANT NAME OWNER CITY NAMEPLATE CAPACITY FEEDSTOCK SOUTH CAROLINA 86 Allendale Biomass Atlantic Power Corp. Allendale 20 Mill/forestry residue 87 Dorchester Biomass Atlantic Power Corp. Harleyville 20 Mill/forestry residue 88 Savannah River Site Biomass Cogeneration Facility Ameresco Inc. Aiken 20 Forest residue TEXAS 89 Southern Co. Nacogdoches Generating Facility Austin Energy Sacul 115 Forest/wood processing residue VIRGINIA 90 Altavista Power Station Dominion Virginia Energy Altavista 51 Woody biomass 91 Halifax County Biomass Plant NOVEC South Boston 49.9 Logging waste, forest slash 92 Hopewell Power Station Dominion Virginia Energy Hopewell 51 Woody biomass 93 Southampton Power Station Dominion Virginia Energy Franklin 51 Woody biomass 94 Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center Dominion Virginia Energy Virginia City 120 *Woody biomass 95 WestRock Covington WestRock Covington 75 Logging, papermaking residue VERMONT 96 Joseph McNeil Generating Station Burlington Electric Department, Green Mountain Power, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority Burlington 50 Logging residue, bark, shavings, clean urban wood waste 97 Stored Solar Ryegate Stored Solar LLC East Ryegate 20 Woody biomass WASHINGTON 98 KapStone Kraft Paper Corp.-Longview KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation Longview 25 Mill residue, wood waste 99 Kettle Falls Generating Station Avista Corp. Kettle Falls 53 Logging/mill residue 100 McKinley Paper Cogeneration Facility Nippon Paper Industries USA Port Angeles 9.5 Logging/mill residue 101 RockTenn-Tacoma Mill RockTenn Co. Tacoma 55 Mill residue 102 SDS Lumber Gorge Energy Division SDS Lumber Co. Bingen 10 Logging/mill residue 103 SPI-Aberdeen Biomass Power Sierra Pacific Industries Aberdeen 18 Logging/mill residue 104 SPI-Burlington Biomass Power Sierra Pacific Industries Mt. Vernon 28 Logging/mill residue WISCONSIN 105 Bay Front Power Plant Xcel Energy Ashland 56 Wood waste 106 Rothschild Biomass Cogeneration Plant We Energies Rothschild 50 Urban wood waste, mill residue Operational 3,238.3 Proposed/Under Development 30.7 Idle 24 Total (MW) 3,293 Washington Oregon California Nevada Idaho Montana North Dakota South Dakota Wyoming Nebraska Kansas Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida Illinois Indiana Ohio Michigan South Carolina North Carolina Virginia West Virginia Kentucky Tennessee Pennsylvania New York Maine Feb. 28 - Mar. 2, 2023 ATLANTA, GA LATEST TECHNOLOGY innovations & policies WHERE PRODUCERS MEET The biomass industry is changing fast, and the best way to capitalize on new opportunities and overcome new challenges is to get educated. Leverage the Int’l Biomass Conference & Expo’s community of producers, partners and industry experts during three days of learning, sharing and connecting. 866-746-8385 service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com 16th Annual All Enquires please contact Oliver Wadswor th Frans Pienaar Email: ow@johnkingchains.com Email: fp@johnkingchains.com or Call Us by Phone +1 843 998 1767 Ask your local distributor to call us! o Ask local distrib Co nvey Chains & Sp cket Wo dwid PROTECTING YOUR PROCESS AGAINST EXPLOSIONS +1-855-793-8407 IEPTechnologies.com Suppression Venting Flameless Venting ww w.biomassmagazine.com/pages/podcasts BIOMASS MAGA ZINE PODCAST Sign Up For Your FREE Print + Online Listing SEARCH BIOMASS COMPANIES directory.biomassmagazine.com 2023 BIOMASS DIRECTORY Interested in Advertising? Contact us at 866-746-8385 or ser vice@bbiinternational.com Fo ow Us MADE FOR MORE TO KEEP PACE WITH YOU! You begin each day before dawn with the drive and determination to do more than the day before When you move at this pace you know that to do more you need equipment that is Made for More That’ why our whole tree drum chippers are built from the ground up to meet your needs delivering: • More production • Consistent, quality end product • Lower operating costs If you’re ready to operate equipment that’s made to keep pace with you, then we invite you to give us call at 800.831.0042 or to find the authorized Morbark dealer in your area, go to www.morbarkdealers.com Morbark 30/36 Whole ree rack Drum Chipper • Ease of maintenance • Greater longevity and resale value # STATE/PLANT NAME OWNER CITY NAMEPLATE CAPACITY FEEDSTOCK CALIFORNIA 107 Covanta Long Beach City of Long Beach Long Beach 36 MSW 108 Covanta Stanislaus Covanta Crows Landing 22 MSW CONNECTICUT 109 Covanta Bristol Covanta Bristol 16 MSW 110 Covanta SECONN Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recovery Authority Preston 17 MSW 111 Wheelabrator Bridgeport Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority Bridgeport 67 MSW 112 Wheelabrator Lisbon Eastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority Lisbon 15 MSW FLORIDA 113 Covanta Dade Miami-Dade County Doral 77 MSW, wood waste 114 Covanta Hillsborough Hillsborough County Solid Waste Department Tampa 47 MSW 115 Covanta Lake Covanta Okahumpka 15 MSW 116 Covanta Lee Lee County Solid Waste Authority Ft. Myers 57 MSW 117 Covanta Palm Beach Renewable Energy #1 Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach West Palm Beach 62 MSW 118 Covanta Palm Beach Renewable Energy #2 Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach West Palm Beach 95 MSW 119 Covanta Pasco Pasco County Spring Hill 30 MSW 120 Covanta Pinellas Pinellas County Utilities St. Petersburg 75 MSW 121 McKay Bay Refuse-to-Energy Plant City of Tampa Tampa 22 MSW 122 Wheelabrator South Broward WIN Waste Innovations Ft. Lauderdale 66 MSW HAWAII 123 Covanta Honolulu City and County of Honolulu Kapolei 90 MSW IOWA 124 Arnold O. Chantland Incineration Plant City of Ames Ames 4 MSW/Refused-derived fuel (RDF) INDIANA 125 Covanta Indianapolis Covanta Indianapolis 6.5 MSW MASSACHUSETTS 126 Covanta Haverhill Covanta Haverhill 45 MSW 127 Covanta SEMASS Covanta West Wareham 78 MSW 128 Wheelabrator Millbury WIN Waste Innovations Millbury 48 MSW 129 Wheelabrator North Andover WIN Waste Innovations North Andover 40 MSW 130 Wheelabrator Saugus WIN Waste Innovations Saugus 54 MSW MARYLAND 131 Covanta Montgomery Montgomery County Dickerson 63 MSW 132 Wheelabrator Baltimore Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority Baltimore 64.5 MSW MAINE 133 Ecomaine Waste-to-Energy Plant Ecomaine Portland 14 MSW 134 MMWAC Resource Recovery Facility Mid-Maine Waste Action Corp. Auburn 5 MSW 135 Penobscot Energy Recovery USA Energy Group LLC Orrington 25 MSW MICHIGAN 136 Covanta Kent Kent County Grand Rapids 17 MSW MINNESOTA 137 Hennepin Energy Recovery Center Hennepin County Minneapolis 40 MSW 138 Olmsted Waste-To-Energy Facility Olmsted County Environmental Resources Rochester 9.6 MSW 139 Red Wing Generating Station Xcel Energy Red Wing 22 MSW/RDF 140 Wilmarth Generating Station Xcel Energy Mankato 18 MSW/RDF, woody biomass NEW HAMPSHIRE 141 Wheelabrator Concord WIN Waste Innovations Concord 14 MSW NEW JERSEY 142 Covanta Camden Covanta Camden 21 MSW 143 Covanta Essex Covanta Newark 66 MSW 144 Covanta Union Union County Utilities Authority Rahway 42 MSW 145 Wheelabrator Gloucester WIN Waste Innovations Westville 14 MSW NEW YORK 146 Covanta Babylon Covanta West Babylon 17 MSW 147 Covanta Hempstead Covanta Westbury 72 MSW 148 Covanta Huntington Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach East Northport 24 MSW 149 Covanta MacArthur Islip Resource Recovery Agency Ronkonkoma 12 MSW 150 Covanta Niagara Covanta Niagara Falls 50 MSW 151 Covanta Onondaga Covanta Jamesville 39 MSW 152 Oswego Energy Recovery Facility Oswego County Solid Waste Authority Fulton 4 MSW 153 Taylor Biomass Energy Taylor Biomass Energy LLC Montgomery 24 MSW, wood waste, C&D debris 154 Wheelabrator Dutchess County Dutchess County Resource Recovery Authority Poughkeepsie 9 MSW 155 Wheelabrator Hudson Falls WIN Waste Innovations Hudson Falls 14 MSW 156 Wheelabrator Westchester LP WIN Waste Innovations Peekskill 60 MSW OKLAHOMA 157 Covanta Tulsa Covanta Tulsa 17 MSW OREGON 158 Covanta Marion Covanta Brooks 13 MSW PENNSYLVANIA 159 Covanta Delaware Valley Covanta Chester 87 MSW 160 Covanta Harrisburg Lancaster County Solid Waste Authority Harrisburg 21 MSW 161 Covanta Lancaster Lancaster County Solid Waste Authority Bainbridge 33 MSW 162 Covanta Plymouth Covanta Conshohocken 32 MSW 163 Covanta York York County Solid Waste Authority York 42 MSW 164 Wheelabrator Falls WIN Waste Innovations Morrisville 53 MSW VIRGINIA 165 Covanta Alexandria Arlington County, City of Alexandria Alexandria 22 MSW 166 Covanta Fairfax Covanta Lorton 93 MSW 167 Wheelabrator Portsmouth WIN Waste Innovations Portsmouth 60 MSW WASHINGTON 168 City of Spokane Waste to Energy Facility City of Spokane West of Spokane 22 MSW WISCONSIN 169 Barron County Waste-to-Energy & Recycling Facility Barron County Almena MSW 170 French Island Generating Station Xcel Energy La Crosse 28 MSW/RDF, wood waste, railroad ties U.S. Waste-to-Energy Facilities New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland Vermont Operational 2,345.6 Proposed/Under Development 24 Total (MW) 2,369.6