From 2021 to 2022, there was a 44% increase in the number of CCS projects established globally, bringing the total number of projects to 196 according to the Global CCS Institute. This growth paired with the regulatory provisions featured in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law creates a favorable space for CCUS in the energy transition. While fully acknowledging the progress that’s been made, it’s critical to note that continued innovation, investment and policy advancements are needed to optimize CCS and further mitigate climate change. This issue of Carbon Capture Magazine includes just a few of the efforts that continue to pave the way for carbon reduction, while also benefiting the communities that surround them.
Recently, hydrogen has become a critical component in many renewable energy and energy transition projects. A new project named the Battle River Carbon Hub, featured on page 6, focuses specifically on hydrogen as a next-generation fuel source. The Battle River Generating Station was once a veteran coal plant located in Alberta, but has since converted to natural gas. The Station’s current owner, Heartland Generation, is now developing a hydrogen production facility with an open-access carbon capture and sequestration hub to enhance the operations of the unit. Through low-carbon hydrogen production and CCS, the BRCH project is pioneering large-scale renewable technology while creating a cleaner community with greater economic potential.
Not all industrial sites have taken the steps that the BRCH project has to decarbonize operations. Fortunately, the company, Endrava, has developed a tool to help CCUS solution companies find the emitting facilities that best fit their technology. CaptureMap is a database, built by Endrava, which includes data from more than 15,000 industrial facilities across the globe. For more information on how Endrava acquires data and is enabling future CCUS projects, please see page 10.
There are countless technical aspects of a project that need to be tested and reviewed before receiving the green light. One aspect of a project that is often overlooked in its early days is education and public outreach. The Carbon Action Alliance was created by the Great Plains Institute to promote accurate messaging and engagement in the carbon management sector. Starting on page 14, this article covers the Alliance’s mission and the common misconceptions that it regularly addresses.
Of all the CCUS projects currently operational or in development, very few are as uniquely positioned as projects in North Dakota. With an extensive history in energy and agriculture, loads of geologic potential, and a lofty carbon-neutral goal, North Dakota has been and continues to be a leader in the CCUS space. The Energy and Environmental Research Center profiles North Dakota’s rich industry history on page 18.
Similar to last year, the back half of this issue contains the Carbon Capture & Storage Industry Directory. It is our hope that this directory provides you with the contacts necessary to develop your business as we all work together to capture carbon and create solutions to reduce carbon emissions.
Carbon Capture Magazine
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As we move another year closer to mid-century emission reduction goals, we have seen carbon management efforts make remarkable progress.
Located in rural east-central Alberta, the Battle River Generating Station (BRGS) was commissioned in 1956 and operated as a coal plant for more than 70 years before being fully converted to natural gas by its current owner, Heartland Generation. ("Heartland"). The company was the first large-scale electricity generator in the province to phase out coal from its operations, cutting its GHG emissions nearly in half. Understanding the positive impact that these generating units have on the local economy and looking to remain competitive with new supply additions in Alberta’s deregulated power market, Heartland Generation has focused its attention on extending the unit life at Battle River and developed plans to leverage hydrogen as the next generation fuel source at the site.
The new project at BRGS is called the Battle River Carbon Hub (BRCH). BRCH is a fully in-
tegrated project that would consist of developing a hydrogen production facility at Battle River using Autothermal Reforming (ATR) technology and retrofitting the former coal-fired power plant to generate zero-carbon electricity by firing 100% volumes of clean hydrogen in the existing boiler at BRGS. The project will also develop an open-access carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) hub that would permanently sequester up to 5 million tonnes of CO2 per year.
The unique configuration of the BRCH project aims to combine commercial technologies at a larger scale to enable Heartland to be a leader in the hydrogen economy while minimizing the technical risks associated with the project. When completed, this will be the world’s first conversion of a coal plant to 100% hydrogen-fueled, baseload power. The concept offers potential replicability and scalability at other coal sites, providing a future use for facilities that are at risk of closure due to climate policy. The configuration provides the foundation for future investments in power generation and carbon sequestration in the region as markets develop.
The BRCH project was designed to fit into existing legacy infrastructure and to avoid unnecessary costs during the transition to lower-emission electricity. BRGS has existing water licenses for its current operations that can be used for hydrogen production, an existing natural gas supply at the site, a connection to the electrical transmission system, and has existing power generation equipment that can be repurposed for hydrogen. The site configuration connects hydrogen supply with on-site demand, solving one of the major problems associated with developing the hydrogen economy.
“We’re excited by what this means for Alberta, the local community, and the overall energy industry. We have created a unique solution that will contribute to both clean energy transition and growth of a new economy in the province,” explains Shana Boyd, VP of Energy Transition at Heartland Generation.
The project, while still in the development stages, has seen some early successes through the awarding of funding from Emissions Reduction Alberta and their Carbon Capture Kickstart program, to undertake work to push the performance envelope for carbon capture technology. As part of this work, Heartland is working with global vendors to explore the most efficient technology that will provide the flexibility needed for the dynamic operation of power generation whilst achieving leading-edge CO2 capture rates. The combination of high capture rates and the use of zero-carbon power to produce hydrogen fuel will result in the BRCH project having a lifecycle carbon intensity comparable to some green hydrogen production technologies. BRCH has also received funding from Alberta Innovates through the Hydrogen Centre of Excellence and has been shortlisted for funding from the Federal government’s Strategic Innovation Fund Net Zero Accelerator Program. These recent awards have shown the project’s alignment with both federal and provincial policy goals.
A key milestone in the project occurred in late 2022 when Alberta Power 2000 Ltd. (a Heartland Generation subsidiary) was awarded a carbon sequestration evaluation permit. The permit allows evaluation of a large area in central-east Alberta, proximal to the Battle River Generating Station
The Battle River Carbon Hub project is an example of how industry and government can work together to develop innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change.
and other regional sources of emissions, including the Sheerness Generating Station, another power generation asset partially owned by Heartland Generation.
Carbon Alpha has been supporting Heartland Generation to evaluate and advance the carbon storage component of BRCH and is the primary contractor for subsurface and drilling activities. Carbon Alpha’s co-founder and COO, Patrick Elliott is “thrilled to bring our specialized evaluation and development skills to support the world-class BRCH project.” The carbon sequestration hub is being developed prudently, leveraging proven exploration workflows that are congruent with CSA standards. In 2022, Carbon Alpha’s subsurface team de-risked a reservoir complex proximal to BRGS through the interpretation of 2D seismic data and integrating well log data, cores, and information from legacy wellbores in the region. This seismic evaluation work has provided positive signs of a reservoir complex with appropriate caprock seals and the capacity to safely store CO2 from both the BRCH project and other regional sources of emissions.
Heartland Generation is moving into the next phase of evaluation by launching an appraisal well program which will help to reduce subsurface reservoir uncertainty and to better inform development costs for the CCS hub. The appraisal well program is a key piece of work that will be instrumental in derisking the project to get to a final investment decision in 2024 and a project in-service date at the end of 2027. Alberta has some of the best and most abundant geological formations available to safely store emissions beneath the surface. While not dissimilar to traditional oil and gas development, drilling wells is something new for a power com-
pany. Leveraging the upstream oil and gas experience of Heartland’s leadership and industry experts, like Carbon Alpha, will help the wider Heartland team navigate the vital, yet complex components required for large-scale decarbonization.
The appraisal well program will provide new information to increase understanding of injectivity and storage capacity of the storage reservoir and will confirm that the storage reservoir is isolated by sampling the seal rocks above and below the storage reservoir. Carbon Alpha’s drilling and completions team is working closely with Heartland to ensure appropriate, high-quality data is gathered. The data will be analyzed and integrated into geological models and reservoir simulations to predict how the carbon dioxide will behave in the storage reservoir over the lifecycle of the project.
The appraisal program will also gather key geosphere data to inform the project’s measurement, monitoring and verification (MMV) plan. The MMV plan is imperative to confirm that will be sequestered permanently and safely in the storage reservoir.
The Battle River Carbon Hub project is an example of how industry and government can work together to develop innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change. The project aims to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of producing low-carbon hydrogen and capturing carbon emissions from natural gas reformation, which can be replicated in other parts of the world. It’s a first step towards an achievable clean energy future for Alberta.
Industrial sites generating electricity and manufacturing products account for 60% of the world's CO2 emissions. Endrava, a Norwegian climate-tech company, has developed CaptureMap, an interactive platform that uses public data sources, satellite imagery and advanced algorithms to provide accurate and up-to-date facility-level CO2 information. The tool helps companies identify the most suitable emitters for their CCUS solutions, streamline their sales funnels, and prioritize decarbonization projects.
60% of the world’s CO2 emissions come from large industrial sites generating electricity and making a variety of products. To a growing extent, these sites are looking to CCUS to decarbonize their production and in many cases, they need help to do it.
Fortunately, a wide range of product and service companies are now stepping up to help. But with so many sites, how can they focus on the facilities that best align with the CCUS solutions they provide?
To answer that question, these companies need tools for slicing, sorting and filtering data about thousands of different emitters around the world to narrow it down to their best decarbonization opportunities. CaptureMap is a map-based, interactive platform that aims to address that need.
In CaptureMap, Endrava has built an industry database containing individual, facility-level data for more than 15,000 industrial emitters across 156 countries, with a combined volume of nearly 16 gigatons of annual CO2 emissions.
Endrava’s approach starts with a large
and growing set of public data sources. The company is a true believer in the powers of public data, especially when combining different datasets. CaptureMap’s primary data sources are typically facility-level reporting into national pollutant registries, but it also relies on analysis of satellite imagery for those regions where facility-level reporting does not exist. Endrava’s hope is that with time, more and more countries will instate reporting requirements for large industrial facilities and share this data openly. It’s important for CO2 emissions, but just as relevant for other pollutants.
The raw datasets are generally decent, but do include reporting errors, wrong coordinates and lagging reporting frequencies, and they all come in different formats. The company therefore developed Endrava’s
Finding the best decarbonization projects is no longer a needle in the haystack
Emissions Engine to combine, clean, and standardize the datasets, using advanced algorithms to detect outliers, correct location info and harmonize information fields. This enables CaptureMap to show accurate coordinates and a birds-eye view of the sites, distinguish between biogenic and fossil CO2 emissions, provide estimates of most recent emissions and categorize the sites properly and consistently. Results are finally made easily available through the cloud using Microsoft’s PowerBI Platform.
Says Valentin, co-founder of Endrava: “The challenge is not in finding raw data. It is available if you have the IT skills for it. The magic is to make the data accessible: combining it and presenting it in a way that is useful to decision-makers. CaptureMap’s key strength is providing up-to-date, high-quality CO2 information at the facility-level, in an intuitive and highly visual interface.”
With lots of engagement in the CCUS business across North America, CaptureMap to help quantify the market opportunities. As a starting point, CaptureMap contains 7,779 facilities in the U.S. and Canada, with a total of 2.96 billion tons of annual CO2 emissions, of which 139.5 million tons of CO2 are biogenic. This is shown in the first figure. As a solutions provider, it’s impossible to talk to
all these sites, so ways are needed to narrow down the search.
Using CaptureMap's filters and slicers, one can chose to selectively focus on the hard-to-abate segments of cement, iron and steel, chemicals, waste-to-energy facilities and refineries. Together these sectors account for 1,734 sites and 640 million tons per year (mtpa). By narrowing down the search further on sites greater than 1 mtpa, 147 sites and 345 mtpa remain. This shortlist, shown in the second figure, includes sites already well known in the CCUS world, such as ExxonMobil’s refinery in Baytown, CF Industries’s Dondalsonville Nitrogen Complex, CEMEX’s cement plant in Balcones, and many others, waiting for CCUS projects coming their way.
CaptureMap is currently used by organizations spanning all parts of the CCUS value chain. Upstream oil and gas, capture technology, energy companies, equipment and engineering, NGOs and universities. Their primary use of CaptureMap is to build, qualify and prioritize sales funnels to build decarbonization projects. But it’s also useful for stakeholder engagement, driving partnership opportunities for synergies of scale and giving input to strategic product and service development.
Aker Carbon Capture, a globally leading carbon capture technology player, is a frequent user of CaptureMap. Jon Christopher Knudsen, CCO at Aker Carbon Capture says: “For our Sales and Business Development activities, CaptureMap is a key tool to identify relevant opportunities in existing and new markets. It offers a visual, intuitive, and effective way of screening large volumes of CO2 globally, helping to drive understanding of all aspects from total emissions across industry segments such as cement, waste-toenergy, blue hydrogen and gas-to-power, to understand the deeper level of details such as the EU ETS exposure of a certain emitter.” Developing CCUS value chains are long, complex engagements with many stakeholders. Access to transport infrastructure such as pipelines, railways and harbors, in addition to suitable storage reservoirs or utilization options, are also part of the questions that must be answered. That said, identifying the most appropriate CO2 sources is an essential first step. CaptureMap aims to make this step easier. The objective is simple: to enable more CCUS projects in the time to come.
Authors: Eric Rambech and Valentin Vandenmolden, Co-founders of EndravaSUPPORTING THE FUTURE OF ENERGY WITH THE STRENGTHS OF OUR PAST
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Carbon capture, utilization, storage and removal projects are gathering momentum globally, particularly in the United States after the passage of the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The United States alone had 148 CCS projects in various stages of development as of September 2022, according to a Clean Air Task Force database.
Yet public awareness of the energy transition remains low. Only 24% of voters knew BIL – which contained a wide range of provisions to support the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources – had become law in July 2022, according to a Third Way memo. Messaging and engagement on the transition are
increasingly important as more projects are proposed.
When zeroing in on carbon management, awareness decreases even more. Twenty-one CCUS projects were in the works in Louisiana in 2022, yet only 13% of Louisiana voters said they had heard “a lot” about the proposed projects across the state, according to Great Plains Institute polling from 2022 . These voters widely supported projects designed to remove carbon emissions at a rate of 71%.
Carbon management stakeholders have the unique opportunity to introduce the technology to many individuals or help inform the existing conversations by providing the facts and figures behind the technology’s deployment.
People want to understand the facts, risks, and benefits from
trusted sources. Early and frequent engagement with community members encourages participation and helps build trust.
With this engagement, projects can be developed in a way that communities consent to and benefit from. The Great Plains Institute, a nonprofit that works to achieve a better energy system, launched the Carbon Action Alliance in the fall of 2022 in response to this need for engagement.
As carbon management increasingly enters public discourse, the Carbon Action Alliance works to promote
transparent communication, education and engagement. The Action Alliance provides education and advocacy about carbon management and industrial decarbonization technologies needed to reach net-zero emissions by mid-century. The Alliance's network includes stakeholders from industry, government, labor, community, NGO and other backgrounds.
“We want people to be aware of carbon management and industrial decarbonization opportunities as they consider what their energy future will look like," said Bridget Callaghan, Carbon Action Alliance manager.
The Alliance tracks media trends in carbon management, and has identified some opportunities to strengthen the ways the technology is communicated to the public.
Awareness of carbon management will continue to grow as projects take off. Carbon capture and storage projects increased by 44% worldwide in 2022 alone, according to YaleEnvironment360. The questions are about who will reach out first to the members of the public unfamiliar with the technology first, what information will be shared, and whether it will be accurate.
Several common misconceptions have regularly appeared, often unchallenged. The Alliance addresses these misconceptions by connecting reporters with experts to discuss the technology. The Alliance also produce digestible, factual resources on carbon management, legislative policies and other related topics.
The Alliance reaches out to media regarding inaccuracies to share the research that GPI and other organizations have done. Local leaders, such as labor organizations, who communities trust, hold an important role in this conversation. Leaders can speak out in their local meetings and publications on the benefits they see carbon management would bring.
To address misinformation, stakeholders must first understand what primary claims are being widely shared. The most common misconceptions the Alliance has observed, and examples of how it responds, include the following:
Claim: Carbon capture is described as an unproven technology.
CCUS technologies have been in use since the 1970s when the first large-scale project to inject carbon dioxide (CO2) underground was launched in Texas in 1972, as reported in Columbia Climate School's State of the Planet. The technologies have been used in Europe for decades.
Norway created the world's first commercial CO2 storage project, Sleipner, in 1996. Around 15.5 million tonnes had been injected into the project since the project's start in 1996 to 2015, according to Carbon Capture & Sequestration Technologies at MIT.
Claim: Carbon capture is described as an expensive boondoggle that won't scale commercially .
The carbon management industry only recently gained the necessary federal policy framework to scale at the rate needed to meet mid-century, net-zero climate targets. Funding through BIL and IRA's enhancements to the 45Q tax credit lays the groundwork for financially feasible commercial deployment of the technology.
Previous legislative efforts to fund carbon capture and storage demonstration projects didn't include the financial certainty that current federal tax credits provide. The costs of project development and the capturing of CO2 have also significantly dropped through previous demonstration funding.
Renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydropower faced similar hurdles when these technologies were first taking off. Solar panels plummeted in price once the technology evolved so they were produced more. Carbon capture is in this stage and becoming more economical, too.
Claim: Carbon management is a false climate solution that takes resources from other renewable energy projects.
To reach mid-century net-zero goals and address the historic stores of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, we will need to utilize all solutions available, while also reducing emissions at the source. International agencies, such as the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have reached this conclusion, as well.
The IPCC’s latest climate report, published in March, states net-zero CO2 energy systems entail “the use of carbon capture and storage in the remaining fossil fuel systems” in addition to other steps, such as a “substantial reduction in overall fossil fuel use,” according to the Summary for Policymakers.
Additionally, the report states limiting human-caused climate change to target levels will require carbon dioxide removal. At this stage, we need all solutions we have at our disposal to limit climate change.
Claim: Carbon management may be described as a technology only with applications in the oil and gas industry.
The carbon management industry has historically been focused on oil production due to the economic reality of project deployment. The policy framework is now in place to shift the market and interests toward utilization or secure geologic storage.
More than 70% of projects announced since the 2018 reform of the 45Q tax credit plan to safely and securely store captured CO2 in deep geologic formations. New opportunities are arising for captured CO2 to be used in products, such as sustainable fuels and fabrics .
Given the scale of the carbon management deployment set to unfold in the next decade, responding to questions, debunking misinformation and hearing how project development can be done to benefit communities, will take a concerted effort among all stakeholders.
Perhaps the most important step in the deployment of carbon management projects is to directly listen to communities about their own needs, wants and concerns. Stakeholders involved in project development have the responsibility to understand the communities they're active in.
Local regions have their own specific concerns and interests important to their communities. Even communities within one state aren't monoliths. Effectively responding to concerns around deployment will require frequent, transparent communication, and listening to communities own needs and questions.
To help ensure community values are taken into account, the Great Plains Institute is creating a decision support tool for carbon management project siting. The tool will integrate potential environmental justice considerations into a geospatial analysis of environmental, regulatory, and legal constraints to project development. The tool enables communities, government and industries to develop a common understanding of the complexities that must be addressed to site and build projects.
The Carbon Action Alliance is focused on addressing these concerns and engaging with local communities on decarbonization and carbon management. Learn more about these efforts at carbonactionalliance.org, and reach out if interested in collaborating on engagement opportunities.
Author: Diana LeaneTwo core economic pillars of North Dakota are the energy and agriculture industries. However, both industries are historically carbon-intensive, meaning that a lot of carbon is generated during specific processes associated with these industries. Managing global carbon emissions is one of the most pressing environmental concerns of our time. Many scientists are concerned that anthropogenic (human-made) greenhouse gases (GHGs) are affecting Earth’s climate. This concern is driving policies in the United States and around the globe, which are resulting in economic incentives and preferential financing for companies taking action to lower the carbon intensity of the commodities they produce. The challenge is to address anthropogenic GHG emissions while providing access to reliable, affordable, resilient energy and products. Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is one of the best technologies to address the challenge to decarbonize these industries while we continue to feed and power the world and grow the economic contributions of these cornerstone industries to our state.
For more than 20 years, the University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) has partnered with industries, state and federal agencies and universities to conduct focused research on the capture and geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). Geologic storage entails the injection of captured CO2 deep into the subsurface, where the CO2 can either be permanently stored in deep saline formations or used to recover additional oil and gas from hydrocarbon reservoirs. In both cases, the CO2 remains permanently and safely stored deep underground. Much of the research and development on CCUS has been carried out through the collaborations within the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership, led and managed by EERC (www.undeerc.org/pcor). Research conducted through the PCOR Part-
nership and elsewhere has shown that CCUS is safe and commercially viable provided that the geologic site chosen for storage is appropriate. The rocks of North Dakota’s Williston Basin are particularly well-suited for the permanent storage of CO2 and, in many instances, directly underly the locations of large industrial sources such as coal-fired electric power plants. This is a synergy that provides prime opportunities for successful CCUS projects.
The subsurface geologic storage of CO2 represents an optimal situation for achieving reduced GHG emissions to the atmosphere. A key element to the successful commercial deployment of the geologic storage of CO2 is site selection. A good storage site has the storage capacity needed to store the desired amount of CO2 and suitable containment to ensure that the CO2 does not migrate vertically out of the storage zone. Other key criteria include sufficient depth, and geologic stability and chemistry, all of which help ensure the long-term storage suitability of the site. Once CO2 injection begins, various monitoring methods are implemented to verify that the CO2 is behaving as expected, to quantify the amount of CO2 injected, and to ensure that there are no negative impacts on human health, the environment, or property. Equally important to commercialization is the ability to provide assurances to the public that impacts on human health and the environment will not occur sometime in the distant future.
In addition to being a key technology in addressing global climate emissions, CCUS will provide significant economic opportunities for the state of North Dakota. In 2021, Governor Burgum announced an ambitious goal for North Dakota to be carbon-neutral by 2030, a goal to be achieved through innovation, not regulation. Since his announcement, the state has attracted over $15 billion in potential in-
vestments in CCUS, with more expected to come. Deployment of this technology is an emerging opportunity that has the potential to create tens of thousands of skilled, highpaying jobs in the state while securing the future of our existing energy infrastructure.
In 2009, North Dakota established several key legislative positions relative to CO2 capture and storage. In addition to clarifying that the subsurface pore space needed to store CO2 belongs to the surface owner, the state also provides for the long-term liability of the stored CO2 after the project ends. To further embrace the concept of CO2storage, the North Dakota Century Code was crafted to state: “It is in the public interest to promote the geologic storage of carbon dioxide. Doing so will benefit the state and the global environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Doing so will help ensure the viability of the state's coal and power industries, to the economic benefit of North Dakota and its citizens. Further, geologic storage of carbon dioxide, a potentially valuable commodity, may allow for its ready availability if needed for commercial, industrial, or other uses, including enhanced recovery of oil, gas
and other minerals. Geologic storage, however, to be practical and effective requires cooperative use of surface and subsurface property interests and the collaboration of property owners. Obtaining consent from all owners may not be feasible, requiring procedures that promote, in a manner fair to all interests, cooperative management, thereby ensuring the maximum use of natural resources.”
State lawmakers understood that practical and effective geologic storage of CO2 requires cooperative use of surface and subsurface property interests and the collaboration of property owners. As such, the state statutes for geologic storage established procedures that promote, in a manner fair to all interests, cooperative management, thereby ensuring the maximum use of natural resources.
Incentives for geologically storing captured CO2 come from the state and federal level. For example, in April 2019, Governor Burgum signed legislation that provides an economic incentive to use CO2 captured from North Dakota’s coal-fired power plants for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by injecting
the CO2 underground. At the federal level, the IRS 45Q tax rule provides for tax credits of up to $85 per metric ton of CO2 stored. Additional incentives for participation in the storage of CO2 is the per ton payment that the landowner will receive in compensation for using the pore space or royalties paid to mineral owners for the production of hydrocarbons (that would not have otherwise been produced) through the application of an EOR process using anthropogenic CO2 Incentives also come from voluntary markets and premiums paid for commodities with a reduced carbon intensity. The demand for CO2 in the at-scale deployment of EOR in North Dakota will likely dwarf the CO2 that the state currently produces, requiring imports from other states.
From an energy generation point of view, the use of CO2 as a tool to extract more resources could produce an additional 4 billion barrels of oil from North Dakota’s unconventional (e.g., Bakken) and legacy (~pre-Bakken) oil fields. The EOR process will store nearly all the CO2 used to get that incremental oil, resulting in a lower-carbonintensity product.
Addressing climate change is a largescale global challenge that is compounded by our growing demand for energy. To reduce the risks associated with climate change, the amount of CO2 released by human activity must be substantially reduced. However, increasing reliance on low-carbon renewable energy sources may sacrifice grid resilience and reliability. These concerns have been amplified during recent extreme weather events in the United States when much of the country was without power. A significant challenge in reducing the reliance on fossil fuels in the energy sector is to find solutions to overcome the intermittency issues associated with renewable energy in an economically feasible manner. Traditional power plants equipped with CCUS technology can play an important role to ensure that the low-carbon power generation of the future can evolve without sacrificing resilience and reliability. CCUS-enabled power production will contribute to energy security that complements a balanced all-of-the-above energy policy.
In the face of growing world populations and rising worldwide standards of living, CCUS provides an opportunity to use fossil fuels with a significant reduction in GHG emissions. CCUS lies at the intersection of energy, the economy, and the environment, which makes it a critical approach to meeting our state and country’s clean energy needs.
As of December 2022, the North Dakota Industrial Commission, the regulatory body that oversees the injection of CO2, has approved three CO2 storage facility permit applications and is reviewing two additional permit applications. This is just the beginning. Other announced projects in the state that will be pursuing CO2 storage permits, including the formation of a partnership to create a hydrogen hub in the state. The hub will focus on the production of low-carbon hydrogen, much of which will be derived from fossil fuels, with the CO2emissions captured and geologically stored.
For the past 23 years, more than 40 million tons of CO2 has been transported in a pipeline across North Dakota to oil fields in Saskatchewan where it was permanently stored during commercial EOR. Earlier this year, North Dakota’s first commercial-scale CO2 EOR project got underway in Bowman County. The CO2 being used in this project is brought by pipeline from Wyoming for simultaneously producing low-carbon-intensity oil with permanent CO2 storage.
Through a combination of leadership, vision and strategic investments, North Dakota has positioned itself as the global frontrunner for CCUS, an accomplishment critical to providing economic
options and opportunities to North Dakota’s pore space and mineral owners and for ensuring the continued viability and future growth of our energy, agricultural, and supporting industries. CCUS will be a critical component of safe, resilient, reliable, affordable, low-carbon energy derived from coal, oil, gas, biofuels, and renewables. CCUS will also be critical for low-carbon agriculture products, resulting in an advantage for North Dakota commodities and products competing in national and global markets for generations to come.
Author: Energy and Environmental Research CenterArea 52 3172 North Rainbow Boulevard #22136 Las Vegas, NV 89108
United States Biochar Initiative
5475 Southwest Arrow Wood Lane Portland, OR 97225
Thomas Miles, Executive Director Phone (503-780-8185) usbiochar@gmail.com www.biochar-us.org
Advanced Biofuels USA
507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701
Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395) info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
1900 44th Street South Fargo, ND 58103
Jessica Bernstien, Vice President Phone (701-499-2633) jess.bernstien@agcountry.com www.agcountry.com
American Coalition for Ethanol
5000 South Broadband Lane, Suite 224 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Anna Carpenter, Member Services Coordinator Phone (605-334-3381) acarpenter@ethanol.org ethanol.org
Adam Wathen Phone (949-981-8669) ruthaglipa334@outlook.com area52.com
Battelle 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
Jon Cartlidge, Commercial Sales Director Phone (614-424-3508) cartlidgej@battelle.org battelle.org
Center of Sustainable Agroforestry 285 Northwest Bert Avenue Lake City, FL 32055
Tom Cunilio, Elephant Grass Production Phone (352-376-6265) t.cosaf@att.net www.cosaf.com
Hexas Biomass
900 Jefferson Street Southeast #1113 Olympia, WA 98501
Wendy Owens, CEO Phone (360-890-0775) info@hexas.com hexas.com
Bioenergy Carbon Capture
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100
Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Aequor Inc.
1288 Skyros Way Encinitas, CA 92024
Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854)
mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
Captis Aire LLC
217 East Broadway Street, Unit 512 Lenoir City, TN 37771
Kim Tutin Phone (404-580-2795) kim@captisaire.com www.captisaire.com
Carbon Storage Solutions (Front Range Energy)
31375 Great Western Drive Windsor, CO 80550
Dan Sanders, President/CEO Phone (970-674-2910)
drsanders@frontrangeenergy.com frontrangeenergy.com
78 Waterloo Road, Level 4 Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia
Geoff Bell, CEO Phone (61-432-428-882) geoff.bell@microbiogen.com www.microbiogen.com
Permanente Corporation
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Marc A. Seidner, President Phone (310-569-6500) marc@permanentecorp.com www.permanentecorp.com
Salof Ltd., Inc. 5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President
Phone (830-225-1744)
sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy Duluth, MN 55811
Patrick Schoff Phone (218-788-2768) pschoff@d.umn.edu www.nrri.umn.edu
PCL Industrial Services, Inc. 1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307
Corey Hartwig, Project Engineering Manager Phone (760-382-7936) chartwig@pcl.com www.pcl.com
Renewable Energy Institute
6705 Bancroft Woods Austin, TX 78729
Monte Goodell, Carbon Capture & Sequestration Phone (832-758-0027) info@carboncaptureandsequestration.com www.carboncaptureandsequestration.com
The Carbon Capture & Storage Association
Heron House, 10 Dean Farrar Street London SW1H 0DX United Kingdom
Judith Shapiro, Communications Manager Phone (44-0203-0318750) www.ccsassociation.org
The New York Blower Company 7660 South Quincy Street Willowbrook, IL 60527
Ben Zastrow
Phone (630-794-5731) bzastrow@nyb.com www.nyb.com
Vanguard Global Enterprises, Inc. 821 La Plaza Avenue South South Pasadena, FL 33707
Y.Z. Lahav Phone (727-710-1380) yzleop@yahoo.com
Tecnored Av. Eng. Luiz Dumont Villares, KM 2 CEP: 12442-260
Pindamonhangaba, Sao Paulo Brazil Alexandre Pedroso, Project Manager/ Consultant Phone (16-9979-11164) agpedroso1@outlook.com www.tecnored.com.br
United States Biochar Initiative
5475 Southwest Arrow Wood Lane Portland, OR 97225
Thomas Miles, Executive Director Phone (503-780-8185) usbiochar@gmail.com www.biochar-us.org
Yilkins PO Box 8210 Groningen Netherlands
Guy Penard, Vice President (North America) Phone (97-839-44200) info@yilkins.com yilkins.com
Direct Air Capture
Precision Combustion, Inc. 410 Sackett Point Road North Haven, CT 06473 Stewart Rosenberg, Business Development Leader Phone (203-376-7568) srosenberg@precision-combustion.com www.precision-combustion.com
Redecam USA, LLC 5970 Fairview Road, Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28210
Salvatore Gallo, President Phone (704-969-8811) redecam.usa@redecam.com www.redecam.com
Sosna Metelyk ™ 8000 West Manchester Avenue Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Oksana Gal, Co-Founder Phone (310-918-2128) oksanamgal@gmail.com sosnametelyk.com
Gravitas Infinitum
4850 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 301
Naples, FL 34103
Tyler Wood, Director of ESG & Sustainability Phone (617-899-6745)
tyler@gravitasinfinitum.com www.carbotura.com
19026 Ridgewood Parkway, Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78259
Doug McClure, Vice President of Corporate Development Phone (210-600-5781) doug.mcclure@ozonaccs.com ozonaccs.com
Toshiba America Energy Systems Corporation
6623 West Washington Street West Allis, WA 53214
Laura Baumann, Marketing Director Phone (414-475-2800) taes-sales@toshiba.com www.toshiba.com/taes
Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc. 8855 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223
Kevin Summ, Director of Marketing Phone (414-365-6400) info@anguil.com www.anguil.com
Delta CleanTech Inc.
2305 Victoria Avenue, Unit 002 Regina, SK S4P 0S7 Canada
Jeff Allison, President Phone (306-530-6025) jallison@deltacleantech.ca www.deltacleantech.ca
Delta CleanTech Inc.
2308 Palisade Drive Southwest Calgary, AB T2V 3V1 Canada
Jeff Allison, President Phone (306-530-6025) jallison@deltacleantech.ca www.deltacleantech.ca
Next Carbon Solutions
1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 3900 Houston, TX 77002
Michael Walters, Sr. Director Phone (713-574-1880) mwalters@next-decade.com www.next-decade.com
Saipem 2300 rue Jean-Perrin
Quebec, QC G2C 1T9 Canada
Richard Surprenant, Business Development Manager of Carbon Capture Technologies
Phone (581-928-3456) richard.surprenant@saipem.com www.saipem.com/en/solutions/ renewables/carbon-capture
Salof Ltd., Inc.
5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Vaisala Inc. 10-D Gill Street Woburn, MA 01801
Justin Walsh Phone (781-537-1071) justin.walsh@vaisala.com www.vaisala.com/en/industriesapplications/biogas
Twin City Fan & Blower 5959 Trenton Lane North Plymouth, MN 55442
Eric Benoit, Vice President of Industrial
Phone (763-551-7600) | Fax (763-551-7601) sales@tcf.com www.tcf.com
John Perez Graphics & Design, LLC 1723 Analog Drive Richardson, TX 75081
John Perez, President Phone (972-231-7776)
johnperezgraphics@geoart.com geoart.com
19026 Ridgewood Parkway, Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78259
Doug McClure, Vice President of Corporate Development Phone (210-600-5781)
doug.mcclure@ozonaccs.com ozonaccs.com
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Tyn-y-Coed Pentywyn Road
Llandudno LL30 1SA United Kingdom
Malcolm Kent, Head of Carbon Storage Phone (44-0149-2581811) ccus.group@cgg.com www.cgg.com/ccus
11042 Wildwood Drive Olive Branch, MS 38654 Bryan Eagle, CEO Phone (901-312-7700) hello@glanris.com www.glanris.com
Vault 44.01
1400 350 Seventh Avenue Southwest Calgary, AB T2P 3N9 Canada
Hugh Caperton, Vice President of Land & Business Development Phone (304-594-8084) hugh@vault4401.com vault4401.com
Advanced Organic Methods LLC
1253 Sisley Road
Penryn, CA 95663
Russel Adams, Managing Member Phone (530-304-2147) rus.adams@gmail.com aomthermal.com
Associated Carbon Technologies, Inc. PO Box 172
Alofi, Niue, Oceania 9974 New Zealand
Charles Laws, Director of Development Phone (00-0683-4341) cl@act-inc.nu www.facebook.com/people/ Associated-Carbon-Technologies/100069676069964
Biochar Now LLC
3146 New Castle Drive Loveland, CO 80538
James Gaspard, CEO Phone (303-882-3561) james.gaspard@biocharnow.com www.biocharnow.com
Biomass Controls PBC
30A Crabtree Lane Woodstock, CT 06281
Jeff Hallowell, Founder Phone (860-315-5735) info@biomasscontrols.com www.biomasscontrols.com
Carbon Vault Holdings LLC
1512 Larimer Street, Suite 550 Denver, CO 80108
James Dodson, Vice President Phone (303-376-3607) jbd@carbon-vault.com carbonvault.us
12100 West Interstate 20 East Odessa, TX 79765
Mark Patton, President Phone (432-561-8979) mpatton@hydrozonix.com www.hydrozonix.com
5206 Paylor Lane Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240
Fred Murrell, Chairman Phone (941-725-2696) fred@rizomebamboo.com rizomebamboo.com
Salof Ltd., Inc.
5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Sustainable Concrete
PureHempNY PO Box 10 Hudson, NY 12534
Ralph Brill, Chairman Phone (845-661-3593) brill.group@verizon.net www.purehemptech.com
Biodiesel Summit: Sustainable Aviation Fuel & Renewable Diesel
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselsummit.com
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com carboncapturestoragesummit.com
International Biomass Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com
Consulting Auctions
Maas Companies, Inc.
PO Box 7127 Rochester, MN 55903 Tyler Maas, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (507-285-1444) maas@maascompanies.com maascompanies.com
Business Plans
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com nationalcarboncaptureconference.com
In Collaboration With
North American SAF Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com safconference.com
Abhirutu Consultants
27/28, Himali Society Near Mhatre Bridge Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India Sanjay Jagap, Director Phone (91-98223-94170) abhirutu@gmail.com www.abhirutuconsultants.com
Energy Inc.
20 Sierra Morena Mews Southwest Suite 307 Calgary, AB T3H 3K6 Canada
Rosmin Madhani, Manager
BBI International Project Development Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
A.T. Kearney
227 West Monroe Street #1910 Chicago, IL 60606
Neal Walters, Partner Phone (289-208-0670) tina.portch@kearney.com kearney.com
Phone (403-217-7646) rosminmadhani@gmail.com ca.linkedin.com/in/rmadhani
MAN Energy Services Rotterdam 3029AD Netherlands
Cristina Cantarino, CCS Sales Manager Phone (31-615-567382)
cristina.cantarino-perez@man-es.com www.man-es.com
Energy Exposition LLC PO Box 50406 Casper, WY 82605 Kit Jennings, Producer Phone (307-262-4020) kit@energyexposition.com energyexposition.com
Pinion 8810 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219
Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5000)
donna.funk@pinionglobal.com www.pinionglobal.com/industry/biofuels
Carbon Intensity
909 Locust Street, Suite 202 Des Moines, IA 50309
Jim Ramm, Vice President of Client Services Phone (515-985-1260) clientservices@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
GECA Environnement
1516 Chemin du Club Nautique Lac Sergent, QC G0A 2J0 Canada
Melissa Leung Phone (418-265-8650) admin@gecaenviro.com www.gecaenviro.com
Life Cycle Associates, LLC 884 Portola Road, Suite A11 Portola Valley, CA 94028
Stefan Unnasch, Managing Director Phone (650-461-9048)
outreach@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
Merjent, Inc. 1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249)
paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
18105 route Transcanadienne Kirkland, QC H9J 3Z4 Canada
Olivier Benny, Marketing Director Phone (514-695-8095)
marketing@targray.com targray.com/environmental-commodities
CaptureMap by Endrava Ovre Slottsgate 3 Oslo 0157 Norway
Eric Rambech, Co-founder Phone (45-09-81-23) eric@endrava.com www.capturemap.no
Graves & Co. Consulting LLC 2777 Allen Parkway, Suite 525 Houston, TX 77019
Bill Vail, Executive Vice President Phone (713-650-0811)
bvail@gravesconsulting.us www.gravesconsulting.us
Merjent, Inc.
1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
866-746-8385 service@bbiinternational.com
Trihydro Corporation
1252 Commerce Drive
Laramie, WY 82070
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Advanced Cyclone Systems
Rua de Vilar 235 3 Esq
Porto 4050-626 Portugal
Paulo Ventura, Marketing Manager Phone (00-351-22600-3268) Fax (00-351-04009-41) paulo.ventura@acsystems.pt www.advancedcyclonesystems.com
Baghouse Duct Design dot Com
14280 West 50th Place
Golden, CO 80403
Gregory Black Phone (303-278-9268) greg@baghouseductdesign.com www.baghouseductdesign.com
Merjent, Inc.
1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
TRC Environmental Corp.
207C Eisenhower Lane South Lombard, IL 60148
Daniel Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024) dgrabowski@trccompanies.com trcsolutions.com
Brad Pekas, Engineering Specialist Phone (904-513-9748) bpekas@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
45 Marshall Road Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Xavier Dhubert
Phone (502-819-0614) xavier.dhubert@xdh-energy.com www.xdh-energy.com
BBI International Project Development Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd.
PO Box 419
160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070
Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597) | Fax (305-852-2598) rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
Information Technology
Carbon & Climate Change Domains PO Box 4068 Naples, ME 04055
Robert Fogg Phone (207-650-9494) robertfogg@q-team.com
Project Development
BBI International
Project Development
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Delta Energy Services, LLC
325 Abbey Road
Berwyn, PA 19312
Sven Swenson, Chief of Staff Phone (352-201-9848) sven@workdelta.com www.workdelta.com
EcoEngineers 909 Locust Street, Suite 202 Des Moines, IA 50309
Jim Ramm, Vice President of Client Services
Phone (515-985-1260)
clientservices@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
Entrex Carbon Market 150 East Palmetto Park Road, 8th Floor Boca Raton, FL 33432
Stephen Watkins, CEO Phone (954-856-6659) swatkins@entrex.net www.entrexcarbonmarket.com
Merjent, Inc.
1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226 Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Foss & Company 832 Sansome Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94111
Allison Lanser Phone (415-292-9800) pr@fossandco.com www.fossandco.com
Benetech, Inc. 1851 Albright Road Montgomery, IL 60538 Ron Pircon, President Phone (800-843-2625) info@benetechusa.com benetechglobal.com
Capture Land Management 909 Wirt Road Houston, TX 77024
Ben Balagia, President Phone (713-823-8686) ben@capturelandman.com www.capturelandman.com
EcoEngineers 909 Locust Street, Suite 202 Des Moines, IA 50309
Jim Ramm, Vice President of Client Services Phone (515-985-1260) clientservices@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
Fagus GreCon Inc. 648 Griffith Road, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217
Eric Peterson, Sales Phone (704-912-0000) | Fax (704-973-9733) sales@grecon.us fagus-grecon.us
Consulting continued
Site Selection
BBI International Project Development
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
GCI Gas Certification Institute Training
2500 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77042
Ardis Bartle, Manager of CO2 Measurement Training Phone (281-598-7200) contact@gascertification.com www.gascertification.com
Commodity Talent LLC
27 East 28th Street New York, NY 10016
George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Georgia Adobe LP
231 Harris Lord Cemetery Road Commerce, GA 30530
Joe Woodall, Alternative Buildings & Energy Systems Phone (706-363-6453) sales@georgiaadobe.com www.georgiaadobe.com
Heitman Architects Incorporated
555 West Pierce Road, Suite 130 Itasca, IL 60143
Paul Heitman, Director Phone (630-773-3551)
pheitman@heitmanarchitects.com www.heitmanarchitects.com
3050 67th Avenue, Suite 200 Greeley, CO 80634
Thomas Haren, CEO Phone (970-535-9318) tharen@agpros.com www.agpros.com
Capture Land Management 10726 Valley Forge Drive Houston, TX 77042
Ben Balagia, President Phone (713-823-8686) bbalagia@gmail.com www.bblandco.com
Universidad Nacional Au tonoma de Mexico
Calle 10, Manzana 33, Lote 6 Colonia Isidro Fabela, Tlalpan Mexico, Cuidad de Mexico 14030 Mexico Hector Castrejon-Pineda, Professor Phone (52-55-4190-6417) rcastr@unam.mx
Olson Search International, Inc. PO Box 3468 Boulder, CO 80307
Jon Olson, President Phone (800-985-5191) | Fax (425-954-8991) jon@olsonsearch.com www.olsonsearch.com
HEMCO Corporation 711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056
Jerry Schwarz Phone (816-796-2900) info@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Salof Ltd., Inc.
5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Salof Ltd., Inc. 5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Sicgil Industrial Gases 84 Anna Salai Dhun Buildings, 6th Floor Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002 India Ruqshad Dadabhoy Phone (91-44663-50700) corporate@sicgil.com www.sicgil.com
Strobel Companies 106 South Green Street Clarks, NE 68628 Larry Myers, Client Development Phone (308-624-4999) lmyers@strobelenergy.com www.strobelcompanies.com
Pelican Energy Consultants 180 New Camellia Boulevard, Suite 100 Covington, LA 70433
Ed Covington, Vice President of Strategy & Markets
Phone (985-871-4200) ed.covington@pelicanenergy.com www.pelicanenergy.com
Salof Ltd., Inc. 5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Wolf Material Handling Systems 231 Main Street Northwest, Suite 6 Elk River, MN 55330 Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (612-859-8207) sales@wolfmhs.com www.wolfmhs.com
McDermott 915 North Eldridge Parkway
Houston, TX 77079
Zoe Keenan, Senior Manager of Communications Phone (281-588-6600) energytransition@mcdermott.com www.mcdermott.com
Saulsbury Industries
2951 East Interstate 20
Odessa, TX 79766
Savanah Cantleberry, Manager of Marketing & Communications
Phone (432-366-3686) | Fax (432-368-0061) marketing@saulsbury.com www.saulsbury.com
Saulsbury Industries
2951 East Interstate 20 Odessa, TX 79766
TJ Stewart, Director of Business Development Phone (701-471-6388) tstewart@saulsbury.com www.saulsbury.com
Fagen, Inc.
501 West Hwy 212 Granite Falls, MN 56241
William Stark, Vice President of Business Development
Phone (320-564-3324) wstark@fageninc.com www.fageninc.com
IQA Solutions Inc.
4089 East Conant Street Long Beach, CA 90808
Lawrence Chen, Business Development Manager Phone (562-392-6957) lchen@iqasolutions.com iqasolutions.com
Precision Partners
220 Newport Center Drive #11-165 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Nick Evans, Director Phone (949-696-5812) info@precisionpartners.llc www.precisionpartners.llc
Salof Ltd., Inc.
5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Wishstone Energy
1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Peter Martin, Partner Phone (949-478-3488) peter.martin@jfm-llc.com wishstone-energy.com
Plant Construction
INTEC Engineering GmbH
John-Deere-Strasse 43 Bruchsal, Baden-Wurttemberg 76646
Christian Daniel, Sales Director Phone (00-49-72519-324312) Fax (00-49-72519-324399) info@intec-energy.de www.intec-energy.com
Plaas Incorporated 1427 Old West Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066 Taite Plaas, President Phone (651-388-8881) taite@plaasinc.com www.plaasinc.com
Strobel Companies
106 South Green Street Clarks, NE 68628
Larry Myers, Client Development Phone (308-624-4999) lmyers@strobelenergy.com www.strobelcompanies.com
Barnhart Crane & Rigging
Viking Pump 406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Kyle Benning, Product Manager Phone (319-939-1316) kbenning@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
Northern Horizons
15805 Caribou Footed Drive Northwest Solway, MN 56678
Jason Sanders, Pipeline Superintendent Phone (218-467-9353)
jsanders@northernhorizonsinc.com www.northernhorizonsinc.com
3604 West Hovland Drive Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Bill Vyhlidal Phone (712-522-0029) bvyhlidal@barnhartcrane.com www.barnhartcrane.com
Fiber Chem, Inc.
14858 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001
Dan Smith, Business Development Manager Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
Salof Ltd., Inc. 5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Todd & Sargent 2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010 Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development Phone (515-956-4805) bizdev@tsargent.com tsargent.com
Energy Management Solutions Inc. 371 South Sunset Drive Mina, SD 57451
Bill Paulsen, President/CEO Phone (605-216-5010)
bill.paulsen@emsplantmanagement.com www.emsplantmanagement.com
11042 Wildwood Drive Olive Branch, MS 38654
Bryan Eagle, CEO Phone (901-312-7700) hello@glanris.com www.glanris.com
Under Construction
American Energy Enterprises Inc. 33 Obtuse Rocks Road Brookfield, CT 06804 Christopher Brown, Chairman Phone (203-313-8177)
christopher@americanenergyenterprises.com www.americanenergyenterprises.com
Carbon Storage Solutions (Front Range Energy) 31375 Great Western Drive Windsor, CO 80550
Dan Sanders, President/CEO Phone (970-674-2910) drsanders@frontrangeenergy.com frontrangeenergy.com
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
50 South Sixth Street, Suite 1500
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Michael Weaver, Partner Phone (612-492-6114)
Husch Blackwell
13330 California Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68154
David Gardels, Partner
Phone (402-964-5027)
Media Publications
Biodiesel Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselmagazine.com
Biomass Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com
Carbon Capture Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 US
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.carboncapturemagazine.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP 607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005
Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice
Phone (202-508-5823) | Fax (202-318-4087)
Kutak Rock, LLP 1650 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68102
David Bracht, Attorney
Phone (402-981-2900)
Kutak Rock, LLP 60 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402
Todd Guerrero, Partner & Chair, National Energy Group
Phone (612-334-5007)
McGrath North First National Tower #3700
1601 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE 68102
Steve Case, Shareholder
Phone (402-341-3070) | Fax (402-341-0216) scase@mcgrathnorth.com www.mcgrathnorth.com
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP 180 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038
Marvin Goldstein, Partner Phone (212-806-5629) | Fax (212-806-6006) mgoldstein@stroock.com www.stroock.com
Pellet Mill Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304
Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com https://biomassmagazine.com/pellet-millmagazine/
SAF Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.safmagazine.com
ENERGYchange.com PO Box 24017
Guelph, ON N1E 6V8 Canada
James Roszel, Administrator Phone (519-767-2913) webmaster@energychange.com www.energychange.com
Carbon Dioxide-based Products
101 South West Street Prairie City, IA 50228
Justin Beck, Pyrolysis Reactors & Biochar Solutions
Phone (515-635-5164)
justin.beck@artichar.com www.arti.com
Diamond Scientific 625 Peachtree Lane
Cocoa, FL 32922
Ramon Rivera Phone (321-223-7500)
info@diamondsci.com diamondsci.com
Hydro-Thermal 400 Pilot Court Waukesha, WI 53188
Joel Gerstner, National Sales Manager Phone (262-952-0121) info@hydro-thermal.com
Debt Financing
Atlantic Biomass International LLC
252 S Quince Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tim Morrison, CFO Phone (202-215-2885)
FCI Financial Services, Inc.
20910 East Ida Avenue #110 Aurora, CO 80015 US
Jospeh Leslie, President Phone (303-680-6318) fcifin@aol.com www.machineryleasing.com
Keystone International Capital Cunsulting Group
2941 Beacon Hill Drive West Linn, OR 97068
Patrick Ghere, Managing Member Phone (503-657-0440) patghere@keycapint.com www.keycapint.com
Roundstone Funding Corporation 17 State Street, 40th Floor New York, NY 10004
Ivan Hernandez, President Phone (347-850-2203) info@roundstonefunding.com www.roundstonefunding.com
Viken Sustainability
420 Mill Crossing Canton, GA 30114
Sven Swenson, CEO & Managing Partner Phone (352-201-9848) sven@vikensustainability.com www.vikensustainability.com
Due Diligence
BBI International Project Development Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385)
Graves & Co. 2777 Allen Parkway, Suite 525 Houston, TX 77019
John Graves, President Phone (713-650-0811)
jgraves@graves-co.com www.graves-co.com
MKL Capital LLC Box 963 Bronxville, NY 10708
Brian Morrison, Managing Director Phone (917-653-3017) bam@mklcapital.com www@mklcapital.com
Environmental Consultant
Merjent, Inc.
1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249)
paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
Fiber International LLC 8730 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Donald Whitlock, Managing Director Phone (910-685-6030)
d.whitlock@fiberintl.com www.fiberintl.com
Interdevelopment, Inc.
1629 K Street Northwest #300 Washington, DC 20006
Margareta Luddemann-Faris, Executive Phone (202-508-1459) | Fax (202-531-5431) interdevelopment@starpower.net www.interdevelopment.com
Syntek Resource Corporation 2143 18th Avenue Court
Greeley, CO 80631
Sandra Robnett, CHM/CEO Phone (970-356-9004) | Fax (970-356-9004) srobnett@gmail.com www.interasset.org
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751)
SRI Instruments 20720 Earl Street Torrance, CA 90503
Hugh Goldsmith, President Phone (310-214-5092)
BBI International Project Development Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
NodalSeismic, LLC
2201 East Willow Street, Suite D #183 Signal Hill, CA 90755
Bill Erickson, Vice President of Operations Phone (406-788-9288) berickson@nodalseismic.com www.nodalseismic.com
Investors Foss & Company
832 Sansome Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94111
Allison Lanser Phone (415-292-9800) pr@fossandco.com www.fossandco.com
Valuation and Assets Services, LLC 2108 Carroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702
K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) projects@valuationandassets.com www.valuationandassets.com
Trihydro Corporation
1672 Independence Drive, Suite 315 New Braunfels, TX 78132
John Schneider, Southwest Regional Development Leader Phone (970-302-7061) | Fax (307-745-7729)
jschneider@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
Modular Energy Solutions PO Box 2759 Santa Clara, CA 95055
Charles Nolan, President Phone (408-483-5922) chucknln@sbcglobal.net
325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Benjamin Wincure, Technical Sales Engineer
Phone (215-600-3759) sales@prosim.net
Salof Ltd., Inc. 5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com
Toshiba America Energy Systems Corporation 6623 West Washington Street West Allis, WA 53214
Laura Baumann, Marketing Director Phone (414-475-2800)
Site Selection
BBI International
Project Development Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
105 Corporate Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Timothy Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor Phone (502-782-9265)
U.S. Senator Deb Fischer
11819 Miracle Hills Drive
Omaha, NE 68145
Neil Moseman, State Energy Director Phone (402-398-0288)
American Railcar Repair
PO Box 115
303 Third Street
Lakota, IA 50451
David Horak, Location Manager/Principal Phone (515-886-0026)
NWBB Hauling Service Inc.
7111 Allentown Road, Suite 202 Fort Washington, MD 20744
Latashia Wilburn, CEO
Phone (307-735-7000)
Forest Concepts, LLC
3320 West Valley Hwy North, Suite D110
Auburn, WA 98001
Mike Perry, CEO Phone (253-333-9663)
Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Climate Change Institute High School Yards, Infirmary Street
Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 1LZ
United Kingdom
Romain Viguier, Business Development & Project Manager Phone (44-078147-87516)
AA.T. Kearney
227 West Monroe Street #1910 Chicago, IL 60606
Neal Walters, Partner Phone (289-208-0670) tina.portch@kearney.com kearney.com
Abhirutu Consultants
27/28, Himali Society
Near Mhatre Bridge
Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India
Sanjay Jagap, Director Phone (91-98223-94170) abhirutu@gmail.com www.abhirutuconsultants.com
Advanced Biofuels USA
507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701
Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395) info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd.
PO Box 419
160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070
Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597) | Fax (305-852-2598) rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Advanced Cyclone Systems
Rua de Vilar 235 3 Esq
Porto 4050-626 Portugal
Paulo Ventura, Marketing Manager Phone (00-351-226003268) Fax (00-35-10400941) paulo.ventura@acsystems.pt www.advancedcyclonesystems.com
Advanced Organic Methods LLC
1253 Sisley Road
Penryn, CA 95663
Russel Adams, Managing Member Phone (530-304-2147) rus.adams@gmail.com aomthermal.com
Aequor Inc.
1288 Skyros Way Encinitas, CA 92024
Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854) mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
1900 44th Street South Fargo, ND 58103
Jessica Bernstien, Vice President Phone (701-499-2633) jess.bernstien@agcountry.com www.agcountry.com
3050 67th Avenue, Suite 200 Greeley, CO 80634
Thomas Haren, CEO Phone (970-535-9318) tharen@agpros.com www.agpros.com
American Coalition for Ethanol
5000 South Broadband Lane, Suite 224 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Anna Carpenter, Member Services
Phone (605-334-3381) acarpenter@ethanol.org ethanol.org
American Energy Enterprises Inc.
33 Obtuse Rocks Road Brookfield, CT 06804
Christopher Brown, Chairman Phone (203-313-8177)
christopher@americanenergyenterprises.com www.americanenergyenterprises.com
American Railcar Repair PO Box 115
303 Third Street Lakota, IA 50451
David Horak, Location Manager/Principal Phone (515-886-0026) david@americanrailcarrepair.com www.americanrailcarrepair.com
Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc. 8855 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223
Kevin Summ, Director of Marketing Phone (414-365-6400) info@anguil.com www.anguil.com
Area 52
3172 North Rainbow Boulevard #22136 Las Vegas, NV 89108
Adam Wathen
Phone (949-981-8669) ruthaglipa334@outlook.com area52.com
ARTi 101 South West Street Prairie City, IA 50228
Justin Beck, Pyrolysis Reactors & Biochar Solutions Phone (515-635-5164) justin.beck@artichar.com www.arti.com
Associated Carbon Technologies, Inc. PO Box 172
Alofi, Niue, Oceania 9974 New Zealand Charles Laws, Director of Development Phone (00-0683-4341) cl@act-inc.nu
Atlantic Biomass International LLC 252 South Quince Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tim Morrison, CFO Phone (202-215-2885) tdm@mklcapital.com www.atlbiointl.com
BBaghouse Duct Design dot Com 14280 West 50th Place Golden, CO 80403
Gregory Black Phone (303-278-9268) greg@baghouseductdesign.com www.baghouseductdesign.com
Barnhart Crane & Rigging
3604 West Hovland Drive Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Bill Vyhlidal Phone (712-522-0029) bvyhlidal@barnhartcrane.com www.barnhartcrane.com
505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
Jon Cartlidge, Commercial Sales Director Phone (614-424-3508) cartlidgej@battelle.org battelle.org
BBI International Project Development
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Benetech, Inc.
1851 Albright Road Montgomery, IL 60538
Ron Pircon, President Phone (800-843-2625) info@benetechusa.com benetechglobal.com
Biochar Now LLC
3146 New Castle Drive Loveland, CO 80538 James Gaspard, CEO Phone (303-882-3561) james.gaspard@biocharnow.com www.biocharnow.com
Biodiesel Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselmagazine.com
Biodiesel Summit: Sustainable Aviation Fuel & Renewable Diesel 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselsummit.com
Biomass Controls PBC
30A Crabtree Lane Woodstock, CT 06281
Jeff Hallowell, Founder Phone (860-315-5735) info@biomasscontrols.com www.biomasscontrols.com
Biomass Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385)
service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com
CCaptis Aire LLC 217 East Broadway Street, Unit 512 Lenoir City, TN 37771
Kim Tutin Phone (404-580-2795) kim@captisaire.com www.captisaire.com
Capture Land Management 10726 Valley Forge Drive
Houston, TX 77042
Ben Balagia, President Phone (713-823-8686)
bbalagia@gmail.com www.bblandco.com
Capture Land Management 909 Wirt Road
Houston, TX 77024
Ben Balagia, President Phone (713-823-8686) ben@capturelandman.com www.capturelandman.com
CaptureMap by Endrava Ovre Slottsgate 3 Oslo 0157 Norway
Eric Rambech, Co-founder Phone (45-09-81-23) eric@endrava.com www.capturemap.no
Carbon & Climate Change Domains PO Box 4068
Naples, ME 04055
Robert Fogg Phone (207-650-9494) robertfogg@q-team.com
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com carboncapturestoragesummit.com
Carbon Capture Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.carboncapturemagazine.com
Carbon Storage Solutions (Front Range Energy) 31375 Great Western Drive Windsor, CO 80550
Dan Sanders, President/CEO Phone (970-674-2910) drsanders@frontrangeenergy.com frontrangeenergy.com
Carbon Vault Holdings LLC
1512 Larimer Street, Suite 550 Denver, CO 80108
James Dodson, Vice President Phone (303-376-3607)
jbd@carbon-vault.com carbonvault.us
Center of Sustainable Agroforestry
285 Northwest Bert Avenue Lake City, FL 32055
Tom Cunilio, Elephant Grass Production Phone (352-376-6265) t.cosaf@att.net www.cosaf.com
Tyn-y-Coed Pentywyn Road
Llandudno LL30 1SA United Kingdom
Malcolm Kent, Head of Carbon Storage Phone (44-014925-81811) ccus.group@cgg.com www.cgg.com/ccus
Commodity Talent LLC
27 East 28th Street New York, NY 10016
George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com
DDelta CleanTech Inc.
2305 Victoria Avenue, Unit 002 Regina, SK S4P 0S7 Canada
Jeff Allison, President Phone (306-530-6025) jallison@deltacleantech.ca www.deltacleantech.ca
Delta CleanTech Inc.
2308 Palisade Drive Southwest Calgary, AB T2V 3V1 Canada
Jeff Allison, President Phone (306-530-6025) jallison@deltacleantech.ca www.deltacleantech.ca
Delta Energy Services, LLC 325 Abbey Road Berwyn, PA 19312
Sven Swenson, Chief of Staff Phone (352-201-9848) sven@workdelta.com www.workdelta.com
Diamond Scientific 625 Peachtree Lane Cocoa, FL 32922
Ramon Rivera Phone (321-223-7500) info@diamondsci.com diamondsci.com
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
50 South Sixth Street, Suite 1500 Minneapolis, MN 55402
Michael Weaver, Partner Phone (612-492-6114) weaver.michael@dorsey.com www.dorsey.com
EEcoEngineers 909 Locust Street, Suite 202 Des Moines, IA 50309
Jim Ramm, Vice President of Client Services Phone (515-985-1260) clientservices@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
Energy Exposition LLC
PO Box 50406 Casper, WY 82605
Kit Jennings, Producer Phone (307-262-4020) kit@energyexposition.com energyexposition.com
Energy Inc.
20 Sierra Morena Mews Southwest, Suite 307 Calgary, AB T3H 3K6 Canada
Rosmin Madhani, Manager Phone (403-217-7646) rosminmadhani@gmail.com ca.linkedin.com/in/rmadhani
Energy Management Solutions Inc.
371 South Sunset Drive Mina, SD 57451
Bill Paulsen, President/CEO Phone (605-216-5010) bill.paulsen@emsplantmanagement.com www.emsplantmanagement.com
PO Box 24017 Guelph, ON N1E 6V8 Canada
James Roszel, Administrator Phone (519-767-2913) webmaster@energychange.com www.energychange.com
Entrex Carbon Market
150 East Palmetto Park Road, 8th Floor Boca Raton, FL 33432 Stephen Watkins, CEO Phone (954-856-6659) swatkins@entrex.net www.entrexcarbonmarket.com
FCI Financial Services, Inc.
20910 East Ida Avenue #110 Aurora, CO 80015
Jospeh Leslie, President Phone (303-680-6318) fcifin@aol.com www.machineryleasing.com
Fiber Chem, Inc.
14858 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001
Dan Smith, Business Development Manager Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
Fiber International LLC
8730 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Donald Whitlock, Managing Director Phone (910-685-6030) d.whitlock@fiberintl.com www.fiberintl.com
Forest Concepts, LLC
3320 West Valley Hwy North, Suite D110 Auburn, WA 98001
Mike Perry, CEO Phone (253-333-9663) mperry@forestconcepts.com www.forestconcepts.com
Foss & Company
832 Sansome Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94111
Allison Lanser Phone (415-292-9800) pr@fossandco.com www.fossandco.com
11042 Wildwood Drive Olive Branch, MS 38654
Bryan Eagle, CEO Phone (901-312-7700)
hello@glanris.com www.glanris.com
Graves & Co. 2777 Allen Parkway, Suite 525 Houston, TX 77019
John Graves, President Phone (713-650-0811) jgraves@graves-co.com www.graves-co.com
Graves & Co. Consulting LLC 2777 Allen Parkway, Suite 525 Houston, TX 77019
Bill Vail, Executive Vice President Phone (713-650-0811) bvail@gravesconsulting.us www.gravesconsulting.us
Gravitas Infinitum 4850 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 301 Naples, FL 34103
Tyler Wood, Director of ESG & Sustainability Phone (617-899-6745) tyler@gravitasinfinitum.com www.carbotura.com
GGCI Gas Certification Institute Training 2500 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77042
Ardis Bartle, Manager of CO2 Measurement Training Phone (281-598-7200) contact@gascertification.com www.gascertification.com
GECA Environnement
1516 Chemin du Club Nautique Lac Sergent, QC G0A 2J0 Canada
FFagen, Inc. 501 West Hwy 212 Granite Falls, MN 56241
William Stark, Vice President of Business Development Phone (320-564-3324) wstark@fageninc.com www.fageninc.com
Fagus GreCon Inc. 648 Griffith Road, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217
Eric Peterson, Sales Phone (704-912-0000) | Fax (704-973-9733) sales@grecon.us fagus-grecon.us
Melissa Leung Phone (418-265-8650) admin@gecaenviro.com www.gecaenviro.com
Georgia Adobe LP 231 Harris Lord Cemetery Road Commerce, GA 30530
Joe Woodall, Alternative Buildings & Energy Systems Phone (706-363-6453) sales@georgiaadobe.com www.georgiaadobe.com
HHeitman Architects Incorporated 555 West Pierce Road, Suite 130 Itasca, IL 60143
Paul Heitman, Director Phone (630-773-3551) pheitman@heitmanarchitects.com www.heitmanarchitects.com
HEMCO Corporation 711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056 Jerry Schwarz Phone (816-796-2900) info@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
Hexas Biomass 900 Jefferson Street Southeast #1113 Olympia, WA 98501
Wendy Owens, CEO Phone (360-890-0775) info@hexas.com hexas.com
Husch Blackwell 13330 California Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154
David Gardels, Partner Phone (402-964-5027) david.gardels@huschblackwell.com www.huschblackwell.com
Hydro-Thermal 400 Pilot Court Waukesha, WI 53188
Joel Gerstner, National Sales Manager Phone (262-952-0121) info@hydro-thermal.com www.hydro-thermal.com
12100 West Interstate 20 East Odessa, TX 79765
Mark Patton, President Phone (432-561-8979)
mpatton@hydrozonix.com www.hydrozonix.com
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
INTEC Engineering GmbH
John-Deere-Strasse 43 Bruchsal, Baden-Wurttemberg 76646
Christian Daniel, Sales Director Phone (00-49-72519-324312) Fax (00-49-72519-324399) info@intec-energy.de www.intec-energy.com
Interdevelopment, Inc.
1629 K Street Northwest #300 Washington, DC 20006
Margareta Luddemann-Faris, Executive Phone (202-508-1459) | Fax (202-531-5431) interdevelopment@starpower.net www.interdevelopment.com
International Biomass Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
IQA Solutions Inc.
4089 East Conant Street Long Beach, CA 90808
Lawrence Chen, Business Development Manager Phone (562-392-6957) lchen@iqasolutions.com iqasolutions.com
JJohn Perez Graphics & Design, LLC
1723 Analog Drive Richardson, TX 75081
John Perez, President Phone (972-231-7776)
johnperezgraphics@geoart.com geoart.com
KKentucky Department of Agriculture
105 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601
Timothy Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor Phone (502-782-9265) timd.hughes@ky.gov www.kyagr.com/trade
Keystone International Capital Cunsulting Group
2941 Beacon Hill Drive West Linn, OR 97068
Patrick Ghere, Managing Member Phone (503-657-0440) patghere@keycapint.com www.keycapint.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP 607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005
Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice Phone (202-508-5823) | Fax (202-318-4087) mriedy@kilpatricktownsend.com www.kilpatricktownsend.com
Kutak Rock, LLP
1650 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68102
David Bracht, Attorney Phone (402-981-2900)
david.bracht@kutakrock.com www.kutakrock.com
Kutak Rock, LLP 60 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402
Todd Guerrero, Partner & Chair, National Energy Group Phone (612-334-5007) todd.guerrero@kutakrock.com www.kutakrock.com
MAN Energy Services
Rotterdam 3029AD Netherlands
Cristina Cantarino, CCS Sales Manager Phone (31-615-567382) cristina.cantarino-perez@man-es.com www.man-es.com
915 North Eldridge Parkway
Houston, TX 77079
Zoe Keenan, Senior Manager of Communications Phone (281-588-6600) energytransition@mcdermott.com www.mcdermott.com
McGrath North First National Tower #3700
1601 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68102
Steve Case, Shareholder Phone (402-341-3070) | Fax (402-341-0216) scase@mcgrathnorth.com www.mcgrathnorth.com
Merjent, Inc.
1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
78 Waterloo Road, Level 4 Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia
Geoff Bell, CEO Phone (61-432-428-882) geoff.bell@microbiogen.com www.microbiogen.com
MKL Capital LLC Box 963
Bronxville, NY 10708
Brian Morrison, Managing Director Phone (917-653-3017) bam@mklcapital.com www@mklcapital.com
Modular Energy Solutions
PO Box 2759
Santa Clara, CA 95055
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Hwy Duluth, MN 55811
Patrick Schoff Phone (218-788-2768) pschoff@d.umn.edu www.nrri.umn.edu
Next Carbon Solutions
1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 3900 Houston, TX 77002
Michael Walters, Sr. Director Phone (713-574-1880) mwalters@next-decade.com www.next-decade.com
NodalSeismic, LLC
2201 East Willow Street, Suite D #183 Signal Hill, CA 90755 Bill Erickson, Vice President of Operations Phone (406-788-9288) berickson@nodalseismic.com www.nodalseismic.com
North American SAF Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com safconference.com
Northern Horizons
15805 Caribou Footed Drive Northwest Solway, MN 56678
Jason Sanders, Pipeline Superintendent Phone (218-467-9353) jsanders@northernhorizonsinc.com www.northernhorizonsinc.com
NWBB Hauling Service Inc. 7111 Allentown Road, Suite 202 Fort Washington, MD 20744 Latashia Wilburn, CEO Phone (307-735-7000) lwilburn@nwbbhaulingservice.com www.nwbbhaulingservice.com
LLife Cycle Associates, LLC 884 Portola Road, Suite A11 Portola Valley, CA 94028
Stefan Unnasch, Managing Director Phone (650-461-9048) outreach@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
MMaas Companies, Inc.
PO Box 7127
Rochester, MN 55903
Tyler Maas, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (507-285-1444)
maas@maascompanies.com maascompanies.com
Charles Nolan, President Phone (408-483-5922) chucknln@sbcglobal.net www.modular-e.com
NNational Carbon Capture Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com nationalcarboncaptureconference.com
OOlson Search International, Inc. PO Box 3468 Boulder, CO 80307
Jon Olson, President Phone (800-985-5191) | Fax (425-954-8991) jon@olsonsearch.com www.olsonsearch.com
19026 Ridgewood Parkway, Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78259
Doug McClure, Vice President of Corporate Development Phone (210-600-5781) doug.mcclure@ozonaccs.com ozonaccs.com
PPCL Industrial Services, Inc.
1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307
Corey Hartwig, Project Engineering Manager Phone (760-382-7936) chartwig@pcl.com www.pcl.com
Pelican Energy Consultants
180 New Camellia Boulevard, Suite 100 Covington, LA 70433
Ed Covington, Vice President of Strategy & Markets
Phone (985-871-4200) ed.covington@pelicanenergy.com www.pelicanenergy.com
Pellet Mill Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com https://biomassmagazine.com/pellet-millmagazine/
Permanente Corporation
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Marc A. Seidner, President Phone (310-569-6500) marc@permanentecorp.com www.permanentecorp.com
8810 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219
Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5000) donna.funk@pinionglobal.com www.pinionglobal.com/industry/biofuels
Plaas Incorporated
1427 Old West Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066
Taite Plaas, President Phone (651-388-8881) taite@plaasinc.com www.plaasinc.com
Precision Combustion, Inc. 410 Sackett Point Road North Haven, CT 06473
Stewart Rosenberg, Business Development Leader Phone (203-376-7568) srosenberg@precision-combustion.com www.precision-combustion.com
Precision Partners
220 Newport Center Drive #11-165 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Nick Evans, Director Phone (949-696-5812) info@precisionpartners.llc www.precisionpartners.llc
325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Benjamin Wincure, Technical Sales Engineer Phone (215-600-3759) sales@prosim.net www.prosim.net
PureHempNY PO Box 10
Hudson, NY 12534
Ralph Brill, Chairman Phone (845-661-3593) brill.group@verizon.net www.purehemptech.com
Salof Ltd., Inc. 5141 IH 35 New Braunfels, TX 78132
Randy Elson & Bob Luhrs, Vice President of Operations/President Phone (830-225-1744) sales@salofltd.com www.salofltd.com
Saulsbury Industries 2951 East Interstate 20 Odessa, TX 79766
Savanah Cantleberry, Manager of Marketing & Communications Phone (432-366-3686) | Fax (432-368-0061) marketing@saulsbury.com www.saulsbury.com
Saulsbury Industries
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP 180 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038
Marvin Goldstein, Partner Phone (212-806-5629) | Fax (212-806-6006) mgoldstein@stroock.com www.stroock.com
Syntek Resource Corporation 2143 18th Avenue Court Greeley, CO 80631
Sandra Robnett, CHM/CEO Phone (970-356-9004) | Fax (970-356-9004) srobnett@gmail.com www.interasset.org
RRedecam USA, LLC
5970 Fairview Road, Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28210
Salvatore Gallo, President Phone (704-969-8811) redecam.usa@redecam.com www.redecam.com
Renewable Energy Institute
6705 Bancroft Woods Austin, TX 78729 Monte Goodell, Carbon Capture & Sequestration Phone (832-758-0027) info@carboncaptureandsequestration.com www.carboncaptureandsequestration.com
5206 Paylor Lane Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240
Fred Murrell, Chairman Phone (941-725-2696) fred@rizomebamboo.com rizomebamboo.com
Roundstone Funding Corporation 17 State Street, 40th Floor New York, NY 10004
Ivan Hernandez, President Phone (347-850-2203)
info@roundstonefunding.com www.roundstonefunding.com
2951 East Interstate 20 Odessa, TX 79766 TJ Stewart, Director of Business Development Phone (701-471-6388) tstewart@saulsbury.com www.saulsbury.com
Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Climate Change Institute
High School Yards, Infirmary Street
Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 1LZ United Kingdrom Romain Viguier, Business Development & Project Manager Phone (44-078147-87516) info@sccs.org.uk www.sccs.org.uk
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226 US Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Sicgil Industrial Gases
84 Anna Salai Dhun Buildings, 6th Floor Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002 India Ruqshad Dadabhoy Phone (91-44663-50700) corporate@sicgil.com www.sicgil.com
Sosna Metelyk ™
SSAF Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.safmagazine.com
2300 rue Jean-Perrin Quebec, QC G2C 1T9 Canada
Richard Surprenant, Business Development Manager of Carbon Capture Technology Phone (581-928-3456)
richard.surprenant@saipem.com www.saipem.com/en/solutions/ renewables/carbon-capture
8000 West Manchester Avenue Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Oksana Gal, Co-Founder Phone (310-918-2128) oksanamgal@gmail.com sosnametelyk.com
SRI Instruments
20720 Earl Street
Torrance, CA 90503
Hugh Goldsmith, President Phone (310-214-5092) hugh@srigc.com www.srigc.com
Strobel Companies
106 South Green Street Clarks, NE 68628
Larry Myers, Client Development Phone (308-624-4999) lmyers@strobelenergy.com www.strobelcompanies.com
TTargray 18105 route Transcanadienne Kirkland, QC H9J 3Z4 Canada
Olivier Benny, Marketing Director Phone (514-695-8095) marketing@targray.com www.targray.com/environmentalcommodities
Av. Eng. Luiz Dumont Villares, KM 2 CEP: 12442-260
Pindamonhangaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Alexandre Pedroso, Project Manager/ Consultant Phone (16-9979-11164) agpedroso1@outlook.com www.tecnored.com.br
The Carbon Capture & Storage Association
Heron House, 10 Dean Farrar Street London SW1H 0DX United Kingdom
Judith Shapiro, Communications Manager Phone (44-02030-318750) www.ccsassociation.org
The New York Blower Company 7660 South Quincy Street Willowbrook, IL 60527
Ben Zastrow Phone (630-794-5731) bzastrow@nyb.com www.nyb.com
Todd & Sargent 2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010
Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development Phone (515-956-4805) bizdev@tsargent.com tsargent.com
Toshiba America Energy Systems Corporation 6623 West Washington Street West Allis, WA 53214
Laura Baumann, Marketing Director Phone (414-475-2800) taes-sales@toshiba.com www.toshiba.com/taes
TRC Environmental Corp.
207C Eisenhower Lane South Lombard, IL 60148
Daniel Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024)
dgrabowski@trccompanies.com trcsolutions.com
Trihydro Corporation
1252 Commerce Drive Laramie, WY 82070
Brad Pekas, Engineering Specialist Phone (904-513-9748) bpekas@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
Trihydro Corporation
1672 Independence Drive, Suite 315 New Braunfels, TX 78132
John Schneider, Southwest Regional Development Leader Phone (970-302-7061) | Fax (307-745-7729) jschneider@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
Twin City Fan & Blower
5959 Trenton Lane North Plymouth, MN 55442
Eric Benoit, Vice President of Industrial Sales Phone (763-551-7600) | Fax (763-551-7601) sales@tcf.com www.tcf.com
UU.S. Senator Deb Fischer
11819 Miracle Hills Drive Omaha, NE 68145
Neil Moseman, State Energy Director Phone (402-398-0288) neil_moseman@fischer.senate.gov www.fischer.senate.gov
United States Biochar Initiative
5475 Southwest Arrow Wood Lane Portland, OR 97225
Thomas Miles, Executive Director Phone (503-780-8185) usbiochar@gmail.com www.biochar-us.org
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Calle 10, Manzana 33, Lote 6 Colonia Isidro Fabela, Tlalpan Mexico, Cuidad de Mexico 14030 Mexico
Hector Castrejon-Pineda, Professor Phone (52-55-4190-6417) rcastr@unam.mx www.dict.unam.mx/Personal%20 Academico%20Geofisica1.php
Valuation and Assets Services, LLC
2108 Carroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702
K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) projects@valuationandassets.com www.valuationandassets.com
Vanguard Global Enterprises, Inc. 821 La Plaza Avenue South South Pasadena, FL 33707
Y.Z. Lahav Phone (727-710-1380) yzleop@yahoo.com
Vault 44.01
1400 350 Seventh Avenue Southwest Calgary, AB T2P 3N9 Canada
Hugh Caperton, Vice President of Land & Business Development Phone (304-594-8084) hugh@vault4401.com vault4401.com
Viken Sustainability 420 Mill Crossing Canton, GA 30114
Sven Swenson, CEO & Managing Partner Phone (352-201-9848) sven@vikensustainability.com www.vikensustainability.com
Viking Pump 406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Kyle Benning, Product Manager Phone (319-939-1316)
kbenning@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
YYilkins PO Box 8210
Groningen Netherlands
Guy Penard, Vice President (North America)
Phone (97-839-44200) info@yilkins.com yilkins.com
VVaisala Inc.
10-D Gill Street Woburn, MA 01801
Justin Walsh Phone (781-537-1071) justin.walsh@vaisala.com www.vaisala.com/en/industriesapplications/biogas
WWishstone Energy 1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Peter Martin, Partner Phone (949-478-3488) peter.martin@jfm-llc.com wishstone-energy.com
Wolf Material Handling Systems 231 Main Street Northwest, Suite 6 Elk River, MN 55330
Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketing Manager
Phone (612-859-8207) sales@wolfmhs.com www.wolfmhs.com
XXDh-energy 45 Marshall Road Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Xavier Dhubert
Phone (502-819-0614)
xavier.dhubert@xdh-energy.com www.xdh-energy.com