The Beaconhouse Newsletter
Beaconhouse Newsletter Beaconhouse Newsletter January 2011 Volume 1, Issue 1
Kangaroo Competition Laureates On March 18, 2010 about 40,000 students from all over Pakistan participated in the world’s largest one-day Mathematical challenge. The participants included ‘Kangaroos’ from grades III to XII from over 650 schools and colleges around the world. This year about five million students from 51 member countries of the international association are reported to have participated in the contest. In Pakistan it was their sixth contest. The contest aims at identifying the students with creative talent. The students participating in the contest are encouraged to solve challenging problems. 350 students participated from our branch. This year three bright Beaconites brought pride to the school by winning Bronze Medals: These students are: Suleman Tariq from class III Hanan Ahmed from class IV Wali Muhammad from class IV Well done, boys!
Upcoming Events:
In this issue:
Book Fair Inter-section
Beaconhouse Primary Branch, 325, Main Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi
Dentists Visit Primary Branch:page 2 BPR teachers honoured : page 2 Football/ Cricket
Curriculum Orientation Day for Beaconhouse Parents : Investiture Ceremony :
page 3 page 3
Kangaroo Competition
International Conference ‘School of Tomorrow: Freedom to Learn’
Important reminders:
Kindly help your child to arrive at school on time. Let us inculcate the importance of punctuality in our children at this tender age.
Students must come to school dressed in proper uniform with appropriate hair cuts.
In case your child is absent, leave applications are
The world today is a global community which is evolving and growing at a rapid rate. In order to equip our children to adapt to this change, we have to prepare them not only for the world today but also as it will be in the future. In keeping with this theme, a two day International Conference was held in Lahore called ‘School of Tomorrow: Freedom to Learn’ to celebrate 35 years of Beaconhouse School Sysem. Prominent academicians from around the world and from Pakistan
discussed what schools should be like in 2035. One of the most vital and prominent questions asked was, ‘Do we stifle children’s creativity?’ The conference left everybody with food for thought and determination to stimulate and nurture children’s growth through diversity in the classroom. The focus must be on grooming an all round personality, to have a classroom in which children are actively engaged in their learning, ensuring that their contributions make it truly interactive. Finally, the importance of the parent, teacher and student triangle cannot be emphasized enough. We must work together to promote a climate of trust, support and openness and by doing so; ensure that our children are equipped with the necessary skills and understanding to face the world of tomorrow.
required at school for due procedure and record.
Eid Milan Party Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery Senior Mistress Incharge
Mrs. Saima Rehman Senior Mistress
Mrs. Munizeh Murad School Coordinator
Beaconhouse Newsletter January 2011 Page 4
As per the tradition of BPR, the whole school celebrated Eid with an Eid Milan Party on 24th September. Students were dressed up in their Eid clothes. The whole school looked like a colourful garden with beautiful butterflies flying around. It was a treat to watch these young Beaconites! The school had also arranged a Magic Show for the students.
Beaconhouse Newsletter January 2011 Morning Assembly Presentations “Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.” Richard Kline We at BPR firmly believe in this and actively work towards preparing our students along these lines for the stage of life. This is done each day through various constructive activities and morning assembly presentations. This year too, as is the tradition at BPR, our
BPR teachers honoured Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, states the importance of teachers in these words, “Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those; the art of living well.” Beaconhouse School System acknowledges the valuable contribution of its teachers. The Doctor’s Visit-Class V Various professional community members can play an active role in the education of children. Beaconhouse School System values the partnership of parents in various professions in helping to enrich learning op-
students prepared interesting and enjoyabl e m orning assemblies. The emphasis was on maximum participation and stage exposure to build the students’ confidence. The students presented brief notes on various aspects of their daily learning, some staged tableaux presented short skits and plays.
Parent Teacher meeting Parents, guardians and teachers each have a distinctive yet inter-related role to play in a child’s education and therefore, a collaboration of efforts is of vital importance to enhance students’ achievements. Hence, it is extremely important to keep the doors of and
others Curriculum
Orientation Beaconhouse Parents
Annual Awards Ceremony was held at BPR on 6th September, 2010 where selected staff members were presented with certificates and cash awards in recognition of their dedication. The teachers selected from BPR were Mrs. Nusrat Lotia, Mrs. Rubina Saleem, Mrs. Tayeba Salman, Ms. Munaza Kanwal and Mr.Saood Hussain. Mr. Danial Kasuri, Executive Director Beaconhouse School System was Chief Guest at the occasion. He lauded the efforts of the teachers and urged them to continue working with the same zeal and prove to be an inspiration to their colleagues as well .
portunities for students. Keeping this in mind, an interactive session was arranged with Dr. Shazia Arif, who was invited to give a talk on ‘Contagious and Non-Contagious Diseases’ in coordination with the Class V Science Curriculum. The doctor, with the help of eye catching visual aids emphasized the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and maintaining personal hygiene. She also answered questions p ut f or ward by th e enthusiastic children.
communication open. At BPR, we regularly hold Parent Teacher Meetings for this purpose and the first PTM of the Academic Year 2010-2011, Term I was successfully held on 29th and 30th of November. It was fruitful as both sides benefited from the mutual discussion.
for of holding the Orientation Day is to familiarize the
Research says that parent teacher collaboration is vital for enhancing children’s academic achievements, personal growth and self esteem. Keeping this in view, Orientation Days for parents are regularly held at Beaconhouse schools. We at Beaconhouse Primary Branch, Peshawar Road, recently held our Curriculum Orientation Day for parents. The Headmistress, Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery, in her welcoming speech, expressed her appreciation to the parents for being a part of this event. The primary objective
parents with the BSS Prim ary Curriculum Documents, the curriculum philosophy and procedures. The Special i zed Su b j e c t Coordinators briefed the audience about the pattern of class work and assessment procedures. Other than the main subjects, IT, Music, Games and Art teachers also shared essential information regarding their subjects. The Orientation Day received an overwhelming positive response from the parents. A brief interactive session was conducted at the end during which faculty members along with Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery
Investiture Ceremony Monday, 11th October proved to be an exciting day for children of Class V. The much awaited Student Council names were announced in the assembly. The Senior Mistress, Mrs. Saima Rehman took oath from the newly elected BPR Student Council. The Headmistress, Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery congratulated them and reminded them that they had to become role models for their peers and had to live up to the expectations of their teachers. “Your attitude, not your aptitude will determine your altitude.”
Dent ists Visit Primary Branch A team of dentists from Hope Dental Centre visited BPR on 28th September, 2010. The doctors guided children on the importance of healthy teeth and gums. Children also asked pertinent questions related to dental hygiene.
Page 2
ICT integration The present society is increasingly dependent on electronic information and communications. BSS successfully implements integration of the curriculum with technology (ICT). At BPR students experience learning beyond the classroom walls! Page 3
Beaconhouse Newsletter January 2011 Morning Assembly Presentations “Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.” Richard Kline We at BPR firmly believe in this and actively work towards preparing our students along these lines for the stage of life. This is done each day through various constructive activities and morning assembly presentations. This year too, as is the tradition at BPR, our
BPR teachers honoured Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, states the importance of teachers in these words, “Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those; the art of living well.” Beaconhouse School System acknowledges the valuable contribution of its teachers. The Doctor’s Visit-Class V Various professional community members can play an active role in the education of children. Beaconhouse School System values the partnership of parents in various professions in helping to enrich learning op-
students prepared interesting and enjoyabl e m orning assemblies. The emphasis was on maximum participation and stage exposure to build the students’ confidence. The students presented brief notes on various aspects of their daily learning, some staged tableaux presented short skits and plays.
Parent Teacher meeting Parents, guardians and teachers each have a distinctive yet inter-related role to play in a child’s education and therefore, a collaboration of efforts is of vital importance to enhance students’ achievements. Hence, it is extremely important to keep the doors of and
others Curriculum
Orientation Beaconhouse Parents
Annual Awards Ceremony was held at BPR on 6th September, 2010 where selected staff members were presented with certificates and cash awards in recognition of their dedication. The teachers selected from BPR were Mrs. Nusrat Lotia, Mrs. Rubina Saleem, Mrs. Tayeba Salman, Ms. Munaza Kanwal and Mr.Saood Hussain. Mr. Danial Kasuri, Executive Director Beaconhouse School System was Chief Guest at the occasion. He lauded the efforts of the teachers and urged them to continue working with the same zeal and prove to be an inspiration to their colleagues as well .
portunities for students. Keeping this in mind, an interactive session was arranged with Dr. Shazia Arif, who was invited to give a talk on ‘Contagious and Non-Contagious Diseases’ in coordination with the Class V Science Curriculum. The doctor, with the help of eye catching visual aids emphasized the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and maintaining personal hygiene. She also answered questions p ut f or ward by th e enthusiastic children.
communication open. At BPR, we regularly hold Parent Teacher Meetings for this purpose and the first PTM of the Academic Year 2010-2011, Term I was successfully held on 29th and 30th of November. It was fruitful as both sides benefited from the mutual discussion.
for of holding the Orientation Day is to familiarize the
Research says that parent teacher collaboration is vital for enhancing children’s academic achievements, personal growth and self esteem. Keeping this in view, Orientation Days for parents are regularly held at Beaconhouse schools. We at Beaconhouse Primary Branch, Peshawar Road, recently held our Curriculum Orientation Day for parents. The Headmistress, Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery, in her welcoming speech, expressed her appreciation to the parents for being a part of this event. The primary objective
parents with the BSS Prim ary Curriculum Documents, the curriculum philosophy and procedures. The Special i zed Su b j e c t Coordinators briefed the audience about the pattern of class work and assessment procedures. Other than the main subjects, IT, Music, Games and Art teachers also shared essential information regarding their subjects. The Orientation Day received an overwhelming positive response from the parents. A brief interactive session was conducted at the end during which faculty members along with Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery
Investiture Ceremony Monday, 11th October proved to be an exciting day for children of Class V. The much awaited Student Council names were announced in the assembly. The Senior Mistress, Mrs. Saima Rehman took oath from the newly elected BPR Student Council. The Headmistress, Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery congratulated them and reminded them that they had to become role models for their peers and had to live up to the expectations of their teachers. “Your attitude, not your aptitude will determine your altitude.”
Dent ists Visit Primary Branch A team of dentists from Hope Dental Centre visited BPR on 28th September, 2010. The doctors guided children on the importance of healthy teeth and gums. Children also asked pertinent questions related to dental hygiene.
Page 2
ICT integration The present society is increasingly dependent on electronic information and communications. BSS successfully implements integration of the curriculum with technology (ICT). At BPR students experience learning beyond the classroom walls! Page 3
The Beaconhouse Newsletter
Beaconhouse Newsletter Beaconhouse Newsletter January 2011 Volume 1, Issue 1
Kangaroo Competition Laureates On March 18, 2010 about 40,000 students from all over Pakistan participated in the world’s largest one-day Mathematical challenge. The participants included ‘Kangaroos’ from grades III to XII from over 650 schools and colleges around the world. This year about five million students from 51 member countries of the international association are reported to have participated in the contest. In Pakistan it was their sixth contest. The contest aims at identifying the students with creative talent. The students participating in the contest are encouraged to solve challenging problems. 350 students participated from our branch. This year three bright Beaconites brought pride to the school by winning Bronze Medals: These students are: Suleman Tariq from class III Hanan Ahmed from class IV Wali Muhammad from class IV Well done, boys!
Upcoming Events:
In this issue:
Book Fair Inter-section
Beaconhouse Primary Branch, 325, Main Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi
Dentists Visit Primary Branch:page 2 BPR teachers honoured : page 2 Football/ Cricket
Curriculum Orientation Day for Beaconhouse Parents : Investiture Ceremony :
page 3 page 3
Kangaroo Competition
International Conference ‘School of Tomorrow: Freedom to Learn’
Important reminders:
Kindly help your child to arrive at school on time. Let us inculcate the importance of punctuality in our children at this tender age.
Students must come to school dressed in proper uniform with appropriate hair cuts.
In case your child is absent, leave applications are
The world today is a global community which is evolving and growing at a rapid rate. In order to equip our children to adapt to this change, we have to prepare them not only for the world today but also as it will be in the future. In keeping with this theme, a two day International Conference was held in Lahore called ‘School of Tomorrow: Freedom to Learn’ to celebrate 35 years of Beaconhouse School Sysem. Prominent academicians from around the world and from Pakistan
discussed what schools should be like in 2035. One of the most vital and prominent questions asked was, ‘Do we stifle children’s creativity?’ The conference left everybody with food for thought and determination to stimulate and nurture children’s growth through diversity in the classroom. The focus must be on grooming an all round personality, to have a classroom in which children are actively engaged in their learning, ensuring that their contributions make it truly interactive. Finally, the importance of the parent, teacher and student triangle cannot be emphasized enough. We must work together to promote a climate of trust, support and openness and by doing so; ensure that our children are equipped with the necessary skills and understanding to face the world of tomorrow.
required at school for due procedure and record.
Eid Milan Party Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery Senior Mistress Incharge
Mrs. Saima Rehman Senior Mistress
Mrs. Munizeh Murad School Coordinator
Beaconhouse Newsletter January 2011 Page 4
As per the tradition of BPR, the whole school celebrated Eid with an Eid Milan Party on 24th September. Students were dressed up in their Eid clothes. The whole school looked like a colourful garden with beautiful butterflies flying around. It was a treat to watch these young Beaconites! The school had also arranged a Magic Show for the students.