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The Beaconhouse Newsletter Issue 2

Beaconhouse Primary Branch, 325, Main Peshawar Road,

Inside this issue: Milad- un- Nabi


Book Fair




As another fruitful Academic Session draws to a close, we are left to ponder over the year that has passed and plan our objectives for the coming year. Challenging Academic tasks and Extra Curricular activities are an integral part of student’s overall development. At BPR, we focus not only on what is happening inside the class room but also on grooming overall personality and character building. By doing so, we hope to stimulate and nurture children’s growth which will enable them to become responsible members of a disciplined and tolerant society. Parental role is also vital in developing the growth of a child. You are requested to utilize the summer holidays to further enhance understanding of your child. Delegate tasks and confer responsibilities. Introduce them to the habit of book reading and provide opportunities for them to speak in and listen to good spoken English as their opinions are extremely valuable. Inculcate the habit of having a good, healthy breakfast and the importance of hygiene. Ensure that your child completes his/her summer holiday home work. I want to thank you for your cooperation and continued support. I also look forward to receiving your valuable suggestions which will help us to consistently improve and develop.

Kangaroo Contest Intersection Na-


tional Songs ComCricket Match


Young Debaters Mesmerize Audience


Inter-school Poetry Slam


June , 2011

Annual Sports Day 2011 BPR held its Annual Sports Day on 20th of April 2011 with 100% participation. The Annual Sports Day was given a flying start with the flag bearers and the torch bearer repelling from the roof of a building to make a thrilling entry into the ground. Mr. Aftab Shaban Mirani and Mrs. Azra Sarfraz Sajjad graced the occasion as Chief Guests. It was followed by the lighting of the sports flame and a smart march past by all the participants. The sports events started off with a dynamic presentation of various Martial Arts skills. Students had an opportunity to participate in a number of athletic events and an array of colourful presentations. Commando action by the students was the show stopper where the students enacted a drama of a fight with terrorists and displayed various athletic skills. The day was made even more festive by the energetic cheer leading display and the vibrant regional dances. The School Choir provided continuous entertainment throughout the programme with melodious songs.

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The Beaconhouse Newsletter

Milad- un- Nabi:

His perfection procured exaltation His beauty dispelled the darkness All his attributes were praiseworthy Pray for him, and for his family To commemorate the anniversary of the birth of Our Holy Prophet, a Mehfil-e-Milad was held on Friday, 11th March. Special arrangements were made and the stage was beautifully decorated by the children to express their love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Students from various classes paid homage to the Holy Prophet and recited beautiful naats and salutations in his praise. They renewed the pledge to truly follow in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet and spread the message of patience, tolerance and peace.

Second Parent Teacher Meeting in BPR:

Elections: In order to familiarize students with the election process which is a part of their Social Studies Curriculum, class IVs conducted an election to select class monitors from each class. Student designed posters and badges and participated in an election campaign. Finally, the election was conducted under the supervision of teachers. This activity was designed to help children to understand the democratic process and to inculcate a sense of citizenship and responsibility.

The Parent-Teacher Association in BPR has become an integral part of students overall development. It promotes responsible monitoring of the child’s activities at school and at home. The second parent-teacher meeting was held on 26th March, 2011. This provided a chance for the parents to meet the teachers and discuss their child’s progress. On this day an “Open Technology Day” was also held in which selected students from each class level briefed parents about various software being used by them. Projects and creations were presented which had been developed using the software. Parents were also invited to be part of these interactive presentations in order to give them hands-on experience.

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Inter-Section National Songs Competition: Music is the one of the most popular extra curricular activities that allows self expression and develops musical skills. BPR has always contributed towards producing truly challenging events which enhance these qualities. This was clearly evident when an Intersection Music Competition was held in March, 2011. The theme was ‘National Songs’. Young singers of all three class levels i.e. IIIs, IVs and Vs enchanted the audience with their remarkable singing talent. The competition among all classes was intense, making it difficult for

the judges to reach a unanimous decision. In the end, the Headmistress, Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery, along with the esteemed Chief Guests awarded certificates and cups to the three winning classes who achieved 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. The audience applauded the participants for creating such a spectacular live musical event which generated an amazing atmosphere. Well done BPR for organizing this popular event!

Book Fair: BPR has always endeavoured to provide students with opportunities to enhance their reading skills and to promote their enjoyment of reading. With this in mind, a book fair was organized in school on 6th and th 7 Dec 2010. All the students were really excited and selected books on topics which stimulated their interests. For class IIIs it was a unique experience as it was their first book fair in BPR and they were enthusiastic and thrilled!

Spellathon Contest: The Spellathon Contest, sponsored by the WWF to conserve valuable natural resources in Pakistan was held on 8th April 2011 at all three levels. Students participated enthusiastically in the spelling contest with a dual purpose of raising awareness for WWF Pakistan and improving children’s spelling. Overall it was a very informative and enriching experience.

International Kangaroo Contest: ‘Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your head to your hand, to your pencil, to your paper till you get the answer.’ (Carl Sandburg). The International Kangaroo Contest is a source of intellectual encouragement for all and a challenge for the gifted. It was a beautiful cool spring morning after three consecutive days of scorching heat when the young mathematicians of classes 111, 1V and V participated in the International Kangaroo Competition held on 17th March, 2011. There was a Multiple Choice Questionnaire of increasing difficulty. The problems required creativity and logical thinking to solve them. The contest also made the young students feel that they were a part of the international community, as schools from all over the world were participating. The beaming faces of the young Beaconites were ample proof that the children enjoyed the activity and were ready to participate in these kinds of challenges in future as well, which showcased and enhanced their abilities!

A Cricket Match to Remem




The cool winter morning was full of cheerful demands from teachers and children shouting for a sixer or for a four. This scenario was not in the Dubai or Sharjah cricket grounds but in BPR, where two teams from BSTR P and BPR faced each other for the Interschool Final Cricket match between class Vs. It was a treat to watch the young players batting, bow ling and fielding. The children of BSTRP gave a tou gh time to the BPR team but outstanding and they outsho these players were ne their opponents by showin g excellent team spirit and brought laurels to their school . Well done BPR!

Young Debaters Mesmerize Audi


BPR frequently organizes eve nts which aim at enhancing children’s confidence and preparing them for challenges in life. Debates provide an ide al platform to train students in the art of public speaki ng. Interesting and though t provoking topics, targetin pertinent social issues kept g everyone glued to their sea ts at the Annual English and Urdu Debate Competition. The judges who were invited from different schools had a really difficult time reaching a common decision. The aud ience comprising of parents lauded the efforts of the sch ool in their endeavour to trai n the debaters and instill confidence in them so that the y could articulate their views with In the end, the Headmistress such poise. , Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery aw arded certificates to all the particip ants for their marvellous effo rts.

Inter-school Poetry Slam: Mrs.




themselves in the world of poetry. Twenty-five pupils representing five different BSS branches

Writing poetry means reading poetry. According to literacy researchers fifteen minutes of independent reading a day exposes children to over a million words a year! created unique and original poetry on BPR planned and held the new and stage. The gifted children commanded unique event, a ‘Poetry Slam’, for the their classmates’ rapt attention with first time. This provided an opportunity their creativity. for children to immerse

Group Head), Mrs. Rizwana Jaffery (Headmistress BPR) and Mrs. Tehmina Lodhi (Headmistress BCLR) gave away prizes to the winning teams. The first prize was shared between BCLR and BPR, the second prize was bagged by BKI F-11 while the third prize was shared between BSSW and HSPR.

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