391 - Mandi Bahauddin, jan 2013

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The Beaconhouse Newsletter Beaconhouse School System, M.B.Din Old Rasool Road, Near Wapda Colony More, Mandi Bahauddin. Ph# 0546-520769

Newsletter Committee Ms. Asma Ahmed (Editor) Mrs. Sobia Abbas

Mrs. Humaira Iftikhar Mrs. Kishwar Ejaz

With the grace of God, BSS Mandi Bahauddin has completed the first term of

Another splendid achievement of this term has been the launch of the

its sixth year competently. The commencement of yet another term full of

English Language Society (ELS), which has helped enhance the

enthusiasm and diligence is at hand, where parents and teachers will put in

spoken English of the students and ensured the use of the

their best efforts to help develop an enlightened and polished youth. Before

language outside the classroom as well. A number of activities

the onset of the new session, our campus improved its infrastructure by adding

are carried out by the ELS to in still confidence in students

a spacious new building, meeting the demands of an ever-increasing student

and improve the fluency of their verbal expression.


We at BSS Mandi Bahauddin firmly believe that sports

We strongly believe that an inspiring and informed teacher empowers students

play a central role in the character building of a student.

more effectively, so it is vital to provide effective support to both new and

Sports activities are consistently and regularly organized

experienced teachers. BSS offers courses such as Induction, Foundation and

on the campus, and this year our students have been

BCT for the professional development of newly-hired as well as existing staff in

registered to participate in the Intra-Regional Football

order to keep them abreast of the latest methods and trends in education.

Tournament and athletics competitions.

Better facilities and trained teachers are ultimately aimed at the academic

All these achievements are the outcome of the support of

welfare of the students at all levels, and they have proven their worth: we began

the parents and the efforts of our meticulous staff. We look

the new session on a triumphant note, with our students performing extremely

forward to further help from both in future as well.

well and winning many awards in curricular and co-curricular activities across

May God bless us all!

the region. Our students once again achieved high scores in the Pakistan Math


Challenge as well, with several of them finishing in the top 10.

Saima Bhatti

encouragement and support from the community. To

“It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained”. Elizabeth II Teachers' training is an ongoing process at BSS for both new The Primary Math Course was meant to impart effective and experienced teachers. Knowing and valuing the teaching strategies of Math to Primary School teachers. Ms

BSS is always mindful of the fact that teachers need show appreciation for their altruistic devotion, Teachers'

significance of training, we always arrange for teachers to

Zaryab Khalid, Ms Shehla Rukhsar, Ms Mahrukh Hassan, Ms

Day was celebrated at BSS Mandi Bahauddin on

attend special courses at all levels with an ultimate aim to

Umm-e-Rubab and Ms Sana Shakeel attended this course.


provide a quality education to the students.

Mrs Alia Arshad, our School Coordinator, was one of the

Teachers were received by the Headmistress at the

The following courses were offered during the term and we

trainers for this course.

school gate and the students also greeted the teachers

ensured maximum teacher participation in each:

The Beaconhouse Certified Course Cohort 2 started in

and paid tribute to them in the morning assembly. At the

The Induction Course was held at each level for new KG,

October and School Coordinator Ms Asma Ahmed is attending

end of the day, the Headmistress arranged a high tea for

Primary and Secondary teachers. Ms Noreen Abbas, Ms

the course.

the teachers, which was a relaxed and enjoyable affair.

Madiha Rehman and Ms Farhat Shabbir from KG, Ms Zaryab

DTWICT was offered in November and our experienced

The Music Teacher, along with some other teachers,

Khalid, Ms Maria Iftikhar, Ms Tayaba Raza, Ms Tayaba Intazar

English Teacher Mrs Kishwar Ejaz, who is already a CPEd-

expressed their joy by singing songs.

and Ms Rifda Gulfrom Primary, and Ms Sobia Abbas, Ms

trained instructor, is attending the course.

Sana Fasieh, Ms Ghazal Zaib and Mr M. Anwar from the

More teachers will be enrolled in upcoming TFC and e-

Secondary Section attended the course.

Foundation courses.

“This is not enough to help the feeble up, but to “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so

support them after”.

that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life”. In order to be fully prepared to act in case of an emergency or natural disaster, security drills are frequently arranged at BSS Mandi Bahauddin. All the staff and students take part in these drills and learn what to do in case of an emergency.

William Shakespeare

Although each student is a special individual and Bill Gates

treated individually in class, some students who don't

The traditional classroom environment does not fulfil the needs of

enjoy support at home or are new to the system need

today's youth and fails to satisfy their intellectual curiosity. BSS

special attention from their teachers. They are given

believes in the use of education technology to enhance the

extra time and care in remedial classes, where

students' learning experience, so ICT integration is ensured at all

teachers support them in the areas where they need

levels and subjects. A well-equipped computer lab and Smart Board

assistance. Special remedial classes are always

are used at BSS Mandi Bahauddin to provide students up-to-date

arranged twice a year. The first remedial session for

knowledge and a hands-on experience.

this year was held in November.

BSS-Mandi Bahauddin Newsletter 2012-13

BSS Mandi Bahauddin has recently launched the Writing Competition, Spelling Bee and the Letter English Language Society with an aim to equip its Writing Competition. It also aims to provide as much

“Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it.” Thomas Jefferson

students with the necessary language skills to support as possible to students who do not have the function effectively in an increasingly globalised required level of proficiency in English.

This year special activities and

presentation for International Peace

celebrations took place around the

Day. Poem Recitation, Poster Making

country. The ELS consists of the school's

globe on International Peace Day,

and Essay Writing Competitions were

English Faculty and selected students.

including festivals, concerts, a global

held on the occasion as well, all with

The ELS will be responsible for

Peace Wave and much more. The

Peace as the central theme. The

conducting events such as

International Day of Peace provides

presentations consisted of different

International Peace Day, Global Dignity

an opportunity for individuals,

points of view, with students

Day, Nelson Handwriting Competition,

organisations and nations to promote

elaborating on reasons for conflicts and

Poetry Recitation Competition, Debate

peace through practical activities.

how to bring peace to the world.

Competition, Picture Description

The students of BSS Mandi

Students who won the contests were

Contest, Elocution Competition, Essay

Bahauddin prepared an assembly

awarded certificates.

Leadership, leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.-Mitt Romney Students are the future leaders of the performance. nation. To inculcate a spirit of leadership Students from Classes IV-X were eligible to and sense of responsibility among the vote and once the polling had taken place, students, Student Council Elections were the elected students, along with members held on October 1. Students from Classes of the English Language Society, took their VIII-X put their names forward for the posts oath of office at the Oath Taking of Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy, Head Girl Ceremony. Parents of all the students and Deputy Head Girl. Prefects and Deputy taking oath were present in the audience Prefects of each class from Classes I-X were and proudly watched as their children were given their sashes and badges. selected based on their academic

enthusiastically in the debate and as anticipated,

“No wise combatant underestimates their girls were strongly in favour of the notion while antagonist” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe boys vehemently opposed it. Their interesting and Debate Competitions are regularly organised at

forceful disagreements grabbed the attention of

BSS Mandi Bahauddin to strengthen the verbal

the audience, who enjoyed the back-and-forth

expression of our students. A debate contest was

immensely. Ultimately, the judgement of the

held on the campus on December 18, with the

House went in favour of the notion, a result that

Global Dignity Day is celebrated throughout the world to acknowledge the

topic' Females are better students' up for debate.

excited the girls to no end! At the end, students

universal right of all human beings to lead a dignified life. Various activities

Students from Classes VI to X participated

were awarded certificates by the Headmistress.

“One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”-Michael J. Fox

were held at BSS Mandi Bahauddin to raise awareness among the students regarding equality and the value of human dignity. Students of Classes I and II drew dream houses to elucidate the concept of a happy and peaceful home. Students of Class III made posters depicting their innocent take on a dignified life. Class IV students participated in a two-week collaborative online project with North Nazimabad Primary in Karachi in which they performed various activities to create awareness about dignity.

'Nature' and the students from Classes I-V

Class V took part in a Speech Competition about dignity and Class VI in a Story

participated in the competition.

Writing Competition. Classes VII and VIII visited Civil Hospital to show their

After a preliminary round, selected students

love for humanity, while Class IX presented a special morning assembly with a role play about dignified personalities of the world. Class X students highlighted the need for dignity in the present era with the help of a PowerPoint Presentation.

One of the chief goals of BSS is to instil such confidence in its students that they can daringly take on any challenge in life. A significant means to that end is the Poetry Elocution Contest, which puts the students in front of an audience and demands perfection. This year, the theme for the contest was

competed in a semi-final round to determine who would make it to the final. Guests and judges were invited to attend the final round of the competition. Students gave spectacular performances on the theme and received much applause from the audience. The winners were given certificates.

BSS-Mandi Bahauddin Newsletter 2012-13

“Brush your teeth and smile the whole day”.

Eid-ul-Fitr is a day of great merriment and thanks To highlight the importance of healthy teeth, a

giving, a time of celebration and bliss for Muslims.

campaign was organised for students aged 6-10 by

An Eid Milan Party was arranged in the first week of

Colgate Pvt Ltd. Colourful and informative posters and

September for students to celebrate the festival

drawings were made and relevant worksheets were

with their schoolmates.

planned for the young students. The children took part

All the students came to school dressed in their

in each activity with great excitement.

colourful Eid clothes and with big smiles on their faces. The assembly set the mood for the day, where the students sang songs and clapped with delight.

“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.” ~ John Ruskin Celebrating Colour Day means bringing Red was selected because it signifies more awareness of colours to a child's life. It importance and power, but also has a softer is very important for children to experiment side in that it is the universal colour of love. with different colours to express The day began with a special morning themselves. To provide this opportunity to assembly presentation. The tiny tots shared the young ones of Early Years, BSS Mandi what they thought about the colour and sang Bahauddin organised a Red Colour Day.

songs about it as well.

Global Hand Washing Day was enthusiastically celebrated at BSS Mandi To highlight the importance of healthy food, a special assembly

Bahauddin on October 15. Children keenly participated in all the activities

presentation was organised at BSS Mandi Bahauddin onOctober

of the day and showed their

3 by the Early Years. All the young participants wore headbands

enthusiasm by writing poems

and vegetable badges with the slogan “Say No to Junk Food”.

and stories andmaking posters.

The students of KG shared their views and gave important tips to

The students also led a campaign

their schoolmates. The importance of a healthy diet and diseases

on the importance of washing

caused by junk food were the crux of the activity.

hands properly, learning how to

The Early Years students also made paper-mache models of

keep themselves protected from

healthy food and junk food, enjoyed vegetable printing and poster

germs and how to properly wash their hands so they can stay clean and

making, and made milkshakes and sandwiches.


Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so. After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do. ~Margaret Laurence

On October27, a Toy Day was celebrated by KG students at BSS Mandi Bahauddin. It was a day of

The summer holidays came to an end and

great fun and entertainment,

the school reopened on September 3.

with children bringing in a

Students were welcomed at the gate by the

variety of toys of different

Headmistress and the teachers, and

shapes and sizes and

everybody seemed excited to begin the new

presenting a special

school year. Various welcome and


orientation activities were conducted at

highlighting their love for

each level.

their little toys. They sang


poems and performed a role play on the theme of the day. In classes, they shared stories and views about their favourite toys in Circle Time.

BSS-Mandi Bahauddin Newsletter 2012-13

The morning assembly is a forum where students and teachers meet every day at the start of the day and greet each other to build a positive and cohesive bond. The Early Years organised a Special Morning Assembly Competition in which all students participated. Colourful and interesting presentations by the young ones were the highlight of the event.

“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas�. Albert Einstein Logical thinking and creative minds are the hallmark of this generation. To exercise these attributes further, our students enthusiastically participated in the Pakistan Maths Challenge in October 2012. Students from Classes III-X took part in this online contest. Since last year's Champion Moosa Feroz Tarar hails from BSS Mandi Bahauddin, everyone was keen to see where our school would stand this time around. By the grace of God, our students once again met everyone's expectations and grabbed positions across all levels. The Award Ceremony was held at Sukhchain Club in Lahore, where the Top 10 students along with the teachers and heads were invited.

2nd Position

Asad Ahsan Secondary 13th Position

Ali Saud Secondary 3rd Position

M. Shahryar Nawaz

Secondary 14th Position

Secondary 4th Position

Shyan Rafi Secondary 7th Position

Hassan Feroze Secondary 8th Position

Ahmed Saud Secondary 11th Position

Ali Hamza Secondary 20th Position

Hamza Khan Secondary 28th Position

Abdullah Rehman

Rana Rayed Primary 26th Position

Primary 8th Position

Students and teachers both need healthy recreational activities to keep their minds fresh and relaxed. To develop an atmosphere of mutual understanding, students of the Secondary classes and teachers spent an evening at a school-organised Bonfire on December 19.The Bonfire was not organised within the school premises, as fun and learning are both not restricted to the boundaries of the school.

Class VII 3rd Position

Class IX 8th Position

Class VI 11th Position

Admission Open Class IV 12th Position

Class VIII 13th Position

The International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest

contest this year and we are proud to announce that

(IKMC) is an international academic event that is

they won positions at each level in the school as well

annually organised worldwide. Students from Class

as in the district.

III to IV at BSS Mandi Bahauddin participated in the Good physical health is an integral component of a healthy personality, and sports are the best way to keep the body fit and healthy. Cricket and badminton tournaments were held at the Adil Freed Class IV 1st Position

Hamail Faisal Class IV 2nd Position

Misha Fareed Class IV 3rd Position

Haris Malik Class III 1st Position

Zain Javed Class III 2nd Position

Muhammad Daud

Class III 3rd Position

school in November that featured a wide variety of contests (students versus students,

PTM of the academic year on the school premises on October 13. It Parent-Teacher Meetings are meetings, parents are given useful was very encouraging to see that extremely important because they suggestions to help their children in all the parents took time out of allow the parents to gain an insight academics as well as other areas of their busy schedules and attended into their children's progress at personality development. BSS the meeting and contributed school. Through these one-on-one Mandi Bahauddin arranged its 1st positively.

teachers versus teachers, students versus teachers, and classes versus classes). The students' interest and excitement were worth watching. They gave remarkable performances and showed amazing sportsmanship in all the contests.

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