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Kaleidoscope November 2010

Word from the Headmistress


Respected Parents Educational Visits


School of Tomorrow


Nature’s Club of Pakistan


Parent Teacher Meeting


Teacher Training Workshop


Winter vacations


Photo Gallery


Upcoming Events

BSS believes in making a difference and always takes up challenges to achieve its goal. Recognizing our social responsibility towards our brethren greatly affected by devastations of flood, “Lend a Hand” campaign was organized in school to help these destitute. The staff did a lot of strenuous chores and vigilant planning for arranging the Funfair held on 5th November 2010. It was a delight watching our ambitious fifth graders working hard in not only organizing the funfair but also generating funds for the flood victims. I would like to take a moment to thank all the parents for their generous donations and their enthusiastic participation. The event was a huge success and it was wonderful to see so many parents having a splendid time. Your support is greatly appreciated! 1st Term is in full bloom. The results for 1st End of Unit Assessment had been sent back home. Parents can play a vital role in the learning process of the child by modeling the value of learning, self-discipline, and hard work and also encouraging the children’s development and progress in school. I find that so many times as parents, we tend to compare our kids to others in the area of sports, grades or in social and ethical aspects of life. I feel we should celebrate our children from where they are and remind them daily how proud we are of their beauties inside and out. Telling them every day that we appreciate them and love them as it is the greatest gift we can give them that will carry them for a lifetime. Together in educating our children

Nature’s Club of Pakistan

Farrukh Kamal

Winter Vacations


BSS Events Although the 1st term started a little late after Eid-ulFitr but my team members were really efficient in making up for lost time. Lots of plans and ambitions were undertaken with an aim to enhance our students learning, at the beginning of the term which proved to be quiet successful and effective as we approach to the end of the 1st Term.

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Educational Visits BSS organized an educational trip for the children to visit Senior Boys Branch (45 B-1 Peco Road ) and Senior Girls Branch (78 A-1 Peco Road) in Lahore. The trip was tailormade to give children a peek preview into their future educational institutions. Adapting and adjusting in would be a piece of cake for the children once they pass out and go to those senior branches as they already have ample knowledge about the facilities and the surroundings. It would also pave the way for the student’s better understanding and learning.

greater access to the kids we can hopefully change a generational attitude about oral health by starting in schools with kids when they’re little being happy about those bright smiles and then hopefully they’ll carry on into adulthood with good oral health. Dentist Qudsia Ather visited our Class 3 students and emphasized the importance of healthy teeth. The students were very excited to know about some preventive measures and daily dental care.

The BSS feels that having

The students are not only taught the curriculum but interactive and research based learning is also motivated. The students of Class 5 were assigned a research assignment. The students were asked to conduct a research about the problems and limitation of three major areas of the city namely as, Township, Lahore Fort and Model Town. The students went to visit these places conducted their research through questionnaires and recording video proofs. The students will be writing a detailed report on their findings as a part of their Social Studies curriculum requirements. Such educational trips enhance the horizon of the students and also develops their realistic approach towards life.

School of Tomorrow BSS believes in providing professional development opportunities equally for the teachers and heads. SOT conference was attended by Farrukh Kamal (headmistress) and Shazia Zahoor (teacher). The focus of this conference was to develop an interactive, child-centered approach that engages the imagination and curiosity of the child, and

stimulates a desire to excel. An urge to learn and discover, enables them to solve problem, think constructively, and reinvent the wheel. The conference was proved as an awakening call, as thousands of Pakistani children who have lost access to education in the wake of the recent floods. The discussion and debate in the conference also furnished new ideas to policy makers and

Nature Club of Pakistan Nature Club of Pakistan had arranged an environmental study of school campus with five senses. The unique programme will provide students with an opportunity to investigate environment with their five natural senses. They’ll be recording data, analyses it

teachers to deal with the recent natural disaster. We hope to change the learning experiences of children studying not only at private schools, but in schools at every level. “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” James Lane Allen

and draw conclusions on the basis of their findings. Muhammad Raza Khan would be personally supervising in carrying out the activity with 17 students selected from Grade Levels 4 & 5.Every participant will receive a participation certificate and

project of each student will be evaluated by a b o a r d o f environmentalists and the title of “Environment Investigator” will be awarded to the students scoring A-Grade.

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Parent Teacher Meeting Children thrive when they feel the adults in their lives see them in a consistent way. So we made sure that parents and teachers utilize the precious minutes of the Parent Teacher Meeting held on 30th October, 2010 to reach an agreement about the child's strengths and challenges faced by them, to unite and devise the very best ways to respond to the children and their socio-academic needs. We were able to build a mutually respectful alliance that would support the student's sometimes difficult journey through school. The teachers were observant enough to tell the parents what they knew about their child as a learner, what

children love and dislikes about school, what motivates the child, what has worked with teachers in the past. The information would help fine-tune instruction and interactions to be more effective. Your presence at the meeting is very much valued and BSS wants to see your child succeed in school and in life--just as you do.

SGO 1 for orientating teachers with curriculum and academic practices and procedures of Beaconhouse. It the teachers and arms them with the was attended by three staff members knowledge of how to instruct namely, Uzma Nadeem, Shazia students with different capacities for Choudhry and Maryam Ans. learning, so that they can maintain academic requirements necessary to Sobia Chohan and Abeera Jawad comply with school policies and attended a workshop on Miscue implement techniques to ensure that Analysis held in Regional Office. less advanced students keep up with The objective of this workshop was the tempo of the class. This results to make teachers aware of how to in a more uniform performance and effectively use Miscue Analysis to allows schools to uphold their u n d e r s t a n d h o w s t u d e n t s comprehend what they have read. academic integrity. Later these teachers conducted An induction programme was workshop in the school to benefit arranged in Defence Campus by their colleagues of their experience.

Teacher Training Workshops Teachers are often faced with the diverse sort of challenges in instructing students at various levels of academic progress. Having a better understanding of how to connect with all students regardless of their aptitude level is critical to ensure that the educational material is effectively disseminated to each student, on each level. Ongoing teacher training can be a vital tool in ensuring their success. BSS provides this opportunity to

Congratulations ♦

P.E teacher Mr. M. Ashraf attended PCB-Cricket Coaching Course 2010 and secured 1st position out of 65 candidates from all over Pakistan.

Ms. Wardha Malik successfully completed her B. Ed Programme from Allama Iqbal University. Heartiest congratulations wish you more successes in your life.

SLICT– Strategic Leadership of ICT .


Strategic Leadership of ICT held on 8th & 9th November in BSS programme for BCR Heads was Liberty Campus. A Scottish tutor Mr.Richard Pietrasik conducted the

Mrs. Farrukh Kamal attended this session.

Photo Gallery .

Phone: 5851905, 5855521

E-mail: hmmtl79g@beaconhouse.edu.pk


www.picasaweb. google.com/ BSS79GMTL


Winter vacations for the current academic session will start from 25th December, 2010 till 2nd January 2011. The school will re-open on 3rd January,2010.

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