Beaconhouse School System Southern Region North Nazimabad Middle Branch
December, 2012
Asalam o Alaikum Following is a window on the events and activities which took place in the first term: Welcome New Staff Twelve new sections were added to Middle Branch at the beginning of this academic year. Consequently new staff members have been inducted. We welcome to the Branch a group of twenty new teachers and Ms. Amtul Matin Ghazala as Senior Mistress. Ms. Amtul Matin has been working with BSS Primary II Branch as the Senior Mistress In charge. Addition to the School With the addition of twelve new sections a new block has been constructed on the premises of the Branch. A third IT Lab has also been added to cater to the increased number of sections. Technological equipment like multimedia and a walk through gate for added security have also been added to the existing resources. School Improvement Plan The School Improvement Plan has been designed for the new academic session to cater to the various needs of the Branch, as well as to set targets that can be achieved in this academic session. It has been set taking into account the feedback from all stakeholders. Independence Day Celebrations Marking the Independence Day a special assembly was conducted at Middle Branch. Students from Classes VI, VII and VIII participated to mark the day. Pakistan flag was up and a display was put up at the gate reflecting this special day. Children and teachers gave motivational speeches and sang patriotic songs. They expressed their feelings though an interactive session about taking pride in their country. And last but not least they took a pledge of loyalty towards their motherland. Soles for Souls Ramadan is the month of charity and blessings. The Branch organised a charity campaign Soles for Souls this Ramadan also. New shoes were collected for the needy. A generous contribution was raised by the children as well as the staff towards Soles for Souls. The donated shoes were then sent to 3 charities: Kashan-e-Atfal, Darus Sukun and Edhi Centre as Eid gifts. This charity drive helped inculcate the spirit of sharing with the less fortunate. Eid Card Competition An Eid Card Competition was held during the month of Ramadhan for all the Classes. Best entry from each section was selected and displayed. Certificates have been awarded to prize winning entries during Morning Assembly.
Orientation for Parents An Orientation Session 2012 was organised on Friday August 31, 2012 for parents of students who have been relocated to Class VI and VII and for parents of newly admitted students across levels VI, VII and VIII. The multimedia presentation was conducted by the Senior Mistresses Ms. Ambreen Ali and Ms. Amtul Mateen Ghazala respectively and 2 senior teachers: Ms. Nausheen Murshad and Ms. Saeeda Feroz Khan. The presentation was followed by refreshment. Handouts on e-safety were distributed (part of the IT segment in the presentation). We are happy to report that the turnout was 75%. International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest Students of Classes VI, VII and VIII had participated enthusiastically in the International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest last year and were awarded certificates and prizes in September, 2012. Muhammad Ahmed Asim of Class VII O and Syed Bilal Hussain of Class VII D received the bronze medal in the Contest. Eid Milan Eid Milan at School was a joyous day. Students came in casual clothes, they played games and shared the food items brought from home. Group photographs were taken. The most organised and clean classes were awarded certificates to show appreciation. Morning Assembly Presentations Morning Assemblies are a platform used to boost students’ confidence by providing them opportunities for public speaking. Equal opportunities are provided to students of all classes and maximum student participation is ensured. Students participate in role play, tableaux, share current news, book reviews, persuasive and motivational speeches about maintaining positive behaviour. Students’ achievements are also celebrated through Morning Assemblies. 6th DG Rangers Junior Squash Championship Sharif Khan Class VII S participated in the 6th DG Rangers Junior Squash Championship which was held on September 15, 2012. Participants in this Championship represented Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Egypt. Sharif Khan achieved 10th position out of three hundred participants. Intra Regional Athletics Competition Middle Branch participated in the Regional Athletics meet as part of the North Nazimabad United team (Middle and Cambridge North Nazimabad). Hania Naved of Class VIII E won four gold medals and was declared the Best Athlete of the Competition. Intra Regional Cricket Tournament (O Level Boys) Students from Middle Branch participated in the Tournament as part of the North Nazimabad United team (Middle and Cambridge North Nazimabad). The Cricket Tournament was held in September 2012. North Nazimabad United won the final which was played against the BSS Gulshan Campus. Intra Regional Basketball Tournament (O’ Levels Girls) Intra-Region Basket Ball O-Level Girls Tournament, 2012 was held at Pakistan Sports Board Coaching Centre, Karachi on September 26, 2012. The Six teams that participated were Defence Campus, Hyderabad Campus, Jubilee Campus, P.E.C.H.S Combined, Gulshan United and North Nazimabad Combined (Middle and Cambridge North Nazimabad). P.E.C.H.S Combined and North Nazimabad Combined reached the finals and North Nazimabad Combined emerged as winners. Trophies were given to the winning team. It was a well organised and successful event.
Digital Photography Competition The Digital Photography Competition for Classes VI, VII and VIII was held in September 2012. One student from each section received a prize for capturing the best Photograph from that section using a digital camera. Prize winning entries are displayed in the Resource Room. Certificates have been awarded to the prize winning entries. Dawn Spelling Bee Competition This year also, our Branch participated in the Dawn Spelling Bee Competition held on September 26, 2012 at Arts Council, Saddar, Karachi. Three students Humaid Mustajab of Class VIII D, Abdul Vasay of Class VIII I and Fabayha Hasan of Class VIII O took part and won the first round i.e. Karachi District Round. They successfully qualified for the next level i.e. Karachi Regional Championship. We are proud of our team. Global Dignity Day Global Dignity Day was celebrated on October 17, 2012. Students participated in a number of activities including; pledges for upholding dignity, forming human chain to show solidarity, role play, singing and sharing their ideas about what dignity means to them. Parent Teacher Meeting The First Parent Teacher Meeting was held on October 20, 2012. Students’ progress and attainment in the assessment/ class tests was discussed with the parents. Parents were given the opportunity to go through the School Improvement Plan and put down their comments. International Library Month International Library month was celebrated throughout the month of October. A library display related to the theme for International School Library month was placed at the entrance of the library. Students participated in daily morning assembly presentations, based on recitation of poems and performing role play. These skits and poems were based on developing a reading culture in students. Technology related activities were planned during the library period across Class levels throughout the month.
Pakistan Math Challenge Pakistan Math Challenge is an international competition held every year. Schools from all over Pakistan participate in the challenge. All the students from Middle Branch North Nazimabad were registered and participated in the Mathletics Competition held on October 30 and 31, 2012. Usaim Shakoor of Class VII O attained the 10th position all over Pakistan. Obhartay Sitaray The Citizens Foundation sponsored the event of Obhartay Sitaray 2012, which was a singing competition. The main aim of this competition was to collect funds for The Cititzens Foundation. Nabeel Shahid of Class VI E, Swarim Hassan of Class VI C, Zonaira Khan of Class VIII E and Areeb ur Rehman of Class VIII K participated in the competition from Middle Branch. Students’ Council Elections The Students’ Council was elected through an e-voting system. Its role is to help uphold discipline and follow up of School rules. The Students’ Council was initiated in a special morning assembly. Inter Regional Cricket Tournament Students from Middle Branch participated and won the Inter Regional Cricket Competition held in Lahore in November, 2012. The final match was played against the Central Region.
Ahmed Salman Jahanzeb of Class VIII F and Ammar Iqbal of Class VII H participated in the final and returned victorious. Continuous Staff Development A number of teachers from Middle Branch are enrolled in inservice courses like BCT (Beaconhouse Certificate in Teaching) and TFC (Teachers’ Foundation Course). Four teachers were part of BCT during the previous academic year and presently two teachers are enrolled for the same course. Three teachers were part of TFC last year whereas two teachers are presently attending this course. Ms. Ambreen Ali (Senior Mistress) passed DTWICT (Diploma in Teaching with ICT) with a distinction recently. Many congratulations on her achievement. Winter Break: December 22, 2012 to December 31, 2012 New Session Begins: Tuesday January 1, 2013 On behalf of Mrs. Tehzeeb Zaidi, Ms. Ambreen Ali, Ms. Amtul Matin Ghazala and the teaching faculty I send out many thanks for the cooperation we have received over this term and hope for the same in future. May the New Year bring peace, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.
Sincerely Yours,
_______________ Mrs. Lubna Saeed Principal