Primary School September Issue

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Cheers TO




We are extremely happy to welcome back our students at BGTL. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment by vigilantly following all SOPs and look forward to your cooperation as well. Working together we hope that this will be a successful new academic year for our students. Regards, Mubashrah Raza Principal

Dear Students, It is heartening to welcome you back to school after several months. I hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start the school year in a new way. Your remarkable effort in adapting to BSU online classes has been totally amazing. I am very confident that my students will now follow all SOPs in school and perform their best. Regards, Nida Ibrahim Primary Headmistress

O n l ine w o r k s ho p o n C O V I D 19 S O P 's fo r t e ac h e r s , j a n i t o rial s t a ff an d a d mi n i s t r a t i o n 14TH SEPTEMBER2020

V i r tual w o r k sh o p s o n C O V ID19 S O P 's fo r p a re n t s a n d s t u d ents 18TH SEPTEMBER2020

F a c e to f a c e me e t i n g s 23RD - 25TH SEPTEMBER 2020

O n e on O n e m e e t i n g s w i t h s t u den t s a n d p a r e n t s SEPTEMBER2020

100% Assignment Completion on BSU 1. Abdullah Khan 2. M. Ahsan Ali 3. Mohammad Essa Ansar 4. M.Salman Sarwar Rana 5. Rayyan Baber Ali 6. Saad Bilal 7. Shahzain Nabeel Zahid 8. Red Muhammad Anas 9. Murtaza Nisar Lone 10. Syed Mohtashim Ali

11. Muhammad Abdul Hadi Ashfaq 12. Muhammad Mujtaba Ali 13. Rayyan Farooq 14. Razeen Rizwan 15. Arham Raheel 16. Ashir Ishfaqe 17. Haris Hafeez 18. Inshan Ali 19. Mohammad Bin Ali. 20. Mustafa Saddiq

Wear your face mask Maintain physical distance of 3ft. Get your temperature checked by thermometer at the gate Use hand sanitizer or wash hands at sink upon entering campus Avoid any physical contact like handshakes.

"Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones." Bruce Garrabrandt

112/113 NEW GARDEN TOWN LAHORE Contact No: 042-35866216 042-35867544 042-35883272

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