Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Beaconhouse School System
Newsletter BKI F-10/4-1 TERM-1
Headmistress Corner What a fantastic beginning to the new academic year 2016/17 at BKI F10/4-1. We welcome back all our staff, students and parents to this brand new and exciting session lled to the brim with a variety of co and extracurricular activities. This term, together we have embarked on a journey which got the creative juices owing. We have accomplished all that we had aimed for. Our students have been involved in their environment which is fully equipped to enhance their learning where they have gained hands on experience. Not only that, our students have been greatly benetting from an IT rich classroom where their knowledge is being further rened with the use of the latest gadgets, age appropriate apps and soft wares. This term has been an exceptionally successful one. With 100% parental and student participation in all mega events such as the Art attack day, Sports Day, Recycling Day, Open Day, student engaged in in-house competitions, morning assembly presentations etc are just some of the things that we have achieved magnicently. The list is endless, the results- outstanding. Very well done students. Keep on shining ever so bright for term 2 . We look forward to an even more exhilarating schooling experience for both our students and parents in term 2. Let us join hands to accomplish a shared vision. A vision which lies on the premise that we will work together to develop strong children with well groomed ,empathic, conscientious personalities, independent and focused learners who will be ever so ready to take on challenges and swim to the horizons of success.
Headmistress Mehwish Ali Shigri
Annual Sports Day th
BKI F10/4-1 held its grand Annual Sports day at the Sports Complex Jinnah Stadium Islamabad on 19 November, 2016. All the students of Pre Nursery, Nursery, KG and Class One participated and the Parents witnessed outstanding performances and races of their children. Presentations included March Past, PT, Taekwondo and Tile breaking. Students and parents also enjoyed fun lled races including costume races, Chef Race, Doctor Race, Lemon Balancing Race, Balloon Popping race, Going to ofce race etc. Our young choir sang melodious songs and kept the parents entertained. Parents participated in tug of war too. Well-done Students & Parents!
Beaconhouse School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Global Dignity Day BKI F-10/4-1 celebrated Global Dignity Day involving 100% students and their parents. Not only did the students pay tribute to the junior staff but also dressed up beautifully show casing different professions such as pilots, musicians, gardeners, fashion designers, doctors, soldiers, beauticians. Class 1 students visited SOS village as well. The branch stood together to strengthen the values of dignity and respect for all.
Art Gala BKI F10/4-1 arranged a superb Art Gala in the branch where the young artists displayed their creativity and talent, making beautiful paintings with the help of their mothers. All levels were given different themes - Class Ones worked on " The City I would like to live in" - KG's worked on "My Imaginary World" - Nurseries worked on " Sea Life" - Pre-Nursery and Bubbles worked on "Garden" and " My Favorite Toy"
Orientation Orientation Session for the new academic year 2016-17 for all the new and existing parents was held at the branch. Parents were informed about the curriculum and the BSS policies at all levels.
Recycling Like every year BKI F-10/4-1 organised a recycling day. The branch welcomed a huge crowd of parents. Every single child had a fantastic time creating eye catching projects using recycled material.
Beaconhouse School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Grand Celebrations at BKI F-10/4-1
Iqbal Day
BSS Birthday
Teacher’s Day
Energy Conversation Week
International Peace Day
Beaconhouse School System Morning Assemblies
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Students of all levels presented morning assemblies with confidence.
Excursion Trips Students of Pre nurseries, Nurseries and KGs enjoyed visiting the zoo where they saw a variety of animals with their friends and teachers. Students' of Class One visited the monument and learnt about the history of Pakistan.
Parties at BKI F-10/4-1
Students also enjoyed Welcome Party, Eid Milan Party and End of term party celebrations with their friends.
Holiday Homework Certicates
Students were awarded with certicates and "star" badges for the completion of their Summer Vacation Home works
In House Competition at BKI F-10/4-1 KG (inter class) Speech Competition
Dodge The Ball Match
KG students participated in speech competition enthusiastically. The students shared their speeches with others on Skype sessions. All the participants were appreciated and winners were awarded with certicates.
Class One students participated in Dodge the ball competition with the G15 branch. Even though BKI F10/4-1 lost the match, yet the team spirit and motivation lived on.
National Child Art Competition National child art competition was held in which the students were given the topic of "My beautiful city/village" . Students from all the levels enthusiastically participated. The amount collected for this charitable purpose was donated to the under privileged children.
Singing Competition Students of Pre Nursery , Nursery, KG and Class One participated in singing competitions which were further divided in solo singing and group singing competitions. Students were awarded during morning assembly.
Beaconhouse School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Bubbles (Play Group) Environment at BKI F-10/4-1 The 1st step in Early years and an insight into our PlayGroup– BUBBLES !
Why Bubbles...? The most important goal of Bubbles curriculum is to help young children become enthusiastic learners. Bubbles programme is a Beacon-house, one-year playgroup programme for children aged between 24 to 36 month. Bubbles helps children enhance their creativity, make independent decisions, develop social and interactive skills, boost selfconď€ dence and develop a life-long love for learning.
Bubbles in Action
Beaconhouse School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Class One Environment BKI F-10/4 I students visited SOS children's Village Islamabad on the occasion of Global Dignity Day to show care and respect to underprivileged orphan children. We would like to thank all the parents for extending their generosity by contributing tokens of love for the less privileged.
International Peace Day International Peace Day is celebrated on 21st September all over the world. It was celebrated at all levels at BKI F-10/4 I. Our students of class One made extremely beautiful posters regarding World Peace Day and presented them in the morning assembly. They also shared their views about Peace Day.
Online Intra Group Competition Create Map Class I & II For the rst time students of Class One at BKI F-10/4-1 participated in the Online Intra Group Competition "Create A Map" by using Neighbourhood map machine software. Students were short listed by their subject teachers. Our nd students secured 2 position and received certicates from the host branch. Winners included:
M.Ashmaan Arsalan (1 C) Yaseen Khan Afridi (1 C)
IKLC International Kangroo Linguistic Contest Class One participated in the IKLC International Kangaroo Linguistic Contest held on the last week of December 2016.
Leader Ship Roles BKI F-10/4 I believes in assigning roles to the students in a way as to encourage positive interaction, leadership, condence and to make them responsible for their own selves and of others. A special morning assembly was presented by the students in which a campaign for Union Council took place and the students voted for their head boy, head girl and the prefects.
Investiture Ceremony BKI F-10/4 I has proudly organised Investiture Ceremony for 2 years for Class One Students. This academic year too , the Investiture Ceremony was celebrated with much exuberance . The solemn occasion prevailed as the sashes were given by our HM to the head boy, head girl and the prefects . The nominated students presented their fellow leaders with bouquets. It was truly a memorable milestone for our young leaders. Elected Candidates are: -M. Ashmaan Arsalan (1-C) (Head Boy) -Manal Nauman (1-A) (Head Girl) Prefects: -Raahim Khan (1-A) -MeerabUreeb -Ayesha Hassan(1 B) -AreeshaWaqar -Daud Khurrum (1-c)
-Dua Imran
Beaconhouse School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
BKI F10/4-1 Environment at a Glance
KG Environment Here is our KG environment where the learners are creative, innovative, digitally literate, analytical and work collaboratively.
Nursery Environment Look at our Nursery classroom. The students are involved in various activities to make them independent, creative, innovative and digitally literate.
Pre Nursery Environment Here is our colourful Pre Nursery Environment where the students learn through multi-sensory approach and hands on activities. Immense importance is given to develop empathetic students and develop social skills of the little learners. Pre Nurseries celebrated colour days i.e Red Day, Yellow Day, Pet Day and Rainbow Day.
Beaconhouse School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, (Aug-Dec 2016) Session 2016-2017
Staff Professional development at BKI F-10/4 -1
Workshops/ Training Sessions · · ·
A workshop was conducted by SGO, General Duty Trainer, Mrs. Imrana "Individual Learning Plan "(ILP). All Class One teachers attended the session and beneted from the training content. A session "Individual Learning Plan" (ILP) was conducted by SGO curriculum coordinator Mam Ayesha Omer. The Early Years teachers and Assistant Teachers attended the session. Training session on POD casting (Personal on Demand) and VOD Casting (Video Broadcasting) was conducted by Ms. Mariam Haseeb and Ms. Farhat Sohail. The session provided insight to the teachers on the incorporation of VOD and POD in various areas of experience. A session on " Developing Early Years Professionals" was conducted by Ms. Harim Waseem. The session was helpful for Early Years teachers on learning about some of
Professional Development Course · · · ·
Following teachers attended the courses /diploma during the session 2016-17 Ms. Rabbia Riaz and Ms. Raa Amjad- Developing Reective Practitioner (DRP) Course Ms. Wajeeha Babar and Ms. Nazish Asif –Enhanced Learning Environment (ELE) Foundation Course Ms. Sania Maqbool, Ms. Rabia Baig, Ms. Sadia Jahenzaib, Ms. Maira Ghafoor Beginning Teacher's Programme. We congratulate Ms. Harim Waseem for the completion of BCT (Beaconhouse Certicate of Teaching)
Tips For Parents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Please show ID card every day to collect your child from school. Give your child small responsibilities around the house to create a sense of responsibility in your children. Read a variety of story books to your child to develop thinking skills and an interest in reading. Encourage your child to say courtesy words using short phrases in English. Engage in physical activities with your child such as playing bat & ball, badminton etc. Help your child learn new vocabulary through reinforcement of words learned in school. Encourage your child to read the sign boards during journeys.
Newsletter Team at BKI F-10/4-1 Mrs. Mehwish Ali Shigri (Headmistress) Ms. Rabbia Riaz (KG Teacher ,TBT correspondent &FB Admin) Mrs. Raa Amjad (Pre Nursery Teacher & FB admin)
Mrs. Bushra Farhan(Class One Teacher & FB admin) Mrs. Wajeeha Babar(Nursery Teacher & FB Admin) Mrs Sara Arbab (Bubbles Teacher & FB Admin)
Address Bar Beaconhouse School System, Kindergarten Branch F-10/4-1, House no. 22 & 23, Main Nazimuddin Road, F-10/4, Islamabad For information, please call and talk to our Parent Relation Ofcer (PRO), Ms. Madiha Aziz Ph: 051-2112870, 051-2106684 Join us on our ofcial facebook page: www.facebook.com/BKIF10/41 For Enhanced Learning Environment (ELE), please log on to www.ele.beaconhouse.net