Beaconhouse School System Harley Street Campus Rawalpindi Newsletter
From the Head’s Desk Under immensely difficult circumstances we have reached the end of this term successfully. This has been a challenge for all members of our community as we battle against the conditions imposed upon us by the global pandemic. I would like to finish the term by expressing my personal gratitude to the teachers and families within our community. Firstly, our teachers. Under the weight of their own challenges our teachers continued to present a stable and caring community to our students, some face-toface and some virtually. Interacting with many hundreds of people on a regular basis in the middle of a pandemic is unnerving and the continued professionalism demonstrated by our staff deserves recognition. Secondly our families. Thank you for your support this term. Through collective responsibility we have protected our community and upheld our values; at times, under immense pressure. The openness and transparency, patience and empathy as
infections and exposures were reported and resulted in disruption to learning and family life form strong tangible evidence of the strength of our community and has allowed us to navigate this term successfully. As I have said many times in our school assemblies, growth happens when we take risks, safe in the knowledge we are supportive of one another and working together. I had confidence in my team and my students that as a school we did the best we could to transition our relationships from the physical to the virtual. No substitute, but the best that was possible. We did this tremendously well. Lessons started virtually, assignments were submitted, tests taken, meetings held, projects progressed. As teachers and students, we learned as we went along. Teachers have not experienced this and have not been trained for this. This way of learning was unknown to students. We learned together. In time, we got better, as learners and teachers. Students’ diligence and
Newsl ett er 2020 -21 T erm 1, Issu e 1
Inside this issue: Opening of Primary
motivation shone through, teachers’ creativity and passion for their profession persisted and we made it work. This is an exceptional achievement. I am looking forward to inviting the school back together when we return and I look forward to adjusting back to aspiring to the very highest standards within a culture built on foundations of respect, kindness and care for ourselves and each other. Best regards,
Campus for F2F
Welcome Back
Muqabala Takleeqi Likhae
Virtual Investiture ceremony
Virtual Parent Teacher Meeting
Global Dignity Day
Meet and Greet
Independence Day
Orientation Session
Beaconhouse Birthday5 Red and orange Colour Day
Green Colour Day
Happy Birthday
Ms Sumairah Naveed (BSS-HSCR)
Virtual Quiz
Winter Celebrations 6 Guess the Family
Opening of Primary Campus for F2F - First day A key lesson learned during the pandemic is the important role teachers play in ensuring that learning continues. Following the strict SOPs, HSCR Primary school management disinfected the classes thoroughly and posters regarding "Prevention measures against Covid" were pasted all around the school. Classes were marked keeping in view the social distancing criteria.
Welcome Back to F2F Schooling ~ First Day HSCR was glad to witness the smiling faces of our young, energized students, as the primary level opened on 30th September, 20 after the lock down due to Covid19. Our students were elated to see their classmates and teachers. They were all geared up to start the new academic year enthusiastically. With masks on, their sparkling, promising eyes said it all. Strictly following the SOPs, all the staff and the students pledged to maintain the social distancing.
“Negligence of personal hygiene can subject a person to infections and diseases.”
Muqabala Takleeqi Likhae Creative writing encourages kids to exercise their creative minds and use their imaginations. It improves their ability to come up with alternatives. Grade III-V, Virtual Urdu Creative Writing Competition was held that broadened students’ thought
processes, which in future can lead to success in many areas, including problem solving and analysis. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.” ~ Maya Angelou
International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest The IKMC 2020 was conducted at HSCR taking into account all the required SOPs. Eager participation was perceived from the students' side, despite the pandemic, all necessary precautions were adopted. The main purpose of this contest was to promote a clear and critical thinking in young learners.
Virtual Investiture Ceremony “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell BSS-HSCR organised a virtual investiture ceremony witnessing the proud coronation of its young leaders as the members of the new student council for the session 2020-21.
Conferred with certificates, the students pledged to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities on this solemn occasion, fully understanding that with position comes responsibility!
Primary school students took the pledge to hold the school motto of Loyalty, Truth and Honour in high esteem. SHM Ma’am Sumairah Naveed congratulated them and admonished them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties
Virtual Parent Teacher Meeting The first Virtual Parent Teacher Meet of Grade 1 and 2 was held on November 6th for the academic year 2020-21. It was attended by most of the enthusiastic parents who discussed the progress of their children with all the subject teachers. They appreciated the untiring and dedicated efforts of all the teachers and administration of Beaconhouse HSCR, towards the
common goal of increasing these challenging times. We thank our parent body for their continuous support and strong collaboration. “Alone we can do so little, together
Global Dignity Day Global Dignity Day is an annual celebration observed on 21st October, 2020. This day is celebrated to make everyone realize that they have rights and deserve respect in every aspect. Like before, students of HSCR celebrated Dignity Day with great devotion. Throughout the day, various activities, like poster making, card making, role plays were done. Caretakers of HSCR were given "Thank You gifts", by the students to acknowledge their efforts.
we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller
Meet and Greet – Lower Primary A key lesson learned during the pandemic is the important role teachers play in ensuring that learning continues. At HSPR, we make sure as schools reopen, our children are able to continue their education in a safe and healthy environment; and make up for knowledge and learning that have been discontinued in the past.
management, classes were disinfected thoroughly and posters regarding "Prevention measures against Covid" have been pasted all around the school. Classes have been marked keeping in view the social distancing criteria. We are all prepared to welcome our children in a hygienic, safe environment. We look forward to a wonderful academic start!
Following the strict SOPs by school
Independence Day “May we think of a freedom not as a right to do what we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”
Students of grade 1 and 2 celebrated Independence Day with great enthusiasm and exhilaration. The informative and well planned sessions were held to emphasise the importance of freedom through a range of activities varying from quizzes, singing, talent show, art and craft, story time, poetry etc. On this momentous occasion
occasion the very young future generation of Pakistan took a pledge to help Pakistan prosper and become a strong country through their continuous hard-work and commitment. Bravo young Pakistanis! Live Pakistan!
Orientation Session To take parents on board, orientation sessions were conducted by the teachers about SOPs for preventing spread of COVID-19 to be followed during face to face schooling. Details about the Syllabus were also shared with parents and students and their concerns and queries were addressed.
Beaconhouse Birthday November 4th marks the beginning of a journey that was led by sheer determination. There’s not a single day that goes by where the Beaconhouse Group is not grateful for the immense trust our stakeholders, students, employees and parents have vested in us. Together we have come this far and shall go beyond!
Red and Orange Colour Day Early Years' students enthusiastically celebrated Red and Orange colour Day. They enjoyed describing their favourite toys through Show and Tell activity, programmed the Beebot to identify directions and did sponge printing. They participated in the Colour Sorting game, Snake and Ladder reading activity and Healthy Eating Contest.
“Colour is the power which directly influence the soul.” ~ Wassily Kandinsky
They sang songs, enjoyed listening to an Urdu Story and actively participated in hurdle races.
EY’s Green Colour Celebration Early Years' Students celebrated Green Colour Day. They enthusiastically participated in a variety of activities which included: Snake and Ladder Reading game, Story Time, Show and Tell and craft making. Nursery students identified real vegetables and shared their names in English & Urdu. They did vegetable printing using green paints. Later they participated in the Fruit and Vegetable Sorting Race. The above activities provided students with fun as well as learning together.
Happy Birthday Goose Students of Pre-Nursery had a fun filled birthday party. Relating their real life experiences with the Core Reader, "Happy Birthday Goose" they enjoyed listening to the story and sang birthday songs for Mr. Goose, the main character of the story.
EY’s Virtual Quiz Students of KG Tulip enthusiastically participated in Virtual Quiz of English and Math. It enabled them to work with concentration as well as to retain information in a fun way. The activity began with the recitation and was followed by the question answer session. Participants were awarded with the certificates to acknowledge their efforts.
The value of ‘Quizzes’ cannot be denied to boost students’ confidence.
EY’s Virtual Celebration of Winter Season Students of KG Tulip enthusiastically participated in Virtual Quiz of English and Math. It enabled them to work with concentration as well as to retain information in a fun way. The activity began with the recitation and was followed by the question answer session. Participants were awarded with the certificates to acknowledge their efforts.
Guess the Family The students of Nursery Rose discussed their family members during the activity 'My Family ' and enjoyed participating in 'Guess the Family Members' game. Later they made a 'Family Tree' and pasted pictures of their family members on it .They enthusiastically presented their work during an online session.