Morning Assembly: Toenable students to share their experiences, stories and anecdotes with other confidently, colorful and informative Morning Assembly is conducted each day in BSSSwat Campus to boost the confidence of the students and develop the leadership qualities among them.
Independence Day Every year Independence Day is celebrated all across the country on 14th August to commemorate birthday felicitations of our beloved country, PAKISTAN.The Independence Day was celebrated in BEACONHOUSESCHOOLSYSTEMSWATCAMPUS with great zeal and fervor. Students enthusiastically delivered speeches and performed on national songs in patriotism. They cited quotes of Quaid.LAzam and Allama Iqbal. The activity was held in collaboration with Pak army in Wadudia Hall. 1'""--"'------
Eid Cord Marking Eidcard making activity was organized across the campus to prepare for Eidcelebrations .It provided the students with an opportunity to show their talents and understand the worth of our religious events. Not only the students but their teachers also enjoyed the very essence of festivity by making and presenting exotic Eidcards to each other.
Eid Millon Party
Global Dignity human dignity. The day ate and inspire youth about the concept and op Global dignity derated to make the students realize that each citizen I· . • . is world has his own rights and deserves respect. The day recoqni the universal . e ery individual to lead a dignified life. In the light of this - e global dignity day was an initiative to commend and encoura goodness by distributi·ng gifts as token of love and respect to the junior staff.
Student Body Election Democracy is the freedom of expression and is a basic need for em of check and balances to work smoothly. Voting has a great impact on students' performance as it gives them awareness of the rules and ,regu1aju;DS Olf the organization. In the light of the above perspective, the Students Body Electio August, 2017. In which proctors were selected from grade III to grade VI.Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl from grade VII. Head B re from grade VIII.Students polled their votes for their favorite candidates to be elected. The candidates ran their election campaign e e· ering speeches in the morning assembly and displaying their banners and poster place to place.
Goose Birthday The Goose Birthday was celebrated on 13 h Se e 2017· . g hroug fun and ploy. It as whole class activity. The Goose Shaped cake was cut by the students with goose toy in their hands, doss room as eco eted with co orful balloons and lightings to create an aura for the situation. The activity was specially arranged for Pre-Nursery students so that they learn ho to celebrate the birthday. They enjoyed the activity a lot.
Happy Halloween The Halloween celebration was shown by the students of grade III to signify the value of variaus events. It was to help them know different cultures, festivals and celebrations, other than our own religious and national customs. It was a fun based show.
Open Day BSSSwat Campus organized Open Day for parents. The parents were invited to attend, observe and learn more about the teaching strategies and their child's progress during the session. In this perspective, on 13th October20l7, parents visited the school during working hours to witness the academic and social grooming of their kids. The young brilliant minds celebrated the day with pride to display their projects to their parents and other visitors to receive applause from them.
Salad Making Activity B.S.S believes in sharing and working in collaboration. With the same view in mind, The Salad Making activity was conducted on 6th October, 2017. Mothers of students were invited to help and collaborate with their children in making different kinds of salads. The students as well as their mothers enjoyed the activify and had great fun. The mothers appreciated the activity too.
BSS Birthday Celebrating birthday is the sign of great felicitations. Beaconhouse SchoolSystem Swat proudly celebrated the 47th birthday of the system with great enthusiasm. The BSSBirthday was celebrated on 4th November 2017. Students from all grades participated in it. The birthday cake was cut by the H.Mteachers and the rest of the staff. The teachers and members heuufified the occasion by decorating the venue, The atmosphere was joyful and jubilant and all teachers and students enjoyed the occasion by sharing birthday cakes and cupcakes,
rents Teocher Meeting Children perform better when their parents get involved. Attending PTM is one way to be involved and help their ren succeed. A PTMis a great opportunity for parents to discuss their ward's progress. PTMwas held on 30th November 2017 is SWATCampus. The progress of the students was discussed with their parents. The teachers brought the grey areas of the mts under discussion with their parents and gave remedies to overcome them. They appreciated students' progress and nt's involvementtoo, itwent smoothly.
Urdu Exhibition Urdu exhibition was arranged by Class IVas part of their Urdu curriculum. The students showed a keen interest in it by displaying the invitation iers and charts all around the school. They came up with many food items and showcased the stalls with magic tricks and game areas. All the students usiastically participated in this activity. It was an organized presentation which boosted the students' skills to apply their ideas and present things rently in their own unique way.
ndwriting Competition Handwriting reflects our personality. It's a way to identify a culture and an essential tool for communication. An English Handwriting competition ield among dass IIIstudents. Everyone was encouraged to present their best handwriting. The handwriting was judge on the basis of specific set criteria.
Family is the single most important influence in a child's life, from their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. The Keys to develop a healthy family relationship include knowing about their relations and making them their priority. "Making of family tree" activity was arranged in BSSSwot. Kids loved shoring what they hod learnt about their family history and heritage by displaying the pictures of their grandparents, parents and siblings in a best possible way to represent what they hod learnt about their family.
Open classroom day was conducted in EY's on 11th Aug20 17. The purpose of conducting this activity is to invite parents to participate in certain activities with their children. The goal was to show them the kinds of activities we do in closs, but it's also a great opportunity for them to see just how much their young ones have learned. There's always the option of doing some activities with the kids and letting the parents simply watch. The children were quite proud of what they've learned and they were happy to show that to their parents.
Dear Parents, I toke pleasure in availing the opportunity to address the parents of BSS Swot. We, the Beaconhouse team aim at quality education of our children by inculcating the leadership traits in them. Our conceptual and activity based system of education imparts multi-dimension grooming to our children. Here we put parents and students along with the teachers on a pedestal where working in collaboration strengthens the system by opening improvement doors each step. We look forward to precious help and cooperation from the parents. Regards, Ms. Shabo no Anjum