Dear Parents,
It just seems like yesterday when I took over the charge of BSS Primary and Middle Branch and here I find myself bidding farewell to a very successful and accomplished academic year 2021-2022. In this shortest possible time I have tried my level best to upgrade school resources, improve cleanliness and hygiene of school premises and upgrade ET equipment by installing multimedias in classes; making learning environment more conducive for our learners. I feel absolute pride and immense satisfaction in entire academic regime wherein, our students did not only achieve outstanding results ,but have also maintained a legacy of winning laurels in different curricular and non curricular activities.
I admire the relentless efforts of my staff who promoted a culture of academic excellence across all levels. We have valued our children as learners with their strengths and have successfully nourished their talents by providing equal opportunities in curricular, co curricular and extra curricular spheres of learning. I would like to appreciate the students who worked diligently and the teachers without whom it would not have been possible. I would like to conclude by extending my gratitude to the parents for their consistent cooperation and constructive feedback which surely feeds in to our School Improvement Plan. We at BSS PWD Primary and Middle branch promote open door policy for our parents and value their suggestions as we consider them an important stakeholder. I wish you all a rejuvenating and peaceful summer break. Looking forward to have an exciting, promising academic year ahead together in BSS PWD Primary and Middle Branch. Regards
Our students are well trained to showcase their talent in different competitions and the result of IKMC has proved the mathematical skills of our pupils. Students bagged several bronze medals, Digital watches, Book marks, Badges and Pens.

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. – Martin Luther King Jr.

The Independence Day was celebrated with utmost dedication and spirit as this day revives back the valor and courage executed by our leaders in gaining this beloved land.

16thAugust, 2021 was the first day of the newAcademic year. The school atmosphere of the branch was filled up with enthusiasm and vibrancy as meeting your friends is always a festival. All the children met their teachers and friends with immense excitement. They shared their stories of vacations with each other and followed proper SOPs of COVID.

“Youth is the gift of Nature, but Age is a work of Art.” Stanizlaw Jersy

Senior Citizen’s day was celebrated on 2nd September by students as they captured beautiful moments of care, devotion, respect, bonding and tolerance towards their grandparents or any Senior citizen in their neighborhood.

In order to discuss the academic progress of the students, Parent-Teacher Meeting was organized in the branch on 25th September, 2021. The meeting provided a platform for parents and school management to communally discuss about the students

(Brad Henry)

BPPM celebrated Teacher's day with great enthusiasm. Teachers had interactive games which were really enjoyed by the students. Friendly matches among the students and teachers were another great part of the day.

A good Teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning.”
Beaconhouse PWD Primary and Middle Campus arranged an auspicious investiture ceremony on 15th October, 2021. The executive student council members of primary, middle school were awarded with sashes. Parents were on board through the live streaming. The oath was taken from the entire council by Headmistress Incharge Ms. Naheed Fatima.

The Global Dignity Day is always celebrated by students of Beaconhouse with immense spirit and enthusiasm. The day recognises the Universal Right of every individual to lead a dignified life. Under the Global Dignity Day activities planned by BPPM PWD Primary and Middle Branch students of level 2 8, students participated in many ways to celebrate the big

BPPM PWD Primary and Middle Branch organized Seeratun-Nabi (S.A.W.W) Conference on October 29th, 2021. The program was celebrated with all its religious fervor. The students not only realized the importance of following the Hadith of the last Prophet ofAllah (P.B.U.H) but also gained insight into his life.

Vincent Van Gogh once said. ‘‘If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint then by all means paint, and that voice will be silent.”

From emulating icons in the field of art like Picasso and Van Gogh on canvas to charcoal sketches of myriad human expressions, the event stood as a platform for young minds to transcend the boundaries of their inherent aesthetic potential.

On 22nd December,2021, a great evening was spent at PWD Primary and Middle Branch when students, teachers and staff got together to celebrate Bonfire Night. Our staff team lit a huge fire. Students and teachers chatted and everyone loved listening to the beautiful presentation of songs especially by middle school students.

“You were born to be a player. You were meant to be here. This moment is yours.” -Herb Brooks

Friendly matches between the teams of students and teachers were held at BPPM PWD Primary and Middle Branch. Students from all the levels enjoyed the sight while following the Covid SOPs.

BPPM celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2022. The event included incredible performances prepared by the students on the theme “Women Empowerment”.

Student council of BPPM is a highly devoted and disciplined body. It has a great impact on the students and to cater to their holistic need.

BPPM celebrated *Diversity of Cultures in Pakistan* as *Pakistan Cultural Day* with full zest and zeal at PWD Primary & Middle Branch Islamabad on 15th and 16th March, 2022.

Cultural day celebration brought all the shades of colour under one roof!

The event was blended with an enthusiastic Sports events called as

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.”




NextAcademic Session begins fromAugust 15, 2022
Beaconhouse PWD Primary and Middle Branch Block C Police Foundation, Islamabad.

Tel: 051-5170601 bss.pwdprimaryandmiddle?
