Newsletter 15 Dec-2017

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Beaconhouse School System Kindergarten II, Gulistan-e-Jauhar [C11/12 Block 15, Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi] In This Issue Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Another successful Term draws to a close. It is amazing how much has been achieved by the students, staff and parents. The achievement extends from the academic, to the sports and the creative arts and to the numerous fun filled learning. We achieved so much together as a team and this is one of the greatest strengths of the school.

Orientation Sessions…..02

Achievements …..03-04

School Based Activities…..04-06

Literacy Week…..07

Global Dignity Week…..08

End of term Activities…..09

In the new term…..10

Eye Spy…..10

The staff have worked tirelessly to inspire and engage the children in all aspects of their learning and development and a huge thank you goes out to them all for all of their hard work and commitment. We are seeking to enhance the outstanding learning environment across the school that are a real inspiration to our children and a celebration of what they have achieved. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you parents and guardian for the support you have given both to your child and to the school. We hope that you and your families enjoy a good winter break and look forward to seeing you again soon. Thank you for your continued support. Ayesha Uzma Aslam Senior Mistress In charge

Good to Know…. For latest updates related to all the activities and events in school, stay tuned to our facebook page, Furthermore, install BSS Mobile App, to know more about your child’s academic and co-curricular activities. Don’t miss out , all that is happening , right here in JKG II. The first day of our second term for the children is the 1st of January 2018.


Orientation Session 2017-18 Parents new in the system were invited in the orientation session. Parents were briefed about the learning methodologies, teaching techniques and assessment and policy.

Library Learning Resource Center Orientation Session by the librarian Ms.Farina Sajjad: Rules are important. Not only will they help the class understand where to look and how to get those treasured books in to their little hands, rules are a necessity for the sanity of library staff. Therefore, An orientation session was conducted in August by our librarian for all class levels in which students learn how to find and borrow book

Reading & Writing Support Session for Parents Parents, teachers and students form a trio. Brining school and parents together improves academic and social success for children. A support program for reading and writing was initiated for the parents of KG Students this November . This program was conducted by the school coordinator Sana Iftikhar and Amber Usman, home teacher of KG A. This program gives more insight to parents on activities based learning. The immediate feedback given by parents on this session was admirable.


Inter House Kid's Athletics "The Spirit, the will to win and the will to excel are the things that endure." Passionate students of Grade I and II participated in Kid's Athletic Competition, including different challenging games e.g. knee throw medicine ball, ladder running, Forward squat jump and Sprint Hurdle race and Formula One. The results were generated on the basis of points. In grade 1s, Tigers stood 1st. There was a tie on second place between Panthers and Jaguars, whereas Leopards stood 3rd.In grade IIs, Jaguars stood 1st, Tigers secured 2nd position and Panthers came 3rd. October was indeed a month of thrilling competitions.

HRCA English and Science online quiz contest The HRCA English and Science quiz is a national competition that provided students the opportunity to compete amongst other branches of the same level. Students of Kindergarten, Grade I and II were a part of the English and Science Quiz contests. It was a thrilling quiz program that comprised of two rounds –Elimination round and Grand Finale. 16 students participated in the elimination round and 11 students qualified for the Grade Finale. With great pride, we announced the Gold Medalist Saad Baber from Grade I A and the Silver Medalist Ozair Siddique Grade II A. This would not have been possible without the support of parents and the responsible teachers Ms Sana Iftikhar and Ms Farina Sajjad.

Inter House Tournaments December enfolded, the last of the tournaments for term I. Grade 1 contested Dodge the Ball. After a series of breath taking matches, the results were, Leopards secured 1 st position, Panthers stood 2nd and Jaguars stood 3rd. Whereas, grade IIs took part in Tug of war tournaments. The winning team was Panthers, Jaguars stood 2nd and Leopards stood 3rd. The event offered a unique bonding experience that built teamwork, spirit and confidence among our little champs.

Sports Day The much awaited Annual Sports Day of BSS Jauhar KG II was held on Saturday 25th November 2017. Sports Display showcased the team building skills and exercises practiced by our young sports enthusiasts’ .Highlights of the sports day included breathtaking opening performance of students using hula hoop and basketball as props, yoga, taekwondo, gymnastic and band. The students showed an impressive March Past in a grand way on the live band. The oath taking ceremony was administrated by the house captains. Torch bearing ceremony was carried out by our honorable SGH Mrs Riffat Naseer. The house cup was taken by Jaguars with 710 points. Congratulation to the wining house.

In the month of August:

Independence Day 2017 70th independence day of Pakistan was pre -celebrated on 11th of August 2017 with full zeal and vigor by the students. The celebrations revolved around skits by students of grade 1 & 2. Tableaus on patriotic sons and cultural dance was admirable. Early years students enjoyed the performance with waving flags.

In the month of September:

Eid Milan Party The Eid Millan Party is an occasion that all children await eagerly. This symbolizes happiness, friendship, giving and sharing. To revitalize the pleasurable memories of Eid and to enjoy the festivities with school friends, students celebrated party. The children in colourful dresses made the day perfectly hilarious and entertaining by songs, designing cards and wonderful games.

Sandwich Making Activity The little toddlers of Pre Nursery A and B declared as Junior Master Chef. They enjoyed the process of making sandwiches, to signify the "s" sound and its related vocabulary like spread, sandwich and spoon etc.

Breakfast with Grandparents "Grandparents love to see what the kids are doing in school," to make this time more meaningful and special, grandparents of the students of Pre-nursery A & B were invited for breakfast. The event revolved around the importance of breakfast for children and promoted healthy eating. The day was more festive with the presence of grandparents who felt honored on being invited. Grandparents loved spending time with their grandchildren in a unique way and enjoyed the hand printing thoroughly that was given as souvenir.


Splash Day Beat the Heat! The students of Nursery had a wonderful time playing pools and splashing in water at school, as part of Splash Day. The activities featured small pools filled with water and toys for pouring, splashing and squirting. The children were so happy, and had much fun in sorting colours and playing musical chairs with water balloons

Laugh, Learn and Cook Eat Healthy Stay Healthy! To inculcate healthy eating habits and importance of healthy life style, students of KG invited mothers to showcase different activities related to balanced diet. Children learned about nutrition and healthy choices in a very fun and interactive way. They prepared fruits, vegetable salads and Detox water for their mothers and thoroughly enjoyed presenting yoga and Zumba exercise. In the month of October:

Happy Birthday Goose "Toss some happiness in the air and let's celebrate the birthday party". Pre-Nursery incorporated' The birthday theme' and celebrated a birthday party, integrated with their ongoing reader" Happy Birthday Goose". They sang the birthday song, designed invitation cards, decorated their class with the teacher and experienced the celebration of a birthday party which helped to enhance their personal and social skills.


Visit to NAPA

We used drama and theater to promote literacy development in our students. Visit to NAPA marked as the beginning of Literacy week BSS Jauhar KG II. Students of Grade I and II visited the NAPA Auditorium to watch the enthralling theater performance of NAPA graduates on "Sindbad" which helped to enhance their vocabulary, developed self-presentation skills and new ideas to express themselves in front of a live audience confidently. In the month of October: 

Reading Session with Mr. Mubarak Kamlani We used drama and theater to promote literacy development in our students. Visit to NAPA marked as the beginning of Literacy week BSS Jauhar KG II. Students of Grade I and II visited the NAPA Auditorium to watch the enthralling theater performance of NAPA graduates on "Sindbad" which helped to enhance their vocabulary, developed self-presentation skills and new ideas to express themselves in front of a live audience confidently. 

Character Parade

Books are fun, books are great… As the books are helpful to develop imagination same as when children dressed up as their favorite fictional character bring life into the imagination. A colourful Character Parade was celebrated to culminate the Literacy Month in which students from each level dressed up as their favourite story character and marched around the school. They came on stage and speak about the character they were dressed up. We were happily surprised to see a large number of super heroes, prince and princesses etc. 

Poppy's Pancake Day

Pancake making activity was carried out by Grade I students which was integrated with the core reader “Poppy’s Pancake”. The core idea was to familiarize students with the procedure of making a pancake, primarily to enable them to use sequential vocabulary in writing procedures.


“When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make compromises�-Angela Merkel. Global Dignity Day was celebrated on 18th October 2017 in JKG II with hustle and bustle, to make our young learners to be aware of the universal right of every individual to lead a dignified life. Highlights of the day were poster making activity by students of Grade I and II that depicted the theme of dignity. Whereas Kindergarteners prepared cards for the support staff. School choir took pride in presenting songs related to dignity.

A Tribute to Support Staff In this context, Students of Grade II organized a SURPRISE PAR-TEA for the support staff of school. The reactions of the support staff were priceless as they felt acknowledged and appreciated by the students. The experience was overwhelming.

Culmination Day Bringing an end to the Global dignity week, but ensuring that the spirit is unwavering, Culmination Day of Global Dignity Week was celebrated enthusiastically. Six Dignity Ambassadors from grade I and II were elected by the students, who took pledge to promote healthy relationships among peers. Students of Grade IC and IIA presented moral based skits to raise awareness of the consequences associated with bullying and to involve themselves to foster empathy.

NEWSLETTER AUG-DEC 2017 In the month of November:

Happy Birthday BSS! It was Beaconhouse’s 42nd Birthday this November 3rd 2017. Birthday anthems were in the air. Students designed birthday cards to express reasons to love their school and gave best wishes along with the cake cutting ceremony.

Celebrating Iqbal Day Tribute to the great poet, philosopher and politician was paid on 9th November 2017. Students paid homage to the great poet and philosopher Allama Iqbal by singing his famous poetry and recited his verses exquisitely. Celebrating the literature of this great figure was the order of the day.

Color Day Colors open the door of the world of new imagination of a child. Students from Pre-Nursery and Nursery celebrated Color Day and dressed up vividly to the colors that had been allocated for each section. They brought color related toys for the show and tell activity. The teachers planned different interesting activities for the children to have fun. Recognition and discussion of the colors were held with the real objects like flowers, fruits, vegetables and different edibles. Students took home beautiful takeaways which reflected the uniqueness of each color.

Introducing in the next term: Children’s Learning Environment We would like to see our walls and corridors shining with examples of children’s work. Please encourage your child to research, create and write pieces that we can display and celebrate. In this context we are giving winter homework on the same pattern. Templates for research work with driving questions will be given on every Fridays to students of Grade I and II, which they will be expected to turn in by Mondays.

Walk In Wednesday We are seeking to increase the opportunities for parents to come in to school to share and find out about their child’s learning journey through, ‘Walk in Wednesday’. Parents may visit the classroom of their child on every Wednesday between 9:30 till 10:00 am and find out all about the classroom activities and their engaging experiences. Looking forward to this parent and school collaboration.


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