Beaconhouse School System, Clifton Campus Class: Pre-Nursery– PYP Newsletter for the month of February and March, 2017
Unit 3 : Transdisciplinary theme
Sharing the Planet
Students will inquire into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Enduring Understanding.
Related Vocabulary
Central Idea:
Animals and humans co-exist in different ways and in different context.
Lines of Inquiry: The different roles animals play in people’s life Interdependence between animals and humans Our responsibilities towards the well-being of animals
Key Concepts:
Connection: Students will learn about different roles animals play in our lives. They will observe how animals are used for food, travel and entertainment Function: Students will learn about how humans and animals interact with each other. They will explore pet and wild animals. They will also reflect on how humans behave with animals around them. Responsibility: Students will learn to take care of the animals around them.
mm lion cheetah tiger cat dog giraffe zebra leopard elephant donkey pattern leather care meat wild pet farm skin grass grains feather
Students through their actions shall: Guiding Questions:
Show empathy towards animals in the environment. Give water and food to street animals and birds. Be more caring towards the pets in the house.
What are animals?
What animals do you see around? Can a horse live in an apartment? Why? Why not? Do you think we need animals? Why? Do you think animals should always be in a cage? Why? Why not?
Transdisciplinary Skills: Research Skills:
Learner Profile Caring: Students will learn to show caring attitude
Observational Skill; Students will observe different animals and sort them in various categories depending on where they live, what they eat and how they behave.
towards animals.
PYP Attitudes Empathy: Imaginatively projecting themselves into another situation, in order to understand his/her thoughts, reasoning and emotions.
Students will also observe how some animals are useful to humans.
Teaching targets to be covered in each subject area identified by the IB Primary Years Programme. These will be taught within the unit of inquiry as well as stand-alone to ensure clear conceptual understanding and application. Language Mathematics PSPE Arts Number Visual Arts: English : Phonics: Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm (Capital and small letters) with the relevant vocabulary Oral Language: Listening & speaking Interact effectively with peers and adults in familiar social setting Tell their own stories using words, gestures and objects/artifacts Oral Language - Viewing and Presenting Understanding by matching pictures with context Reading: Recognize their own first name Going to the zoo Jungle Safari Incy Wincy Spider
Counting 0-20. Recognition of the following numbers with number value 7-10 Count to determine the number of objects in a set
Data Handling Describe and sort real objects and events by attributes Shapes and Space Understand that common language can be used to describe positions and directions; for example, next to, behind, in front of
Written Language : Use writing tools. For example crayons, coloured pencils Develop fine and gross motor skills for writing
Students will practice for their Annual Sports Gala.
Free hand painting Collage work Finger printing
Music: Responding Describe how music makes them feel Singing Take part in action songs, singing games and simple dances Clap rhythms in imitations :تفگ ودینش اجونروں اور اُیکن دھکی اھبل ےک ابرے ںیم ااہظر ایخل رکان :ڑپاھئ خ " یک درتس آوازیک اچہپن، ح، چ،وصترییک دمدےسرحوف’'ج خ " ےک اخدنان ےک ہقلعتم ذریخہ اافلظ، ح، چ،رحوف " ج :ںیمظن ںیم ےن داھکی رٹچای رھگ یلب ںیم ےن اپیل ےہ
Suggested activities to pursue at home:
Take your child to the following places to get the information about different animals in the environment: The Zoo The Circus The Dolphin Show Nature walk Put bowls of water and food for birds in your backyard. Read stories about animals to your child.
During the unit, students will explore the following books. These books are available in the School’s learning Center
Farm Animals by Jessica Greenwell Have You Seen the Crocodile? by Colin West I can Fly by Joy Cowley The Zoo Book by PF Loog Jungle Animals by Brimax Publishers Who is the Beast by Keith Baker
اکی ریٹب، اکی اھت رتیت وھچاٹ اس وکمڑا