The Beaconhouse Newsletter Gulistan-e-Jauhar Campus ST-4/A, Block-1, Gulistan-e-Jauhar Karachi. Ph: +92 213 4156813-6 MIDDLE SECTION
Dear Parent, "Happy new year"! It has been a very busy 1st term at Jauhar Campus. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teachers and students for all their efforts and tremendous support. It is really a moment of pride for us to get an outstanding result both in Matric Board and Cambridge International Examinations. With our aims high and heads down, I can see our school moving forward towards excellence and hope to . achieve a remarkable and impressive result in 2020. I am pleased to share with all of you that our school evaluation went very well and we got extremely encouraging feedback from the evaluation team. I am grateful to all parents who trusted and supported us in the evaluation period. I am hopeful that our school will continue to strive for eminence . and brilliance in future also. . We look forward to your usual support and cooperation in the second term too! May Allah bless us all. Best Regards,
Dr. Nadia Rashid Inam, Headmistress, Jauhar Campus.
School will reopen on January 6th, 2020. Regular school timings will be followed. Visit our Facebook page: Give your suggestions on: Register online on
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
PRIZE DISTRIBUTION CEREMONY 2018-2019 On August 7th, 2019 Jauhar Campus organized a prestigious event to honour the exc ellent aca demic performers (Grade V-X Cambridge) at Bahria Auditorium. Proud parents of proficiency holders graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Various categories of the awardees included; Profic iency Holders, Outstanding Per for manc e Awar ds , Ex cel lent Performance Awards and Subject High Achievers.
INDEPENDENCE DAY Mohammad Ali Jinnah said: “There is no power on Earth that can undo Pakistan” . Independence Day was celebrated to commemorate harmony, freedom and prosperity with great fervour and national spirit. On this auspicious day, students performed thought provoking role plays, delivered spellbound speeches and sang heartwarming national songs to revive the promise of fulfilling the dreams of our forefathers.
INDEPENDENCE DAY POSTER COMPETITION Our students value and cherish the traditions, culture and achievements of our beloved homeland. Words can never do justice to how much we adore and respect our country. Jauhar Campus organized an “Intra Cluster Independence Day Poster Competition”, to let students express their love through art. Students from Race Course Branch, Steel Town Campus and Jauhar Primary Campus participated in the competition. The students were awarded for their work and distributed certificates to further boost their confidence in the arts arena. Winners of Independence Day Poster Competition Class V Winner
Nabeeha Hassan V-A Aryan Zahid (Steel Town) (Jauhar Campus)
1st Runner-Up Zunairah Fahad (Jauhar Primary Campus)
2nd Runner-Up
Class VI
Eman Ali
Class VII
Class VIII
Rayyan Ahmed Siddique (Jauhar Campus)
Nabiha Hussain (Jauhar Campus) Elsa Qureshi (Jauhar Campus)
Abdul Salam (Jauhar Campus)
Rana Shahzaib (Steel Town) Mah Baneen (Jauhar Campus)
Ayesha Kamran (Steel Town) Shifa Maqbool (Steel Town)
Rida Mansoor (Jauhar Campus) Alisbha Ahmed (Jauhar Campus)
Anoosha Hassan (Jauhar Campus)
Sana Ahmed (Jauhar Campus)
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
ORIENTATION SESSION FOR THE GRADE VI STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS Students in their first year of Middle School are at a very crucial juncture where they have to adapt to the new changes which will impact them for the rest of their lives. Jauhar Campus supported its students and their parents by intervening in form of an Orientation Session on August 16th, 2019. In this session the management team of Jauhar Campus presented guidelines about the curriculum and welcomed queries from the attending parents.
‘SPELL MASTERS’: 14TH DAWN NATIONAL EDUCATION SPELLING BEE CONTEST The “15th Dawn Spelling Bee Competition 2019” was held at Arts Council Karachi in the category of age group 9-11 and 12-14.The students of Jauhar Campus actively participated in the competition. It was a great learning experience . for them. Eshaal Naveed Class V-F, Aurangzeb Mustafa VI-D and Asad Anwar VI-E competed against many renowned schools. Unaisah Naveed VIII-H, Murtuza Hussain VIII-D and Uroosha Khan VII-F represented 12-14 age group. Team Jauhar won the preliminary rounds and stood 3rd among 29 schools of Karachi.
MORNING ASSEMBLY PRESENTATION . “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. The morning sets the day and the assembly paves the way for our students to rejuvenate their spirits, . remain rooted to the moral values and unleash their vitality. The serene early morning hours welcome one and all to the school campus as the premise resounds with the name of The Almighty at the beginning of the assembly presentations. The well planned assembly conducted level wise clarifies school activities and programs, focusing on important days. Every student is given the opportunity and a platform to display his/her talent and present themselves as individuals. Guided by their teachers, the assembly includes role plays, presentations, poetry recitation, speech, songs, short quizzes etc. Outstanding performances and achievements of students in curricular and co-curricular fields are celebrated and certificates are awarded to winners and the teachers facilitating the winners in the presence of the entire school body.
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Beaconhouse believes in holistic development of students and to ensure that, clubs and societies are an integral part of the extra-curricular activities Clubs like Taekwondo, Yoga, Music and Gymnastics helped in boosting the energy level of the students along with learning physical skills; whereas, clubs like Food and Health, Arts and Crafts, Word Wise, Dialectic Society, Ejad e Hayyan and Dignity Club promotes creative and leadership skills in the students. Students participated in these activities in with great zeal and plan to do the same in the next term.
TRAILBLAZERS’ CEREMONY Jauhar Campus organized the Trailblazers' Ceremony to acknowledge the achievements of students in extracurricular activities at the Regional and National level. The event was held at Bahria Auditorium on August 30th, 2019. The following students were acknowledged for their extraordinary efforts: Abdul Salam
1st Position in Green Association (Art Competition) and Bronze Medal HRCA-Art
Shaheer Abbas
Bronze Medal in HRCA - English
Fawaz Arshad
2nd Position in Malir Garrison Polo & Saddle Club
Omer Shahbaz
1st Position in 3rd All Karachi Inter School Metropolitan T aekwondo Championship
Sibaq Hussain
Gold Medal in HRCA - Creative Writing
Aryan Zahid
Silver Medal in HRCA - Art
Anoosha Hasan VI-C
Gold Medal in HRCA - Science
Umer Iqbal
2nd Position in Pavillion End (PEC Swimming Championship)
Rayyan Atif
Best Player Award in Regional Football
Zoya Hasham
Gold Medal in HRCA English
Haifa Zeeshan
Silver Medal in HRCA English
Hidba Memon
Bronze Medal in HRCA - Art
Pareeza Tufail
Bronze Medal in HRCA - Art
Rida Batool
Bronze Medal in HRCA - Art
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
STUDENTS’ COUNCIL ELECTIONS The selection and election of the student council is one of the most real-life experiences for students because it provides an opportunity to experience the “democratic process” in reality. All willing students submitted their nomination forms to be interviewed by the teachers and Management, who shortlisted 12 best nominees for election of Heads of Students' Council. Walls were decorated with brightly colored posters; students demonstrated their support by wearing badges and headbands of favourite candidates. All students were given an opportunity to cast their votes on the Election day demonstrating a sense of responsibility and confidence in choosing their favourite candidate. We are pleased to announce the heads of the Students' Council. Ali Jan Magsi (VIII A) as Head Boy, Unaisa Naveed (VIII H) as Head Girl, Hammad Ali Khan (VII-C) as Deputy Head Boy and Uroosha Khan (VII- F) as Deputy Head Girl. Other contestants became part of Students' Council.
OBHARTAY SITARAY Obhartay Sitaray is a singing competition organised by The Citizen Foundation (TCF) a non-profit organization. Competition was categorized as per the levels i.e. Primary, Middle & Seniors. Students participated in the first round of Obhartay Sitaray and Shahzadi Ali (V-F) won the elimination round to participate in the grand finale held at the Marriott Hotel. There were altogether 64 teams representing different schools from all over Karachi who participated in the events and Jauhar Campus stood in top eight teams.
GLOBAL DIGNITY DAY Global Dignity Day is celebrated annually in an attempt to instill righteous values in our students. Dignity Club organized a month of activities where students of Class V were engaged in bringing gifts from their homes which they would like to share with the underprivileged and decorated them with love.
Students of Class VI learned sign language so they could be empathetic towards the gifted. Communicating via sign language is something that many consider so very “different”. However, sign language enabled our students to see beyond others' differences and to see people for who they truly are. Teachers plan to take this further and teach students simple sentences.
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
OATH TAKING CEREMONY Dignity and respect go hand in hand. Celebrating this belief, Jauhar Campus commemorated Global Dignity Day by choosing four students each from each level of Middle School, who pledged to teach their schoolmates about the importance of giving respect to everyone around them and helping them lead dignified lives. The event was much appreciated by all the attendees, many of whom vowed to actively continue this struggle to ensure everyone got their share of dignity and respect in the world.
VISIT TO AL-UMEED REHABILITATION ASSOCIATION (AURA) On Global Dignity Day a handful of chosen students visited AL - Umeed Rehabilitation Association (AURA) For Cerebral Palsy, loaded with the gifts. They shared golden moments of their lives with the gifted students and came to realize that we are really blessed. They sang songs, enjoyed drawing, colouring and chatting with them. They returned with lovely memories of a time spent well.
ROLE PLAY BY CLASS VI STUDENTS A special assembly was arranged to highlight the significance of virtues like compassion, affection, tolerance and appreciation. Students of Class VI enacted in a short skit, using the learned sign language, leaving behind a moral. 'Respect for all, Dignity for all.’
POSTER MAKING COMPETITION Students participated in a stimulating and inspiring Poster-Making. The posters spoke volumes on the vivid ideas endorsing equality for all, compassion and dignity for all through their impressive creations.
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
PANEL DISCUSSION BY MIDDLE SCHOOL A panel discussion was conducted by the grade VII and VIII students on the dignity day. The students argued the value of the dignity of labour, discussing the various ways in which it can be practised.
SHORT SPEECHES BY SUPPORT STAFF: AN EFFORT OF DIGNITY CLUB MEMBERS The highlight of this program was a series of short speeches given by our junior staff who explained to all the students just how much they appreciated the respect that was given to them by students on a daily basis.
SKYPE SESSION BY GRADE VIII STUDENTS Today, new emerging communication technologies and increased globalization offer numerous opportunities to work together and communicate with people from the . wider world. Students of Jauhar Campus (Grade VIII F) made the most of one such opportunity and had a conference call on “World Dignity Day “with students of SMK TUNKU Abdul . Rahman Putra School in Malaysia. The program began with an introduction about “Dignity” and why it is important globally. The students shared their ideas and opinions through statements, quotes, personal experiences and art work. The students on the other side showed agreement and disagreement regarding the opinions and work of each other on the video conference about Dignity. It was an interactive session that ended the conference with a “pledge” about dignity and how each one of us would implement it to bring a positive change in our society.
IQBAL DAY A colourful and inspiring short assembly was organised by students of Jauhar Campus, to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Allama Muhammd Iqbal. Young beaconites captivated the audience by the rendition of exquisite verses. Speeches were also delivered by the students to highlight Iqbal's message for the youth. 7
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
SPORTS ACTIVITIES “Physical fitness is not only the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and . intellectual activity.” John F. Kennedy Sports activities inculcate creativity, analytical skills, teamwork and critical thinking in students' life. Thus Beaconhouse School System put great emphasis on sports to be a fundamental part of the curriculum. Various tournaments were organized for students in this term to enable them to show their leadership and sportsmanship qualities and also to take a break from their monotonous study routine. Our students actively participated in:
Inter-Section Basketball Tournament Inter-Class Basketball Tournament for girls and boys (Class V) was held in November 2019. With an excellent display of talent and skills, V-C boys and V-A girls won the tournament. Runners up were V-F boys and V-C girls. The entire tournament was intense as all the teams battled for 1st place.
Inter-Section Cricket Tournament Learning cricket skills can help kids develop their physical fitness in a friendly environment and develop essential, fine motor skills, improve endurance and stamina, increase balance and coordination and improve hand-eye coordination. . This year too, the Annual Cricket Tournament for Grade V and VI was held at Jauhar Campus which helped acknowledge the hidden talents of our young but highly talented students. Class VI: Final Match VI- D Vs VI- G Class V: Final Match- V-D Vs V-F Winning Team : VI-D Winning Team : V-F *BEST BOWLER: Saim Ansari (VI- D) *BEST BOWLER: Rana Muhammad Hassaan (V-F) *BEST BATSMAN: Rafay Nizami (VI- D) *Player of the Tournament: Muhammed Leghari (VI- G) *BEST BATSMAN: Muhammed Subhan (V-F)
INTERNATIONAL OZONE DAY A formal assembly to spread awareness among students of Middle Section by the Senior School was held on September 16th, 2019 to reinforce what Ozone is and how it is depleted, its harmful effects and recommendations for adopting behaviours that will contribute to its healing. The presentation was followed by a speech on the Islamic perspective on “Responsibilities laid on mankind for sustaining and caring for resources bestowed by nature”.
A MOVIE TRIP - NUPLEX CINEMA Students went to the Nuplex Cinema to watch a movie of their choice. Students enjoyed the trip thoroughly with their teachers and friends. 8
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY MONTH CELEBRATIONS Roald Dahl’s Birthday In order to celebrate Roald Dahl (a famous author) birthday, students of grade VI were involved in some interesting activities in the Learning Centre. They watched a video of Roald Dahl's famous book BFG and did a dream jar activity in which they disclosed the dreams of their lives. Students enjoyed some online word search puzzles of Roald Dahl's famous books Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on the birthday of Roald Dahl.
Skype Session with Portugal’s School Skype is a wonderful opportunity for students around the world to talk in real time during International School Library Month. Students of Class V got an opportunity to interact with a school in Portugal. They got an opportunity to learn from each other and connect with different cultures!
Emerging Author Aurangzaib Mustafa of VI C an emerging writer from Jauhar Campus has launched the third part of his series SSB (Super Space Boys.)The third part called SSB Power Ends has been launched on November 13th, 2019 in the morning assembly during Library week. This book speaks about the bravery of super boys.
English and Urdu Drama (By Grade V Student) In order to celebrate International School Library Week, students of Class V presented a moral based story (Happy Prince) and interacted with the audience by asking some interesting questions about the moral of the story. Akbar and Birbal are the famous characters of Urdu Literature that appeared in many stories. One of their best stories was enacted as a short play by the students of Class V.
English Parliamentary Style Debate Parliamentary style debate on the topic, “Technology is essential in our lives” was conducted by the Middle School- Dialectic Club during the celebration of International School Library Month 2019. Students of BCCG judged the debate and acknowledged their efforts. Winner Team : Murtaza Hussain Mehdi VIII-D Raima Arif VIII-G Nehl Haider VIII-C Aarij khan VIII-D 9
Runner-ups: Unaisa Naveed VIII-H Sair Ali khanVIII-C Moonis-ul-Hassan VII-H Annah sybil VIII-G
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
English and Urdu Drama (Grade VII and VIII) Grade VII and VIII showcased their creative and dramatic skills by acting out in comedy dramas related to awareness . of education. Ms Afsheen (English Teacher) and students of Beaconhouse College Campus Gulshan judged the performance of students.
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH THE PARENTS Meeting sessions bring parents and teachers on a common platform to work in collaboration for the betterment of their wards. A Meet and Greet session was held on September 14th, for the parents to . help teachers explore the positive traits of their wards. First Parent Teacher meeting was held on October 5th, where parents and teachers discussed the academic progress of the students.
SCHOOL BASED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT . “It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained.� Elizabeth II. Teacher training is an important and integral feature of Beaconhouse School System for both new and experienced teachers. The Instructional Coaches and Subject leads conducted various training sessions and workshops for the novice and experienced teachers to update them with the changes in the curriculum. The newly hired teachers are also enrolled in Mentor - Mentee Program. Along with this the veteran staff members learn in collaboration in focused group sessions and workshops.
SAVING MANGROVES - SESSION BY TDF Mangroves have great contribution on the stability of the coastal areas of Pakistan and into the life of habitats residing there. There are the strangest inhabitants such as mudskipper, mollusks, migratory and indigenous birds including flamingoes seen at these coasts. The survival of this habitat is threatened due to the cutting and pollution created by residents and visitors. A documentary screening followed by educational sessions were conducted in school that were attended by the students of Class VII and VIII. This session aimed to create awareness and promote information for preserving our natural heritage in collaboration with Dawood Foundation in August 2019. 10
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019
BEACONHOUSE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CONVENTION Beaconhouse International Student Convention is one of the most prestigious events for students . This phenomenal platform gives students from multiple countries a chance to challenge their own limitations.
The beautiful display of talents, skills, intelligence and brilliance was held at PECHS Campus under the umbrella of BISC Idol, BISC Talk and BISC Art.
The competitive and expert body of institutional professionals took all possible measures in raising leaders, champions, as well as confident and courageous individuals ready to accept any challenge. Our very own, Murtuzza Hussain Mehdi of Grade VIII got a chance to present his Art Installation at Regional Level held in Lahore after winning the Karachi Round. Bravo Murtuza!
The Beaconhouse Newsletter, December 2019