Newsletter 2019

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Numbers: We love Math! O wow! Toddlers can now trace, count and recognize ,number 1 and 2 Bravo…!

Communication Language and Literacy: Learning Language is fun!! Our toddlers are learning tracing through sand paper letters. They produced the sound of letters while tracing and the vocabulary through engaging in printing ,cutting and pasting .activites

Unstructured Play: is our most favorite time. We play music, scribble, paint, engage in water play, building structures with blocks

Put on the lid & Sorting activity: It is an important life skill that children will need in the future! Toddlers sorted the lids according to their design, size and colour. They learnt the concept of put on and take it off.

Theme Based Learning: We celebrated “My favourite food, juice and desert day” following the theme “All about myself”, They discussed and shared their favourite food, juice and desert with each other and did the related activity with colored paper, sponges and straws and bought the same food, juice and desert for lunch to taste, share with their friends at school.


Picture Reading: A child's first impression of a book is usually shaped by the pictures. Try this at home as well-when you share books with children, be sure to pay attention to the illustrations - discussing what you see before you read.

Outdoor Play: Toddlers doing pouring water activity in the outdoor play area.

Moving to music, playing musical instruments gives our toddlers a chance to understand rhythm and rhyme

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