Events of the Month
Message of the month
Dear Parents, We design and carry out the lessons which address academic needs and various learning styles of the students. We believe to be trusted to speak to your child daily about the different learning experiences in the school. If you desire to develop the same interactive understanding with your child, involve him/her in a treatment which gives your child a prospect to share what he/she really loves to do, such as what new concepts did you learn today? What did you find most interesting and informative today?
Attribute of the month Being Analytical
During this month students will be introduced to a new theme that is “Life Cycle of a Butterfly” to build knowledge about life cycles. A variety of activities will be planned through which they will get to know about the names of insects and their related body parts. Students will also be introduced to a new story book i.e. “The very hungry Caterpillar” through which they will know about the characters of the story and will be encouraged to sequence the events of the story. By listening to this book, students will also learn about the different stages of life cycle of a butterfly.
Pakistan Day Welcome to Disney Resort
Pre-Nursery March, 2019
Regards, Headmistress
Personal, Social ,Health & Emotional Development
Mathematical Development Students will be given an awareness about the Creative Development (Art) following: Students will be introduced to the following: Students will explore and gain competency in using Name of Holy Book of Muslims. picture addition Names ofDear five Parents, prayers. variety of techniques through following activities andmonth theirstudents values will1 -be10. will be (Hazrat introduced to a new theme*reinforcing that is “Food”.numbers During this involved in a varietyi.e. of activities through which they will get to know Name ofThis ourmonth first students Holy Prophet Adam A.S)about and the lastimportance Holy Prophet of healthy (Hazratfood Muhamand healthy eating habits. *reinforcement of 2D shapes and their properties. *draw a garden. mad)In(PBUH). *reinforcement of concept before ,in andwhich afterthey1-10 this month students will also be introduced to a new story book.i.e “Oliver's Vegetables” will know about the characters and the sequence of the events. They Name ofwill ourlearn religion *sponge printing of butterfly. about different fruits, vegetables ,dairy products and their of names. *sequencing numbers 1-10 How many Siparahs do we have in Quran-e-Pak? Through the story the students will get an opportunity to develop broad range of and concepts and skills .i.e. their communication skills will be extended as the students will *count howa many?/count circle. ETHICS: “Wetalk should things withplay each other”. and share perform a role activity related to the story. write numbers 1-10 free hand. *also encourage your childand to share their ideasofand In knowledge understanding the world the theme of “Robobots” will be introduced to the students in which they will learn about simple and automatic machines .They speak confidently in English during will get awareness aboutsmall howdiscussions machines work and save our time. about different sounds Communication, Language & Literacy Theme: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Students will be given an awareness through interactive activities about the following: *identify main events and characters in the story “A very hungry caterpillar”. *identification of placement of sounds in three letter words .i.e. (beginning ,middle and ending) while reading three letter words (fan,fun,fur,bed,bun,jam,jug,jet.) through breaking and blending strategy. *holding the writing tool using an efficient grip while tracing and forming letters f,b and j reinforcement of the vocabulary related to these sounds. (s,a,t,i,p,n,c,e,h,k,r,,m,d,g,o,u,l,f,b,and j.)
Physical Development
Knowledge & Understanding of the World Theme: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Students will be given an awareness through interactive activities about the following: *names and types of insects. *body parts of insects. *food sources, food consumers and healthy food basket. *identifying four stages of “Life Cycle of a Butterfly.”
Students will develop the skills of control over movements, speed, sense of distance and direction through *a variety of exercises/games i.e. bouncing, throwing, running, jumping etc. *travel around, under, over, along and through climbing and balancing equipment. *form different shapes with their body.