Message of the Month Dear Parents,
Beaconhouse School System believes to develop partnership with parents and encourages mutual respect which positively contribute to a child’s experience in an early year setting. Therefore we are going to organize our Annual event at kindergarten level. All children will have the equal opportunity to participate andwill gain confidence and exposure of facing audience . Such activities help to maintain a balance in one’s personality, find potential, talent and help to develop as a well rounded human being.
Up Coming Events Earth Day The Annual Event
اردو رکان۔ لعفلمکم دےرک رتبیت درتس اافلظوک -ھکلرکلمکمرکان۔ اافلظ انمبس ابعرت دھکیرک ۔وصتری ،اتےل اتال،اسزی ،ہلمجوجےت ووجات،وپدے یکالثم اسزی ریشویکہلمج اہکینعمج وادح -ڑلاک اسزی ابعرت ،وپداوتڑوجڑ ڑپاھئ اشدی وریغہ اےنپابرےںیمولعمامتوریغہ۔،دنسپدیہلھپ ،ڑلےکابغ الثم ،وھچاٹڑبا ،رات اورپ،(ابعرت میہفتاٹلالثم ۔۔اافلظ )وریغہ۔وجاابت وساالتےک قلعتم مظندنےس،ےچین اہکینای ۔اہکیناجدورگیکڑپاھئوہلمجاسزی۔
Regards, Headmistress
Kindergarten Level Monthly Agenda for the Month of April , 2019 Creative Development Telephone: 042-35171261 ADDRESS: 395\396 F Block, Johar Town Main Boulevard. Facebook page:
Students will be encouraged to use primary and secondary colors to make different colours like purple, orange and green. Learn the concepts pf tints and shades .
Islamiyat Revision od Surah Ikhlas, Surah Naas, Surah Falak. Recitation of 3rd Kalima
Personal., Social ,Health and Emotion Students will be encouraged to
Discuss idioms with their friends and use them in their daily routine. Share their weekend routines with class teacher and class mates while using simple and complex sentences.
Identify the importance of body hygiene.
Know the importance of hair and feet hygiene.
Communication Language and Literacy Through the book ‘I don’t want to eat the color Green’, students will
use idioms in sentences.
form sentences using names of the Months
use ch and sh words sentences.
attempt to solve unseen comprehension pas-
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
a plant -discuss different parts of plants and their related functions. -identify the importance of food choices (healthy & junk) on daily basis -learn more about the food groups and explore which foods are in each group -recognize the role that different foods play in a balanced diet, and their effects on health .
Students will learn
Recognize , find , and name a half as one of two
equal parts of an objects, shape or quantity.
Use their conceptual understanding of doubling.
Solve mathematical facts using tri corner method
for addition and subtraction.
Solve mathematical facts using bar model for
Students will be encouraged to -identify the process of growth and development from a seed to
Mathematical Development
addition and subtraction.
be asked to write paragraphs about their
favorite cartoon character.
revise the use of has/ have in sentences.
Be asked to revise punctuation marks while writing a paragraph ( full stops, question marks, commas, capital letter in start)
be able to understand the use of inverted commas.
Useful link: