Message of the month Events of the Month
Dear Parents, Getting started with the school routine is a big change for your child, however, your support and our effective teaching strategies will bring positive and exciting experiences to make this transition proper and smooth. Preschool is about learning much more than what a circle looks like. It’s where children first develop a relationship with learning as well as students from various backgrounds. We welcome our students wholeheartedly. and believe that school fun would always be tempting for them. Let us assure you that we believe in providing meaningful learning opportunities for our young learners.. In the month of September our little bees will begin their journey by participating in fun based activities. This agenda will help you to be aware of your child’s learning
Phonics workshop for parents.
Boulevard , Lahore.
Attribute of the month: “Being Ethical”. nhouse-School-System-Johar-TownJunior-Campus/529815367034397
September’2019 Headmistress
Peace day
693-693 F Block Johar Town Main
Theme of the month : MY SCHOOL
Students will be given awareness about the following through circle time activities,
recitation of first Kalima with the English translation.
names of five prayers.
Ethics:discusison about treating each other with respect and care.
expressing needs and feelings in appropriate ways.
discussing circle time and classroom rules while taking turns.
forming good relationships with adults and peers. In the school environment.
appreciating the need of hygiene while discussing how to keep ourselves and our surrounding clean.
discussing the importance of table manners.
Students will be introduced to the following: numerals 1 and 2 counting numbers in order 1 to 5. analyzing, comparing and sorting objects according to size, shape and colour. comparison between big and small objects. counting how many objects in a set.. identification of circle shape.
recognition of the letters s & a and their sounds.
linking sounds s and a with their relevant vocabulary.
hearing and relating a phoneme (in the initial position of a word)
raising and answering simple questions from stories. using language and vocabulary associated with
naming and describing objects.
holding a pencil/crayon using an efficient grip.
beginning to use anticlockwise movement and retrace shapes.
Students will explore and gain competency in using a variety of techniques:
drawing lines and shapes by applying colors and paints while creating patterns and portraits.
using different materials i.e. modeling clay, play dough and paint to create work of art.
constructing 3 dimensional structure of a school using a variety of objects. e.g. cartons, milk boxes, bottle caps, newspaper or glazed paper and cardboard.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Students will be given awareness through interactive activities about the following:
describing home and school environment.
Communication, Language & Literacy
Creative Development (Art)
Mathematical Development
Personal, Social, Health & Emotional Education
identifying objects present in school and at home.
contributing to the creation of classroom rules.
discussing e-safety rules.
similarities and differences in technology that is used in their home and at school..
names of their family members and their roles.
Physical Development Students will develop the skills of controlling
movements, speed, sense of distance and direction through
balancing and moving parts of body
having certain races and walking over a straight line.