Agenda PNSY- October 2019

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Message of the month Dear Parents, By this time students are well settled in the school environment ,therefore we believe that they are ready to start their curriculum activities. Our first theme of the curriculum was “My School”. It was the most interesting topic for the young ones. At this age children are enthusiastic to work independently, to explore their surroundings and to do their work in their own way. This is a very useful way to know child’s likes, dislikes and trends towards different areas of learning through interactive games. Moreover ,another fascinating and interesting theme of “Birthdays” will be presented to the children in this month and new readers “Teds Party Bus “ and “Happy Birthday Goose” will also be introduced in relation to the theme. They will get awareness about living and non-living things. They will also explore how they developed and changed from a baby to a toddler by the passage of time. In relevance to this theme while participating in a variety of activities they will learn about the birthday celebrations.

Johar Town Junior

PRE-NURSERY Attribute of the Month

Events of the Month 

Teacher’s Day

Global Hand Washing Day

Being Empathetic

These themes offer the opportunities for children to develop a vast range of skills and attributes towards curricular and co-curricular activities, which help to build them their behavior, communication as well as social skills.

693-693 F Block Johar Town Main Boulevard , Lahore.

Theme of the month : Birthdays Regards, Headmistress



Personal, Social, Health & Emotional Education Students will be given awareness about the following through circle time activities, 

recitation of Tauz, Tasmia and first Kalima with the English translation.

names of five prayers.

Ethics:discusison about taking care of ourselves and others. 

Expressing their feelings on their birthdays.

Sharing their views about how do they like to arrange their birthday party.

Identifying and naming different birthday objects.

Sharing their birth dates and months with their peers.

Identifying the codes of behavior by using the courtesy words.i.e.May I,Thankyou.

Communication, Language & Literacy 

recognition of the letters ‘t’,’i’,’p’,’n’ and their sounds.

linking sounds t,i,p and n with their relevant vocabulary.

hearing and relating a phoneme (in the initial,middle and ending position of a word /s-a-t/,/t-a-p/,/p-a-n/)

raising and answering simple questions from stories.

using language and vocabulary associated with naming and describing objects.

holding a pencil/crayon using an efficient grip.






movement and retrace shapes and letter

Mathematical Development

Creative Development (Art)

Students will be introduced to the following:  Numerals 3 and 4.  Counting and sorting the objects in sets of 1,2,3 and 4  Identifying 2D shapes i.e. square,triangle  Analyzing and comparing the objects according to their quantity i.e. more or less.  Comparing the sizes e.g. tall and short. 

Students will explore and gain competency in using a variety of techniques:

beginning to use clockwise and anticlockwise

Designing their own birthday cards by using the technique of cutting,pasting,collages or different printing tools .

Making colourful Buntings of different patterns using pasting and collage technique.

Decorating birthday caps by using pasting circles and stars on them.

Making a 2D Clown for the birthday party by joining different shapes.

movement and retrace numbers.

Knowledge & Understanding of the World Students will be given awareness through interactive activities about the following: 

Discussing about their growth from a baby to a toddler.

Gathering and recording birthday data to share with others.

Discussing and suggesting different ideas about the birthday party.

Identifying and naming the objects for the birthday party celebration.

Sharing their ideas about planning and holding a birthday party.

Physical Development Students will develop the skills of control over movements, speed, sense of distance and direction through a variety of races and 

Making different shapes by bending, twisting and stretching their bodies.

Balancing and moving different body parts..

Travelling around the space and exploring the range of body movements.

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