Agenda- Nursery December 2019

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Message of the month

Events of the Month The Annual Sports Day

Dear Parents, We believe, by fostering knowledge about the environment right from the young age, helps the children to broaden their knowledge and understanding. Our curriculum is designed in such a manner through which the students get enormous opportunities to build their imagination and satisfy their curiosity about the world. . The environment we belong to is something we are very familiar with. It's everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth— “air” we breathe, “water” that covers most of the Earth's surface, “plants” and “animals” around us, and much more. In recent years, scientists have been carefully examining the ways in which people affect the environment. They have found that we are causing air pollution, deforestation, acid rain, and other problems that are dangerous both to the Earth and to ourselves. These days, when you hear people talk about “the environment”, they are often referring to the overall condition of our planet, or how vulnerable it is. One of the possible solutions to the increasing deterioration of the environment is reducing the usage of the resources, and recycling them for the purpose of reusing them. Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world we live in. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. We are responsible for preserving and protecting our resources for ourselves and for future generations.

Recycling activities Exhibition Student led conference over the agenda “Scarcity of Resources and its Solutions.”

Physical Development Students will develop the following skills : bending, twisting and stretching

balancing different body parts.

completing a very simple combination of movement .

Personal, Social & health Education

Attribute of the month: “Digitally Intelligent”

Students will be given an awareness about the following:

Nursery December, 2019 395 & 396 F Block Johar Town Main Boulevard , Lahore. Phone no: 042-35171261


an healthy and unhealthy environment

Different types of pollution, air, water ,noise and land pollution.

 

pollution preventions howreducing, reusing, and recycling can help us.


Mathematical Development

Surah-e-Kausar Translaion in English: “Indeed, We have granted you ( O Muhammmad (P.B.U.H) AlKausar. So pray to your lord and sacrifice. Indeed your enemy is the one cut off (from the root).” Translation in Urdu: ‫کشیبمہےنآوکپ[رہریخوتلیضفںیم]ےبااہتنرثکتیشخبےہ۔سپآپاےنپربےک ےیلامنز ڑپاھرکںیاوررقابیندای‬

Students will be introduced to the following::  sequencing numbers 0-30.  draw and count 1 or 2 more to make sets .  Extend and duplicate simple pattern..  Add up to five using concrete and fingers.


Ethics     

be honest . take turns and share. treat others with respect . have tolerance. Know the power & importance of “giving”.


Creative Development (Art) Students will explore and gain competency in using a variety of techniques e.g.::  Chinese style painting  cutting and pasting different Leaf drawing. 


recycling of different materials to construct 3 dimensional structures using newspaper, plastic bottles, CD and other recyclable things.

Through the story“ Hide me, Kipper”, students will identify main events and characters of the story. Students will be given awareness through interactive activities about the following: retelling

the story using appropriate story language.


predictions about the characters, setting and events in a story while discussing the cover page.

Knowledge & Understanding of the world Students will be given awareness through inter-


a simple rhyming string by using the word Can from the stories. i.e. man, fan, tan, van.

active activities about the following: Exploring ,describing and investigating what seeds are and how do they transform into plants. 

identifying and categorizing different types pf plants e.g. herbs, shrubs, vines, trees etc.

effects of environmental pollution..

recycling of different materials to construct 3 dimensional structures using newspaper, plastic bottles, CD and other recyclable things.

‫اعترفاوردرتس‬،‫غاورانیکآدیھ ااکشلیکاچہپن‬،‫ع‬،‫رحوفخ‬ ‫انبوٹےساھکلئ‬

Communication, Language & Literacy


and segmenting sounds in the following words i.e. can, lot, has, mum, dad


high frequency words i.e. mum dad go

at raising

and answering simple questions from the story “The Toys Party”

retelling the story “The Toys Party” .using relevant vocabulary .i.e. basket, cornflakes, nobody, party,, sauce, sorry, sugar, wanted


the following letters using the correct formation Dd, Gg, Oo, Uu, Ll.

decoding and blending of three letter words dot, den, gun, gum, oat, off, lip, lot.

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