Agenda- PNSY APRIL 2020

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Message of the month Dear Parents, As you all aware that we are living through unprecedented times. To minimize disruption caused by this pandemic, Beaconhouse has set up an online learning platform Beaconhouse Schooling Uninterrupted (BSU) powered by Google Classroom. This platform provides unique opportunity for the students and parents to work together with the teachers to ensure the continuity of education through meaningful academic engagement. Tge afenda whll gelp you to be aware of your cghld’s learnhnf experience and provide you an idea to further enhance their learning at home . This month students were introduced to a new theme that was “Food”. Tgey were hnvolved hn a varhety of acthvhthes tgroufg wghcg they got to know about the sources of food, importance of eating healthy food and making healthy food choices. etc. Students were hntroduced to a new story book .h.e. “Olhver's Vefetables” ,hn wghcg they got to know about the characters and the sequence of the events. They learned about different fruits, vegetables ,dairy products and their names. Through the story the students got an opportunity to develop on their communication skills. Ask your child friendly questions related to the story. e.g.What was the most interesting and informative thing that you learned today?

Beaconhouse School System Johar Town Junior Branch




Attribute of the Month “Behnf Resolute & Globally Competent”

Aprhl’2020 Theme of the month

“FOOD” Regards,

693-693 F Block Johar Town Main Boulevard , Lahore.


Mathematical Development

Creative Development (Art)

Students were given awareness about the following: *reinforcement of numerals 1-10 *sequencing numbers 1-10 *concept of more or less, heavy and light, on and under,infront and behind. *counting how many objects in a set. *concept of addition.

Students explored and gained competency in using variety of techniques through following activities i.e.  leaf printing.  thread painting.  paper weaving.  my healthy food plate.

Personal, Social, Health & Emotional Education Students were given awareness about the following: 

safety measures to be taken to save oneself from Corona Virus (COVID-19).

discussion about the importance of e-learning.

recitation of Tauz,Tasmiya and first Kalima with their Urdu and English translations.

recitation of Surah e Kausar with its Urdu and English translation. name of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Holy Book of Muslims. name of the month in which we fast. name of five pillars of Islam. dua before sleeping. name of five prayers and days of the week. dua for drinking milk.

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Communication, Language & Literacy

*recognizing the sounds w,v,x,q

and y.. *hearing and relating the phonemes (at the initial position of words). raising and answering simple questions from story “Olhver’s Vefetable”. *using of language and vocabulary related with naming and associating objects. *holding a writing tool using an efficient grip. *beginning to use clockwise /anticlockwise movement and retrace shapes., lines and letter sounds. reading of three letter words: cat,mat,rat,hat.

Physical Development

Knowledge & Understanding of the World Students were given awareness through interactive activities about the following: 

importance of eating healthy food.

making healthy food choices.

awareness by showing/depicting the essential food items that boost our immune system.

sources of food (through farm animals and plants)

importance of taking care of our teeth.

Students developed the skills of control over movements, speed, sense of distance and direction through: *targeting, aiming and throwing the ball. *twisting, bending, rolling and stretching while doing exercises. *performing different moves of Yoga and Karate punches.

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