This chapter provides the detailed instructions on how you will accomplish CAF Form 1Listing Booklet. This is the form that you will use to record the household population and list all the buildings with occupied housing units, including housing units that are vacant or used as vacation/rest house in the barangay/enumeration area. Further, this form will also be used to determinehouseholdmemberswhowasengagedinand/or operatedacrop, livestock/poultryand insect/worm, aquaculture, and/or fishing activity.
See Appendix 1 for a copy of this questionnaire.
CAF Form 1 is an eight-page booklet type questionnaire which contains the following parts:

Title Panel
Geographic Identification
Certification Portion
Section A - Household Identification and Characteristics
Section B - Household Engaged in Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Fishing Activities
Column Totals
General Remarks
Data Collection MethodUsed
The listing records of CAF Form 1 have atotal of 14 rows.
ThispanelisfoundattheupperpartofthefrontpageofCAFForm1.Itcontains theparticulars about the questionnaire including the following:
PSA Logo, Name of the Country/Agency, ISO Certification Logo of TüV Rheinland
Form Type, PSA Approval Number, and Expiration Date
Legal Provisions
Name and Logo of the Census, Form Title
Letter from the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General
NOTE: The listing booklets providedto you will be accountedfor until the end of the enumeration. Hence, do not lose the booklet of CAF Form 1 since all accomplished and unused questionnaires will be returned to the Philippine StatisticsAuthority(PSA)throughyourTeamSupervisor(TS)attheendofthe enumeration period.

This is the portion where you will record the geographic names and codes of your area of assignment and indicatethe number of booklets used for a barangay/EA.

The Geo-ID Panel contains the following:
Booklet Number
This is toproperly account all booklets used inthe barangay/EA. It indicates the order of the booklet being accomplished out of the total number of listing booklets used in the barangay/EA.
Name and Code of Province/Highly Urbanized City (HUC), City/Municipality, and Barangay
This panel includes the geographic identification of your assigned area. It consists of thegeographicnamesandcodesoftheprovince/HUC,city/municipality,andbarangay based on the Philippine StandardGeographic Codes (PSGC).
Take noteof thefollowing special cases.
1. There are barangays that have numbers as their name (for instance, Barangay 384).Donotusethesenumbersasthebarangaycode.Usethecodeprovidedto you by your TS.
2. There are cities/municipalities that have the same name as their province. ExamplesareBatangasCity andBatangasProvince,municipalityofSiquijorand Siquijor province, municipality of Bulacan and Bulacan province, and others. In these cases, write the name of both the province and city/municipality in their respective lines. Refer toIllustration 5.3.
Illustration 5.3. FilledOutGeographicIdentificationPortion(Page1A)
3. Currently, there are 33 HUCs in the Philippines, 16 of which are in the National Capital Region, while 17 are outside NCR. For purposes of the 2022 CAF, write the name of the HUC in both spaces dedicated to Province/HUC and City/Municipality. Refer to the example shown in Illustration 5.4.

Illustration 5.4. FilledOutGeographicIdentificationPortion(Page1A)
4. There are provinces that have almost similar names. Examples are those which originated from provinces that have been subdivided, such as Agusan, Camarines, Cotabato, Davao, Ilocos, Lanao, Leyte, Misamis, Mindoro, Negros, Samar,Surigao,andZamboanga.Inthesecases,writethecompletenameofthe province. The table below shows the list of provinces with almost similar names:
Incomplete Name
Complete Name of the Province
Agusan AgusandelNorte AgusandelSur
Camarines CamarinesNorte CamarinesSur
Ilocos IlocosNorte
Leyte Leyte
Enumeration Area Number
This indicates the enumeration area number of your assigned area.
Securefrom your TStheGeo-ID of the area assigned toyou.Writethecomplete nameof the province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangay on the line provided and enter their corresponding codes in the boxes. Also write the EA number in the corresponding boxes provided.
REMEMBER to fill out the Geo-ID portion of the paper questionnaires (CAF Forms 1 to 5) as well as your EN code before going out to the field for listing and enumeration.
This portion attests to the completeness and accuracy of the questionnaires that you have accomplished. The CAPI System will automatically record your name and EN code. Hence, thiswillbefilledoutinpaper questionnairesonly.Fillout thisportiononlyafter youhavelisted thelastbuilding,housingunit,orhouseholdinthebooklet.RefertoChapter3(CensusForms, Materials, and Enumeration Procedures) for the instructions on how to fillout this portion.

NOTE: During weekly meeting, your TS will review the accomplished CAF Form 1vis-à-vis completed CAF questionnaires prior to Certification.

This section gathers information on the basic characteristics of a household such as name andaddressofhouseholdhead,numberofhouseholdmembers,nameofoperatorsbyactivity and their assigned Operator Serial Numbers (OSN).
Using EA/block maps inevery samplebarangaywith geotaggedbuildings, all households will be identified from all the housing units and buildings to be listed according to the operational definitionsdescribedbelow. SampleaccomplishedSectionAinpaperquestionnaireisshown in Illustration 5.8.
Column 1 Line Number
All items are formatted in tabular form in which each row (line number) represents one building/housing unit, whether vacant or occupied, and the household that occupies a housing unit. A booklet of CAF Form 1 contains 14 rows with preprinted line numbers that corresponds to each household or vacant housing unit.
When using additional booklets, make sure to re-number the preprinted line number in Column 1 following the last line number in the previous booklet.
NOTE: Erasing entries may be allowed if the household to be delisted is the last one enumerated. Otherwise, if the household to be delisted is already in between other households or if all the households have already been completely enumerated, then lining out the entries in that particular row/line number shouldbe done.
Column 2 Date of Visit, Callback Indicator, and Date of Appointment
Write the month and date when you started the listing and enumeration in the building, housing unit, or household. Remember to use the date format: MM/DD wherein “MM” indicatesthemonthand“DD”indicatesforthedatethebuilding,housingunit,orhousehold was listed and enumerated. Thus, if you visited the household on September 18, write “09/18”.
If the interview with the household and/or enumeration of the operator has yet to be completed, indicatethatthe household is for callback and determinethe appointment date agreed upon for the next visit to the household. Write “X” inside the circle if CALLBACK, and the DATE OF CALLBACK beside the circle.
To mark the end of the listing/enumeration in the barangay/EA, write “00” in Column 2, immediately after the last line number that was filled out.

Column 3 Building Serial Number (BSN)
ThecolumnforBSNhastworows.Ingeneral,theBSNwillbewrittenonthefirstrow.Copy the BSN from the map to Column 3 of CAF Form 1. Ensure that the BSN in the map corresponds to the building structure being listed.
Thetworowswillonlybeusedinlistingaclusteroftwo(2)ormorebuildingswithsequential BSNs which may occur in the following cases:
Buildings in a newly constructed subdivision, which has no occupants yet.
Newly constructed townhouse and condominium which has no occupants yet.
If two or more households to be interviewed reside in one building, the same BSN should be used for all the households residing in that same building. However, if the building has not yet beengeotaggedinthemap,assigna3000-seriesBSNtothesaidbuilding, starting from “3001”, “3002” and so on. This newly assigned 3000-series BSN should be unique and sequential within the EA. Indicatethis newly-assigned BSN in themap.
A BSN is a four-digit number assigned to each building.
A BUILDING is defined as any structure built, designed or intended for the enclosure, shelter or protection of any person, animal or property. It consists of one or more rooms and/or other spaces, covered by a roof, and usually enclosed within external walls or with common dividing walls with adjacent buildings, which usually extend from the foundation to the roof.
BuildingsweregeotaggedwithassignmentofBSNfollowingtheformat“0001”,“0002”,and so on, for the sequential numbering of the buildings per barangay/EA. The BSN assigned toeachgeotaggedbuildingisindicatedonthemapthatwillbeprovidedtoyou.Recordthe BSN of each building that qualifies for listing from the barangay/EA/block map as follows:
Buildings to be Listed
Each building within the sample barangay/EA will be visited, but not all buildings will be included in the listing. For purposes of the 2022 CAF, only those buildings that contain living quarters, whether occupied or vacant, are to be listed
LIVING QUARTERS are structurally separate and independent places of abode or residence. Considered as living quarters are the following:
1. Those which have been constructed, built, converted, or arranged for human habitation,providedthattheyarenotatthetimeofthecensususedwhollyforother purposes; or
2. Those which have been constructed for purposes other than human habitation but actually being used as living quarters at the time of the census.
More specifically, the buildings to be listed arethe following:
1. Residential building that is presently occupied by a household;
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING is a building, which, by the way it has been designed or constructed, is intended for abode such as a single house, duplex house, apartment, condominium or other multi-unit residential building.
2. Vacantresidentialbuilding,exceptthatwhichisopentoelements,thatis,theroofs, walls, windows, and/ordoorsno longer protectthe interior of thebuildingfrom wind and rain as a result of fire, deterioration or vandalism;
3. Vacant deterioratedresidential building, whichshows somesignsthat deterioration is being prevented to some extent, such as when the windows and/or doors are covered with wood, metal or other materials to keep them from being destroyed or toprevententryintothebuilding,orwhensecondarypostsareaddedtopreventthe building from collapsing;
4. New residential building, which is still not occupied or still under construction, if at the time of the visit, the roofs and walls are already in place;
5. Residential building, which is presently not occupied by a household but used for purposesotherthanresidential,providedthatitstillhasoneormorevacanthousing units (VHU);
Example:Anapartmentbuildingwiththreeunits,twoofwhichareusedasbusiness offices, and the other one is vacant.
6. Nonresidential building presently occupied by a household; NONRESIDENTIALBUILDING is abuilding that has beendesigned orconstructed for purposes other than residential. This includes commercial, industrial, and agricultural buildings suchas an office, ricemill, and barn; and othernon-residential buildings such as a church, school, and others.
7. Nonresidential building, which has one or more VHUs with complete facilities for cooking, dining, and sleeping, with or without inner partitions; and
8. Other structures not intended for human habitation but are presently occupied by a household,suchasacart(kariton),abandonedrailroadcar,dilapidatedbus,culvert, trailer, barge, boat, cemetery, and others.
NOTE: A residential building with ALL units utilized for commercial purposesshouldnolongerbelistedinCAFForm1.However,ifthereis/are household/s residing in it or if there is/are still remaining vacant housing unit/s init, then that residential building should be listed.
The column for HUSN has two rows. In general, the HUSN will be written on the first row. Assign a HUSN “0001” to the first housing unit, “0002” to the second, and so on, up to the last housing unit in the barangay/EA. The two rows will be used in listing two or more housing units in a building which are all vacant. Write the beginning HUSN on the first row and the ending HUSN on the second row.
If two or more households to be interviewed reside in one housing unit, assign the same HUSN for all the households residing in that same housing unit. Meanwhile, if a housing unit appears to be vacant because nobody responds to your call, ascertain from the neighbors whether or not it is indeed vacant.

On the other hand, use “5555” for the BSN and HUSN of households found in temporary evacuation centers or relocation areas and assign a unique HSN to each household, followingthelastHSNoftheirregularhouseholdlistedinthebarangay/EA.Useaseparate booklet of CAF Form 1 to list all the households in the area/center. If the assigned EA has two or more temporary evacuation centers or relocation areas, use a separate booklet of CAF Form 1 for each of them. If the household were found in different areas, such as householdsofarelativeoralreadyrentingaplace,theywillbeenumeratedwheretheyare found, especially if they can no longer return to their previous residence. REMEMBER to writeintheremarksportionthedurationorlengthofstayofthehouseholdinthetemporary evacuation center or relocation area, if any.
The HUSN is a four-digit number assigned consecutively to each occupied and vacant housing unit.
AHOUSINGUNIT is a structurally separate and independent place of abode which, by the way it has been constructed, converted or arranged, is intended for habitation by one or more households.
The HUSN indicates the order of listing of the housing units in the barangay/EA. Record the HUSN that qualifies for listing as follows:
How toIdentify Housing Units in a Building
Normally, a housing unit is intended for habitation by one household. However, in some cases, two or more households may share the same building or the same housing unit as their place of habitation. The building may have more than one housing unit but from its physical layout, the different housing units may not be discernible.
These are the guidelines on how to identify and count the housing units in a building. A portion of a building (a room or a group of rooms) qualifies as a separate housing unit if it meets boththe following requirements:
1. Separateness–theportionofabuildingmusthavefacilitiesforsleeping,preparing and taking meals, and its occupants must be isolated from the other households in the building by means of walls or permanent partitions; and
2. Directaccess–theportionofthebuildingcanbeaccesseddirectlyfromtheoutside of the building, that is, the occupants can come in to the portion of the building without passing through anybody else’s premises from the street, pathway, alley, road, yard, catwalk, public or communal staircase, passage, gallery, grounds or through a common hall.
If the portion of the building is vacant, the aforementioned guidelines will apply to the intended occupants. Illustration 5.4 shows two examples of the direct access criterion.
Discussions and illustrations of housing units are given for a better understanding of the guidelines in identifying housing units in a building.

1. A single house has been modified, the structure of which is shown in the foregoing illustration:

The modified structure has four rooms, a common hallway, a common toilet and bath, and one main entrance from the outside. The individual rooms can be accessed from a common hallway. The occupants take their meals and sleep in their respective rooms. This building has four housing units.

2. A house has two rooms

The occupants of the rooms share all the other areas in the house, including the kitchen and dining area. Since the occupants of the room have no private area for dining and have to pass through the common premises to reach their own room, this structure actually contains only a single housing unit.
3. A house has two storeys
The first floor of the house is subdivided into two (2) units, each having a separate entrance from the outside. The access to the second floor is the stairs in the living room of oneof theunitson thefirstfloor. Thishouse hastwo(2) housingunits: one is the unit on the ground floor covering only the shaded area, which has a living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, and toilet and bath; and the other one is the unit covering the rest of the ground floor and the entire second floor. In this case, the second floor cannot be considered as a separate housing unit even though it

has its own facilities for sleeping and preparing/taking meals because its access is only through the premises of the ground floor.
Illustration 5.9. SingleHousewithTwoStoreys
HousingUnit 2 HousingUnit 1
HousingUnit 2

Structures that are not intended for habitation, such as commercial, industrial, and agricultural buildings, or natural andman-made shelters such as a boat, abandoned truck, culvert, and others, but which are used as living quarters by households are also considered as housing units. In the same manner, parts of structures of residential and non-residential buildings such as a garage, stock room, and others should be considered as housing units if they are used as living quarters by households.
Housing Units to be Listed
The housing units to be listed in each samplebarangay/EA are the following:
1. Occupied housing unit and VHU in a singleresidential building.
2. OccupiedhousingunitandVHUinamulti-unitresidentialbuildingsuchasaduplex, rowhouse/townhouse, condominium, tenement house, and others.
3. Occupied barong-barong or shanty.
4. VHU in a residential building with one or more housing units presently used for purposes other than residential.
5. Housing unit that is still under construction, but the roof and walls are already in place.
6. Housing unit in Institutional Living Quarters (ILQs) occupied by a household such as a hotel, motel, dormitory, lodging house, seminary, mental hospital, prison, and othersregardless ofthenumber of residents as long as it isin operation at thetime of the census.
INSTITUTIONAL LIVING QUARTERS are the place of abode of an institutional population.
7. Housing unit in a non-residential building occupied by a household such as an office, rice mill, barn, church, school, and others.
8. VHU with complete facilities for cooking, dining, and sleeping in an ILQ and non-residential building.
9. Occupied mobile housing unit such as a boat, trailer, cart (kariton), and others.
10.Occupiedimprovisedhousingunitinastructuresuchasaculvert,abandonedtruck, container van, tent, railroad car, and others.
NOTE: A housing unit used only during certain times of the year, vacation, or weekends is considered vacation/rest house (VRH) even though at the timeof yourvisit,somebodyisoccupyingit.Thishousingunitistobelisted but the persons occupying it at the time of visit should be enumerated in their usualplace of residence.
The following are to beEXCLUDED from the listing of housing units:

1. Housing unit that is still under construction with walls and roof not yet in place.
2. VHUthatisopentoelements,thatis,theroofandwallsnolongerprovideprotection from the wind andrain and thereareno signsthat deterioration is being prevented.
3. VHU that is being demolished.
4. Structures used as improvised housing units such as boat, trailer, culvert, abandonedtruck,containervan,tent,railroadcar,andothers,whichhadbeenused asanimprovisedhousingunitorplaceofabodeinthepastbutisvacantatthetime of visit.
5. All housing units in residential buildings used entirely for purposes other than residential.
NOTE: For housing projects occupied by informal settlers or urban poor group organizations, prior coordination should be made with the barangay and other local government unit (LGU) officials. If the housing units were already awarded to the settlers, then they can already be counted as residents of the barangay. Otherwise, if it is only a temporary relocation area,itsresidentsshouldbecountedinthebarangayswheretheyoriginally camefrom.
Column 5 Household Serial Number (HSN)
Assign a HSN “0001” to the first household, “0002” to the second household, and so on, untilyouhavelistedallthehouseholdsinthebarangay/EA.BelowarethespecialHSNwith case description that will be used for the 2022 CAF:
Table 5.1. Special Household Serial Number for 2022 CAF
Special HSN Case Description
A household occupying a housing unit, which is not its usual place of residence (NUR). For instance, (i) students and workers who go home to their families somewhere else at least once a week or (ii) economically dependent children residing in another housing unit.
Household of a foreign ambassador, minister, consul, or other diplomatic representatives, who are excluded from the enumeration.
A household temporarily occupying a housing unit that is used only as a vacation/rest house (VRH). In this case, the household has a usual place of residence somewhere else.
9999 TheHSNisassignedtoavacantbuilding(VBLDG)orvacant housing unit (VHU).
The HSN is a unique four-digit number assigned consecutively to each household.
A HOUSEHOLD is a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.
The number of HSNs indicates the order of listing of the households in the barangay/EA. The households to be listed in each sample barangay/EA arethe following:
Households to be Listed
In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related by kinship ties, such as parents and their children. In some instances, several generations of familial ties are representedinonehouseholdwhile,stillinothers,evenmoredistantrelativesareincluded as members of the household.
Some household members may have no relationship to the head of the household, for example, boarders, and household helpers. They are considered as members of the household provided that they sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangementforthepreparationandconsumptionoffoodwiththehouseholdandthatthey do not go hometotheir family at least once a week.
A group of unrelated individuals, as in the case of a group of students or workers who decide to rent a place and make common arrangements for the preparation and consumption of theirfood, constitutes one household.
Usually,ahouseholdisanentiregroupofpersonswhocustomarilyliveinthesamehousing unit. However, there are cases when two or more distinct family groups or groups of unrelated persons maintain separate food arrangements even though they share one housing unit. Each of these twoor more distinct groups constitutes a household. A person who shares a housing unit with a household but separately cooks his/her meals or consumes his/her food elsewhere is not considered a member of that household. This person shouldbe listed as a separate (one member) household.
As a rule, if two (2) groups of individuals prepare and consume their meals together but sleep in separate housing units, then the two (2) groups constitute two (2) different households. An exception is that of sons/daughters who are still economically dependent on their parents but live ina separate but adjacent housing unitsfor convenience; theyare consideredmembersoftheir parent’s household.Incasetheirparentsliveinbuildingsthat are not adjacent, the housing unit where the children reside will be considered NUR. However, if the sons/daughters are economically independent from their parents, they should be listed as a separatehousehold.
ECONOMICALLY DEPENDENT CHILDREN are those who still derive/need financial support from their parents or other benefactors and whose decision-making rests on their parents/benefactors.
NOTE: A household is different from a family. Members of a household include family members, household helpers, boarders, and other nonrelatives (who are not considered family members) for as long as they share the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

On the other hand, a family is defined as a group of persons usually living together and composed of the head and other persons related to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption. Members of a family exclude household helpers,boarders, andothers whoare nonrelatives ofthehouseholdhead. Familymemberswhoareoverseasworkersthatareawayatthetimeofthe census but expected to return within five (5) years from the date of last departure are to be included as members of a household. Otherwise, they should not be listed nor counted as part of the household.
Column 6 Who is the head of this household?
What is the address of this household?
Record the last name and first name of the household head, including the nickname if possible on the first row of this column. If the HSN assigned is a special HSN, specify the following notations in the first row of Column 6 or the space devoted for the name of the household head:
Column 5
Column 6
7777 Write NUR, and the name of the household head of the non-usual residents
Column 5
Column 6
8888 Write the name of the foreign ambassador, minister, consul or other diplomatic representative
8889 Write VRH for vacation/rest house
9999 Write VBLDG ifthe entire building is vacant, or VHU if a housing unit in a building is vacant

Meanwhile, write the address on the second row of this column. Do not leave the address on this column blank. If there is no building number, record only the street or sitio/purok name(forexample,SITIOLABAKorPUROKDOS)orthecommonnamebywhichthearea is known (for instance, BREAKWATER or BIAK-NA-BATO). If the households in the barangay/EAhaveacommonaddress,enterthedescriptionofapermanentlandmarknear the area (for example, NEAR LOURDES GROTTO or CEMENT PLANT SITE).
Inlistingtheaddressofhouseholdsintemporaryevacuationcentersorrelocationareas(or if BSN and HUSN = 5555), write the address of the conflict, disaster, or calamity affected areas wherethey came from.
The HOUSEHOLD HEAD is an adult person, male or female who is responsible for the organization and care of the household, or who is regarded as such by the members of the household.
Meanwhile, ADDRESS pertains to the residence of the household as well as the operator This item indicates the house number, name of street or sitio or purok. Note that
These items will serve as an identifier of the household other than the geographic identification. These descriptions will be also useful in locating these households during supervision or infuture statistical undertakings.
NOTE: For the purpose of 2022 CAF, do not report OFW household members as household head. Instead, write the name of the represented OFW household head in the remarks portion. This will keep the collected datafor2022CAFcomparablewithothercollecteddatafromcensusesand surveys conducted by the PSA.
In addition, do not record the name of barangay as the address since this is already identified in the geographic identification of the questionnaire.
Write the contact numbers and email addresses of the household on the space provided. If the space is not enough, use the remarks column on the last page of CAF Form 1. However, if the respondent refused to give any contact information, draw a line ( ) on the space provided.
Notethatobtainingthecontactinformationofthehouseholdisoptional,meaning,itisalright if they refused to give it. Still, obtain and record as many contact information as possible.
These pieces of information are useful in contacting the household for clarifications and in checking the quality of data collected during supervision.

Column 8 As of September 01, 2023, how many male and female members usually reside in this household?
Write the corresponding number of males and females on the space provided in Columns 8a and 8b, respectively.
The basic criterion in listing household members is by determining their usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides.
Remember to probe further into the reason for the absence of members in the household andfollowtherulesontheinclusion/exclusionofhouseholdmembers.Ifyouarenotcertain that the person willbe enumerated somewhereelse, then it isbetter to include thatperson in the household and put necessary remarks/explanations in the questionnaires. IF IN DOUBT, INCLUDE.
HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS are determined using the basic criterion for household membership, that is, the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides. Thismaybethesameordifferentfromtheplacewherehe/sheisfoundatthetime of the census. As a rule, it is the place where he/she usually sleeps.
The following individuals are to be included as members of a household:
1. Thosewhoarepresentatthetimeofvisitandwhoseusualplaceofresidenceisthe housing unit wherethe household lives.
2. Familymemberswho areoverseas workersthat are away at thetime of the census but expected to return within fiveyears from the date of last departure.
A household member who is an OVERSEAS WORKER is one who is currently out of the country due to an overseas employment. He/She may or may not have a specific work contract or may be presently at home on vacation but has an existing overseas employment to return to. Undocumented overseas workers are still considered as members of the household for as long as they have been away for not more than five years. Immigrants, however, are excluded from the census.
NOTE: Still INCLUDE the overseas workers that were expected but not able to return within five years from the date of last departure due to strict guidelines on entry and exit in countries with high record of COVID-19 cases. Remember to probe such cases properly.
If the building or housing unit is vacant, vacation/rest house, occupied by a household having a usual residence elsewhere (NUR), or occupiedbyahouseholdof aforeignambassador,minister,consul,or other diplomatic representative, put dash (-) in columns 8a and 8b.
3. Those whose usual place of residence is the place where the household lives but aretemporarily away at the time of the census for any of the following reasons:
a. onvacation,business/pleasuretrip,ortrainingsomewhereinthePhilippines and are expected to be back within six months from the date of departure. An exampleisapersonon training withtheArmed Forces ofthePhilippines for not more than six months;
b. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or study/training abroad and are expected to be back within a year from the date of departure;
c. workingorattendingschooloutsidetheirusualplaceofresidencebutusually come home at least once a week;
d. confinedinahospitalforaperiodofnotmorethansixmonthsasofthetime of enumeration, except when they are confined as patients in a mental hospital, leprosarium/leper colony, or drug rehabilitation center, regardless of the duration of their confinement;
e. detained in a provincial/city/municipal jail or in military camp for a period of not more than six (6) months as of the time of enumeration, except when their sentenceor detention is expected to exceed six months;
f. on board a coastal, interisland, or fishing vessel within Philippine territories; and
g. onboardanoceangoingvesselbutareexpectedtobebackwithinfiveyears from the date of departure.
4. Boarders/lodgersofthehouseholdoremployeesofahousehold-operatedbusiness who do not usually return/go to their respective homes weekly.
5. Citizens of a foreign country who have resided or are expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival, except members of a diplomatic mission and non-Filipino members of an international organization.
6. Filipino balikbayans with usual place of residence in a foreign country but have resided or are expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival.
7. Persons temporarily staying with the household who have no usual place of residence or who are not certain tobe enumerated elsewhere.

This section pertains to the information on the presence of household members engaged in and/or operated crop farming, livestock/poultry raising and/or culturing of insects/worms, aquaculture,andfishingactivities.Thissectionalsoaimstogatherinformationonhouseholds without any agricultural activity as of the reference period but has an agricultural land.
Take note that the reference period of the questions in Columns 9 to 36 is from January 01 to December 31, 2022
This contains the following subsections:
Crop Farming
Livestock/Poultry Raising and Culturing of Insects/Worms
Aquaculture Farming
Columns 9 to 18 - Crop Farming
This subsection is to be filled out for household members engaged in growing of crops, in moderncropfarmingmethods,contractgrowingorrentingtrees,growingofornamentalplants andflowergardening(includingorchids)forsale,operationofnurseries(includingornamental plants and trees for transplanting), and/or cultivating lands with herbaceous forage crops for mowing or pasture.
Column 9 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household engage in any of the following crop farming activities:
growing of crops such as palay, corn, vegetables (e.g., beans, peas, mushrooms),nuts,sugarcane,tobacco,cotton,rubber,narra,falcata,banana, mango, cacao, coffee, medicinal plants, herbs, and other temporary and permanent cropswhetherinthefarm,within homelot, rooftop,garage,orother land structure,

modern crop farming methods such as the use of hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical farms, nurseries, greenhouses, etc.,
contract growing or renting of trees,
growing of ornamental plants and flower gardening for sale, and/or
cultivating lands with herbaceous forage crops for mowing or pasture?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
GROWING OF CROPS is an activity that involves preparing the soil to actual planting of the crops and cultivating these crops until harvest time for food and other agricultural purposes.This activity may include soil aeration, watering, irrigating, pest control, fertilizer application, and other practices to improve production.
Cropsthataregrownincludeawiderangeofplantssuchascereals,rootcrops,vegetables, and fruit trees that are suitable for human consumption or as feed for livestock/poultry. Crops not grown as foodinclude herbal/medicinal plants for sale; grasses and feedstocks; industrial crops such ascotton and rubber tree.
Column 9 serves as a filtering question to guide the enumerators in identifying which households have at least one member engaged in crop farming.
If therespondentdoes not understandthequestion, usethefollowing probing questionsto determine the involvement of a household member in any agricultural activity:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022…
1. is there any member of this household who was a palay farmer, corn farmer, vegetablefarmer,mushroomgrower,andthelike,oracaretakerofafarmorafarm laborer/helper?
2. is there any member of this household who performed other agricultural activity, such as propagating or growing of ornamental plants and orchids for sale, or worker/laborer in these kinds of agriculturalactivities?
3. is there any member of this household who operated fruit nurseries, vegetable nurseries, ornamental plant/flower nurseries, medicinal and aromatic plant nurseries, etc.?
4. is there any member of this household who was a hired manager of another household’s/individual’scropfarmoragriculturalestablishment,suchasplantation, hacienda, or ranch?
5. isthereanymember ofthishouseholdwhocontractedorrentedfruittrees,suchas mango and lanzones?
6. isthereanymemberofthishouseholdwhopracticedmoderncropfarmingmethods such as the use of hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical farms, etc.?
NOTE: Be observant of the agricultural activities in the backyard of the household, such as vegetable gardening.
Kindly also take note that the following crop activities are EXCLUDED from the scope ofthe census:
× caring of plants solely for recreation, amusement, and hobby not in connection with the activities of thefarm,
× caring of plants, including ornamental plants, for sale when the household member acts only as trader or middleman and does not propagate own stocks for sale which is done only to protect the plants from any damage and keep them in amarketable shape.
If the answer in Column9 is code “1”, go to Column 14. If the answer in Column9 is code “2”, continue toColumn 10.

Column 10 Did you or any member of your household own any agricultural land during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
FALLOW LAND refers to arable land at prolonged rest before re-cultivation. This may be part of the farm’s crop rotation system or because the normal crop cannot be planted because of flood damage, lack of irrigation, lack of finances to support farm operations, pandemic, unavailability of inputs or other reasons.
Column 10 aims to determine the number of households with agricultural lands that were not operational during the reference period. It also aims to capturefallow and idle lands.
If the answer in Column10 is code “1”, continue to Column 11. If the answer in Column10 is code “2”, go to Column 19.
Column 11 How many parcels of agricultural lands did you or any member of your household own?
1 One (1) parcelonly
2 More than one (1) parcel
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
Column 11 aims to determine the number of agricultural land parcels owned by the household that was not used in any agricultural operation during the reference period.
Column12 Did youor any of your householdmember use/utilize at least one agriculturalland/ parcel in any crop farming activities mentioned at least once during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
Column12servesasaprobingquestion.Itaimstoverifywhethertheagriculturalland/parcel was not utilize in any crop farming activities at least once during the reference period.
If theanswer inColumn12 iscode“1”, changeColumn9tocode1thengo to Column 14. Note that there is no need to change or erase the answers on Column 10 to 11.

If the answer in Column12 is code “2”, continue to Column 13.

Column 13
What were the reasons why you or any member of your household did not use/utilize all the agricultural land parcels during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
a. Rented out parcels/trees to other households/non-households
b. Mortgaged parcelsto thebank or other householdtopay for bills andbasic household needs
c. Left idle/abandoned due to lack of resources for crop farming
d. No one will take care of it
e. Hitbytyphoons, volcaniceruptions,landslides,othercalamities,pests,etc.
f. All parcels were left fallowed to regain fertility for years to come
g. Not profitable or low farmgate crop prices
h. Other reasons
Read aloud each of the reasons for not using/utilizing all the agricultural parcels in Column 13. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in Column 13h is code 1, indicate in the line provided other reasons. Other reasons for not using/utilizing all agricultural parcels may include no irrigation available or reduced farm laborers.
Column 13 aims torecord the household’s reasons for leaving the agricultural land parcels at aprolonged rest. This will be useful in validating changes in the total area of farm.

Column 14 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household...
a. operate or make major day-to-day technical and economic (administrative, financial, etc.) decisions in the household’s crop farm
b. work as hired manager in another household’s/individual’s crop farm
c. work as hired manager in other non-household’s (estalishment/organization) crop farm
d. work as laborer/helper in crop farm
Read aloud eachtypeofengagement incropfarmin Column14.Enter code1for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Notethat all categories should have an answer or entry.
An AGRICULTURAL OPERATOR is a person who exercises management control over the agricultural operation of a farm and takes major decisions regarding resource use. He/she has technical and economic responsibility for the farm and may undertake all responsibilities directly, that is, he/she operates the farm or delegates responsibilities related to day-to-day work management to a hired manager. Economic responsibility means major decision in using the finances in operating the farm.
An agricultural operator could be the owner or tenant/lessee of the farm who is solely responsible for making the major decisions of the operation of the agricultural farm, including the management and supervision of hired labor.
Meanwhile, a person hired to supervise the day-to-day activities in the farm owned by another household or by a non-household is NOT CROP FARM OPERATOR for the 2022 CAF. He/she is called a hired manager
Remember the following:
Hired manager is NOT an agricultural operator unless he/she is also operating his/her own agricultural farm.
For 2022 CAF, the hired manager’s household characteristics should not be captured unless he/she is alsooperating his/her own agricultural farm.
A HIRED MANAGER is a person hired to supervise the day-to-day activities in the holding/farm owned by another household or by a non-household. He/she is being paid a salary or wage, sometimes plus a commission.
A FARMLABORER refers to a worker who merely carries out instructions from the person who supervises the agricultural operation. This includes caretakers, overseers, and full-time/seasonal farm laborers whether paid or unpaid. Meanwhile, a FARM HELPER refers to a member of the household who helps in the agricultural operation of their household
Take note that farm laborer/helper is NOT an agricultural operator unless he/she is also operating his/her own agricultural farm.
An agricultural operator can be categorized as crop farm, livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operator. The activities of an agricultural operator can be growing
temporary and/or permanent crops, raising of livestock and/or poultry, raising of breeder dogs and cats, gamefowls, pigeons for sale, and culturing of insects/worms.
For the purpose of 2022CAF, other agricultural activities include:
a. operation of nurseries of seedlings,
b. contract growing of trees,
c. growing of orchids, ornamental plants, and flower gardening for sale,
d. urbanfarmingorgardeningusingpots,usedbottles,andsmallplotsinyard/rooftop,
e. farming or gardening using hydroponics and aquaponics,
f. contract growing of livestock and/or poultry and “paiwi”/paalaga,
g. raising of breeder dogs or cats for sale such as Bulldog, Terrier, Labrador, Chihuahua, German Shepherd and Shih Tzu andPersian Cat, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Bengal Cat, Siamese Cat, Sphynx Cat and Ragdoll
h. raising of ornamental birds for sale such as parrots, canary, cockatiel, cockatoo, conure, budgerigar, dove, and macaw,
i. culturing of bee, silkworm, earthworm, and other insects and worms.
A CROP FARM OPERATOR is solely responsible for making the technical and economic responsibilityofmanagingthecropfarm involvingthetypesofcropstobeplantedinrelation to the type of soil inthe agriculturalfarm, amount of water to be used in irrigating the farm, fertilizertoapply,timeofplantingandotherfarmimplements,andotherconsequencesthat may result from thefarm operation.
1. A farmer who owns the land he/she cultivates and takes the major decision regarding the use of the land, and crops to grow.
2. A farmer who rents the land he/she cultivates and takes the major decision regarding the use of the land, and crops to grow.
3. A farmer who leases the land he/she cultivates and takes the major decision regarding the use of the land, and crops to grow.
4. A farmer who uses the land without rent but with or without consent of the land owner,he/shecultivatesandtakesthemajordecisionregardingtheuseoftheland, and crops togrow.
5. An owner of the land who takes the major decision regarding the use of the land, and crops togrow and manages the supervision and payment of hired laborers.
6. A tree holding contractor who rents trees and is responsible for the care and harvest of the produce.
7. A farmer who supervises the day-to-day operation of nurseries of seedlings.
8. A gardener who propagates orchids, ornamental plants, andflower plantsfor sale.
To discuss further, listed below are the roles of a crop operator and the common misinterpretations of the term “crop operator”. Kindly take note of the following:
Roles in Crop Farming Activity Indicator of an Operator
Manages the farm and cultivates the land (farmer), owns the farm (owner), and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer. Yes
Tenant/lessee/renting, manages the farm and cultivates the land (farmer), and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer. Yes
Tenant/renting, manages the farm and cultivates the land (farmer) but relies on other peoplefor financing and marketing. Yes
Owns the farm (owner) and manages the farm (i.e., decides what crop to plant and when toharvest) but does not actually do the farming. Instead, he/she hires laborers to cultivate the land. He also finances all theneeds and concerns of the farm laborers.
A gardener who propagates orchids, ornamental plants, and flower plants for sale. Yes
A farmer who supervises the day-to-day operation of nurseries of seedlings. Yes
A tree holding contractor who rents trees and is responsible for the care and harvest of the produce. Yes
Hired manager withfixed monthly salary, does not necessarily decide on what crops to plant but he/she decideswhen to harvest or apply fertilizers/insecticides. He/she also handles budgeting, marketing and supervision of hired laborers. No Farm laborer who cultivates the land but follows someone’s instructions on what crop toplant and when to harvest or apply fertilizers/insecticides. No
or overseer of the farm. No
of thefarm. No
Column 14 aims to determine the number of households with at least one crop farm operator. This is also useful in determining, by residence, the number of households with hired managers and/or laborers/helpers in another household’s/individual’s/nonhousehold’s crop farm.
If the respondent does not understand the meaning of a crop operator, use the following probing questions todetermine the presence of acrop operator inthe household:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022…
1. is there any member of this household who was responsible in managing a farm that growspalay,corn, vegetable, root crops, fruittrees, andother crops, except as caretaker or overseer?
2. is thereanymember ofthis household who madedecisions on what cropsto plant, what and when to apply fertilizers and pesticides, and when to harvest?

If the answer in Column14a is code “1”, continue to Columns 15 and 16.
If the answer in Column14b and 14c is code “1”, go to Column 18.
If the answer in Column14d is code “1”, go to Column 19.
Column 15 How many household members were engaged as crop farm operator?
Write the exact number of household members engaged as crop farm operator. Probe to get the accurateresponse.
Column 15 aims to determine the number of household members engaged as crop farm operators,whichishelpfulforpolicyformulation,implementationofprograms,andresearch purposes.
Column 16 Who are the crop farm operators in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the crop farm operators.
Column 16 is necessary especially in producing the statistical frame of crop surveys, however, due to confidentiality, this item will not be published. It will also be useful in locating households during supervision.
Column 17 Crop Farm Operator Serial Number (COSN)
Assignafive-digitCOSNof“10001”tothefirstcropfarm operator that you list, “10002” to the second, and so on, up to the last crop operator you have identified. This should be unique within the EA.

Column 17 aims to distinguish the uniqueness of every cropoperatoridentified.Thecropoperatorserialnumber or the COSN is a five-digit number assigned consecutively for crop operators in the assigned area.
Refer to Chapter 3 (Census Forms, Materials, and Enumeration Procedures) for the detailed discussion on the assignment of operator serial numbers.
NOTE: Every COSN begins with “1” as an indicator thatthe operation is crop farming.
Column 18 Who worked as a hired manager in other’s crop farm operation in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the household member who worked as a hired manager in other’s crop farm operation. List the name and contact details of the employer where the hired manager worked using CAF Form 26 (Household Referral Form) and/or CAF Form 27 (Non-Household Referral Form). Refer to Chapter 10 (How to Administer Other CAF Forms) for further instruction in administering CAF Forms 26 and 27.
Column 18 aims to record the households’ engagement in the crop operation of another household’s/individual’s farm and/or non-household’s farm. This is also useful in verifying if the crop operator is managing another farm other than his/her own farm.

Columns 19 to 24 - Livestock/Poultry Raising and Culturing ofInsects/Worms
This subsection is to be filled out for household members engaged in raising and contract growing of livestock and/or poultry, raising of game fowl, pigeons, ornamental birds, breeder dogs, and/or breeder cats for sale,and/or culturing of bee, silkworm,earthworm,and/or other insects and worms.
Column 19 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household engage in any of the following livestock/poultry raising and/or insect/worm culturing activities:
raisinglivestock and/orpoultry suchascarabao, cattle,pig/swine, goat, horse, sheep, rabbit, chicken, duck, quail, goose, turkey, ostrich, and/or pigeon (including contract growing and paiwi),
raising of gamefowl, breeder dogs, breeder cats, and/or ornamental birds for sale, and/or
culturing of bees, earthworms, silkworms, and/or other insects and worms?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
RAISING OF LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY is the rearing or farming of animals mainly for agricultural purposes. The animals are usually kept or reared in captivity for meat or for harvest of animal products such as eggs, and milk. In general, raising these animals may involve feeding and putting them in a shelter or letting them pasture in an open field depending on the availability of feedstocks or water. Animals raised include those present in the holding, as well as those being grazed in communal grazing land or in transit at the time of the enumeration, such as:
1. Cattle, carabao, horse, pigs, goats, sheep and rabbit for meat/milk/animal skin production and/or breeding

2. Breeder dogs and cats for sale
1. Chicken, duck,quail,turkey,gooseandostrichfor meat/egg production and/or breeding

2. Gamefowl,pigeons,andornamentalbirdsforsale
1. Culturing of honeybees for honey production
2. Culturing of worms for vermicompost
3. Culturing of silkworms for silk production
For the purpose of 2022 CAF, all rabbits and domesticated dogs/cats being raised/tended by the household will be categorized under LIVESTOCK while insects and worms being cultured by the household will be categorized under POULTRY
Column 19 serves as a filtering question to guide the enumerators in identifying which households haveatleastonememberengagedinlivestock/poultryraisingand/orculturing of insects/worms.
If therespondentdoes not understandthequestion, usethefollowing probing questionsto determine the involvement of a household member in any agricultural activity:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022…
1. is there any member of this household who raised or tended a carabao, cattle, swine, goat, chicken, duck, and the like, or a caretaker or a laborer/helper of a livestock/poultry farm?
2. is there any member of this household who performed other agricultural activity or worker/laborer in activities related to culturing of bees, earthworms, silkworms, superworms/mealworms, and other types of insects such as spiders, cockroach, grasshoppers, and butterflies for sale?
3. is there any member of this household who is a hired manager of another household’s/individual’slivestock/poultryfarmoragriculturalestablishmentsuchas plantation, hacienda, or ranch?
4. is there any member of this household who was a contract grower of livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm?
5. is there any member of this household who tended/raised gamefowl, pigeons, doves, ornamental birds, breeder dogs, and breeder cats for sale?
NOTE: Be observant of the agricultural activities in the backyard of the household, such as cages, pig pen, free range chicken or duck.
Kindly also take note that the following livestock/poultry activities are EXCLUDED from the scope of the census:
a. raising of game fowls and other livestock/poultry/insects/worms solely for recreation, amusement, hobby, and/or used for transportation not in connection with the activities of thefarm,
b. temporarily tending of livestock/poultry scheduled for slaughter for less than one month (e.g., trader, auction market, etc.), and
c. caring of livestock/poultry for sale when the trader acts only as middleman and does not propagateown stocks for sale.
Initems(b)and(c),tendingoflivestock/poultryisdoneonlytoprotectthemfrom any damage and keep them in amarketable shape.
If the answer in Column19 is code “1”, continue to Column 20. If the answer in Column19 is code “2”, go to Column 25.

Column 20 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household…
a. operate or make major day-to-day technical and economic (administrative, financial, etc.) decisions in the household’s livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm
b. work as hired manager in another household’s/individual’s livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm
c. work as hired manager in other non-household’s (establishments/ organization) livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm
d. work as laborer/helper in livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm
Read aloud each type of engagement in livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm in Column 20. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry.
A LIVESTOCK/POULTRY AND/OR INSECT/WORM FARM OPERATOR is solely responsible for making the technical and economic responsibility of managing livestock/poultry and/or insects/worms farm involving the kind of livestock/poultry to raise and/orinsects/wormstobecultured,typeoffeedsandvaccines,timeofpastureinanopen field and time of putting them back in a shelter, number of animals for slaughter/ dressing/selling, and other consequences thatmay result from the farm operation.
1. Alivestock/poultryownerwhoisresponsibleinraisingofanimalsandmakingthe day-to-day major decisions about their care, well-being, and growth of the livestock/poultry.
2. A raiser and owner of livestock/poultry who leaves the day-to-day responsibility of raising/tending the animals to the hired worker/designated manager.
3. A contract grower of livestock/poultry
A CONTRACT GROWER is one who raises the animals for the integrators or for other economic units under certain conditions. The grower providesthehousing or the area where to raise the animals, feeds the animals, and provides the utilities and other miscellaneous expenses. Usually, the chicks or the piglets, feeds, and vaccines are supplied by the integrator or another party. The grower is then paid with the contract price of livestock/poultry or an agreed fee in exchange for his/her labor, management, anduse of facilities.
AnINTEGRATORis one who provides all the intermediateinputs required, such as chicks (in the case of poultry), feeds, vaccines, and technical services. Once the animals have grown, theintegrator handlesthe marketing. Examples of integrators are San Miguel Foods, Inc. (SMFI), Bounty Fresh Foods, Universal Robina Corp (URC), RFM Foods (Swifts), Cobb-Vantress, Phil-Malay, Foster Foods, Vitarich, and Sustamina.
4. A dog/cat owner who breeds domestic dogs/cats for sale.
5. A farmer who cultures insects and worms to sell animal products such as honey and silk.
Todiscussfurther,listedbelowaretherolesofalivestock/poultryoperatorandthecommon misinterpretationsoftheterm“livestock/poultryoperator”.Kindlytakenoteof thefollowing:
Role in Livestock/Poultry Raising Activity Indicator of an Operator
Manages the livestock/poultry farm, tends the animal, owns the animals (owner), and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer.
Tends animals entrusted to him/her, manages the livestock/ poultry farm, provides feeds and medicines to the animals, and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer. Yes
Tends animals entrusted to him/her through a contract, manages the livestock/poultry farm but an integrator/company provides the feeds and medicines to the animals (e.g., San Miguel, Bounty Fresh) Yes
Owns the livestock/poultry farm (owner), manages the farm (i.e., decides what feedsto give,medicines toadminister, and when to dispose animals) but does not actually tend the animals. Instead, he/she hires laborers to takecare of the animals. Healso finances all the needs and concerns of the farm laborers.
A dog/cat owner who breeds domesticated dogs/cats for sale. Yes
No Farm laborer who tends the animals but follows someone’s instructions on what feeds to give, medicine to administer and when to disposethe animals. No
or overseer of the livestock/poultry farm.
If therespondent does not understandthemeaning ofa livestock/poultryoperator,usethe followingprobingquestionsto determinethepresenceof alivestock/poultryoperator inthe household:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
5. isthereanymemberofthishousehold,notacaretakeroroverseer,whotookcharge in the raising of livestock and/or poultry?
6. isthereanymemberofthishouseholdwhowasresponsibleinmakingdecisionson what kind of livestock/poultry to raise and/or insects/worm to be cultured, what breed of dogs and cats to raise, what kind of feeds to give to these animals, when toprovidevitaminsandothermedicines,whentodisposetheanimals,andwhento start raising animals again?
If the answer in Column20a is code “1”, go to Columns 21 and 22.
If the answer in Column20b and 20c is code “1”, go to Column 24.
If the answer in Column20d is code “1”, go to Column 25.
Column 21 How many household members were engaged as livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operator?
Write the exact number of household members engaged as livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operator. Probe to get the accurate response.
Column 21 aims to determine the number of household members engaged as livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operator, which is helpful for policy formulation, implementation of programs, and research purposes.
Column 22 Who are the livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operators in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operators.
Column 22 is necessary especially in producing the statistical frame of livestock/poultry surveys,however,duetoconfidentiality,thisitemwillnotbepublished.Itwillalsobeuseful in locating households during supervision.
Column23 Livestock/Poultry(includingInsect/Worm)FarmOperatorSerialNumber(LPOSN)
Assign a five-digit LPOSN of “20001” to the first livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operator that you list, “20002” to the second, and so on, up to the last livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm operator you have identified. This should be unique within the EA.

Column 23 aims to distinguish the uniqueness of every livestock/poultry and/or insects/wormsfarmoperatoridentified.Thelivestockandpoultryoperatorserialnumberor the LPOSN is a five-digit number assigned consecutively for livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm operators in the assigned area
Refer to Chapter 3 (Census Forms, Materials, and Enumeration Procedures) for the detailed discussion on the assignment of operator serial numbers.
NOTE: Every LPOSN begins with “2” as an indicator that the operation is livestock/poultry raising and/or culturing of insects/worms.
Column 24
Who worked as a hired manager in other’s livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operation in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the household member who worked as a hired manager in other’s livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm operation. List the name and contact details of the employer where the hired manager worked using the CAF Forms 26 and/or 27. RefertoChapter 10forfurther instruction inadministeringCAFForms26or27.
Column 24 aims to record households’ engagement in the livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm operation of another household’s/individual’s farm and/or non-household’s farm. This is also useful in verifying if the livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm operator is managing another farmother than his/her ownfarm.

Columns 25 to 30 - Aquaculture Farming
This subsection is to be filled out for aquaculture operators engaged in culturing fish, crabs, shrimps, seaweeds, mussels, oysters, pearls, and/or other aquatic plants and animals in a fishpond,fishcageand/or othertypesof aquafarms, and/orgrowingofornamentalfishand/or aquatic plants for sale, and/or farming of amphibians or reptiles like frog and/or crocodile for meat production accredited by government.

Column 25 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household engage in any of the following aquaculture activities:
culturing fish, crabs, shrimps, seaweeds, mussels, oysters, pearls, and/or otheraquaticplantsandanimalsinafishpond,fishcage,fishpen,and/orother types of aquafarms,
growing of ornamental fish and/or aquatic plants for sale, and/or
farming of amphibians or reptiles like frogs and crocodiles for meat production accredited by the government?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
AQUACULTURE refers to a fishery operation involving all forms of raising and culturing of fish and other fishery species in fresh, brackish, and marine water areas
Column 25 serves as a filtering question to guide the enumerators in identifying which households have at least one member engaged in aquafarming.
If therespondentdoes not understandthequestion, usethefollowing probing questionsto determine the involvement of a household member in any aquaculture activity:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022…
1. is there any member of this household who worked in the fishpond, fish pen, fish cage, fish tanks, hatchery or “pangitlugan”, seaweed farm, oyster farm, mussel farm, and/or pearl farm as operator, caretaker, helper, or laborer?
2. isthereanymemberofthishouseholdwhowashiredasamanagerofanaquafarm establishment?
3. is there any member of this household who worked in aquafarms for culturing of pearl, cockles, abalone, ornamental aquatic plants, corals, fishes, snails, frogs, cro
NOTE: Kindly also take note that the following aquaculture activities are EXCLUDED from the scope of the census:
a. caring of aquatic products solely for recreation, amusement, and hobby not in connection with the activities of the aquaculture,
NOTE: Kindly also take note that the following aquaculture activities are EXCLUDED from the scope of the census:
b. caring of aquatic products, mostly ornamental fishes, for sale when the household member acts only as middleman or trader and does not propagate own stocks for sale which is done only to protect the plants from any damage and keep them in amarketable shape.
If the answer in Column25 is code “1”, continue to Column 26.

If the answer in Column25 is code “2”, go to Column 31.
Column 26 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household…
a. operate or make major day-to-day technical and economic (administrative, financial, etc.) decisions in the household’s aquafarm
b. work as hired manager in another household’s/individual’s aquafarm
c. work as hired manager in other non-household’s (establishments/ organization) aquafarm
d. work as laborer/helper in livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm
Read aloud each type of engagement in aquaculture in Column 20. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Notethat all categories should have an answer or entry.
An AQUACULTURE OPERATOR is solely responsible for making the technical and economic responsibility of managing an aquafarm involving the kind of species to be cultured,stockingrate,timeof harvesting,typeoffeedstobeused,typeofaquafarmused, and other consequences that may result in the aquafarm operation.
1. An aquafarm owner who isdirectlyorindirectly involved intheaquaculture activity and makes the decision regarding the aquaculture operation. He/she may hire laborers or workers to maintain the aquafarm facilities, provide feeds, and harvest aquafarm products.
2. An aquafarm operatorwho leases theaquafarmand isresponsiblefor theday-today operation of the aquafarm.
3. A raiser of ornamental fish for sale.
To discuss further, listed below are the roles of an aquaculture operator and the common misinterpretations of the term “aquaculture operator”. Kindly take note of the following:
Role inAquaculture Activity Indicator of an Operator
Owns the aquafarm, manages the aquafarm, culture species, and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer. Yes

Role inAquaculture Activity
Indicator of an Operator

Tenant, manages the aquafarm, culture species, and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer. Yes
Tenant, manages the farm and culture species but relies on other people for financing andmarketing. Yes
Owns the aquafarm, manages the aquafarm (i.e., decides what species to culture and when to harvest) but doesnot actually do the farming. Instead, he/she hires laborers who willoversee the aquafarm and the species. Healso finances all the needs and concerns of the farm laborers.
A raiser of ornamentalfish for sale. Yes
Hired manager withfixed monthly salary, does not necessarily decide on what species to culture but he/she decides when to harvest and what feeds to give. He/she also handles budgeting, marketing and supervision of hired laborers. No Aquafarm laborer who prepares/clean the aquafarm, feed and harvest cultured species under someone’s instructions
Column 26 aims to determine the number of households with at least one aquafarm operator. This is also useful in determining, by residence, the number of households with hired managers and/or laborers/helpers in another household’s/individual’s/nonhousehold’s aquafarm.
If the respondent does not understand the meaning of an aquaculture operator, use the following probing questions to determine the presence of an aquaculture operator in the household:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
1. isthereanymemberofthishousehold,notacaretakeroroverseer,whotookcharge in the aquafarm?
2. isthereanymemberofthishouseholdwhowasresponsibleinmakingdecisionson what kind of species to culture, stocking rate, what type of feeds to give, what type of aquafarm facilities to use, when to harvest and when to stock again?
If the answer in Column26a is code “1”, ask Columns 27 and 28.
If the answer in Column26b and 26 c is code “1”, ask Column 30.
If the answer in Column26d is code “1”, go to Column 31.
Column 27 How many household members were engaged as aquaculture operator?
Writetheexactnumberof householdmembersengaged asaquacultureoperator.Probeto get the accurateresponse.
Column 27 aimsto determine thenumber of householdmembersengagedas aquaculture operator, whichishelpfulfor policyformulation, implementationofprograms,andresearch purposes.
Column 28 Who are the aquaculture operators in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the aquaculture operators.
Column 28 is necessary especially in producing the statistical frame of fishery surveys, however, due to confidentiality, this item will not be published. It will also be useful in locating households during supervision.
Column 29 Aquaculture Operator Serial Number (AOSN)
Assign a five-digit AOSN of “30001” to the first aquaculture operator that you list, “30002” to the second, and so on, up to the last aquaculture operator you have identified. This should be unique within the EA.

Column29aimstodistinguishtheuniquenessofeveryaquacultureoperatoridentified.The aquaculture operator serial number or the AOSN is a five-digit number assigned consecutively for aquaculture operators in the assigned area.
Refer to Chapter 3 (Census Forms, Materials, and Enumeration Procedures) for the detailed discussion on the assignment of operator serial numbers.
NOTE: Every AOSN begins with “3” as an indicator that the operation is aquaculture farming.
Column 30 Who worked as a hired manager in other’s aquafarm operation in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the household member who worked as a hired managerinother’saquacultureoperation.Listthenameandcontactdetailsoftheemployer where the hired manager worked using the CAF Forms 26 and/or 27. Refer to Chapter 10 for further instruction in administering CAF Forms 26 or 27
Column 32 aims to record households’ engagement in the aquafarm operation of another household’s/non-household’s aquafarm. This is also useful in verifying if the aquafarm operator is managing another aquafarm other than his/her own aquafarm.

Columns 31 to 36 - Fishing Operation
This subsection is to be filled out for fishing operators engaged in catching/gathering fish, crabs, shrimps, shells, seaweeds and/or other aquatic plants and animals.

Column 31 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household engage in catching/gathering fish, crabs, shrimps, shells, seaweeds, and/or other aquatic plants and animals?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.

FISHING refers to the catching, collecting, and gathering activities directed at removing or collecting wild aquatic organisms predominantly fish, mollusks (such as clams, snails, octopus and squid), crustaceans (such as crabs, lobsters, shrimps and crayfish) and other marine organisms and products, including other aquatic plants from the sea or inland waters for human consumption and other purposes. These could be caught, collected, or gatheredbyhandorvarioustypesoffishinggearssuchasnets,lines,andstationarytraps.
Column 31 serves as a filtering question to guide the enumerators in identifying which households have at least one member engaged in fishing operation.
If therespondentdoes not understandthequestion, usethefollowing probing questionsto determine the involvement of a household member in any fishing activity:
During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
1. is there any member of this household who was a fisherman, fishing operator or fishingworker/laborer,includingthosewhodoesshorelinefishingandgather shells in seashores and tidal flats for food consumption?
2. is there any member of this household who was hired as a manager of a fishing establishment?
NOTE: For the purpose of 2022 CAF, sports fishing, and catching/gathering of fish, including ornamental fish and other aquatic products such as corals, as a hobby are EXCLUDED from the scope of the census.
If the answer in Column31 is code “1”, continue to Column 32. If the answer in Column31 is code “2”, go tothe next household, unless at least one agriculturalor aquaculture operator was identified. If so, proceed in administering CAF Form 2- Household Questionnaire.
Column 32 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you or any member of your household...
a. operate or make major day-to-day technical and economic (administrative, financial, etc.) decisions in the household’s fishing operation
b. work as hired manager in another household’s/individual’s fishing operation
c. work as hired manager in other non-household’s (establishments/ organization) fishing operation
d. work as laborer/helper in fishing operation
Read aloud each type of engagement in aquaculture in Column 20. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Notethat all categories should have an answer or entry.
A FISHING OPERATOR is solely responsible for making the technical and economic responsibility of managing fishing operation involving when and where to go out fishing, what fishing gears/accessories/devices to use, management, and other consequences that may result in the fishing operation.
Column 32 aimstodetermine thenumber of households with at least onefishing operator. This is also useful in determining, by residence, the number of households with hired managers and/or laborers/helpers in another household’s/individual’s/non-household’s fishing operation.
1. Fishermanwhoownsaboat/vesselandisresponsibleforthedecisiononwhenand where to go out fishing, what fishing gears to use, and how many fish workers to take along toassist him/her.
2. Owner of fishing boats/vessels who may not be engaged personally in the catching or gathering of fishery products but is responsible in managing the fishing activity.He/shemayhireworkersandlaborersforhisfishingoperation.Inthiscase, the owner ofthe fishing boats/vessels is afishing operator.

3. Persons engaged in shoreline fishing and gathering of shells which is usually done in seashores and tidal flats and do not requirethe use of boat.
To discuss further, listed below are the roles of a fishing operator and the common misinterpretations of the term “fishing operator”. Kindly take note of the following:
Roles in Fishing Activity
Indicator of an Operator
Boat owner, owns the fishing net he repairs regularly, decides when and where to fish, carries out setting up of fishing net in the morning and hauling it in the afternoon, and sells the catch. Yes Boat owner, owns the fishing gears, decides when and where to fish, owns thefishing gears, let other fishermen use his boat with or without fee, and handles financing, marketing and supervision of hired laborer. Yes
Roles in Fishing Activity
Boat owner, owns the fishing gears, decides when and where to fish, personally carries out setting up of gear in the fishing ground but let other people handle financing andmarketing (e.g., spouse, partnership, etc.).
Rents fishing boat and pays rent of boat in cashor in installment from a portion of sale of catch, owns the fishing gears, decides when and where to fish, personally carries out setting up of gear in the fishing ground.
Does not use/rent boat and decides when and where to fish or gather shells.
Boat operator/boat driver but all decisions in the fishing operation were provided to him by the boat owner.
Boat owner, owns the fishing gears, rents out boat and gears to another fisherman and requires payment from those who rented the boat and/or gearsthrough installment from aportion of sale of their catch.
Indicator of an Operator
Column 33 How many household members were engaged as fishing operator?
Write the exact number of household members engaged as fishing operator. Probe to get the accurateresponse.
Column 33 aims to determine the number of household members engaged as fishing operator, whichishelpfulfor policyformulation, implementationofprograms,andresearch purposes.
Column 34 Who are the fishing operators in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the fishing operators.
Column 34 is necessary especially in producing the statistical frame of fishery surveys, however, due to confidentiality, this item will not be published. It will also be useful in locating households during supervision.
Column 35 Fishing Operator Serial Number (FOSN)
Assign a five-digit FOSNof “40001” to the first fishing operator that you list, “40002” to the second,andsoon,uptothelastfishingoperatoryouhaveidentified.Thisshouldbeunique within the EA.
Column 35 aims to distinguish the uniqueness of every fishing operator identified. The fishing operator serial number or the FOSN is a five-digit number assigned consecutively for fishing operators in the assigned area.
Refer to Chapter 3 (Census Forms, Materials, and Enumeration Procedures) for the detailed discussion on the assignment of operator serial numbers.
Column 36 Who worked as a hired manager in other’s fishing operation in this household?
Write the last name and first name of the household member who worked as a hired manager in other’s fishing operators. List the name and contact details of the employer where the hired manager worked using the CAF Form 26 and/or 27. Refer to Chapter 10 for further instruction in administering CAF Forms 26 or 27
This item aims to record households’ engagement in the fishing operation of another household’s/individual’s fishing activity and/or non-household’s fishing activity. This is also useful in verifying if the fishing operator is managing another fishing activity other than his/her ownfishing operation.

Column 37 –General Remarks
The last page of the listing booklet is reserved for any information that could be written as an aide in reviewing and processing of CAF questionnaires.
Write necessary remarks such as:
Appointment date and time of callback
Date when the respondent was successfully interviewed after a callback
Date when SAQs are scheduled for collection and date it was collected
For referral to TS, CAS, Punong Barangay, or other officials of the barangay
Any other information
Column 38 – Data Collection Method Used
Included in the last page of the listing booklet is the indicator ofthe data collection method used in thehousehold. At theend ofthe interview,you shouldidentify whether themethod used is CAPI, PAPI, SAQ, or CATI by writing an “X” mark inside the boxthat corresponds the data collection method used.
AccomplishCAFForm 29(List of HouseholdsforTelephoneInterviewandSAQ)ifSAQ or CATI is selected.
Thecolumntotalisfoundatthebottomofeachpage. Thisistheportionwhereyouwillrecord the following:
Total Number Of Buildings (T3)
Count the number of unique BSNs (except 5555) in column 3 and write the total count in thespaceprovidedinthiscolumn.CountthesameBSNonceeveniftheyappearinmore than one line.
Total Number Of Housing Units(T4)
Count the number of unique HUSNs (except 5555) in column 4 and write the total count in the space provided in this column. Count the same HUSN once even if they appear in more than one line.
Total Number Of Households (T5)
Count the number of unique HSNs in column 5 and write the total count in the space provided in this column. Exclude from the count those with HSNs “7777”, “8888”, “8889”, and “9999”.
Total Number Of Male Household Members (T8a)
Add the entries incolumn8a (MaleHouseholdMembers) and writethetotal in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero(0).
Total Number Of Female Household Members (T8b)
Add the entries in column 8b (Female Household Members) and write the total in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, writezero (0).
Total Number Of Households With Crop Farm Operators (T14a)
Count all the entries coded with 1 in column 14a and write the total count in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero(0).
Total Number Of Crop Farm Operators (T15)
Add the entries in column 15 and write the total in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero (0).
Total Number Of Households With Livestock/Poultry (Including Insect/Worm) Farm Operators (T20a)
Count all the entries coded with 1 in column 20a and write the total count in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero(0).
Total Number Of Livestock/Poultry(Including Insect/Worm) Farm Operators (T21)
Add the entries in column 21 and write the total in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero (0).
Total Number Of Households With AquafarmOperators(T26a)
Count all the entries coded with 1 in column 26a and write the total count in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero(0).
Total Number of Aquafarm Operators(T27)
Add the entries in column 27 and write the total in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero (0).
Total Number of Householdswith FishingOperators(T32a)
Count all the entries coded with 1 in column 32a and write the total count in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero(0).
Total Number of Fishing Operators (T33)
Add the entries in column 33 and write the total in the space provided in this column. Otherwise, write zero (0).
NOTE: This portion should be filled out only after all the lines of each page have been filled out, all callbacks have been successfully interviewed, and allCAFForms2,3,4,and5havebeencollectedforthosehouseholdswho optedSAQ. Ifitisthelast pagebeingusedforthebarangay/EA,filloutthe page total even if not all lines on the page have been filled out.
To mark the end of the listing/enumeration in the barangay/EA, write “00” in Column 2 (row provided for the date of visit), immediately after the last line that was filled out.