This chapter provides the detailed instructions on how you will accomplish CAF Form 2Household Questionnaire to be administered to every household with at least one agricultural, aquaculture, or fishing operator. This questionnaire will be used to record the socio-economic characteristics of all household members, including the agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operators as identified in columns 14a, 20a, 26a, and 32a of CAF Form 1, engagement on agricultural/aquaculture/fishing activities, agricultural land ownership, and social assistance and support.
See Appendix 2 for a copy of this questionnaire.
CAF Form 2 is aten-page booklet type questionnaire which contains thefollowing parts:
Title Panel
Interview Record
Certification Portion
Section A- Geographic Identification
Section B- Characteristics of Household Members
Section C- Household Agricultural/Aquafarm/Fishing Population
Section D- Social Assistance and Support
The listing records of CAF Form 2 has atotal of 13 rows.
6.2.1. Title Panel
ThispanelisfoundattheupperpartofthefrontpageofCAFForm2.Itcontainstheparticulars about the questionnaire including the following:
PSA Logo, Name of the Country/Agency, ISO Certification Logo of TüV Rheinland
Form Type, PSA Approval Number, and Expiration Date
Legal Provisions
Name and Logo of the Census, Form Title
Letter from the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General.
NOTE: All booklets of CAF Form 2 given to you are recorded and will be accounted for at the end of enumeration. Ensure to keep and not lose any booklet ofCAFForm2as allaccomplishedandunusedquestionnaireswillbe returnedtoPSAthroughyourTeamSupervisor(TS)afterenumerationperiod.

This is the portion where you will write the geographic names and codes of your area of assignmentandindicatethenumberofquestionnairesusedforabarangay/EnumerationArea (EA).
The Geo-ID panel contains the following:
Questionnaire Number
Name and Code of Province/HUC, City/Municipality, and Barangay
Enumeration Area (EA) Number
Building Serial Number (BSN), Housing Unit Serial Number (HUSN), and Household Serial Number (HSN)
Address of the Household, Name and Line Number of the Household Head
Name and Line Number of Respondent and Relationship to the HouseholdHead
Contact Numbers
A01 Questionnaire Number
A booklet of CAF Form 2 is designed to accommodate at most 13 household members. Hence, if a household has more than 13 members, additional booklet/s will be used. In order to properly account all the booklets utilized to record the information about the household, you must always fill out this portion after accomplishing the last section of the questionnaire.
Therearetwosetsofboxesforthequestionnairenumber.Thefirstsetofboxesisintended for thenumberthat willindicatetheorder ofthequestionnairebeingaccomplished andthe secondsetofboxesisforthetotalnumberofquestionnairesusedforthehousehold.Refer to the following example:
Example:Iftwo(2)questionnairesareused,numberthesequestionnairesinconsecutive order as follows:
Questionnaire No. 0 1 of 0 2 Questionnaires for the first questionnaire
Questionnaire No. 0 2 of 0 2 Questionnairesforthesecondquestionnaire
A02 Province/Highly Urbanized City (HUC), A03 City/Municipality, A04 Barangay, A05 Enumeration Area
Copythenamesandcodesoftheprovince/HUC,city/municipality,andbarangayfromA02 to A05 of CAF Form 1. Write also the EA code in the corresponding box. Fill out these Geo-ID items before going to your area of assignment.
A06 Building Serial Number (BSN), A07 Housing Unit Serial Number (HUSN), A08 Household Serial Number (HSN)
Copy the BSN, HUSN and HSN from Columns 3, 4, and 5 of CAF Form 1, respectively. See Illustration 6.2.
A09 Address of the Household and A10 Name of Household Head
Copy correctly the name of the household head and address of the household from Column6ofCAFForm1.Attheendofinterview,thelinenumberofhouseholdhead(A10a) shouldbecopiedfrom thelinenumber ofmemberslistedin2B02of SectionB. Makesure that the household head was listed first in the member roster, thus filling out row 1 or line number “01”.
A11 Name of Respondent and A11a LineNumber of Respondent
AsdiscussedinChapter3,anELIGIBLERESPONDENTfortheHouseholdQuestionnaire (CAF Form 2) is any responsible member of the household who can provide accurate answers to the CAF Form 2 questions regarding the household members’ demographic characteristics,involvement inagricultural,aquaculture,and/orfishingactivitiesingeneral, and engagement as operators of agricultural/aquaculture farms and/or fishing operations among others.
Interview the head of the household or his/her spouse since they are often the most qualifiedrespondent.Ifthehouseholdheadorhis/herspousearenotavailable,youshould ask for any adult member of the household who can provide accurate information for the household and all its members and each member’s engagement in agricultural, aquaculture, and/or fishing activities, either as operator or farm/fishing related tasks.
Askthenwritethelastandfirstname,andmiddleinitialoftherespondentinA11.ForA11a, correctly copy the line number from 2B02.
If the respondent is not a member of the household, write “00”. This happens when, as a lastresort,anon-householdmemberorthecaretakerisinterviewedbecausenohousehold member is available for interview after several callbacks.
A12 Relationship of Respondent to Household Head
If the respondent is a household member, copy corresponding code of relationship of the eligible respondent to the household head from 2B04 of Section B (Characteristics of Household Members) after the interview or after you have ascertained the completeness of all the household members.
If the answer in A11a is “00”, meaning that the respondent is not a member of the household, also write “00” in the box provided in A12 then specify the relationship of the respondent to the household head in the line provided.

NOTE: If thisform wasaccomplished after callback and youhave interviewed a different respondent, ask for his/her name and relationship to the household head then change the entries in A11, A11a, and A12.
A13 Contact Information
Write the contact information of the household on the space provided. If the space is not enough, use the remarks column on the last page of CAF Form 2. However, TAKE NOTE
THATTHISITEMISOPTIONAL.Iftherespondentrefusedtogiveanycontactinformation, draw a line ( ) on the space provided.
This information is useful in contacting the household for clarifications. This can also be used in the verification of data collected during supervision. Ask and record as many contact numbers of any household members as possible. This should also be written in Column 7 of CAF Form 1.

Below the Geo-ID Panel is the Interview Record. This portion has four columns intended for four visits. For each visit, you will record the details of your visit such as the date of visit,time when you started and ended the interview, resultof visit, the summary of visit, data collection method, and operator indicator in the household.
Date ofVisit
For each visit – Visit 1, Visit 2, Visit 3 or Visit 4 – you should record the date when you visitedthehouseholdtoadministerCAFForm2. Writeinthefirstlinethenumericcodefor the month and the day of visit in the next line.
Interview Time
For each visit, record the duration of the interview, that is, the time of the start of interview and end of interview. Before you begin the interview, write on the boxes corresponding to the “Time Started” the hour and minute using the 24-hour format. Once the interview has been completed, write on the corresponding boxes the time the interview ended.
Result of Visit
Entercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovidedfortheresultofvisit. Avisitcanresulttoany of the following situations, depending on the availability and cooperation of the qualified respondent:
Description of Result of Visit
1 Completed* The interview was successfully finished through personal interview (CAPI or PAPI), telephone interview, or thequestionnairehasbeen completely accomplished by the respondent through SAQ
2 Not yet completed (for callback) The following are included in this result of visit:
households that could not be interviewed at the time ofvisitortheinterviewthathasbeenstartedbutcould not be completed,
households that are temporarily away, not at home, or on vacation, and
households with no responsible respondent around.
This code must not be used for the result of final visit.
3 Entire household is absent/away during the enumeration period*
The entire household is away for extended period of time thatnomemberwillbebackwithinonemonthorwithinthe enumeration period.
Finalresultofvisit depends ontheresultsofallnecessary verifications done as discussed below.
Verifyfromtheneighborsifthehouseholdwillnot beback beforetheendoftheenumeration.Ifso,listthehousehold in CAF Form 1. Ask the neighbor the name of the household head, the number of householdmembers, and contact numbers. Write this information in CAF Form 1. Write any other necessary information inthe “REMARKS” portion. Using the contact information provided by the neighbor, call or text the household head. If he/she confirms that they will not be back within the enumeration
Description of Result of Visit
period, ask him/her for an interview to be conducted via CATI/PATI or SAQ.
4 Refused Thehouseholdrefusedtobeinterviewedatthetimeofvisit and could not be convinced to set an appointment for an interview inthe future.
Ifafteralleffortshavebeenexertedbutthehouseholdstill refused to be interviewed, ask the help of your TS or higher supervisor, a barangay official or any influential personinthecommunitytoturnthisrefusaltoasuccessful interview.
9 Other Result of Visit* The householdcouldnot be interviewed for reasons other than those given above, such as when the entire household is quarantined because of an infectious diseases, and peace and order, among others.
Summary of Visits
After the final visit to the household, record the following information in the Summary of Visit portion:
Number of visits made tothe household
Result of final visit
Number of Visits Made
Write in the box provided the number of total visits to the household. The total number of visits can exceed four if more than four visits to the household were made.
Result of Final Visit
Writetheappropriatecodefortheresultofthefinalvisitintheboxprovided.Notethatcode 2 for “Not yet completed (for callback)” or code 4 for “Refused” is not acceptable as code for the result of final visit. Only codes with asterisk (*), that is, codes "1”, “3”, and “9” will be accepted as result of final visit.
Data Collection Method
Enter corresponding code on the box provided for the mode of data collection. The code and description for the data collection method is listed as follows:
Code Description
1 Paper and Pencil Personal Interview (PAPI). The respondent was personally interviewed by the EN and the responses are recorded in the printed questionnaire.
2 Self-administered questionnaire (SAQ). The respondent was the one who accomplished the CAF questionnaires (CAF Forms 2 to 5).
Operator Indicator in the Household
This item will be filled-out after accomplishing CAF Form 2.
Enter code 1 for “With at least one operator” or code 2 for “No operator” for each box corresponding to the presence of operator of crops (CROPS), livestock/poultry and/or insects/worms (LPIW), aquaculture (AQUA), and fishing (FISH). Note that all categories should have an answer or entry.
The operator indicator should be consistent with the answers in CAF Form1 (Columns 14a, 20a, 26a, and 32a). Ensure that at least onebox of operator indicator has code 1.
Filloutthisportiononlyafteryouhavesuccessfullycompletedtheinterviewinthehouseholdand reviewed/edited the questionnaire. Print your full name in the capital letters clearly on the line provided and sign over it. Your signature attests to the completeness and accuracy of the data you have collected in CAF Form 2. Indicate also your EN code and the date (MM/DD) when you affixed your signature. All questionnaires that you have accomplished should bear your name, your EN code, and your signature. Use of stamp pad is strictly not allowed.
Your Team Supervisor (TS) and Census Area Supervisor (CAS) will also write their full name with signature in this portion after they had reviewed the booklet for completeness and correctness of entries.

PersonnelwhoserveassupervisorfromtheProvinceStatisticsOffice(PSO),RegionalStatistical Services Office (RSSO), or Central Office (CO) will likewise sign in this certification if they have done supervision during the interview and/or reviewed the questionnaire. These personnel will printtheirfullnameandaffixtheirsignatureoncetheyhavecompletelyverifiedthequestionnaire.

The CAPI System will automatically record your name as the enumerator who conducted the interview and the time and date it was accomplished. Hence, this will be filled out in paper questionnaires only.
Illustration 6.3. Filled Out Interview Record Portion and Certification Panel(Page 2A)
The general purpose of CAF Form 2 is to obtain the demographic/socio-economic characteristics of agricultural/aquaculture/fishing households and the household composition of agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operators.
This questionnaire should be administered to households with at least one operator of crop farm, livestock/poultry and/or insects/worms farm, aquaculture, and/or fishing operation. This household should be interviewed for this section only once.
2B01 Number of Household Members (2B01a Total, 2B01b Male, 2B01c Female)
Count and record the total number of household members (2B01a), number of males (2B01b), and number of females (2B01c) after accomplishing 2B01 to 2B12. Prefix “0” if the number is below 10.
2B01 aims to provide valuable input for social and economic development planning. It is also useful in understanding and identifying the major factors that determine or influence households engaged in agricultural, aquaculture, and fishery activities.

Thenumber ofmalesandfemales must beconsistentwiththecountofmales andfemales in 2B05. Likewise, the total number of household members must also be equal to the total household members reported in Column 8 of CAF Form 1. In case of inconsistency, the numbers reported in CAF Form 2 should prevail.
Beguidedbythegeneralinstructionsandillustrationsdiscussedinsucceedingsectionswhen accomplishing 2B03 to 2B12.
2B03 to 2B06 will be filled out for all household members, 2B07 and 2B09 to 2B12 is for all members5yearsandover,and2B08isforallmembers10yearsoldandover
As arule, youshouldaskquestions 2B03aand2B04 first to record all household members and every member’s relationshiptothehouseholdhead,accordingtotheorder of listing specified in 2B03a. After listing all household members and determining if there are more than 13 householdmembersin2B03b,recordtheansweranduse additional booklet of CAF Form 2 if there are more than 13 members, then continue asking 2B05 and 2B06 for every household member.
Refertotheage(2B06)ofeachmemberbeforeasking2B07to2B12.2B07and2B09to2B12 should be asked only for every member aged 5 years and over, while 2B08 should be asked only for every member aged 10 years and over.
If all household members had already been listed using PAPI, affix your initial on the space below the name of the last householdmember.
2B02 Line Number
2B02 is numbered consecutively from 01 to 13. Each line number corresponds to a householdmember.Encirclethelinenumberoftherespondent.Iftherearetwoormore respondents, encircletheline numberof the person who providedmost of the answersyou recorded in the questionnaire.
Theremaybeaninstancewhenaninterviewofahouseholdcouldnotbecompletedduring the first visit, hence, it necessitates a callback. As such, the respondent during your first visitandduringyourcallbackmaynotbethesame.Inthisinstance,encirclethelinenumber of the respondent who provided you with most of the answers.
Remember to copy this line number of the respondent to A11a of the Geo-ID portion on page 2A.
If there are more than 13 members in the household, use additional CAF Form 2. For the second booklet of CAF Form 2, line out the preprinted line number and write above it the line number that follows, that is, beginning with “14” and so on.
2B03a Who isthe head of this household? Who are the persons usually residing in this house, including newborn babies and overseas workers as of today?
Beginbyaskingtherespondent,“Who is the head of this household?”and“Who are the persons usually residing in this house, including newborn babies and overseas workers as of today?”
The HOUSEHOLD HEAD is an adult member of the household, male or female who is responsible for the organization and care of the household, or who is regarded as such by the members of the household
List allthe householdmembers in 2B03a according tothis order:
Never-married children of head/spouse from the oldest to youngest including toddlers and infants
Ever-married children ofhead/spouseandtheirfamilies from oldest totheyoungest
Other relative
Itisimportantthatyoulistthenamesofthehouseholdmembersfollowingthisordersothat you will be able to list all the qualified householdmembers, and no one will be missed.
In writing the name of the householdmember, be guided by the following:
a. Write the surname name followed by the givenname
b. If the last name of the member is the same as the one immediately preceding him/her,drawahorizontalline( )inplaceofhis/hersurnameandwritehis/her given name. However, on the succeeding booklet, write again the surname of the member on the space provided in the booklet as applicable.
c. In some parts of the country where people do not have surnames, write the name as given on the space provided.
If the head has more than one spouse who is living in the same household, list down the name of the first spouse and their children, followed by the second spouse and their children, and so on, keeping the nuclear family together, as intact as possible.
Inform the respondent that you need to include in the list of household members who are overseasworkersandundocumentedworkersorso-calledTNT(Tago Nang Tago).Include household members in the listing if the household still considers them as members and if the respondent still mentions theirnames when you ask aboutthe names of the household members, provided that he/she is expected to return within five years from the date of last departure. However, immigrants are excluded from the census.
WHEN YOU ARE IN DOUBT as to whether a person should be included or excluded as member of a household, INCLUDE that person but write the necessary remarks/explanations. Refer this matter to your supervisor.
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If there are more than 13 members in the household, use an additional CAF Form 2. Otherwise, proceed tothe next question.
2B03aisaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Alwaysfilloutthisitemtoproperlyaccount thenumberofquestionnairesutilizedinrecordingthecharacteristicsofthehousehold.This is useful in checking the completeness of questionnaires during folioing.
2B04 What is ___’s relationship to the household head?
2B04 should be asked immediately after askingthe name of the household member. Refer to 2B03a (Nameof Household Member) when you ask this question.
Write the appropriate code in the boxes provided.
In the interpretation of the relationship to the head, the category “SON” or “DAUGHTER” referstothechildrenofthehead,regardlessoftheirageormaritalstatus,whetherbiological or adopted. A married son, together with his family who lives with his father’s household should be reported as “SON”, his wife as “DAUGHTER-IN-LAW”, and his children as “GRANDSON” or “GRANDDAUGHTER” of the household head.
“OTHER RELATIVE” includes cousins and grandparents. Meanwhile, “NON-RELATIVE” includes same-sex partner and friends of any of the household members.
Household/domestic helpers should be listed as “DOMESTIC HELPERS” even if they are related tothe head or to other members of the household by blood or affinity.
2B05 Is ___ male or female?
1 Male
2 Female
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2B05 aims to determine the SEX AT BIRTH of each householdmember.
Most often, the sex of each household member can be determined by his/her name. In some cases, however, there is a need to ask the respondent whether the person is indeed a male or a female. Some names such as Charlie, Florence, Alex, Joy, Tony, Frances, Jackie, Dany, George, Rosario, Joey, and others have been commonly given to either a male or female persons.
2B06 What is ___’s age as of September 01, 2023?
Write the age of the household member in the boxes provided.
For the purpose of the 2022 CAF, age as of September 01, 2023, refers to the person’s age prior to September 01, 2023. It is expressed in completed years or whole number.
If the exact age is not known, ask for an ESTIMATE. It may also help to estimate his/her age based on the ages of his/her siblings if these are known. In some cases, you may ask therespondenttorecallsomewell-knownlocal,national,orworldeventinthepastbywhich thedateofbirthofthemembermaybeassociatedwith. If allpossiblemeanshavealready been exhausted and the respondent is still unable to give the age of the member, record the respondent’s best estimate.
2B07 What is ___’s highest educational attainment?
2B07 will only be asked to all household members aged 5years old and over.
Enter correspondingcodeintheboxprovided. Refertothelast pageof CAFForm 2for the categories and corresponding codes of 2B07 as shown below:
HIGHEST EDUCATIONALATTAINMENT refers to the highest grade or year completed in school, college, or university as of September 01, 2023.Thismaybeanyoneofthespecific grades or years in elementary, high school, K to 12 Program, and college. It may also be special needs education program, second-chance education program, or any of the postsecondary, short-cycle tertiary, college, and post baccalaureate courses.
NOTE:Code16000(Grade6)willonlybeapplicableifthehighesteducational attainmentofthehouseholdmemberisGrade6giventhathe/sheisexpected to take Grade 7 of the old curriculum.

2B08 What is ___’s marital status?
2B08 will only be asked to all household members aged 10 years old andover.
Entercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovided.Regardlessofyourknowledgeofanyofficial record or of your personal knowledge about the marital status of a person, record his/her marital status as reported by the respondent. The person’s marital status shall be as of September 01, 2023.
MARITAL STATUS refers to the personal status of an individual with reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country. It is the same as civil status, the term usually used in official and private records, documents, and transactions in the country.
Below are the categories for maritalstatus and their corresponding codes and definitions:
1 Single/Never Married A person who has neverbeen married.
2 Married
A person married in a religious, civil ceremony or tribal rites, either living with his/her spouse at the time of visit or temporarily living apart because his/her spouse is employed elsewhere (as in the case of a person whose spouse is an overseas worker or works in the Armed Forces and residing somewhere else).
3 Common-law/Live-in
4 Widowed
5 Divorced
6 Separated
A person cohabiting or living consensually with another person as husband and wife without the benefit of a legal marriage.
A married person whose spouse has died and who has not married up tothe time of visit
A personwhose bondof matrimonyhasbeen dissolved legally and who therefore can remarry.
A person separated legally or not from his/her spouse because of marital discord or misunderstanding.
7 Annulled A person whose bond of matrimony is dissolved and who therefore can remarry
8 Not Reported
A person whose marital status is unknown to the respondent, or whose marital status is being concealed by the respondent/person himself/herself.

The PHILIPPINE ID, also known as PhilID or National ID, is a valid proof of identity that can be usedtotransact with the government andprivate sector. Itisanon-transferablecardissued upon successful registration to the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys).
ThePhilSysRiderquestions(items2B09to2B12)willonlybeaskedtoallhouseholdmembers aged 5 years old and over. It consists of two (2) sections: (i) the Household level (using CAF Form 2); and (ii) the Individual level (using CAF Forms 3, 4, and/or 5). The household level is represented by the household head or an eligible household respondent who can answer on behalf of the qualified member. While the individual level will be answered by the operator or an eligible household respondent who can answer on behalf of the operator.
2B09 Did ___ undergo Step 2 Registration, which involves collection of biometric information such as fingerprint, iris scan, and facial photo?
1 Yes
2 No
8 Don’t Know
2B09 will only be asked to all household members aged 5years old and over.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
Thisisascreeningquestiontodetermineifeachhouseholdmemberhasalreadyundergone the Step 2 Registration. This means that he/she has provided demographic and biometric information.
If the answer in 2B09 is code “1”, continue to 2B10. If the answer in 2B09 is code “2” or “3”, go to 2C01.

2B10 Does ___ have his/her PhilID?
1 Yes, physical card/PhilID card
2 Yes, printed ePhilID
3 Yes, both physical card/PhilID card and printed ePhilID
4 No
2B09 will only be asked to all household members aged 5 years old and over who have undergone PhilSys Step2 registration.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2B10 aims to determine if each household member already has his/her PhilID card and/or ePhilID.
PHILID CARD is a physical card made of polycarbonate material being issued by PSA.

EPHILID refers to the digital version of the PhilID, which may be printed on a piece of paper (printed ePhilID), may be stored in the PhilID holder’s mobile device, or may be downloaded through the PhilSys website (mobile/portable ePhilID).

If the answer in 2B10 is code “1” or “3”, continue to 2B11. If the answer in 2B10 is code “2”, go to 2B12. If the answer in 2B10 is code “4”, go to 2C01.
2B11 How did ___ receive his/her physical card/PhilID card?
2B11 will only be asked to all household members aged 5years old and over who have received his/her physical card/PhilID card.

Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer is code 99, indicate in the line provided other methods the physical card/PhilID card was received.
2B11 is a follow-up question to confirm that each member of the household received their PhilID card. It aims to identify how the PhilID was directly received since the start of PhilID delivery nationwide on May 01, 2021.
NOTE: PhilIDs delivered at the office/workplace (or code 04) are only applicable to registrants who have undergone institutional registration.
2B12 How did ___ receive his/her printed ePhilID?
1 Picked up at the registration center
2 Picked up thru plaza-type distribution (plaza, basketball court, barangay hall)
3 Delivered or issued by PSA personnel
8 Don’t know
9 Other method
2B12 will only be asked to all household members aged 5years old and over who have received his/her printedePhilID card.

Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer is code 9, indicate in the line provided other methods the ePhilID was received.
2B12 is a follow-up question to confirm that each member of the household received their ePhilID card. It aims to identify the mode of receiving the ePhilID.
NOTE: Printed ePhilIDs picked up at thru plaza-type distribution (or code 2) means that registrants downloaded his/her ePhilID thru the PhilSys website.
General Instructions in Asking Items 2C01 to2C18
1. GrowingofCrops
This subsection covers 2C01 to 2C03. Questions 2C01 to 2C02 will be filled out for all persons10yearsoldandoverandquestion2C03forall15yearsoldandover
2. Livestock/PoultryRaisingandCulturingofInsects/Worms
This subsection covers 2C04 to 2C06. Questions 2C04 to 2C05 will be filled out for all persons10yearsoldandoverandquestion2C06forall15yearsoldandover.
3. Land Used in Growing of Crops and Livestock/Poultry Raising and Culturing of Insects/Worms
This subsection covers 2C07 to 2C12 which will be filled out for all persons 15 years old andover
4. Aquaculture
This subsection covers 2C13 to 2C15. Questions 2C13 to 2C14 will be filled out for all persons10yearsoldandoverandquestion2C15forall15yearsoldandover.
5. Fishing
This subsection covers 2C16 to 2C18. Questions 2C16 to 2C17 will be filled out for all persons10yearsoldandoverandquestion2C18forall15yearsoldandover.
6.7.1 Subsection C-1. GROWING OF CROPS
Subsection C-1 determines the members of the household who were engaged in growing of cropsandurbanfarmingactivitiesinthehousehold’sfarm,aswellasthehouseholdmembers who were engaged as crop farm operators.
2C01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, was ___ engaged in growing of temporary or permanent crops, growing of ornamental plants for sale, hydroponics, aquaponics, and other urban farming/gardening in your household's farm?
1 Yes
2 No
2C01 will only be asked to all household members aged 10 years old andover. Enter corresponding code in the box provided. REMEMBER that household members working in a crop farm operated by another household or by a non-household should NOT be reported in this item.
2C01 aims to determine if the household member was engaged in the crop farm operated
by theirhousehold. He/she maybetheoperator himself/herselforacropfarmhelper in the household-operatedfarm, whether paid or unpaid.
If the answer in 2C01 is code “1”, continue to2C02. If the answer in 2C01 is code “2”, go to 2C04.

2C02 Duringtheperiod January 01to December 31, 2022, was ___engaged inthefollowing crop farm activities?
a. Land preparation
b. Fertilizer production
c. Seed/plant propagation
d. Planting/caring of crops (including applying fertilizers/pesticides)
e. Harvesting and threshing
f. Processing/packaging of crops (drying, milling, etc.)
g. Selling of crop produce
h. Record keeping of farm produce, finances, logistics, and other administrative work

i. Other crop farm activities not mentioned
2C02 will only be asked to all engaged household members in crop farming aged 10 years old and over.
Read aloud each crop farm activity in 2C02. Enter code 1 for “Yes”, code 2 for “No”, or code 3 for “Not Applicable”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in2C02i is code 1, indicate inthe lineprovided other crop farm activities. Other activities may include watering the plants, buying of seedlings, etc.
2C02 aims to determine the specific activities contributed by each household member in the household’s crop farm.
NOTE: Exclude householdmemberswho carefor plants solely forrecreation, amusement, and hobby not connected with the activities of the farm. Also exclude ornamental plants for sale when the household member acts only as a trader or middleman and does not propagate own stocks for sale which is done only to protect the plants from any damage and keep them in a marketable shape.
2C03 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did ___ operate a crop farm, ornamental gardening for sale, hydroponics, aquaponics, and other urban crop farming/gardening?
1 Yes
2 No
2C03 will only be asked to household members aged 15 years old and over engaged in crop farming.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2C03 serves as an indicator in linking the household and crop farm characteristics of the operator.
AsdefinedinChapter5,aCROPFARMOPERATORcouldbetheowner,tenant,orlessee oftheagriculturalfarm. He/she is solely responsible for making the technical and economic decisions and implementation of the plans involving the types of crops to be planted in relation to the type of soil in the agricultural farm, fertilizer, time of planting, and other consequences thatmay result from the farm operation.

SubsectionC-2determinesthemembersofthehouseholdwhowereengagedinlivestockand poultry raising activities in the household’s farm and activities related to culturing of insects/wormsinthehousehold’sfarm,aswellasthehouseholdmemberswhowereengaged as livestock/poultry farm operators.
2C04 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, was ___ engaged in raising/tending/contractgrowingof livestock/poultry, or culturingofbees,earthworms, or cocoons in your household's farm?
1 Yes
2 No
2C04 will only be asked to all household members aged 10 years old andover.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. REMEMBER that household members working in a livestock and poultry farm operated by another household or by a nonhousehold should NOT be reported in this item.
2C04aimstodetermineifthehouseholdmemberwasengagedinthelivestock/poultryfarm operated by their household. He/she may be the operator himself/herself or a livestock/poultry farm helper inthe household-operated farm, whether paidor unpaid.
If the answer in 2C04 is code “1”, continue to2C05. If the answer in 2C04 is code “2”, go to 2C07.

2C05 Duringtheperiod January 01to December 31, 2022, was ___engaged inthefollowing livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm activities?
a. Breeding of livestock (including artificial insemination)/poultry animals
b. Feed preparation/gathering
c. Shepherding livestock, raising of poultry, maintenance of animal houses
d. Milking of livestock animals
e. Collecting/harvesting of eggs/honey/silk/vermicast
f. Butchering, dressing, hatching of eggs, processing of livestock/poultry meat/egg, etc.
g. Buying of animalsforfurther fattening/grow-out such aspigletsandchicks,eggs, ready-to-lay pullets, etc.
h. Selling of livestock for slaughter, poultry eggs, poultry for dressing, etc.
i. Record keeping of farm produce, finances, logistics, and other administrative work
j. Other livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm activities not mentioned
2C05 will only be asked to all engaged householdmembers inlivestock and poultry raising and culturing of insects and worms aged 10 years old and over.
Readaloudeachlivestockandpoultryfarm and/orinsect/wormfarmactivityin2C05. Enter code 1 for “Yes”, code 2 for “No”, or code 3 for “Not Applicable”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 2C05j is code 1, indicate in the line provided other livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm activities. Other activities may include preparing worm beds, preparing andmaintaining of hives/boxes, etc.
2C05 aims to determine the specific activities contributed by each household member in the household’s livestock and poultry farm.
NOTE: Exclude household members who raise pigeons, gamefowls, insects, worms, and other livestock/poultry solely for recreation, amusement, and/or hobby not connected with the activities of the farm, and household members tendinglivestock/poultryscheduledforslaughterforlessthanonemonth(e.g., trader, auction market, etc.).
Also exclude household members temporarily tending livestock/poultry/ insects/worms for sale when the household member acts only as a trader or middleman and does not propagate own stocks for sale which is done only to protect the livestock/poultry from any damage and keep them in amarketable shape.
2C06 Duringtheperiod January01toDecember31,2022,did___operatealivestock/poultry farm, bee culture farm, sericulture farm, vermiculture farm, etc.?

1 Yes
2 No
2C06 will only be asked to all engaged householdmembers inlivestock and poultry raising aged 15 years old and over.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2C06 serves as an indicator in linking the household and livestock/poultry farm characteristics of the operator.
As defined in Chapter 5, a LIVESTOCKAND POULTRY FARM OPERATOR could be the owner,tenant,orlesseeoftheagriculturalfarm.He/she is solely responsible for making the technical and economic decisions and implementation of the plans involving the kind of livestock or poultry to raise, type of feeds and vaccines, time of pasture in an open field, andtimeofputtingthembackinashelter,numberofanimalsforslaughter/dressing/selling, farm implements used, management and supervision of hired laborers and other consequences thatmay result from the farm operation.

Subsection C-3 mainly determines the ownership and secured rights of household members aged15yearsoldandover forthegenerationof SustainableDevelopmentGoals(SDG)5.a.1 Indicator under the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) SDG 5.a.1 Project with PSA.
Thereareatotalofsixrider questions inthisquestionnaireregardingthecharacteristicsofthe agricultural land owned by the household, specifically the tenure and rights of the agricultural land, and the utilization of land in any agricultural activity during the reference period which aims to determine thefollowing:
1. Proportion of total agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land by sex, and
2. Share of women among owners or rights-bearersof agricultural land by type of tenure.
2C07 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did ___ have agricultural lands, that is:
a. fully owned (with title),
b. in ownerlike possession (inherited, purchased without title yet, purchased on installment or long-term contract),
c. under CLOA, CADT, CALT, or CSA/CSC,
d. under CBFMA, IFMA, FLGA, ot SLUP
e. tenanted,
f. leased/rented, or
g. under other land tenure?
2C07 will only be asked to household members aged 15 years old and over.
Read aloud eachtenurestatusofagricultural lands in2C07. Enter code1for “Yes”,code2 for “No”, or code 3 for “Not Applicable”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 2C07g is code 1, indicate in the line provided other land tenure. Other tenure may include under mortgage, rent-free, etc.
2C07 aims to determine the household memberswith agriculturallands by type of tenure.
Tenure status of the parcel refers to the right under which a parcel is held or operated. A holding may be operated under a single form of tenure or under more than one form, in which case each form of tenure must be reported separately by parcel. A parcel may have any of the following tenure status:
a. Fully owned refers to a land operated with a title of ownership in the name of the holder and consequently, the right to determine the nature and extent of the use of the land. Included in this category are lands whose absolute ownership is vested in theholderthroughsaleorinheritance.Aparcel,whichisapartoftheholding,isalso considered fully owned if the holder has an absolute deed to the sale of the land. Likewise, lands of the tillers with Emancipation Patent are considered fully owned.
b. Owner-like possession refers to a land under conditions that enable a person to operate it as if he/she is the owner although he/she does not possess a document as proof of title of ownership. A land under owner-like possession includes those that are held under heirship which the document as proof of title of ownership has not been transferred to the heirs. Also included in this category are inherited lands withoutdocumentasproofoftitleofownershipandthoseheldundertaxdeclaration. Further, this category also includes areas without legal title of ownership which is operateduncontestablyanduninterruptedlybytheholderforaperiodof30yearsor more, even without the permission of the owner, and lands being purchased on installment basis or under long-term contract.
c. Certificate of Land Transfer (CLT) or Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) refers to a land still being paid by the holder under the government land reform program of Operation Land Transfer (OLT). OLT is a systematic transfer of ownership of tenanted rice and corn lands from the landowners to the tenant-tillers whileCLOAaretitlesissuedtofarmersfortheirfarmlotas coveredbyRepublicAct 6657 otherwise known as Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. It must be noted that this category coversonly those that are currently paying their amortization.
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT)/Certificate of Ancestral Land Title (CALT) refers to a land possessed by the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in accordance with Republic Act 8371 of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997. CADT refers to a title formally recognizing the rights ofpossession and ownershipof ICCs/IPs over theirancestral domains identified and delineated in accordance with RA 8371. This also includes lands ofICCs/IPsheldundertheMemorandumofUsufruct(MOU). Accordingtothe Civil Code of the Philippines, the usufruct is entitled to all the benefits hemay enjoy or get from the property but limits the right of ownership. CALT, on the other hand, is a title formally recognizing the rights of ICCs/IPs over their ancestrallands.
Certificate of Stewardship Agreement (CSA)/Certificate of Stewardship Contract (CSC) is a contact issued by Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to individual occupants in the Integrated Social Forestry (ISF) areasbeforetheimplementationoftheCBFMprogramin1996pursuanttoLetterof Instruction1260whichprovidetenureovertheparcelofforestlandforaperiodof25 years, renewablefor another 25 years.
d. Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA) is also a production sharing agreement between (and entered into by) the government and the local community, represented by participating people’s organization as forest managersforaperiodof25yearsrenewableforanother25years,andshallprovide tenurial security and incentives to develop, utilize, and manage specific portions of forest lands.
Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA) is an agreement entered into by the DENR and a qualified person to occupy and possess in consideration of a specifiedrental,anyforestlandofthepublicdomaininordertoestablishanindustrial forest.
Forest Land Grazing Management Agreement (FLGA) is a production sharing agreement between a qualified person, association and/or corporation and the government todevelop, manage, and utilize grazing lands.
Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) is a privilege granted bythe State to aperson to occupy, possess, andmanage inconsideration ofspecifiedreturn,anypublic forest lands for aspecific useor purposefor a limitedperiod of not morethanthree years.
e. Tenanted is a land cultivated by a person, belonging to, or possessed by another, with the latter’s consent for purposes of production, sharing the produce with the landholder under the share tenancy system, or paying to the landholder a certain amountofproduce(paymentinkindorinmoneyorboth),underaleaseholdtenancy system.
f. Leased/Rented is a land cultivated by a lessee, which belongs to or is legally possessed by another, the lessor. The rental payment is in the form of a fixed amount of either money, produce or both.
g. Other tenure includes the following:
- Mortgage refers to land under contract or agreement (either written or verbal) throughwhichtheownershipofthelandistransferredtothemortgagee/creditor. However, the mortgagor/debtor still holds the right to redeem the property by paying off the debt at a later time.
- Rent free refers to land operated without title of ownership and without paying rent but with the consent or permission of the landowner.
- Other tenure includes public lands, communal grazing lands, lands occupied without consent of owner for less than 30 years, and forest land occupied by a person without any agreement with the DENR.
NOTE: You may encounter responses like “binubuwisan” and “hatian”. For these responses, probe further on their mode of payment for using the land, whether onafixedamount or shareof produce.Inthisway,youwillbeableto classify whethertheparcel istenanted,leased/rented, or otherform oftenure.
If the answer in all items is code “2”, go to the next householdmember.

Ask 2C08 to 2C12 to every household member with at least one agricultural land with secured rights. If the response inany of theitemsin 2C07ato2C07g iscode“2”, leave the boxesblank.

2C08 During the period January 01to December 31, 2022, did ___ usethe agricultural lands in operating any agricultural activity?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2C08 aims to determine whether the land was utilized at least once in any agricultural activitysuchascropfarming,livestockraising,orpoultryraisingduringthereferenceperiod.
TherearethreeproxyconditionsrecommendedbyFAOinindicatingthatapersonhassecured rights over an agricultural land:
• supported by legally recognized document (2C09-2C10),
• the right to sell (2C11), and
• the right to bequeath (2C12).
The presence of one of these three proxies is sufficient to define a person as owner or holder of tenure rights over an agricultural land.
2C09 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, was there a formal document for the agricultural land you or your household own or hold secure rights that is issued by the Philippine Land Registration Authority or any government agency such as Transfer Certificate of Title, deed of sale, legal heir or succession certificate, Certificate of Hereditary Acquisition, lease or rental contract, etc.?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2C09 serves as a probing question to verify whether the member is supported by a legally recognizeddocumentonhis/herrightsoveragriculturalland.Thisdocumentcouldbeatitle deed, certificate of occupancy or land certificate, legally recognized purchase agreement, legally recognized will/certificate of hereditary acquisition, certificate of customary tenure, certificate of perpetual/long-term lease or rental agreements, or certificate issued for adverse possession or prescription.
If the answer in 2C09 is code “1”, continue to2C10. If the answer in 2C09 is code “2”, go to 2C11.

2C10 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, was ___’s name listed in any of thedocumentsasowneror holder ofsecuredrightsover anyoftheseagriculturallands?
1 Yes
2 No
8 Don’t know
9 No response
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2C10servesasaprobingquestiontoverifywhethertherespondentwastheownerorholder of the secured rights of the agricultural lands.
2C11 Does ___ have the right to sell the agricultural land, either alone or jointly with someone else?
1 Yes, alone
2 Yes, jointly with co-owners
3 No
8 Don’t know
9 No response
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
RIGHT TO SELL refers to the ability of an individual to permanently transfer the asset in question in return for cash or in-kind benefits.
2C12 Does ___ have the right to bequeath this to another person?
1 Yes, alone
2 Yes, jointly with co-owners
3 No 8 Don’t know
9 No response
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
RIGHTTOBEQUEATH refers to the ability of an individual to pass on the asset in question to another person after his/her death, by written will, or intestate succession.
6.7.4 Subsection C-4.AQUACULTURE
Subsection C-4 determines themembers of the household who were engaged in aquaculture of the household’s aquafarm, as well as the household members who were engaged as aquaculture operators.
2C13 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, was ___ engaged in culturing of fish, shrimp, crab, aquatic plants for sale, and/or other aquatic species in your household's aquafarm?
1 Yes
2 No
2C13 will only be asked to all household members aged 10 years old andover.
Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. REMEMBER that household members working in an aquafarm operated by another household or by a non-household should NOT be reported in this item.
2C13 aims to determine if the household member was engaged in the aquafarm operated by their household. He/she may be the operator himself/herself or an aquafarm helper in the household-operated aquafarm, whether paidor unpaid.
If the answer in 2C13 is code “1”, continue to2C14. If the answer in 2C13 is code “2”, go to 2C16.

2C14 Duringthe period January 01to December31, 2022, was ___engaged inthefollowing aquaculture activities?
a. Preparing the aquafarm
b. Brood-stocking, conducting artificial insemination of fish, and/or hatching fish fry/shrimp post-larvae
c. Rearing fry to fingerling, fingerling to market size, and/or growing of seaweed plants to mature plants
d. Preparing food/feeding cultured aquatic species
e. Harvesting/sorting/selling cultured aquatic species
f. Buying fry, fingerling, and/or seaweed seedlings/cuttings
g. Cleaning/repairing boat, net, and equipment
h. Record keeping of aquafarm produce, finances, logistics, and other administrative work
i. Other aquaculture activities not mentioned
2C14 will only be asked to all engaged household members in aquaculture aged 10 years old and over.
Read aloud each aquaculture activity in 2C14. Enter code 1 for “Yes”, code 2 for “No”, or code 3 for “Not Applicable”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 2C14i is code 1, indicate inthe line provided other aquafarmactivities. Other activities may include hanging of empty oyster shells (e.g., tulus or bitin), etc.
2C14 aims to determine the specific activities contributed by each household member in the household’s aquafarm.
NOTE: Exclude household members who keep aquatic products, mostly ornamentalfishes,solelyforrecreation,amusement,andhobbynotconnected with the activities of theaquafarm.
Also exclude household members temporarily tending aquatic products for sale when the household member acts only as middleman or trader and does not propagate own stocks for sale which is done only to protect the aquatic products from any damage and keep them in amarketableshape.
2C15 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did ___ operate a fishpond, fish cage, fish pen, fish tank, oyster farm, seaweed farm, aquaponics, and/or other aquafarm?

1 Yes
2 No
2C15 will only be asked to household members aged 15 years old and over engaged in aquaculture.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
2C15 serves as an indicator in linking the household and aquafarm characteristics of the operator.
As defined in Chapter 5, an AQUACULTURE OPERATOR could be the owner, tenant, or lesseeoftheaquafarm.He/she issolely responsible for making thetechnical and economic decisions and implementation of the plans involving the kind of species toculture, stocking rate, time of harvesting, type of feeds, type of aquafarm facilities to use, and other consequences thatmay result from the aquaculture operation.

6.7.5 Subsection C-5. FISHING
Subsection C-5 determines the members of the household who were engaged in fishing activities in the household’s fishing operation, as well as the household members who were engaged as fishing operators.
2C16 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, was ___ engaged in your household’s fishing operation?
1 Yes
2 No
2C16 will only be asked to all household members aged 10 years old andover.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. REMEMBER that household members workinginafishingoperationmanagedbyanotherhouseholdorbyanon-householdshould NOT be reported in this item.
2C16 aims to determine if the household member was engaged in fishing operated by their household. He/she may be the operator himself/herself or a helper in the household-operatedfishing activity, whether paid or unpaid.
If the answer in 2C16 is code “1”, continue to2C17. If the answer in 2C16 is code “2”, goto 2D01.

2C17 Duringthe period January 01to December31, 2022, was ___engaged inthefollowing fishing activities?
a. Setting up of fishing gear in the fishing ground
b. Operating of boat/equipment
c. Catching/gathering fish and/or other aquatic products
d. Sorting/packaging/processing of fish and aquatic species
e. Cleaning/repairing of boat/gear/equipment
f. Buying/selling raw/processed fish, supplies, and equipment
g. Record keeping of catch, other products, finances, logistics, and other administrative work
h. Other fishing activities not mentioned
2C17 will only be asked to all engaged household members in fishing aged 10 years old and over.Read aloud each fishing activity in 2C17. Enter code 1for “Yes”,code 2 for“No”, or code3for“NotApplicable”. Notethat all categoriesshouldhave anansweror entry. If the answer in 2C17h is code 1, indicate in the line provided other fishing activities. Other activities may include transporting of fresh fish and aquatic species, preparing of bamboo rafts, etc.
2C17 aims to determine the specific activities contributed by each household member in the fishing operation of the household.
NOTE: Exclude household members who collect/gather species caught and unloadedbyotherfishingoperators/tradersinthelandingcenter.Alsoexclude household members catching and gathering fish and other aquatic products solely for recreation, amusement, and hobby not connected with the activities of the household.
2C18 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did ___ operate a fishing activity?

a. Gathering fry/fingerling, crabs, shells, etc. along the shore, lakeside, etc.
b. Catching fish and other aquatic products in the wild without using boat at all or with boat of three (3.0) gross tonnage or less
c. Catching fish and other aquatic products using boat of more than three (3.0) gross tonnage
2C18 will only be asked to household members aged 15 years old and over engaged in fishing.
Read aloud each activity of the fishing operator in 2C18. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry.
As defined in Chapter 5, a FISHING OPERATOR may do the catching or gathering of aquatic products or mayemploy others to do thejob for him/her as long as he/she is solely responsible for making the technical and economic decisions and implementation of the plans involving when and where to go out fishing, what fishing gears/accessories/devices to use, and other fishing activity and is responsible for the consequences that may result from the fishing operation.
Fishing operations can be classified based on the gross tonnage of a boat/vessel, that is, municipal fishing or commercial fishing as defined in Republic Act 8550 (An Act Providing for the Development, Management and Conservation of the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Integrating All Laws Pertinent Thereto, and for Other Purposes).
GROSS TONNAGE OFTHE BOAT/VESSEL is the vessel’s “closed-in” spaces expressed in volumeintermsof onehundredcubicfeet (which isequalto one grosston). Thisincludes permanently enclosed spaces above the tonnage deck, also known as the underdeck tonnage.
In Section 4 of RA 8550, MUNICIPAL FISHING was defined as “fishing within municipal waters using fishing vessels of three (3) gross tons or less, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing vessels”. On the other hand, COMMERCIAL FISHING refers to the taking of fishery species by passive or active gear for trade, business & profit beyond subsistence or sports fishing.
2C18 aims to determine the number of fishing operator by type of operation – either municipal (2C18a and 2C18b) or commercial fishing operation (2C18c). It also serves as an indicator in linking the household and fishing characteristics of the operator.

SectionDdetermines the social assistance and support received by the household.
2D01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, has any member of your household received any social/health insurance benefits/grants/assistance/payment from the government:
a. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)/Social Security System (SSS) Insurance
b. PhilHealth Insurance
c. Senior Citizen’s Pension
d. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)
e. Others
Read aloud each of the government intervention/program in 2D01. Enter code 1 for “Yes” orcode2for“No”.Notethatallcategoriesshouldhaveananswerorentry.Iftheanswer in 2D01e is code 1, indicate in the line provided other government interventions/programs. Other social and health benefits may include retirement pension, housing, education, healthcare, unemployment, and life insurance.
2D01ishelpfulindeterminingagriculturalhouseholdswithnotolimitedaccessonthesocial and health insurance benefits/grants/assistance/payment from the government. This is useful for policy formulation and implementation of programs.