This chapter provides detailed instructions on how you will accomplish CAF Form 3 (Questionnaire for Agriculture). This form will be used for every household with amember who is an operator of crop farm, livestock/poultry farm, and/or insects and worms farm to record information on his/her agricultural operation such as the characteristics of the farm, number of parcelsandareaofthefarm,structureofthefarmparcel,temporaryandpermanentcropsplanted, other emerging crop practices, livestock and poultry inventory, and farm machineries, equipment, and facilities used. It also intends to collect dataon the number of farm workers/laborers, types of services and assistance received, other economic activities of the operator, and challenges encountered in the farm operation.
CAF Form 3 is atwelve-page booklet type questionnaire which contains the following parts:
Title Panel
Interview Record
Section A- Geographic Identification
Section B- Characteristics of Farmand Parcels
Section C- Crops Planted and/or Harvested
Section D- Livestock/Poultry Raising and Culturing of Insects/Worms
Section E- Machineries, Equipment, Facilities, and Other Tools
Section F - Workers/Laborers
Section G - Technical and Financial Support and Assistance
Section H- Other Economic Activity of the Operator
Section I - Other Agricultural Practices
Section J - Challenges/Problems Encountered
Section K- Use of Physical Card/PhilID Card/Printed E-PhilID
Generally,oneCAFForm3willbeadministeredtoeveryagriculturaloperator.Theexamplebelow determines the number of CAF Form 3 to administer in an agricultural household:
Example 1
Mr. Jose Ramos lives in Bgy. Matapat with his two sons and wife. Mr. Ramos owns an 8,000squaremeterunirrigatedlandwhereheplantspalayduringtherainyseasonandplants corn during dry season. He also manages a one-hectare palay farm where he serves as a tenanttoMs. Cruz. Inaddition tothis,hiswife iscurrentlyraising ducks andchickensintheir backyard. How many CAF Form 3 should you administer to the household of Mr. Ramos?
In this situation, you should administer a total of two forms of CAF Form 3 – one form for the crop operation of Mr. Ramosand one form for his wife’s poultry operation.
ThispanelisfoundattheupperpartofthefrontpageofCAFForm3.Itcontainstheparticulars about the questionnaire including the following:
PSA Logo, Name of the Country/Agency, ISO Certification Logo of TüV Rheinland
Form Type, PSA Approval Number, and Expiration Date
Legal Provisions
Name and Logo of the Census, Form Title
Letter from the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General
NOTE: All booklets of CAF Form 3 given to you are recorded and will be accounted for at the end of enumeration. Ensure to keep and not lose any booklet ofCAFForm3as allaccomplishedandunusedquestionnaireswillbe returnedtoPSAthroughyourTeamSupervisor(TS)afterenumerationperiod.
This is the section where you will write the geographic names and codes of your area of assignment and indicate the number of booklets used for a barangay/Enumeration Area (EA) to properly facilitate the control of forms used during enumeration and processing.
The Geo-ID panel contains the following:
Questionnaire Number
AbookletofCAFForm3isdesignedtoaccommodatethecharacteristicsofoneagricultural operation. If the household member has two or more agricultural operations, additional questionnaire/s will be used. In order to properly account all the questionnaires utilized to recordtheinformationabouttheagriculturaloperations,youmustalwaysfilloutthisportion after accomplishing the last section of the questionnaire. Refer to Chapter 5.3 for the detailed discussion on filling out this item.
Names and Codes of A02 - Province/Highly Urbanized City, A03 - City/Municipality, A04 - Barangay, and A05 - EnumerationArea (EA)
Copy the names and codes of the province, city/municipality, and barangay from A02 to A05 of CAF Form 2. Write also the EA code in the corresponding box. Fill out these items before going to your area of assignment.
A06 Building Serial Number (BSN), A07 Housing Unit Serial Number (HUSN), A08 Household Serial Number (HSN)
Copy the BSN, HUSN, and HSNfrom the geographic identification portion of CAF Form 2.

3A09 Name of Operator, 3A10 Line Number ofOperator
Copycorrectlythenameoftheoperatorfrom2B03aandandhis/herlinenumberfrom2B02 of CAF Form 2. This displays the name of the operator who manages the farm being described in CAF Form 3. This is also used in checking the consistency on the characteristics of the operator between forms and in matching the forms administered to the operator from CAF Forms 2 to 5.
3A11CropOperatorSerialNumber(COSN),3A12LivestockandPoultryOperatorSerial Number (LPOSN)
Copy correctlytheCOSN fromColumn 17ofCAF Form 1andthe LPOSN fromColumn 23 of CAF Form 1. This is a unique four-digit number assigned consecutively to each agricultural operator. An individual may have both COSN and LPOSN assigned to them as long as they havemore than one type of agricultural activity.
3A13 Name of Household Head
Copy the name of the household head from A10 of CAF Form 2. This indicates the name of the household head. This information is useful in checking the quality of data collected during supervision.
3A14 Name of Respondent, 3A15 Line Number of theRespondent, and
3A16 Relationship of the Respondent to theOperator
Copy the nameand line number of the respondent from A11 and A11a of CAF Form 2 and ask the relationship of the respondent to the operator.
These items indicate the name of the respondent who provided the information on the characteristics of the agricultural operation. It also indicates the respondent’s relationship totheoperator.Thiswillbecollectedasreferenceintheassessmentofcollecteddataabout the farm characteristicsand operations with respect to completeness andquality.
The ELIGIBLE RESPONDENT for the CAF Forms 3, 4, and 5 is the identified operator in 3A09 or any responsible member of the household who can provide accurate answers to the Core Questionnaire questions regarding the characteristics of his/her farm and the detailed information of each agricultural operation.
3A17 Name of Caretaker, 3A18Address of Caretaker, and 3A19 Contact Information
For purposesofthedevelopment offramefor agriculturalandfisherysurveysbasedonthe 2022 CAF data, listing activities, and other related statistical undertakings, the name and contact information of the caretaker of the farm, if any, should be collected.
In case there is a caretaker working on the farm, write his/her name in 3A17, address in 3A18, that is, the name and code of the province, city/municipality, and barangay, and contact information in 3A19. If 3A16 is coded with 4 (Caretaker), copy exactly the name of the respondent written in 3A14.
Otherwise, draw a line ( ) on the space provided in 3A17 and leave 3A18 and 3A19 blank.
A CARETAKER is the person who carries out his/her employer’s instructions. The hiring arrangement may involve payment incashor in other formssuchasshareof crop produce or livestock and/or poultry produce.
NOTE:Obtainingthecontactinformationofthecaretakerisoptional,meaning, it is alright if they refused to give their contact information. Still, obtain and record as many contact information of the caretaker as possible.
This portion pertains to the details of the enumerator’s visit such asthe date of visit, interview time, result of visit, and summary of visit. Refer to Chapter 6.4 for the detailed discussion on the result of visit.
This portion attests to the completeness and accuracy of the questionnaires that you have accomplished. This must be filled out only after successfully completing the interview. Refer to Chapter 5.4 for the detailed discussion on filling out the certification panel.

Section B gathers information on the basic characteristics of the farm. This section is to be answered by an agricultural operator. This includes information about the following:
a. Type of agricultural activities on the farm;
b. Main purpose of operation;
c. Legal status of the operator;
d. Total area of the farm;
e. Number, location, and physical area of the parcels;
f. Main useof the parcel;
g. Tenure status of the parcel;
h. Presence of irrigation; and
i. Parcels used by more than one operator.
3B01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you operate the following agricultural activities in the farm?
a. Growing of Crops (including mushrooms, medicinal plants, herbs)
b. Contract Growing of Trees
c. Operation of Nurseries (including ornamental plants and trees for transplanting)
d. Growing of Orchids, Ornamental Plants, and Flower Gardening (for sale)
e. Farming or Gardening using Hydroponics
f. Farming or Gardening using Aquaponics
g. Urban Farming or Gardening using pots/used bottles/small plots in yard/rooftop
h. Raising of Livestock and/or Poultry
i. Contract Growing of Livestock and/or Poultry
j. Raising of Breeder Dogs/Cats (for sale)
k. Raising/Breeding of Ornamental Birds (for sale)
l. Bee Culture/Honey Production
m. Vermiculture/Earthworm Culture
n. Sericulture/Silk/Cocoon Production
o. Other Agricultural Activities, SPECIFY
Read aloud each of the agricultural activity in 3B01. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”.Notethat allcategoriesshouldhaveanansweror entry. Iftheanswer in3B01ois code 1, indicate in the line provided other agricultural activities. Other agricultural activities may include culturing of other insects and wormsnot specified above, etc.
An AGRICULTURAL FARM is an economic unit of agricultural production under single management comprising all livestock kept and all land used wholly or partly for agricultural production purposes, without regard to title, legal form or size. Single management maybe exercised by an individual or household, jointly by two or more individuals or households, byaclanortribe,orbyajuridicalpersonsuchasacorporation,cooperative,orgovernment agency.
The farm’s land may consist of one or more land parcels, located in one or more separate areas or inone or more administrative units, provided that the parcels are part of the same economic production unit and share the same production means, such as labor, farm buildings, machinery, and draught animals.
3B01 serves as a filtering question to guide the enumerators what particular agricultural activity or activities the agricultural farm operates. It will be used as indicator in the consistency checks between sections of CAF Form 3 in terms of the reported crop types and animal types in the farm.
NOTE: Farm activities with economic value areto be INCLUDED such as:
For food consumption
For sale
For inputs/raw materials in own business
The following cases, on the other hand, areto be EXCLUDED:
× Trading/selling of crops/ornamental plants without involvement in propagating and farming of these crops;
× Collecting/gathering/harvestingcropsfrompubliclands/gardens,forest lands, natural bodies of water (i.e., lake, streams, or river), and other household’s farm without engagement in planting/propagating activities;
× Agricultural production for leisure/recreation/collection purposes such as birds for cockfight (sabong) or pigeons and horses for racing;
× For tourism purposes only;
× Raising of animals for conservation or zoo activities only;
× Raising of animals valued as pets or as hobby only;
× Breeding of aspin/askaland puspin/puskal;
× Propagating of plants as a hobby or home aesthetics or beautification purposes only;
× Tending of animal stock when these animals are scheduled for slaughter for less than one month; and
× Hunting of animals, insects/worms, reptiles, and amphibians and/or collecting/gathering of honey, silk, and vermicast from the wild.
This item will also be used in implementing skipping patterns, as follows:
Agricultural Activities
a. Growing of Crops (including mushrooms, medicinal plants, herbs)
b. Contract Growing of Trees
c. Growing of Orchids, Ornamental Plants and Flower Gardening (for sale)
d. Farming or Gardening using Hydroponics
e. Farming or Gardening using Aquaponics
f. Urban Farming or Gardening using pots/used bottles/small plots in yard/rooftop
CAF Form 3Subsections to Accomplish (Sections C-D)

Subsection C-1. Temporary Crops
Subsection C-2. Permanent Crops
Subsection C-3. Other Agricultural Practices
Subsection C-3A. Hydroponics
Subsection C-3B. Aquaponics
Subsection C-3C. Urban Farming or Gardening
Agricultural Activities
g. Raising of Livestock and/or Poultry
h. Contract Growing of Livestock and/or Poultry
i. Raising of Breeder Dogs/Cats (for sale)
j. Raising/Breeding of Ornamental Birds (for sale)
k. Bee Culture/Honey Production
l. Vermiculture/Earthworm Culture
n. Other Agricultural Activities
CAF Form 3Subsections to Accomplish (Sections C-D)
Subsection D-1. Livestock
Subsection D-2. Poultry/Cultured Insect/Worm
Subsection D-1. Livestock
Subsection D-2. Poultry/Cultured Insect/Worm
Subsection D-2. Poultry/Cultured Insect/Worm
Subsection D-2. Poultry/Cultured Insect/Worm
Subsection D-2. Poultry/Cultured Insect/Worm
Depending on the type of operation.
3B02 What was the main purpose of operation of the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Only for sale
2 Only for own consumption
3 Mainly for sale with some for own consumption
4 Mainly for own consumption with some for sale
5 Equally for sale and for own consumption
9 Other Purposes
Enter corresponding code in thebox provided. If answer in3B02is code“9”,indicate inthe line provided other main purpose of operation. Other purposes may include inputs for businesses such as for wool, leather, and strings production, for inputs in carinderia or for payment of credits.
3B02 aims to determine the economic contribution of the agricultural operation.
3B03 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you operate this farm as an individual/sole proprietor or in partnership?
01 Individual/Single Proprietorship
21 Partnership without formal and written agreement (jointly operating with one or more than one household)
22 Partnership with formal and written agreement (not registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission)
99 Other Legal Status
Enter corresponding codein the boxes provided. If answer in 3B03 is code“99”, indicatein the line provided other legal status of the operator. Other legal status may include tribes, clans, etc.
LEGALSTATUSOFTHEAGRICULTURALOPERATOR refers to the form of organization under which the agricultural activity is undertaken. An agricultural holding/farm may be operated by a singlemanagement, which is anyof the following:
Category Description of Legal Status
01 Individual/Sole Proprietorship a holding is operated by a person on his/her own account who may be the landowner, lessee, or tenant.

21 Partnership without formal and written agreement (jointly with one ormore than one household)
22 Partnership with formal and written agreement (not registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission)
a holding may be operated by civil persons, either by a single individual, or jointly by several individuals (groupofcivilpersons),withoutaformal or contractual agreement.
a holding may be operated by civil persons, either by a single individual, or jointly by several individuals (group of civil persons), with a formal or contractual agreement not registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
99 Other LegalStatus includes tribes, clans, etc.
3B03 aims to determine the distribution of legal organization for all agricultural farms.
NOTE: There are two types of agricultural farms: (i) farms in the household sector – that is, those operated by household members in sole proprietorship or partnership with or without formal and written agreement; and (ii) holdings in the non-household sector, such as partnership, corporation, cooperative, other private institution, or government agency/institution. Households can form a formal partnership through the power of the attorney. Unlike sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations are required to be registeredintheSEC,whichisthedistinguishingfactorofaformalpartnership for the household and for the non-household.
If the legal organization of the agricultural farm falls under those in the nonhouseholdsector,administertheEstablishment ReferralForm(CAFForm28) to him/her.
If the answer in 3B03 is code “01”, continue to3B04a.
If the answer in 3B03 is code “21” or code “22”, go to 3B05a.
If the answer in 3B03a is code “99”, continue to 3B04a.

3B04 Did any member of your household operate any of the agricultural activities reported in 3B01 simultaneously with your agricultural activity operation in the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes, separate cropping period
2 Yes, simultaneously during the reference period
3 Both codes 1 and 2
4 No
3B04 will only be asked to agricultural operators who operate the farm in individual/sole proprietorship or in other legal status
Entercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovidedin3B04athenidentifythename(3B04c)and sex (3B04d) of the household members. Otherwise, enter code 4 if “No”.
3B04 record the information of the household members who also used the same farm simultaneously with the operator’s agricultural activity during the reference period. It aims to capture the double reporting of farm characteristics and also serve as an indicator that the same farm was operated by twoor more members of the household.
Data items
3B04a Did any member of your household operate any of the agricultural activities reported in 3B01 simultaneously with your agricultural activity operation in the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
3B04b Line Number
3B04c Name of HouseholdMember
3B04d Sex
If there are more than three members of the household to be listed, record their name and sex in the remarks portion of Form 3.
3B05 Did your partners operate any agricultural activities reported in 3B01 in this farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes, separate cropping period
2 Yes, simultaneously during the reference period
3 Both codes 1 and 2
4 No
3B05 will only be asked to agricultural operatorswho operatethefarm in partnership with or without formal and written agreement
For operators with partners simultaneously operating different agricultural operation, enter corresponding code in the box provided in 3B05a then identify the name (3B05c), sex (3B05d), and address (3B05e) of the partners.Otherwise, enter code 4 if “No”.
3B05 records the information of the partners who also used the same farm for his/her own agriculture operation during the reference period. It aims to capturethe double reporting of farmcharacteristicsandalsoserveasanindicatorthatthesamefarmwasoperatedbytwo or more operators.
Data items
3B05a Did your partners operate any agricultural activities reported in 3B01 in this farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
3B05b Line Number
3B05c Name of Partners
3B05d Sex
3B05e Address of Partners
If there are more than three partners to be listed, record the name and address of the partners inthe remarks portion of Form 3.
NOTE: Two or more persons may form a partnership and bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
3B06 How many parcels did you operate/manage in the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
Write thetotal number of parcels operated in thebox provided during the reference period.

3B06 aimstodeterminethe total number of parcels in thefarm.Include allparcels usedfor planting temporary crops, permanent crops, ornamental plants for sale and urban gardening, raising of livestock and/or poultry, raising of breeder dogs, cats, ornamental birds, gamefowls and pigeons for sale, and culturing of insects and worms.
A PARCEL is a one contiguous piece of land under one form of tenure without regard to land use. Both the contiguity and one form of tenure conditions should be met for a piece of land to be classified as one parcel.
CONTIGUOUS means that the piece of land is not separated by natural or manmade boundaries. Aparcelmaybesurroundedbyotherlands,water,road,forestorotherfeatures that are not part of the farm or part of the farm under different land tenure.

Examples of natural boundaries are river, dike, lake, mountain, forest, and any physical features of the land that are not part of the farm. Meanwhile, example of manmade boundaries are road, political boundaries (e.g., barangay, municipal, and provincial borders), houses, irrigation canal, and any man-made structures that are not part of the farm.
A parcel may consist of one or more fields or plots adjacent to each other. A FIELD is a piece of land in a parcel separated from the rest of the parcel by easily recognizable demarcation lines, such as paths, cadastral boundaries, fences, waterways, or hedges. A

field may consist of one or more plots, where a PLOT is a part or whole of a field on which a specific crop or crop mixture is cultivated, or which is fallow or waiting to be planted.
Parcels to beINCLUDED are those:
1. lands actually used in the operation whether the land is owned, leased, or rented (the one who rented is the one to report the parcel);
2. lands where rented/contracted trees are grown (the one toreport the parcel is the tree holding contractor);
3. lands which are purposely allowed to stay idle for a period of at least one year or at most five years in order to recover its fertility; and
4. home lot of the operator whether the land is owned or rented if used in agricultural activitylikevegetablegardening,whethertheproductionisforhomeconsumptionor for sale.
The following examples illustrate how to determine the number of parcels in the farm.
Example 2

Kevin migrated to States with his family and entrusted his 10-hectare palay farm to his three brothers. The brothers - Kaloy, Karding, Kardo - divided the farm into three parts. However, in 2019, parts of the farm were occupied by the construction of the nationalhighway.Ifthefarmwasdividedasshownintheillustrationbelow,howmany parcels were being operated by Kaloy, Karding and Kardo?
Illustration 7.3. Parcels with Man-Made Boundaries
Parcels are counted separately when they are bounded by man-made boundaries like highway, roads, houses, or railways. In this case, since the farm was separated by tenure and man-made boundaries, then it should be counted separately.

1. Separated by tenure status: There are three operators (tenant) cultivating the land owned by Kevin- Kaloy, Karding and Kardo.
2. Number of parcels operated by Kevin's brothers which are separated by manmade boundaries are as follows:
• Kaloy - 2 parcels
• Karding - 3 parcels
• Kardo - 1 parcel
Barangay Coral na Bato is famousfor the numberof mangotrees being cultivated in the area. In Purok 5, Ms. Bustos, Mr. Manahan, Mr. Co, and Ms. Flores are also cultivating mango trees for sale. Bustos’ Farm is a three-hectare land cultivated with mangoes and tomatoes as shown in the illustration below. How many parcels are being operated by Ms. Bustos?
Parcels are also counted separately when bounded by man-made boundaries. However, fences, box plots, hedges, or any architecture that are part of the farm are considered as part of the parcel. In the case of Bustos’ Farm, a road is present between the mango farm while the tomatoes were caged in a fence (refer to the portion encircled in yellow). Thus, there are two parcels.

Onthe other hand,thereare nopresentboundaries betweenManahan'sFarm, Co’s Farm, and Flores’ Farm. The contiguous pieces of land are cultivated with mangoes. How many parcels were operated by each of them?
Even if the pieces of land are contiguous, a parcel must only have one tenure status for it to be counted as one. Unless contiguity and tenure criteria are bothsatisfied, the pieces of landwillnotbecountedasoneparcel.Therefore,Mr.Manahan,Mr.Co,andMs.Floresare operating only one parcel each.
Mr. Arthur Diaz is residing in Municipality A where he is operating a three-hectare coconut farm. Thecoconut farm is located between the boundary of Municipal Aand Municipal B. One-fourth of the total farm area is already located in Municipal B. How many parcels does Mr. Diaz operate?
The coconut farm of Mr. Arthur Diaz does not have the presence of any natural or man-made boundaries and it also has one form of tenure. However, when a piece of land is bounded by political boundaries such as barangay, municipal and provincial boundaries, then this must be counted separately. In this case, Mr. Diaz is operating two parcels in different locations.

The Nepomuceno family has been managing a coconut farm for almost a decade. When their father died, the farm was inherited tothe sons, Mr. Jack and Mr. Jill who currently lives in different households. As probed by the enumerator, Mr. Jack managed the farm from March 2022 to August 2022 while Mr. Jill managed the farm from September 2022 toFebruary 2023. Who should report the farmparcel?
When there are two or more operators using the same land one after the other during the reference period, it is considered as a parcel operated under rotation.

Inthiscase,Mr.JackandMr.Jillwillreportthefarmparcel,separately.Theenumeratorwill thenlistthenameandaddressofthepersonwhooperatedandsharedtheparcelwiththem during the reference period in items 3B15 and 3B16, respectively.

Example 6

Ms.Alonzo boughtatwo-hectarelandandresidedtherewithherfamily.Shedecided to use most part of the land for vegetable farming and a portion for chicken poultry. Shebuiltachickencooptoshelterthechickensshe'stendingforeggproduction.The vegetable farm is planted with cauliflower, spring onion, lettuce, cabbages, carrots, strawberries, and peanuts. How many parcels does Ms. Alonzo operate?
Parcels are not separated by type of crops planted or by type of agricultural activities such as growing of crops, growing of ornamental plants for sale, hydrophonics, livestock raising and poultryraising.Inthis case, eventhoughMs.Alonzo isoperating avegetablefarmand raising layer chickens, she is still operating one parcel. This is becausethe piece of land is contiguous and has oneform of tenureonly.
NOTE: Probebymentioning thatthecontiguity and oneformof tenurecriteria shouldbesatisfiedforapieceoflandtobecountedasoneparcel,notingthat:

a contiguous land with different tenure status will be reported as two separate parcels

a land located in the same barangay but with different tenure status will be reported as two separate parcels

a land with one secured title located in two different barangays will be reported as twoseparate parcels
a land divided by an irrigation facility or any man made structure that is part of the farm will be reported as one parcel
a land divided by an irrigation facility constructed by the government or private sector will be reported as two separate parcels
3B07 What was the total physical area of the farm?
Record the total physical area of the farm in hectares up to four decimal places on the line provided.If the areareportedis awhole number,four zeroes(0000) shouldbe writtenafter the decimal point. For example, if the area of the parcel is 1 hectare, write1.0000.

● Area Reported in Whole Number
1 ha. = 1. 0 0 0 0 = 1.0000 ha.
If the area planted given by the respondent is in square meters, convert this tohectares by dividing it by 10,000 or move the decimal point four places to the left. For example, 200 square meters is equal to 0.0200 hectare. For physical area less than 10 square meters or 0.0010 hectare, write 0.0010 on the boxes provided. See examples below.

● Area in SquareMeters

PHYSICALAREAOFTHEPARCEL referstothesizeoractualmeasurement oftheparcel.
3B07aimstodeterminethetotalareaofthefarm. This will be used in generating sampling frame and benchmark figures for current statistics on agriculture. This can also be helpful for policy formulationandresearchpurposes.Resultstobe generated can be used as indicator on where programs should be implemented and which provinces/regions are engaged in a specific operations which could be an indicator of food supply.
NOTE:TheareashouldonlybereportedONCEregardlessofhowmanytimes it was used during the reference period. The area should be obtained for all parcels of land which are part of the farm as of December 31, 2022
3B08 Parcel Number
Items on Subsection B-3 are formatted in tabular form in which each row (parcel number) representsoneparcelwhetheroperationalortemporarilyfallowduringthereferenceperiod. There are seven pre-printed parcel number that can be recorded in one printed CAF Form 3.
When using additional questionnaire, make sure to re-number the pre-printed parcel number in 3B08 following the last parcel number in the previous questionnaire.

3B09 Where was the parcel located?
Writethenameoftheprovince/highlyurbanizedcity(HUC)onthespaceprovidedin3B09a, the city/municipality name in 3B09b, and the barangay name in 3B09c.
If the reported province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangay is exactly the same with the geographic identification in Section A, copy and enter the geographic codes in the boxes provided and specify “SAME” in the spaces provided. Otherwise, enter the name of the province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangay in the spaces provided and leave the code boxes blank.
3B09 aims to determine the characteristics of the agricultural lands in the barangay and city/municipality level. This is also important when disaggregating land data by administrative units.
NOTE: If theoperatormanagedtwo ormoreparcels, listfirsttheparcelthat is nearesttotheresidenceoftheoperatorstartingfromthehomelotifitwasused inanyagriculturalactivities,followedbythesecondnearestparcel,andsoon.
3B10 What was the physical area of the parcel?
Record the physical area of the parcel in hectares up to four decimal places on the line provided. Do not round off and enter exact sizeprovided by the respondent.
As defined in item 3B07, PHYSICAL AREA refers to the actual measurement of the land. The area should only be reported ONCE regardless of how many times it was used during the reference period. The area should be obtained for all parcels of land which are part of the farm as ofDecember 31, 2022.
3B10 aimsto determinethe areaof theagricultural lands bylocation.Itcanalsobeusedin generating sample frameand benchmark figures for current statistics on agriculture.
Take note of the following sources of information or estimation technique to obtain an accurate estimate of the area of each parcel especially if the operator does not know or finds difficulty in giving you the exact area of the parcel or parcels operated by him/her.
1. Land title or tax declaration will show the exact area of the parcel. If the agricultural operator is the owner, these documents may beavailable.
2. Compute the area based on estimated information on the length and width of the parcel if rectangular in shape. The formula for computing the area for a rectangular shaped parcelwhere dimensions are in meters:

Area = Length x Width Example: Length = 250 meters; Width= 30 meters

Area = 250m x 30m = 7,500 sq.m.
Converting the area in sq. meters to hectares: Area = 7,500 sqm. x 1 ha./10,000 sqm. = 0.7500 ha.
3. Pace Factor or by measuring the area by pacing/walking. (See Appendix 1 for the instructions on howtoestimatephysical area using the pace factor.)
3B11 What
EntercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovideddisplayedatthebottomofPage3B.Ifanswer in 3B11 is code “99”, indicate in the line provided other land use of the parcel.
LAND USE refers to activities such as growing of crops, livestock and poultry raising or cultivating/ culturing fish, and other agricultural activities carried out on the parcel making up the farm with the intention of obtaining products and/or benefits.

3B11aimstodeterminethemainuseoftheparcel.Inconjuctionwiththeparcelarea,itcan be used to estimate the area under different land use classes. It can also be used to determine the highest value of production in the parcel.
A parcel may have more than one land use. In such cases, main land use to be reported should be determined based on its major use, that is, the largestareadevotedtoaparticularuse.Iftheland area criterion is not possible, main land use to be reported is based on the highest value of productionfromaparticularlanduse.Ifthelanduse changed during the year (for example, fruit trees
were planted onformerly rice land) the land should be assigned tothe present use (code 2 for under permanent crops).
In cases where agriculture, aquaculture, or forestry activities are carried out on the same landasotheractivities,theactivitiesrelatedtoagriculture,aquaculture, orforestrynormally take precedence in determining land use.
For purposesof2022CAF,mainuseoftheparcelreferstoanyofthefollowingcategories:
01 Under Temporary Crops
Description of Land Use
Refersto landplantedtocropsthat aregrownseasonally andwhosegrowingcycleislessthanoneyear,andwhich must be sown or planted again for production after each harvest; lands planted with herbaceous forage crops mainlyforsaleevenifpartoftheproduceisusedasfeeds for livestock; as well as parcels planted to kangkong, alogbati, and similar plants whose growing cycle may be a year or less and need not be replaced after each harvest. The parcel planted tocrops, whicharegrown for morethanayear,buthavetobereplacedafterharvesting like cassava and pineapple is also classified under this category.
02 Under Permanent Crops
Refers to land cultivated with long-term crops which do not have to be replanted for several years; land under trees and shrubs; and nurseries (except those for forest trees, which should be classified under “forest and other wooded land”). Land under permanent crops also includes land used for growing permanent crops under protective cover such as coconut trees covering cacao trees. On the other hand, land under permanent meadows and pastures is excluded from this category
03 Under Temporary and Permanent Crops
04 Temporarily Fallow
A mixture of land uses in a parcel or field where permanent and temporary crops are grown together as associated crops.
Refers to arable land at prolonged rest before re-cultivation to regain fertility for the coming years. The prolonged rest may be part of the farm’s crop rotation system or because the normal crop cannot be planted due to flood damage, lack of water, and unavailability of inputs or other reasons.
05 Under Temporary Meadows and Pastures
06 Under Permanent Meadows and Pastures
07 Covered with Wood and Forest
Includes land temporarily cultivated with herbaceous forage crops for mowing or pasture for a period of less than five years
Includes land used permanently (for five years or more) to grow herbaceous forage crops, through cultivation or naturally (as wild prairieor grazing land).
Refers to a part of the farm that is wood or forestland, natural or planted. Example of this is the land planted with trees such as ipil-ipil, shrubs, and other non-fruit trees. Nurseries of forest trees and wood or forestland
08 Under Livestock and Poultry Raising
09 Homelot
10 Under Aquaculture
99 Other Land Use
Description of Land Use
used only for recreational purposes should be reported under this category. DO NOT INCLUDE FOREST CONCESSION.
Forest concession refers to tract of forestland under licenseagreement,lease,orpermitwhicharetimberedor havegoodresidualstockingtosupportanapprovedtobe established or existing wood processing plant.
The land is built with pigpen, poultry house, livestock house, and other farm structures used in the raising of livestock and/or poultry.
Means that the land is used mainly for residential purposes of the agricultural operator but is also used for agricultural purposes, regardless of its location.
Refers to the part of the farm utilized for the operation of land-based aquafarm such as fishpond, fish tanks, and hatchery or pangitlugan
Other land use may refer to lands used for culturing of insects and worms, undeveloped lands, potentially productivelandsforagriculture,wastelands,publiclands, and other lands not included in the preceding land use classifications. Wasteland comprises barren rocky land, sloping areas, and others which are used for any productivepurposes.
What was the tenure status of the parcel?
under Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) or Certificate of Ancestral Land Title (CALT) 08
Enter corresponding code in the boxes provided displayed at the bottom of Page 3B. If answer in 3B12 is code “99”, indicate in the line provided other tenure status of the parcel.
TENURE STATUS OF THE PARCEL refers to the right under which a parcel is held or operated. Aholdingmaybeoperatedunder asingleformoftenureorunder morethanone form, in which case eachform of tenure must be reported separately by parcel.
A parcel may have any of the following tenure status:
01 Fully owned
Description of Tenure Status
A land operated with a title of ownership in the name of the holder and consequently, the right to determine the nature and extent of the use of the land. Included in this category are lands whose absolute ownership is vested in the holder through sale or inheritance. A parcel, which is a part of the holding, is also considered fully owned if the holder has an absolute deed to the sale of the land. Likewise,landsofthetillerswithEmancipationPatentare considered fully owned.
02 Owner-like possession
A land under conditions that enable a person to operate it as if he/she is the owner although he/she does not possessadocumentasproofoftitleofownership.Aland under owner-like possession includes thosethatare held under heirship which the document as proof of title of ownership has not been transferred to the heirs. Also included in this category are inherited lands without document as proof of title of ownership and those held undertaxdeclaration.Further,thiscategoryalsoincludes areas without legal title of ownership which is operated uncontestably and uninterruptedly by the holder for a period of 30 years or more, even without the permission of the owner, and lands being purchased on installment basis or under long-termcontract.
03 Tenanted
Alandcultivatedbyaperson,belongingto,orpossessed by another, with the latter’s consent for purposes of production,sharingtheproducewiththelandholderunder the share tenancy system, or paying to the landholder a certain amount of produce (payment in kind or in money or both), under a leasehold tenancy system.
04 Leased/Rented
A land cultivated by a lessee, which belongs to or is legally possessed by another, the lessor. The rental paymentisintheformofa fixedamountof either money, produce or both.
05 Rent-free
06 Held under Certificateof Land Transfer (CLT) or Certificateof Land Ownership Award (CLOA)
A land operated without title of ownership and without paying rent but with the consent or permission of the landowner.
Alandstillbeingpaidbytheholderunderthegovernment land reform program of Operation Land Transfer (OLT).
OLTisasystematictransferofownershipoftenantedrice and corn lands from the landowners to the tenant-tillers while CLOA are titles issued to farmers for their farm lot as covered by Republic Act 6657 otherwise known as Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. It must be noted that this category covers only those that are currently paying their amortization.
07 Held under Certificateof
A land possessed by the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in
Ancestral Domain Title (CADT)/ Certificateof Ancestral Land Title (CALT)
08 Held under Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA)
09 Certificateof Stewardship Agreement (CSA)/ Certificateof Stewardship Contract (CSC)
99 Other Land Tenure
Description of Tenure Status
accordance with Republic Act 8371 of the Indigenous PeoplesRights Act(IPRA) of1997. CADTreferstoatitle formally recognizing the rights of possession and ownership of ICCs/IPs over their ancestral domains identified and delineated in accordance with RA 8371. This also includes lands of ICCs/IPs held under the Memorandum of Usufruct (MOU). According to the Civil Code of the Philippines, the usufruct is entitled to all the benefits he may enjoy or get from the property but limits the right of ownership.
CALT, on the other hand, is a title formally recognizing the rights of ICCs/IPs over their ancestral lands.
CBFMA is alsoa production sharing agreement between (and entered into by) the government and the local community, represented by participating people’s organization as forest managers for a period of 25 years renewableforanother25years,andshallprovidetenurial security and incentives to develop, utilize, and manage specific portions of forest lands.
The Certificate of Stewardship Contract is a contact issued by Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to individual occupants in the Integrated Social Forestry (ISF) areas before the implementation of the CBFM program in 1996 pursuant toLetterofInstruction1260whichprovidetenureoverthe parcel of forestland for a period of 25 years, renewable for another 25 years.
Refers to lands held as mortgage and all other lands not falling under tenure status not categorized from 01 to 08 above, including lands under IFMA, FLGA, SLUP, public lands, communal grazing lands, lands occupied without consent of owner for less than 30 years and forest land occupied by a person without any agreement with the DENR.
Refer to Section 6.7.3 for the detailed discussion of this category.
3B12 aims todescribethe land rights or tenure status present inthe country.Itcan also be used to determine farms without land, operated under one or two tenure form, operated under owner like possession, and rented from someone else.
NOTE: During enumeration, refer to the codes at the bottom of Page 3B. Do not forget to specify other tenure status of the land on the space provided if it is not among the eight tenureclassifications.

3B13 Was the parcel irrigated?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
IRRIGATION refers to purposely providing land with water, other than rain, for improving pastures or crop production. Irrigation usually implies the existence of infrastructure and/or equipment for applying water to crops such as drift irrigation, irrigation canals, pumps, sprinklers, or localized watering systems. It may also include manual watering of plants using buckets, wateringcans, or other devices.
Irrigation includes any process through which water is moved from a water source to apply to an agricultural crop. Water for irrigation may come from various sources,includingrivers,dams,orwells.Theirrigation water may be the product of amajor irrigation scheme serving many farmers over a large area, or a local scheme serving a small community.
Farmers may also carry out irrigation individually, using informal arrangements to obtain water from rivers, streams, wells, or ponds with equipment such as a pump or manual methods such as buckets.

3B13 aims to determine the accessibility of irrigation in the parcel regardless if it was done manually or with infrastructure.
NOTE: The following cases are considered as NOT IRRIGATED:
× Uncontrolled land flooding by overflowing of rivers or streams; and
× Waiting for rainwater towater the parcel, commonly called as rainfed
However, if the rainwater was purposely collected in water reservoirs for the irrigation of the land then this should be considered as irrigated.
3B14 Was this same parcel used by another operator during the reference period?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
If the answer in 3B14 is code “1”, continue to 3B15. If the answer in 3B14 is code “2”, go to 3B17.

3B15 Who used this same parcel during the reference period?
a. Household members as indicated in 3B04c
b. Partners as indicated in 3B05c
c. Another household, when rented out in any part of the parcel
Read aloud each possible operators who used the same parcel in 3B14. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry.
3B14 serves as an indicator in the consistency check between operators who used the same parcels due to limited farm area within thereference period such as:
Parcels used simultaneously by household members and partners identified as operator in different agricultural activities (e.g., homelot)
Parcels used simultaneously by operators from different households with different agricultural activities
Parcels operated under rotation, meaning, there are two or more operators using the land one after the other during the reference period.
If the answer in 3B15a or 3B15b is code“1”, go to 3B17.
If the answer in 3B15c is code “1”, continue to 3B16.

3B16a What is the name of the operator of another household that used the same parcel?
3B15 will only be asked for parcels used simultaneously by other household during the reference period. Write the last andfirst name of the operator who used the same parcel.
3B15recordsthenameoftheagriculturaloperatorwhousedthesameparcelduetolimited farm area within the reference period. This will serve as an indicator in the consistency check of parcels to avoiddouble reporting.
3B16b What is the address of the operator using the same parcel in any part of the reference period?
3B15 will only be asked for parcels used simultaneously by other household during the reference period. Write the complete adress of the operator who used thesame parcel.

3B16 records the address of the agricultural operator who used the same parcel due to limited farm area within the reference period. This will serve as an indicator in the consistency check of parcels to avoid doublereporting.
NOTE: If there are more than one operator to be listed in items 3B16, record the name and address of the operators who used the same parcel in the remarks portion of Form 3.
3B17 Computed Total Physical Area of All the Parcels
Record the total physical area of all the parcels reported in 3B10 in hectares up to four decimal places on the space provided.
3B17 serves as an indicator in the consistency check between the reported physical area of the holding/farm and total physical area of all parcels reported.
NOTE: Thetotalphysicalareaof alltheparcels(3B17) shouldbeequaltothe total physical area of the holding/farm (3B10). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
Illustration 7.7. Consistency on Total Area of All Parcels Portion of CAF Form 3

1 Yes

2 No

Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If there are more than seven parcels, use additional CAF Form 3 and make sure to re-number the pre-printed line number in 3B08 following thelast line numberintheprevious questionnaire.Otherwise, proceedtothenext question.
3B18isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.

Section C gathers information on the operator’s crop farming activities/practices and crop farming operation structures. This section is to be answered by operators engaged in growing of crops, contract growing of trees, growing of ornamental plants for sale, farming/ gardening using hydroponics and aquaponics, and urban farming/gardening.
7.7.1 Subsection C-1. TEMPORARY CROPS
Asoneofthemajorsubsectionsof2022CAFquestionnairesconsistingofthemaindataitems collected in an agricultural census, Subsection C-1 gathers information on the farm activities and practices in growing of temporary crops for the reference period January 01 to December 31, 2022. Specifically, the kinds of temporary crops planted in each parcel, the cropping period within the reference period, that is, the date temporary crop was planted and harvested, number of times the crop was harvested, area planted, and harvested to the crop.
TEMPORARY CROPS are crops grown seasonally and with growing cycle of less than one year. Temporary crops are usually newly sown or planted for further production after each harvest. Examples are rice, corn, root crops such as sweetpotatoandcassava,vegetablessuchassquash,string beans, cabbage and mushroom, and annual ornamental plants such as aster, cabbage rose, and marigold. In the Philippines some temporary crops also grow for more than a year such as strawberries, pineapple, sugarcane, “siling labuyo”, and eggplant.
For the purpose of 2022 CAF, crops gathered/harvested from natural water bodies (e.g., lakes, streams, or rivers) such as kangkongand water lily are EXCLUDED

3C01 Did you grow temporary crops during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3C01 serves as a screening question regarding the operator's growing of temporary crops operation, if any, during the reference period in any of the parcels.
If the answer in 3C01 is code “1”, continue to3C02.
If the answer in 3C01 is code “2”, go to 3C12.

3C02 to 3C11 will only be asked to agricultural operators who planted temporary crops during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
3C02 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, how many parcels were planted with temporary crops?
Writethenumberofparcelsusedforplantingtemporarycropsintheboxesprovided.Prefix with “0” if the number ofparcel is less than 10.

3C02 aims to determine the number of parcels alloted for planting temporary crops.
NOTE: The total number of parcels used for temporary crops (3C02) should be either equal or less than the total number of parcels in the farm (3B06). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3C03 Line Number
Subsection C-1 is formatted in tabular form in which each row (line number) corresponds to one cropping period. There are 30 rows in one Subsection C-1 of CAF Form 3. The line number in this column are pre-printed. This is helpful to easily associate each type of temporary crops.
3C04 Parcel Number
Write the parcel number assigned to the crop in the space provided. The assignment of parcel number should correspond with those reported in 3B08 of Subsection B-2. Thus, you should maintain the assigned parcel number in this section.
Iftheoperatorwasinvolvedinmixedcroppingand/orintercroppinginacertainparcelduring thereferenceperiod,theparcelnumberwillbethesameforeachcrop.SeeIllustration7.10.
3C04 aims to link the structure of the parcel to the crops planted. It also serves as an indicator for intercropping.
3C05 to3C10 willonly be askedfor eachplanting period orcropping periodfor everytemporary crop grown in a parcel within the reference period.
3C05 What were the temporary crops grown in this parcel?
Foreachparcelreported,listthecropsgrownperplanting/croppingperiodwithintheperiod January 01 to December 31, 2022
Inform the respondent that you want to list the crops with less than one year growing cycle such as palay, corn, rootcrops, vegetables, and annual ornamental plants. Let the respondentenumeratethetypesofcropsusingtheFlashcardsasaidsincesometemporary crops also thrive beyondone year.
List down the namesof the temporary crops asmany timesas it was PLANTED duringthe referenceperiodor theso-called planting/cropping seasonsofthecrop.For example, ifthe palay was planted twice during the reference period, then it should also be listed in 3C05 twice but with different information on date planted and date harvested.
Meanwhile, crops grown using pots, boxes, plots, and other emerging practices must be reportedinSubsectionC-3.Seeexamplesonhowtolistthetypeoftemporarycropsplanted as shown in Illustration 7.10.
3C05 aims to determine the different kinds of temporary crops grown in every planting or croppingseasonineachofthereportedfarmparcelsduringthereferenceperiod.Thisitem is also used inproviding sampling frame for PSA’s periodic crops statistical surveys.
NOTE: Take note that you should only include the following:
a. Planted and harvested within the reference period;
b. Planted outside the reference period but harvested within the reference period;
c. Planted within the reference period but harvested outside the reference period; and
d. Crop farm operations wherein the crop was planted before the reference period and harvested after the reference period such as those practicing ratooning.
3C06 When was this crop planted?
Report date planted per cropping period of each crop using the date format: MM/YYYY wherein“MM”indicatesthemonthand“YYYY”indicatestheyearthatthecropwasplanted. INCLUDE the dates outside the reference period to capturethe planting and harvesting seasons of each crop.
3C06, together with 3C09, aims to determine the cropping periods in a province and city/municipality.
3C07 What was the area planted to this crop?
Record the area planted in hectares up to four decimal places on the line provided. Do not round off and enter exact size provided by the respondent.

AREA PLANTED TO THE CROP refers to the actual area used or planted to a particular crop and to be recorded in 3C07 for every cropping period within the reference period.
3C07aimstodeterminethetotalareaplantedtoeachcropwithinthereferenceperiod.This isalsousedtodeterminepercentagelossbycomparingthetotalareaplantedwiththetotal area harvested.
Cite examples - Forcropsassociatedwithaquafarms(i.e.,propagatingkangkongasshade for tilapia, for home consumption), report the actual area planted with kangkong.
NOTE: DO NOT ROUND OFF. Accept estimate area given by the operator. The reported area planted (3C07) should not be greater than the reported physical area of the parcel (3B10). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3C08 How many times have you harvested this crop during the cropping period?
1 Once
2 More than once
3 No harvest due to calamity, pests, etc.
4 Not yet harvested
5 Not applicable
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3C08 determines the number of times a crop is harvested in one planting/cropping period.
In the Philippines, there are temporary crops that can be harvested only once (mono-harvest crops)such aspalay,peanuts, onions, and otherroot crops, whilethereare cropsthatcanbeharvestedfortwoormoretimes(multi-harvestcrops)percroppingperiod such as strawberry, kangkong, stringbeans, mushroom, tomato, eggplant, and mongo, among others. On the other hand, there are also temporary crops that are not usually harvested like flowers and ornamental plants.
If the answer in 3C08 is code “1” or “2”, continue to 3C09. If the answer in 3C08 is “3”, “4”, or “5”, go to next crop, if any.

3C09 When was the last harvest done in this crop?
Report date of last harvest per cropping period of each crop using the date format: MM/YYYY wherein “MM” indicates the month and “YYYY” indicates the year that the crop was harvested. INCLUDE the dates outside the reference period to capturethe planting and harvesting seasons of each crop.
To treat staggered or multi-harvesting, report thedate when the crop was LAST harvested in 3C09. STAGGERED HARVESTING is the practice of harvesting crops multiple times considering that it was planted at one planting time only.
Forcaseswherethecropwasharvesteddaily,alsoindicatethedateitwasLASTharvested during thereference period
3C09, together with 3C06, aims to determine the cropping periods in a province and city/municipality.
3C10 Of the total area planted, what was the total area harvested for this crop in this cropping period?
Record the area harvested in hectares up to four decimal places on the line provided. Do not round off and enter exact size provided by the respondent.

AREA HARVESTED refers to the total area from which the crop is gathered. The area of crops damaged due to drought, flooding, pest attack, or any other reason is EXCLUDED. It may be smaller than the area planted which determines a certain percentage loss criterion. For example, yield is less than 20 percent of normal.
The area harvested should also EXCLUDE uncultivated patches, footpaths, ditches, headlands, shoulders and shelterbelts
Totreatstaggeredormulti-harvesting,reportthephysicalareaharvestedforeachcropping period. This should not be greater than the total area planted reported in 3C07.
Similarto3C07,areaharvestedin3C10shouldberecordedforeverycroppingperiodwithin thereferenceperiod.3C10aimstodeterminethetotalareaharvestedofthetemporarycrop grownwithinthereferenceperiod. It canalsobeusedtodeterminecertainpercentageloss with respect to total area planted tothe crop.
NOTE: DO NOT ROUND OFF. Accept estimate area given by the operator. The reported area harvested (3C10) should not be greater than the reported area planted (3C07) and the physical area of the parcel (3B10). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If you need more than 30 lines for listing temporary crops, use additional CAF Form 3 and make sure to re-number the pre-printed linenumberin3C03followingthelastlinenumberinthepreviousquestionnaire.Otherwise, proceed to the next question.
3C11isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.

7.7.2 Subsection C-2. PERMANENT CROPS
Subsection C-2 pertains to the information in growing of permanent crops, specifically the planting manner, area planted, and number of trees/vines/hills. The reference period is from January 01 to December 31, 2022
PERMANENT CROPS are crops that occupy the land for a long period of time and do not need to be replaced after each harvest such as fruit trees, shrubs, nuts (i.e., cashew, pili), and biennial and perennial ornamental plants (i.e., tulips, chrysanthemum), etc. These crops may be productive and fruit-bearing crops. Examples of these crops are mango, banana, jackfruit, coconut, coffee, and abaca, among others.
3C12 Did you grow/contract permanent crops during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3C12 serves as a screening question regarding the operator's growing of permanent crops operation, if any, during the reference period in any of the parcels.
If the answer in 3C12 is code “1”, continue to3C13. If the answer in 3C12 is code “2”, go to 3C22.

3C13 to 3C21 will only be asked to agricultural operators planting permanent crops during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
3C13 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, how many parcels were grown/contracted with permanent crops?
Write the number of parcels used for growing/contracting permanent crops in the boxes provided. Prefix with “0” if the number of parcel is less than 10.

3C13 aims to determine the number of parcels alloted for planting permanent crops.

NOTE: The total number of parcels used for permanent crops (3C13) should be either equal or less than the total number of parcels in the farm (3B06). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3C14 Line Number
Subsection C-2 is formatted in tabular form in which each row (line number) corresponds to one permanent crop per parcel. There are 30 rows in one Subsection C-2 of
CAF Form 3. The line numbers in this column are pre-printed. This is helpful to easily associate eachtype of permanent crop.
3C15 Parcel Number
Write the parcel number assigned to the crop in the space provided. The assignment of parcel number should correspond with those reported in 3B08 of Subsection B-2. Thus, you should maintain the assigned parcel number in this section.
Iftheoperatorwasinvolvedinmixedcroppingand/orintercroppinginacertainparcelduring thereferenceperiod,theparcelnumberwillbethesameforeachcrop.SeeIllustration7.13.
3C15 aims to link the structure of the parcel to the crops planted. It also serves as an indicator for intercropping.
3C16 What were the permanent crops planted in this parcel?
For each parcel reported, list the crops grown/contracted within the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
Inform the respondent that you want to list the crops with at least one-year growing cycle such as fruit trees, industrial trees, and biennial/perennial ornamental plants. Let the respondent use the Flashcard as aid to enumerate the types of permanent crops. Make sure to probe and include the seedlings/saplings of permanent crops that are planted for less than one year.
If the operator was involved in mixed cropping and/or intercropping, each permanent crop should be accounted and listed in this column. In this case, the parcel number will be the same for each crop. See examples on how to list the type of permanent crops planted as shown in Illustration 7.13.
3C16 aims to determine the different kinds of permanent crops propagated in the barangay/municipality during the reference period. This item is also used in providing sampling frame for PSA’s periodic crops statistical surveys.
3C17 What was the planting manner of this crop?
1 Compact
2 Scattered
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
COMPACT PLANTING is a manner of planting by which plants, trees and shrubs are planted in a regular and systematic manner, such as in an orchard.Plants,trees,orshrubs forming an irregular pattern, but dense enough to be considered an orchard, are also considered acompact plantation.
SCATTEREDPLANTING, onthe other hand, is a manner of planting that it is not possible to estimate the area. Often, plants, trees, and shrubs are scattered around the farm.
3C17aimstoprovideabaseforestimatingcropareaandproductioninthefollowingyears. For example, the current crop area could be obtained by estimating the change in the crop area since the census reference year. This can also provide benchmark figures for current statistics on permanent crops, especially for trees not grown in plantations.

If the answer in 3C17 is code 1, continue to 3C18. If the answer in 3C17 is code 2, go to 3C19.
3C18 What was the area planted to this crop?
3C18willonlybeaskedtoagriculturaloperatorswithpermanentcropsplantedinacompact manner.
Record the area planted in hectares up to four decimal places on the line provided. Do not round off and enter exact size provided by the respondent.

3C18 aims to measure the area used for the compact plantation. This is also useful to provide a sampling frame for crop surveys.

NOTE: DO NOT ROUND OFF. Accept estimate area given by the operator. The reported area planted (3C18) should not be greater than the reported physical area of the parcel (3B10). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3C19 What was the total number of trees/vines/hills?
3C19 will only be asked to agricultural operators with permanent crops planted in a scattered manner. Write the total number of scattered trees/vines/hills for each parcel specified in 3C15 in thespace provided.
3C19 aims to measure the number of trees present in each province and city/municipality. This is also useful to provide a sampling frame for crop surveys and to be used as comparison for the Artificial Intelligence for Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (AI4CAF) results.
3C20 Of the total number of trees/vines/hills reported in 3C19, how many were productive/ fruit bearing?
3C20 will only be asked to agricultural operators with permanent crops planted in a scattered manner. Write the total number of productive or fruit bearing trees on the space provided among the scattered trees reported in 3C19.
PRODUCTIVETREES refer to number of trees/vines/hills that were fruit bearing during the reference period or harvesting has been made in the past but may or may not have borne fruits or productive during the reference period due to cyclical production pattern of crop, weather conditions, or other reasons (pest infestation). Trees/vines/hills that are non-food are also productive if harvesting and production has been made or ready for harvest or production (i.e., abaca, mahogany, falcata, narra, etc.)
3C20aimstomeasurethenumberofproductivetrees/vines/hillsandtoassessthepotential demand for their products. This is also useful toprovide a sampling frame for crop surveys and to be used as comparison for the AI4CAF results.
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If you need more than 30 lines for listing permanent crops, use additional CAF Form 3 and make sure to re-number the pre-printed linenumberin3C14followingthelastlinenumberinthepreviousquestionnaire.Otherwise, proceed to the next question.
3C21isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.

Subsection C-3 gathers information on the farm activities and practices in growing of crops using emerging crop practices for the reference period January 01 to December 31, 2022 Specifically, the type of system, area used, type of urban agriculture technology, and the type of crops grown.
This subsection is divided intothree emerging crop practices:
Subsection C-3A - Hydroponics
Subsection C-3B - Aquaponics
Subsection C-3C - Urban Farming or Gardening
NOTE: You may aid the respondent in describing the different types of crop practices by showing illustrations of how each practice and its systems were done in the flashcard.
Hydroponics is the technique of growing plants using a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil, and can include an aggregate substrate, or growing media, such as vermiculite, coconut coir, or perlite. Hydroponic production systems are used by smallfarmers, hobbyists, and commercial enterprises.
3C22 Did you use hydroponics in the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3C22 serves as screening question regarding the household’s practice of hydroponics in any of the farm parcels, if any, during the reference period.
If the answer in 3C22 is code 1, continue to 3C23. If the answer in 3C22 is code 2, go to 3C28.
3C23 What was the area used for hydroponics as of December 31, 2022?
1 Square Meters
2 Hectares
Recordthe area usedforhydroponicsuptofour decimal places by filling inonly one unit of measurement on the line provided. Do not round off and enter exact size provided by the respondent.

3C23 aims to determine the area used for hydroponics as of December 31, 2022.

NOTE: The reported area used for hydroponics (3C23) should not be greater than the reported physical area of the parcel (3B10). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
For the purpose of the 2022 CAF, lot/floor area (by multiplying length and width)wherethehydroponicswassetupwillbereported,regardlessofshape, design, size, and system used.
3C24 What was the main type of hydroponics system used?
1 Flow and drain
2 Nutrient film technique (NFT)
3 Aeroponics
4 Drip irrigation systems
9 Other, SPECIFY
Enter corresponding codein theboxprovided.If answer in3C24is code“9”,indicateinthe line provided other main type of hydroponics system used.

HYDROPONICS SYSTEM is a growing plant system that does not use soil but uses water with nutrients to save space planting and not contaminated with chemicals in the soil. This can be either active or passive. Active means that nutrient solutions will be moved, usually by a pump. Passiverelies on a wick or the anchor of the growing media.

For the purpose of the 2022 CAF, type of hydroponics system is any of the following:
Description of Hydroponics System

1 Flow and Drain Flow and Drain (Ebb and Flow) systems are very popular with home hydroponic growers for many reasons. The versatile system is relatively lowcost to set up and requires an intermediate level of skill to maintain. This action is normally done with a submerged pump that is connected to a timer.Thetimerissettocomeonseveraltimesa day, depending on the size and type of plants, temperature, humidity, and the type of growing medium used.
2 Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) A hydroponic technique where in a very shallow stream of water containing all the dissolved nutrientsrequiredforplantgrowthisre-circulated past the bare roots of plants in a watertight gully, also known as channels.
Description of Hydroponics System
3 Aeroponics Practice of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of any substrate. That is, the plant roots are suspended in the air and are misted or sprayed periodically with a nutrient solution or aerosol of nutrient solution.
4 Drip Irrigation System
Waterandnutrientsaredeliveredacrossthefield in pipes called ‘dripper lines’ featuring smaller units known as ‘drippers’. Each dripper emits dropscontainingwater andfertilizers,resultingin the uniform application of water and nutrients direct to each plant's root zone, across an entire field.

3C24 aims to determine the main type of hydroponics system being practiced in thefarm.
3C25 Line Number
This column contains preprinted line numbers ranging from 01 to 10, indicating that there are 10rows that can beused to list all crops grown through hydroponics in one CAF Form. An additional questionnaire may be used if more than 10 rows are needed.
3C26 What were the temporary crops, ornamental plants, and small fruit bearing crops grown through hydroponics?
Informtherespondentthatyouwanttolistthecropsgrownthroughhydroponicsperplanting or cropping period within the period January 01 to December 31, 2022 in 3C26a. Let the respondent use the Flashcard as aid to enumerate the types of crops. Make sure to probe and include the ornamental plants and seedlings/saplings of permanent crops that are planted for less than one year. Take note that 3C26b will only be filled out during data processing.
3C26 aims to determine the different kinds of temporary crops grown in every planting or croppingseasonineachofthereportedfarmparcelsduringthereferenceperiod.Thisitem is also used inproviding sampling frame for PSA’s periodic crops statistical surveys.
3C27 Where did you set up your hydroponics?
a. Greenhouse
b. Entire building
c. Inside the building/house/condo unit
d. Rooftop/Terrace
e. Open Spaces (front yard, backyard, garage, etc.)
f. Other, SPECIFY
Read aloud eachsetting of hydroponics in3C27.Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 3C27f is code 1,indicate in the line provided other settings of hydroponics system.
For purposes of 2022 CAF, settings of hydroponics refer to any of the following categories:
a. Greenhouse
This includes agricultural practices in residential, industrial, and public urban areas in greenhousesandtheyneedenoughlandtorelyontheircrops.Thesesystemsprovide a regular environment in which crops can be exposed to the different conditions required for production.
Entire Building
An entire building refers to a structure that occupies an entireplot or piece of land and isdesignedtohousemultipleoccupantsorservemultiplepurposes.Ittypicallyincludes allthefloors,rooms,andcommonareaswithinthebuilding,suchaslobbies,elevators, andstairwells.Anentirebuildingcanbeusedforvariouspurposes,suchasresidential, commercial, or industrial.
c. Inside thebuilding/House/Condo Unit
A building is a structure that is constructed for a specific purpose, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional. It may be designed to house multiple occupants orserveasinglepurpose.Ahouseisabuildingthatisdesignedprimarilyforresidential purposes and is typically used by a single family or household. A condo unit is a type of residential property that is individually owned within a larger building or complex. It allows owners to have ownership of their individual unit while sharing ownership of the common areas and facilities with other owners.
d. Rooftop/Terrace
Roof garden is essentially a garden on the rooftop of a building, man-made green spaces on the topmost level of residential and commercial structures. Consisting of different plants, these verdant areas help improve a building’s aesthetics.
e. Open Spaces (front yard, backyard, idle spaces)
Open spaces, such as front yards, backyards, and idle spaces, refer to areas of land aroundabuildingorpropertythatarenotcoveredbybuildingsorotherstructures.They aretypicallyleftopenandundeveloped,providingspaceforoutdooractivities,orsimply serving as a buffer between buildings.
Front yards are the open space between the front of the house and the street or sidewalk. They are often landscaped and may include a lawn, garden, or other decorative elements.
Backyards are the open space behind the house and are often used for outdoor activities such as gardening, playing, or entertaining. They may also include outdoor features such as a patio, deck, or swimming pool.
Idle spaces refer to areas of land around a property that are not actively used for any specific purpose. They may be left undeveloped or may include features such as a garden, lawn, or natural landscape.
f. Otherhydroponicssetuprefertoanyotherfacilitiesorplaceswherethehydroponics system can be set up.
3C27 aims to determine where the hydroponics system is usually being set up.
AQUAPONICS is a sustainable method of raising both fish and vegetables. It is popular with individuals, entrepreneurs, educators, missions, and governments. Furthermore,withthistype of indoor farming, you grow substantially more food with less water, land and labor than traditional agriculture.
3C28 Did you use aquaponics in the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3C28 serves as screening question regarding the household’s practice of aquaponics in any of the farm parcels, if any, during the reference period.
If the answer in 3C28 is code 1, continue to 3C29. If the answer in 3C28 is code 2, go to 3C34.
3C29 What was the area used for aquaponics as of December 31, 2022?
1 Square Meters
2 Hectares
Record the area used for aquaponics up to four decimal places by filling in only one unit of measurement on the line provided. Do not round off and enter exact size provided by the respondent.

3C29 aims to determine the area used for aquaponics as of December 31, 2022.
NOTE: The reported area used for aquaponics (3C29) should not be greater than the reported physical area of the parcel (3B10). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
For the purpose of the 2022 CAF, lot/floor area (by multiplying length and width) wheretheaquaponicswassetupwillbereported,regardlessof shape, design, size, and system used.
3C30 What was the main type of aquaponics system used?
1 Flood and drain
2 Floating rafts or deep-water culture
3 Nutrient film technique (NFT)
9 Other, SPECIFY
Enter corresponding codein theboxprovided.If answer in3C30is code“9”,indicateinthe line provided other main type of aquaponics system used.
For the purpose of the 2022 CAF, type of aquaponics system is any of the following:
Description ofAquaponics System

1 Flood and DrainAquaponics FloodandDrainaquaponicsconsistofagrowbed and fishtank. The water gets pumped to the growbed and the siphon will return it to the fish tank.
2 Floating Rafts or Deep-water Culture
Planting in a raft system of aquaponics involves suspending plants in the floating rafts (foam or polystyrene sheets), with their roots hanging down in the water. The floating rafts have holes drilled to fit the net cups used for supporting plants.
3 Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) NFT aquaponics is a modified hydroponic technique that revolves around a thin stream of water that is slowly but surely forced up and out of fish tanks and along grow pipes. This movement of water allows plants to suck up all the water, air, and nutrients they need.

9 Other
Refer to any other aquaponics system not categorized above.
3C30 aims to determine the main type of aquaponics system being practiced in thefarm.
3C31 Line Number
Refer to 3C25 of this chapter for the detailed instructions and purpose of this item.
3C32 What were the temporary crops, ornamental plants, and small fruit bearing crops grown through aquaponics?
Informtherespondentthatyouwanttolistthecropsgrownthroughaquaponicsperplanting or cropping period within the period January 01 to December 31, 2022 in 3C32a. Let the respondent use the Flashcard as aid to enumerate the types of crops. Make sure to probe and include the ornamental plants and seedlings/saplings of permanent crops that are planted for less than one year. Take note that 3C32b will only be filled out during data processing.
3C32 aims to determine the different kinds of temporary crops grown in every planting or croppingseasonineachofthereportedfarmparcelsduringthereferenceperiod.Thisitem is also used inproviding sampling frame for PSA’s periodic crops statistical surveys.
3C33 Where did you set up your aquaponics?
a. Greenhouse
b. Entire building
c. Inside the building/house/condo unit
d. Rooftop/Terrace
e. Open Spaces (front yard, backyard, garage, etc.)
f. Other, SPECIFY
Read aloud each setting of aquaponics in 3C33. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 3C33f is code 1,indicate in the line provided other settings of aquaponics system.
3C33 aims to determine where the aquaponics system is usually being set up.
URBAN FARMING refers to the production of food or agricultural products that is done within the confines of the cities, which may also include population centers in bustling towns.
URBANGARDENING,ontheotherhand, refers to growing crops in limited spaces or by using portable and modular planters, and recyclable materials like old plastic bottles, where agricultural land spaces are not available.
3C34 Did you engage in urban farming/gardening in the farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3C34 serves as screening question regarding thehousehold’s practice of urban farming or urban gardening in any of the farm parcels, if any, during the reference period.
If the answer in 3C34 is code 1, continue to 3C35. If the answer in 3C34 is code 2, go to 3C39.
3C35 What were used in the urban farming/gardening?

a. Pots
b. Plots
c. Vertical Gardening (Round, Triangular, Rectangular, etc.)
d. Other, SPECIFY
Readaloudeachmedium usedinurbanfarming/gardeningin3C35.Entercode1for“Yes” orcode2for“No”.Notethatallcategoriesshouldhaveananswerorentry.Iftheanswer in 3C35d is code 1,indicate in the line provided other medium used.

Category Description of UrbanMedium Used
a. Pots Pots are containers made of various materials, such as clay,plastic, metal, or ceramic,that are usedforholdinganddisplayingplants.Theyare typically cylindrical or rounded in shape, with a wideopeningatthetopandanarrowbase.Pots may also include drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to escape and prevent waterlogging, which can damage the plant's roots. Pots can be used for a variety of plants, including flowers, herbs, vegetables, and succulents,andcanbechanged outseasonally or as needed to refresh a space or accommodatedifferent plant needs.
b. Plots
A plot of plants refers to an area of land that is dedicated to growing and cultivating plants, such as flowers, vegetables, or herbs.Aplot of plants can be any size and can be in various settings, such as a backyard garden, community garden, or urban rooftop garden.
The plants in a plot are typically arranged in rows or clusters, with enough space between them to allow for healthy growth and maintenance. Depending on the type of plants being grown, a plot may include features such as trellises, stakes, or cages to support vertical growth, and may include irrigation systems to ensure proper watering.

c. Vertical Gardening (Round, Triangular, Rectangular, etc.)
Description of UrbanMedium Used
This type of cultivation uses height to maximize plant growth. Vertical Farming can also use containers. This type of farming can best be used if integrated into the overall architecture and design of the infrastructure. It is also for maximizingtheareasbyverticalarrangementof planting.

d. Other
3C36 Line Number
Refer to any other urban agriculture technology not categorized above.
Refer to 3C25 of this chapter for the detailed instructions and purpose of this item.
3C37 What were the temporary crops, ornamental plants, and small fruit bearing trees grown in your urban farm/garden using pots, used bottles, small plots in your yard/rooftop, etc.?
Inform the respondent that you want to list the crops grown in the urban farm/garden per planting or cropping period within the period January 01 to December 31, 2022 in 3C37a. Let therespondent usethe Flashcardas aidto enumeratethetypesofcrops. Makesureto probe and include the ornamental plants and seedlings/saplings of permanent crops that are planted for less than one year. Take note that 3C37b will only be filled out during data processing.
3C37 aims to determine the different kinds of temporary crops grown in every planting or croppingseasonineachofthereportedfarmparcelsduringthereferenceperiod.Thisitem is also used inproviding sampling frame for PSA’s periodic crops statistical surveys.
3C38 Where did you set up your urban farm/garden?
a. Greenhouse
b. Entire building
c. Inside the building/house/condo unit
d. Rooftop/Terrace
e. Open Spaces (front yard, backyard, garage, etc.)
f. Other, SPECIFY
Read aloud each setting of aquaponics in 3C38. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 3C38f is code 1,indicate in the line provided other settings of urban farm/garden.
3C38 aims to determine where the urbanfarm/garden is usually being set up.
1 Yes
2 No
Entercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovided.Iftherearemorethan10linesusedforlisting cropsgrownusinganyemergingcroppractices,useadditionalCAFForm3andmakesure to re-number the pre-printed line number in 3C25 for hydroponics, 3C31 for aquaponics, and 3C36 for urban farming/gardening following the last line number in the previous questionnaire. Otherwise, proceed to the next question.
3C29isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.


Section D gathers information onthe characteristics of thelivestockand poultryraised and/or the insects and worms cultured by the operator, specifically the kind and number of these animals. The number of animals is the animal population in the farm at a specific point in time, that is, as of September 01, 2023. This section is generally to be filled out by agricultural operators engaged in raising livestock and/or poultry, gamefowl for sale, breeder dogs for sale, pigeons for sale, and/or racehorses for sale, as well as culturing insects and worms. There are cases wherein the agricultural operator is engaged in crop farming and tends work animals for farming. Thesework animals should be reported in this section.
For the purpose of this census, report livestock and poultry regardlessofsex,age,andownership,whethertendedbythe operator himself/herself or anybody under his/her supervision, and whether raised in the farm, in communal grazing lands, or other lands which are not part of the farm. Alsoincludethoselivestockandotheranimalstrainedforand used solely for heavy labor.
RAISING OF LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY is the rearing or farming of animals mainly for agricultural purposes. The animals are usually kept or reared in captivity for meat or for harvest of animal products such as eggs, milk, honey, or silk. In general, raising these animals may involve feeding and putting them in a shelter or letting them pasture in an open field depending on the availability of feedstocks or water. Animals raised include those present in the farm, as well as those being grazed in communal grazing land or in transit at the time of the enumeration.
CULTURINGOFINSECTSANDWORMS refers to the process of creating and maintaining a controlled environment in which insects or worms are bred, raised, and propagated for various purposes such as research, education, and conservation. This includes providing suitable conditions such as temperature, humidity, substrate, and diet, managing populations, and optimizingsurvivalandreproduction.Culturingcanbedoneindifferentsettings,dependingon the species and purpose of the culture.
7.8.1 Subsection D-1. LIVESTOCK

Subsection D-1 pertains to the information on livestock farm operation, specifically, the kinds of livestock raised, main type of operation, presence of free-range animals in the farm, area devoted to raising livestock, and parcels used. It also gathers information on the engagement in contract growing and livestock inventory.

NOTE: For the purpose of 2022 CAF, all rabbits and domesticated dogs/cats being raised/tended by the household will be categorized under LIVESTOCK.
3D01 Did you raise/tend livestock during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
LIVESTOCK refers to domesticated animals with four legs kept or reared in captivity mainly for agricultural purposes. This includes cattle, carabao, horses and other equine animals, sheep,goatsandpigs.Domesticanimals,suchascatsanddogs,areexcludedunlessthey are being raised for saleor for other agricultural purposes.
3D01 serves as an indicator in determining the presence of livestock operation.
If the answer in 3D01 is code “1”, continue to3D02. If the answer in 3D01 is code “2”, go to 3D13.

3D02 to 3D12 will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending livestock during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
3D02 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, how many parcels were used for raising/tending livestock?
Write the number of parcels used for raising/tending livestock in the boxes provided. Prefix with “0” if the number ofparcels is less than 10.

3D02 aims to determine the number of parcels allotted for raising livestock.
NOTE: For livestock being pastured in communal grazing lands, report the parcelwherethelivestockisbeingkeptorreared.Youcanprobethisbyasking aboutthelocationofthelivestockwhennotgrazingorduringadverseweather conditions such as excessive heat or rain.
The total number of parcels used for raising livestock (3D02) should be either equal to or less than the total number of parcels in the farm (3B06). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3D03 Livestock Code
Encirclethecodeofthelivestockcorrespondingtothekindoflivestockbeingraised/tended by the operator as listed in 3D04.
What were the kinds of livestock raised/tended during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
011 Cattle
021 Carabao
031 Horse
041 Swine/Pig
051 Goat
061 Sheep
071 Rabbit
081 Dog (for Sale)
999 Other kind of livestock, SPECIFY
Informtherespondentthatyouwanttoidentifythelivestockraised/tendedduringtheperiod January 01 to December 31, 2022 then encircle its corresponding code in 3D03. Let the respondent use the Flashcard as aid to enumerate the kinds of livestock if needed. If code 999 is encircled, indicate in the line provided other kind of livestock being raised/tended. Other livestock may include deer,domesticated cats for sale, etc.
For the purpose of this census, report all livestock animals in the farm regardless if it is trained for and used solely for heavy labor.
Below arethecategoriesfor kinds of livestock and its corresponding codes and definitions:
Description of Kinds of Livestock
011 Cattle is a general term for domesticated bovine animals held as property or raised for use. There may be cattle used in the farm as draft animal and also suitable for milk production.
021 Carabao isalocaltermforwaterbuffalo.Itisadomesticatedlivestock characterized by its heavy built, low and wide body used in farms as draft animaland also suitablefor milk production.
031 Horse is a large hoofed mammal having a short-hairedcoat, a long mane, and a long tail, domesticated and used for riding and fordrawingorcarryingloads.Forthepurposeofthiscensus, alsoincludeunderthiscategoryracehorsesforsalesuchas Arabian horse, American Paint Horse, American Quarter Horse, Tennessee Walking Horse, and Thoroughbred, among others.
041 Swine/Pig Isadomesticatedanimalcharacterizedbyastoutbody,short legswithalongmobilesnoutandiscommonlyknownaspig. This includes foreign breed, wild pigs (baboy damo), and native breeds such as Q-Black, Markaduke, Sinirangan, ISUbela, Benguet, and Yookah, among others
051 Goat is adomesticatedhollow-hornedruminantmammal raisedin farms.
061 Sheep/Lamb isananimalofgenusOvisrelatedtobutstockier thangoats.
071 Rabbit isananimalofLeporidaeoflongeared,short-tailedmammal with long hind legs.
081 Dog (for Sale) is a domesticated mammal with an acute sense of smell,
Description of Kinds of Livestock
non-retractable claws and a barking, howling or whining voice. For the purpose of this census, only report breeder dogsforsalesuchasBulldog,Terrier,Labrador,Chihuahua, German Shepherd, and Shih Tzu, among others.
999 Other Kinds of Livestock includesdeer,domesticatedcatsforsale,andotherlivestock not identified above.
3D04 shows a list of livestock being tended/raised by the household during the reference periodasaguidetotheenumerator.Itmayalsobeusedforimplementingskippingpatterns, for example, if carabaowas not selected, then succeeding items related to carabao should not be asked.
3D05 What was the main type of operation for the livestock raised/tended during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Breeding
2 Fattening
3 Dairy
4 Draft
9 Other type of operation
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer in 3D05 is code 9, indicate in the line provided other types of operation. Other operations may include piglet production, etc.
Below are the categories for type of livestock operation and its corresponding codes and definitions:
Description of Type ofLivestock Operation
1 Breeding meanstheprocessofimprovingordevelopingthebreedof animals. This can be done through artificial and natural means. Artificial means breeding of animals through the use of artificial insemination instruments. Natural means breeding of animals by mating sexually mature male and female animals.
2 Fattening is a type of livestock operation that involves raising of animals togain the desired marketableweight.
3 Dairy isatypeoflivestockfarmengagedinraisinganimalssolely to produce milk for their calves and for home consumption or forsale.Thisappliestoanimalssuchas carabao, cattle, goat, and sheep.
4 Draft are raised/kept for work purposes such as plowing, harrowing, hauling, etc.
9 Other Type of Operation includes any other type of operation not identified above such as piglet production.
3D05 aims to be used in frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys. Sub-frames can be generated depending on the type of operations of the household/farm (e.g., a subframe for dairy survey). This can also be helpful for policy formulation and research purposes. Results to be generated can be used as indicator on where programs should be
implementedandwhichprovinces/regionsareengagedinaspecificoperationswhichcould be an indicator of food supply.
NOTE: There shouldbeonly one maintype of operation foreach livestock. In case of multiple operations, determine which one contributes the most to the gross profit of the operator.
3D06a During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you provide any shelter for your livestock or just free range?
1 With Housing
2 Free-range
3 Both Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
FREERANGE refers to animals who freelymove around and have free access to graze or forage for food.
Meanwhile, HOUSING FACILITIES are any man-made structure that protects the animals from the elements of nature such as rain, heat, and others. Examples of this housing facilities are barn (kamalig), shed (silungan), stable (kwadra), pigpen/sty (koral), dog house, etc.

3D06a aims to determine the presence of free-range animals and the presence of housing dedicated for the livestock. This will be used as basis in the frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys.
3D06b How many housings were used in keeping the livestock during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
3D06b will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending livestock with housing. Write the total number of housing dedicated tothe livestock being identified.
3D06b,togetherwith3D07,aimstodeterminethemaximumcapabilityofthehousingwhich will be used as basis in frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys. This can also be used in computing the growing capacity or the maximum housing capacity.
GROWING CAPACITY refers to the maximum number of livestock that can be raised in livestock houses or farms, either in conventional or under climate-controlled system.
3D07 What was the total area of land used for the housing of the livestock?
3D07 will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending livestock with housing.

Record the total area devoted for the housing of livestock animals in square meters up to four decimalplaces onthe line provided. Donotround off and enter exact size provided by

the respondent. Refer to 3B07 of Subsection B-2 for the instructions on how to report the area.

3D07,togetherwith3D06b,aimstodeterminethemaximumcapabilityofthehousingwhich will be used as basis in frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys. This can also be used in computing the growing capacity or the maximum housing capacity.
NOTE: DO NOT ROUND OFF. Accept estimate area given by the operator. The reported land area (3D07) should not be greater than the reported total physical area of the farm (3B07). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3D08 Were you or was your household involved in contract growing of livestock or “paiwi” during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes, contract with integrator
2 Yes, Paiwi or Paalaga

3 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer in 3D08 is code 1 or 2, write the name of integrator, institution, local government unit, or other organization on the line provided, accordingly. This may include Vitarich Corporation and Philippine Carabao Center.
CONTRACT GROWING is the partnership of the animal-raising business owner and a company where their main goal is to raise animals until they reach a certain market size.
Moreover,aCONTRACTGROWER is one who raises the animals for the integrators or for other economic units under certain conditions. The grower provides the housing or the area where to raise the animals, feeds the animals, and provides the utilities and other miscellaneous expenses. Usually, the animals, feeds, andvaccinesaresuppliedbytheintegrator or another party. The grower is then paid an agreed fee in exchange for his labor, management, and use of facilities.
An INTEGRATOR is one who provides all the intermediate inputs required such as chicks, feeds, and vaccine. Once the animals have grown, the integrator handlesthe marketing.
PAIWI,ontheotherhand, is a term commonly used for “paalaga” which refers to a livestock agreement or contract wherein a farmer or individual raises and manages the livestock owned by another party. Under a paiwi agreement, the farmer typically has more autonomy and control over the management decisions and operations such as the dayto-day care and management required for the livestock including feeding, housing, and health maintenance.
3D08 serves as an indicator in determining livestock that are tended/raised by another individual/businessentityforitscareandmanagement.Specialtabulationcanbegenerated for researchers/policymakers who may need this kind of statistics. It can serve as data

check on administrative reports coming from themother company and integrators.
3D09a As of September 01, 2023, do you still raise/tend livestock?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3D09a serves as an indicator in determining presence of livestock being raised/tended as of September 01, 2023.
If the answer in 3D09a is code “1”, continue to 3D09b. If the answer in 3D09a is code “2”, go to 3D12.

3D09b What is the total number of livestock (in heads) that are being raised/tended as of September 01, 2023?
3D09b will only be asked to agricultural operators still raising/tending livestock as of September 01, 2023
Write the total number of animals (in heads) present in the farm as of September 01, 2023 regardless of the livestock’s age and sex.
3D09b aims to determine the sample sizes for research purposes. It can also be used in determining areas comprising a large number of livestock operations/operators. Specifically, for PSA, this item is used to develop and/or review survey designs related to livestockandpoultry.Inventoryofanimalscanbeusedasstratificationvariableandisused for design simulations.
3D10 Of the total livestock reported in 3D09b, how many are male breeders and female breeders as of September 01, 2023?
Write the total number of male breeders and female breeders(inheads)presentinthefarmasofSeptember01, 2023.
Male Breeder is a sexually mature uncastrated male kept mainly for breeding purposes. For livestock like cattle and carabao,theyareusually considered asa breederonce they reached over 2 years old and above.
Female Breeder is a female livestock of any age that is kept for breeding purposes. For livestock like cattle, carabao and swine, count only the sexually mature female that has given birth.
3D10 aims to determine the sample sizes for research purposes. It can also be used in determining areas comprising a large number of livestock operations/operators. Specifically, for PSA, this item is used to develop and/or review survey designs related to

livestockandpoultry.Inventoryofanimalscanbeusedasstratificationvariableandisused for design simulations.
NOTE: Total number of heads of male breeder (3D10a) and female breeder (3D10b) may not be equal to the total number of animals reported in 3D09b. The difference may account to the newbornand other ages of livestock.
3D11 Of the total livestock reported in 3D09b, how many are yearling (cattle/carabao) and grower/fattener/finisher (swine/pig) as of September 01, 2023?
Write the number of yearling for cattle and carabao, and grower/fattener/finisher for swine/pig (inheads)present inthefarmasof September 01, 2023, ifany.Write“0”ifnone.
Yearling is a large animal of either sex, at least 12 months of age but has not reached sexual maturity.
Grower is an animal of either sex that are kept for fattening or meat purposes.
Finisher (also, Fattener) is a swine fattened for slaughter.
3D11 aims to determine the sample sizes for research purposes. It can also be used in determining areas comprising a large number of livestock operations/operators. Specifically, for PSA, this item is used to develop and/or review survey designs related to livestockandpoultry.Inventoryofanimalscanbeusedasstratificationvariableandisused for design simulations.
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If there are more than two lines used for listing other kinds of livestock raised/tended, use additional CAF Form 3. Otherwise, proceed to the next question.
3D12isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.

Subsection D-2 pertains to the information on poultry farm operation, specifically, the kinds of poultry raised/tended and insects and worms cultured, main type of operation, presence of free-range animals in the farm, area devoted for raising poultry animals and/or culturing of worms and insects, if any, and parcels used. It also gathers information on the presence of contract growing and poultry inventory.
3D13 Did you raise/tend poultry and/or culture insects/worms during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
Poultry is a collective term for all domesticated avian kept or reared in captivity for the purpose of food consumption. This includes chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quails, etc.

Meanwhile, insect farming refers to the rearing of insects for domestic use or profit (not as pets), especially on a farm. It is globally considered byproducts and are good sources of food for both humans and animals. It can also be reared in agriculture to either combat insect pests or for pollination.Ontheotherhand, worm culture refers to the worms reared and multiplied from a commercially obtained breeder stock in shallow wooden boxes stored in a shed.
3D13 serves as an indicator in determining the presence of poultry operation as well as insects and worm farm operation.

If the answer in 3D13 is code “1”, continue to3D14.

If the answer in 3D13 is code “2”, go to 3E01.
3D14 to 3D23 will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending poultry and/or culturing insects/worms during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
3D14 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, how many parcels were used for raising/tending poultry and/or culturing insects/worms?
Write the number of parcels used for raising poultry and/or culturing insects/worms in the boxes provided. Prefix with “0” if the number of parcel is less than 10.
3D14 aims to determine the number of parcels allotted for raising poultry and/or culturing insects/worms.
NOTE: The total number of parcels used for raising poultry and culturing insects and worms (3D14) should be either equal to or less than to the total number of parcels in the farm (3B06). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.
3D15 Poultry Code and/or Insects/Worms Code
Encircle the code of the poultry/insect/worm corresponding to the kind of poultry being raised/tended and/or insect/worm being cultured by the operator as listed in 3D16.
3D16 What were the kinds of poultry raised/tended and/or insects/worms cultured during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
Inform the respondent that you want to identify the poultry raised/tended and the insects/worms cultured during the period January01 to December 31, 2022 then encircle its corresponding code in 3D15. Letthe respondent use the Flashcard asaid to enumerate

the kinds of poultry/insect/worm if needed. If code 999 is encircled, indicate in the line providedotherkindsofpoultry/insect/wormbeingraised/tended/cultured.Otherpoultrymay includedovese, ornamental birds for sale, guinea fowls, etc. On the other hand, other insects/worms may include crickets, etc.
Below are the categories for kinds of poultry/insects/worms and its corresponding codes and definitions:
Code Description of Kinds of Poultry
CHICKEN isadomesticpoultryraisedformeatandeggs.Itcaneither be native or hybrid. For this census, number of each specific type is collected such as native, broiler, layer, and game fowl.
111 Native is a common backyard fowl that is a mixture of native breeds and foreign breeds which includes Banaba, Bolinao,Kabir,Bantam,andParaoakan,andothers,raised for meat purposes.
112 Broiler is a strain of foreign breeds, raised specifically for meat purposes and usually marketed at 34-36 days.
113 Layer is a type of chicken raised primarily to lay eggs. This includes day-old chicks (DOCs), growing flock and laying flock.
114 Gamefowl (for Sale) is a domesticated chicken, regardless of breed, age and sex, raised for game or recreational purposes.
999 Other kinds of chicken includes any other kinds of chicken not identified above.
DUCK isgeneraltermforwaterfowl.Examplesofducksarepekin, mallard and muscovy.
121 Native refers to common backyard fowl that is a mixture of native breeds and foreign breeds which includes Itik PINAS Itim, Itik PINAS Khaki, Philippine White Mallard, Black Muscovy and White Muscovy.
122 Broiler is a strain of foreign breeds, raised specifically for meat purposes.
123 Layer is a type of duck raised primarily to lay eggs.
999 Other kinds of duck includes any other kinds of duck not identified above
OTHER KINDS includesanyotherkindsofpoultrynotidentifiedabovesuch as goose, turkey, ostrich, pigeon, and other kind.
131 Quail refers to a small bird found in temperate and tropical regions throughoutthe world.Itis locally knownas pugo.It is also classified as broiler, layer and/or breeder.
132 Turkey is a large domesticated fowl that has a large, fan-shaped tail, a short, rounded wing, and a long, stocky pink or gray legs, raised for meat purposes.
Description of Kinds of Poultry
133 Goose is a domesticated bird characterized by its webbed legs, erect posture and fat rear end, raised for meat purposes.
134 Pigeon is a domesticated bird with small-bill and a skin saddle between the bill and forehead.
135 Ostrich is a large, flightless bird with long neck and legs that is raised for its meat, feathers and skin, raised for egg and meat purposes.
999 Other Kinds of Poultry includesanyotherkindsofpoultrynotidentifiedabovesuch as dove, ornamental birds for sale, guinea fowls,etc.
Moreover, below are the categories for kinds of insects and worms and its corresponding codes and definitions:
Code Description of Kinds of Insects and Worms
211 Bee Culture is the practice of honeybee management in hives for pollination and the production of honey and other products suchaswax,royaljelly,propolisandpollen.Itisalsoknown as beekeeping. (FAO)
212 Vermiculture is the culturing of earthworms as a source of food for animalsandforconvertingorganicwasteintofertilizer(i.e., vermicomposting).
213 Sericulture is the cultivation of mulberry, silkworm rearing and post cocoon activities leading to production of silk yarn. (FAO)
999 Other kinds of insects and worms includesanyotherkindsofinsectsandwormsnotidentified above such as grasshoppers, superworm/mealworm, and other kinds of insects and worms for sale.
3D16 shows a list of poultry being tended/raised and insects and worms being cultured by the household during the reference period as a guide to the enumerator. It may also be used for implementing skipping patterns, for example, if quail was not selected, then succeeding items related to quail should not be asked.
3D17 What was the main type of operation for the poultry raised/tended during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Breeding
2 Egg Production
3 Hatching
4 Grow-out
9 Other type of operation
3D17 will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending poultry during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer in 3D05 is code 9, indicate in the line provided other types of operation. Other operations may include brooding production.
Below are the categories for main type of poultry operation and its corresponding codes and definitions:

Description of Type ofOperation
1 Breeding is the process of improving or developing the breed of animals. This can be done through artificial and natural means. Artificial means breeding of animals using artificial insemination instruments. Natural means breeding of animals by mating sexually mature male and female animals.
2 Egg production is a type of poultry operation that involves raising of laying flocks (layer chicken/duck) for the production of table eggs.
3 Hatching is a type of poultry operation involving incubation and hatching of eggs under controlled conditions to supply dayold chicks/poults.
4 Grow-out is the growing/raising/tending of birds from chicks to disposal. This includes independent growers and contract growers. For broiler, a farm is considered grow-out if the purpose of raising chicken is for meat purposes. For layer chicken, a farm is considered grow-out if the purpose of raising chicken is to produce ready-to-lay (RTL) egg pullets.
5 Other Type of Operation includes any other type of operation such as brooding production.
3D17 aims to be used in frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys. Sub-frames can be generated depending on the type of operations of the household (e.g., a sub-frame for dairy survey). This can also be helpful for policy formulation and research purposes.
NOTE: There should be only one main type of operation for each poultry. In case of multiple operations, determine which one contributes the most to the gross profit of the operator.
3D18a During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you provide any shelter for your poultry or just free range?
1 With Housing
2 Free-range
3 Both
3D18a will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending poultry during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022.
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3D18a aims to determine the presence of free range animals and the presence of housing dedicated for the poultry. This will be used as basis in the frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys.
3D18b How many housings were used in keeping the poultry and/or insects/worms cultured during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
3D18b will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending poultry and/or culturing insects/worms during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022.
Write the total number of housing dedicated tothe poultry/insects/worms being identified.

3D18b,togetherwith3D19,aimstodeterminethemaximumcapabilityofthehousingwhich will be used as basis in frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys. This can also be used in computing the growing capacity or the maximum housing capacity.
3D19 What was the total area of land used for the housing of poultry raised/tended and/or insects/worms cultured?
3D19 will only be asked to agricultural operators raising/tending poultry and/or culturing insects/worms during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022.
Recordthetotalareadevotedforthehousingofpoultry/insects/wormsinsquaremetersup tofourdecimalplacesonthespaceprovided.Donotroundoffandenterexactsizeprovided bytherespondent.Referto3B07ofSubsectionB-2fortheinstructionsonhowtoreportthe area.

3D19, together with 3D18b, aims to determine the maximumcapabilityofthehousingwhichwillbeusedas basis in frame preparation for livestock and poultry surveys.Thiscanalsobeusedincomputingthegrowing capacity or the maximum housing capacity.
NOTE: DO NOT ROUND OFF. Accept estimate area given by the operator. The reported land area (3D19) should not be greater than the reported total physical area of the farm (3B07). Check consistency and verify from the respondent if there are inconsistencies.

3D20 Were you or was your household involved in contract growing of poultry and/or insects/worms or “paiwi” during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes, contract with integrator
2 Yes, Paiwi or Paalaga
3 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer in 3D20 is code 1 or 2, write the name of integrator, institution, local government unit, or other organization on the line provided,accordingly. ThismayincludeSanMiguelCorporation, Bounty Fresh, andCargill Joy Poultry Meats Production.
3D20 serves as an indicator in determining poultry/ insects/worms which are tended/raised by another individual/business entity for its care and management. Special tabulation can be generated for researchers/policy makers who may need this kind of statistics. It can serve as data check on administrative reports coming from mother company and integrators.
3D21a As ofSeptember 01, 2023, doyoustillraise/tendpoultryand/orculture insects/worms?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3D21a serves as an indicator in determining the presence of poultry being raised/tended and/or insects and worms being cultured as of September 01, 2023.
If the answer in 3D21a is code “1”, continue to 3D21b.

If the answer in 3D21a is code “2”, go to next poultry/insects/worms.
3D21b What is the total number of poultry (in birds) that you are raising/tending in your farm as of September 01, 2023?

Write the total number of poultry (in birds) present in the farm as of September 01, 2023 regardless of theirage and sex.
3D21b aims to determine the sample sizes for research purposes. It can be used in determining areas comprising a large number of poultry operations. Specifically, for PSA, this item is used to develop and/or review survey designs related to L&P. Inventory of animals can be used as stratification variable and is used for design simulations.

3D22 Ofthetotal poultryreportedin 3D20b, howmany aremale breedersand laying flock/adult female as of September 01, 2023?
Writethetotalnumberofmalebreedersandfemalebreeders(inheads)presentinthefarm as of September 01, 2023.
MaleBreeder is a group of adult male birds use for breeding.
Laying Flock/Adult Female is a group of adult female birds capable of producing eggs.
3D22 aims to determine the sample sizes for research purposes. It can also be used in determining areas comprising a large number of livestock operations/ operators. Specifically, for PSA, this item is used to develop and/or review survey designs related to L&P. Inventory of animals can be used as stratification variable and is used for design simulations.
NOTE: Total number of birds of male breeder (3D22a) and female breeder (3D22b) may not be equal to the total number of animals reported in 3D21b. The difference may account for the newly hatched and other ages of poultry.

1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If there are more than two lines used for listing other kinds of poultry raised/tended and/or insects/worms cultured, use additional CAF Form 3. Otherwise, proceed to the next question.
3D23isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.

Section E gathers information on the farm machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools that the agricultural operator used in the crop farm, livestock and poultry farm, and insect/wormfarmoperations regardlessofownership, andthosethattheagriculturaloperator owned aside from those that are used during January 01 to December 31, 2022
Agricultural and Fishery Machinery refers to machinery and equipment for the production, post-production, harvesting, processing, storage, manufacture, preserving, transporting and distribution of agriculturaland fisheries products and by-products.

Agricultural machinery and equipment are machinery and equipment that are used in the agriculturaloperationfromthepreparationofthefarmtoharvestingandprocessingagricultural products. Thismay include, but is not limitedto, tractors, plows, seeders, harvesters, irrigation systems, tillers, and cultivators.

3E01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, were there agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used in the farm, whether owned or not by the household?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3E01 serves as an indicator in determining machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used by the household in agriculture operation during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, regardless of the type and ownership.
3E02 Line Number
3E02 contains preprinted line numbers ranging from 01 to 15. This indicates that up to 15 rows can be used in Section E of CAF Form 3. For more than 15 rows, use an additional questionnaire. Line out the preprinted line number and write above it the line number that follows, that is, beginning with “16” and soon.
3E03 What were the agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used in the farm?
Inform the respondent that you want to list all serviceable and working agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools that were USED during the period

January 01to December 31, 2022 in3E03a. Letthe respondent usethe Flashcard as aid to enumerate the types of agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools. Make sure to probe and include ONLY those that were USED during the reference period. Take notethat 3E03b will only be filled out during data processing.
3E04 Is 3E03a dedicated for crop farming, livestock/poultry farming, or both?
1 Crop Farming
2 Livestock/Poultry Farming
3 Both
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. For operators with only one agricultural activity, you may write the codes right away corresponding to theiragricultural activity.
3E04 serves as an indicator in determining the activity where the agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools were used.
3E05 How many of these machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools did you use in the farm?Of the [TOTAL MACHINERIES, EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES, AND OTHER TOOLS IN 3E05a], how many were owned, rented, or rent-free?
Write the total number of serviceable and working agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools that were used during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022 in 3E05a as well as the number owned in 3E05b, rented in 3E05c, and rent-free in 3E05d.
OWNED refers to possessing legal title, control, or authority over property, assets, or possessions. Itgrantsrightstouse,manage,transfer,ordisposeoftheowneditem,subject to laws and regulations. Ownership can be held by individuals, businesses, organizations, or other entities, acquired through purchase, inheritance, gift, or other legal means. It signifies exclusive control and recognition as the rightful owner.
RENTED refers to a temporary arrangement where a person, organization, or entity pays for the use of a property, asset, or item owned by another party in exchange for periodic rent. It involves a contractual agreement, such as a lease or rental agreement, specifying termslikeduration,rentamount,responsibilities,andrights.Unlikeownership,rentingdoes not confer permanent ownership, and the renter has limited rights and control, subject to the rental agreement and laws.
RENT-FREE refers to a situation or arrangement where the occupant or user of a property, asset, or item does not pay rent or any monetary consideration for its use. In other words, "rent-free" implies that no rent or payment is required or expected in exchange for the use of the property or asset.
3E05aaimsto determinethetotalnumber ofagriculturalmachineries,equipment,facilities, and other tools used in agricultural operation during the reference period as well as the number owned (3E05b), rented (3E05c), and/or rent-free (3E05d).
NOTE: Total number of agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used in the farm (3E05a) must be equal to the sum of the number of owned (3E05b), rented (3E05c), rent-free (3E05d).
1 Yes
2 No
Entercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovided.Iftherearemorethan15linesusedforlisting agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools, use additional CAF Form 3 and make sure to re-number the pre-printed line number in 3E02 following the last line number in the previous questionnaire. Otherwise,proceed tothe next question.
3E06isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.

3E07 As of September 01, 2023, did you own any agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools aside from those you used and reported in 3E03a and 3E05b?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3E07 serves as screening question in determining the household’s inventory of owned agriculturalmachineries,equipment,facilities, andothertoolsinagriculturaloperationasof September 01, 2023, aside from those already reported in 3E03a and 3E05b.
If the answer in 3E07 is code “1”, continue to 3E08.

If the answer in 3E07 is code “2”, go to 3E14.
3E08 contains preprinted line numbers ranging from 01 to 15. This indicates that up to 15 rows can be used in Section E of CAF Form 5. For more than 15 rows, use an additional questionnaire. Line out the preprinted line number and write above it the line number that follows, that is, beginning with “16” and soon.
3E09 What were the agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools that you own aside from those you used and reported in 3E03a and 3E05b?
Inform the respondent that aside from those already reported in 3E03a and 3E05b, you want to list all serviceable and working agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and othertoolsOWNEDasofSeptember01,2023thatwereNOTUSEDinthefarmduringthe reference period. Let the respondent use the Flashcard as aid to enumerate the types of
agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools. Make sure to probe and include ONLY those that were NOT USED during the reference period. Take note that 3E09b will only be filled out during data processing.
3E10 Is 3E09a dedicated for crop farming, livestock/poultry farming, or both?
1 Crop Farming
2 Livestock/Poultry Farming
3 Both
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. For operators with only one agricultural activity, you may write the codes right away corresponding to theiragricultural activity.
3E10 serves as an indicator in determining the activity where the agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools were dedicated to be used.
3E11 As of September 01, 2023, how many were these?
Write the total number of serviceable and working agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools owned by the agricultural operator as of September 01, 2023 but not used during the reference period.
1 Yes
2 No
Entercorrespondingcodeintheboxprovided.Iftherearemorethan15linesusedforlisting owned agricultural machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools, use additional CAF Form 3 and make sure to re-number the pre-printed line number in 3E08 following the last line number in the previous questionnaire. Otherwise, proceed tothe next question.
3E12isaninstructiontoyouasanenumerator.Thisisusefulincheckingthecompleteness of questionnaires during folioing.
3E13 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you hire agricultural services in the farm such as tractor/plowing service, etc.?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3E13 aims to determine the number and location of agricultural operator with access to agricultural services.

Section F gathers information about the workers/laborers on the farm. Specifically, it pertains to the total number of household members and workers/laborers working in the farm by sex, mode ofpayment,andmodeofemployment.
Total Workers/Laborers refers to the total number of persons, whether paid in cash or in kind, who work directly in or for this farm operation during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022.
3F01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, are there any member of your household 15 years old and over who worked on your farm?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3F01 aims to determine the presence of household members helping on the farm.
If the answer in 3F01 is code “1”, continue to 3F02. If the answer in 3F01 is code “2”, go to 3F03.

3F02 How many household members 15 years old and over worked on your farm during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Paid worker in the crop farm
2 Unpaid worker in the crop farm
1 Paid worker in the livestock/poultry farm
2 Unpaid worker in the livestock/poultry farm
Write the total number of household members helping in the crop farm operation in 3F02b to3F02dand/orlivestock/poultry/insect/wormfarmoperationin3F02eto3F02gbysexand mode of payment. Write zero (0) if none.
PAID HOUSEHOLD WORKER refers to household member who works on own family-
operated farm managed by another member living in the same household. He/shereceives cash or a fixed share of the produce as payment for his/her services.
UNPAID HOUSEHOLD WORKER refers to household member who works without pay on own family operated farm managed by another member living in the same household. The room and board and any cash allowance given as incentives are not counted as compensation for thesehousehold workers.
3F03 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you hire workers/laborers 15 years old and over on your farm?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3F03 aims to determine if the operator hired workers/laborers on the farm.
If the answer in 3F03 is code “1”, continue to 3F04. If the answer in 3F03 is code “2”, go to 3G01.

3F04 How many workers/laborers 15 years old and over were hired to work directly on your farm operation whether paid in cash or in kind during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Full-time farm supervisor/manager in the crop farm
2 Full-time farm workers/laborers in the crop farm
3 Part-time/seasonal farm workers/laborers in the crop farm
1 Full-time farm supervisor/manager in the livestock/poultry farm
2 Full-time farm workers/laborers in the livestock/poultry farm
3 Part-time/seasonal farm workers/laborers in the livestock/poultry farm
3F04e Total
3F04f Male
3F04g Female
Write the total number of farm workers/laborers hired to work in the crop farm operation in 3F04b to3F04d and/or livestock/poultryfarm operation in 3F04e to3F04g by sex and type of employment. Write zero (0) if none.
FULL-TIME FARM SUPERVISOR/MANAGER refers to the total number of persons, whetherpaidincashorinkind,whoworkdirectlyinorfortheoperator’scropfarm,livestock and poultry farm, and insect and worm farm operation during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022.
FULL-TIME FARM WORKER/LABORER refers to the total number of persons who are paid on the basis of atime unit of workand who work at jobs with hours ofwork equal to or more than those considered as normal or regular to the agricultural operation.
In agricultural operation, these people usually plan, organize, and perform farming operationstogrowandharvestfield,tree, andvarious othercrops;orbreed,raiseandtend animals to produce a variety of animalhusbandryproducts whicharefor sale or deliveryto wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets.
PART-TIME FARM WORKER/LABORER refers to the total number of persons who work in the agricultural operation at jobs that provide less than the working time normal to the agricultural operation.
SEASONAL FARM WORKER/LABORER refers to the total number of persons whose service, specifically, its timing and duration is significantly influenced in the agricultural operation’s seasonalfactors.
Take noteof thefollowing in determining the hired workers/laborers:
1. INCLUDE all workers/laborers with direct involvement in the agricultural activities of the operator.
2. EXCLUDE workers/laborers that are part of the agricultural services (such as tractor/plowing services) availed to seasonally assist in the farm operation. For example, atractor operator.
3. Workers/Laborershiredmultipletimes duringthereferenceperiodshouldonlybe reported once.
4. Workers/Laborers hired to work in both crop and livestock/poultry farm during the reference period should be reported separately in each operation.
5. Farm supervisor/manager/worker/laborer invlove as full-time worker in both crop and livestock/poultry operations should separately be reported under parttime/seasonal farm workers/laborers. For the purpose of 2022 CAF, full-time farm supervisor/manager/worker/laborer must only be engaged in one type of operation.
3F04 aims to determine the number of workers/laborers hired to work in the crop and/or livestock and poultry farm of the operator. Specifically, this aims to determine the number of hired farm supervisor/manager, hired full-timeand part-time/seasonal farm workers.
The example below illustrate howtodetermine the number of workers/laborers in thefarm.
Example 7
Mr. Junjun Castro has been operating a five-hectare mango farm for over 10 years. However,duetothepandemic,mostofhishiredworkersleftthefarm.Sincethen,his fatheralongwithhisthreeadultsonswholiveswithhimwouldhelpinsprayingmango trees and wrapping the mango fruits. Junjun pays his father in cash as payment for his services in the mango farm. For two harvesting season, Junjun also hired his neighbors, Marco, Pedro, Dario, Lito, Tonio, Nita, and Ana, in harvesting the mango fruits.Howmanyhouseholdmembersworkedonthemangofarmandhowmanyhired workers/laborers will be reported?
In this case, Mr. Junjun is living together with his father and three adult sons. Hence, there are a total of four household members working on Mr. Junjun’s crop farm. Only one will be reported as paid household member while three of them will be reported under unpaid household workers.
Moreover, fivemale and two female farm workers/laborers will be reported under part-time farm worker/laborer in the crop farm portion of Section F as illustrated below.
<add illustration>
Section G pertains to the technical and financial support and assistance received by the householdfromnationalgovernmentagencies,localgovernmentunit,andprivateorganizations and associations. This section will collect data on the kinds of programs and initiatives that the household has participated in.
3G01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you receive any extension service and/or training for your farm operation?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3G01 aims to determine whether the household had received any technical or financial assistance, which could include trainings, grants, loans, or other forms of support.
If the answer in 3G01 is code “1”, continue to3G02. If the answer in 3G01 is code “2”, go to 3G06.

What kind of service/assistance did you receive/avail of during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
a. Training/Technology/Technical Assistance
b. Inputs/Supplies (e.g., seeds, fertilizer, feeds, piglets, chicks, etc.)
c. Cash/Credit Assistance
d. Farm Operation Management
e. Marketing
f. Crops/Livestock/Poultry Insurance
g. Other assistance, SPECIFY
Read aloud each kind of service/assistance in 3G02. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 3G02g is code 1, indicatein theline provided other kindsof service/assistance.
3G02aimsto determinethespecific typeof technical andfinancial supportandassistance receive/avail of by the operator for his/her farm operation.
3G03 What was the source of the service/assistance received/availed of?
a. National Government Agency (Regional/Provincial Office)
b. Local Government Unit (Barangay, Municipal Office, Capitol, etc.)
c. Private (Association, Foundation, NGO, etc.)
3G03 will only be asked for every kind of service/assistance received/availed of by the agricultural operator during the reference period.
Read aloud each source where each service/assistance came from in 3G03. Enter code 1 for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry.
3G03 aims to determine the source of technical and financial support and assistance the operatorreceived/availedingovernmentandprivateorganizations.Resultstobegenerated can be used as indicator on where programs should be implemented.
3G04 Is 3G02 received/availed for crop farming, livestock/poultry farming, or both?
1 Crop Farming
2 Livestock/Poultry Farming
3 Both
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. For operators with only one agricultural activity, you may write the codes right away corresponding to theiragricultural activity.
3G04 serves as an indicator in determining the activity where the service/assistance received/availed of werededicated tobe used.
3G05 Have you used the service/assistance you received/availed of during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3G05 aims to determine whether the technical and financial support and assistance received/availed of has been used by the agricultural operator in his/her farm operation.
3G06 Were you a member of any agricultural associations, cooperatives, and organizations during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided. If the answer is code 1, indicate in the line providedthenameoftheassociations/cooperatives/organizationstheoperatorisamember of on the space provided.If there are more than three membership, record other names of associations/cooperatives/organizations inthe remarks portion of Form 3.
3G06servesasanindicatorthattheoperatorhasbeenapartofanagriculturalassociation, cooperative, or organization during the reference period.
3G07 Have you heard of the “SAGIP SAKA ACT” which helps agricultural operators like you to make your agricultural produce more profitable?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
Republic Act No. 11321 establishing the Farmers and Fisherfolk Enterprise Development Program (known as Sagip Saka Act) is an act instituting the farmers and fisherfolk enterprisedevelopment program of the Department of Agriculture (DA).
3G07 aims to determine the number of agricultural operators familiar with Sagip Saka Act.
This section pertains to the involvement of the operators in any economic/entrepreneurial activities or businesseswhether related or not tothe agricultural operation.
3H01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you engage in any of the following economic/entrepreneurial activities related to your agricultural operation?
a. Support Activities to Agriculture and Post-Harvest Activities
b. Manufacturing
c. Food Services excluding Agri-Tourism
d. Agri-Tourism
e. Trading/Selling of Agricultural Products
f. Activities Not Elsewhere Classified, SPECIFY
Readaloudeachcropfarmactivityin2C02.Entercode1for“Yes”orcode2for“No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 3H01f is code 1, indicate in the line provided other economic activities. Other economic activities related to
3H01 aims to determine the engagement of the operator in any economic activities related to his/her agriculturaloperation.
3H02 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you engage in any economic/entrepreneurial activities not related to your agricultural operation such as construction, professional employment, etc.?
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3H02 aims to determine the engagement of the operator in any economic activities not related to his/her agricultural operation.
Section I gathers information about the organic farming practices of the operator.
ORGANIC AGRICULTURE is an agricultural system that assures ecological sustainability by relying on management practices that uses nutrient cycling and in-farm inputs. Moreover, organic agriculture greatly considers environmental and social impacts by prioritizing the health and welfare of the farmers, its consumers, and the environment.
It also covers areas such as, but not limited to, soil fertility management, varietal breeding, and selection under chemical and pesticide-free conditions, the use of biotechnology, and other cultural practices that are consistent with the principles and policies of the Republic Act No. 10068 (Organic Agriculture Act of 2010).
3I01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you practice organic farming?
1 Yes, organic-certified
The practice of organic agriculture that is recognized as compliant to the Philippine National Standards on Organic Agriculture and issued a certification either through 3rdpartyorganiccertificationortheParticipatoryGuaranteeSystem (PGS).Itisseen as a way to lower input costs, utilization of local raw material inputs, conserve nonrenewableresources,mainstreamintohigh-valuemarkets,andimprovefarmincome.
2 Yes, not certified organic
The practice of organic agriculture but not yet certified as organic. This includes the natural/traditionalfarmingwhichreferstoasystemoftraditionalfarmingmethodsand techniques without intervention from entities outside their community that are being practiced by the indigenous people.
3 Yes, mix of organic and inorganic
A mixture of organic andinorganic practices in farming.
Inorganic/Conventional agriculture is defined as farming systems dependent on the input of artificial fertilizers and/or pesticides or failing to conform to the Philippine National Standards in any other way.
4 No
Section J pertains to thechallenges and problems encountered by the agricultural operator in the farm operation during the reference period. This section is helpful in assessing the cause oflowfarmproduction/income,lowruralemployment,lackoffoodsecurity,andlowagricultural competitiveness inthe agriculture sectors of thecountry.
3H01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you encounter the following challenges/problems in your farm operation?
a. Natural calamities (e.g., typhoon, erosion, flooding)
b. Lack of capital
c. Transport facilities (inadequacy, high cost of fuel, rough/inaccessible road, etc.)
d. Pests and diseases affecting the crops
e. High cost of seeds/seedlings, fertilizers, etc.
f. Inadequatesupply of irrigation water for crops
g. Lack of harvest/post-harvest facilities for crops
h. Low farm gate pricefor crops
i. Thieves/Stealing of produced crops
j. Diseases such as avian flu, african swine flu, etc.
k. High cost of feeds, medicines/vaccines, etc. for livestock and poultry
l. Inadequate supply of water for livestock/poultry
m. Lack of common grazing land for livestock
n. Distant sourceof grass (e.g., cut and carry feeding)
o. Low farm gate pricefor livestock/poultry
p. Lack of supply of day-oldchicks and layers
q. Thieves/Stealing of livestock/poultry
r. Other, SPECIFY
Read aloud each of the challenges/problems in 3H01. Enter code 1 for “Yes”, code 2 for “No”, of code 3 for “Not Applicable”. Notethat all categories should have an answer or entry.
3J01 aims to determine the challenges/problems encountered by the operator in the farm operationwhichaffectedhis/her agriculturalactivityduringthereferenceperiod. Thiscould also be usedas indicator inthe consistency checkbetweenCAFF6andCAFF3 intermsof problems encountered. It may also be used by policy makers and those developing investment strategies to enhance economic development given the changing circumstances of the agriculture.

Section K gathers information on the usage and perception of the operator regarding the Philippine ID (PhilID)card and/or ePhilID.
As defined in Chapter 6, the PHILIPPINE ID refers to the PhilID card (issued by PSA) or ePhilID (digital version of PhilID which may be printed on a piece of paper or stored in a mobile device) that serves as a valid proof of identity that can be used to transact with the government and the private sector. The PhilID is non-transferable and is issued upon successful registration to PhilSys.
CAF Form 3
CAF Form 4
CAF Form 5
This question serves as a screening question. Check the box corresponding totheform type where this section was first accomplished.
REMEMBER that Section K should only be asked ONCE to an operator. For individuals with operation other than crop farming and/or livestock and poultry raising (including culturing of insectsandworms)suchasaquacultureandfishing,checktheboxcorrespondingtotheform type that this section was accomplished.
3K01 During you already receive your PhilID card/printed ePhilID?
1 Yes, physical card/PhilID card
2 Yes, printed ePhilID
3 Yes, both PhilID card and printed ePhilID
4 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3K01 serves as an indicator in determining whether the operator already receive his/her PhilID, whether it is a physical cardor e-PhilID.
If the answer in 3K01 is code “1”, continue to 3K02. If the answer in 3K01 is code “2”, END OF INTERVIEW.

3K02 After having your PhilID have you ever used it?
1 Yes
2 No
8 Don’t know
3K02 will only be asked to individuals who have already received either his/her PhilID card or printed ePhilID.Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3K02 serves as a screening question to determine whether the PhilID card and/or ePhilID of the operator was everused in any kind of transaction after receiving it.
If the answer in 3K02 is code “1”, continue to 3K03. If the answer in 3K02 is code “2”, go to 3K06. If the answer in 3K02 is code “8”, go to 3K07.
For what reasons or government/private/online transactions did you use your PhilID? Was the PhilID used in any other transactions?
a. Entry verification (e.g., air/seaports, terminals, building/village premises)
b. Application for eligibility and access to social welfare and benefits granted by governments (e.g., 4Ps, DOLE-TUPAD)
c. Applications for services and benefits offered by GSIS, SSS, Philhealth, Pag-IBIG, and other government agencies
d. Applications for passport and driver’s license
e. Tax-related transactions (e.g., BIR, cedula, income tax, etc.)
f. Registration and voting identification purposes
g. Admission to any government hospital, health center, and similar institution
h. Admission to any private hospital, health center, and similar institution
i. Application for permits and other licenses (e.g., Business Permit, Building Permit, License to carry firearms, etc.)
j. Applications and transaction for education purposes (SUCs, learning institutions and other schools whether public or private)
k. Application and transaction for employment purposes
l. Bank and other financial institution transactions (e.g., opening bank account, application for loan, etc.)
m. Verification of cardholders’ criminal records and clearances (e.g., NBI, Police, barangay, etc.)
n. Send/receive money transactions via remittance center/bank

o. E-wallet applications (e.g., GCash, Coins.ph, Maya, etc.)
p. E-commerce platform (e.g., Shopee, Lazada, etc.)
q. Other reasons/transactions, SPECIFY
r. Don’t know/Don’t remember
3K03willonlybeaskedtoindividualswhohaveusedtheirPhilID inanykindoftransaction. DONOTREADALOUDthereasonsfor usingthePhilIDin3K03totherespondents.Enter code 1 for “Yes, mentioned” or code 2 for “Not mentioned” in the box provided. Note that allcategoriesshouldhaveananswerorentry.Iftheanswerin3K03qiscode1,indicate in the line provided other reasons for using the PhilID.
REMEMBER to check the consistencies of responses. If the answer in 3K03r is code 1, 3K03a to 3K03q must be code 2.
3K03 aims to determine the reason of the respondent on why he/she does not use his/her issued PhilID card and/or ePhilID in any transactions.
3K04 Did you undergo the authentication in using your PhilID in any institution/agency?

a. Visual inspection of PhilID card
b. PhilSys Check using QR code scanning

c. Online authentication using biometrics device (e.g., fingerprint, iris, face, demographic)
3K04willonlybeaskedtoindividualswhohaveusedtheirPhilID inanykindoftransaction. Read aloud eachtype ofauthentication in 3K04. Enter code 1for “Yes”,code 2 for “No”, or code8for“Don’tknow/Don’tremember”.Notethatallcategoriesshouldhaveananswer or entry.
3K04aimstoconfirmiftheinstitution/agencywheretherespondentusedhis/herPhilIDcard and/or ePhilID had utilized the PhilSys authentication either online or offline (visual inspection of PhilID cardor use of PhilSys Check).
For the purpose of the 2022 CAF, authentication using PhilID is any of the following:
Description ofAuthentication

a. Visual inspection of PhilID referstothemanualcheckingofthephysical security features of PhilID card. These anticounterfeiting security features include the guilloche print, hologram, security inks, optically variable inks, and latent images similar to the security features used in banknotes and other security documents.
b. PhilSys Check using QR code scanning refers to the offline identity authentication tool wherein the QR code of PhilID card or ePhilID is scanned through the website that may be accessed through verify.philsys.gov.ph.Thiswillallowtheusers to verify the authenticity of the PhilID once it matches data in the PhilSys Check.

refers to the authentication methods that compriseoneormoreoffingerprint,iris,face, demographic, or Short Message Service (SMS) one-time passwords (OTP) verification.
3K05 How useful is your PhilID to you?
1. Very useful
2. Useful
3. Neutral
4. Slightly useful
5. Not at all useful
3K05willonlybeaskedtoindividualswhohaveusedtheirPhilID inanykindoftransaction. Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
3K05aimstodeterminetheperceptionoftherespondentontheusefulnessofhis/herPhilID in general.
3K06 What are your reasons for not yet using your PhilID since having it
a. No signature affixed in the Physical card/PhilID card or Printed ePhilID
b. Physical card/PhilID card or Printed ePhilID photo unrecognizable with my face
c. Erroneous demographic information
d. Missing information
e. Physical card/ePhilID card is damaged/peeled off/portions are erased
f. Printed ePhilID is damaged
g. No chance/opportunity to use it yet
h. I prefer using other valid IDs
i. Other reasons, SPECIFY
j. No reason
3K06 will only be asked to individuals who have NOT used their PhilID in any kind of transaction yet. DO NOT READ ALOUD each reasons for not using PhilID in 3K06. Enter code1for“Yes,mentioned”orcode2for“Notmentioned”.Notethatallcategoriesshould have an answer or entry. If the answer in 3K06j is code 1, indicate in the line provided other reasons for not using the PhilID.
3K06 aims to determine the reason of the respondent on why he/she does not use his/her issued PhilID card and/or ePhilID in any transactions.
3K07 What ID do you frequently use during your transactions?
1 Physical card/PhilID card or Printed ePhilID
2 Passport
3 Driver’s License
4 Voter’s ID
5 GSIS/SSS Unified Multi-purpose Card (UMID)
6 Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID
7 Senior Citizen/Persons with Disability (PWD) ID
3K07willonlybeaskedtoindividualswhohavealreadyreceivedtheirPhilIDcardorprinted ePhilID. Enter corresponding code inthe box provided. Notethat if the operator have NOT used his/her PhilID, code “1” must not be chosen.
3K07 aims to determine if the respondent considers the PhilID as his/her primary ID.