This chapter provides detailed instructions on how you will accomplish CAF Form 5 –Questionnaire for Fishing. This is the form that records data on the fishing activity of the householdoperatorsuchasthelegalstatusoffishingoperator,typeofwaterwherefishingactivity is performed, number, type, ownership,registration, measurement, and use of boat/vessels used, fishing ground, usual species caught/gathered, fish landing center, inventory and types of fishing gears,machineries, equipment,facilities, andtools used.It alsointends tocollect dataon number of fishing workers/laborers, technical and financial support and assistance received from the government, association, cooperative, and organization membership, other economic activities of operator, and challenges encountered in the fishing operation.
CAF Form 5 is aten-page booklet-type questionnaire that contains the following parts:
Title Panel
Interview Records
Section A – Geographic Identification
Section B – General Information of Fishing Operation
Section C –Fishing Ground, Catch and Gathering, and Landing Center
Section D –Fishing Gears
Section E – Machineries, Equipment, Facilities, Tools, and Accessories
Section F – Workers/Laborers
Section G – Technical and Financial Assistance and Support
Section H –Other Economic Activity of the Operator
Section I – Challenges/Problems Encountered
Section J – Useof Physical Card/PhilID Card/Printed E-PhilID
ThispanelisfoundattheupperpartofthefrontpageofCAFForm5.Itcontainstheparticulars about the questionnaire including the following:
PSA Logo, Name of the Country/Agency, ISO Certification Logo of TüV Rheinland
Form Type, PSA Approval Number, and Expiration Date
Legal Provisions
Name and Logo of the Census, Form Title
Letter from the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General
NOTE: Allbookletsof CAFForm5that weregiventoyouarerecordedandwill be accounted for at the end of enumeration. Ensure to keep and not lose any booklet of CAF Form 5 as all accomplished and unused questionnaires will be returned to the PSA through your Team Supervisor (TS) after the enumeration period.
This section pertains to the address of the fishing operator and the fishing operator’s identification.Itparticularlycontainsthequestionnairenumber;geographicnamesandcodes; enumeration area; Building Serial Number (BSN), Housing Unit Serial Number (HUSN), and Household Serial Number (HSN); name and line number of the fishing operator; Fishing Operator Serial Number (FOSN); name of household head, name of the respondent and line numberoftherespondent,andhis/herrelationshiptooperator.Thisportionalsofacilitatesthe control of forms used during enumeration and processing.
Refer to Section 7.3 for the discussion on how to fill out this portion. Illustration 9.1 is an example of a filled-out geographic identification portion. Copy the unique 5-digit FOSN from CAF Form 1, column 35.
Thisportionpertainstothedetailsofyourvisitssuchasthedateofvisit,timewhenyoustarted andendedtheinterview,resultofvisit,thesummaryofvisit,anddatacollectionmethod.Refer to Section 6.4 for the discussion on howto fill out this portion.

Refer to Section 5.4 for the instructions on how tofill out this portion.
ILLUSTRATION 9.1 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5A)

Thissectiongathersinformationonthebasiccharacteristicsofafishingoperation.Thissection is to be answered by a fishing operators. This includes information about the following:
a. Main purpose of fishing operation;
b. Legal status of fishing operation;
c. Type of water for fishing operation;
d. Number of fishing boat/vessel and/or raft;
e. Type of fishing boat/vessel;
f. Ownership of fishing boat/vessel;
g. Registration of fishing boat/vessel;

h. Measurement of fishing boat/vessel;

i. Gross tonnage offishing boat/vessel; and
j. Mainuse of commercial fishing boat/vessel, if any.
FISHING refers to the catching and gathering of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other marine organisms and products, including other aquatic plants.

It isthecatching,collecting, andgathering activities directedat removingor collecting livewild aquatic organisms predominantly fish, mollusks, (such as clams, snails, octopus, and squid) and crustaceans (such as crabs, lobster, shrimps, and crayfish) including plants from the sea orinlandwatersforhumanconsumptionandotherpurposesbyhandorvarioustypesoffishing gear such as nets, lines, and stationery traps.
As defined, MUNICIPALFISHING covers fishing operation a) without boat, b) using raft(s), or c) using boat(s) of three gross tons or less. On the other hand, COMMERCIAL FISHING covers fishing operation using boat(s) of more than three gross tons.

NOTE: The following cases are to be EXCLUDED
× Trading/selling of captured species without involvement in managing/ decision making in the actual fishing operation, that is, actual catching/gathering of fish, crabs, and other aquatic species.
× Fishing as a hobby or for leisure/sports purposes only
× Household member who collects/gather species caught and unloaded by other fishing operators/traders inthe landing center.
5B01 What was the main purpose of your fishing operation during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
1 Only for sale
2 Only for own consumption
3 Mainly for salewith some for ownconsumption
4 Mainly for own consumption with some for sale
5 Equally for sale and for own consumption
9 Other purposes, SPECIFY
Enter the code corresponding to the main purpose of operation in the box provided. If the answer iscode“9”,specify intheline providedthemainpurposeof operation.Other purposes may include as input for the business of the operator (e.g., fish caught as part of carinderia menu, gathered seashells to be used for makingaccessories, etc.).
5B02a During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you operate this fishing activity as an individual/single proprietor or on partnership?
Enter the codecorresponding tothelegal statusof theoperation intheboxes provided. If the answer is code “99”, indicate the specific legal status of the operation on the space provided such as “TRIBES”, “CLANS”, etc.
5B02 aims to determine the distribution of legal status for all fishing operations.
LEGAL STATUS refers to the form of organization under which the fishing operation is being operated by the operator, which is any of the following:
01 Individual/Single Proprietorship
21 Partnership without formal and written agreement
22 Partnership with formal and written agreement
Description of Legal Status
the fishing operation is operated by a person on his/her ownaccount whomay be the landowner,lessee, tenant or owner/lessee with hiredmanager.
the fishing operation may be operated by civil persons, eitherbyasingleindividual,orjointlybyseveralindividuals (group of civil persons), without a formal or contractual agreement.
the fishing operation may be operated by civil persons, eitherbyasingleindividual,orjointlybyseveralindividuals (group of civil persons), with a formal or contractual agreement not registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission.
99 Other Legal Status Including “TRIBES”, “CLANS”, etc.
5B01 aims to record the main purpose of fishing operation and to determine the economical contribution of the fishing operation.
Data items
5B02b Line Number
5B02c Name of Partners
5B02d Sex
5B02e Address of Partners
The items 5B02c to 5B02e (name, sex, and address of the partners) will only be asked if the the respondent answered code “21” or “22” in item 5B02a.
The following items record the basic information of the partners such as name, sex and address. It aims to capturethe double reporting on the fishing operation and this will serve as an indicator in the consistency check between partners with/without a formal and written agreement that will report similar fishing operations.
5B03 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, where did you usually perform the fishing operation?
Enter the code corresponding to the type of water for fishing operation in the box provided.
5B03 aims to determine the type of water where the fishing operation is usually performed.
Below are the categories for type of water for fishing operations and their corresponding codes and definitions.
Description ofTypeofWater for FishingOperation
1 In Marine Waters refertoseawaterenvironmentwithasalinityrangingfrom 30 to 40 ppt consisting of ocean, bay, gulf, and channels. It is puresaltwatersuchasManilaBay,WestPhilippineSea,and Albay Gulf.
2 In Inland FreshWaters refer to bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, reservoirs, dams, paddy/rice fields, estuaries, marshes, and ponds usually consisting of fresh water or brackish water environments.
3 In Inland Brackish Waters
4 In Marine and Inland Waters refer toconduct of fishing operation inbothmarine/seawater and fresh water or brackish water environments.
5B04 Did you use any fishing boat/vessel and/or raft during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
5B04a Boat/Vessel
1 Yes
2 No
5B04b Raft
1 Yes
2 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
FISHING BOAT/VESSEL refers to any boat, ship or other watercraft equipped to be used for taking of fishery species in the performance of any activity related to fishing.
RAFT is a flat-bottomed basic watercraft made of bamboo stakes that are lashed together with vines or rope.
5B04a and 5B04b serve as an indicator to determine if the operator used fishing boat/vessel and/or raft in his/her fishing operation during the reference period,
NOTE: There are fishing activities without the use of boats such as gathering seaweed, shells, shoreline-fish, etc., in which hands are used or with some simple fishing gears.

Include all fishing boats/vessels used regardless of ownership and frequency of use whether owned, leased, or rented by the operator. Exclude boats/vessels leased or rented out to others and not used by the operator.
5B05 What is the total number of boats/vessels and/or rafts did you use during the period January 01 to December 31, 2022?
5B05a Number of Fishing Boats/Vessels

5B05b Number of Fishing Rafts
Ask 5B05a only if the answer in 5B04a is code “1”. Likewise, ask 5B05b only if the answer in 5B04b is code “1”.
Writethetotalnumberoffishingboats/vessels and/or rafts in the boxes provided. Note that the reference period is from January 01 to December 31, 2022. Prefix with “0” if the number of fishing boats/vessels and/or raftsis less than 10.
5B05servesasanindicatortodeterminethetotalnumberoffishingboats/vesselsand/orrafts that were used in the operation by thefishing operator regardless of ownership.

5B06 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, what was the highest gross tonnage of the fishing boats/vessels used in the fishing operation?
1 More than three (3) Gross tons
2 Three (3) Gross Tons or less
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
GROSS TONNAGE OF THE BOAT/VESSEL is the vessel’s “closed-in” spaces expressed in volume in terms of one hundred cubic feet (which is equal to one gross ton). This includes permanently enclosed spaces above the tonnage deck, also known as the underdeck tonnage.
The gross tonnage of a boat/vessel classifies a fishing operation into municipal fishing or commercial fishing as defined in Republic Act 8550 (An Act Providing for the Development, Management and Conservation of the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Integrating All Laws Pertinent Thereto, and for Other Purposes).
5B06 aims to determine the highest gross tonnage of fishing boat/vessel used by the fishing operator during the reference period. It is also used as an indicator to determine if the fishing operator is amunicipal or commercial fishing operator.
5B07 Boat/Vessel Number
5B06 contains preprinted boat/vessel number ranging from 01 to 10. This indicates that only up to 10 fishing boats/vessels can be recorded in one CAF Form 5. For more than 10 fishing boats/vessels,useanadditional booklet of CAF Form5. Lineoutthe preprinted boats/vessels number and write aboveit the line number that follows, that is, beginning with “11” and so on.
5B08 What is the name of the fishing boat/vessel?
5B08recordsthenameofeachfishingboat/vesselreportedbythefishingoperator.Thename oftheboatcanbecopiedfromtheboat’sregistrationor othersimilar documents, ifapplicable.
If a respondent is a commercial fishing operator, list the mother boat and its set of accessory boats,suchascarrierboat,lightboat,serviceboat,catcherboat,or“pakura”boat,ifany.Ifthe operator has two or more mother boats, list also the second mother boat and its accessory boats, and so on depending on the total number of mother boats.
5B09 What is the type of fishing boat/vessel?
1 Boat without engine andwithout outrigger
2 Boat without engine but with outrigger

3 Boat with engine but without outrigger
4 Boat with engine and with outrigger
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
5B09 aims to determine the type of fishing boat/vessel used by the fishing operator.
5B10 What is the type of ownership of the fishing boat/vessel?
1 Owned
2 Rented
3 Rent-free
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
5B10 aims to determine the ownership of fishing boat/vessel used.
5B11 Was the fishing boat/vessel registered in the following?
a. Municipal/City Office
b. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
c. Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
d. Others, SPECIFY
Readaloudeachofthefishingboat/vesselregistrationoffice/agencyin5B11. Enter code1for “Yes” or code 2 for “No”. Note that all categories should have an answer or entry. If the answer in 5B11d is code 1, indicate in the line provided the specific office/agency where the fishing boat/vessel was registered.
5B11 aims to determine if the fishing boat/vessel used by the fishing operator is registered.
5B12 What was the actual measurement of [MENTION NAME OF THE BOAT/VESSEL IN 5B07]?
FishingBoat/Vessel Measurements:
a. Length(L)-referstothe“over-alllength” or the horizontal distance between the extreme ends of the boat.
b. Width (W)/Breadth - refers to the horizontal distance of the width in the broadest part of the boat.
c. Depth(D)-referstotheverticaldistance from the baseline to the free board deck.
To compute the actual measurement, multiply the dimensions of the fishing boat/vessel to 0.247 or 0.007, if the unit is in meters or feet, respectively. Ensure that the length (L), width (W), and depth (D) reported are specific for each fishing boat/vessel reported in 5B07. Refer to Table __ for the sample computation of measurement of the fishing boat/vessel.

If certificate/registration is presented, copy length, width, depth, and unit. Otherwise, write the estimated measurement and unit.

5B12 aims to determine the gross tonnage of each fishing boat/vessel used by the fishing operator during the fishing operation.
NOTE: If therespondent already knows the gross tonnage of the fishing boat/vessel, only answer item 5b12d and do not ask aboutthe dimension (length, width, and depth) of the fishing boat/vessel.
1 Three (3.0) Gross Tonsor less
2 More than three (3.0) Gross tons
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
5B13 aims to determine the grosstonnage of each fishing boat/vessel used by the fishing operator during the fishing operation. This item is also used to consistency checking in item 5B06 (Highest Gross Tonnage)
NOTE: The fishing boat/vessel registration or license documents includes information on the name, type, measurement, and gross tonnage of the boat. If the respondent is unable to give the characteristics of the boat, you may ask for this document. See illustration 9.5.
5B14 What is the main use of [MENTION NAME OF THE FISHING BOAT/VESSEL IN 5B08]?

5B14 will only be asked to commercial fishing operators to determine the main use of the boats for the commercial fishing operation. Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
Ask 5B14 if at least one entry in 5B13 is code 1, that is, the operator has a commercial fishing operation during the reference period. Determine the main use oftheboatsusedforthecommercialfishingoperation by asking the question. If the answer is code “9”, indicate in the line provided the main use of the boat.
Below are the categories for main use of commercial fishing boat/vessel and their corresponding codes and definitions.
Category Description of Kind ofFishingBoat/Vessel
1 Mother Boat A fishing boat that provides fishingvesselsat seawith supplies of fuel, provisions, freshwater, and other consumable goods, transfers the catch from the vessels, process and preserve the fish, and render medical and social services to the crew. They also transport fish products in part.
2 Light Boat Afishing boatmountedwith super lights or otherlight attractors is mainly used as fishing aid by attracting fish and is a part of a fishing fleet where superlight and other light attractors are attached and is used in luring target species.
3 Carrier Boat a non-fishing vessel used exclusively for fish transport. Fish carriersaregenerally largevesselsfortransportof fishandfish products.
4 Service Boat anaccessorytoservicethefishermentoandfromtheshoreline, fish catch, etc.
5 Skip/catcher Boat except “pakura” atypeoffishing vessel withfishing gear onboardand doesthe actual catching of fish.
6 “Pakura” Boat asmall,motorizedboat,three(3)grosstons(GT)orless,using handline fishing gear and operates in conjunction with a commercial tuna handline vessel.
Forthepurposesofthe2022CAF,a“pakura”boatmayoperate in conjunction with other types of commercial fishing boat/vessel.
9 Other fishing boat/vessel includes other kinds of boat/vessel not identified above.
5B15 Was this same boat used by another operator during the reference period?
1 Yes, by the household member(s)
2 Yes, by the partner(s) as indicated in 5B02c
3 Yes, rented by another household
4 Yes, rented-free by another household
5 No
Enter corresponding code in the box provided.
5B15 aims to capture if the fishing boats/vessels were used by another fishing operators.

ILLUSTRATION 9.3 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5C)

Section C gathers information on the location of municipal and commercial fishing operation’s fishing ground and landing center and the usual species captured in the fishing ground.
9.7.1. Subsection C-1– FISHING GROUND

Subsection C- 1 pertains tothe location of fishing operation’s fishing ground.
5C01 Line Number
5C01containspreprintedlinenumbersrangingfrom01to05.Thisindicatesthatupto5rows can be used in one CAF Form 5, Subsection C-1. For more than 5 rows, use an additional questionnaire. Line out the preprinted fishing ground line number and write above it the line number that follows, that is, beginning with“06” and so on.
5C02 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, where was/were your usual fishing ground/s?
5C03 to 5C04 Where was the fishing ground located?
5C02 to 5C04 aim to determine the name and province/Highly Urbanized City (HUC) and city/municipality of the usual fishing ground.
If the respondent reported province/HUC, and city/municipality is exactly the same with the geographic identification in Section A of this questionnaire, copy and enter the geographic codes in the boxes provided and specify “SAME” in the space for the name of the province/HUC and city/municipality. Otherwise, enter the name of the province/HUC and city/municipality in the space provided and leave corresponding code boxes blank.
ILLUSTRATION 9.4 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5D – Subsection C-1)
9.7.2. Subsection C-2– CATCH AND GATHERING
Subsection C- 2 pertains tothe usual species captured by the operator.
5C07 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, what were the usual species caught in the fishing ground?
List all the usual species caught bythe fishing operator during the reference period.
5C07 aims to determine the name of species usually caught inthe fishing ground.
ILLUSTRATION 9.5 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5D – Subsection C-2)

9.7.3. Subsection C-3– LANDING CENTER
Subsection C - 3 pertains to the location of the fishing operation’s landing center. It contains the name, type, and location of the landing center.
5C08 Line Number8
5C0 contains preprinted line number ranging from 01 to 0. This indicates that up to 8 rows can be used in one CAF Form 5, Subsection C-3. For morethan8rows,useanadditionalquestionnaire. Line out the preprinted landing center line number andwriteaboveitthelinenumberthatfollows,that is, beginning with “09” and so on.
5C09 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, where did you usually unload your catch?
For 5C09a, ask the respondent the name of the landing centers they usually unload their catch. If the name is unknown, write “UNKNOWN”. If the landing center has no specific name, write “NO NAME”.

LANDINGCENTER is the place where fish catch, and other aquatic products are unloaded and traded.
For 5C09b, determine the type of landing center. Below are the categories for type of landing center and their corresponding codes and definitions.
Code Description ofTypeofLanding Center
1Traditional are traditional areas with no formal/physical infrastructurefacilitiessuchasportswherefishandother fishery/aquatic products are unloaded. Including community fish landing centers.
2 Managedby Fishing Association/ Cooperative
is a facility/landing center managed and operated by the organized fisherfolk cooperative with the cooperation of allthe fisherfolk association members.
3 Managed by Local GovernmentUnit (LGU) arelandingcentersmanaged/underthejurisdictionofthe LGU where fish and fishery products are landed/unloaded by fishing boats such as buying stations, Community Fish Landing Centers (CFLC) and municipal fish ports.
4 Managedby PhilippineFisheries Development Authority(PFDA)
is the government agency mandated to strengthen the government's developmental thrusts in fisheries through a program that would balance production ventures with adequate post-harvest support facilities. See Table 10.1 for the eight (8) regional and municipal fish ports managed by PFDA.
5 Privately-owned are not for public use as these are usually owned by private individuals, corporations, etc., usually with structures and imposes fee for themaintenance of such.
9 Other Landing Center
Sual Fish Port Complex
Navotas FishPort Complex
Lucena Fish Port Complex
Bulan Fish Port Complex
Iloilo Fish Port Complex
Zamboanga FishPort Complex
Davao Fish Port Complex
General Santos Fish Port Complex
Source: Philippine Fisheries Development Authority
Sual, Pangasinan
Navotas, MetroManila
Lucena City,Quezon
Bulan, Sorsogon
Iloilo City, Iloilo
Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur
Davao City, Davao del Sur
General Santos City, South Cotabato
For 5C09c, ask the respondent the province/HUC, city/municipality and barangay where the landing centers were located. Write the name of the province/HUC on the space provided in
5C06c1, the city/municipality name in 5C06d1, and the barangay name in 5C06e1 and leave corresponding code boxes blank. If the location is not known, write the code “99”.
ILLUSTRATION 9.6 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5D – Subsection C-3)

Section D gathers information on the types of fishing gear used that the household used in the fishingoperationregardlessofownership,andthosethatthehouseholdownedasidefromthose that are used during the reference period.
As defined in R.A. 10654, fishing gear refers to any instrument or device utilized in taking fish and other fishery species.
a. Active Fishing Gear – is a fishing device characterized by the pursuit of the target species by towing, pushing the gears, surrounding, covering, dredging, and scaring the target speciestoimpoundments;suchas,but not limited to, trawl, purse seines, Danish seines, paaling and drift gill net.

b. Passive Fishing Gear – is characterized by the absence of pursuit of the target species; such as, but not limited to, hook and line, fish pots, traps and gillnets set across the path of the fish.
Refer to Section 7.9 for the instructions on how tofill out 5D01 to
Section E gathers information on the fishing machineries, equipment, facilities, tools, and other accessories that the household used in the aquaculture operation regardless of ownership, and those that the household owned aside from those that are used during the reference period.

Fisherymachinery andequipment may include, but not limitedto, fishing boats, such as nets and traps, and other equipment and accessories used in catching and harvesting fish and other aquatic products. Processing machinery, such as those used for cleaning, scaling, filleting, and freezing fish, and seafood, also fall
under this category.
Refer to Section 7.9 for the instructions on how tofill out 5E01 to 5E10.
ILLUSTRATION 9.8 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5F)
Section F aims to determine information on the household members who worked in the fishing operationandemployment ofthefishingoperation.Inthissection,thehouseholdmaybeasked to provide information on the total number of employees, including both full-time and part-time workers.

Refer to Section 7.10 for the instructions on how to fill out 5F01 to 5F04.

ILLUSTRATION 9.9 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5G – Section F)

Section G pertains to the technical and financial support and assistance received by the household from National Government Agencies, Local Government Unit, and Private. This section will collect data on the kinds of programs and initiatives that the household has participated in.
Refer to Section 7.11 for the instructions on how to fill out this section.
ILLUSTRATION 9.10 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5G – Section G)

Thissectionpertainstotheinvolvementofoperatorinanyeconomicactivitieswhetherrelated or not to his/her fishing operations.
Refer to Section 7.12 for the instructions on how to fill out this section.
ILLUSTRATION 9.11 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5G – Section H)
Section I pertains to the challenges and problems encountered by the fishing operator in the fishing operation during the reference period. This section is helpful inassessing the cause of low farm production/income, low rural employment, lack of food security, and low agricultural competitiveness inthe agriculture sectors of thecountry.

5I01 During the period January 01 to December 31, 2022, did you encounter the following challenges/problems in your fishing operation?
a. Naturalcalamitiessuchastyphoons,flashfloods,soilerosion, excessiveheat,etc.
b. Alarming increase of water pollution cases
c. Over-fishing
d. Rampant illegal fishing
e. Rampant piracy/thievery
f. Financial Constraints
g. Intrusion of foreign boats/vessels inthe fishing ground
h. Intrusion of commercial fishing boats/vessels inthe fishing ground
i. Difficulty to access/longprocessing time of permits, documents, etc.
j. Difficulty in availing modern technical assistance
k. Lack of marketing facilities
l. Lack of cold storage facilities/ice supply
m. Low buying price from traders
n. Limited access to markets/buyers
o. High cost of fuel
p. Other, SPECIFY
Refer to Section 7.14 for the instructions on how to fill out this section.
ILLUSTRATION 9.12 Filled Out CAF Form 5 (Page 5H – Section I)
5G01 aims to determine the challenges/problems encountered in the fishing operation during the reference period. This is important for PSA and other government agencies to know, so that low number in fishing catch could bejustified.

Section K gathers information on the usage and perception of the operator regarding the Philippine ID (PhilID)card and/or ePhilID.
Refer to Section 7.15 for the instructions on how to fill out this section.