volume one Flat B, 61/F (split-level unit) 6 1 樓B室( 半複式單位)
Prestigious HOMES
Live the Fantasy Like a phoenix soaring above the towers of Hong Kong island, it is a destination that few even dare to dream about. A palace for the 21st century, encapsulating the best of contemporary urban living artfully blended with spectacular mountain and harbour vistas. It is the most luxurious vacation resort, minutes from the heart of Central. A setting for lavish parties and glamorous cocktails, or morning swims to the sound of cascading waterfalls. It is a place where children can let their imagination run wild. A truly inspired fantasy made real. It is everything you ever dreamed of. It is everything you ever desired.
圓夢之居 鳳舞九天,傲臨香江,豈是凡人能及。二十一世 紀的豪邸,糅合現代都會生活精髓,遠眺蒼巒起 伏連綿,醉擁維港千億華燈。極盡奢華的度假勝 地,瞬間往返中環金融核心。無論是盛宴冠蓋雲 集,慢嘗美酒盪漾,還是晨光碧波暢泳,細聽飛 流瀧瀧,讓孩子創意馳騁天際,皆隨心所欲。所 見,就是所求。 夢薈於斯,願萃於此。
View from level 38 taken at 9pm 38樓 景 觀 , 攝 於 晚 上 九 時
volume one │ 1
39 Conduit Road 天匯 The Dream Team
No fantasy as carefully constructed as 39 Conduit
Road can exist without a stellar cast of visionaries.
The dream team behind its architecture and
design is handpicked from experts all at the top
of their fields. Their creative drive and extensive
experience in dream weaving transform a mirage
on paper and sketches into living, breathing
inspiration for all the senses.
Asia 頒發「十大建築界領袖獎」,也是「天
Architect Dennis Lau, chairman and managing
director of Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects
& Engineers (HK) Ltd. has been named one of
Hong Kong’s Top 10 Architects by BCI Asia and
is the man behind the building’s architectural
design. He says, “39 Conduit Road is an original aesthetic composition of counterpoints, of natural and man-made materials, on both a human and massive scale all presented in a rational and modern assembly.”
volume one │ 3
Interior designer Khuan Chew, design principal and founder, KCA International, is a ground-breaking talent that was responsible for the fascinating interior of Dubai’s Burj Al Arab. She oversaw the lobbies and common areas of 39 Conduit Road’s interiors. She says, “It is like a hotel, only at a tangent. In particular, the entrance corridor marks the transition from a privileged location with rich history to ultra relaxation space.” Drillworks artist Drew Whitemore created a series of illuminated wall panels for 39 Conduit Road inspired by the natural beauty of the English countryside. Drew says, “My hope is that it will give the observer a sense
Spa and wellness guru Katharina Braun of Deckelmann
of being in an entirely different exclusively created place
Wellness has worked on some of the world’s most
as guests and residents enter 39 Conduit Road.”
prestigious hotel spas, and is responsible for the Wellness Centre at 39 Conduit Road. She says, “Every
屢 創 新 猷 的 室 內 設 計 師 周 玉 關 是 K C A
detail of the Wellness Centre is custom-designed to offer
residents the ultimate in relaxation and pampering. Here
you can shed the stress of the day with reinvigorating
body and beauty treatments.”
為:「它就像一所酒店,只是方針有所不同。尤其是 連接地下大堂的走廊,引領著住戶一步步從尊貴地段
Deckelmann Wellness的水療中心設計專家
Katharina Braun締造一個又一個舉世矚目的酒店
鑽鑿藝術家Drew Whitemore為干德道39號「天
volume one │ 5
Landscape designers Phil Jaffa and Allen Nicholson of Scape Design Associates helmed the various water and exterior features at 39 Conduit Road, as well as a sky garden. They say, “We designed an exquisite pool deck, providing a private and relaxing garden haven that is ideal for family groups of all ages.”
園境建築設計公司Scape Design Associates的園 境設計師Phil Jaffa和Allen Nicholson悉心呈獻 「天滙」優雅自然的室外園林景致和空中庭園。二人 表示:「我們透過一個雅致的園林式泳池平台設計, 營造出令住戶身心完全放鬆的私人天地,更讓不同年 齡的家庭成員皆可樂在其中。」
Rounding out the dream team is structural engineer Leslie E. Rober tson; electrical and mechanical consultant Dr. Raymond Yau of Ove Arup and Partners Hong Kong Ltd.; façade and envelope consultant Andreas Hiersemenzel; geotechnical engineer C.M. Wong; and landscape consultant Stanley Ing of axxa group.
夢幻團隊的星級成員還包括結構工程師Leslie E. Robertson、機電顧問奧雅納工程顧問公司的邱萬鴻 博士、幕牆顧問Andreas Hiersemenzel、結構及 土力工程師黃志明,以及園境顧問景峰國際(香港)有 限公司的吳耀生。
volume one │ 7
The Life Fantastic 富.麗.堂.皇
Flat B, 61/F (split-level unit)
6 1 樓 B 室 ( 半 複 式 單 位 )
design steve leung 設 計 梁 志 天
Such splendour has never before been imagined. Conversations sparkle as brilliantly as the crystal a n d c h a n d e l i e r. S c a l e d t o b e b o t h g l a m o r o u s a n d i n t i m a t e , 3 9 C o n d u i t R o a d ’s s p l i t - l e v e l u n i t i s t h e p rop erly s p lendi d s et t i ng for you r dre am l ife styl e . It i s wh ere you know you h ave arrive d.
前所未見的富麗堂皇,一躍成為城中熱話,閃耀光輝 神話。美輪美奐中輕透縷縷溫馨,干德道39號「天 滙」半複式單位不同凡響,滿足夢寐以求的奢華享 受,成就顯赫名流的風雲傳奇。
volume one │ 9
L i v i ng Room 客 廳
Sunshine streams through full height windows, showcasing the four-metre-high ceilings and a f e a t u re w a l l f i n i s h e d i n l a c q u e re d e b o n y. Br o n z e t t o flooring steps up a staircase that resembles a work of contemporar y art. Modern luxuries such as a pale grey sofa and black marble coffee table encourage relaxation while reinforcing a sense of sophistication. One look at the view and it is easy t o i magi ne t h e world at your fe e t.
陽光輕瀉,灑進落地大窗,透亮四米高的天花,映照 柔亮黑檀木牆身,滿室生輝。拾級而上,鴻瞥大理石 樓梯,精雕細琢,宛如現代藝術佳作。俯視黑雲石茶 几配襯淺灰沙發,時尚、華美、巧緻,縈繞心間,卸 下疲勞的枷鎖,身心豁然舒暢。整個佈局,一覽而知 天下,貴麗艷壓四方。
volume one │ 11
volume one │ 13
volume one │ 15
D i n i ng Room 飯 廳
W h et h er i t i s an op ulent banq u e t fe atu ring gou rme t cuisine or casual family meals, the minimal ebony pendant lamp above the dining table will make the meal all the more special. A black marble di ni ng t able i s rei t erat ed i n the mate rial u se d in an a rc h i t r a ve b e t we e n d i n i n g a n d l i v i n g ro o m s . Mi r ro r and s t ai nles s s t eel reflect t h e l ive l y ambie nce .
餐桌上的黑檀木吊燈簡約獨特,不管是盛宴饌珍,或 是家常便飯,皆能錦上添花。餐桌選用黑雲石,與飯 廳的門框如出一轍,遙相呼應。清鏡配以不銹鋼,觸 發躍動的空間感。
volume one │ 17
volume one │ 19
Ma ster Suite 主 人 套 房
A sumptuous haven for your private pleasures, the mas t er s ui t e commands t h e e ntire u ppe r par t of the s p l i t - l e v e l u n i t . It i s i t s o w n f a n t a s y i s l a n d i n t h e heart of a dream world. A grey and beige colour palette features leather walls and furnishings. Black high gloss wardrobes coddle your treasured possessions, while the bathroom is a sanctuary boas t i ng an over flow Jacuz z i and sil ve r mosaic til e s.
華貴典雅的私人天地,洋溢愉悅柔情。雄踞半複式單 位的整個上層,主人套房恍如夢幻帝國的首都。灰色 與米黃的色調,勾勒出皮革牆身和家具的特色,温暖 愜意。黑色光漆衣櫃佇立大室之隅,善存珍品。浴室 寬敞充裕,設按摩浴缸,綴以銀色馬賽克,彰顯豪邁 氣魄。
volume one │ 21
volume one │ 23
volume one │ 25
B e droom s 睡 房
Three concepts prevail in the three downstairs bedrooms to ensure that every member of the household share in the dream. For the mature elders, a classic look is achieved with luggageinspired bedside tables and a semi-canopy above t h e h eadboard. For t h e you ng l ady of the hou se , an off white wool carpet and glass bedside tables give the space a light and airy feel. And for the young gent leman, an ebony op en she l f above the he adboard is perfectly complimented by the masculine horse carp et i ng.
下層的三個睡房各具特色,讓摯親悠然酣夢共醉。父 母房的設計成熟具韻味,行李箱造型的床頭櫃復古穩 重,床頭板上飾框,典雅含蓄。女兒房鋪上米白羊毛 地毯,配合玻璃床頭櫃,明亮通爽。至於兒子房,房 內的黑檀木書架置於床頭,與馬毛地毯相得益彰,盡 顯剛陽氣息。
volume one │ 27
volume one │ 29
L a y out Plans 佈 置 圖
The split-level unit is positioned to take full a d v a n t a g e o f t h e c i t y ’s b e s t v i e w s w h i l e a l l o w i n g s p a c e s t o f l o w n a t u r a l l y i n t o o n e a n o t h e r. F r o m a p r i v a t e e l e v a t o r l o b b y, y o u e n t e r a g e n e r o u s living area with a corner dining area situated off t o t h e r i g h t h a n d s i d e . Fre s h a i r c a n b e e n j oye d o n a b a l c o n y o v e r l o o k i n g V i c t o r i a H a r b o u r. A sophisticated bar acts as a buffer between the kitchen and service areas while allowing you to showcase your mixology expertise. Within the s p aci ous di ne-i n ki t ch en, s tate of the ar t appl iance s i n c l u d e M i e l e b a r b e c u e g r i l l a n d w i n e c e l l a r. To the left of the living area is a corridor leading to t h re e b e d r o o m s , w h i l e a d j a c e n t t o t h e c o r r i d o r i s a marble s t ai rcas e leadi ng up to the maste r su ite with i t s p ri vat e lounge, bedroom, wal k-in cl ose t, dre ssing area and bat h room.
半複式單位的空間連貫自然,城中璀璨盡收眼簾。穿 過私人電梯大堂,邁步走進偌大的客廳,右面的飯廳 自成一角,滿載天倫之樂。憑欄倚窗,露台空氣清 新,維港繁華迎抱入懷。在廚房和各功能區之間,高 雅時尚的酒吧起了緩衝之效,讓您一展調酒的精湛技 術,散發昇華了的馥郁芳香。廚房寬敞,器具琳瑯, 如Miele燒烤架和酒櫃,更可供良朋親友用餐,細味 美酒佳餚。客廳左面的走廊通往三間睡房,昂然登上 毗連走廊的雲石階,登臨主人套房,尊享私人座間、 睡房、步入式衣帽間和浴室,皇者風範,極致淋漓。
Upper split-level 半複式高層
Lower split-level 半複式低層
volume one │ 31
Re c o gn i ze d i n t ernat i onally, St eve Leung is a leading architect and interior designer born in Hong Kong in 1957. As a dedicated contemporary-style advocate, St e ve’s w o rk s re flect a s t rong and unique character of minimalism, with skilful adoption of Asian culture and arts. In 1997, Steve Leung established Steve Leung Designers Ltd. The C o m p a n y c u r re n t l y h a s b r a n c h e s in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Be i j i n g w i t h ove r 3 0 0 e m p l oye e s i n t o t a l. 國際著名建築及室內設計師梁志天 於1957年於香港出生,以現代風 格見稱,善於將饒富亞洲文化及藝 術的元素,融入其設計中。梁氏於 1997年創辦梁志天設計師有限公 司,現時於上海、北京及廣州設有 辦公室,總員工逾300人。 Prestigious Homes at 39 Conduit Road (vol 1 of 8) first published 2012 © 2012 by pace publishing ltd All rights reserved. No portion of “Prestigious Homes at 39 Conduit Road” may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Pace Publishing Limited.
《天匯名宅》 一書8冊 第一冊 2012年出版 版權所有 本書未經貝思出版有限公司書面同意,不得以任何形式發表 或轉載。所載圖文皆有版權。 pace publishing ltd 貝思出版有限公司 rm704, 7/f., hong kong arts centre, 2 harbour road, wanchai, hong kong 香港灣仔港灣道2號香港藝術中心7樓704室 t: +852 2111 1192 f: +852 2975 3146 www.beisistudio.com
Acknowledgements "Prestigious Homes at 39 Conduit Road", a set of 8 volumes, is a joint publishing project of Henderson Real Estate Agency Ltd., Peterson Group and Pace Publishing Ltd.. The production of this book involved effort and support of many parties. Profound gratitude goes to: - Henderson Land Development Company Ltd. and Peterson Group, the joint developers, for their support and advice; - Steve Leung Designers Ltd. for their advice; - The staff of Pace Publishing Ltd. for their devotion; - All those organizations and individuals who participated in the development project. Image credit: - Henderson Real Estate Agency Ltd. (p2~5 & 7, p26 left); - Steve Leung Designers Ltd. (p31~32); - DesignZens & Co., (p1 & 6) and - Ulso Tsang (p9~25, p26 right & p27~29) Sincere gratitude for all the above parties. 鳴謝 《天匯名宅》,一書8冊,是恆基兆業地產代理有限公司、培新 集團與貝思出版有限公司合作出版的書籍。該書得以順利面世, 全賴各方積極參與及支持。貝思出版有限公司現以由衷至誠的心 致謝: 發展商恆基兆業地產有限公司與培新集團對出版予以肯定、支 持及建議; 梁志天設計師有限公司的參與及建議; 貝思出版有限公司全體同仁的鼎力合作; 所有曾參與項目建築、設計的機構 / 人士。 圖像鳴謝: 恆基兆業地產代理有限公司 (p3~5、p7 & p26左); 梁志天設計師有限公司(p31~32); 迪赛线有限公司 (p1 & p6) 及 Ulso Tsang (p9~25、p26右 & p27~29) 摯誠獻上全情投入的感激。