volume five (19B)

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volume five Flat B, 19/F 1 9 циУBход

Prestigious HOMES

Live the Fantasy Like a phoenix soaring above the towers of Hong Kong island, it is a destination that few even dare to dream about. A palace for the 21st century, encapsulating the best of contemporary urban living artfully blended with spectacular mountain and harbour vistas. It is the most luxurious vacation resort, minutes from the heart of Central. A setting for lavish parties and glamorous cocktails, or morning swims to the sound of cascading waterfalls. It is a place where children can let their imagination run wild. A truly inspired fantasy made real. It is everything you ever dreamed of. It is everything you ever desired.

圓夢之居 鳳舞九天,傲臨香江,豈是凡人能及。二十一世 紀的豪邸,糅合現代都會生活精髓,遠眺蒼巒起 伏連綿,醉擁維港千億華燈。極盡奢華的度假勝 地,瞬間往返中環金融核心。無論是盛宴冠蓋雲 集,慢嘗美酒盪漾,還是晨光碧波暢泳,細聽飛 流瀧瀧,讓孩子創意馳騁天際,皆隨心所欲。所 見,就是所求。 夢薈於斯,願萃於此。

View from level 38 taken at 4pm 38樓 景 觀 , 攝 於 下 午 四 時

volume five  │  1

39 Conduit Road 天匯 Childhood Fantasy


39 Conduit Road offers children a magical


wonderland where they can explore, learn and


play. Imagination takes flight in the ground floor


children’s clubhouse, where bright colours make


up parts of a jigsaw puzzle in a room that acts as


a theatre for games and make believe. Flexible


cushioned furnishings allow kids to be kids while


protecting them within a safe haven. Have a tea


party with other little princesses. Create replicas


of favourite battle scenes. Be carried away to


far off lands through story telling. The Children’s Clubhouse is where your little ones can reign in their own kingdom.

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Underneath sheltering green branches is the entrance to another world. The children’s clubhouse is separated into a sun drenched outside area with flat screen internet stations, mini gym and interactive games. A smaller room is dressed like a house, complete with flowering window boxes and shuttered windows. There is also a parents’ lounge for mum and dad to be close by. It is an inspiring place for kids to think, dream and be.

在茂綠的枝葉下,隱藏著通往奇妙世界的入口。兒童 天地分間出一個透進充足陽光的空間,設有平面顯示 屏電腦區,小型兒童健身區和互動遊戲區。裏面還有 間面積較小的房間,外觀仿如一所別墅,有百葉窗, 窗台還有花盆裝飾,可愛精緻。父母可在近旁的家長 閑座區休息。在這裏,孩子的思考可得到啓發,自由 編織美夢,盡顯童真。

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Complementing the children’s clubhouse is the Outdoor Children's Playground adjacent to the Resort-style Outdoor Heated Pool specially designed for little ones to romp and scamper. Soft white sand underneath an undulating form reminiscent of a prehistoric creature invites children to climb, crawl and slide while playing in the verdant green surrounds.

「室外兒童遊樂場」毗鄰「度假酒店式室外恆溫泳 池」,為兒童天地錦上添花,是孩子嬉戲蹦跳的好地 方。在細軟的白沙上,有一座外型起伏的攀架,活像 史前生物,在青葱美景環抱下,孩子可肆意爬高伏 低,來個你追我逐,歡欣滿載。

volume five  │  9

Warmth in Vogue 温.馨.時.尚 Flat B, 19/F

1 9 樓 B 室

design steve leung 設 計 梁 志 天

Geometric motifs and warmly comforting materials give life to a spacious welcoming apartment. Stylishly simple furnishings are embellished with c l o s e a t t e n t i o n t o d e t a i l s i n t h e c u r ve o f a l a m p o r t o u c h o f b r i g h t c o l o u r i n a p a i n t i n g . Ex p a n s i ve s e a v i e w s a re t h o u g h t f u l l y f r a m e d f o r a n e ve r - c h a n g i n g b a c k d ro p t o t h e t a s t e f u l d é c o r. T h e ove r a l l e f f e c t i s one of grace with a contemporary freshness that is elegant at t h e s ame t i me.

幾何裝飾的圖案再加上温暖惬意的建材,為寬敞舒適 的家注入無限的生命力。傢俱的設計簡約時尚,枱燈 的曲線美和油畫的鮮艷顏色等裝飾元素精巧細膩。海 景壯麗,城中繁華迎抱入懷,設計師悉心將此永恆美 景鑲嵌在高雅大方的裝潢之中。整體的設計格調優 雅,洋溢現代清新的風尚,又不失別致的韻味。

volume five  │  11

L i v i ng Room 客 廳

Un d e r n e a t h a g e n t l y l i t r e c e s s e d c e i l i n g d e l i c a t e l y highlighted with contemporar y mouldings, the living a re a i s o r i e n t e d t o w e l c o m e v i s i t o r s w h i l e e n j oy i n g t h e v i e w o f V i c t o r i a H a r b o u r. A T V i s i n s e t i n t o a beige leather panelled wall, with its horizontal reveals continuing along to adjacent maple veneer walls . Plus h brown and s and col ou re d armchairs and s ofa h elp t o anch or t h e room.

燈光柔和的天花造型時尚,客廳坐擁維港千億璀璨, 是主人款待賓客的理想之選。電視鑲嵌在米色的皮製 牆板中,與旁邊的楓木牆身互相呼應,流露典雅的風 采。褐色毛絨沙發椅和米色沙發勾勒簡約閒適的氣 氛,令客廳設計更趨雅致。

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D i n i ng Room 飯 廳

Th e di ni ng area i s h i gh li gh te d by a horizontal band of art and sculpture, connected to the living area by French wi ndows t h at lead ou t to a wide bal cony. Baccarat cr ys t al ch andeli ers add a sophisticate d gl ow to the rectangular maple veneer dining table. The op en s p ace allows p ar t i es t o fl ow fre e l y be twe e n the t wo areas .

落地玻璃窗連接客廳和飯廳,窗外是廣闊的露台,飯 廳陳列著一系列的藝術掛畫和雕塑,藝術氣息表露無 遺。在長方形的楓木餐桌上,法國巴卡拉水晶吊燈閃 耀綽約風姿。開放式的設計可讓派對上的賓客在兩廳 間自由穿梭,成就風流名仕的豪言壯語。

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Ma ster Suite 主 人 套 房

The master suite continues the horizontal panels of the living and dining areas, reinterpreted with l i g h t b l u e ve l ve t s e t w i t h i n a b e i g e l e a t h e r f r a m e a s a feature wall behind the bed. Maple veneer desk, along with sumptuously upholstered armchairs, t akes up t h e t h emes already e stabl ishe d. Adjace nt to t h e s ui t e i s a walk i n clos et that l e ads to an e nsu ite bat h room out fi t t ed i n t h e s ame warm tone s.

主人套房床頭後的牆身沿用客飯廳的橫板設計,以米 色皮革框邊勾勒淡藍色絲絨的柔美。楓木書桌和華美 舒適的沙發椅貫徹單位的主題,雅麗優美。睡房毗鄰 衣帽間,通往設備完善的套房浴室,設計同樣以暖色 系為主,流淌脈脈温情。

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B e droom 睡 房

A s e c o n d b e d r o o m i s r i c h l y o u t f i t t e d i n b row n a n d beige hues, with a subtly checkered beige feature wall glinting with stainless steel decorative stripes s et i n a deep ch ocolat e leat he r frame . A l ow re ce sse d shelf stores books within easy reach of the bed, wh i le above i s a generous wardrobe with tinte d gl ass doors .

睡房以棕色和米白色調締造和諧恬靜的氣氛,巧妙配 合米色的長方格造型的牆身,與包裹在啡色皮革中的 灰鋼畫框互相輝映。寬敞的衣櫃選用有色玻璃門,衣 櫃下面的凹位可作書架之用,躺在床上也伸手可及, 設計貼心。

volume five  │  27

S t u dy Room 書 房

Th e s t udy i s an ai r y s p ace with l arge windows and a deep, t wo-t one carp et for a bright ye t conte mpl ative atmosphere. A leather pad inset into the maple veneer desk is matched by a wall of open maple shelving, while an armchair invites reading or ap p reci at i ng t h e fi ne works of ar t dotting the room.

書房空間開揚,玻璃窗寬闊,深淺色的地氈為一室營 造靜謐沉穩的氛圍。楓木書桌桌面嵌入皮製桌墊,配 襯開放式楓木書架,任誰安坐沙發椅上靜心閱讀,還 是欣賞房中的藝術精品,皆能樂在其中。

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L a y out Plan 佈 置 圖

Set foot on the 19th floor private foyer right out of the lift, and to be led to a combination living and dining area with a shared balcony in between t h e m a c c e s s i b l e v i a Fr e n c h d o o r s . O n e e n t i r e w a l l of the space features floor to ceiling windows for unparalleled harbour views. A kitchen directly opposite the dining area includes a breakfast table surrounded on both sides by state of the art appliances. Beyond the kitchen are a utility room a n d t h e m a i d ’s q u a r t e r s . S l i d i n g d o o r s b e y o n d t h e dining area leads to a study with a full bathroom opposite that is easily reached by the living area. Further down is a bedroom, with the corridor ending in the master suite, ensuite walk-in closet and private bathroom with separate shower and bat h t ub.

踏出19樓的私人電梯大堂,登臨空間相連的客飯廳, 邁出玻璃門外的大露台。巨幅落地玻璃窗讓無與倫比 的維港景致盡收眼簾。飯廳的正對面是廚房,早餐桌 兩旁滿是最先端的設備。廚房可通往雜物房和工人 房。飯廳後的趟門連接書房,書房對面是設備完善的 浴室,和客廳相距不遠。書房旁是睡房,走廊盡頭是 主人套房,連衣帽間和備有淋浴間和浴缸的浴室。

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Steve Leung is the Managing Director of Steve Leung Designers, an acclaimed interior design firm with numerous re s i d e n t i a l p r o j e c t s t o i t s c re d i t . Tr a i n e d a s a n a r c h i t e c t a t T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f H o n g K o n g ’s Fa c u l t y o f A r c h i t e c t u r e , h e i s known for personally designing many aspects of his projects, with a contemporary aesthetic that contains numerous references to Ch i n e se d e si gn element s . 梁志天是梁志天設計師有限公司的 董事長,該室內設計公司一向享 負盛名,負責的多個住宅項目都備 受讚賞。梁志天在香港大學建築學 院肆業成為建築師,凡事皆親力親 為,其設計能表現出現代美學,當 中蘊藏不少中式的設計元素。

Prestigious Homes at 39 Conduit Road (vol 5 of 8) first published 2012 © 2012 by pace publishing ltd All rights reserved. No portion of “Prestigious Homes at 39 Conduit Road” may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Pace Publishing Limited.

《天匯名宅》 一書8冊  第五冊 2012年出版  版權所有 本書未經貝思出版有限公司書面同意,不得以任何形式發表 或轉載。所載圖文皆有版權。 pace publishing ltd 貝思出版有限公司 rm704, 7/f., hong kong arts centre, 2 harbour road, wanchai, hong kong 香港灣仔港灣道2號香港藝術中心7樓704室 t: +852 2111 1192   f: +852 2975 3146 www.beisistudio.com

Acknowledgements "Prestigious Homes at 39 Conduit Road", a set of 8 volumes, is a joint publishing project of Henderson Real Estate Agency Ltd., Peterson Group and Pace Publishing Ltd.. The production of this book involved effort and support of many parties. Profound gratitude goes to: - Henderson Land Development Company Ltd. and Peterson Group, the joint developers, for their support and advice; - Steve Leung Designers Ltd. for their advice; - The staff of Pace Publishing Ltd. for their devotion; - All those organizations and individuals who participated in the development project. Image credit: - Steve Leung Designers Ltd. (p31~32); - DesignZens & Co., (p1~30) Sincere gratitude for all the above parties. 鳴謝 《天匯名宅》,一書8冊,是恆基兆業地產代理有限公司、培新 集團與貝思出版有限公司合作出版的書籍。該書得以順利面世, 全賴各方積極參與及支持。貝思出版有限公司現以由衷至誠的心 致謝: 發展商恆基兆業地產有限公司與培新集團對出版予以肯定、支 持及建議; 梁志天設計師有限公司的參與及建議; 貝思出版有限公司全體同仁的鼎力合作; 所有曾參與項目建築、設計的機構 / 人士。 圖像鳴謝: 梁志天設計師有限公司(p31~32); 迪赛线有限公司 (p1~p30) 摯誠獻上全情投入的感激。

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