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Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine
Volume 14, SPRING 2014
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Belgrade&Serbia Visitors’ Magazine Publisher - Izdavač: Izdavačko društvo PONT d.o.o., Beograd Gočka 18 tel./fax 2332-803; mob tel. 063/84 97 582 e-mail: office@belguest.rs, redakcija@belguest.rs www.belguest.rs Publisher - Izdavač: Milena Mihaljčić, direktor Editor-in-chief - Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Dragana Marković Editorial Staff - Redakcija: Milena Mihaljčić, Dragana Marković, Ljilja Čerović Contributors - Saradnici: Dragana Barjaktarević, Jelena Tasić, Rozana Sazdić Photographs- Fotografije: Branko Jovanović, Dragan Bosnić, Svetlana Dingarac, Stanko Kostić, BelGuest Photo Archive, Tourist Organization of Belgrade Photo Archive, Tourist Organization of Serbia Photo Archive Translation - Prevod: Đorđe Janković, Mark R. Pullen Serbian language editor - Lektor za srpski: Mila Barjaktarević Information - Informacije: Pont Marketing: Pont Design&Layout - Dizajn i prelom: Pozitiv MVP Print - Štampa: Birograf, Beograd
Magic moments of your Holiday in
BelGuest quarterly is registered with the Republic of Serbia media registry no: 651-03-168/2000-03 BelGuest magazin upisan je u registar glasila Republike Srbije pod brojem: 651-03-168/2000-03 © copyright: Pont Front Page - Naslovna strana: Detail of the fountain in the Asian salon of the Royal Palace, Nikolai Krasnov CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd
338.4 BelGuest : Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine / editor-in-chief Dragana Marković. - 2001, winter/spring - Beograd : Pont, 2001(Beograd : Birograf). - 28 cm Dostupno i na: http://www.belguest.rs. Tromesečno. - Sa specijalnim izdanjem 2010: Događaji Beograda ISSN 1451-6446 = Bel Guest COBISS.SR-ID 71794956
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Fountain in the Asian salon of the Royal Palace
C ov e r stor y : R u ssian h e ritag e in B e lgrad e
SIGNATURES FOR ETERNITY Belgrade experienced its most turbulent and intensive changes in an architectural sense between the two world wars. Almost overnight the city replaced its oriental contours with the modern look of a European capital. A major role in shaping the new face of Belgrade was played by Russian architectsVerhovski, Baumgartner and primarily Krasnov. Of course, architects are not the only ones who reflect the significance that Russians had in Belgrade and Serbiaat that time
he impact that Russians who fled to Belgrade after World War II had on culture, the arts and sciences in our capital was enormous. "At the time of Alexander Karađorđević, a Russian student who was married to Alexander II's granddaughter and was a great admirer of Nicholas II, immigrants from Russia found a new home in Serbia. The whole history of Serbian-Russian relations, which date back to the 13th century, are dominated by that time, that period of war and persecution, when refugees carried with them vivid memories of imperial Russia as a seed they were trying to save from the flames of the revolution"- reminds Mihail Genadijević Denisov, director of the Russian House in Belgrade. Vladimir Albinović Majevski, a historian of the Russian emigration and contemporary events, notes that "Russians then entered the Serbian land unencumbered by quotas, visas, restrictions, passports and the like. This brotherly country welcomed the Russians close of themselves. They were not burdened with the formalities that existed when entering European and American countries. That should be remembered and recalled with gratitude..." And the arrival of 44,000 Russian refugees in particular had enormous cultural, educational, scientific and social significance to Serbia at that time. Things become even clearer when one looks at the education of those Russian refugees in Serbia,
Nikolai Petrovich Krasnov
especially when you consider how many illiterate peopleSerbia had at that time. Statistics explains this even more, when we see that 13 per cent of people were highly educated, 62 had a mid-level education, 19 per cent had completed primary education and just three percent were classed as illiterate. The influence of Russian refugees was exceptional in creating a new cultural and scientific milieu in Serbia. ThE RUSSIANS ARE COMING "The activity of Russian directors, set designers, costume designers, opera singers and ballet artists in the interwar period, in national theatre institutions and the Russian theatre and opera societiesand groups, marked and enriched the theatre, opera and ballet life of Belgrade and elsewhere in Serbia and the then Kingdom Yugoslavia. Russian ballerinas and ballet teachers - Klavdija Isačenko, Jelena Poljakova, Nina Kirsanova, Fyodor Vasilyev and Anatoly Zhukovsky- founded the ballet department at the Belgrade National Theatre. In the field of opera an extremely important role was played by artists like Xenia Rogovske Hristić, Liza Popova, Neonila Voljevač, Pavel Holodkov, Yevgeny Marijašec, Mihail Karakaš and others, while in the theatre life tracks were left by director Yury Ljvovič Rakitin, assistant to the famous avant-garde Russian director Vsevolod Meyerhold. Also unforgettable are the great Russian
stage designers Vladimir Žedrinski, Leonid and Rima Brailovski and Vladimir Zagorodnjuk," says Denisov, noting that as many as 11 refugee Russian scientists were admitted into the Serbian Royal Academy: Anton Bilimovich, Vladimir Laskarjov Nikolai Saltikov, Yevgeny Spektorski, Fyodor Taranovski, Jakov Hlitčijev, Stjepan Kuljbakin, Vladimir Farmakovski Nikolai Pušin, Konstantin Voronjec and Georgiy Ostrogorski. The Russian House presented the book "Russians in Serbia," though unfortunately it is currently only available in Russian. It represents the work of an entire team of authors, led by Alexei Arsenjev Borisovich. The book covers the fate of Russian refugees, the manner in which they were accepted by Serbia, important names that influenced almost all aspects of life in Serbia, the Russian press, organizations, the Russian Church, the Russian House –it addresses life. Found again, interlocked and divided, which is "a handful of salt and crust of bread," when the times were toughest - Russians and Serbs joined together in unbreakable and deep relationships. KRASNOV – ONE DESTINY One of the notable Russians in Serbia was architect Nikolai Krasnov (1864-1939). The doors of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture were opened to the 12-year-old Nikolai in 1876. There
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Hall at the Old Army General Staff building and the famous War hall, work of Russian architects and sculptors: Baumgaten, Zagorodnjuk, Riko and Amosov
are indications that the young, capable and diligent boy was helped by Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov, brother of the founder of the legendary Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. It is assumed that the young Krasnov found himself on the southern coast of the Crimea thanks to the patronage of his famous countryman, entrepreneur and merchant Petar Gubonyin. It was only in 1887 that Krasnov became the chief architect of Yalta, the popular summer resort of the Russian Empire. At the beginning of 1910 Krasnov received an order from Tsar Nicholas II to build an imperial summer palace at Livadia near Yalta. It is not common knownledge that Nikolai Petrovich Krasnov was the head of all engineering and construction works, which flowed so well that the palace was completed and the temple of the Raising of the Cross of the Lord was thoroughly reconstructed in just a year and a half. The great architect did not neglect the interior of Livadijske Palace either, nor her park. For these works, which represent the peak of his work, the king awarded him the title of architect of the imperial palace. More praise came to him with his appointment as a teacher of painting and drawing of younger royal children (1911-1914). Until 1913 Crimea received more than 60 diverse works of this architect, which represent a harmonious blend of modern style, with the artistic tradition of local architecture. The Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg selected Krasnovfor academic architecture. Architect Krasnov, like many others who did not accept the new government, was forced to leave Russia in 1919. After spending three years moving from Gallipoli to Malta, the Krasnov family finally arrived in Belgrade, at the invitation of the Government of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Thus, Yugoslavia became a second home for this Russian academic of architecture. Moreover, in Serbia he was able to continue to engage in the work that he loved so much. The same was done by his colleagues Viktor Lukomski, who designed the building of the Patriarchate and the Church of Saint Sava,
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
and Vasilije Androsov, who authored the architectural design of the main post office in Belgrade. During the 1920s Nikolai Petrovich Krasnov worked on some very important public projects in Belgrade, such as the building of the Ministry of Finance, the estate of the Ministry of Forestry, agriculture and mining and the building of the State Archives. The strict academicism of these majestic buildings embodied the idea of strengthening Yugoslav statehood. However, Krasnov worked on the renewal of the RuŞica Church at Kalemegdan in a completely different manner, giving it a romantic "medieval" look and fitting it harmoniously into the monolithic fortified structure. Krasnov received two very important orders from the Royal Court: work on the interior of the Church of St. George at Oplenac and the villa of the Old Palace in Belgrade. He performed a series of art works on both buildings that were in accordance with the national architectural style of the buildings. Krasnov is also responsible for the interior of the building of the National Assembly in Belgrade. In Vlasotinache erected the monument to those who died in the 1912-1918 wars for the liberation of Serbia, while more of his works can be found in other cities in Serbia. From 1922 until his death he served as inspector of the Architecture Department of the Ministry of Construction. In short, this talented builder and man of extraordinary energy was just as highly respected and sought afterduring his life in emigration. He died in Belgrade on 8th December 1939 and was buried in the Russian part of Belgrade's New Cemetery, next to the Iverski chapel, where he was sent off with song - rounding off an unusual story of a refugee, an artistic path and human destiny. Compiled by D. MARKOVIĆ Photo Archive of the Fund of the Royal Palace
T e ma
broja : R u sko
nasl e đ e
B e ograd u
POTPISI ZA VEČNOST Vreme najburnijih i najintenzivnijih promena u arhitektonskom smislu Beograd je doživeo između dva svetska rata. Skoro preko noći grad je obrise orijentalnog zamenio modernim izgledom jedne evropske prestonice. Velika uloga u oblikovanju novog lica Beograda pripala je ruskim arhitektima Verhovskom, Baumgartneru, a pre svega Krasnovu. Naravno, nisu samo arhitekti opredelili značaj koji su Rusi u to vreme imali u Beogradu i Srbiji.
groman je uticaj koji su Rusi izbegli u Beograd posle Prvog svetskog rata imali u kulturi, umetnosti i nauci naše pres-
tonice. „U vreme Aleksandra Karađorđevića, ruskog đaka, oženjenog unukom Aleksandra Drugog i velikog zaljubljenika u Nikolaja Drugog, emigracija koja je izbegla iz Rusije u Srbiji je pronašla novu domovinu. Čitavom istorijom srpsko-ruskih veza, a one počinju u 13. veku, dominira baš to vreme, vreme rata i progona, kada su izbeglice sa sobom nosile živo sećanje na carsku Rusiju kao klicu koju su spasavale od plamena revolucije“ - podseća Mihail Genadijevič Denisov, direktor Ruskog doma. Vladimir Albinovič Majevski, istoričar ruske emigracije i savremenik događaja, beleži da su „Rusi tada ušli u srpsku zemlju neopterećeni kvotama, vizama, ograničenjima, pasošima i slično. Bratska zemlja privila je Ruse uz sebe. Nije se opterećivala
formalnostima koje su postojale prilikom ulaska u evropske i američke države. To treba zapamtiti i sećati se sa zahvalnošću...“ I zaista, dolazak 44.000 ruskih izbeglica imao je pre svega ogroman kulturni, prosvetni, naučni i društveni značaj za Srbiju toga vremena. Sve je još jasnije kada se pogleda kog su obrazovanja bile ruske izbeglice u Srbiji, a posebno kada se zna koliko je u to vreme Srbija imala nepismenih ljudi. Statistika pojašnjava da je u tom, već velikom broju, 13 procenata ljudi bilo sa visokim obrazovanjem; 62 sa srednjim; 19 sa osnovnim obrazovanjem, a svega tri procenta su činili nepismeni. Uticaj ruskih izbeglica bio je izuzetan u stvaranju novog kulturnog i naučnog miljea Srbije. RUSI DOLAZE „Delatnost ruskih reditelja, scenografa, kostimografa, operskih pevača i baletskih umetnika u
međuratnom periodu kako u nacionalnim teatarskim ustanovama tako i u ruskim pozorišnim i operskim družinama i grupama obeležila je i obogatila pozorišni, operski i baletski život Beograda kao i drugih mesta u Srbiji i Kraljevini Jugoslaviji. Ruske balerine i baletski pedagozi – Klavdija Isačenko, Jelena Poljakova, Nina Kirsanova, Fjodor Vasiljev, Anatolij Žukovski osnovali su balet u beogradskom Narodnom pozorištu. Na polju opere izuzetan značaj imali su umetnici poput Ksenije Rogovske Hristić, Lize Popove, Neonile Voljevač, Pavela Holodkova, Evgenija Marijašeca, Mihaila Karakaša i drugih, dok su u pozorišnom životu trag ostavili reditelj Jurij Ljvovič Rakitin, asistent čuvenog avangardnog ruskog reditelja Vsevoloda Mejerholjda. Nezaboravni su i veliki ruski scenografi Vladimir Žedrinski, Leonid i Rima Brailovski, Vladimir Zagorodnjuk“, ističe Denisov, napominjući da je čak jedanaest izbeglih ruskih naučnika bilo primljeno
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
The interior of the mausoleum at Oplenac, created after the design by Nikolai Krasnov
The interior of the main salon of the underground area of the Royal Palace, created by design Nikolai Krasnov
Ružica Church at the Belgrade Fortress - foto: Svetlana Dingarac u Srpsku kraljevsku akademiju: Anton Bilimovič, Vladimir Laskarjov, Nikolaj Saltikov, Jevgenij Spektorski, Fjodor Taranovski, Jakov Hlitčijev, Stjepan Kuljbakin, Vladimir Farmakovski, Nikolaj Pušin, Konstantin Voronjec i Georgij Ostrogorski. U Ruskom domu je predstavljena knjiga „Rusi u Srbiji“, nažalost za sada samo na ruskom jeziku, koja je delo čitavog tima autora, predvođenih Aleksejem Arsenjevim Borisovičem. Knjiga govori o sudbinama ruskih izbeglica, načinu na koji ih je Srbija prihvatila, značajnim imenima koja su uticala na skoro sve oblasti života u Srbiji, ruskoj štampi, organizacijama, Ruskoj crkvi, Ruskom domu – govori o životu. Ponovo pronađenom, isprepletanom i podeljenom, koji je „šakom soli i korom hleba“, kada je bilo najteže – povezao Ruse i Srbe neraskidivim i dubokim vezama. KRASNOV – JEDNA SUDBINA Jedan od značajnih Rusa u Srbiji bio je i arhitekta Nikolaj Krasnov (1864–1939). Vrata Moskovske škole za slikarstvo, vajarstvo i arhitekturu su se pred dvanaestogodišnjim Nikolajem otvorila 1876. godine. Ima indicija da je mladom, sposobnom i marljivom dečaku pomogao Sergej Mihajlovič Tretjakov, rođeni brat osnivača legendarne Tretjakovske galerije u Moskvi. Pretpostavlja se da se mladi Krasnov obreo na južnoj obali Krima zahvaljujući pokroviteljstvu svog poznatog zemljaka, preduzetnika i trgovca Petra Gubonjina. Tek 1887. godine Krasnov postaje glavni arhitekta Jalte, popularnog letovališta Ruske imperije. Početkom 1910. Krasnov od cara Nikolaja II dobija porudžbinu da izgradi carski letnji dvorac u Livadiji
nedaleko od Jalte. Malo je poznato da je Nikolaj Petrovič Krasnov bio na čelu svih projektantskih i građevinskih radova, koji su tekli tako uspešno da je palata završena, a hram Vozdviženja Krsta Gospodnjeg temeljno rekonstruisan za svega godinu i po dana. Veliki neimar nije zanemario ni enterijere Livadijske palate, ni njen park. Za ova dela, koja predstavljaju vrhunac njegovog stvaralaštva, car mu dodeljuje zvanje arhitekte carske palate. Druga pohvala stiže mu imenovanjem za nastavnika slikanja i crtanja mlađe carske dece (1911–1914). Do 1913. Krim je dobio više od šezdeset raznovrsnih radova tog arhitekte, koji predstavljaju skladan spoj stila moderne, sa umetničkom tradicijom lokalne arhitekture. Akademija umetnosti u Peterburgu izabrala je Krasnova za akademika arhitekture. Arhitekta Krasnov, kao i mnogi drugi koji nisu prihvatili novu vlast, bio je prinuđen da 1919. godine napusti Rusiju. Pošto se tri godine selila od Galipolja do Malte, porodica Krasnov je najzad stigla u Beograd, i to na poziv vlade Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. Tako je ruskom akademiku arhitekture Jugoslavija postala druga domovina. Štaviše, tu je mogao da nastavi bavljenje poslom koji je toliko voleo. Kao što su to učinile i njegove kolege Viktor Lukomski, koji je projektovao zgradu Patrijaršije i Crkvu Svetog Save na Vračaru, i Vasilije Androsov, autor arhitektonskog rešenja Glavne pošte u Beogradu. Nikolaj Petrovič Krasnov je u Beogradu tokom dvadesetih godina prošlog veka radio na nekoliko izuzetno značajnih državnih projekata kao
što su zgrada Ministarstva finansija, zdanje Ministarstva šumarstva, poljoprivrede i rudarstva i zgrada Državnog arhiva. Strogi akademizam tih veličanstvenih zdanja ovaplotio je ideju jačanja jugoslovenske državnosti. Međutim, Krasnov na obnovi crkve Ružice na Kalemegdanu radi u sasvim drugačijem maniru, dajući joj romantičarski „srednjovekovni“ izgled i harmonično je uklapajući u monolitno odbrambeno zdanje. Dve izuzetno važne porudžbine stižu Krasnovu sa Kraljevskog dvora: rad na enterijeru Crkve Sv. Đorđa na Oplencu i vile Starog dvora na Dedinju. Na oba zdanja izveo je čitav niz umetničkih radova u skladu sa nacionalnim arhitektonskim stilom obeju građevina. Krasnov je takođe zaslužan za enterijer zdanja Narodne skupštine u Beogradu. U Vlasotincu je izveo spomenik poginulima u ratovima za oslobođenje Srbije 1912–1918, a njegova dela se nalaze i u drugim gradovima Srbije. Od 1922. do svoje smrti obavljao je dužnost inspektora Arhitektonskog odeljenja Ministarstva za građevinu. Ukratko, taj talentovani graditelj i čovek izuzetne radne energije i u emigraciji je bio veoma poštovan i tražen. Umro je 8. decembra 1939. u Beogradu, sahranjen je na ruskom delu beogradskog Novog groblja, tik uz Iversku kapelu, u kojoj je i opevan – zaokružujući jednu neobičnu izbegličku priču, umetničku putanju i ljudsku sudbinu. Priredila D. MARKOVIĆ Fotografije Arhiva Fonda Kraljevskog dvora
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
INTERVIEW A l e ksandar D iklić abo u t B e lgrad e
CITY WITh SEDUCER’S SMILE, WARRIOR’S EYES Belgrade is an old charmer in new shoes but an old coat, with a perfect shirt but a wrong tie, with a smile of a seducer and eyes of a warrior. It is a man who does not allow you not love it regardless of its strange temper and even stranger past.
leksandar Diklić has praised in songs, explored, described, filmed – he has experienced Belgrade. That sentimental journey through the history of one city has its musical, film and literary record. The instrumental album “My Alexandria”, TV series “Belgrade, Eternal City” and the book of the same title, which has seen its sixth edition in only several months, are witnesses of a great effort, devotion, distinctive contemplation... And all that together resulted in a portrait of Belgrade still unseen in our perception, the basis for better, easier and deeper recognition of identity, for the prevalence of meaning, facts and reason over an everlasting overestimation determining Belgrade by the following extremes, oblivion on the one hand and the claim that we are the only nation in Europe on the other... “As an author I can say that I am in a subordinate position in relation to the topic, as I am not certain whether the fact that I wrote a book about Belgrade is more important than ‘this’ what it has made of me” – this is one of your thoughts. In which way the work on the book has changed you? - Every breakdown of prejudices is a matter of personal development. I thought that I knew something about Belgrade, but now I can say that that was, expressed in mathematical terms, a statistical error comparing to an avalanche of cognitions that I had acquired and shared with spectators and readers. I learned a long time ago to surrender to new acknowledgements and not to protect myself from new understandings. It appears to me that strong argumentation easily alters something I used to “believe in”. From my
current point of view, Belgrade is bigger and more significant than I had ever assumed. Belgrade has its factual treasury but it is simultaneously a thankful box of stories without end or beginning. The city almost has its own will, which encourages us to reflect, to try to understand human nature... What is written in the book is neither the most important nor the most significant. Valuable is the result of the entire process, and that is an answer to the question of how it is possible that so many things happened in the city beneath our feet. An observation of events from the historical distance converts into packages of knowledge, personal but shareable. A man becomes wiser. It is not possible to move around Belgrade and not to get into some absurd event that happened nobody knows when. You are not able to evade history here even if you want to. Belgrade produced more history than a man can stand. For example, if you stop by the Café Majestic for a coffee, a kind waiter will point to a spot on the floor made by a 250 kilogrammes heavy bomb, if you walk your kid around the Tašmajdan Park, somebody will inform you that a cemetery is beneath, if you drive along Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, with slight imagination you will “fall through” time and realize that you are driving by the Roman tram “Via Militaris”... There are countless examples. It is true that the most beautiful Belgrade cannot be touched, but all this entitles us to dream about it, to renovate it here and there, wherever possible, slowly and honourably. Belgrade itself is the main protagonist of your book. How would you describe it after entire experience and all those years of study? - As an old charmer in new shoes but an old coat, with a perfect shirt but a wrong tie, with a smile of a seducer and eyes of a warrior. As a man who does not allow not to be loved regardless of strange temper and even stranger past. Something like that. But we should not forget that, even if it did not have buildings, bridges, anything... If we fancied a wasteland instead of a settlement, we would be amazed with what the nature has provided to that place. The mouth of the two rivers, sky, springs full of power and poetic plaintive autumns... Winters during which the land almost stays at rest and summers full of passion, tension and sweetish
dizziness. Isn’t that magical? On the album “My Alexandria” there is a theme called “In times of great sorrow”. You say that misfortune is the only constant in the history of Belgrade, that only poverty was hereditary, but in spite of all that suffering, death has nothing to do in Belgrade... What has made Belgrade eternal? - The spirit of its citizens. We are and should be sorry that Belgrade has not kept Oriental or European visage to a satisfying extent or balance, but this very fact describes the spirit of the city and its citizens. It is hard to be a stranger here, and any hesitation in this regard lasts only until the entrance to the first tavern or theatre, or any other place where the manifestation of spirit is desirable and acceptable. Citizens of Belgrade have mainly come from somewhere, and the city of a wide spirit yielded to them entirely. There was too much suffering, but I guess, for that reason the life has always hurried to return to the city. Such inexhaustible resurrection of one town resulted in Belgrade becoming an eternal place in the time perspective. You asked yourself the following question when you started dealing with Belgrade: Why has Belgrade been the most attractive point on all the military maps of Europe for centuries? What is your answer? - In one word, that is Danube! Danube brought all the changes. We, who are accustomed to this calm river, are not aware of the importance of great water. According to some ancient legends, Danube springs from the Heaven and “washes” the town on a reef, whereas Sava ingratiates itself with and flows into it – here, beneath splendid and famous Belgrade. Bearing in mind such a rare scene and their courses towards the north and south, it is clear to every lieutenant what “must” be conquered in the region. The higher the rank, the greatest the hunger, so I suppose that generals perceived Belgrade as an immense dinner that is hard to resist. Furthermore, since the ancient times
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
surroundings of Belgrade represented for its citizens an exquisite and sufficient source of both food and vine. Due to its pretty moderate climate, the city served as a residence for retired legionnaires in Roman times. If we look at maps from any period of time, we can see that our capital often used to be a border of different countries. Somebody has noticed for a good reason a metaphysical effect of the place, saying that “Belgrade is a key, and whoever owns it must take care of it studiously”... From a geographical point of view, this is a place where diversity of the succulent Šumadija region ceases and in a magnificent way begins what the Argonauts called Laurion – the Pannonia Basin, a desert and today a breadbasket. A huge quantity of different energies, winds, waters emits in this place ... This is the city with the most favourable position in Europe, the gates of both the East and West, depending on the side you watch from. Nobody has ever had any doubt regarding all this, including Hitler, who called Belgrade the capital of the “Danube Reich” – Prince Eugene Stadt. Your sentimental journey along the Belgrade bloodstream is marked by the discovery of secrets. The history is determined by people, events and their mutual intertwining. Who are the persons and what are the events, big and small secrets – that were most interesting to you during that journey? You wrote about noon bells in 1456, Attila, Despot Stefan Lazarević... - There is no century in which Belgrade was bored. Completely different conquerors were bringing entirely different influences. A huge number of notable persons are related to the Serbian capital, and that is something that I am currently working on in the series ‘100 shadows of Belgrade’. It is not possible to opt for one or several persons. A kind of filter, focus is needed... According to some criteria, Celtic leader Viriatus who led his tribe Scordisci to conquer Greece from here might be important. Even more interesting might be Titus Dugović, whose heroic deeds saved Christian Belgrade, or Nikola Doksat, both a builder and a victim of baroque Belgrade. Or our Despot Stefan, who was the most influential, the prettiest
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
and the richest European ruler. It is impossible to make a choice, and I leave that to readers of the book ‘Eternal City of Belgrade’.” In the situation when many young people are leaving this city, you are intensively dealing with it for years. “The book was written in hard times when numerous fellow citizens, crushed by the issue of existence, surrendered to the lack of taste and oblivion”– you recorded. In the end, it appears that Belgrade returns that sympathy to you. We cannot remember any book that has recently provoked such interest. What is the relation between Belgrade and you now? - At the moment a new issue of your reputable magazine is ‘coming out’, the fifth edition of the book is in stock... The sixth one is being printed, what can I say? The young are leaving... In the nature of young people is to search, try, seek, rush... It worries me when it is different. As soon as the situation here gets better, believe me, a majority of them will return and contribute to culture of their city and their country, as it has always been the case. Therefore, the problem is not the fact that they are leaving but whether they will return on time so that their children develop the feeling of what is and where is their homeland. In the meantime, we, who remain here, have the task to make every effort that our city and state be worthy of ourselves and our children, as well as of our girls and boys who are leaving. Therefore, it is not bad to leave but not to return... I hope that in that regard my book on immortal Belgrade is an important contribution, particularly as I have an impression that a majority of copies is currently travelling to our people who are scattered all over the word. It is necessary to patiently build up everything we destroyed and we are destroyed and there will be no problem concerning the return. I am certain and I often repeat that: Belgrade is the city which will become a wonderful place for living even for our generation. I believe that after a long journey, Belgrade is finally on the way back home and on the way to take up its respectable place: of the Knight of Europe and the Eternal Prince of Asia. Dragana Marković
I nt e rvj u A l e ksandar D iklić o B e ograd u
GRAD SA OSMEHOM ZAVODNIKA I OČIMA RATNIKA Beograd je stari šmeker u novim cipelama, ali starom kaputu, sa perfektnom košuljom, ali pogrešnom kravatom, osmehom zavodnika i očima ratnika. On je muškarac koji ne dozvoljava da ga ne volimo, bez obzira na čudnu narav i još čudniju prošlost.
leksandar Diklić je Beograd opevao, istražio, opisao, snimio – doživeo. To sentimentalno putovanje istorijom jednog grada ima svoj muzički, filmski i književni zapis. Instrumentalni album „Moja Aleksandrija“, TV serija „Beograd večiti grad“ i istoimena knjiga, koja je za nekoliko meseci doživela svoje šesto izdanje, svedoci su velikog truda, požrtvovanja, osobene zapitanosti... A sve to zajedno iznedrilo je portret Beograda do sada nezabeležen u našoj svesti, osnov za bolji, lakši i dublji doživljaj identiteta, za pobedu smisla, činjenica i razuma nad večitim preterivanjem koje je Beograd određivalo krajnostima, gde je na jednoj strani zaborav, a na drugoj tvrdnja da smo jedini narod Evrope... Kao autor mogu da kažem da sam u odnosu na temu, u podređenoj poziciji, jer ne znam da li je značajnije to što sam napisao knjigu o Beogradu, ili „ovo što je On napravio od mene“ – Vaša je misao. U kom smislu Vas je rad na knjizi menjao? - Svaki lom predrasuda stvar je ličnog napredovanja. Ja sam mislio da ponešto znam o Beogradu, ali tvrdim vam, to je bila, matematički rečeno, statistička greška u odnosu na lavinu spoznaja koju sam stekao i podelio sa gledaocima i čitaocima. Odavno sam naučio da se prepustim novim saznanjima i da se ne branim od novog shvatanja. Čini mi se da solidna argumentacija lako menja nešto u šta sam „verovao“. Beograd je sa moje današnje tačke gledišta i veći i bitniji nego što sam pretpostavljao. Ima svoju faktografsku riznicu, ali je On istovremeno i blagodarna kutija priča bez kraja i početka. Grad kao da ima svoju volju, a ta volja nas tera na razmišljanje, na pokušaj razumevanja ljudske prirode... To što piše u knjizi nije ni najvažnije ni najbitnije. Dragoceno je ono što je rezultat čitavog postupka, a to je odgovor na pitanje kako je moguće da se toliko stvari desilo baš tu, u gradu
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
koji se nalazi pod našim nogama. Promatranje događaja sa istorijske distance pretvara se u pakete znanja, ličnog, ali deljivog. Čovek postane mudriji. Nije moguće kretati se po Beogradu a da se ne zagazi u kakav apsurdni događaj koji se desio ko zna kad. Čak i da hoćete, istoriju je ovde nemoguće izbeći. Beograd je zaista proizveo više istorije nego što to čovek može da podnese. Na primer, svratite u Mažestik na kafu, ljubazan kelner će vam ukazati na fleku u podu koju je napravila bomba od 250 kg, prošetajte dete po Tašmajdanu, neko će vas obavestiti da je ispod groblje, vozite se Bulevarom kralja Aleksandra, uz malo mašte ćete uspeti da „propadnete“ kroz vreme i shvatićete da vozite rimskim „Via Militaris“... Primeri su bezbrojni. Najlepši Beograd nemoguće je dodirnuti, to jeste tačno, ali ovo daje za pravo da o njemu maštamo, da ga mestimično i gde je moguće renoviramo, lagano i sa ponosom. Upravo je Beograd i glavni junak Vaše knjige. Kako biste ga posle tog iskustva i godina izučavanja opisali? - Kao starog šmekera u novim cipelama, ali starom kaputu, sa perfektnom košuljom, ali pogrešnom kravatom, osmehom zavodnika i očima ratnika. Kao muškarca koji ne dozvoljava da ga ne volimo bez obzira na čudnu narav i još čudniju prošlost. Tako nekako. Ali ne zaboravimo, čak i da nema zgrada, mostova, ničega... Ako bismo zamislili ledine umesto naselja, bili bismo oduševljeni onim što je priroda pružila samom mestu. To ušće dveju reka, nebo, ta proleća puna snage i pesnički tugaljive jeseni.. Zima u kojoj sama zemlja kao da odmara i leta puna strasti naboja i sladunjave vrtoglavice. Čarobno, zar ne? Na albumu „Moja Aleksandrija“ postoji tema sa nazivom „U vremenu velike tuge“. Kažete da je jedina konstanta u istoriji Beograda nesreća, da je u njemu jedino sirotinja bila nasledna, ali i da i pored toliko stradanja, smrt u Beogradu nema šta da traži... Šta je onda Beograd učinilo večitim? - Duh njegovih građana. Nama jeste i mora biti žao što Beograd nije dovoljno ili sa balansom zadržao ni orijentalnu ni evropsku vizuru, ali je upravo to ono što opisuje duh samog grada i njegovih građana. Ovde je teško biti stranac, svaka nedoumica o tom pitanju traje do odlaska u prvu kafanu ili pozorište, gde je poželjna ili dozvoljena manifestacija duha. Beograđani su listom došli odnekud, a grad široke duše im se sav dao. Stradanja je bilo previše, ali je valjda baš zbog toga život vazda žurio da se vrati u grad. To neiscrpno vaskrsenje jedne varoši i učinilo je da Beograd u očima vremena postane večito mesto. Pitanje koje ste postavili sebi na početku bavljenja Beogradom bilo je: Zašto je Beograd vekovima bio najpoželjnija tačka na svim vojnim kartama Evrope? Kakav je Vaš odgovor? - U jednoj reči to je Dunav! Zaista, Dunavom su dolazile sve promene. Mi, naviknuti na ovu blagorodnu reku, uopšte ne shvatamo vrednost velike vode. Dunav po drevnim legendama izvire iz raja i pere grad na grebenu, a Sava se umiljava i uliva – tu, pod nogama sjajnog i slavnog Beograda. Ovo je redak prizor, a ako se uzmu u obzir i tokovi reka na severu i jugu, svakom poručniku je jasno šta se u regionu „mora“ osvojiti. Što viši čin, to veća glad, tako da pretpostavljam da su generali Beograd posmatrali kao nenadmašnu večeru kojoj se ne može odoleti. Nadalje, okolina Beograda je od antičkog doba stanovnicima pružala fantastičan i dovoljan izvor hrane, ali i vina. Klima je prilično umerena, pa ne čudi što je i u doba Rima grad bio zasluženo prebivalište penzionisanih legionara. Ako pogledamo mape iz bilo kog doba, videćemo da je naša prestonica najčešće bila granica raznoraznih država. Neko je s pravom primetio i metafizičko dejstvo mesta, navodeći kako je „Beograd ključ, i ko ga ima, mora vredno da ga čuva“... Geografski posmatrano, zaista, ovde prestaje šarenilo sočne Šumadije i na veličanstven način postaje ono što su Argonauti nazivali Laurion – panonska nizija, pustinja, danas žitnica. Ovde se oslobađa velika količina različitih energija, vetrova, voda... Ovo je grad
sa najlepšim položajem u Evropi, kapija istoka i zapada, zavisno sa koje strane gledate. Oko svega ovoga niko nikada nije imao sumnje, pa ni sam Hitler, nazivajući Beograd prestonicom „Dunavskog rajha“– Princ Eugen Statom. Vaše sentimentalno putovanje krvotokom Beograda obeleženo je otkrivanjem tajni. Istoriju određuju ljudi, događaji i njihovo međusobno preplitanje. Ko su te ličnosti, događaji, velike ili male tajne koje su Vama bile najzanimljivije tokom tog putovanja? Pisali ste o podnevnim zvonima iz 1456. godine, Atili, despotu Stefanu Lazareviću... - Nema veka u kojem je u Beogradu bilo dosadno. Potpuno različiti osvajači donosili su potpuno različite uticaje. Ogroman broj znamenitih ljudi u vezi je sa prestonicom Srbije i to je nešto na čemu trenutno radim stvarajući serijal „100 senki nad Beogradom“. Nije moguće opredeliti se za jednog čoveka, pa ni za nekolicinu ljudi. Potreban je nekakav filter, nametnuti fokus... Možda bi po nekom od kriterijuma bio bitan Branus, keltski vođa koji je svoje Skordiske odavde vodio u osvajanje Grčke. Opet, možda je zanimljiviji Titus Dugović, čije je herojstvo spaslo hrišćanski Beograd, ili Nikola Doksat, graditelj baroknog Beograda i njegov stradalnik. Ili naš Despot Stefan, najuticajniji, najlepši i najbogatiji vladar Evrope. Izbor je nemoguć i njega prepuštam čitaocima knjige „Beograd večiti grad“. U situaciji kada mnogi mladi ljudi odlaze iz ovog grada, Vi se njime intenzivno bavite godinama. „Knjiga je pisana u teškim danima u kojima su se brojni sugrađani, ophrvani egzistencijom, predali neukusu i zaboravu“– zabeležili ste. Na kraju, čini se da Vam Beograd vraća tu naklonost. Ne pamtimo da je jedna knjiga skoro izazvala takvo interesovanje... U kojoj ste sada relaciji Beograd i Vi? - U trenutku kad izlazi iz štampe broj vašeg cenjenog časopisa, u prodaji je peto izdanje knjige... Šesto je u štampi, šta da vam kažem. Mladi odlaze… U prirodi mladog čoveka je da traži, pokušava, stremi, juriša... Brine me kad je obrnuto. Čim ovde postane bolje, verujte, vratiće se velika većina, i oni će doprineti kulturi svoga grada i svoje zemlje, kako je to oduvek bilo. Dakle, nije problem što odlaze, problem je da li će se na vreme vratiti da njihova deca steknu osećaj za to šta i gde im je otadžbina. U međuvremenu mi koji smo ovde imamo zadatak da učinimo sve da naš grad i država budu dostojni nas samih i naše dece, ali i naših devojaka i mladića koji odlaze odavde. Nije, dakle, loše otići, loše je ne vratiti se... Nadam se da je u tom pogledu moja knjiga o besmrtnom Beogradu značajan doprinos, tim pre što imam utisak da većina primeraka upravo putuje ka našima koji su negde, rasejani po svetu. Treba strpljivo graditi sve što smo i što su nam srušili i neće biti problema oko povratka. Uveren sam i to često ponavljam: Beograd je grad koji će još u našoj generaciji postati divno mesto za život. Verujem da je posle dugog putovanja Beograd konačno na putu da se vrati kući i da zauzme svoje poštovano mesto: viteza Evrope i večitog princa Azije. Dragana Marković
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
AN ENTICING METROPOLIS The capital of Serbia is a gate between the East and the West. It is a hotspot of diverse cultures that has produced a characteristic spirit of openness and cosmopolitism. Two big rivers – the Sava and the Danube – leave a unique imprint on it, with a plethora of cultural events and venues to go out to. The city has a lot of interesting ambiences and a big repository of beautiful items inside of its museums, churches, streets, parks... Exciting and dynamic, Belgrade is a strong urban magnet.
ZAVODLJIVI METROPOLIS Glavni grad Srbije kapija je između Istoka i Zapada. On je topionica raznolikih kultura koja je proizvela jedan osobit duh otvorenosti i kosmopolitizma. Jedinstveni pečat daju mu dve velike reke – Sava i Dunav, obilje kulturnih dešavanja i mesta za izlazak. Grad ima mnogo zanimljivih ambijenata i sadrži čitavu riznicu lepota u muzejima, crkvama, ulicama, parkovima... Uzbudljiv i dinamičan, Beograd je snažan urbani magnet.
Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park are an open-air museum of the city’s history. Within the walls of the fort, there are a lot of monuments testifying of the development of the city from ancient to contemporary times. In the Upper City, there are: the Victor Statue – a city landmark, the Military Museum, the Roman Well, Ružica Church, Church of St. Petka, the Clock Tower... In the Lower City, worth visiting are an exhibition at Nebojsa Tower and the Belgrade Zoo.
Beogradska tvrđava i park Kalemegdan muzej su istorije grada na otvorenom. Unutar utvrđenja postoji mnoštvo spomenika koji svedoče o razvoju grada od antičkog do savremenog doba. U Gornjem gradu nalaze se: statua Pobednik – simbol grada, Vojni muzej, Rimski bunar, Crkva Ružica, Crkva Sv. Petke, Sahat-kula... U Donjem gradu vredno je posetiti postavku u kuli Nebojši, te Beo–zoo vrt.
ThE STREET OF A NOBLE PRINCE The pedestrian zone and the trading centre – Knez Mihailova Street and the Republic Square – are amongst the architectonically worthiest and liveliest parts of the city. The monument dedicated to Prince Mihailo and the palace of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts are two most recognisable landmarks of the city centre. There are also the edifices of the National Theatre and the National Museum. The Ethnographic Museum, Princess Ljubica’s Residence, Serbian Orthodox Church Museum, the Zepter Museum, Museum of Applied Arts, Fresco Gallery as well as many other institutions of culture are located there.
ULICA PLEMENITOG KNEZA Pešačka zona i trgovački centar – Knez Mihailova ulica i Trg republike među arhitektonski su najvrednijim i najživljim delovima grada. Spomenik knezu Mihailu i palata Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti dva su najupečatljivija obeležja najužeg centra. Tu su i zdanja Narodnog pozorišta i Narodnog muzeja. U toj zoni nalaze se Etnografski muzej, Konak kneginje Ljubice, Muzej Srpske pravoslavne crkve, Muzej Zepter, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Galerija fresaka, te mnoge druge institucije kulture.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
There is a catch phrase, “He who has not been to Skadarlija has not been to Belgrade either.” On that old, cobbled street, there are famous inns: Three Hats, Two Deer, There Will Be Days, My Hat... They cherish the tradition of joyful hangout with old town music and specialties of the national cuisine. A gentleman’s cane, a carnation and a boater hat are the symbols of the quarter.
Postoji krilatica koja kaže: „Ko nije bio u Skadarliji, nije ni bio u Beogradu.“ U toj staroj, kaldrmom popločanoj ulici nalaze se znamenite kafane: Tri šešira, Dva jelena, Ima dana, Šešir moj... One neguju tradiciju veselog provoda uz starogradsku muziku i ukuse nacionalne kuhinje. Simbol kvarta su gospodski štap, karanfili i žirado šešir.
ST. SAVA’S TEMPLE One of the largest Orthodox temples in the world was built on the spacious square in Vračar, where – toward the end of the 16th century – the Turks burnt the relics of St. Sava, the first Serbian archbishop and a great man of the national history. The temple has three galleries for choirs and can host about ten thousand people.
HRAM SVETOG SAVE Jedan od najvećih pravoslavnih hramova na svetu izgrađen je na prostranom Vračarskom platou, na mestu gde su krajem 16. veka Turci spalili mošti Svetog Save – prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa i velikana nacionalne istorije. Hram ima tri galerije za horove i može da primi oko deset hiljada ljudi.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
One of the oldest and until recently neglected quarters is going through an exciting transformation and is again becoming the cultural focal point of the city. The monumental edifice of the Belgrade Cooperativ, the Bristol hotel, Manak and Spanish houses, Mixer House and numerous clubs will discover an unusual “retro-modern” zone of Belgrade.
Jedna od najstarijih, doskora zanemarenih četvrti, prolazi kroz uzbudljivu transformaciju i postaje novo kulturno središte grada. Monumentalno zdanje Beogradske zadruge, hotel Bristol, Manakova i Španska kuća, Mixer House, kao i brojni klubovi, otkriće vam jednu neobičnu "retro-modernu" zonu Beograda.
Once on the very border of the two empires, Zemun still gives impression of the atmosphere of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Gardoš Tower, offering a panoramic view of the Danube, is the symbol of that extraordinary city. Paying tourist visits to the edifices worth being seen also includes a walk along the lively and arranged Danube bank. A sandy beach called Lido on the big War Island, which is Belgrade’s protected natural good, is yet another pearl of the city of Zemun.
Nekada na samoj granici dva carstva, Zemun i danas odiše atmosferom Austrougarske carevine. Simbol tog posebnog grada je kula Gardoš s panoramskim pogledom na Dunav. Turistički obilazak vrednih zdanja uključuje i šetnju živopisnom uređenom obalom Dunava. Još jedan biser Zemuna je peščana plaža Lido na Velikom ratnom ostrvu, koje je zaštićeno prirodno dobro Beograda.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
REMEBERING TITO AND SOCIALISM The permanent exhibition of the Museum of Yugoslav History vividly witnesses about the history of the former Yugoslavia and the life and work of its legendary president Josip Broz Tito. The Museum consists of the Museum 25 May, the Old Museum and the House of Flowers.
SEĆANJE NA TITA I SOCIJALIZAM O istoriji bivše Jugoslavije i životu i delu njenog legendarnog predsednika Josipa Broza Tita, živo svedoče stalne postavke Muzeja istorije Jugoslavije. U njegovom sastavu su „Muzej 25. maj”, „Stari muzej” i „Kuća cveća”.
The Royal Palace and the White Palace testify of the history and refined artistic feel of the Serbian Karadjordjević dynasty. Today, Heir to the Throne Aleksandar II lives at the Royal Palace, a showcase villa built in the Serbian-Byzantine style.
Kraljevski i Beli dvor svedoče o istoriji i rafiniranom umetničkom ukusu srpske dinastije Karađorđević. U Kraljevskom dvoru, reprezentativnoj vili srpskovizantijskog stila, danas živi prestolonaslednik Aleksandar II sa porodicom.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
The riverbank zone of the city is its special treasure: popular rafts, clubs, the greenery... all these give a unique impression of the metropolis on the water. The quay at the Confluence, Zemun Quay and the Sava River Harbour are only part of the space on the river banks offering different amenities: tourist sightseeing of the city from the rivers, going out to floating river clubs, riding bicycles, walking and watching the bridges...
Posebno blago je priobalje grada: splavovi, klubovi, zelenilo... Pružaju jedinstven doživljaj metropole na vodi. Kej na Ušću, Zemunski kej i Savsko pristanište samo su deo prostora na obalama koji nude različite sadržaje: turističko razgledanje grada sa reka, izlaske na splavove, vožnju biciklom, šetnje s pogledom na mostove...
TOPČIDER PARK The court park, the court church and the oriental residence of the great Serbian ruler Miloš Obrenović speak volumes about liberation of Serbia from the Turks. A magnificent old plane tree is its prominent feature.
TOPČIDERSKI PARK Dvorski park, dvorska crkva i orijentalni konak velikog srpskog vladara Miloša Obrenovića pričaju o istoriji oslobađanja Srbije od Turaka. Znamenitost parka je veličanstven stari platan.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
The Belgrade sea – a beautiful river lake surrounded by a wood, with a line of coffee shops, restaurants, bicycle trails and courts is the most beautiful recreational zone of the city. Ada offers one a view of the newly-erected bridge on the River Sava – a world construction miracle and a new symbol of the city.
Beogradsko more – prelepo rečno jezero okruženo šumom, sa nizom kafea, restorana, biciklističkih staza i sportskih terena najlepša je rekreativna zona grada. Sa Ade se pruža pogled na novoizgrađeni most na Savi – svetsko graditeljsko čudo i novi simbol grada.
AVALA The Tower of Avala, located on the mountain of the same name, is yet another landmark of the city, testifying of the power of Belgrade to raise itself out of the ashes. Destroyed in the 1999 NATO bombing, the tower has been rebuilt. The belvedere on the top of the tower enables one to have an impressive panoramic view. The colossal Monument to the Unknown Hero is also on Mount Avala.
AVALA Avalski toranj na istoimenoj planini još jedan je od simbola grada koji svedoči o moći Beograda da se izdigne iz pepela. Srušen u bombardovanju koje je preduzeo Nato 1999. godine, toranj je iznova podignut. Sa vidikovca na vrhu pruža se upečatljiv panoramski pogled. Na Avali se nalazi i monumentalni Spomenik neznanom junaku.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
MEMORY OF ThE WORLD The Archive of Nikola Tesla, a scientific genius who “illuminated the planet”, is inscribed on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The archival materials and other valuable exhibits of the scientist’s inheritance are preserved at the Museum of Nikola Tesla. The uniquely illustrated and the oldest Cyrillic manuscript of Miroslav’s Gospel (the 12th century), which is preserved at the National Museum in Belgrade, is yet another precious item from the list.
PAMĆENJE SVETA Na Uneskovoj listi nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa upisan je Arhiv Nikole Tesle, genijalnog naučnika koji je „osvetlio planetu“. Arhivska građa i drugi vredni eksponati iz naučnikove zaostavštine čuvaju se u Muzeju Nikole Tesle. Još jedna dragocenost sa ove liste je jedinstveno ilustrovana i najstarija ćirilična rukopisna knjiga – Miroslavljevo jevanđelje (12. vek), koja se čuva u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu.
VINČA’S EIGHTh MILLENNIUM One of the brightest chapters in the European prehistory was written no more than fifteen kilometres or so from Belgrade – in today’s settlement of Vinča. The findings of this locality are so much significant that the whole culture of the late neolith of South-east Europe was named after it – the Vinča Culture.
Jedno od najsvetlijih poglavlja evropske praistorije ispisano je na svega petnaestak kilometara od Beograda – u današnjem naselju Vinča. Nalazi sa ovog lokaliteta toliko su značajni da je cela kultura poznog neolita Jugoistočne Evrope po njoj dobila ime – vinčanska kultura.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
A LOW-BUDGET NEW YORK – ENTERTAINMENT AND GASTRONOMY Momo Kapor, a famous chronicler of the city spirit, called Belgrade a low-budget New York. Its gastronomical offer consists of cuisines from throughout the world, and the city is known as the “crowned” capital of entertainment.
NISKOBUDŽETNI NJUJORK ZABAVA I GASTRONOMIJA Čuveni hroničar duha grada Momo Kapor nazvao je Beograd niskobudžetnim Njujorkom. Gastronomska ponuda obuhvata kuhinje svih meridijana, a grad je poznat kao „krunisana“ prestonica zabave.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Hidd e n b e a u ti e s of B e lgrad e
The hidden beauties of Belgrade are not only details invisible for cursory glances of hectic passers-by. The beauty is hiding in the heart of Belgrade, in a complicated architecture of their souls. Intertwined are small joys and minor problems, major achievements and weltschmerz (German for world-pain, world-weariness)... These are all states of mind caused by countless and unimaginable reasons, collected at Facebook page – People of Belgrade.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
gnjen Stambolović is a young man who listens, observes and feels Belgrade. And he asks questions. He says that while he was still a kid he tried to figure out the stories that make the people of Belgrade wrinkle their foreheads and put a smile on their faces. He wondered what was it that made them frown, what they dreamt about, where they rushed, what they carried... He discovered a Facebook page, “The People of New York”, and he realised that he could shape up his own curiosity in a similar way. He created a page dedicated to his fellow citizens, sudden passers-by attracting his attention. That’s how he gave a chance to everyday stories and portraits, that usually slip past in the hustle and bustle of everyday, to emerge, speak out, laugh and complain. “No way you’re gonna take a photo of me. Who am I? An old man working in construction, not a chance I’d be interesting for you.” “That's the point, to show others that there are some ordinary interesting people living in this city.” Ognjen opened the Facebook page “People of Belgrade” (www.facebook.com/beogradjani011) in October last year. He could not even dream that his collection of questions and answers and photos would by now reach more than 35,000 fans. There’s no make-up, posturing, posing. Everything is real and we’ve all been part of some of those scenes. And the questions are tickling, like in a slam book, after which we can easily go on with our small talk. “What was the first thought that went through your head this morning when you woke up? If you could change something in your past, what would it be? What are you most afraid of? Do you remember your first kiss? If you could hug anyone, who would that be?” First, he wanted to give vent to his own curiosity. To present all faces of Belgrade, the firm and wrinkled ones, the faces with make-up, as well as tired, carefree and worried faces... At the beginning he had no idea about the big fortune he’d discover on the way. In addition to making new acquaintances, he gets richer with each conversation by another story, another experience. And the number of his collocutors is growing. Proportionally to the growth of popularity of the page, the interest of passers-by to participate in Ognjen’s project has increased. Passers-by of different ages and profiles: the youngest ones or mini Belgradians, as he calls them, students, teachers, vagrants, members of the chatty old school, and even pets... they are all happy to answer his questions. There are always those who rush or who pretend to rush, those who are tired of opinion polls, or who are just shy. But even then this eighteen-year-old finds a way to encourage them to open their soul. “Why do you want to take a photo of me?” “For my Facebook page.” “Don’t you know, young man, that Facebook is evil? We get alienated because of it; Facebook is the reason we don’t talk to each other any more. Everything about it is virtual and fake. Facebook can do you no good.” “With this what I do, I want to show you some nice stuff that can be seen on Facebook. Facebook has its bad sides too, but certainly it has some advantages.” “No way!” (After twenty minutes of persuasion, the gentleman accepts to get photographed.) “All right then; it’s for your positive cause!” Dragana Barjaktarević Photo: Facebook - People of Belgrade
S kriv e n e l e pot e B e ograda
BEOGRAĐANI ARHITEKTURA DUŠE Skrivene lepote Beograda nisu samo detalji nevidljivi letimičnim pogledima užurbanih prolaznika. Lepota se skriva i u srcima Beograđana, u komplikovanoj arhitekturi njihove duše. Smenjuju se tu male radosti, pa sitni problemi, veliki uspesi, pa veltšmerc... Sve su to stanja duha podstaknuta nebrojanim i neslućenim razlozima, sabrana na fejsbuk stranici – Beograđani.
gnjen Stambolović je dečko koji sluša, posmatra, oseća Beograd. I postavlja pitanja. Kaže da je još kao mali pokušavao da odgonetne priče koje boraju čela i razvlače osmeh Beograđana – što se mršte, o čemu sanjaju, kuda žure, šta to nose... Otkrio je na fejsbuku „Ljude Njujorka“ i shvatio da bi na sličan način mogao da uobliči svoju znatiželju. Napravio je stranicu posvećenu sugrađanima, slučajnim prolaznicima koji mu privlače pažnju. Tako je dao priliku svakodnevnim pričama i portretima, koji nam u gužvi i žurbi najčešće promiču, da se ispolje, progovore, nasmeju, požale... - Nema šanse da mene slikaš. Ko sam ja? Neki deda koji radi na gradilištu, nisam zanimljiv. - To je i poenta, da pokažem drugima da i neki sasvim obični ljudi, a pri tom i interesantni, postoje u ovom gradu. Stranicu „Beograđani“ otvorio je u oktobru prošle godine. Nije ni sanjao da će njegova zbirka pitanja, odgovora i fotografija dostići sadašnjih 35.000 obožavatelja. Nema tu šminke, nameštanja, poziranja. Sve je stvarno i svi smo već bili deo neke takve scene. A pitanja su golicava, leksikonska, na koja lako možemo da se nadovežemo svojom pričom. „Koja je prva misao koja ti je prošla kroz glavu jutros kada si se probudila? Da možeš da promeniš nešto iz svoje prošlosti, šta bi to bilo? Čega se najviše bojite? Da li se sećaš svog prvog poljupca? Da možeš da zagrliš bilo koga, ko bi to bio?“ Najpre je hteo da da oduška svojoj radoznalosti. Da prikaže sva lica Beograda, ona utegnuta i ona naborana, našminkana, umorna, bezbrižna, zabrinuta... Na početku nije ni slutio kakvo će bogatstvo usput otkriti. Jer pored toga što stiče nova poznanstva, iz svakog razgovora izlazi bogatiji za još jednu priču, još jedno iskustvo. A sagovornika je sve više. Srazmerno rastu popularnosti stranice, raste i zainteresovanost prolaznika da učestvuju u Ognjenovom projektu. Prolaznici različitih godina i profila: najmlađi ili mini Beograđani, kako ih on krsti, studenti, profesori, skitnice, pričljiva stara garda, čak i kućni ljubimci... rado odgovaraju na njegova pitanja. Ima uvek i onih koji žure ili se prave da
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
žure, umorni od anketa ili tek stidljivi. No i tada ovaj osamnaestogodišnjak nađe način da ih podstakne da otvore dušu. - Za šta hoćeš da me slikaš? - Za fejsbuk stranicu koju vodim. - Znaš li ti, momak, da je taj fejsbuk jedno zlo? Mi se otuđujemo zbog njega, mi ne razgovaramo jedni sa drugima zbog njega. Sve je tu virtuelno, lažno. Ništa dobro ti neće doneti taj fejsbuk. - Ovim što radim želim da pokažem da i neke lepe stvari mogu da se vide na fejsbuku. Ima on svojih loših strana, ali svakako postoje i prednosti. - Ma ne dolazi u obzir! (Posle dvadeset minuta nagovaranja, gospodin prihvata da se fotografiše.) - Ajde kad već tako pozitivnu stvar radiš! Dragana Barjaktarević Photo: Facebook - People of Belgrade
EXHIBITIONS/IZLOŽBE LJUBICA – CUCA SOKIĆ 1914–2009–2014 March - April Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts/Galerija SANU Info: www.sanu.ac.rs VUK KARADZIC - LIFE AND WORK VUK KARADŽIĆ – ŽIVOT I DELO 4th February - 1st June Museum of Vuk And Dositej/Muzej Vuka I Dositeja Info: www.narodnimuzej.rs SOMEWHERE BETWEEN ThE TRUMPET & SILENCE IZMEĐU TRUBE I TIŠINE 13th March -13th April RTS Gallery /Galerija RTS Info: www.rts.rs YUGOSLAV ART FROM 1900 TO 1945 JUGOSLOVENSKA UMETNOST OD 1900. DO 1945. 29th March - 18th May Museum of Yugoslav History/Muzej istorije Jugoslavije Info: www.mij.rs
CONCERTS & SPEC TACLES/SPEKTAKLI I KONCERTI CIRQUE ÉLOIZE 26th-27th April, Sava Centre Info: www.kombankarena.rs JUAN DE MARCOS, AFRO-CUBAN ALL STARS 17th May, Sava Centre Info: www.kombankarena.rs TOM DŽONS 15th June, Kombank Arena Info: www.kombankarena.rs
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
11th BELGRADE DANCE FESTIVAL /11. BEOGRADSKI FESTIVAL IGRE 30th March – 14th April Info: www.belgradedancefestival.com
NIGHT OF MUSEUMS /NOĆ MUZEJA 17th May Info: www.nocmuzeja.rs
BELGRADE TANGO ENCUENTRO 9th -14th April Info: www.belgradetangoencuentro.com
DAYS OF BELGRADE/ DANI BEOGRADA 16th –19th April Info: www.beograd.rs, www.tob.rs
MAD IN BELGRADE 24th-25th May Info: www.madinbelgrade.com
SUPERNATURAL FESTIVAL 27th April, Ada huja Info: www.supernatural.rs
MIXER FESTIVAL 3rd-8th June, Mixer House Info: www.mikser.rs
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
SPORT Final Four ABA Liga 25th-27th April Kombank Arena Info: www.kombankarena.rs 27th BELGRADE MARATHON/ 27. BEOGRADSKI MARATON 27th April Info: www.bgdmarathon.org
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
INTERVIEW J e l e na Ć irić , po e t
POETRY AS ASYLUM What makes me happy is awareness that is constantly reaffirmed – that my poetry is a kind of asylum where my readers have the urge to get away and escape, at least for a moment, from the fast track of a daily routine.
udging by reactions of literary critics, writers, poets, painters who compare Jelena Ćirić’s poetry with latent eroticism of the forbidden fruit and hidden dreams like those depicted on paintings of Klimt and Schiele, her completely authentic and impulsive female poetry seems to bring back to our neglected beings the juices of life that we misplaced somewhere on the way in this omnipresent haste. Her theme is provocative, her manner is honest, her thought impertinent, and all that put together resembles a real unity of mind and body – mythical and
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
timeless, imbued with a sense of love that gives everything its meaning. Her verse opposes the argument that in times of peril muses are silent; readers perceive it as “the poetry of the edge and provocation, awash with the juices of life,” the lyricism “that makes an ordinary reader regain the energy of solace, beauty, identification of oneself,” – what once used to be the function of poetry. And at times past, there used to be more poetry, there were more poets, more verses, people used to read more, sigh more and identify themselves with others. There used to be fire and power in
poetry. On the trail of all that and in spite of it – Jelena sings. How her voice singled out, how her verse was conceived, how that thought freed up, because of which she was recently admitted at the Serbian Writers’ Association – we discovered in a conversation with Jelena just before one of her promotions, this time in Prague, for St. Valentine’s Day, satisfied because her poetry is here – in us and around us. I assume that most people at some early age took up poetry as a remedy, an expression, or a way out. What was it that had to happen so that writing poetry could become a choice in your case? - Poetry, in my case, is not a remedy, nor a way out. Or maybe I just don’t want to admit it to myself. That would mean that something causes pain to me. Or choking. That I am unhappy. Then my poems would have completely different robes from the ones they’re now draped in. Of the options offered, I’d choose expression first; with it I’d discover not only the appealing paths of passion and wishes, by singing about love likable and understandable to everyone, but rather satisfaction with one’s own life and, consequently, an attitude about it. Not all the stories (read: loves) in this world are sad. Both your collections of poetry Žar (Serbian for “zeal, glow, heat, zest”) and Naiskap (Serbian for “bottoms up, or literally, drink all at once”) are marked by some incredible exuberance of lyrical sincerity, transformed into confessions. How come that there are these two islands of warmth, pure sensuality and love in this world of denuded sceneries, time of emptiness and alienation? - At the time when those poems were created, at least when the poems from the collection Žar are concerned, I didn’t have a slightest idea that once they could be transformed into a collection, printed and offered to the readership in the form of a book. I was simply shaping them into words only. Or were those words the ones that shape me? They simply sprang out, emerging readily, coming out one another, and they imperceptibly did everything by themselves. They are arranged so in the book – by the time of creation. However, as the author I had to put some ‘extra effort’ for the second collection of songs, Naiskap, if not because of anything else, then because of the graphics designed by Slobodan Vuković, professor of fine arts, that we put in the book as illustrations accompanying the poems. What makes me happy is awareness that is constantly reaffirmed – that my poetry is a kind of asylum where my readers have the urge to get away and escape, at least for a moment, from the fast track of a daily routine. And maybe our space and time are not so much denuded and empty, the way we have experienced them, and so we behave in accordance with that judgment. And it is us, people, who make the space and time. If our soul asks for warmth, and it does ask for it – that means not everything is lost. Let me remind you what Professor Jerotić once said, “Even when poor, cherish your body, soul and spirit. You shouldn’t either overestimate or underestimate the life you’re living. You shouldn’t be saying ‘It’s never been so bad.’ It always is the case that a new generation says for the previous one that it used to be better. There has never been a time of paradise.” There were times of hardships before us too; we should not find consolation hoping that such times would not happen after us. It is upon us to live through those times, because of ourselves and for the sake of our children. With faith – and occasional poem of love – it will certainly not be harder. What’s the content of life consumed all at once, in one gulp, naiskap, “bottoms up”? - By giving a response to that question, I’ll deny myself to some point. My poems are read in one breath, although I have to admit, it goes without
saying that this is generally the case with poetry as a literary genre. Still, the rhythm, which in most of my poems is comparable to the rhythm of tango, salsa or paso doble, with the theme of love spiced with eroticism, provokes associations of something that you have to complete at once, in one breath, without interruption and delay, i.e., naiskap, all at once, bottoms up. That’s the only way to enjoy some things. On the other hand, apropos the content of life, which is largely the texture of my poems, I will say that I live a very normal, ordinary life. And that means – next to the man who is my lover and friend and rival, if need be, taking care together with him about our gorgeous, healthy children, in the city in which, I have to admit, not everyone has the privilege to live, but there’s no use from the magical ornaments of the golden Prague, if there is patina in the heart. I deliberately put all of this under an ordinary, normal life. I don’t mean to degrade it; on the contrary – I just want to emphasise that this is probably the most that you might want from life. And what you might get from it. If it was any different, it would not be good. I’m not drinking such life in one gulp, but slowly, with pleasure. Is the denuding of oneself, that striptease of the soul, deeply interwoven into the veracity of each of your verses, the road that’s not easy to pass? All this is so personal, but yet given, bestowed... - Before my first book came out, a friend of mine, who had already had this experience having published his own book, told me to be ready for that – the feeling of being denuded. And if it had not been the topic like mine, when you write, you unfold and unfold your own soul. Except at the very beginning, when everything about book publishing was quite new and unknown to me, I would have said that I had no major problems with that. After all, that’s like with everything in life – either you will stand behind what you did or you won’t. A bumpy road? It’s quite opposite – you get to enjoy every step of it. Dragana Marković
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
I ntervju J e l e na Ć irić , p e snikinja
Srećna sam zbog spoznaje, koja se neprestano potvrdjuje - da moje pesme jesu neka vrsta azila, u koji oni koji ih čitaju imaju potrebu da se sklone, bežeći, na trenutak makar, sa ubrzane trake svakodnevnog filma.
udeći po reakcijama književnih kritičara, književnika, pesnika, slikara koji poeziju Jelene Ćirić porede sa pritajenom erotikom zabranjenog voća i skrivenih snova poput one na platnima Klimta i Šilea, njeno potpuno autentično i iznenadno žensko pismo kao da vraća našim zapostavljenim bićima sokove života koje smo negde usput u sveprisutnoj brzini zaturili. Njena tema je provokativna, način iskren, misao drska, a sve to zajedno podseća na istinsko jedinstvo duha i tela - mitsko i svevremeno, prožeto osećajem ljubavi koja svemu daje smisao. Njen stih se protivi tvrdnji da u teškim vremenima muze ćute, čitaoci ga doživljavaju kao „poeziju ivice i provokacije, svu u sokovima života”, liriku „koja običnom čitaocu vraća onu energiju utehe, lepote, poistovećenja” – kakva je nekada i bila funkcija poezije. A nekada je i poezije bilo više, bilo je više pesnika, stihova, čitanja, uzdisanja, prepoznavanja. Bilo je u poeziji vatre i moći. Svemu tome na tragu i uprkos - Jelena peva. Kako se izdvojio taj glas, kako je nastao taj stih, kako se oslobodila ta misao, zbog koje je nedavno i usledio prijem u Udruženje književnika Srbije - saznajemo u razgovoru koji vodimo neposredno pre još jedne njene promocije, ovaj put u Pragu, za Dan zaljubljenih, zadovoljni jer je njena poezija tu - u nama i oko nas. Pretpostavljam da se većina u nekim mladim godina latila poezije kao leka, izraza ili izlaza. Šta je to trebalo da se dogodi da u Vašem slučaju pisanje poezije postane izbor? - Poezija, u mom slučaju, nije ni lek ni izlaz. Ili možda ja to sebi ne priznajem. Značilo bi to da me nešto boli. Ili guši. Da sam nezadovoljna. Onda bi i te pesme imale sasvim drugačije ruho od ovog, kojim su zaodenute. Od ponuđenog bih se najpre odlučila za izraz, kojim otkrivam, ne samo primamljive putanje strasti i želja, krčene kroz prijemčivo i svima shvatljivo pevanje o ljubavi, već upravo zadovoljstvo svojim životom i, time, stav prema njemu. Nisu sve priče (čitaj: ljubavi) ovog sveta tužne.
Obe zbirke Vaše poezije i „Žar“ i „Naiskap“ beleže neverovatne uzlete lirske iskrenosti, pretočene u ispovest. Otkud u svetu ogoljenih prostora, vremenu praznine i otuđenosti, ova dva ostrva topline, zdrave čulnosti i ljubavi? - U vreme nastajanja pesama, bar kad je o „ŽAR“-u reč, u mojoj glavi nije postojala ni pomisao da bi one jednom mogle biti pretočene u zbirku, štampane i tako, kao knjige, ponudjene čitaocima. Ja sam ih jednostavno i samo pisala. Ili su one pisale mene? Prosto su nastajale, rađale se bez muke, slagale se jedna za drugom, neprimetno uradile sve same. Tako su i poređane u knjizi – po vremenu nastajanja. Oko redosleda pesama u drugoj zbirci „NAISKAP“ sam, kao autor, već morala malo da se ’pomučim’, ako ne zbog nečeg drugog, onda zbog grafika Slobodana Vukovića, profesora likovnih umetnosti, koje se nalaze u knjizi kao ilustracije uz pesme. Srećna sam zbog spoznaje, koja se neprestano potvrđuje - da moje pesme jesu neka vrsta azila, u koji oni, koji ih čitaju, imaju potrebu da se sklone, bežeći, na trenutak makar, sa ubrzane trake svakodnevnog filma. A možda ni ti naši prostori i vreme nisu tako ogoljeni i prazni, kako smo ih doživeli, te se u odnosu na tu presudu i ponašamo. I prostor i vreme činimo mi, ljudi. Ako nam duša ište toplo, a ište - to znači da nije sve izgubljeno. Podsetiću na reči profesora Jerotića: „I kada si siromašan, neguj telo, dušu i duh. Ne treba ni precenjivati ni potcenjivati sadašnji život. Ne treba govoriti – ovako loše nikada nije bilo. ... Uvek nova generacija kaže za onu raniju da je bilo bolje. ... Nije bilo ni ranije nikakvih rajskih doba. Teških vremena je bilo i pre nas, ne možemo se tešiti ni nadom da ih neće biti posle nas. Naše je da ih preživimo, zbog nas samih i zbog naše dece. Sa verom – i ponekom pesmom ljubavnom – sigurno neće biti teže. Kakav je to sadržaj života koji se ispija NAISKAP? - Odgovorom na to pitanje ću donekle demantovati sebe. Moje pesme jesu one koje se čitaju u
dahu, iako se, moram priznati, to inače nameće, kad pomislimo na pesmu kao književni rod. Ipak, ritam, koji je u većini mojih pesama uporediv sa ritmom tanga, salse ili paso dobla, uz temu koja u njima jeste – ljubav začinjena erotikom, asocira na nešto što morate dovršiti odmah, u dahu, bez prekida i odlaganja, dakle – naiskap. U nekim stvarima se jedino tako uživa. Sa druge strane, apropo sadržaja života, koji je dobrim delom potka mojih pesama, reći ću da živim jedan sasvim normalan, običan život. A to znači – pored čoveka, koji mi je i ljubavnik i prijatelj i protivnik, kad ustreba, starajući se, zajedno sa njim, o našoj divnoj, zdravoj deci, u gradu, u kome, doduše, nema svako privilegiju da živi, ali džaba i čarobni ornamenti zlatnog Praga, ako je u srcu patina. Namerno sam sve ovo svrstala u okrilje običnog, normalnog života. Ne da bih ga time degradirala, naprotiv – već da bih istakla da je to verovatno najviše, što se od života može želeti. I dobiti. Da je bilo šta drugačije, ne bi valjalo. I baš takav život ja ne ispijam naiskap, već ga sa uživanjem gustiram. Da li je samoobnaživanje, taj striptiz duše, duboko utkan u istinitost svakog tvog stiha, put koji nije bilo lako preći? Sve je ovo toliko lično, a ipak dato, poklonjeno... - Pre nego što se pojavila moja prva knjiga, jedan prijatelj, koji je već imao to iskustvo, nakon što je i sam izdao knjigu, rekao mi je da budem spremna baš na to - osećaj obnaženosti. I da nije u pitanju tema poput moje, kada pišete, na neki način razotkrivate, često na naličje izvrćete svoju dušu. Osim na samom početku, kada mi je inače sve to oko izdavanja knjiga bilo sasvim novo i nepoznato, rekla bih da sa tim nisam imala većih problema. To vam je, uostalom, kao i sa svim u životu – ili ćete stati iza onoga što ste uradili ili nećete. Trnovit put? Naprotiv – uživanje u svakom koraku. Dragana Marković
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
B L O G - S T O R I E S
VERSE ON ASPHALT Belgrade is the most beautiful city in the world. I guess it’s because we can feel one another. I haven’t started this blog because I think I know a lot about street art, but it was because I wanted to give a form to that empathy and so that I could continue to look forward to each new discovery. To pass on all that to others. 2 7 May 2013, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship I’ve installed Google Analytics, and I’ve been checking whether this enthusiasm makes any sense. I had this idea for a couple of years; it was always included in my New Year’s resolutions – the idea would shine and then fade away, as I was confronted with the daily routine, and then I’d step away in front of existential priorities. There were some great coincidences coming progressively along the way, the signposts signalling that I should be paying more attention. A photo archive of Belgrade’s coloured façades in my computer branched out; I have folders there arranged by artists, techniques, locations. And then a young female artist asked me why not open a blog. I had been thinking about it for a while, I weighted who would read it, who was here generally interested in street art and whether it mattered when, there you see, it does make me happy. “Hardly could others decipher the hieroglyph, but someone would know that I was here,” Balašević composed for me by a fluke. I needed my own space to call it by that song and to fill it with the details that make me flicker. Stihnaasfaltu. rs soon will be one year old. Experts say that the statistics is quite good, but more importantly – the flickering is still there, driven by new developments, walls, people... 8 March 2014, The world is an infinite playground “I don’t know how come you notice everything” is the most common comment I hear from people who read the blog. I guess it’s training. Once you start noticing things, walking through the city becomes an endless quest for stunning messages. I sharpened my eye for all those astonishing details – Miona’s ceramic birds, Iva’s cookies, the sheep watching us from above, old tennis shoes that ended up in a tree next to a skate park... If there was not for the Verse, I would be satisfied with the fact that such beautiful things exist in our city. That gave me a reason to start exploring – how, when, why... I started writing the stories so as to show others what they were missing in the daily
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
rush. Unexpectedly, an exchange of joy went in my favour. Justina’s photo from Warsaw arrived soon, and Dino’s from Lisbon, followed by all others from various parts of the world, Srećko sent a story from one of the roofs of Zeleni Venac borough, Milan brought the sea to the page, Marta made a report about her neighbourhood, Grebo invited me to participate in the Free Art Friday project... “How is it possible that you follow street art so much and that you haven’t tried to draw?” Junk asked me one October day. Two weeks later we were drawing together on the Quay. Stihnaasfaltu.rs soon will be one year old, but I have the feeling that the story is just now about to move into full swing. And what’s more, spring is at the door! Dragana Barjaktarević alias Verse on asphalt
B L O G - P R I Č E O B E O G R A D U
STIH NA ASFALTU Beograd je najlepši grad na svetu. Valjda zato što možemo da osetimo jedni druge. Blog nisam pokrenula zato što mislim da znam mnogo o street artu, već da bih toj empatiji dala formu. Da bih nastavila da se radujem svakom novom otkriću. Da bih lančano sve to prenela i na druge.
27. maj 2013. Mislim da je ovo početak jednog predivnog prijateljstva Instalirala sam Google Analytics i svaki čas proveravala da li taj entuzijazam ima smisla. Ideja je postojala nekoliko godina, provlačila se kroz novogodišnje rezolucije, zablesnula bi, pa izbledela, isprečila se rutini, pa odstupila pred egzistencijalnim prioritetima. Usput su se progresivno ređale neke divne slučajnosti, putokazi da treba više da obraćam pažnju. Foto-arhiva obojenih beogradskih fasada počela je da se grana u mom kompjuteru, folderi po umetnicima, tehnikama, lokacijama. A onda me jedna mlada umetnica pitala zašto ne otvorim blog. Razmišljala sam već o tome, vagala ko bi ga čitao, koga ovde uopšte zanima street art i da li je to važno kad, eto, mene raduje. „Teško da bi drugi mogli rešti taj hijeroglif, ali bi neko znao da sam tu“, slučajno mi je spevao Balašević. Bio mi je potreban sasvim moj prostor da ga nazovem po toj pesmi i napunim detaljima zbog kojih treperim. Stihnaasfaltu.rs uskoro puni godinu dana. Kažu znalci statistika je sasvim solidna, ali ono što je važnije – treperenje je i dalje tu, pokreću ga novi momenti, zidovi, ljudi... 8. mart 2014. Svet je beskonačno igralište „Nije mi jasno kako sve to primećuješ“, najčešći je komentar ljudi koji čitaju blog. Biće da je trening. Kad jednom počneš da primećuješ, šetnja gradom postaje beskrajna potraga za lepim porukama. Izoštrila sam oko na sve te predivne detalje – Mionine keramičke ptičice, Ivine kolačiće, ovcu što nas posmatra sa visine, stare patike koje završavaju na drvetu pored skejt parka... Da nije bilo Stiha, zadovoljila bi me činjenica da tako lepe stvari postoje u našem gradu. Ovako sam imala razlog da počnem da istražujem – kako, kada, zašto... Krenula sam da beležim priče da bih i drugima pokazala šta propuštaju u svakodnevnoj žurbi. Neočekivano, razmena radosti išla je u moju korist. Ubrzo je pristigla Justinina fotografija iz Varšave, pa Dinina iz Lisabona, onda i sve ostale iz raznih krajeva sveta, Srećko je poslao priču sa jednog krova na Zelenom vencu, Milan mi je doneo more na stranicu, Marta je napravila reportažu o svom komšiluku, Grebo me pozvao da učestvujem u Free Art Friday projektu... „Kako je moguće da toliko pratiš street art a da nisi i sama probala da crtaš?“, pitao me Junk jednog oktobarskog dana. Dve nedelje kasnije crtali smo zajedno na Keju. Stihnaasfaltu.rs uskoro puni godinu dana, ali ja se osećam kao da se priča zapravo tek zahuktava. Uostalom, evo ga proleće! Dragana Barjaktarević alias Stih na asfaltu
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
The best way to feel a city is to walk down its streets. This walking tour will introduce you to some of the city’s historical landmarks, but also some of the favourite places of Belgrade residents: Albania Palace, Republic Square, Knez Mihailova Street, Kralja Petra Street, where the cult “Question Mark” Inn is located, Cathedral Church, Patriarchy Palace, Residence of Princess Ljubica, Pariska Street and Belgrade Fortress looking watchfully over the city. Info: www.tob.rs
“A Streetcar Named Belgrade” sightseeing tour is one that catches Belgrade on the run, from tram rails. The route starts at the turn at the Zoo Park, at Tadeuša Košćuška Street, stopping at Kalemegdan, on the dwarf, in Karađorđeva Street, Nemanjina Street, Resavska Street, Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, Kraljice Marije Street, Džordža Vašingtona Street, Cara Dušana Street. The tour is accompanied by an interesting story of a guide on the city’s history, its architecture and the life of Belgrade citizens. Info: www.tob.rs
Najbolji način da se oseti jedna varoš jeste šetnja njegovima ulicama. U okviru ove šetnje obilaze se istorijske okosnice, ali i omiljena mesta Beograđana: Palata Albanija, Trg Republike, Knez Mihailova, Ulica kralja Petra, u njoj kultna kafana Znak pitanja, Saborna crkva, Patrijaršijski dvor, Konak kneginje Ljubice, Pariska ulica i na kraju Beogradska tvrđava koji bdi nad gradom. Info: www.tob.rs
„Tramvaj zvani Beograd“ obilazak je koji lovi Beograd iz pokreta, sa tramvajskih šina. Maršruta kreće sa okretnice kod Zoološkog vrta, ulica Tadeuša Košćuška, a zadržava se kod Kalemegdana, na pristaništu, u Karađorđevoj ulici, Nemanjinoj, Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra, Kraljice Marije, Džordža Vašingtona, Cara Dušana. A put prati zanimljiva priča vodiča o istoriji grada, arhitekturi i životu Beograđana. Info: www.tob.rs
One of the favourite ways to get to know a city is a panoramic sightseeing by tour buses. Belgrade too has that to offer. The bus tour departs from Nikole Pašića Square, where it returns after an hour and a half, during which you will see some of the most imposing urban areas – the House of Flowers, Slavija Square, Terazije Square, Republic Square, Students’ Square, Savamala, Branko’s bridge, Ada bridge... A magnificent view is followed by an audio guide. If you wish to sightsee from a mini bus, opt for a tour organised by Glob Metropoliten Tours. Info: www.tob.rs, www.bstours.rs, visitbelgradelasta.com, www.metropoliten.com
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
Jedan od omiljenih načina za upoznavanje gradova jeste panoramsko razgledanje iz turističkih autobusa. Takvu ponudu ima i Beograd. Autobuska tura polazi sa Trga Nikole Pašića, gde se i vraća nakon sat i po obilaženja najmarkatnijih gradskih zona – Kuća cveća, Trg Slavija, Terazije, Trg Republike, Studentski trg, Savamala, Brankov most, Most na Adi... Predivan pogled upotpunjuje priča sa audio-vodiča. A u organizaciji Glob Metropoliten Toursa moguće je razgledanje grada iz minibusa. Info: www.tob.rs, www.bstours.rs, visitbelgradelasta.com, www.metropoliten.com
Belgrade is one of the few cities lying on the two rivers. Therefore, it is always tempting to get to know the city from its two rivers, the Sava and the Danube. The yachting club “Kej” organises two-hour river tours during which you can relax and enjoy the city from water. To have a complete enjoyment, there is a music programme and dinner à la carte. The tourist boat Turtle has a big closed room with a bar, on two floors. The boat is fully in glass so it allows you to enjoy in the charms of the river even during cloudy and rainy weather. On the ship’s stern, there is a platform covered with a tent. Info: www.tob.rs, www.klubkej.com, www.danuvije.com
Beograd je jedan od retkih gradova koji leže na dve reke. Zato je uvek primamljivo upoznati ga upravo sa talasa Save i Dunava. Jahting Klub Kej organizuje dva sata opuštanja i uživanja na vodi uz panoramsko razgledanje grada. Da bi ugođaj bio potpun, tu su muzički program i večera a la carte. Turistički brod Kornjača ima veliki zatvoren salon sa šankom na dva sprata. Brod je kompletno zatvoren u staklu te omogućava uživanje u čarima reke i po oblačnom i kišnom vremenu. Na krmenom delu broda se nalazi lepa platforma natkrivena tendom. Info: www.tob.rs, www.klubkej.com, www. danuvije.com
Savamala is one of the oldest Belgrade quarters and one of the youngest centres of design, cultural events and exciting nightlife. Savamala walking tour include the quarter’s most famous landmarks: Belgrade Cooperative building, the Bristol Hotel, Manakov’s house and the Spanish house, as well as other famous architectural markers of the district. At the end of the tour, visitors have the opportunity to taste some typical dishes – the “Balkan sushi” and a shot of local brandy called rakija. Info: www.metropoliten.com, www.tob.rs, www.mikser.rs
Savamala je jedna od najstarijih beogradskih četvrti i jedno od najmlađih uporište dizajna, kulturnih dešavanja i uzbudljivog noćnog života. Šetnja obuhvata obilaske znamenitih toponima Savamale: zgradu Beogradske zadruge, hotel Bristol, Manakovu i Špansku kuću, te druga znamenita arhitektonska obeležja kvarta. Na kraju ture posetioci su u prilici da probaju neke tipične specijalitete – „balkanski suši“ i čokanj rakije. Info: www.metropoliten.com, www.tob.rs, www.mikser.rs
Beneath the city lies another city. Underground Belgrade a different set of invisible tunnels, caves, dungeons, bunkers... A great tour for adventurers in search of secrets, legends and an unexpected history of the city. The route includes the Roman hall, the military bunker from the period of the Cold War, the Great gunpowder storage, dungeons at Kosančićev Venac Square and wine dungeons. Info: www.tob.rs, www.eurojet.rs
Ispod grada krije se još jedan grad. Podzemni Beograd predstavlja splet različitih nevidljivih tunela, pećina, laguma, bunkera... Odlična tura za avanturiste u potrazi za tajnama, legendama i jednom neočekivanom istorijom grada. Maršruta obuhvata Rimsku dvoranu, vojni bunker iz doba hladnog rata, Veliki barutni magacin, lagume Kosančićevog venca i vinske lagume. Info: www.tob.rs, www.eurojet.rs
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
The programme “Coffee with Princess Ljubica” shows Belgrade during the time of the Obrenović royal dynasty. The curator of the City Museum dressed in a costume from that era greets visitors as a hostess of her palace. The story with which she animates the audience is popular and adjusted to tourist museum tours. And after a history class at Divanhana, the central place in the Palace, the guests are served the best coffee and the best Turkish delight. Info: www.mgb.org.rs, www.tob.rs
Program „Na kafi kod kneginje Ljubice” predstavlja Beogradu za vreme vladavine dinastije Obrenović. Kustoskinja Muzeja grada obučena u kostim iz toga doba dočekuje posetioce kao domaćica svoje palate. Priča kojom animira publiku je popularna i prilagođena turističkim turama obilaska muzeja. A posle časa istorije u Divanhani, centralnom mestu u Konaku gostima se služi kafa i najbolji ratluk. Info: www.mgb.org.rs, www.tob.rs
The palace complex of the Karađorđević Dynasty in Dedinje includes the Royal Palace and the White Palace. In addition to these two magnificent mansions and the park, the visitors, accompanied by a specialized tour guide, will also visit the chapel dedicated to St Andrew the Apostle, who is the patron saint of the Royal Family. Departure: every Saturday and Sunday from 9 April through 31 October in two regular times. Info: www. tob.co.rs, www.kraljevina.org
Dvorski kompleks dinastije Karađorđević na Dedinju sastoji se od Kraljevskog i Belog dvora. Pored dva velelepna zdanja i parka, posetioci, uz pratnju profesionalnih turistickih vodica, obilaze i dvorsku kapelu posvećenu Sv. Andreju Prvozvanom, zaštitniku kraljevske porodice. Polasci svake subote i nedelje od 1. aprila do 31.oktobra. Info: www. tob.co.rs, www.kraljevina.org
A CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITh DEMOCRACY For those who want to visit the National Assembly and become familiar with the work, history and artistic value of the building, group and individual visits are organised. There are several tours, including the tour of monitoring parliament sessions from the gallery of the Great Hall. Individual visits are organised every first Saturday of the month. If you are interested, get listed at the Info Centre of the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade (TOB), Knez Mihailova 5. Info: www.tob.rs, www.parlament.gov.rs
BLISKI SUSRET S DEMOKRATIJOM Za one koji žele da posete Narodnu skupštinu i upoznaju se s radom, istorijatom i umetničkim vrednostima ovog zdanja, organizuju se grupne i individualne posete. Nekoliko je programa poseta, te program praćenja sednica sa galerije Velike sale. Individualne posete se organizuju svake prve subote u mesecu, a prijavljuju se u info centru TOB, Knez Mihailova 5. Info: www.tob.rs, www.parlament.gov.rs
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
Belgrade Zoo was established in 1936. Although it spans an area of only seven hectares, the zoo is very nice and has a lot of animals who are well cared for. It consists of more than 2000 animals with some 270 animal species. Belgrade Zoo is a must-see tourist attraction. Info: www.beozoovrt.izlog.org
Towards marking one hundred years since the beginning of the First World War, the tourist agency Magelan and Glob Metropolitan have prepared programmes of sightseeing significant locations in the city that are related to this period: the former Austro-Hungarian consulate, Terazije Squeer, Zeleni Venac, Topličin Venac, Kosančićev Venac, the wharf, Belgrade Fortress, military cemeteries. Info: www.magelan.rs, www.metropoliten.com
Beogradski zoološki vrt nastao je 1936. godine. Iako zauzima površinu od svega sedam hektara, Vrt je izuzetno lep i ima puno negovanih životinja. Čini ga više od 2000 primeraka, kojima je zastupljeno oko 270 životinjskih vrsta. Beo Zoo Vrt je nezaobilazna turistička atrakcija grada. Info: www.beozoovrt.izlog.org
U susret obeležavanju Sto godina od početka Prvog svetskog rata, turističke agencija Magelan i Glob Metropoliten pripremile su programe razgledanja značajnih lokacija u gradu koje se vezuju za taj period: nekadašnji konzulat Austrougarske, Terazije, Zeleni, Topličin, Kosančićev venac, pristanište, Beogradska tvrđava, vojna groblja. Info: www.magelan.rs, www.metropoliten.com
TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES • TURISTIČKI INFORMATIVNI CENTRI TIC TOURIST ORGANZATION OF BELGRADE / TIC TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA BEOGRADA 5 Knez Mihailova Street/ Knez Mihailova 5 Phone: +381 11 26 35 622, +381 11 26 35 343 (Weekdays & Saturday from 9am to 9pm, Sundays 10am-3pm) Tourist Organization of Serbia / Turistička Organizacije Srbije Info Centre, Čika Ljubina 8/I Phone: + 381 11 65 57 127 (Mondays through Saturdays from 9am to 9pm) Airport Nikola Tesla /Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Phone: +381 11 20 97 828 (every day from 9am -9.30pm) Main Railway Station /Glavna železnička stanica Phone: +381 11 36 12 732 (Weekdays & Saturday 7am-1.30pm, Sundays closed) Zemun Tourist Centre /Turistički centar Zemun Magistratski trg 1 Phone: +381 11 37 78 535 (Mondays through Fridays from 9am to 3pm, Saturdays from 9am to 1pm)
Crowne Plaza
Argo Garni Hotel
FIVE HOTELS – NINETEEN STARS A TOTAL Year-in-year-out, Belgrade is getting more and more hotels. All indications show that the capital of Serbia has become a leading business and tourist centre in the region, which investors noticed too. An interesting fact is that the newly opened hotels in Belgrade were built and rebuilt by local investors. In less than half a year, five new hotels opened: Crowne Plaza, Jump Inn, 88 Rooms, Argo garni hotel and Majdan hotel. Each of them offers amenities specifically tailored for both old and new guests of Belgrade.
irst guests arrived at the building of the former Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel at the end of December 2013. The hotel now operates as part of the chain Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts. Following the tradition of the old hotel, which was visited by 33 million guests, including many big names of the international political, sports, art and show business scene, the Crowne Plaza is now writing the pages of a new history. “We have excellent opportunities in all aspects of our offer: accommodation, conference and banquet space, spa and wellness centre, restaurants... The hotel is located in the heart of the business district; it is connected to the convention and cultural Sava Centre, and is only five minutes away from the old town centre. The space is designed to give a special effect of openness, wideness and reduced elegance,” Branka Petronijević, marketing coordinator of the hotel, said. JUMP INN – JUMP INTO ThE MODERN Milan Spasojević, a successful businessman, Yugoslav Olympic athlete and Serbian champion in triple jump opened a hotel at Savamala borough – one of the city's oldest neighbourhoods. The hotel’s name “Jump Inn” is connected to Spasojević’s sporting career: the photos of world famous ath-
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
letes adorn the hotel’s interior. After two years of work, a residential building from the early 20th century, which is a cultural heritage under state protection, was reconstructed and bathed “from the basement to the roof”. “The play of light and sophisticated design give authenticity and warmth to our hotel, making it stand out from other Belgrade hotels falling in the same category. Rooms are not just a place for an overnight stay, but they have their own character, which will make your stay a true experience. Moreover, we proudly hold the title of a smart building,” Tatjana Cohergne, sales executive, says. The four-star Jump Inn has 49 rooms and suites, a restaurant, a bar and two conference rooms. 88 ROOMS – A VISION OF HOSPITALITY Serbian company MK Mountain Resort is well known to the public for its hotels at Kopaonik ski centre. It recently opened its first hotel in Belgrade at Takovska Street. The 88 Rooms Hotel is equipped by the standards of a four-star hotel and is intended for both business people and tourists. The young management’s motto “Ease of Living, Ease of Giving” sums up the vision of hospitality, “inspired by an uninhibited spirit of Belgrade”. An authentic offer is designed to meet the needs of
guests as well as to present the well-known and hidden values of Belgrade, making the foundations for the business philosophy of the hotel’s management. In accordance with the set concept, a VIP concierge service is available 24 hours a day. In a warm atmosphere and with an unobtrusive professionalism, the guests at the 88 Rooms Hotel will have at disposal a rooftop restaurant with a panoramic view of the city and the banks of the Danube, as well as conference and banquet halls. A RGO HOTEL – CENTRED AT MAIN TRAFFIC ARTERY OF BELGRADE Another Serbian hotel company, Mona Hotel Management, opened its first hotel in the Serbian capital. The Argo Hotel is located in the city centre, at Kralja Milana Street. With three stars, it belongs to the garni hotel type. It is located at Belgrade’s traffic main artery, so special attention was paid to sound insulation so that guests could enjoy the silence in the midst of the city bustle. By capacity, the Argo is an intimate hotel – it has 20 modernly equipped, “smart” rooms. “What makes our hotel specific is a fascinating view that stretches along Kralja Milana Street. As a garni hotel, we dedicate a special attention to our breakfast. Guests are offered every day with a rich
88 Rooms and varied buffet with a large selection of pastries, cold meats and cheeses, as well as hot dishes. An excellent location is an advantage for both business guests and for those who come to Belgrade with an intention to meet the tourist charms of our capital. Another peculiarity of our hotel is that our doors are open for home pets,” Miloš Pešić, the hotel’s manager, told BelGuest. MAJDAN – ELEGANCE FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE The Majdan hotel that welcomed its first guests early this year stands in the immediate vicinity of the Belgrade-Niš motorway, at the very entrance to Belgrade. “Our hotel has a total of 28 rooms. It was built to last and to provide guests with a fourstar service. Majdan’s trademark exclusive Swarovski chandelier gives the area an unusual warmth,” says Vojislav Božilović, director and co-owner of the hotel. “Elegance, carefully selected details, the combination of marble, wrought iron and solid wood are the main features of our hotel. We have an à la carte restaurant, but what makes us particularly proud is our radiant and elegant wedding hall.” Whether you visit Belgrade for business, pleasure or vacation, the friendly hotel staff at the Majdan will be there to meet all your requirements and will make sure you have an experience worth remembering, the hotel managers say. The story of new and refurbished hotels of Belgrade continues: the Yugoslavia Hotel on the Danube is under reconstruction floor by floor, while constructors have announced completion of works at the site of Old Mill, where the future hotel Radisson Blu will be. Milena Mihaljčić
Majdan Hotel
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Crowne Plaza
88 Rooms
PET HOTELA – DEVETNAEST ZVEZDICA Iz godine u godinu Beograd dobija sve više hotela. Po svim pokazateljima, glavni grad Srbije postao je vodeće poslovno i turističko središte regiona, a to su uvideli i investitori. Zanimljivo je da su novootvorene hotele Beograda gradili i obnavljali domaći investitori. Za manje od pola godine otvoreno je pet novih hotela: „Crowne Plaza“, „Jump Inn“, „88 Rooms“, „Argo“ garni hotel i hotel „Majdan“. Svaki od njih nudi posebno skrojene sadržaje za stare i buduće goste Beograda.
rajem decembra 2013. godine u zdanje nekadašnjeg vodećeg beogradskog hotela InterContinental stigli su prvi gosti. Hotel sada posluje u sastavu lanca „Crowne Plaza Hotels&Resorts“. Nadovezujući se na tradiciju starog hotela, u kojem je boravilo trideset tri miliona gostiju, među njima i mnoga velika imena svetske političke, sportske, umetničke i šou biznis scene „Crowne Plaza“ piše novu istoriju. „Imamo vrhunske sadržaje u svim segmentima ponude: smeštaju, konferencijskom i banket prostoru, spa i welness centru, restoranima... Hotel se nalazi u središtu poslovnog dela grada, povezan je s kongresnim i kulturnim Centrom ‚Sava’ i samo je pet minuta udaljen od starog jezgra grada. Prostor je projektovan tako da daje specijalan efekat otvorenosti, širine i svedene elegancije“, kaže Branka Petronijević, marketing koordinator hotela. JUMP INN – SKOK U MODERNO Milan Spasojević, uspešni poslovni čovek, jugoslovenski olimpijac i srpski rekorder u disciplini troskok, otvorio je hotel u Savamali – jednoj od najstarijih gradskih četvrti. Ime hotela „Jump in“ vezano je za Spasojevićevu sportsku karijeru: enterijer krase fotografije poznatih svetskih atletičara. Nakon dvogodišnjih radova, stambena zgrada s početka 20. veka, koja je kulturno dobro pod zaštitom države, rekonstruisana je i umivena „od podruma do krova“. „Igra svetla i prefinjeni dizajn daju autentičnost i toplinu, što naš hotel izdvaja iz beogradske ponude hotela iste kategorije. Sobe nisu samo mesto za prenoćište već imaju svoj karakter koji boravak čini doživljajem. Takođe, s ponosom nosimo epitet pametne zgrade“, kaže Tatjana Cohergne, direktorka prodaje. „Jump Inn“ ima četiri zvezdice, 49 soba i apartmana, restoran, bar i dve konferencijske sale. 88 ROOMS– VIZIJA GOSTOPRIMSTVA Domaća kompanija „MK Mountain Resort“, javnosti dobro poznata po hotelima ski-centra na Kopaoniku, otvorila je u Takovskoj ulici svoj prvi beogradski hotel. Hotel „88 Rooms“ oprem-
ljen je po standardima kategorije četiri zvezdice i namenjen podjednako poslovnim ljudima i turistima. Moto mladog menadžmenta hotela: „Lakoća življenja, umeće pružanja“ – sažima viziju gostoprimstva, koja je „inspirisana nesputanim beogradskim duhom“. Autentične ponude, oblikovane u skladu sa potrebama gostiju, te predstavljanje poznatih i skrivenih vrednosti Beograda, temelji su poslovne filozofije menadžmenta hotela. U skladu sa postavljenim konceptom VIP concierge service na raspolaganju je 24h dnevno. Uz topao ambijent i nenametljivi profesionalizam, goste hotela „88 Rooms“ očekuje i „rooftop“ restoran, s panoramskim pogledom na grad i obale Dunava i konferencijeske i banket sale.
HOTEL ARGO – NA GLAVNOJ ARTERIJI GRADA Još jedna domaća hotelska kompanija „Mona Hotel Management“ otvorila je svoj prvi hotel u prestonici. Hotel „Argo“ nalazi se u samom centru grada, u Ulici kralja Milana. Kategorisan je sa tri zvezdice i spada u garni hotele. Budući da se nalazi
na glavnoj saobraćajnoj arteriji, posebna pažnja posvećena je zvučnoj izolaciji kako bi gosti uživali u tišini usred gradske vreve. Po kapacitetima „Argo“ je intiman hotel – raspolaže sa 20 moderno opremljenih „pametnih“ soba. „Ono što naš hotel čini specifičnim jeste fascinantan pogled, koji se prostire duž Ulice kralja Milana. Kao garni hotel posebnu pažnju posvećujemo doručku. Gosti u ponudi svakodnevno imaju bogat i raznovrstan bife s velikim izborom peciva, hladnih narezaka i sireva, te toplih jela. Odlična lokacija na kojoj se nalazimo predstavlja pogodnost kako za poslovne goste tako i za sve one koji su doputovali s namerom da upoznaju turističke čari prestonice. Još jedna od specifičnosti našeg hotela jesu otvorena vrata za kućne ljubimice“, kaže za BelGuest Miloš Pešić, direktor hotela. MAJDAN – ELEGANCIJA ZA POSLOVNI SVET U neposrednoj blizini auto-puta Beograd–Niš, na samom ulazu u Beograd, početkom godine svoje prve goste primio je hotel „Majdan“. „Naš hotel ima ukupno 28 soba. Građen je da traje i da gostima pruži uslugu sa četiri zvezdice. Zaštitni znak ‚Majdana’ je ekskluzivan Swarovski luster, koji daje neobičnu toplinu čitavom ambijentu“, kaže Vojislav Božilović, direktor i suvlasnik hotela. „Elegancija, brižljivo odabrani detalji, kombinacija mermera, kovanog gvožđa i punog drveta odlika su našeg ambijenta. Imamo i a la carte restoran, a ono čime se posebno ponosimo jeste naša blistava i elegantna sala za venčanja.“ Bez obzira na to da li Beograd posećujete zbog posla, zadovoljstva, ili odmora, ljubazno osoblje hotela „Majdan“ izaći će u susret svim vašim zahtevima i pobrinuće se da doživite iskustvo vredno pamćenja, poručuje menadžment hotela. Priča o novim i obnovljenim hotelima se nastavlja: hotel „Jugoslavija“ na obali Dunava otvorio je svoja vrata i renovira se sprat po sprat, a najavljen je i skori završetak radova na „Starom Mlinu“, budućem hotelu „Radison Blu“. Milena Mihaljčić
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
A MEDITERRANEAN HOLIDAY – TRANQUILITY & EXCITEMENT The Riviera Hotel is one of the most beautiful hotels of the southern Adriatic. It is situated in the small town of Petrovac along the central part of Montenegro’s coastline. First-class accommodation, an outdoor swimming pool, beautiful beaches, spa facilities, children’s club... the Hotel Riviera is an excellent choice for intimate and family vacations. This oasis of comfort can be a starting point for a variety of adventures: sailing, diving, hiking...
he Riviera Hotel is nestled high above the sea, allowing you to soak up views of the azure waters, while just a short walk separates you from two beautiful sandy Mediterranean beaches. The ambience is surrounded by the lush, fragrant greenery of pine forests, cypress trees and palms. Walking over long sandy beaches or recognizable Montenegrin coves, indulging in the sunshine and the clear sea together with the scents of pines, palms and cypresses are the traces of beauty that the Riviera hotel complex offers to its guests. The Riviera’s size is ideal – the hotel is neither too big nor too small: it has 91 four-star luxuriously and comfortably equipped rooms and suites. In the rooms and suites with the terraces from which there is a beautiful view of the surroundings, guests can use all the advantages of information era: the Internet, satellite and cable television, telephones. All accommodation capacities of the Riviera Hotel have air conditioning. OPEN SPACE AND GASTRONOMY A spacious terrace of the King Nikola Bar, located in the shade of lime and pine trees, is an ideal place for hotel guests to rest relax, drink their beverages and
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
listen to Mediterranean music. In the boardinghouse restaurant of the Riviera Hotel and a la cart restaurant Olive, the excellent chefs prepare meals and specialties of Mediterranean and international cuisine. In the yard of the hotel, there is a swimming pool, with a separate swimming pool for children and a Jacuzzi. The guests of the hotel spend their time most often on the part of the town beach hired by the hotel or they go sunbathing and swimming on the nearby natural sandy beach Lučice. Sport devotees can use a tennis court, a beach volley playground or a football field near the hotel or they can play table tennis. For children there is an amusement park with wooden items, toboggans, small houses, swings – a particular playground for the youngest guests. Animators take care about the children’s comfort and their cheerful mood every day, whereas God Hypnos, one of the trademarks of Petrovac, takes care of their sleep. There is a beautiful Roman mosaic from the 3rd century, depicting the image of the deity that protects sleep and rest. MONTENGRO AVANTURE For guests looking for new impressions and excitement, the Riviera offers tours of Budva and Bar – two
very interesting old coastal towns of Montenegro. Under the heading “Discover and Experience”, the Riviera prepared for its guests a series of exciting, adventure activities: rafting and kayaking down the deepest and most beautiful European canyon of the Tara River, bungee jumping, sailing down the fascinating Bay of Kotor, a diving exploration of underwater worlds, mount biking and walking through the landscapes of Montenegro, “the wild beauty”. BelGuest
**** Hotel Rivijera Obala bb 85300 Petrovac Montenegro Tel: +382 (0)33 422-100 Fax: +382(0)33 461-314 Mob: +382 067 630 100 E mail: hotelrivijera@t-com.me Web: www.hotel-rivijera-montenegro.com
MEDITERANSKI ODMOR – MIR I UZBUĐENJA Rivijera je jedan od najlepših hotela južnog Jadrana. Nalazi se u malenom gradiću Petrovcu, u središnjem delu crnogorskog primorja. Vrhunski smeštaj, otvoreni bazen, lepe plaže, wellness sadržaji, dečji klub... čine hotel Rivijeru izvanrednim izborom za intimni i porodični odmor. Iz ove oaze udobnosti možete se otisnuti i u različite avanture jedrenja, ronjenja, planinarenja...
otel Rivijera naslonjen je na uzvišicu s koje možete pogledom upijati horizont mora, a od dve prelepe peščane plaže deli vas samo minuti laganog hoda. Ambijent je okružen šumom borova, pinija, čempresa, palmi. Šetnje dugim peščanim plažama i uvalama, plivanje u prozračnom moru, uz mirise mediteranskog podneblja, deo su lepota koje gostima daruje ovaj hotelski kompleks. Rivijera ima idealnu meru - nije ni prevelik ni premalen hotel: ima ukupno 91 sobu i apartmane kategorisane s četiri zvezdice. U sobama i apartmanima, sa čijih se terasa pruža pogled na čarobnu Petrovačku uvalu, gosti mogu koristiti sve pogodnosti informatičke ere: internet konekciju, satelitski i kablovski televizijski program, telefon. Klimatizacija se podrazumeva. ŽIVOT NA OTVORENOM I GASTRONOMIJA Prostrana terasa bara Kralj Nikola, smeštena u hladovini šume, idealno je mesto za odmor i opuštanje, uz gutljaje vrhunskih vina, koktela i pića i zvuke mediteranske muzike. U pansionskom restoranu i a la cart restoranu Oliva, majstori kulinarstva pripremaju specijalitete mediteranske i internacionalne kuhinje. U dvorištu hotela nalazi se otvoren bazen. Posebno su odvojeni dečji bazen i jakuzzi. Gosti hotela vreme najčešće provode na delu gradske plaže koju zakupljuje Rivijera ili se sunčaju i kupaju na obližnjoj prirodnoj peščanoj plaži Lučice. Poklonici sportova mogu koristiti tenisko igralište, teren za odbojku – beach volley, prostor za stoni tenis ili fudbalsko igralište u blizini hotela. Za decu je osmišljen zabavni park sa drvenim rekvizitima, toboganom, kućicama, ljuljaškama. O njihovoj dobrobiti i vedrom raspoloženju svakodnevno se brinu animatori, a o njihom dobrom snu brine se bog Hipnos - jedan od zaštitnih znakova Petrovca u kojem se nalazi predivan rimski mozaik iz 3. veka koji je posvećen ovom božanstvu sna i odmora. MONTENGRO AVANTURE Za goste željne novih utisaka i uzbuđenja Rivijera nudi obilaske Budve i Bara - izuzetno zanimljivih starih gradova primorske Crne Gore. Pod naslovom „Otkriti i doživeti” Rivijeru je ze svoje goste pripremila i niz uzbudljivih, avanturističkih sadržaja: rafting , kajaking i splavarenje najdubljim i najlepšim evropskim kanjonom reke Tare, bandži skokove, jedrenje fascinatnim Bokokotorskim zalivom, ronilačka istraživanja podvodnih svetova, mountbiking i pešačenja kroz predele „Divlje lepotice” Crne Gore. BelGuest
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
TOS RECOMMENDS - CULTURAL ROUTES OF SERBIA Nikola Tesla Monument, Hydroelectric Plant, Užice
TESLA’S WAYS, DRAGONS’ ROADS Travellers seek different experiences: tranquillity, adventure, beauty and movement. There are those who want to experience the Stendhal syndrome dizziness before magnificent works, and there are also those who try to step out of the known model and head through time accompanied by history and culture. TOS recommended two inspirational themed trips: one follows the trail of genius scientist Nikola Tesla, while the other notes a time when Serbian lords fought so bravely that they forever held the knighthood title of Dragon.
CULTURE ROUTES CLUSTER Building on the research of the Institute, more than 40 cultural institutions, tourism organizations, businessmen and six university faculties joined together in a cluster of routes of culture, which works on the development of specific cultural tourist routes. These pathways highlight the uniqueness of destinations and the profusion of intangible heritage preserved in culture and tradition. They are a perfect and exciting way to travel through Serbia.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
rips that imaginatively represent heritage and involve travellers directly in history are increasingly popular in the world. Thus, through Europe one can experience the trails Mozart, Don Quixote and Dracula, through castles, the Valley of the Kings in the Loire, the Paths of olives... Such trips can also be found in Serbia. The Institute for the Study of Cultural Development has mapped the different cultural routes, reviving the forgotten stories of outlaws, mines, dragons, Tesla etc. BRIGHT CHAPTER IN ThE HISTORY OF ThE WORLD Although Tesla spent only one day of his life in Belgrade and Serbia, that day left a huge mark. A century later, following the trail, a cultural route emerged under the title “Paths of Tesla through Serbia”. It takes us back to a time when a new chapter in the history of the modern world was starting, a time when life was forever and irrevocably ramped up. It follows the path taken by Tesla in 1892 when he visited Belgrade, leads us to the Museum of
Science and Technology, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering’s centennial cabinet, visits the Nikola Tesla Museum. A unique institution of science and culture in the world, this museum is on UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” list. The museum preserves Tesla’s precious legacy - more than 160,000 original documents, 2,000 books and journals, historical technical exhibits, photographs, instruments and devices, as well as the urn containing Tesla’s ashes. GREAT WORK OF PROFESSOR STANOJEVIĆ From Belgrade the route continues across Serbia: visiting the birthplace of Tesla’s favourite poet Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj in Sremska Kamenica, then Šišatovac Monastery, where Tesla’s love of birds comes from, Idvor and the Heritage Complex of Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin, Tesla’s contemporary, friend and “rival”. It visits Negotin, the birthplace of Đorđe Stanojević, and ten small, old hydropower plants which are true living museums that emerged thanks to the friendship of two scientists. Đorđe Stanojević was one of the key scientists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was a physicist, astronomer, meteorologist, faculty professor and Rector of the University of Belgrade. Adoring of Tesla’s inventions, he electrified Serbia. “In addition to bread and water, electricity will become an everyday necessity,” said Professor Stanojević, encouraged by Tesla’s scientific theories. Following Tesla’s principles of alternating current, he constructed a hydroelectric power plant “Under the city” on the river Đetinja, which was built only four years after Tesla’s hydro plant at Niagara Falls. Serbia has five hydroelectric plants that are more than a century old: “Under the city” (Užice), “Vučje” (near Leskovac), “Sveta Petka” (at Niš), “Gamzigrad” (near Zaječar) and “Moravica” (in Ivanjica). They still ride waterways, but their significance is not just historical. They are surrounded by beautiful nature, rapids and waterfalls and seem completely unreal in the eye of the beholder. Tesla’s ways certainly represent a route has the potential to grow into a significant international “track” because following the life biography of this scientist can connect the countries in which Nikola Tesla lived and worked. O N DRAGONS’ WINGS – MYThOLOGY & HISTORY Inspired by the legends of dragon heroes, fairies and dragons, the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development has designed an exciting journey through history and mythology. They drew inspiration for this cultural trail in Milenko Bodirogić’s book “Fairies and Dragons - Serbian mythology”, in which he explained how the Serbian dragons looked, how all the heroes in our region were dragons and why that was significant in the late Middle Ages.
TESLAWAYS.RS The website www.teslaways.rs gave the participants of the ITAcademije the Tesla Ways project. This is the first portal to comprehensively present the industrial heritage of Serbia, in Serbian tand English. In addition to using story and many photos to bring the public closer to these cultural and industrial sites, the site allows visitors, with the help of maps, to more easily engage in researching these little-known regions of Serbia.
Dragon, Illustration from Milenko Bodirogić’s book “Fairies And Dragons - Serbian Mythology”
OLDEST HYDROELECTRIC PLANT IN SERBIA In Serbia there are as many as five hydropower plants that are more than a century old. The oldest among them is the hydroelectric plant “Pod gradom” (Under the city). Thrilled with Tesla’s theories, Đorđe Stanojević convinced the administration of the weaving workshop in Užice to use the power of the waters of Đetinje. In July 1898 his dream was finally realised. The following year, under the walls of the medieval Užice, King Aleksandar Obrenović laid the foundation stone for the first hydroelectric power plant to apply Tesla’s principles. In the backward and impoverished Serbia of the time the notion of electricity was an unreal reflection of a distant, advanced world. Then streets and homes were lighted, rare home appliances were brought to life through electricity and trams ran – borough railways, as they were then called. Serbian dragons are not the same as those represented in the West. These mythical creatures were different from the popular image of a fire breathing “lizard”. In Serbian mythology dragons have a ram’s head and a seductive snake’s body, they are often invisible, can fly and change forms. They are powerful, mysterious and righteous. Hence the stories of so many dragon-like heroes. Despot Stefan Lazarević, the famous Serbian ruler from the beginning of the 15th century, was the son of the Dragon Jastrebac, Vuk Grgurević, a dashing warrior, known as the Fiery Dragon Wolf, Vasa Čarapić, military leader of the First Serbian Uprising was the Dragon of Avala, while Stojan Čupić, another military leader, was described in folk songs as the Dragon of Noćaj. Other historical and legendary figures of Serbian history were also characterised as dragons: Marko Kraljević, Miloš Obilić, Banović Strahinja, Ljutica Bogdan et al. FROM FRUŠKA GORA TO MARKOV TOWN The routes of the “Paths of dragons through Serbia” starts from the Fruška Gora, goes through Belgrade and ends in Vranje, at the fortress of Markovo Kale. Along the way it visits the castles of southeast Serbia and fortresses on the Danube, places where parts of these legends emerged. In Belgrade Despot Stefan Lazarević, son of Empress Milica and the Dragon of Jastrebac have their own dragons’ towers. Smederevo is the city of the Fiery Dragon Wolf or Vuk Grgurević. In Prokuplje, in the medieval town of Hisar, lived nine Jugovićs, who are uncles of the dragon Stevana Visokog. The town of Pirot tells the story of Momčilo, the uncle of Marko Kraljević, and his winged horse Jabučilo. Dragon Kraljević Marko has, in turn, his own fortress above Vranje, under which, legend has it, he is now sleeping. Miroč mountain has always been a meeting place for fairies, especially the fairy Ravijojle, the half-sister of Kraljević Marko. The path to oblivion hides the riches of stories. Discovering the luxury of this heritage through imaginatively designed journeys is just the first step in polishing history. Dragana Barjaktarević Photo: Manuela Graf
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
ORGANIZED TRIP For now group travel is only offered by the Magelan agency, but it is expected that during the season other tourist agencies will include these cultural routes in its offer, staff at the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development announced.
Interior of the Hydroelectric Plant, Užice
PUTEVIMA TESLE, PUTEVIMA ZMAJEVA Putnici tragaju za različitim doživljajima: mirom, avanturom, lepotom, kretanjem. Ima onih koji žele da osete Stendalovu vrtoglavicu pred velelepnim zdanjima, a postoje i oni koji nastoje da iskorače iz poznatih modela i krenu kroz vreme prateći niti istorije i kulture. TOS preporučuje dva inspirativna tematska putovanja: jedno vodi tragom genijalnog naučnika Nikole Tesle, a drugo u doba kad su srpski gospodari toliko odvažno vojevali da su zauvek poneli najdostojniju vitešku titulu Zmaja.
utovanja koja na maštovit način predstavljaju baštinu i koja putnika neposredno uključuju u istoriju sve su popularnije u svetu. Tako se kroz Evropu može ići stazama Mocarta, Don Kihota, Drakule, Putem dvoraca, Dolinom kraljeva u oblasti Loare, Putevima masline... Takva putovanja možete naći i u Srbiji Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka mapirao je različite puteve kulture oživljavajući zaboravljene priče o hajducima, meraku, rudnicima, zmajevima, Tesli... SVETLO POGLAVLJE ISTORIJE SVETA Iako je Tesla u Beogradu i Srbiji proveo samo jedan dan života, taj dan je ostavio ogroman trag.
Vek kasnije, sledeći taj trag, nastala je kulturna ruta „Putevima Tesle kroz Srbiju“. Ona nas vraća u trenutak kad započinje novo poglavlje u istoriji savremenog sveta, u trenutak kad se život zauvek i nepovratno zahuktao. Prati putanju kojom se kretao Tesla 1892. godine kada je posetio Beograd, vodi nas u Muzej nauke i tehnike, stogodišnji kabinet Elektrotehničkog fakulteta, posetu Muzeju Nikole Tesle. Taj muzej jedinstvena je institucija nauke i kulture na svetu i nalazi se na Uneskovoj listi „Pamćenje sveta“. U muzeju se čuva dragocena Teslina zaostavština – više od 160.000 originalnih dokumenata, 2.000 knjiga i časopisa, istorijskotehničkih eksponata, fotografija, instrumenata i uređaja, te urna sa Teslinim prahom.
KLASTER PUTEVA KULTURE Nadovezujući se na istraživanja Zavoda, više od 40 institucija kulture, turističkih organizacija, privrednika i šest fakulteta udružilo se u Klaster puteva kulture, koji radi na razvoju posebnih kulturnoturističkih ruta. Ti putevi ističu jedinstvenost destinacija i raskoš nematerijalnog nasleđa sačuvanog u kulturi i tradiciji. Oni su savršen i uzbudljiv način putovanja kroz Srbiju.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Memorial Bust to Đorđe Stanojević, Užice
VELIKA DELA PROFESORA STANOJEVIĆA NAJSTARIJA HIDROELEKTRANA U SRBIJI U Srbiji ima čak pet hidroelektrana koje su stare više od jednog veka. Najstarija među njima je hidroelektrana „Pod gradom“. Ponet Teslinim teorijama, Đorđe Stanojević je ubeđivao upravu Tkačke radionice u Užicu da iskoristi vodenu snagu Đetinje. U julu 1898. godine konačno se ostvario njegov san. Već naredne godine kralj Aleksandar Obrenović ispod zidina srednjovekovnog Užica položio je kamen temeljac za prvu hidroelektranu koja je primenjivala Tesline principe. U zaostaloj i siromašnoj Srbiji tog doba električna energija bila je nestvaran odsjaj nekog dalekog, naprednog sveta. Osvetljene su ulice, domovi, proradili retki kućni aparati na struju, pokrenuti tramvaji – varoške železnice, kako su ih tada zvali.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
Iz Beograda put se nastavlja po Srbiji: obilazi se rodna kuća Teslinog omiljenog pesnika Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja u Sremskoj Kamenici, zatim manastir Šišatovac, odakle potiče Teslina ljubav prema golubovima, Idvor i Zavičajni kompleks Mihajla Idvorskog Pupina, Teslinog savremenika, prijate lja i „rivala”. Obilazi se Negotin, rodni grad Đorđa Stanojevića, i deset malih, starih hidroelektrana, koje su pravi živi muzeji, a nastale su zahvaljujući prijateljstvu dva naučnika. Đorđe Stanojević bio je jedan od ključnih naučnika s kraja 19. i početka 20. veka, fizičar, astronom, meteorolog, profesor fakulteta, rektor Univerziteta u Beogradu. Oduševljen Teslinim izumima, elektrificirao je Srbiju. „Pored hleba i vode, električna energija će postati svakodnevna potreba“, govorio je profesor Stanojević ponet Teslinim naučnim teorijama. Prema Teslinim principima polifaznih struja konstruisao je hidroelektranu „Pod gradom“ na reci Đetinji, koja je izgrađena samo četiri godine nakon Tesline na Nijagari.
Srbija ima čak pet hiodroelektrana starih više od jednog veka: „Pod gradom“ (u Užicu), „Vučje” (kod Leskovca), „Sveta Petka” (kod Niša), „Gamzigrad” (kraj Zaječara) i „Moravicu” (u Ivanjici). One i dalje krote vodotokove, no njihov značaj nije samo istorijski. One su okružene lepom prirodom, brzacima i vodopadima i deluju potpuno nestvarno u oku posmatrača. Putevima Tesle je ruta koja svakako ima potencijal da preraste i u značajnu međunarodnu „trasu“, jer bi, prateći životopis naučnika, mogle da se povežu evropske zemlje u kojima je Nikola Tesla živeo i radio. A KRILIMA ZMAJA – MITOLOGIJA I N ISTORIJA Nadahnuti legendama o zmajevitim junacima, vilama i zmajevima, u Zavodu za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka osmislili su uzbudljivo putovanje kroz istoriju i mitologiju. Inspiraciju za tu kulturnu rutu našli su delom u knjizi Milenka Bodirogića „Vile i zmajevi – srpska mitologija“, u kojoj je objašnjeno kako je izgledao srpski zmaj, koji su sve junaci sa
Hydroelectric Plant, Vučje
naših prostora bili zmajeviti i zašto je to bilo značajno u poznom srednjem veku. Srpski zmajevi nisu onakvi kako ih zapad predstavlja. Ta mitska bića drugačija su od uvrežene slike „guštera“ koji bljuju vatru. U srpskoj mitologiji zmajevi imaju glavu ovna i zavodljivo zmijsko telo, često su nevidljivi, mogu da lete i menjaju oblike. Snažni su, tajanstveni i pravedni. Otud i priče o tolikim zmajevitim junacima. Despot Stefan Lazarević, znameniti srpski vladar s početka 15. veka, bio je sin Zmaja od Jastrepca, Vuk Grgurević, smeli ratnik, poznat je kao Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk, Vasa Čarapić, vojskovođa Prvog srpskog ustanka, bio je Zmaj od Avale, a Stojan Čupić, takođe vojskovođa, opevan je u narodnim pesmama kao Zmaj od Noćaja. Zmajeviti su bile i druge istorijske i legendarne ličnosti srpske istorije: Marko Kraljević, Miloš Obilić, Banović Strahinja, Ljutica Bogdan... OD FRUŠKE GORE DO MARKOVOG GRADA Ruta „Putevima zmajeva kroz Srbiju“ kreće sa Fruške gore, ide preko Beograda, i završava se u
Vranju, u tvrđavi Markovo kale. Usput se obilaze dvorci jugoistočne Srbije i tvrđave na Dunavu, mesta koja rizniče deo tih legendi. U Beogradu svoju kulu ima zmajeviti Despot Stefan Lazarević, sin carice Milice i Zmaja od Jastrepca. Smederevo je grad Zmaja Ognjenog Vuka ili Vuka Grgurevića. U Prokuplju, u srednjovekovnom gradu Hisaru, živelo je devet Jugovića, koji su ujaci zmajevitog Stevana Visokog. Pirotski grad pripoveda o Momčilu, ujaku Marka Kraljevića, i njegovom krilatom konju Jabučilu. Zmajeviti Kraljević Marko ima, pak, svoje, Markovo kale iznad Vranja, pod kojim, kako legenda kaže, i sada spava. Miroč planina oduvek je stecište vila, posebno vile Ravijojle, posestrime Kraljevića Marka. U patini zaborava sakrilo se bogatstvo priča. Otkrivanje raskoši ovog nasleđa na maštovito osmišljenim putovanjima tek je prvi korak u glačanju istorije. Dragana Barjaktarević Foto: Manuela Graf
TESLAWAYS.RS Sajt www.teslaways.rs poklonili su polaznici ITAcademije projektu Putevima Tesle. To je prvi portal koji sveobuhvatno predstavlja industrijsko nasleđe Srbije, na srpskom i na engleskom jeziku. Pored toga što pričom i brojnim fotografijama javnosti približava kulturne i industrijske znamenitosti, sajt omogućava posetiocima da se, uz pomoć mapa, lakše upuste u istraživanje malo poznatih predela Srbije.
Za sada grupna putovanja nudi samo agencija Magelan, ali se očekuje da će tokom sezone i druge turističke agencije uvrstiti ove kulturne rute u svoju ponudu, najavljuju u Zavodu za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
The coat of arms of the Diocese of Timisoara
A JOURNEY INTO LESSER KNOWN WORLD Almost unknown spiritual treasure of the Serbian Orthodox Church is located in the territory of neighbouring Romania. “...This string of pearls of our spiritual heritage is almost unknown by most Serbs. That heritage is so big and if there were not for it, the Serb genus and Orthodoxy in general would have been much poorer. Thank God, there was a man, who with his knowledge and skills, but above all a sense of understanding for the needs of our time, Mr. Stanko Kostić, created a book of Serbian holy places in Romania...” wrote Bishop of Timisoara Lukijan.
he photo monograph authored by Stanko Kostić was published by the Vojvodina Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments in 2013. The preface of Professor Miodrag Jovanović, translated into four languages, and descriptions of churches and monasteries by art historian Dejan Radovanović are a concise study of the historical circumstances, architecture, influences and artistic achievements of builders of Serbian churches. This monograph is an excellent read for connoisseurs and lovers of sacred art, but is also an invitation “for many to go and meet the spiritual treasures of the Serbs ‘live’, either as pilgrims or as lovers of spiritual creativity,” Bishop Lukijan recommended to the readers. BelGuest Magazine has for years presented to its readers the sacred heritage of Serbia. In meeting with this beautiful book that reveals a rich world of which we know very little, we wanted to introduce Stanko Kostić and his work. “I am passionately interested in the Serbian culture and tradition. So the road led me to Szentendre, where I met Bishop Lukian, who gave me some new guidelines for research. He blessed my travel to the Timisoara eparchy, and for two years - from 2003 to 2004 - I made almost two thousand photos. I visited the Arad, Socol and Timisoara regencies and photographed 59 churches and five monasteries. I used to record everything: church architecture, fresco painting, icon painting, people’s life and customs. At the beginning, I did not encounter an understanding of publishers. Only when an iconostasis of the church in Ciacova – a hometown of notable Serbian
educator Dositej Obradović, was accidentally damaged in fire, people from the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments found me somehow, as they did not have qualitative photos to help them reconstruct the burned iconostasis. This is how this book evolved.” Asked which churches and monasteries he would recommend as inevitable places to visit and what has remained recorded in his eye as “the most beautiful of all beauties”, Stanko Kostić says: “Serbian baroque and classicism in an icon and wall painting distinguishes us from the Catholic baroque. In churches and monasteries worked our best painters, icon painters and woodcarvers of that time – Andreja Andrejević, Jakov Orfelin, the first Serbian academically educated painter, the Aleksić icon painting dynasty, from Nikola to his grandson Stevan, Konstantin Danil, Jovan Isajlović Senior, the Janićs carvers from Arad. I will quote a top-class expert on the epoch who has said that carvings of the church of Bezdina are ‘such a baroque that they could be equally exported to Rubens and Bernini’s home countries’. As for my recommendation, the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Arad should certainly be visited, where great man of our history and nobleman Sava Tekelija was buried. In Timisoara, there is our Orthodox Cathedral with an eparchial court at the Union Square, and there are the Mehala and Fabric quarters as well. I have been inspired by slightly poorer churches located in a fascinating area of the Iron Gates in the Socol regency.” Milena Mihaljčić
STANKO KOSTIĆ – AN ART PHOTOGRAPHER Photography was his occupation since school days. He participated in 84 collective and 43 individual exhibitions in Serbia and abroad. He has won numerous awards (including two annual awards of ULUPUDUS). Many of his photographs and reports were published in numerous magazines, books and monographs (Serbia, Beautiful Forests of Serbia, Icon Painting at Vranje Diocese, Temple of Holy Mother Assumption in Pančevo, the Beočin Monastery. He is the author of more than 30 thematic calendars on old crafts, old Serbian medals, facades of Belgrade buildings, national architecture of Eastern Serbia... Particular inspiration he is finding in his birthplace, by photographing the Homolje Mountains, the mountains Beljanica and Kučaj, the Mlava and Resava river basin, national costumes and customs. www.skostic.com
Iconostasis of the main church of Timisoara
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Janić workshop, woodcut iconostasis Serbian Senmarton, 1835/40
Decoration inside the dome, the monastery of Saint Đurđ
STANKO KOSTIĆ - LIKOVNI UMETNIK FOTOGRAFIJE Fotografijom se bavi od školskih dana. Izlagao na 84 kolektivnie i 43 samostalne izložbe u zemlji i inostranstvu. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja, među kojima i dve godišnje nagrade ULUPUDS-a. Fotografije i reportaže objavio u mnogim časopisima, knjigama i monografijama (Srbija, Lepe šume Srbije, Ikonopis Vranjske eparhije, Hram Uspenja Presvete Bogorodice u Pančevu, manastir Beočin ...) Autor je više od 30 tematskih kalendara o starim zanatima, starim srpskim odlikovanjima , fasadama beogradskih zdanja, narodnoj arhitekturi Istočne Srbije... Posebnu inspiraciju nalazi u svom rodnom kraju fotografišući Homolje, Beljanicu , Kučaj, sliv Mlave i Resave, narodne nošnje i običaje. www.skostic.com Tabernacle, Bezdin monastery, silver, 18th century
PUTOVANJE U NEPOZNATE SVETOVE Duhovno blago Srpske pravoslavne crkve koje se nalazi se na teritoriji susedne Rumunije gotovo da je nepoznato. “... Ova niska bisera našeg duhovnog nasleđa je skoro nestala u saznanju širokih slojeva srpskog naroda. A to nasleđe je toliko, da kada ga ne bi bilo, i Srpstvo i pravoslavlje uopšte bi mnogo, mnogo osiromašilo. Bogu hvala, pojavio se čovek, koji je svojim znanjem i umećem, ali pre svega osećanjem sluha za potrebe našeg vremena, gospodin Stanko Kostić, napravio knjigu svetlopisa Srpske svetinje u Rumuniji”, zapisao je episkop temišvarski Lukijan.
oto-monografiju Stanka Kostića objavio je Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture 2013. godine. Predgovor profesora dr Miodraga Jovanovića, svakako najvećeg poznavaoca i tumača srpskog umetničkog blaga u Rumuniji i Banatu, uz tekstualne opise crkava i manastira istoričara umetnosti Dejana Radovanovića, predstavljaju jezgrovitu studiju o istorijskim prilikama, arhitekturi, uticajima i umetničkim dometima graditelja srpskih crkava. Monografija je izvanredno štivo za poznavaoce i ljubitelje sakralne umetnosti, ali je ujedno i poziv „da mnogi pođu i uživo upoznaju duhovno blago Srba, bilo kao hodočasnici, bilo kao ljubitelji duhovnog stvaralaštva u nas”, reči su preporuke episkopa Lukijana upućene čitaocima knjige. BelGuest Magazin već godinama svojim čitaocima predstavlja sakralnu baštinu Srbije. U susretu s prelepom knjigom koja otkriva jedan prebogat svet o kojem veoma malo znamo, poželeli smo da predstavimo Stanka Kostića i njegovo delo. „Strastveno se zanimam za srpsku kulturu i tradiciju. Tako me je put naneo u Sentandreju , gde sam se susreo s vladikom Lukijanom, koji mi je dao nov putokaz za istraživanja. Blagoslovio je moje putovanje u Temišvarsku eparhiju i tako sam za dve godine - od 2003. do 2004. - napravio skoro dve hiljade fotografija. Obišao sam Aradsko, Sokolovačko i Temišvarsko namesništvo i fotografisao 59 crkava i pet manstira. Beležio sam sve: crkvenu arhitekturu, freskopis, ikonopis, život ljudi i njihove običaje. U početku nisam naišao na razumevanje izdavača. Tek kada je nesrećnim slučjem u požaru stradao ikonostas crkve u Čakovu rodnom mestu znamenitog srpskog prosvetitelja Dositeja Obradovića, ljudi iz
Timisoara, Square of Unification with diocesan palace and the main church
Pokrajinskog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture iz Novog Sada su, u potrazi za kvalitetnim dokumentima koji bi im pomogli u rekonstrukciji ikonostasa, nekako došli do mene. Iz tog kontakta proizašla je profesionalna saradnja i tako smo došli i do ove knjige.” Na pitanje koje bi crkve i manastire prepuručio kao nezaobilazna mesta za obilazak i šta je u njegovom oku ostalo zabeleženo kao „najlepša od lepota”, Stanko Kostić kaže: „Srpski barok i klasicizam u ikonopisu i zidnom slikarstvu nas izdvaja od katoličkog baroka. U crkvama i manstirima su radili naši najbolji slikari, ikonopisci i rezbari tog doba – Andreja Andrejević , Jakov Orfelin, prvi srpski akademski obrazovani slikar, ikonopisačko slikarska dinastija Aleksića, od Nikole do unuka mu Stevana, Konstantin Danil, Jovan Isajlović stariji, rezbari Janići iz Arada. Citiraću reči jednog vrhunskog poznavaoca epohe koji je rekao da su rezbarije iz Bezdina ‘takav barok da bi ga kao ravnopravni primer mogli iznositi i u otadžbinu Rubensa i Berninija’. Kada je reč o mojim preporukama, svakako bi, pored manastira Bezdina i Senđurđa, tebalo obići Crkvu Svetog Petra i Pavla u Aradu, gde je sahranjen velikan naše istorije i plemić Sava Tekelija. U Temišvaru, na Trgu ujedinjenja nalazi se naša Saborna crkva s eparhijskim dvorom, a tu su i Mehala i Fabrika. Meni su bile inspiracija i ponešto siromašnije crkve koje se nalaze u fascinantnim predelima Đerdapske klisure u Sokolovačkom namesništvu.” Milena Mihaljčić
ThEMATIC TOURISM – POSTMODERN COLOUR PALETTE “A stroll around the castle in the company of a guide was a remarkable experience for all of us in the group. Inspired be what Branislav said about the dramatic historical events, his vivid story of good and evil which are so inextricably linked to the place above the confluence of the rivers Sava and Danube, and his expert interpretation of architectural detail, served to ensure we now see this monument through different eyes...,” wrote one Belgrader after sightseeing Kalemegdan, the Belgrade Fortress.
he structure and contents of cities are the basis for the development of different forms of tourism. Research shows that cultural, urban, sports, educational, event-based and other thematic forms of tourism are increasingly popular. Travellers of the postmodern era increasingly opt for a specific topic or type of attraction. Demand is also increasing for non-standard tourism products, as well as the number of tourists who expect a range of different experiences. Thematic tourism is a growing sector in contemporary tourism, so the second Belgrade International Tourism Conference BITCO 2014. “Thematic tourism in the global environment – advantages, challenges and future development", organized by the Higher School of Tourism, attracted great attention of the scientific community. "Thematic tourism is a broad and multidisciplinary field of study and participating in the work of the conference were scientists from different branches of tourism, while works covering this domain were presented by authors from 17 countries, including Serbia," says Dr Branislav Rabotić, director of the College of Tourism’s Research & Development Centre. "The conference was held from 27th to 29th March, while the special guests of the School, who participated as introductory speakers, were Dr John Tribe, Dr Dimitrios Buhalis, Dr Richard Sharpley, Dr Constantinos Andriotis, Dr Anne
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
Gregory and Dr John Healy. It is a great pleasure and an honour that these world-renowned experts accepted our invitation. Our desire was for our College of Tourism, which is the leader of education in the field of tourism, to bring together experts in different fields in order to jointly, as completely and as versatile as possible, examine and rate the development of thematic tourism and contribute generally to the development of tourism as a phenomenon that influences the modern world greatly. According to the prediction of the UNWTO, travel, the primary reason for which is the achievement of a specific interest, is set to record rapid growth. As such, in the strengthening and promoting of offers in the field of thematic tourism it is essential to also pay more attention to academic research," says Dr Rabotić. The topic of your doctoral dissertation was "Tourism guidance in contemporary tourism"? "Today, under mass tourism conditions, the offer does not reflect local characteristics and the colour palette of a tourist destination. Consumer demands are ever increasing and more and more people are looking for a more intimate and locally specific atmosphere. And the conference held was a good opportunity to show Belgrade and its values to our guests," concludes our interlocutor. Text & photography: Rozana Sazdić
TEMATSKI TURIZAM – KOLORITI POSTMODERNE „Šetnja po tvrđavi u pratnji vodiča bila je izuzetan doživljaj za sve nas u grupi. Nadahnuto kazivanje gospodina Branislava o dramatičnim istorijskim događajima, njegova živa priča o dobru i zlu koja su tako neraskidivo vezana za mesto nad ušćem Save u Dunav, i njegovo stručno tumačenje arhitektonskih detalja učinili su da ovaj spomenik sada gledamo drugim očima...“ – zapisao je jedan Beograđanin nakon razgledanja Beogradske tvrđave.
truktura gradova i sadržaji osnova su razvoja različitih vidova turizma. Istraživanja pokazuju da su kulturni, gradski, sportski, obrazovni, manifestacioni i drugi tematski oblici turizma sve popularniji. Putnici postmodernog doba sve više se opredeljuju za određene teme ili vrstu atrakcije. Povećava se i tražnja za nestandardnim turističkim proizvodima, te broj turista koji očekuju spektar raznovrsnih doživljaja. Tematski turizam je rastući sektor u savremenom turizmu, pa je Druga beogradska međunarodna turistička konferencija BITCO 2014 „Tematski turizam u globalnom okruženju – prednost, izazovi i budući razvoj“, koju je organizovala Visoka turistička škola, privukla veliku pažnju naučne javnosti. „Tematski turizam je široko i multidisciplinarno polje proučavanja, i u radu konferencije učestvovali su naučnici iz različitih grana turizma, a radove iz te oblasti predstavili su autori iz 17 zemalja, uključujući i Srbiju“ – kaže dr Branislav Rabotić, direktor Centra za istraživanje i razvoj Visoke turističke škole.
„Konferencija je održana od 27. do 29. marta, a specijalni gosti Škole, u svojstvu uvodnih predavača, bili su dr Džon Trajb, dr Dimitrios Buhalis, dr Ričard Šarpli, dr Konstantinos Andriotis, dr En Gregori, dr Džon Hili... Veliko je zadovoljstvo i čast što su ti stručnjaci svetskog renomea prihvatili naš poziv. Naša želja bila je da VTŠ , lider obrazovanja u oblasti turizma, okupi stručnjake različitih profila, kako bi zajedno što potpunije i svestranije sagledali i ocenili razvoj tematskog turizma i doprineli uopšte razvoju turizma kao fenomenu koji ima veliki uticaj u savremenom svetu. Prema predviđanjima UNWTO, putovanja, čiji je primarni razlog ostvarenje nekog specifičnog interesovanja, beležiće ubrzani rast. Stoga je jačanju i promociji ponude u oblasti tematskog turizma neophodno posvetiti veću pažnju i u akademskim istraživanjima“, kaže dr Rabotić. Teza Vaše doktorske disertacije bila je „Turističko vođenje u savremenom turizmu“? „Danas, u uslovima masovnog turizma, ponuda ne odražava lokalne karakteristike i kolorit turističkog
The College of Tourism Visoka turistička škola strukovnih studija Phone : 011/ 2698 - 222 Novi Beograd, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152 a www.visokaturisticka.edu.rs
Dr Branislav Rabotić and Dr John Tribe odredišta. Zahtevi potrošača su sve veći i sve je više onih koji traže intimniju i lokalno specifičnu atmosferu, a upravo održana konferencija bila je dobra prilika da našim gostima pokažemo Beograd i njegove vrednosti“, zaključuje naš sagovornik. Tekst i fotografije: Rozana Sazdić
WHY SERBIA IS AN IMPORTANT PARTNER The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, comprising more than 17,000 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and a number even still unnamed. Straddling the equator, situated between Asia and Australia and the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Indonesia is as wide as the United States from San Francisco to New York, equalling the distance between London and Moscow!
ndonesia has a population of over 240 million people from more than 300 ethnic groups speaking their own traditional languages and dialects, united only by the national language, the Indonesian language (bahasa Indonesia). Among the most well-known islands are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan (formerly Borneo), Sulawesi (formerly Celebes), the Maluku Islands (or better known as Moluccas; the original Spice Islands) and Papua. Bali is known as “the world’s best island resort”, with its enchanting culture, beaches, dynamic dances and music. Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscapes, from fertile rice lands on Java and Bali to the luxuriant rainforests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi; from the savannah grasslands of the Nusa Tenggara islands to the snow-capped peaks of West Papua. Wildlife ranges from the prehistoric giant ‘Komodo Dragon’ lizard to the Orang-utan
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
and the Java rhino; from the Sulawesi anoa dwarf buffalos to birds with exquisite plumage like the cockatoo and birds of paradise. This is also the habitat of the Rafflesia, the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an amazing variety of spices and aromatic hardwood and a large variety of fruit trees. Culturally, Indonesia has a fascinating and rich diversity of ancient temples, music, ranging from the traditional to modern pop, dances, rituals and ways of life, changing from region to region. Yet everywhere the visitor feels welcome, with that warm, gracious innate friendliness of the Indonesian people. Whether you’re an adventurer wishing to explore the magnificent tropical rain forests, kayak in the rivers or observe wild animals, or whether you are in need of a relaxing break where you can choose many beaches and resorts, here there is always diving in the deep blue ocean and enjoying the
luxurious service of our many spas. For food lovers, adventure awaits the taste buds, as Indonesia is home to more than 300 ethnic cuisines. SHAPING IDENTITY ThROUGHT TOURISM Tourism in general is perceived as the country’s main instrument for economic development and is associated with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs consist of several development goals, with the tourism sector providing an important contribution. The latest trend in tourism development is endeavouring to make tourism a means for establishing the identity and character of a nation. Taking this approach requires a paradigm shift that is more extensive than economic development. The Government of Indonesia has identified 14 activities as the focus of development for the creative economy until 2025: advertising; archi-
tecture; trade in arts and antiquities; handicraft; design; fashion; video, film and photography; interactive games; music; performing arts; publishing; computer and software development; TV and radio; research and development. Indonesia has seen clusters of creative economic activity already emerging in places like Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali, and the government wants to create the same kind of energy in other cities. S PECIAL ANNIVERSARY - INDONESIA & SERBIA With aim of further promoting Indonesia as the main tourism destination around the world, the government has continued its mission to its friendly countries, one of which is Serbia. The relationship between Indonesia and Serbia has come a long way since the era of Yugoslavia, which was marked by the establishment of the Non-Alignment Movement in Belgrade in 1961, in which Indonesia and Yugoslavia were among the founding nations. Despite the geographical distance, the two countries have developed solid and good cooperation in many sectors. With its central position in the Balkans, Serbia holds much potential that can be further developed, especially in the tourism sector. In economic terms, cooperation between Indonesia and Serbia is marked by an increase in the volume of bilateral trade to US$51.26 million in 2013, with Serbian exports to Indonesia reaching value of US$11 million in 2013. The year 2014 is special for bilateral relations
between Indonesia and Serbia as it marks 60 years of relations between Jakarta and Belgrade. A rapid exchange of visits at the highest level between Indonesia and Serbia testifies to how intense and close our relationship is for both countries. For Indonesia, Serbia remains an important partner in the Balkans to this day. And Indonesia is committed and fully supports Serbia in bilateral, regional and multilateral forms of cooperation. As part of activities to commemorate the anniversary of our relationship, Indonesia participated in the 36th International Fair of Tourism in Belgrade as the partner country. Indonesia presented cultural performances of dances and singing, a demonstration of how to make the traditional woven fabric ‘’songket’’, a promotion of coffee and various tour packages that will spark the curiosity of the
people to get to know Indonesia more and eventually travel there. The participation was targeted at introducing Indonesia to the people of Serbia even more, so that eventually they will gain a better understanding of Indonesia and its people and this, in turn, will strengthen cooperation between the two countries. In conclusion, even though Indonesia and Serbia are geographically far apart, the hearts of the people are closely connected through culture and society. Those are the basic and most profound foundations of the long-lasting relationship and cooperation between our two countries. B y Socio - Cultural Section, Indonesian Embassy to Serbia
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Successfully organised Book Fair, Exhibition of Art and Education Fair at the Novi Sad Fair marked the beginning of the season of fairs in 2014. The season continues with the International Tourism Fair, which is held in spring for this first time, from 10th to 14th April.
n addition to a comprehensive tourist offer and exclusive destinations, the fair will have a highquality programme, both at the Master Congress Centre of the Novi Sad Fair and at exhibitors’ stands, and the new term is a great opportunity for tour operator to present summer holiday arrangements. In parallel with the Tourism Fair, the Fair of Gastronomy and Wine Fair, Beer, Rakia Brandy and Coffee will be organised for the first time this year. Weekend packages will be presented at the Tourism Fair, travel agencies will be offering discounts, and certain exhibitors have also prepared a gift-game for the visitors. “Last minute” Easter holiday deals will be very attractive this year. Visitors will have the opportunity to see the offer of tourist cities of Montenegro, the Tourist Organisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, exhibitors from Slovenia, Spa Association of Western Serbia, Tourist Organisation of Serbia (TOS), Tourist Organisation of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Tourist Organisation. The Vojvodina Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality will organise the programme “Richness of Diversity”.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
The YUTA National Association of Travel Agencies will be there with its members. Business meetings “Workshop by Tourist Prism” will be organised on the second day of the fair, 11th April. T hE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN AGROBUSINESS The first half of the year at the fairgrounds will be crowned with the most important agribusiness event in this part of Europe – the 81st International Agricultural Fair, which takes place from Tuesday, 20th May, through Monday, 26th May. Entering the ninth decade of existence, the Agricultural Fair confirms that it is a leading trade fair in the field of agribusiness. Partner country this year is the Netherlands. Exhibitors and visitors come at the Agricultural Fair from all over Europe and from other continents. About 30% of exhibitors are from abroad; the percentage of those exhibiting agricultural machinery and equipment is about the same, while one in ten is an exhibitor of livestock production in Serbia. The fair in 2013 presented products from 60
countries, the visitors came from four continents, around 40 congresses were organised, the quality of products was evaluated in 32 commodity groups and the largest national exhibition of livestock was prepared. Through innovation of fair facilities and introduction of current issues, presentations of new products, ideas and projects, the Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad remains vital and strong, with a tradition of over eight decades. BelGuest
Uspešno organizovanim Salonom knjiga, Izložbom umetnosti i Sajmom obrazovanja, na Novosadskom sajmu je počela sezona sajmova u 2014. godini. Nastavlja se Međunarodnim sajmom turizma, koji se prvi put održava u proleće, od 10. do 14. aprila.
ored sveobuhvatne turističke ponude i ekskluzivnih destinacija, Sajam će imati, kvalitetan stručni program kako u Kongresnom centru „Master“ Novosadskog sajma tako i na štandovima izlagača, a novi termin je i odlična prilika da turoperateri predstave letnje aranžmane. U istom terminu sa Sajmom turizma ove godine se prvi put organizuje Sajam gastronomije i Sajam vina, piva, rakije i kafe. Tokom Sajma turizma biće promovisani vikendaranžmani, turističke agencije će odobravati popuste, a pojedini izlagači pripremaju i poklonigru za posetioce. Ove godine će biti izuzetno atraktivna „last minute” uskršnja putovanja. Posetioci će imati priliku da vide ponudu turističkih gradova Crne Gore, Turističke organizacije Bosne i Hercegovine, izlagača iz Slovenije, Udruženja banja, Regije zapadna Srbija, Turističke organizacije Srbije, Turističke organizacije Vojvodine, Turističke organizacije Novog Sada. Pokrajinski sekretarijat za privredu, zapošljavanje i ravnopravnost polova organizovaće program
„Bogatstvo različitosti”. Sa članicama će nastupiti i Nacionalna asocijacija turističkih agencija YUTA.
Poslovni susreti „Work shop by Turistička prizma“ biće organizovani drugog dana sajma, 11. aprila. NAJZNAČAJNIJI DOGAĐAJ U AGROBIZNISU Prva polovina sajamske godine biće krunisana najznačajnijim agrobiznis događajem u ovom delu Evrope – 81. međunarodnim poljoprivrednim saj-
mom, koji se održava od utorka, 20. do ponedeljka, 26. maja. Sa ulaženjem u devetu deceniju postojanja Poljoprivredni sajam potvrđuje da je vodeća sajamska manifestacija u oblasti agrobiznisa, a zemlja partner ove godine je Holandija. Na Poljoprivredni sajam dolaze izlagači i posetioci iz cele Evrope, ali i sa drugih kontinenata. Oko 30 odsto izlagača je iz inostranstva, isto toliko je onih koji izlažu poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju i opremu, dok svaki deseti izlagač predstavlja stočarsku proizvodnju Srbije. Na Sajmu su tokom 2013. godine predstavljeni proizvodi iz 60 zemalja, publika je došla sa četiri kontinenta, organizovano je četrdesetak kongresnih skupova, kvalitet proizvoda ocenjivan je u 32 robne grupe i priređena je najveća nacionalna izložba stoke. Inoviranjem sajamskih sadržaja i uvođenjem aktuelnih tema, prezentacijom novih proizvoda, ideja i projekata, Poljoprivredni sajam u Novom Sadu ostaje vitalan i snažan, s tradicijom dužom od osam decenija. BelGuest
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
national and international AWARDS
Zira Hotel Belgrade is one of the youngest hotels in the Serbian capital. By its concept, Zira is a business hotel. It is situated in the old city heart, at the crossroads of major streets and boulevards of Belgrade. Hotel guests have at disposal 127 modern rooms and suites, an international restaurant with a terrace, four modernly equipped conference rooms, a fitness centre with the Finnish sauna and a four-level underground garage. Zira Hotel Belgrade was awarded with several domestic and international awards in the field of hospitality and service. Last year was crowned with the prestigious and prominent recognition “Ambassadors of Good Service” for 2013 in the category of large hotels. The recognition is awarded by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the magazine “Turistički svet”, which confirms the years-long quality of services that this hotel offers. The quality and continuity of the Zira Hotel was also noticed internationally, which is confirmed by the fact that the hotel in January became a proud winner of the “TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice” award for 2014. In the beginning of the 2014. Zira Hotel has welcomed its 150.000th room and is waiting for its 200.000th guest.
Beogradski hotel Zira je jedan najmlađih hotela glavnog grada. Po koncepciji, Zira je biznis hotel. Smešten je u starom gradskom jerzgu, a lociran je na raskršću najznačajnijih ulica i bulevara Beograda. Gostima Hotela, na raspolaganju je 127 moderno opremljenih soba i apartmana, internacionalni restoran sa terasom, četiri savremeno opremljene konferencijske sale, fitnes centar sa finskom saunom i podzemnu garažnu na četiri nivoa. Hotel Zira Beograd dobitnik je više prestižnih nagrada u oblasti hotelijerstva i usluga kako domaćih tako i internacionalnih. Proteklu godinu krunisao je prestižnim i uglednim priznanjem „Ambasadori dobre usluge” za 2013. godinu u kategoriji velikih hotela. Nagradu dodeljuje Privredna komora Srbije u saradnji sa magazinom „Turistički svet”, kojom se potvrđuje dugogodišnji kvalitet usluga koje hotel pruža. Da su kvalitet i kontinuitet u radu Hotela Zira odavno primećeni i na međunarodnoj sceni govori i podatak da je Hotel u januaru postao ponosni dobitnik „TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice“ nagrade za 2014. godinu. Početkom 2014. godine Zira Hotel je dočekao svoju 150.000-tu sobu i trenutno čeka da ugosti svog 200.000-tog gosta.
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
One of the most beautiful edifices of Belgrade, the Moscow Hotel, recently added to its amenities the hotel’s spa centre. The construction of the spa started back in 2012. The author of the project is a young architect, Bojan Ćirović, who blended the distinctive style of this historic building with ultra modern solutions. “The result is a refined, luxurious and intimate space, completely subject to relaxation,” says Saša Nikolić, the hotel’s general manager. Eva centre features a Finnish and bio sauna, steam bath, a large jacuzzi, tapidarium, salt wall, massage area, manicure and pedicure area, gym, as well as a relaxation area. A real treat in the offer is a massage with foam, which originates from Turkey and arouses a quite special sensory sensation.
“We know it’s hard to take the time to relax. Therefore, you should make a wise choice. We offer you a solution on how to best use the time to rest and how to wisely invest your money. You just have to make your first visit to the Wellness Slodes and put it on your daily schedule. Each next visit will follow, spontaneously,” according to the management of the wellness centre Slodes.
The wellness centre has an indoor swimming pool of 10m x 5m, steam bath, sauna, rooms for massage. In addition to the main facilities, manicure, pedicure and solarium are also on offer. The steam bath is equipped with lights of different colours. Volcanic stones in the sauna are poured over with natural essential oils, while the queen of relaxation – massage is at your disposal too. Wellness Slodes offers its guests tranquillity and relaxation without crowd. With a copy of BelGuest Magazine you’ll get 10% off on certain services. Call now +381 11 305-65-25 and book your first visit.
Jedno od najlepših zdanja Beograda, hotel „Moskva“ svoje sadržaje nedavno je upotpunio hotelskim spa centrom. Na njegovoj izgradnji radilo se od 2012. godine, a autor projekta je mladi arhitekta Bojan Ćirović, koji je spojio prepoznatljiv stil ovog istorijskog zdanja sa ultramodernim rešenjima. „Rezultat je pročišćeni, luksuzni i intimni prostor, sasvim podređen opuštanju“, kaže Saša Nikolić, generalni direktor hotela. Eva centar ima finsku i bio saunu, parno kupatilo, veliki đakuzi, lapidarijum, slani zid, prostor za masažu, manikir i pedikir zonu, teretanu, te prostor za opuštanje. Specijalitet u okviru ponude je masaža penom, koja poreklo vodi iz Turske i donosi – sasvim posebnu čulnu senzaciju.
DNEVNI ODMOR ZA VAS „Znamo koliko je teško odvojiti vreme za relaksaciju. Zato pametno birajte. Nudimo vam rešenje kako da najbolje iskoristite vreme za odmor i pažljivo uložite teško stečeni novac. Potrebno je samo da prvi dolazak u Wellness Slodes stavite u svoj dnevni raspored. Svaki naredni dolazak uslediće spontano“, poruka je menadžmenta Wellness centra hotela Slodes.
Wellness centar ima zatvoreni bazen veličine 10m x 5m, parno kupatilo, saunu, sobe za ručnu masažu. Kao dodatak glavnim sadržajima u ponudi su usluge pedikira, manikira i solarijum. Parno kupatilo opremljeno je svetlima različitih boja. U sauni se vulkansko kamenje preliva prirodnim eteričnim uljima, a na raspolaganju vam je i kraljica relaksacije – ručna masaža. Wellness Slodes svojim gostima daruje mir i odmor bez gužve. Sa primerkom BelGuest Magazina dobijate 10% popusta na određene usluge! Info: Wellness Slodes, Ul.Borska 92f, Phone: +381 11 305-65-25 ili 30-555-18
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
A Greater communication range BelGuest Magazine appeared at this year’s International Tourism Fair in Belgrade, held at the end of February, together with a team from the internet portal Serbia.com. The joint presentation was designed in three segments. The first segment referred to promotional and advertising space in BelGuest, a well-established magazine of high quality addressing tourists and foreigners living in Serbia. The second segment was about an independent, communication channel presented by Serbia.com portal – a bilingual portal for branding Serbia and promoting “everything valuable located in Serbia, originating from it and happening there.” The third segment of the offer is reason for the joint presentation; it is a project integrating the two media, offering to potential clients a greater range of communication. Tourism and cultural workers of Belgrade and Serbia, municipalities, destinations, hotels, travel agencies, i.e., all those providing quality offer will be able to promote it through a unified promotion campaign in the media such as BelGuest and through the portal Serbia.com, which has a wider range of readers and a diversified communication through social networks. Topics requiring faster communication, upcoming events, special weekend, last minute or first minute deals are promoted through the portal Serbia.com and BelGuest Magazine’s website at Serbia.com. By the time this issue goes out, the joint presentation will already have yielded fruit. We believe in our values a nd our set goals.
Mrs Gordana Plamenac and Serbia.com team
Mrs Milena Mihaljčić and Mr Miša Ćirić
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
Na Međunarodnom sajmu turizma u Beogradu, održanom krajem februara, BelGuest magazin nastupio je ojačan ekipom internet portala Serbia. com. Zajednički nastup osmišljen je u tri segmenta ponude. Prvi je promotivni i oglasni prostor u BelGuestu, magazinu vrhunskog kvaliteta koji se obraća turistima i strancima koji žive u našoj zemlji. Drugi, nezavisan, komunikacioni kanal predstavio je portal Serbia.com – dvojezični portal, koji učestvuje u brendiranju Srbije i promoviše „sve ono što je vredno a nalazi se u Srbiji, potiče iz nje ili se u njoj dešava“. Treći segment ponude i razlog zajedničkog nastupa jeste projekat da se dva medija integrišu i potencijalnim klijentima ponude veći raspon komunikacije. Turistički i kulturni poslenici Beograda i Srbije, opštine, destinacije, hoteli, turističke agencije..., dakle svi oni koji koji nude kvalitetne sadržaje, moći će to da postignu objedinjenom promotivnom kampanjom preko ciljanog medija kakav je BelGuest i preko portala Serbia.com, koji ima širi spektar čitalaca i razgranatu komunikaciju preko društvenih mreža. Sadržaji koji traže bržu komunikaciju, najave događaja, specijalne vikend, last ili first minute ponude, promovišu se preko portala Serbia.com i internet strana BelGuest magazina na adresi Serbia.com. Do zaključenja ovog broja zajednički sajamski nastup već je urodio plodom. Verujemo u naše vrednosti i postavljene ciljeve.
The International Women’s Club is a non-governmental, non-profit club with about 200 members from more than 40 countries. It is networked with the diplomatic community and representatives of international business. One of the important missions of the club is its charity work and fund-raising for humanitarian and social projects. In addition to the Christmas Bazaar as the biggest charity event, the IWC every year in April organises a “Cake silent auction”. This year, the hostess is Mrs. Elisabeth Kuroki, wife of the Ambassador of Japan, and the auction will be held on 15 April, at the Japanese residence in the Senjak borough. All proceeds are intended for local charity organisation. This year too, Serbia’s first lady Mrs. Dragica Nikolić and HRH Princess Katherine will attend the auction. The “sweet auction” is open to the public, but registration of participants is required. Bring your friends who will bid for a cake!
The Palisad – a symbol of Zlatibor tourism – will mark next year its first half century. The hotel was renovated in stages, on the foundations of tradition. Today, the renovated Palisad in every respect shows a new concept of accommodation and service, but all innovations are carefully "interwoven" into the original architectural idea. Natural materials such as wood, stone, cloth, wool... were used to furnish the hotel. The distinctive atmosphere of the hotel lobby, bar, pastry shop and library with a fireplace room, is retained in the new concept with the idea of preserving the "classy casual" atmosphere for which the hotel in its history has been well-known. The special value to the whole ambiance is added by a unique art collection which features the extraordinary works of Serbian painting from the 19th and 20th centuries. The Hotel Palisad as a pioneer of congress tourism. It offers two functionally separate fully equipped conference centres. The history of the Palisad in a new guise continues.
Photo: Lisa Quinones
KUPI KOLAČ U APRILU! Međunarodni klub žena je nevladin neprofitni klub, sa oko 200 članica iz više od 40 zemalja. Umrežen je s diplomatskom zajednicom i predstavnicima međunarodnog biznisa. Jedna od važnih misija kluba je dobrotvoran rad na prikupljanju sredstva za humanitarne i društvene projekte. Uz Božićni bazar, kao najveći dobrotvorni događaj, IWC svake godine u aprilu organizuje „Tihu aukciju kolača“. Ove godine domaćica je gospođa Elisabeth Kuroki, supruga ambasadora Japana, a aukcija će biti održana 15. aprila, u japanskoj rezidenciji na Senjaku. Sav prihod namenjen je lokalnim dobrotvornim organizacijama. I ove godine na aukciji će učestvovati prva dama Srbije - gospođa Dragica Nikolić, i NJKV princeza Katarina Karađorđević. „Slatka aukcija“ otvorena je za javnost, ali je prijavljivanje učešća obavezno. Povedite svoje prijatelje koji će se nadmetati za torte!
Photo: Lisa Quinones
Fireplace room
TRADICIJA U NOVOM SJAJU „Palisad“ - simbol zlatiborskog turizma - sledeće godine slavi pola veka postojanja. Hotel je obnavljan u etapama i na temeljima tradicije. Danas renovirani „Palisad“ u svemu predstavlja nov koncept smeštaja i usluga, ali su sve inovacije pažljivo utkane u prvobitnu arhitektonsku zamisao. U opremanju hotela korišćeni su prirodni materijali poput drveta, kamena, čoje, vune... Prepoznatljiva atmosfera hotelskog lobija, aperitiv bara, poslastičarnice i biblioteke sa kamin-salom zadržana je i u novom konceptu sa idejom očuvanja otmeno ležerne atmosfere po kojoj je hotel u svojoj istoriji bio poznat. Posebnu vrednost ambijentu daje jedinstvena umetnička zbirka u kojoj se nalaze izuzetna dela srpskog slikarstva 19. i 20. veka. Hotel „Palisad“, kao pionir kongresnog turizma, u ponudi ima dva funkcionalno odvojena vrhunski opremljena kongresna centra. Istorija Palisada u novom ruhu ponovo se piše.
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
The Slodent Centre for Aesthetic Dentistry emerged from the renowned specialist dental practice of the same name founded by Doc. Dr. Slobodan Todorović. Reliant on standards of the most developed countries, this top-class dentistry clinic is today run by Dr. Vladimir S. Todorović. Slodent is listed among the practices recommended for foreigners by the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, but is also on the world list of Dental Departures and What Clinic.
ocated on a quiet street in the Banovo Brdo neighbourhood is a beautiful house with a modern design – glass, an elegant white façade and carefully selected greenery provide the external frame for the world of the Slodent Centre for Aesthetic Dentistry. The entrance lobby, consulting rooms and office space with glass lounge inspire confidence at first sight. The equipment is top class, but the separate operating unit is a real hi-tech surprise. “By opening the new centre, we have provided our patients with a whole new dimension when going to the dentist’s. We strived for the level of our service and the ambience to be at a highest level. In addition, through constantly investing in education, we managed to ensure that our therapeutic procedures do not differ from those in prominent dental centres worldwide. By equipping the Centre according to the highest standards and by applying super modern technology, we have gained recognition for our work both in the country and abroad, says Dr. Vladimir Todorović, speaking with BelGuest. A GALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL SMILES Along with classical dental procedures, the list of services provided by the Slodent Centre includes: cosmetic dentistry, implantology, periodontal and oral surgery. “An attractive smile and sparklingly white teeth, the so-called Hollywood smile, used to be the privilege only of some chosen personalities, while today an ordinary man can enjoy such a smile in a safe and affordable way. Cosmetic dentistry involves the use of special techniques and most modern materials. The range of cosmetic dental ser-
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
vices we offer include teeth whitening, ceramic veneers that are minimally invasive, metal-free crowns, inlays... Completely safe, pain-free and fast, one can correct numerous anomalies and gain a perfect smile as a result, that is, a gallery of beautiful smiles,” our collocutor says. EXPERT IN IMPLANTOLOGY The field of implantology occupies a special place in the activities of the Slodent Centre. Dr. Vladimir Todorović is an MSc in this field of dentistry, he specialised with the world-renowned expert Professor Niklaus Lang, and he’ll soon defend his doctoral thesis. Also, he held lectures at ITI Study Club in computer-guided implantology, he published a series of papers in professional magazines and of the numerous professional congresses and seminars in which he took part he singles out the prestigious implantology meeting ITI EduWeek in Hong Kong. “At our Centre we devote special attention to modern aspects of dentistry, so it is quite understandable that implantology occupies an important place. This treatment is a painless, reliable and long-term therapeutic method that can compensate for the loss of one or more teeth and even total edentulism, all with the aim of improving patients’ oral health and quality of life.” Slodent also has a well-designed website that dedicates special attention to prevention and provides advice on how to preserve a healthy and beautiful smile – which represents the centre’s essential mission. BelGuest
I NFO: SLODENT – CENTRE FOR AESThETIC DENTISTRY Lješka35, Belgrade, Serbia Tel. +381(0)11 3553-088 Mob. +381(0)60 3553-088 Email: office@slodent.rs www.slodent.rs
Centar za estetsku stomatologiju Slodent izrastao je iz istoimene renomirane specijalističke stomatološke ordinacije koju je osnovao doc. dr Slobodan Todorović. Oslanjajući se na standarde najrazvijenijih zemalja ovu vrhunsku stomatološku kliniku danas vodi dr Vladimir S. Todorović. Slodent se nalazi na listi preporučenih ordinacija za strance Turističke organizacije Beograda i na svetskim listama - Dental Departures i What Clinic.
a Banovom brdu, u mirnoj ulici, nalazi se lepa kuća modernog dizajna – staklo, elegantna crna fasada i brižljivo odabrano zelenilo su spoljni okvir sveta Slodent centra za estetsku stomatologiju. Prijemni hol, ordinacije i kancelarijski prostor sa salonom u staklu ulivaju poverenje već na prvi pogled. Oprema u ordinacijama je vrhunska, ali pravo hi-tech iznenađenje predstavlja izdvojeni operacioni blok. „Otvaranjem novog Centra pružili smo našim pacijentima jednu potpuno novu dimenziju posete stomatologu. Želeli smo da nivo naših usluga i ambijent budu na zavidnom nivou. Uz to, stalnim ulaganjem u edukaciju obezbedili smo da se naše terapijske procedure ne razlikuju od onih u priznatim dentalnim centrima širom sveta. Opremanjem Centra po najvišim standardima i primenom savremenih tehnologija dobili smo priznanja za svoj rad, kako u našoj zemlji, tako i u inostranstvu.“ kaže za BelGuest dr Vladimir S.Todorović. GALERIJA LEPIH OSMEHA Na listi usluga koje pruža Slodent Centar, uz klasične stomatološke procedure, nalaze se: estetska stomatologija, implantologija, parodontalna i oralna hirurgija. „Atraktivan osmeh i blistavo beli zubi tzv. Hollywood smile nekada su bili povlastica samo odabranih ličnosti, a danas na bezbedan i pristupačan način i običan čovek može da uživa u osmehu. Estetska stomatologija podrazumeva primenu specijalnih tehnika rada i najsavremenijih materijala. U spektru usluga u okviru estetske stomatologije radimo izbeljivanje zuba, keramičke fasete koje su minimalno invazivne,
bezmetalne krune, inleje... Potpuno bezbedno, bezbolno i brzo mogu se korigovati brojne anomalije, a kao rezultat dobijamo savršen osmeh, odnosno galeriju lepih osmeha“, kaže naš sagovornik. NA SAMOM VRHU IMPLANTOLOGIJE Oblast implantologije zauzima posebno mesto u radu Slodent Centra. Dr Vladimir S. Todorović je specijalista za ovu oblast, usavršavao se kod poznatog svetskog stručnjaka profesora Niklausa Langa, a uskoro će odbraniti i doktorsku tezu. Takođe, držao je predavanja na ITI Study Club-u iz oblasti kompjuterski vođene implantologije, objavio veliki broj radova u stručnim časopisima, a od brojnih stručnih kongresa i seminara na kojima je učestvovao izdvaja prestižni implantološki skup ITI EduWeek u Hong Kongu. „U našem Centru se posebna pažnja posvećuje savremenim aspektima stomatologije, pa je sasvim razumljivo da važno mesto zauzima implantologija. Implantološki tretman je bezbolan, pouzdan i dugoročan i njime se može nadoknaditi gubitak jednog ili više zuba, pa čak i totalna bezubost, a sve sa ciljem da se pacijentima unapredi oralno zdravlje i kvalitet života.“ Slodent ima i svoj dobro urađen sajt koji posebnu pažnju posvećuje preventivi i daje niz saveta za očuvanje zdravog i lepog osmeha – a to je i njegova suštinska misija. BelGuest
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
I nt e rnational
S c h ool
B e lgrad e
MOTIVATING AMBIENCE, OPEN PERSPECTIVES The Karađorđević Royal Family officially opened the new building and campus of PRIMA. “We have gathered here to share the joy with the PRIMA International School and to celebrate their next step in the world of international education. It’s great to see that this school has advanced so well, and that through its hard work and dedication it has proven its leadership position in Serbia and abroad,” HRH Princess Catherine said at the ceremony.
he new complex of the PRIMA school is situated in the Senjak neighbourhood, at Dragana Mancea Street. The complex was officially opened in late November 2013. The school building is located in the building that once used to be as a boarding school, which is the space that perfectly fits the needs of a modern educational institution. The entrance hall and reception area, spacious hallways, a number of classrooms and labs, the library, a corner for students, staff room... “The opening of the new building has given us new opportunities and opened up perspectives. When parents come and see this space, they often comment by saying: Yes, that’s the school! Our new building has the form of purposefully built school, but at the same time it has the warmth that does not come from walls, but from the people who work here,” the school’s principal, Brigitte MacIntosh, told BelGuest Magazine. All departments of the PRIMA school are under the new roof: nursery, pre-school, elementary and secondary schools. The floor where there is the elementary school is painted in “sunny” colour, while the upper floor occupied by classrooms and labs for secondary school students radiates in “more seri-
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
ous” tones. While touring the school, we saw that the adaptation project was done very thoroughly: the space is designed in accordance with modern standards and equipped with modern teaching aids. Hallways, labs, classrooms, every available corner is decorated with works of art created in the school’s workshops, which adds vibrancy and warmth to the overall atmosphere. In addition to the school building, the new playground is also equipped, and there are sports facilities and a real athletics track in the area of the complex. “This is a big undertaking and a big step forward for us. We are very pleased with the new surroundings, and there is a visibly increasing interest in enrolment,” our interlocutor concluded. PRIMA CULTURAL CENTRE The Cultural Centre is something new that the school has. “Allow your children to explore and improve their creativity and skills through fun and well-structured programmes in art, music, dance, sports and languages,” the promotional flyer of the Centre reads. The Cultural Centre is open on Saturdays and is open for all children, not just for students of the PRIMA School, which is
certainly a great advantage for Belgrade children who can learn and socialise with their peers from other countries. The Centre in its languages sec-
tion organises courses in English, French, Italian and Serbian. There are also many of those who are interested in cooking classes. In the new, motivating space, new ideas are being born, and we were told in the school that preparations are underway for the organisation of the first summer camp. BelGuest
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PODSTICAJAN AMBIJENT, OTVORENA PERSPEKTIVA Novu zgradu i kampus PRIMA škole svečano je otvorila kraljevska porodica Karađorđević. „Okupili smo se ovde da sa PRIMA Internacionalnom školom podelimo radost i proslavimo njihov sledeći korak u svetu međunarodnog obrazovanja. Divno je videti da je ova škola tako lepo napredovala i kroz naporan rad i posvećenost dokazala svoju vodeću ulogu u Srbiji i svetu“, izjavila je na ceremoniji Nj.K.V. princeza Katarina.
ovi kompleks PRIMA škole smešten je na Senjaku, u Ulici Dragana Mancea i svečano je otvoren krajem novembra 2013. godine. Školska zgrada se nalazi u objektu koji je nekada služio kao internat, što je prostor koji se savršeno uklopio u potrebe moderne
obrazovne institucije. Ulazni hol i recepcija, prostrani hodnici, niz učionica i kabineta, biblioteka, kutak za učenike, zbornica... „Otvaranje
nove zgrade dalo nam je nove mogućnosti i otvorilo perspektivu. Kada roditelji dođu i vide ovaj prostor, često svoje utiske prokomentarišu rečima: Da, ovo je škola! Naša nova zgrada ima formu namenski građene škole, ali istovremeno ima i toplinu koja ne dolazi od zidova, već od ljudi koji ovde rade,“ kaže za BelGuest Brigitte MacIntosh, direktorka škole. Pod novim krovom nalaze se svi departmani PRIMA škole: vrtić, predškolski razredi, osnovna i srednja škola. Sprat na kojem se nalazi osnovna škola obojen je „sunčanom” bojom, dok sprat na kojem se nalaze učionice i kabineti srednjoškolca zrači „ozbiljnijim” tonovima. Obilazeći školu videli smo da je projekat adaptacije urađen do najsitnijeg detalja: prostor je oblikovan u skladu sa savremenim standardima i opremljen najsavremenijim učilima. Hodnici, kabineti, učionice, svaki raspoloživi kutak dekorisan je radovima nastalim u umetničkim radionicama škole, što ambijentu daje dodatnu živost i toplinu. Pored školske zgrade opremljeno je i novo igralište, a na prostoru kompleksa nalaze se sportski tereni i prava atletska
staza. „Ovo je bio veliki poduhvat i veliki iskorak za nas. Prezadovoljni smo novim ambijentom, a vidno je poraslo i interesovanje za upis dece”, zaključuje naša sagovornica. KULTURNI CENTAR PRIMA Novina u radu škole je novoformirani Kulturni centar. „Dopustite svojoj deci da istražuju i unaprede svoju kretivnost i veštine kroz zabavne i stuktuirane programe za umetnost, muziku, ples, sportove i jezike”, piše u promotivnom flajeru Centra. Kulturni centar radi subotom i otvoren je za svu decu, ne samo za đake PRIMA škole, što je svakako lepa pogodnost za beogradsku decu koja mogu da uče i da se druže sa svojim vršnjacima iz inostranstva. U sekciji za jezike Centar organizuje kurseve engleskog, francuskog, italijanskog i srpskog jezika. Ima dosta zainteresovanih i za časove kuvanja. U novom, podsticajnom prostoru, nastaju i druge nove ideje, pa su nam u školi rekli da su počele i pripreme za organizaciju prvog letnjeg kampa. BelGuest
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
Mr. Ian Davies
Students of the British International School had two premieres last year! The first premiere was performed by primary school students in the hall of the Rakovica Cultural Centre. It was a full-length play inspired by the story about a brave Scottish princess Merida. The Senior students, members of the drama club of the secondary school, performed the second premiere in the hall of the Pan Theatre. They performed parts of the legendary American musical “Grease”.
e spoke to Barbara Cobban of the high school Drama club, about the school’s theatre production, the joy of creating, and the impact of acting, dance and song on the lives of young students. “Last year we decided to try a full-length production. The students were consulted and the choice was the musical ‘Grease’. It was a new experience from which they learned a lot, especially about themselves,” says Barbara Cobban, an English teacher who loves to teach her students about speech, drama and the world of the stage. “Portraying another person’s point of view makes you see the world from a different perspective, and that’s particularly important for young people who tend to be self-centred at this age. I think that performing on the stage plays a vital role in the development of children. One of the students was very shy at the beginning, but was a real star on the night. We based our version of the play on the music tracks, adapted and taught by Ms Marija Naod and
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modern choreography, devised by the students themselves. The stunning backdrop was the work of the art department - making this a truly combined effort ,” says our interviewee, who has worked in international schools around the world and who has tried to instil a love of theatre in each generation in every environment . Our second interviewee was Ian Davies, the Senior teacher and “the chief dramatist” of the play “Brave”, with every student in Primary having a role, and with Reception students who performed one song and dance. By the number of participants, this show was an even bigger production undertaking. “We rented a theatre hall and had rehearsals for three days on stage. As in a real theatre, we had a set design and costume fittings. Before the premiere, one could feel the excitement in the air,” teacher Davies explained. When asked how he evaluates the impact that this kind of experience has on students, he said, “Children develop language skills, they become more mature
and their confidence rises in that way. This is a solid foundation of personal confidence for the future. Moreover, it is important that they develop through having fun. After this experience of having performed in front of an audience of 300 people, when they come to me for examination, everything is easier for them, they simply have no stage fright.” Although young, Ian has many years of experience working in school drama productions. A native Scot, Ian Davies dramatised Biblical stories for children in Newcastle, and he also worked on different children’s stage forms while he was in California. Belgrade’s performance of “Brave”, under the direction of the Director Mr. Davies thrilled the audience, and it was also released on DVD with the recording of the show. Barbara Cobban and Ian Davies are already making plans for new theatre production projects that constitute an integral part of the curriculum of the British International School. BelGuest
Mrs. Barbara Cobban
Učenici Britanske internacionalne škole izveli su krajem prošle godine čak dve premijere! Prvu premijeru, u dvorani Kulturnog centra Rakovica, imali su osnovci koji su igrali celovečernju predstavu po motivima priče o hrabroj škotskoj princezi Meridi. Drugu premijeru izveli su stariji učenici, članovi Dramske sekcije srednje škole. U sali Pan tetara izveli su delove kultnog američkog mjuzikla „Brilijantin”.
školskoj pozorišnoj produkciji i o uticaju koji gluma, ples, pesma i radost stvaranja imaju na život i odrastanje učenika razgovarali smo s Barbarom Cobban, nastavnicom koja vodi srednjoškolsku dramsku sekciju. „Prošle godine odlučili smo da radimo celovečernju predstavu. Učenici su sami odabrali da tema bude vezana za pop muziku i tako je izbor pao na poznati mjuzikl 'Brilijantin’. Bilo je to jedno sasvim novo, veliko iskustvo u kojem su puno naučili, pre svega o sebi samima“, kaže Barbara Koban, nastavnica engleskog jezika koja obožava da đacima predaje o drami i uči ih scenskom govoru. „Kada igraš neku ulogu, kada svet vidiš iz perspektive drugog, to je izuzetno važno za mlade osobe koje su u tom dobu okrenute sebi. Mislim da iskustvo scenskog nastupa ima vitalnu ulogu u razvoju dece. Jedna učenica je u početku bila veoma stidljiva, ali je na kraju bila zvezda večeri. Predstavu smo oblikovali
na muzičkim numerama koje je adaptirala Marija Naod, a koreografije su osmislili sami učenici. Fantastična scenografija nastala je u našoj umetničkoj radionici, tako da smo svi zajedno učestvovali u ovom lepom događaju”, zaključuje naša sagovornica, koja je radila u međunarodnim školam širom sveta i nastojala da u svakoj sredini odneguje generacije đaka koji pozorište nose u srcu. Naš drugi sagovornik je Ian Davis, učitelj šestog razreda i „glavni dramaturg” predstave „Meride hrabre” u kojoj je nastupila kompletna generacija osnovaca, a numeru u predstavi su imali i đaci predškolskih razreda. Po broju učesnika, ova predstava bila je još veći producentski poduhvat. „Iznajmili smo pozorišnu salu i tri dana probali na sceni. Kao u pravom teatru, imali smo scenografiju i kostime. Pred premijeru, u vazduhu se osećalo uzbuđenje”, priča nam učitelj Davies. Na pitanje kako vrednuje uticaj koji ova vrsta iskustva ima na učenike kaže: „Kada glume, deca
razvijaju govorne veštine, oni tako sazrevaju, tako raste njihovo samopouzdanje. To je čvrst temelj ličnog samopouzdanja u budućnosti. Takođe, važno je što se razvijaju kroz igru. Kada posle ovakvog iskustva nastupa pred publikom od 300 ljudi dođu kod mene na ispit, sve im je lakše, jednostavno nemaju tremu.” Iako mlad, naš sagovornik ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u radu na školskim dramskim produkcijama. Poreklom Škot, Ian Davis je u Njukastlu dramatizovao Biblijske priče za decu, a radio je i na različiim dečjim scenskim formama tokom svog rada u Kaliforniji. Beogradsko izvođenje „Meride Hrabre” pod rukovodstvom učitelja Iana oduševilo je publiku, a objavljen je i DVD sa snimkom predstave. Barbara Koban i Ian Davis već prave planove za nove pozorišne produkcije koje su sastavni deo nastavnog plana i programa Britanske internacionalne škole. BelGuest
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
BEYOND ThE CLASSROOM The International School of Belgrade (ISB) believes that students need more than just a strong curriculum, good teachers, and time in the classroom to succeed. The After School Activities (ASA) programs at ISB strive to provide students with a variety of activities in the areas of sport, the arts, and academics where our students can participate, perform and compete in a safe, nurturing, and accommodating environment.
e believe that ASA’s at both the Upper School and Lower School level play an integral part of our students’ education and growth providing challenge and balance. By participating in ASA activities, students will mature socially, emotionally, and physically. We are firm believers that student involvement in sports and activities beyond the classroom environment con-
tributes to the development of ideas and habits of leadership, discipline, emotional control, a healthy lifestyle and time management amongst others. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS &PEER ENCOUNTERS The International School of Belgrade is the only school in Belgrade that is a full member of the Central Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA). As a member of CEESA our Upper School students and teams have access to a variety of international events and competitions across the continent. ISB has a proud record of being one of the most successful schools in the CEESA region (indicated by records at the various sports and activity event and competitions) over the last 4 years. Being a CEESA member school provides our students with the opportunity of international travel and participation. Our students return with new friendships and lifelong memories of these trips. In February and March alone, our students will travel to many major European cities to participate in a variety of events that include Choir, 2 Math
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
competitions, 2 Knowledge Bowl tournaments plus 4 different basketball events for our various teams. UNIFYING ThE COMMUNITY The ASA program at ISB is very popular with our student body. Nearly 85% of our middle school students and 78% of our high school students have already accessed our program. The Lower School participation level is even greater with over 90% participation amongst our youngest students and roughly 30 different activities offered throughout the school year. Activities on offer at ISB are as diverse as math, drama (various major productions each year), creative writing, knowledge bowl, basketball, tennis, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse and many more. Our Lower School students enjoy a wide array of activities, too, including: Chinese language courses, baseball, soccer, ballet, chorus, drama, and various crafting activities. We have identified that one of the main suc-
cesses of our ASA program is that it has served the purpose of unifying positively our students, teachers and parents from a variety of international backgrounds through common and shared experiences. Balance is the key to our international programming.
ISB staff and outside professionals serve as activity leaders and strive to make sure that each student has a challenging but fun experience while never losing sight of our academic mission. You can find out more about ISB’s after school activity program on our official website: http://www.isb.rs/main/?pgid=54 BelGuest Photo: ISB
IZVAN UČIONICE ISB - International School of Belgrade - čvrsto veruje da je đacima, kako bi postigli uspeh, potrebno pružiti mnogo više od temeljnog nastavnog programa, dobrih nastavnika i same nastave. Program vannastavnih aktivnosti ASA (The After School Activities) učenicima nudi niz sadržaja u oblasti sporta, umetnosti i akademskih disciplina u kojima oni učestvuju, nastupaju i takmiče se u bezbednom, dobro opremljenom i oplemenjenom ambijentu.
matramo da vannastavne aktivnosti - i u srednjoj i u osnovnoj školi - predstavljaju sastavni deo obrazovanja i odrastanja dece jer im istovremeno pružaju izazove i dovode u ravnotežu. Dok učestvuju u njima, deca sazrevaju društveno, emocionalno i telesno. Čvrsto smo uvereni da sudelovanje u sportskim kao i svim drugim programima izvan prostora učionce doprinosi, između ostalog, razvoju liderstva, discipline, emocionalne kontrole, zdravih stilova života i dobre organizacije vremena.
Samo u februaru i martu ove godine naši đaci su putovali, ili će putovati, u veće evropske gradove i učestvovati na brojnim dešavanjima: susret horova, dva takmičenja iz matematike, dva takmičenja na Knowledge Bowl kvizu znanja i četiri različita košarkaška turnira na kojima nastupa više školskih timova.
MEĐUNARODNA TAKMIČENJA I SUSRETI VRŠNJAKA International School of Belgrade je jedina škola u Beogradu koja je punopravana članica CEESA (Central Eastern European Schools Association). Učenici srednje škole kao i naši školski timovi kao članovi asocijacije mogu da učestvuju u raznovrsnim međunarodnim susretima i takmičenjima širom Evrope . ISB s ponosom ističe da je jedna od najuspešnijih škola u CEESA regionu u protekle četiri godine o čemu svedoče brojke i nagrade u različitim sportskim takmičenjima i drugim nadmetanjima. Kao članica asocijacije škola pruža svojim đacima jedninstvenu mogućnost da putuju i učestvuju na međunarodnoj takmičarskoj sceni. Sa tih putovanja učenici se vraćaju bogatiji za nova prijateljstva i uspomene koje pamte čitavog života.
IZGRADNJA ZAJEDNIŠTVA Vannastavni program veoma je popularan među učenicima. U njemu učestvuje oko 85% đaka nižih razreda i 78% đaka viših razreda. U osnovnoj školi taj procenat je još veći - u aktivnostima učestvuje čak 90% učenika u oko trideset različitih oblasti koje se organizuju u toku školske godine. U ponudi su matematika, drama (različite velike godišnje pozorišne produkcije) kreativno pisanje, kvizovi znanja, košarka, tenis, fudbal, odbojka, lakros i mnoge druge. U širokoj paleti programa uživaju i đaci nižih razreda: kursevi kineskog jezika, bejzbol, fudbal, balet, zanatskoumetničke radionice, hor, drama i duge radionice. Uvideli smo da je jedan od glavnih razloga uspešnosti ovog programa zajednički proživljeno iskustvo koje doprinosi izgradnji zajedništva
između učenika, nastavnika i roditelja koji dolaze iz različitih kultura. Ključna odlika našeg internacionalnog programa je uspostavljanje harmonije. Zaposleni u ISB i drugi profesionalni saradnici koji vode vannastavne programe nastoje da svakom učeniku pruže inspirativno i istovremeno zabavno iskustvo, nikada ne gubeći iz vida osnovnu akademsku misiju. Više o vannastavnom programu ISB možete pročitati na zvaničnoj website strani: http://www.isb.rs/main/?pgid=54 BelGuest Photo: ISB
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
I nt e rnational
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The International Nursery School Belgrade has a nice custom to celebrate holidays of different nations of the world. So the kids and their parents had the opportunity to celebrate St. Sava Day and meet with Serbian Slava customs, while on the occasion of the Chinese New Year, Dou Na, a mother of a toddler, explained the symbols, beliefs and the way of celebrating the New Year in China.
here was a richly set table, the slava cake, teachers dressed in Serbian folk costumes, an accordionist and a folklore ensemble waiting for children and parents who were invited to the celebration of the Saint Sava Day, the Serbian school day, that is celebrated on every 27 January in honour of the first Serbian archbishop and the great national educator. The school principal, Mirjana Vidojević, welcomed the participants and explained the significance of the slava cake cutting ceremony and spilling wine over bread. After the official ceremony, the choir took the stage and with the sounds of the accordion sang a selection of well-known folk songs. The children had their act in the programme – they sang children’s songs in Serbian and played along, together with
the nursery school teachers dressed in colourful traditional costumes. “Given the fact that we are in an international environment, it is only natural that we cherish diversity, but it is also natural that we want the children and parents to learn about the customs in our community. We celebrate both Catholic and Orthodox Easter and Christmas, and we also mark holidays of some countries. For example, St. Martin’s Day that is celebrated in Germany and Austria, St. Lucia that is celebrated in Sweden, Japanese Day of Girls and Boys, the Carnival in Rio... We encourage parents to get involved and they gladly come to represent their respective countries,” Mirjana Vidojević told BelGuest. SYMBOLS OF ThE CHINESE NEW YEAR Just a few days after the celebration of St. Sava Day, Mrs. Dou Na, a mother of a toddler, suggested that on the eve of the Chinese New Year the children tell a story about the legends and traditions of this most cheerful Chinese holiday. Children listened with great attention to the story of the monster Niyan that comes out of hiding and attacks people just at the moment when the new moon come out and the new lunar year starts. The monster is afraid of red colour and that’s why
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
everything is in red tones for the New Year. Red is also the colour of the sun, a symbol of strength, the colour of blood and a symbol of life. All family members gather together, the oldest members are the ones to receive greetings first, and then the children receive gifts... The second and third day of the New Year are reserved for visits to relatives by traditionally set order. Various festivals are organised during the festive season: dancing lions, dancing dragons, carnival... The New Year’s celebration ends with the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month. “By celebrating the holidays of different nations, we cherish multiculturalism. At the same time, this is a good pedagogical approach that brings great joy for children, parents and teachers,” Mirjana Vidojević said. The International Primary School Belgrade will accept its first students in September 2014 at a new location in the Senjak neighbourhood. The school will apply the British national programme in English, but an emphasis will be put on other languages as well (French and Serbian) as well as on sports. We want to promote a healthy lifestyle as the basis for achieving results at the academic level. BelGuest Photo: Dragana Barjaktarević
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U Međunarodnom obdaništu Beograda vlada lep običaj da se obeležavaju praznici različitih naroda sveta. Tako su mališani i njihovi roditelji imali priliku da slave Svetog Savu i upoznaju se sa srpskim slavskim običajima, a povodom kineske Nove godine Dou Na, majka jednog mališana, objašnjavala je simbole, verovanja i način praznovanja Nove godine u Kini.
večano postavljen sto, slavski kolač, vaspitačice odevene u srpsku narodnu nošnju, harmonikaš i folklorni sastav čekali su decu i roditelje koji su pozvani na proslavu Svetog Save - srpske školske slave koje se obeležava svakog 27. januara u čast prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa i velikog nacionalnog prosvetitelja. Direktorka škole Mirjana Vidojević pozdravila je prisutne i objasnila značenje ceremonije rezanja slavskog kolača i prelivanja hleba vinom. Posle svečanog obreda, nastupio je hor i uz zvuke harmonike otpevao splet poznatih narodnih pesama. I deca su imala svoju tačku u programu - pevala su decije pesmice na srpskom i igrala, zajedno sa vaspitačicama u živopisnim narodnim nošnjama. „Prirodno je da kao međunarodna sredina negujemo različitost, ali prirodno je i da želimo da decu i roditelje upoznamo sa običajima naše sredine. Slavimo i katolički i pravoslavni Uskrs i Božić, obeležavamo i praznike pojedinih zemalja. Na primer, Dan Sv. Martina, koji se proslavlja u Nemačkoj i Austriji, Sv. Luciju koji se slavi u Švedskoj, japanski Dan devojčica i dečaka, Karneval u Riju... Ohrabrujemo roditelje da se uključe i oni
vrlo rado dolaze da predstavljaju svoju zemlju”, kaže za BelGuest Mirjana Vidojević. SIMBOLI KINESKE NOVE GODINE Samo nekoliko dana nakon proslave Sv. Save, gospođa Dou Na, majka jednog mališana, predložila je da uoči Kineske Nove godine deci ispriča priču o legendama i običajima ovog najveselijeg kineskog praznika. Deca su s velikom pažnjom slušala priču o čudovištu Nijan koji izlazi iz skrovišta i napada ljude baš u trenutku kada izlazi mlad mesec i nastupa nova lunarna godina. Čudovište se plaši crvene boje pa je zato za Novu godinu sve u crvenim tonovima. Crvena je istovremeno boja sunca, simbol snage, boja krvi i simbol života. Svi članovi porodice okupljaju se zajedno, praznik se prvo čestita najstarijim članovima, deci se dele pokloni... Drugog i trećeg dana po Novoj godini, odlazi se u posetu rodbini tradicionalno utvrđenim redom. Tokom praznika organizuju se razni festivali: ples lavova, ples zmajeva, karneval... Novogodišnja proslava završava se festivalom Lampiona petnaestog dana prvog meseca. „Proslavljajući praznike različitih naroda negujemo
multikulturalnost. Istovremeno to je dobar pedagoški metod koji deci, roditeljima i vaspitačima pričinjava veliku radost”, kaže Mirjana Vidojević. International Primary School Belgrade će svoje prve učenike primiti u septembru 2014, na novoj lokaciji na Senjaku.Škola ce slediti britanski nacionalni program na engleskom jeziku, ali sa akcentom i na druge jezike (francuski i srpski) kao i na sport. Želimo da promovišemo zdrav način života kao osnovu za postizanje rezultata i na akademskom nivou. BelGuest Foto: Dragana Barjaktarević
C U L T U R E /K U L T U R A POZORIŠTA – ThEATERS ATELJE 212, Svetogorska 21, tel. 324-7342 www.atelje212.co.rs BEOGRADSKO DRAMSKO POZORIŠTE, Mileševska 64a, tel. 2835-111, 2837-000 www.bdp.rs BETON HALA TEATAR, Kraljice Natalije 3, tel.2684-588 BITEF TEATAR, Skver Mire Trailović 1, tel. 3220-608 www.bitef.rs DADOV, Desanke Maksimović 6/I, tel. 3243-643 www.dadov.rs DAH TEATAR, Marulićeva 8, tel. 2441-680 www.dahteatarcentar.com ISTER TEATAR, Karlovačka 26, Zemun, tel. 74498 07 JUGOSLOVENSKO DRAMSKO POZORIŠTE, Kralja Milana 50, tel. 3061-900, 3061-957 www.jdp.co.rs
KPGT, Radnička 3, tel. 3055-082, 3055-076 www.kpgtyu.org OPERA I TEATAR MADLENIANUM, Zemun, Glavna 32, tel. 316-2533 www.madlenianum.rs NARODNO POZORIŠTE - NATIONAL ThEATER (Opera, Balet, Drama / Opera, Ballet, Theatre Plays) Francuska 3, tel. 3281-333 www.narodnopozoriste.co.rs POZORIŠTE NA TERAZIJAMA, Trg Nikole Pašića 3, tel.330-2650 www.pozoristeterazije.com SLAVIJA TEATAR, Svetog Save 16, tel. 2436-995 TEATAR BOJAN STUPICA, Kralja Milana 50, tel. 2644-447, www.jdp.co.rs TEATAR KULT, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 77a, tel. 2421-314 ZVEZDARA TEATAR, Milana Rakića 38, tel. 2419-664 www.zvezdara Večernja scena Radović, Aberdareva 1, tel. 3242-472 www.malopozoriste.co.rs
DEČJA POZORIŠTA – CHILDRENS’ ThEATERS BOŠKO BUHA, Trg Republike 3, tel. 2632-855 www.buha-theater.com MALO POZORIŠTE DUŠKO RADOVIĆ, Aberdareva 1, tel. 3242-472 www.malopozoriste.co.rs POZORIŠTANCE PUŽ, Radoslava Grujića 21, tel. 2438-036 POZORIŠTE LUTAKA PINOKIO, Karađorđeva 9, Zemun tel. 2691-715 www.ptpinokio.com TEATAR RODA, Požeška 83a, tel. 2545-260 Pozoriste “Pan teatar”, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 298, www.panteatar.rs
KULTURNI CENTRI - CULTURAL CENTERS AMERIČKI KUTAK/AMERICAN CORNER, Makedonska 22, tel. 322-7694, www.americancorners-sam.net
AUSTRIJSKI KULTURNI FORUM/ Österreichischen Kulturforums, Kneza Sime Markovića 2, tel. 3031-956, www.aussenministerium.at/belgradkf BRITANSKI SAVET/ BRITISH COUNCIL, Terazije 8, tel. 3023-800, www.britishcouncil.org/serbia CENTAR ZA KULTURNU DEKONTAMINACIJU, Birčaninova 21, tel. 3610-270, www.czkd.rs DEČIJI KULTURNI CENTAR, Takovska 8, tel. 342-2011, fax. 342-2314, www.dkcb.rs/ DOM KULTURE STUDENTSKI GRAD, Bulevar AVNOJ-a 179, tel. 2691-442, www.dksg.rs DOM OMLADINE BEOGRADA, Makedonska 22, tel. 3225-453, www.domomladine.org DOM VOJSKE SRBIJE, Braće Jugovića 19 tel. 324-12-58, www.odbrana.mod.gov.rs FRANCUSKI INSTITUT U SRBIJI/ Institut français de Serbie , Zmaj Jovina 11, tel. 3023-654,
www.institutfrancais.rs INSTITUT GETE /GOEThE INSTITUT, Knez Mihailova 50, tel. 303-18-10, www.goethe.de/belgrad
GRAD - Evropski centar za kulturu i debatu, Braće Krsmanović 4, tel. 3282- 370, www.gradbeograd.eu
GUARNERIUS – centar lepih umetnosti, Džordža Vašingtona 12, tel. 3346-807, www.guarnerius.rs
HELENSKI FOND ZA KULTURU/HELLENIC FOUNDATION FOR CULTURE, Kneza Miloša 14, tel.3625-206, www.hfc-belgrade.com
INSTITUT SERVANTES/ Instituto Cervantes de Belgrado, Čika Ljubina 19, tel. 3034-182, www.belgrado.cervantes.es
INSTITUT KONFUČIJE, Studentski trg 3, tel. 3284-595, www.konfucije.fil.bg.ac.rs ITALIJANSKI INSTITUT ZA KULTURU/ Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Belgrado, Kneza Miloša 56, tel. 3629-435, www.iicbelgrado.esteri.it
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
KANADSKI KULTURNI CENTAR/ CANADIAN CULTURAL CENTER, Kneza Miloša 75, tel. 306-3000 KULTURNI CENTAR BEOGRADA, Knez Mihailova 6/1, tel. 2621-469/ www.kcb.org.rs KULTURNI CENTAR IRANA, Neznanog junaka 32, tel. 3672 564 , www.iran.rs RUSKI DOM/ Русский дом, Kraljice Natalije 33, tel. 2642-178, www.ruskidom.rs REX, Jevrejska 16, tel. 3284-534, www.rex.b92.net STUDENTSKI KULTURNI CENTAR, Kralja Milana 48, tel. 360-2014, www.skc.org.rs ZADUŽBINA ILIJE M. KOLARACA, Studentski trg 5, tel. 2630-550, www.kolarac.rs
KONCERTNE DVORANE - CONCERT HALLS ATRIJUM NARODNOG MUZEJA, Trg republike 1a, tel. 330-6000, BEOGRADSKA FILHARMONIJA, Studentski trg 11, tel. 328-2977, www.bgf.co.rs DOM VOJSKE SRBIJE, Braće Jugovića 19, tel. 324-0242, www.odbrana.mod.gov.rs DVORANA DOMA SINDIKATA, Trg Nikole Pašića 5, tel. 323-4849, www.domsindikata.com KOMBANK ARENA, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 58, tel. 0900 110011, www.kombankarena.rs SAVA CENTAR, Milentija Popovića 9, tel. 220-6000 , www.savacentar.net ZADUŽBINA ILIJE M. KOLARCA, Studentski trg 5, tel. 262-6591, www.kolarac.co.rs
KONAK KNJEGINJE LJUBICE / The Residence of Princess Ljubica, Kneza Sime Markovića 8, tel.2638-264, www.mgb.org.rs
KONAK KNEZA MILOŠA / ThE Residence OF PRINCE MILOS, Rakovički put 2, tel.2660-422, www.imus.org.rs
KUĆA ĐURE JAKŠIĆA / DJURA JAKSIC HOUSE, Skadarska 34, tel. 3230-302 MANAKOVA KUĆA / MANAK’S HOUSE, Gavrila Principa 5, tel. 303- 6114 KULA NEBOJŠA / Nebojsa Tower, Bulevar vojvode Bojovića 11, tel. 26 20 685 , www.kulanebojsa.rs
MUZEJ SRPSKE PRAVOSLAVNE CRKVE / SERBIAN ORTODOX CHURCH MUSEUM, Kralja Petra 5, tel. 328- 2527 NARODNI MUZEJ / NATIONAL MUSEUM, Trg Republike 1a, tel 3306-048, www.narodnimuzej.rs
PEDAGOŠKI MUZEJ / MUSEUM OF PEDAGOGY, Uzun Mirkova 14, tel.2627-538, www.pedagoskimuzej.org.rs
Vinča Arheološko nalazište / Archaeological Site Vinča, Belo brdo 17, Vinča, tel. 060/500-51-87, www.mgb.org.rs VUKOV I DOSITEJEV MUZEJ / VUK AND DOSITEJ MUSEUM, Gospodar Jevremova 21, tel. 2625-161
JEVREJSKI ISTORIJSKI MUZEJ / JEWISH HISTORICAL MUSEUM, Kralja Petra 71, tel. 2622-634, www.jimbeograd.org
MUZEJ BANJIČKOG LOGORA / The Museum of the Banjica Concentration Camp, Pavla Jurišića Šturma 33, tel. 3674-877, www.mgb.org.rs VOJNI MUZEJ / MILITARY MUSEUM, Kalemegdan bb, tel. 3343-441, www.muzej.mod.gov.rs IZLOŽBENA POSTAVKA NARODNE BANKE SRBIJE / NATIONAL BANK OF SERBIA NUMISMATIC EXIBITION, Kralja Petra 12, tel.3027-100, www.nbs.rs MEMORIJALNI MUZEJI - MEMORIAL MUSEUMS MEMORIJALNI MUZEJ JOVANA CVIJIĆA / The Memorial Museum of Jovan Cvijić, Jelene Ćetković 5, tel. 3223-126, www.mgb.org.rs MUZEJ NIKOLE TESLE / NIKOLA TESLA MUSEUM, Krunska 51, tel. 2433-886, www.tesla-museum.org
CULTURE/KULTURA SPOMEN muzej Ive Andrića / The Memorial Museum of Ivo Andrić, Andrićev venac 8, tel. 323-8397, www.mgb.org.rs Muzej Paje Jovanovića / The Museum of Paja Jovanović, Kralja Milana 21/IV, tel. 3340-176, www.mgb.org.rs Zbirka ikona Sekulić / The Collection of Icons Sekulić, Uzun Mirkova 5, tel 3282-504, www.mgb.org.rs ZAVIČAJNI MUZEJI - CITY MUSEUMS MUZEJ GRADA BEOGRADA / The Belgrade City Museum, Zmaj Jovina 1, tel. 2630-825, www.mgb.org.rs TEHNIČKI MUZEJI - TEHNICAL MUSEUMS MUZEJ AUTOMOBILA /ThE automobile MUSEUM, Majke Jevrosime 30, tel. 3034-625, www.automuseumbgd.com
MUZEJ JUGOSLOVENSKOG VAZDUHOPLOVSTVA /MUSEUM OF YUGOSLAV AERONAUTICS, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla,tel. 2670-992, www.muzejvazduhoplovstva.org. MUZEJ NAUKE I TEHNIKE / MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Skender Begova 51, tel. 303- 7850, www.muzejnt.rs
PTT MUZEJ / POST MUSEUM, Majke Jevrosime 13, tel. 3064-170, www.pttmuzej.rs ŽELEZNIČKI MUZEJ / RAILWAY MUSEUM, Nemanjina 6, tel. 361-0334, www.zeleznicesrbije.com
GALERIJA PRIRODNJAČKOG MUZEJA / GALLERY OF ThE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, Mali Kalemegdan 5, tel. 3284-317, www.nhmbeo.rs MUZEJ SRPSKE MEDICINE / MUSEUM OF SERBIAN MEDICINE, Džordža Vašingtona 19, tel. 3245-149, www.sld.org.rs/sr/muzej
UMETNIČKI MUZEJI - ART MUSEUMS MUZEJ AFRIČKE UMETNOSTI / MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART, Andre Nikolića 14, tel. 2651-654, museumofafricanart.org
MUZEJ POZORIŠNE UMETNOSTI /ThEATER MUSEUM, Gospodar Jevremova 19, tel. 2628-920, www.mpus.org.rs
MUZEJ PRIMENJENE UMETNOSTI / Museum of Applied Art, Vuka Karadžića 18, tel. 2626-494, www.mpu.org.rs
JUGOSLOVENSKA KINOTEKA - YUGOSLAV FILM ARCHIVE, Kosovska 11, tel. 3248-250 www.kinoteka.org.rs
MUZEJ ZEPTER – ZEPTER MUSEUM, Knez Mihailova 42, tel. 011/328-3339, www.zeptermuseum.rs
IZLOŽBENE GALERIJE - EXHIBITION GALLERIES GALERIJA SRPSKE AKADEMIJE NAUKA I UMETNOSTI - GALLERY OF SERBIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCES,Knez Mihailova 35, www.sanu.ac.rs GALERIJA BEOGRAD, Kosančićev venac 19 , www.galerijabeograd.org GALERIJA DOMA OMLADINE, Makedonska 22, www.domomladine.org GALERIJA FAKULTETA LIKOVNIH UMETNOSTI, Pariska 16, www.flu.bg.ac.rs GALERIJA FRESAKA / FRESCO GALLERY, Cara Uroša 20, www.narodnimuzej.rs GALERIJA GRAFIČKOG KOLEKTIVA, Obilićev venac 27, www. grafickikolektiv.org GALERIJA HAOS, Dositejeva 3, www.galleryhaos.com GALERIJA KULTURNOG CENTRA BEOGRADA, Knez Mihailova 6, www.kcb.org.rs/ GALERIJA-LEGAT PETRA DOBROVIĆA, Kralja Petra 36/IV, www.msub.org.rs GALERIJA NAUKE I TEHNIKE SANU / SANU GALLERY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Đure Jakšića 2, www.sanu.ac.rs
GALERIJA NEW MOMENT, Hilandarska 14, www.newmoment.com/beograd GALERIJA PROGRES, Knez Mihailova 22, www.progres.rs GALERIJA STARA KAPETANIJA, Zemun, Kej oslobođenja 8 GALERIJA SKC, Kralja Milana 48, www.skc.org.rs GALERIJA SULUJ, Terazije 26/II, www.galerijasuluj.org.rs GALERIJA 73, Požeška 83 a, www.galerija73.com GALERIJA ULUS, Knez Mihailova 37, www.ulus.org.rs GALERIJA DOMA VOJSKE SRBIJE, Braće Jugovića 19, www.odbrana.mod.gov.rs GALERIJA ZADUŽBINE ILIJE M. KOLARCA, Studentski Trg 5, www.kolarac.co.rs JUGOSLOVENSKA GALERIJA UMETNIČKIH DELA, Andrićev venac 4, Dositejeva 1 OZON, Andrićev venac 12, www.o3one.rs SALON MUZEJA SAVREMENE UMETNOSTI, Pariska 14, www.msub.org.rs UMETNIČKI PAVILJON CVIJETA ZUZORIĆ, Mali Kalemegdan, www.ulus.org.rs VELIKA GALERIJA DK STUDENTSKI GRAD, Bulevar AVNOJ-a 179, www.dksg.rs
UNIVERZITETSKA BIBLIOTEKA „SVETOZAR MARKOVIĆ“- UNIVERSITY LIBRARY „SVETOZAR MARKOVIĆ“, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, tel. 3370-509, www.unilib.bg.ac.rs
RESTORANI U SKADARLIJI – RESTAURANTS IN SKADARLIJA (traditional live music) DVA BELA GOLUBA**, Bulevar despota Stefana 3, tel. 323-9079 DVA JELENA ****, Skadarska 32, tel. 323-4885 IMA DANA****, Skadarska 38, tel. 323-4422 ŠEŠIR MOJ, Skadarska 21, tel. 322-8750 TRI ŠEŠIRA****, Skadarska 29, tel. 324-7501 ZLATNI BOKAL***, Skadarska 26, tel. 323-4834
INTERNACIONALNA I NACIONALNA KUHINJAINTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL CUISINE BUSSINES CLUB „JELENA”, Generala Šturma 1, tel. 3066509 CANTINA DE FRIDA, Karađorđeva 2-4, tel. 2181107 DAKA, Beograd, Hercegovačka 10, tel. 219-7423 DEVETKA, Kneza Višeslava 25, tel. 3559-783 DIVA, Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3, tel. 2202 822 ĐORĐE, Hadži Milentijeva 47 (ulaz iz Moravske 10) tel. 3441-422 EL TORO, Masarikova 5, tel. 3612-429 FRANŠ, Bulevar oslobođenja 18a, tel. 2641-944 GINGER, Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3, tel. 2202- 822 IGUANA, Karađorđeva 2-4, tel. 328-3749 KALEMEGDANSKA TERASA, Kalemegdan bb, tel. 328-3011 KEJ, Kej oslobođenja 11e, Zemun, tel. 307-6866 KLUB KNJIŽEVNIKA, Francuska 7, tel. 2627-931 KOD KAPETANA, Kej oslobođenja 43, Zemun, tel. 2103-950 KOLARAC, Knez Mihailova 46, tel. 2638-972 KOVAČ, Bulevar oslobodjenja 221, tel. 2462-343 KUMBARA, General Ždanova 36, tel. 3906-877 LORENZO&KAKALAMBA, Cvijićeva 110, tel. 3285-351 MADERA, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 43, tel. 3231-332 METROPOLITAN GRILL, Hyatt Regency, Milentija Popovića 5, tel. 301-1140 NA ĆOŠKU, Beogradska 37, tel. 3236-470
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
BELGRADE RESTAURANTS/BEOGRADSKI RESTORANI ORAČ, Makenzijeva 81, tel. 2440-507 PIRE SLOW FOOD, Cara Lazara 11, tel. 2634-994 PLATANI, Kej oslobođenja 45, tel. 2101-401 PROMAYA, Karađorđeva 8a, tel. 2621-494 PUBLIC DINE&WINE, Kosančićev venac 29, tel.328-3680 RESTORAN 27, Istarska 27, tel. 2651-831 RUBIN, Kneza Višeslava 29, tel. 3510-987 SOKAČE, Bulevar vojvode Bojovića bb, tel. 2625- 452 SRPSKA KAFANA, Svetogorska 25, tel. 3247-197 STARA CARINARNICA, Kej oslobođenja 31, tel.2616-930 STARA HERCEGOVINA, Carigradska 36, tel. 324-5856 TABOR, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 348, tel. 2412-464 TALAS, Kej oslobođenja 37, Zemun, tel. 3730-925 TRIBECA, Kralja Petra 20, tel. 328-5566 VUK, Vuka Karadžića 12, tel. 2629-761 ZAPLET, Kajmakčalanska 2, tel.240-4142 ZLATAR, Preradovićeva 9a, tel. 2754-651 (live music) ZLATNIK, Kej oslobođenja35, Zemun, tel. 210- 5565 ZNAK PITANJA „?”, Kralja Petra 16, tel. 2635-421
SPECIJALIZOVANI RESTORANI – SPECIALTIES RESTAURANTS AMPHORA, Bulevar Nikole Tesle bb, tel.2699-789 mediterranean cuisine BALSAC, Strahinjića bana 13, tel.3285-906 french cuisine BELLA ITALIJA “KOD GARIĆA”, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 95, tel. 311-3778 italian cuisine BELLA NAPOLI, Zmaj Jovina 35, Zemun, tel.2198-162 italian cuisine
BYBLOS, Nebojšina 6, tel. tel. 244 19 38, lebanon cuisine CASA, Makenzijeva 24, tel. 3860-866 IKKI BAR, Gospodar Jovanova 46, tel. 2184-183 japanese cuisine INDIAN PALACE, Ljubička 1b, tel. 3446-235 indian cuisine IPANEMA, Strahinjića bana 68, tel. 3283-069 italian cuisine FRESKA, Vuka Karadžića 12, tel. 3284-879 italian cuisine GUŠTI MORA, Radnička 27, tel. 355-1268 sea food MAMMA MIA, Resavska 70, tel. 2687-683 italian cuisine PANE E VINO, Dobračina 6, tel.3036-011 italian cuisine PEKING, Vuka Karadžića 2, tel. 2181-931chinese cuisine PIETRO DELL`ORO, Trnska 2, tel.3447-700 italian cuisine TRAG, Đorđa Jovanovića 2, tel. 3227-495 italian cuisine VILLA CLUB 69, Krunska 69, tel. 3442-656 french&italian cuisine ZAPATA, Vojvode Bogdana 13, tel. 3809-207 mexican cuisine
RESTORANI NA VODI - BOAT RESTAURANTS ACAPULCO, Zemunski kej bb, tel.319-6369 , tel.063/7784-760 AMSTERDAM, Kej oslobođenja bb, tel.319-4971 BAHUS, Kej oslobođenja bb, tel.301-5082 ČARDA STARA KOLIBA, Ušće bb, tel.3117-666, 3117-444 DINERS CLUB PRINCIPAL, Ušće bb, tel. 2140-467 KOLIBA, Ušće bb, tel. 311-7444 OTARD, Zemunski kej bb, tel.. 3195-905 PRESTIGE, Bulevar Nikole Tesle bb, tel.2695-308 VODENICA, Bulevar vojvode Bojovića 5b, tel. 2628-250
BELGRADE HOTELS/BEOGRADSKI HOTELI HOTELI – HOTELS HYATT REGENCY BELGRADE, Milentija Popovića 5, tel. 301-1234 METROPOL PALACE BELGRADE, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 69 , tel. 3333-100 PRESIDENT, SC Kovilovo, Zrenjaninski put 170, tel. 2075-200 SQUARE NINE HOTEL BELGRADE, Studenstki trg 9, tel. 3333 500 ZLATNIK, Dobanovačka 95, tel. 3167-511 Crowne Palaza belgrade, Vladimira Popovica 10, tel. 220-4004 BAH – BEOGRAD ART HOTEL,Knez Mihailova 27 tel. 3312-000 BEST WESTERN Hotel M, Bulevar Oslobođenja 56a, tel. 3095-505 BEST WESTERN Hotel Šumadija, Šumadijski trg 8, tel. 3554-255 CRYSTAL, Internacionalnih brigada 9 tel. 715-1000 EVROPA, Sremska 1, tel. 3626-017 88 ROOMS, Takovska 49, tel. 411-9088 IN HOTEL, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 56, tel. 310-5300 FALKENSTEINER HOTEL BELGRADE, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina, tel. 453 2325 JUMP INN, Zagrebačka 2a, tel. 404-9650 LIFE DESIGN, Balkanska 18, tel. 3626-090 MAJESTIC, Obilićev venac 28, tel. 3285-777 fax 3284-995 MAJDAN, Mokroluška 174d, tel. 7466-060 MOSKVA, Balkanska 1, tel. 2686-255 MR.PRESIDENT DESIGN HOTEL, Karađorđeva 75, tel.361-2050 NEVSKI , Venizelusova 24a, tel. 322-9722 PALACE, Topličin venac 23, tel. 2185-585, 2637-222 PRAG - POSLOVNI HOTEL, Kraljice Natalije 27, tel. 321-4444 PRESTIGE, Bulevar vojvode Mišića 24, tel. 3057-465 QUEEN ASTORIA, Milovana Milovanovića 1a, tel. 2645-422 SRBIJA GARNI HOTEL, Brankova 13-15, tel: 2633-323 SLAVIJA LUX, Svetog Save 2, tel. 2450-842 TOWNHOUSE 27, Maršala Birjuzova 56, tel. 2022-900 ZEDER, Vojni put II 164e, Zemun, tel. 3141-400, 3149-808 ZIRA, Ruzveltova 35, tel. 3314-800 AGRO GARNI HOTEL, Kralja Milana 25, tel. 3640-425 BALKAN GARNI, Prizrenska 2, tel.3636-000 BELGRADE CITY HOTEL, Savski trg 7, Beograd, tel. 761 70 23 EXCELSIOR, Kneza Miloša 5, tel. 3231-381 JUGOSLAVIJA, Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3, tel. 4022-222 KASINA, Terazije 25, tel. 3235-574 fax 3238-257 LE PETIT PIAF, Skadarska 34, tel. 3035-858 NACIONAL, Autoput 5, tel. 2601-156 ORAŠAC, Luke Vojvodića 25N, tel. 3055-822 PARK, Njegoševa 4, tel. 3640-385 REX, Sarajevska 37, tel. 361-1862 ROYAL, Kralja Petra 56, tel. 2626-426 SKALA, Zemun, Bežanijska 3, tel. 196-605, 3075-032 SLODES, Borska 92, tel. 3055-518 SRBIJA, Ustanička 127c, tel. 289-0404 TULIP INN , Palmira Toljatija 9 , tel. 2259-813 BEOGRAD, Balkanska 52, tel. 2645-361 BRISTOL, Karađorđeva 50, Belgrade, tel. 2631-895 LAV, Cara Dušana 240, Zemun, tel. 3163-289 SLAVIJA, Svetog Save 1-9, tel. 2450-842 TAŠ, Beogradska 71, tel. 3243-507 TRIM, Kneza Višeslava 72, tel 3540-670
INFORMATION/OPŠTE INFORMACIJE HOTELI U OKOLINI BEOGRADA HOTELS IN BELGRADE`S VICINITY BABE ***, Sopot, M.Milinkovića 3, tel.8260-078 OBRENOVAC**, Obrenovac, Miloša Obrenovića 189, tel. 872-1039 RADMILOVAC **, Smederevski put bb, tel. ) 341 61 40, SUČEVIĆ M ***, Dugo polje 1a, Avalski put, tel. 3907-777 fax. 3907-771
PUTOVANJA - TRAVEL Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” – Airport Nikola Tesla, tel. 209-4444 www.beg.aero Beogradska autobuska stanica - Belgrade Bus Station, Železnička 4, tel. 2636-299, 2627-146 www.bas.co.rs
Međunarodni železnički saobraćaj - International railway transport, tel. 360-2899 Međunarodni autobuski saobraćaj- International bus transport, tel. 2622-526, 2627-146
Saobraćajno preduzeće Lasta – Transport Company Lasta, Niški put 4, tel. 2882-740 www.lasta.co.rs
Železnička stanica Beograd - Railway Station Belgrade, Savski trg 2, tel. 2645-822 www.zeleznicesrbije.com
RENT-A-CAR AVACO RENT A CAR, Avaco – Trnska 7, 11000 Beograd, Srbija, tel. 24 33 797, 34 48 981 Avaco – Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, Beograd, tel. 22 86 434, mob.381 65 535 33 25, Budget, Antifašističke borbe 38, 11000 Beograd, tel. 311 3050 Omniturs, Savski trg 7, Beograd, tel. 761 - 0127 Axiom , Bul.A.Carnojevica 66, tel. 761 - 0127 Skill, Milentija Popovica 9, Sava Centar. tel. 311-3684 Europcar, Bulevar M. Pupina, 10g, tel. 212 03 42 Get Mobile, Zorana Đinđiča 45 v, 11000 Beograd, tel. 313 06 39 UTD, Sava Centar, Milentija Popovića 9, tel. 20 5000 AVIS, Hotel Hyatt Regency, Milentija Popovića 5, Beograd, tel. 313 96 16 HERTZ, Vladimira Popovica 6, tel. 20 28 200 SIXT, Žorža Klemensoa 19, tel. 328 7070
AVIO KOMPANIJE - AIRWAY COMPANIES AIR SERBIA, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17, tel.3232-372, www.airserbia.com AEROFLOT, Knez Mihailova 30/III, tel. 328-6064 www.aeroflot.ru AEROSVIT, Nikole Spasića 3, tel. 3283-430 www.aerosvit.com AIR FRANCE, Knez Mihailova 30/II, tel. 2638-222 www.airfrance.com AL ITALIA, Terazije 43/I, tel. 3245-000 www.alitalia.com AUSTRIAN AIRLINES, Terazije 3/III, tel. 3248-077 www.austrian.com BRITISH AIRWAYS, Knez Mihailova 30/IV, tel. 3281-303 www.britishairways.com CZECH AIRLINES, Kralja Milana 6/I, tel. 3614-592 www.czechairlines.com EMIRATES, Knez Mihailova 30/III, tel./fax. 303-4489 www.emirates.com LUFThANSA, Terazije 3/VII, tel. 3034-944 www.lufthansa.com MONTENEGRO AIRLINES, Knez Mihailova 23/I, tel. 2621-122, www.montenegroairlines.com OLYMPIC AIRLINES, Vasina 14/1, tel. 3036-750 www.olimpicairlines.com Qatar Airways ,Studentski trg 10, tel. 2627-879, www.qatarairways.com
QANTAS, Knez Mihailova 30/III, tel. 2639-166, www.qantas.com.au SINGAPORE AIRLINES, Francuska 17/I, tel. 3035-738, www.singaporeair.rs/ž SRI LANKAN AIRLINES, Trg Nikole Pašića 12/4, tel. 3035-739, www.srilankan.aero SWISS INTERNATIONAL, Terazije 3/VII, tel. 3030-140 ,www.swiss.com TUNISAIR, Skadarska 19/I, tel. 3233-174, www.tunisair.com TURKISH AIRLINES, Knez Mihailova 30/V, tel. 3036-195, www.thy.com
Spring | Proleće 2014 BelGuest
DIPLOMATSKA PREDSTAVNIŠTVA-DIPLOMATIC OFFICES ALBANIJA/ALBANIA, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 25A, tel. 3066-642, fax 2665-439 ALŽIR/ALGERIA, Maglajska 26b, tel. 3671-211 fax 2668-200 ANGOLA/ANGOLA, Vladete Kovačevića 14, tel. 2653-422 fax 2653-424 ARGENTINA/ARGENTINA, Knez Mihailova 24/I, tel. 2623-751 fax 2622-630 AUSTRALIJA/AUSTRALIA, Vladimira Popovića 38-40, 8th floor, tel. 3303-400 fax 3303-409 AUSTRIJA/AUSTRIA, Kneza Sime Markovića 2, tel. 3336-500, 3031-964 fax.2635-606 Konzulat/Consular Section, tel. 3336-593
BELGIJA/BELGIUM, Krunska 18, tel. 3230-018 fax 3244-394 Odelj. za vize/Visa Section, tel. 0800/120-120
BELORUSIJA/BELARUS, Deligradska 13, tel. 3616-938 fax 3616-836 BOLIVIJA/BOLIVIA, -consulate, Slobodana Jovanovića 23, tel./fax 2757-819 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA/ BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, Krunska 9, tel.3241-170 fax 3241-057 Konzulat/Consular section, tel.3038-204
BRAZIL/BRAZIL, Krunska 14, tel. 3239-781 fax 3230-653 BUGARSKA/BULGARIA, Birčaninova 26, tel. 3613-980 fax 3611-136 Konzulat/Consular section, Hadži Milentijeva 69, tel.3446-454
CRNA GORA/MONTENEGRO, Užička 1, tel. 2668-975, fax 3699-546 ČEŠKA/CZECH REPUBLIC, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 22, tel. 3230-133 fax 3236-448 ČILE/CHILE-consulate, Tomaša Ježa 16-20, tel./fax 2459-974 DANSKA/DENMARK, Neznanog junaka 9a, tel. 3679-500 fax 3679-502 EGIPAT/EGYPT, Andre Nikolića 12, tel. 2650-585 fax 2652-036 EKVADOR/ECUADOR-consulate, Graničarska 8/III, tel./fax. 3440-135 FINSKA/FINLAND, Birčaninova 29, tel. 3065-400 fax 3065-375 FRANCUSKA/FRANCE, Pariska 11, tel. 3023-500 fax. 3023-510 GABON/GABON- consulate, Lomina 48, tel. 3626-147 fax 3626-110 GANA/GHANA, Djordja Vajferta 50, tel. 3440-856 fax 344-0071 GRČKA/GREECE, Francuska 33, tel. 3226-523 fax 3344-746 Konzulat/Consular Section, Strahinjića bana 76, tel. 3341-507
GVINEJA/GUINEA, Ohridska 4, tel./fax 3444-840 HOLANDIJA/ThE NEThERLANDS, Simina 29, tel. 2023-900 fax 2023-999 HRVATSKA/CROATIA, Kneza Miloša 62, tel. 3610-535 fax 3610-032 Konzulat/Consular Section, Sime Lozanića 11, tel. 3670-078 fax 3613-566
INDIJA/INDIA, Ljutice Bogdana 8, tel.2661-029 fax 3674-209 INDONEZIJA/INDONESIA, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 18, tel. 3674-062 fax 3672-984 IRAN/IRAN, Ljutice Bogdana 40, tel. 3674-360 fax 3674-363 ITALIJA/ITALY, Birčaninova 11, tel. 3066-100 fax 3249-413 Odeljenje za vize/Visa Section, Birčaninova 9, tel.3066-169
IZRAEL/ISRAEL, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 47, tel. 3643-500 fax 3643-555 JAPAN/JAPAN, Vladimira Popovića 6, (Genex Apartments), tel. 3012-800 fax 311-8258 KANADA/CANADA, Kneza Miloša 75, tel. 3063-000 fax 3063-042 KINA/CHINA, Avgusta Cesarca 2V, tel. 3695-057 fax 3066-001 Konzulat/Consular Section, Perside Milenković 9, tel. 3693-163
KIPAR/CYPRUS, Generala Save Grujića 18, tel. 3620-002 fax 3621-122 KONGO/CONGO, Moravska 5, tel/fax. 3446-431 KUBA/CUBA, Vukovarska 3, tel. 3692-441 fax 3692-442 LIBAN/LEBANON, Diplomatska kolonija 5, tel. 3675-153 fax 3675-156 LIBIJA/LIBYA, Sime Lozanića 6, tel. 2663-445 fax 3670-805 MAĐARSKA/HUNGARY, Krunska 72, tel. 2440-472 fax 3441-876 Konzulat/Consular Section, Vladete Kovačevića 3, tel. 3691-974
MAKEDONIJA/MACEDONIA, Gospodar Jevremova 34, tel. 3284-924 fax 3285-076 Konzulat/ Consular Section, tel. 3284-967 (except Wednesday)
MALEZIJA/ MALAYSIA, Krajiška 2, tel. 2662-736 fax 3679-080 MAROKO/MOROCCO, Sanje Živanović 4, tel. 369-0288 fax 3690-499 MEKSIKO/MEXICO, Ljutice Bogdana 5, tel. 3674-170, fax 3675-013 MIJANMAR/MYANMAR, Kneza Miloša 72, tel. 3617-165 fax 3614-968 NAMIBIJA/NAMIBIA-consulate, Boška Buhe 220, Grocka, mob.063/1111 450
INFORMATION/OPŠTE INFORMACIJE NEMAČKA/GERMANY, Kneza Miloša 74-76, tel. 3064-300 fax 3064-303 Konzulat/Consular Section, Birčaninova 19a, tel. 3064-400
NORVEŠKA/NORWAY, Užička 43, tel. 367-0404 fax 369-0158 PAKISTAN/PAKISTAN, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 62, tel. 2661-676 fax 2661-667 PALESTINA/PALESTINE, Maglajska 14, tel. 3671-407 fax 3671-336 PAPSKI NUNCIJAT/APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE, Svetog Save 24, tel. 3085-356 fax 3085-216 POLJSKA/POLAND, Kneza Miloša 38, tel. 2065-301 fax 3617-576 PORTUGAL/PORTUGAL, Vladimira Gaćinovića 4, tel. 2662-894 fax 2662-892 REPUBLIKA IRSKA/REPUBLIC OF IRELAND – consulat, Kosančićev venac 2/1, tel. 263-5911 REPUBLIKA KOREJA/REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Užička 32 tel. 3674-225 fax. 3674-229 RUMUNIJA/ROMANIA, Užička 10, tel. 3675-772 fax 3675-771 Konzulat/Consular Section, Miloja Đaka 1c,tel. 3670-798 RUSIJA/RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Deligradska 32, tel. 3611-323 fax 3611-900 Konzulat/ Consular Section, tel. 3613-964
SAD/USA, Kneza Miloša 50, tel. 3619-344, fax 361-5489 SAN MARINO/ SAN MARINO, Makedonska 24/25, tel.3223-509 fax.3374-144 SEJŠELI/SEYCHELLES-consulate, Beogradskog bataljona 42, tel. 3547-309 fax 3547-028 SIRIJA/SYRIA, Aleksandra Stambolijskog 13, tel. 2666-124 fax 3440-221 SLOVAČKA/SLOVAK REPUBLIC, Bulevar umetnosti 18, tel. 2223-800 fax 2223-820 SLOVENIJA/SLOVENIA, Pariska 15, tel. 3038-477 fax 3288-657 ŠPANIJA/SPAIN, Prote Mateje 45, tel. 344-0231 fax 344-4203 ŠRI LANKA/SRI LANKA- consulate, Žanke Stokić 21, tel. 3690-245 fax 369-0243 ŠVAJCARSKA/SWITZERLAND, Birčaninova 27, tel. 306-5820 fax 2657-253 Odeljenje za vize/ Visa Section, tel. 3065-815
ŠVEDSKA/SWEDEN, Ledi Pedžet 2, tel. 2069-200 fax 2069-250 Odeljenje za vize/Visa Section, fax 2069-270 (except Wednesday)
TUNIS/TUNISIA, Vase Pelagića 19, tel. 3690-194 fax 2651-848 TURSKA/TURKEY, Krunska 1, tel. 333-2400 fax 333-2433 UKRAJINA/UKRAINE, Bulevar oslobođenja 87, tel. 3978-987 fax 3978-998 Konzulat/Consular Section tel. 2660-247 VELIKA BRITANIJA/GREAT BRITAIN, Resavska 46, tel. 2645-055, 3060-900 fax 2659-651 UJEDINJENE NACIJE/UNITED NATIONS, Tolstojeva 47-49, tel. 3639-803, fax. 3674-001 EVROPSKA ZAJEDNICA/EUROPEAN UNION, Krunska 73,tel. 3083-200 fax. 3083-201
KONGRESNI CENTAR SAVA - CONGRESS CENTER SAVA Milentija Popovića 9, tel. 220-6060, www.savacentar.net
BEOGRADSKI SAJAM – BELGRADE FAIR Bulevar vojvode Mišića 14, tel. 2655-555, /www.sajam.co.rs
TURISTIČKE AGENCIJE - TOURIST AGENCIES YUTA -Jugoslovensko udruženje turističkih agencija Yugoslav Association of Tourist Agencies Kondina 14, tel. 3228-687, 3228-686 fax 3224-137 www.yuta.rs GLOB METROPOLITEN TOURS, Makenzijeva 26, t el. 2430-852, www.metropoliten.com EXCLUSIVE TOURS, Makedonska 30, tel. 3227-539 www.exclusivetours.co.rs MAGELAN CORPORATION, Novi Sad, Zmaj Jovina 23, tel. 021/6624-823 www.magelan.rs PAN EUROPA ADRIATIC, Bulevar Despota Stefana 33, tel. 3242-187 www.adriatic.co.rs SMART TRAVEL, Svetog Save 43/ I, tel. 2441253, 3087486 www.smart4.co.rs
ŠOPING MOLOVI – SHOPPING MALLS DELTA CITY, Juria Gagagarina 16 MERCATOR, Bulevar Umetnosti TC MILENIUM, Knez Mihajlova 21a UŠĆE Shopping Center, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina ZIRA, Ruzveltova 33
ZLATARE - JEWELERS JOKIĆ JEWELRY&WATCHES, Knez Mihailova 32, tel.2623-862 MAESTRO JEWELERS, Nušićeva 12 a, tel. 334-4459 VITANOV, Vasina 14, RK Beograd, tel. 2181 394 ZLATARNA CELJE, TC Merkator, Bulevar umetnosti 4, tel. 3116-990
MEDICINSKE USLUGE - MEDICAL SERVICES DEŽURNE ZDRAVSTVENE USTANOVE ON-CALL HEALTh INSTITUTIONS KLINIČKI CENTAR SRBIJE, Pasterova 2, 3618-444, 3617-777 APOTEKE - PHARMACIES 00-24h PRVI MAJ, Kralja Milana 9, tel. 3241-349 PRIMA 1, bolnica Sveti Sava, tel. 361-10-88, 361-09-99 SVETI SAVA, Nemanjina 2, tel. 2643-170 ZEMUN, Glavna 34, tel. 2618-582 FARMANEA, Trg republike, tel. 3344-923 BOLNICE - HOSPITALS KLINIČKI CENTAR SRBIJE, Pasterova 2, tel. 361-8444, 361-7777 KLINIČKI CENTAR BEŽANIJSKA KOSA, Bežanijska bb, tel. 3010-777 KLINIKA Dr DRAGIŠA MIŠOVIĆ, Heroja Milana Tepića 1, tel. 2669-955 KLINIKA ZVEZDARA, Dimitrija Tucovića 161, tel. 3806-333 KLINIČKI CENTAR ZEMUN, Vukova 9, tel.2612-616 VOJNOMEDICINSKA KLINIKA, Crnotravska 17, tel. 2661-122
BelGuest Spring | Proleće 2014
PRIVATNE KLINIKE - PRIVATE CLINICS BEL MEDIC General Hospital, Koste Jovanovića 87 tel. 309-1000 EUROMEDIK, Aleksandra Nenadovića 8, tel. 344-8056 JEDRO, Jurija Gagarina 14, tel. 7150-715 KLINIKA PETKOVIĆ, Maglajska 19, tel. 2667-078 MEDICAL CENTER „HBO“, Bulevar Vojvode Stepe 347b, tel. 3972-666 MEDENTA, Novopazarska 14/1, tel: 344-0017 POLIKLINIKA „Dr Ristić“, Novi Beograd, Narodnih heroja 38, tel. 2693-287, 2697-808 SLODENT, Centar za estetsku stomatologiju, Lješka35, Beograd , tel: 3553-088 , 060/3553-088
INTERNACIONALNE ŠKOLE - INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS ANGLO AMERICAN SCHOOL OF BELGRADE, Velisava Vulovića 47, tel. 3675-777 www.aplus.edu.rs BRITANNICA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Užička 21, tel. 367-1557, www.britinterschool.com
BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Smetanina 12, tel.3066-096, www.british-int-school.org.uk
BROOK HILL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Augusta Cesarca 2, tel. 3691-310 www.brookhill.rs
CHARTWELL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Teodora Drajzera 38, tel. 3675-299 www.chartwellinternational.org
DEUTSCHE SCHULE, Sanje Živanović 10, tel. 3693-135, www.dsbelgrad.com ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE, Kablarska 31-35, tel. 3691-762, www.efb.rs INTERNATIONAL NURSERY SCHOOL,Temišvarska 2 , tel.2667-130, www.insb.rs NTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BELGRADE (ISB),Temišvarska 19, tel.206 9999, www.isb.co.rs PADDINGTON SUNFLOWER, English nursery, Belville, tel. 069-750-930 , www.paddingtonsunflower.com
PRIMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Kvarnerska 4, tel. 369-3060,www primainterschoolbelgrade.com Российская школа в Белграде, Bulevar umetnosti 28, tel. 2163-883, www.serbschool.ucoz.ru
SPORT FUDBALSKI STADIONI - FOOTBALL STADIUMS GRADSKI STADION ZEMUN, Ugrinovačka 80, Zemun, tel. 3196-057 OMLADINSKI STADION (OFK “Beograd”), Mije Kovačevića 10, tel. 3292-340 STADION FK “CRVENA ZVEZDA”, Ljutice Bogdana 1, tel. 3672-060 STADION JNA (FK “PARTIZAN”), Humska 1, tel. 3227-181 STADION FK “OBILIĆ”, Gospodara Vučića 189, tel. 3807-426 STADION FK “RAD”, Crnotravska 4, tel. 3671-267 BAZENI - SWIMMING POOLS BANJICA, Crnotravska 4, tel. 2667-999 25. MAJ, Tadeuša Košćuškog 63, tel. 2622-866 11. APRIL, Auto-put 2, tel. 2671-547 KOŠUTNJAK, Kneza Višeslava 72, tel. 7551-353 OLIMP, Vjekoslava Kovača 11, tel. 2412-353 TAŠMAJDAN, Ilije Garašanina 26, tel. 324-0901 GOLF KLUB – GOLF CLUB GOLF KLUB BEOGRAD, Ada Ciganlija 2, tel.3056-837 fax 3551-559 www.golfclub.co.rs JP ADA CIGANLIJA Ada Ciganlija 2, tel. 3544-634 HIPODROM - HORSE RACING TRACK, BRC HIPODROM, Paštrovićeva 2, tel. 354-6835