Fall/Winter Sanford Magazine 2023

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HEAD OF SCHOOL Mark J. Anderson 2022–2023 SANFORD SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES R. Jason Russell President Lisa Lloyd-Washington Vice President Katherine G. Rosenthal Secretary Susan Keiser Treasurer Desmond A. Baker Barry Davis Theodore H. Dwyer III Todd Flubacher Chai Gadde Laura Giardina Christopher T. Grundner Diane S. Kedash James V. McKeon Kenny Mitchell ’93 Linda Risk Harry Schiavi Scott J. Sherr ’87AA Ryan Struthers ’06 Stanley R. Sykora EX-OFFICIO Mark J. Anderson Head of School Rebecca Wasniewski Home & School Association President TRUSTEES EMERITI Thomas J. Allingham II John A. Corrozi, Sr. L. Sandra Hammonds William M. Lafferty Sharon M. Struthers SPECIAL COUNSEL TO THE BOARD Thomas J. Allingham II STAFF Director of Marketing & Communications Lucy Benson ‘13 Associate Head of School for Advancement Jaime Morgan ‘02 Photography Ted Rosenthal/Izmaddy Studios Molly Schlachter Sanford Community Members Design Kedash Design K Special Thanks to Sophie Desai ’24 6DQIRUG 6FKRRO &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2IÀFH 6900 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707 302.235.6500 communications@sanfordschool.org www.sanfordschool.org On the cover: Dallas Pierce ’23 celebrates her 1000th FDUHHU SRLQW LQ WKH ÀQDO PRPHQWV RI WKH DIAA State Championship.


A few years ago, Sanford created the Bill Sawin ‘45 Head of School office in Quigley Hall. My office is in the room that once served as a sleeping porch during Sanford’s boarding school days. From my office window, I have a view of the Quad and much of our beautiful campus. The most stunning view from this space is the beech tree, with its lush leaves that turn a cranberry color in the fall. I often gaze at that tree and reflect on the countless generations of Sanford students who have enjoyed its shade while relaxing at its base, where its strong roots extend beneath the earth. Recently, I learned an interesting fact from Sanford facilities manager Kevin Needham: the roots of a tree are roughly equal in size to its branches. A mature tree with branches that spread high and wide has a large network of roots that embed the ground to support the tree’s height and vitality. While a tree’s branches, leaves, and flowers catch our attention and eye, the roots provide the nutrients that help the tree be healthy and strong. Sanford’s legacy, spanning the past 93 years, is our roots. Sanford’s alumni, former teachers and leaders, and alumni parents... you are part of the structure that keeps our school healthy and strong. Today’s students and teachers are our branches, leaves, and flowers - still expanding across the changing of the seasons. This fall, we honored former Sanford Upper School Dean of Students and former Head Boys’ Basketball Coach Stan Waterman with our 2023 Founder’s Day Award. At the ceremony, I had the pleasure of speaking with our student body about our founder, Ellen Q. Sawin, and her extraordinary vision for Sunny Hills and Sanford School. Stan Waterman, like so many others before him, was a continuation of the legacy Mother Sawin began back in 1930. Sanford’s roots go deep and remain strong. The stories in this magazine highlight the growth and success of our students and school. As proud of this trajectory as we are, school leaders readily recognize that there is still work to be done. This fall, the Sanford Board of Trustees approved our latest strategic plan: “Branching Out. Growing Together.” To read more about our exciting strategic direction, please see pages 7 and 8. Every person reading this magazine is part of the root structure of our special school. As we approach Sanford’s 100th anniversary in just a few short years, I thank you for helping our school to continue to grow stronger each and every year.

Warmly, y, Mark Anderson d son n Head of School

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