Stool-basedscreeningsandcolonoscopiesdetectchangesinyourcolonbeforeyouhave symptoms–findingsignsofcolonandrectalcancerearlywhentheyaremosttreatable. Adultsshouldstartscreeningatage45orearlieriftheyhavesymptomsorafamilyhistory ofcolorectalcancer.Talktoyourprimarycareprovideraboutgettingscreened.
Buena Vista Ski Area to hold Spring Roundup
BEMIDJI — Buena Vista Ski Area will hold several Spring Roundup events this weekend, March 7-9, at 19600 Irvine Ave. NW.
In honor of Buena Vista’s 75th Anniversary Celebration, Mayor Jorge Prince will conduct a ribbon cutting on skis at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the ski area, a release said.
Northwoods Habitat for Humanity will also be onsite from noon to 4 p.m. selling raffle tickets for a She Shed to raise money for the community.
From 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Buena Vista will host an art class with Amara Bedford on the third floor of the chalet.
The class is limited to eight people and the cost is $25 per person. For more information, call or text Amara at (215) 983-1664.
Buena Vista will be open for skiing and snowboarding with a Friday Night Under the Lights special from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday, March 7. On Sat urday, March 8, it will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The ski area will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 9. Sunset specials on ski or snowboard rental will be available from 3 to 6 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday.
Anishinaabe artist Melissa Fowler for a live demonstration and artist talk from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the History Center, 130 Minnesota Ave. SW. Fowler will present an artist talk at 11 a.m., sharing her creative journey and the cultural significance of her work.
A 2025 recipient of the Minnesota Historical Society’s Native American Artist-in-Residence Encouragement Award, Fowler specializes in beadwork, textiles and birchbark artistry. She is the co-owner of Creatively Indigenous, based in Cumberland, Wis., on the St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin reservation.
A member of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa with ties to Fond du Lac and Red Cliff, she has spent more than 15 years reconnecting with
Snow tubing is also available from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday with an online reservation.
For more information about these events, call (218) 243-2231 or visit the Buena Vista Ski Area Facebook page or website at www.bvskiarea.com.
Anishinaabe artist Melissa Fowler to present at BCHS BEMIDJI — The Beltrami County Historical Society will host
Anishinaabe traditions through art. Fowler’s work blends traditional and contemporary Indigenous materials and techniques. Her recent projects include birchbark medallions, intricate beadwork pieces and a women’s jingle dress designed to honor two-spirit identity and cultural diversity. She views art as an essential tool for cultural revitalization and healing, a release said.
“As an Indigenous Anishinaabe traditional artist, I find so much healing in art,” Fowler said in the release. “Science is finally catching up to what our people have always known — there is powerful medicine in creativity. Traditional art allows us to heal individuals, families, and communities and it is vital that we continue sharing these stories.”
Attendees will have the
opportunity to watch Fowler demonstrate her beadwork and birchbark techniques throughout the day and purchase her art.
This event is offered as part of the Historical Society’s Art is HERstory series on the history of women’s rights. The yearlong series explores the struggles, triumphs and ongoing challenges women face in the pursuit of equality and justice and highlights their enduring relevance in our community and beyond.
The Art is HERstory programs are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Region 2 Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Historical Society
at (218) 444-3376 or via email at depot@beltramihistory.org.
Bemidji Senior Center to offer March pedicure foot care clinic
BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Senior Center will host a pedicure foot care clinic from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays, March 12 and 26, at the senior center, 216 Third St. NW.
Participants will be able to receive nail trimming and other foot care, a release said. The cost is $35 for members and $40 for non-members. Walk-ins are welcome. To make an appointment, call Registered Nurse Marina Verke at (802) 579-9597.
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By Adam Thomlison TV Media
Q: I’ve been a committed viewer of “Pit Bulls & Parolees” since they started out in California. Will the show ever come back?
A: Unfortunately, it seems that “Pit Bulls & Parolees” is gone for good this time. The Animal Planet (and later Discovery Channel) series was one of those reality shows that never really stuck to a regular schedule — sometimes more than a year would pass between seasons, sometimes only months.
It’s been off the air since 2022, after the end of its 19th season. But both the network and series star Tia Torres of the Villalobos Rescue Center (VRC), now based in Louisiana, have confirmed that it won’t be back for a 20th.
Discovery billed it as the “final season” ahead of its debut. Meanwhile, Torres took to the official VRC Facebook account to say that it was a “business thing” — the result of Discovery being bought by Warner Bros. and its schedule getting reorganized. Fans can still follow Torres on a plethora of online platforms. In the same message where she announced the end of “Pit Bulls & Parolees,” she
Community contra dance set for March 8 at Rail River Folk School
BEMIDJI — Bemidji Contra Dance will host a community contra dance at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at Rail River Folk School, 303 Railroad St. SW.
Contra dancing is a lively, traditional social dance that originated in New England and is now done all over the United States, a release said.
The community is invited to dance to live music by O’Neil Family Band of East Grand Forks with calling by Wendy Greenburg, the release said.
Everything is taught by the caller and experience or partners will not be necessary. All ages are welcome.
A free-will donation of $5 to $10 is suggested but any amount is accepted.
The first hour will be dedicated to dances for young families.
For more information, visit the Bemidji Contra Dance Facebook page.
BCHS to host beaded earrings workshop
KELLIHER — The Beltrami County Historical Society will continue its Art is HERStory series with a beaded earrings workshop from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the North Beltrami Community Center, 220 Main St. E in Kelliher.
Acclaimed Anishinaabe artist Neegonee Diaz, with assistance from her daughter and artist-in-residence, Francisca Diaz, will teach participants traditional and contemporary beading techniques while exploring the cultural significance of beadwork as a form of selfexpression and healing, a release said.
Attendees will have the opportunity to create a pair of beaded earrings. No prior experience is necessary.
Neegonee Diaz is a Pine Point, Minn. resident. She has been creating art since childhood and finds immense joy in sharing her craft with her four daughters, the release said.
“For Neegonee, beading is more than just an art form — it’s a way to relieve stress, find peace and express herself without words,” explained the release. “She is passionate about teaching others and fostering a love of creativity within her community.”
Her daughter, Francisca Diaz, is a talented 13-yearold artist specializing in beaded jewelry and rawhide belt-making. In addition to her artistry, Francisca enjoys crocheting, building model houses and playing sports yearround. She takes great pride in teaching others her craft and looks forward to sharing her skills with workshop
This workshop is free and open to the public, but registration is required as space is limited to 10 participants. To register, visit beltramihistory.org/ calendar.
This event is offered as part of the Historical Society’s Art is HERstory series on the history of women’s rights. The yearlong series explores the struggles, triumphs and ongoing challenges women face in the pursuit of equality and justice and highlights their enduring relevance in our community and beyond.
The Art is HERstory programs are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Region 2 Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
For more information, contact the Historical Society at (218) 444-3376 or
via email at depot@beltramihistory.org
Paul Bunyan Transit community feedback survey launches March 10
BEMIDJI — Paul Bunyan Transit encourages the public to fill out a community feedback survey starting Monday, March 10, to help the agency make improvements to its service.
The survey seeks feedback to help the transit agency understand the need for and improve the public transit service in Beltrami County and the city of Bemidji, Roseau County (including the cities of Roseau and Warroad) and Lake of the Woods County (including Baudette).
The survey will be open through March 24 and takes about five minutes to complete, a release said.
“We want to hear from both current riders and
members of the public who don’t currently use the service,” Executive Director Lezlie Grubich said in the release. “Ridership history provides valuable information, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Community input is crucial for us to understand how we can best serve everyone.”
The survey allows members of the public to voice their needs, support a more sustainable and
efficient transportation network, and help PBT identify gaps in the current transportation system. To complete the survey, visit surveymonkey. com/r/PBTransit. Paper copies of the survey will be available on Paul Bunyan Transit buses.For more information about the community transit survey, please email survey@paulbunyantransit. com or call (218) 441-5138.
Bemidji Senior Center to offer March
BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Senior Center will offer bingo at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 11 and 25, at the senior center, 216 Third St. NW.
The event is free and open to the community.
“You don’t have to be a senior to play,” a release said.
For more information, call the center at (218)
751-8836. Lakeside Bible Study to meet Thursday nights
BEMIDJI — The Lakeside Bible Study group will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday nights in the Beltrami Electric Community Room, 4111 Technology Drive NW. Lakeside Bible Study is a small group led by Max Taylor that offers spiritual support and Biblical
teaching from a Baptistic perspective for anyone in the Bemidji area, a release said.
The group’s goal is to “focus our attention on Christ as we meet together for study, conversation, prayer and singing hymns,” the release explained. For more information, follow the Lakeside Bible Study channel on the Telegram app at tinyurl. com/lakesidebiblestudy.
BEMIDJI — The Parkinson’s Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, at Sanford Health Windsong, 1010 Anne St. NW.
“We will have an open floor and an opportunity to get acquainted with others in our group,” a release said. “Also bring
any information you want to share with the group concerning Parkinson’s disease.”
The group meets at 2 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the same location.
For more information, contact (218) 760-8266.
Bemidji State to offer Beaver Happy Hour event for alumni
Bemidji State Alumni and Foundation will offer a Beaver Happy Hour event from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, at Keg N’ Cork for alumni and friends.Beaver Happy Hours provide an opportunity for all community members to connect with Alumni and Foundation staff and others in attendance, make meaningful contacts and build camaraderie around all things BSU, a release said.
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Friends of Lake Bemidji State Park set to meet March 13
BEMIDJI — The public is invited to join the Friends of Lake Bemidji State Park at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of the month in the visitor center of the main State Park building, 3401 State Park Road NE.
The next meeting is set for March 13. The Friends group provides funds for and volunteers at many park projects and events.
“Join us in making a positive difference in our beautiful park,” a release said.
For more information, contact the state park at (218) 308-2300.
Senior Center to host digital literacy workshops
CLEARBROOK — The Clearbrook-Leonard
Senior Center is set to host several events throughout the area in March as part of its Digital Literacy Workshop Series.
An “iPhone and iPad Basics” workshop will be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, at the Bagley American Legion. This workshop is specific to Apple mobile devices and the iOS operating system.
Learners are encouraged to bring their Apple devices to the workshop, as the class will be doing
hands-on activities to build confidence in using the devices.
“Learners will find out about using touch gestures and discover common apps,” a release said. “A primary objective of this workshop is for learners to increase their confidence in their ability to use their devices easily and safely.”
A “Cybersecurity Basics” course will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, at the Bagley Library.
This workshop is designed to introduce internet users to basic safety when they visit websites, create passwords and receive emails and other communication from potential fraudsters, the release said. The objective of the workshop is for learners to increase confidence in their ability to engage online while staying safe from scams and fraud.
Members of the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office will share about the specific threats occurring in the county and region.
A second “iPhone and iPad Basics” workshop will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 27, at the Clearbrook-Leonard Senior Center.
“All workshops have been professionally
designed with easy-tounderstand instructions and hands-on activities, where everyone learns something new,” the release said. Additionally, there will be free one-on-one digital literacy mentoring sessions offered on Thursday afternoons at the senior center. Sessions will be available at 1:30 p.m. on March 13, 1 p.m. on March 20, and 1:30 p.m. on March 27. Attendees can bring their devices, questions, concerns or issues and get help finding answers. For more information, contact clearbrookseniorcenter@gmail.com.
These workshops and mentoring are funded through a national grant awarded to the Clearbrook-Leonard Senior Center in collaboration with the National Council on Aging and AT&T. Park Rapids Friendly Squares to host dance
PARK RAPIDS — The Park Rapids Friendly Squares will host a dance from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, March 14, at the Century School, 501 Helton Ave. The caller will be Tom Allen.
Spectators are welcome. A potluck will be held after the dance. For more information, contact Karen at (218) 252-3853.
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