Ganesh Haloi recent works by
Ganesh Haloi recent works by
evˉ͇ei Q›`
Bengal Gallery of Fine Arts 28 August - 8 September 2013
Ganesh Haloi recent works by
evˉ͇ei Q›`
Published by
Bengal Gallery of Fine Arts House 42 . Road 16 (New) . Sheikh Kamal Sarani Dhanmondi . Dhaka 1209 . Bangladesh Phone: +[880 2] 8123115, 9113115 Fax:+[880 2] 9146111 Email: Web:
Design Emon / Bengal Foundation
Printing Oboni Printers Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh
supported by
fviZe‡l©i mgKvjxb wkí-Av‡›`vj‡bi wewkó e¨w³Z¡ M‡Yk nvjyB| Rb¥ Zuvi evsjv‡`‡ki Rvgvjcy‡i| ˆkke I ˆK‡kvi †K‡U‡Q Rvgvjcy‡i| †mRb¨ GB ˆkkeˉ§„wZ I gvwUi Uv‡b wZwb wd‡i wd‡i Av‡mb Rvgvjcy‡i| Rvgvjcy‡ii b`x, wbmM© I gvbyl Zuvi ˉ§„wZ‡Z D¾¡j| Rb¥f‚wg †Q‡owQ‡jb Pwjø‡ki `k‡Ki AwšÍg ch©v‡q| †mB mg‡qi Rvgvjcyi Avi GB mg‡qi Rvgvjcy‡i `yˉÍi dvivK| Rxebhvcb I ˆ`bw›`bZvi cÖej Pv‡c KZ bv cwieZ©b PZz®úv‡k¦©| ZeyI GB m„Rbkxj gvbylwU‡K wbZ¨w`b nbb K‡i ˆkkeˉ§„wZ Avi ˆK‡kv‡ii eÜzR‡bi gyL| KZ bv ˉ§„wZ i‡q‡Q Zuv‡`i m‡½| cÂv‡ki `k‡K KjKvZv AvU© K‡j‡R wk¶vMÖn‡Yi ci M‡Yk nvjyB bvbv PovB-DZivB Ges msMÖvg K‡i L¨vwZgvb n‡q I‡Vb| Zuvi m„R‡bi PvwiwÎK ˆewkó¨ n‡q I‡V wfbœagx©| Zuvi wkí‡ev‡a wZwb hy³ K‡ib bexb gvÎv| cÂv‡ki `k‡K Zuvi my‡hvM n‡qwQj ARšÍvi cÖwZwjwc iPbvi| cuvP eQi GB cÖwZwjwc iPbvi KvR Ki‡Z wM‡q Zuvi m„Rb, wkí‡ev‡a m„wóaviv n‡q I‡V †eŠ× `k©‡bi cÖfv‡e GK Abycg m„wó| RxebcÖev‡n I †mŠ›`h©a¨v‡b DcwiD³ `k©‡bi cÖfve c‡o| Zuvi m„wó‡Z wbm‡M©i AšÍi-†mŠ›`‡h©i bvbv w`K D‡b¥vwPZ nq| Zuvi wbmM©‡eva KZ m~², Zxeª I ms‡e`bgq Zv Zuvi m„wó‡Z `y¨wZgq n‡q aiv c‡o‡Q| wewfbœ gva¨‡g wZwb Zuvi Abyf‚wZ‡K Zz‡j a‡i‡Qb| weg~Z© Abya¨v‡b a„Z GB Abyfe wkíx‡K GK e¨wZμgx wkíx‡Z cwiYZ K‡i‡Q| GB m„Rbavivi ga¨ w`‡q wZwb GLb fviZe‡l©i AMÖMY¨ wkíx| †e½j M¨vjvwi Av‡qvwRZ Ôevˉ͇ei Q›`Õ kxl©K GB cÖ`k©bxi wPθ”Q GKw`‡K msMx‡Zi ¸Yvewjmg„× Ab¨w`‡K ü`‡q Av‡jvob I So †Zv‡j| myexi †PŠayix cwiPvjK †e½j M¨vjvwi Ae& dvBb AvU©m&
Untitled - 70 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
M‡Yk nvjyBi mv¤úÖwZK weg~Z© Qwe g„Yvj †Nvl
M‡Yk nvjyB cÖavbZ wbm‡M©i wkíx| GUvB Zuvi cÖv_wgK cwiPq| wKš‘ GUvB me bq| wbm‡M©i mvivrmv‡ii †Luv‡R μ‡gB wZwb iƒcveqe‡K Abycy•LewR©Z mvi‡j¨i w`‡K wb‡q †M‡Qb| cÖK…wZi `„wóMÖvn¨ AvcvZ-ˉ^iƒc `ªexf‚Z n‡q wbieq‡ei w`‡K †M‡Q| ÔiƒcÕ‡K Aiƒ‡ci w`‡K wb‡q †h‡Z †P‡q‡Qb wZwb| M‡o Zz‡j‡Qb cÖK…wZwbf©i weg~Z© wP‡Îi we‡kl GK Avw½K| †mB weg~‡Z©i †fZiI wZwb mÄxweZ ivL‡Z †c‡i‡Qb evsjvi cÖK…wZ I Rxe‡bi iƒc-im-MÜ| ˉ^‡`k-†PZbvq `xß weg~Z© wP‡Îi GB †h we‡kl AwfÁvb, GUvB 1960-Gi `kK-cieZx© fviZxq wPÎKjvq M‡Yk nvjyBi cÖavb Ae`vb| Avwek¦ wk‡íi avivevwnKZv‡ZI Zuvi iƒ‡ci G D™¢veb we‡kl ¸iæ‡Z¡i m‡½ we‡ewPZ nIqvi †hvM¨| wKš‘ ïayB iƒ‡ci Rb¨ iƒcvq‡Yi PP©v wZwb K‡ibwb KL‡bv| Zuvi mgˉÍ m„R‡bi †cÖ¶vc‡U KvR K‡i GK `vk©wbK cÖÁv| Gi A‡bK Dr‡mi g‡a¨ GKwU Drm †eŠ× `k©b| ˆkke †_‡K wbišÍi bvbv e¨w³MZ I mvgvwRK msNv‡Zi †fZi w`‡q wZwb eo n‡q D‡V‡Qb| μgvš^‡q GB Av‡jvob‡K kwgZ K‡i wb‡Ri †fZ‡i GKwU a¨v‡bi
†K›`ª ˆZwi K‡i‡Qb wZwb| †mB c~Y©Zvi †eva †_‡KB DrmvwiZ nq Zuvi wkí| Ôwk‡í NvUwZi †Kv‡bv ˉ’vb †bBÕ e‡j‡Qb wZwb| Zuvi wek¦vm GK DØ„‡Ëi Z‡Ë¡, hv fviZxq Ges A‡bKUv ivexw›`ªK| Zuvi fvlvq ÔKjwm f‡i †M‡j Kvjv †i‡q DcwQ‡q †h R‡ji aviv eq Ñ ZvB nj wkí|Õ (†hvMm~Î cwÎKv, RyjvB-†m‡Þ¤^i 1995)| GB DØ„‡Ëi †fZi w`‡qB `ytL Avb‡›` iƒcvšÍwiZ nq| GB Av‡jvwKZ Avb‡›`iB cÖKvk N‡U Zuvi wk‡í| cÖK…wZi AšÍjx©b R¨vwgwZK mvij¨ wb‡q †Lj‡Z †Lj‡Z wZwb ˆZwi K‡i‡Qb wbm‡M©i A‰bmwM©K Q›`| GB cÖ`k©bxi Qwe¸‡jv‡Z Avgiv †mB Q‡›`iB wewPÎ cÖKvk †`wL| G¸‡jv A‡bKUv Zuvi AvZ¥K_‡bi g‡Zv| †hb GKvšÍ m‡½vc‡b wb‡Ri m‡½ wb‡R K_v ej‡Qb ˆbtk‡ã¨i fvlvq| †KejgvÎ †iLv I QvqvZ‡ci wewfbœ wef‡½ I weˉÍv‡i| mn‡Ri GB mËvq †cuŠQ‡Z Zuvi A‡bK mgq †j‡M‡Q| A‡bK weeZ©‡bi ga¨ w`‡q, cÖK…wZi wek`‡K mij Ki‡Z Ki‡Z wZwb GLv‡b †cuŠ‡Q‡Qb| Zuvi wPÎcÖwZgvi †mB weeZ©‡bi w`‡K Avgiv GKUz c‡i Avme| Zvi Av‡M GLv‡b cÖ`wk©Z mv¤úÖwZK
wPÎgvjvwUi wbweo wbix¶‡Yi †Póv Kie| GB wPÎgvjvi AwaKvsk QweB wZwb Gu‡K‡Qb 2012 mv‡j| wKQy Qwe Av‡Q 2009 †_‡K 2011-i g‡a¨ AuvKv| Avi Aí K‡qKwU, †MvUv Pv‡iK Qwe Av‡Q 2004 I 2005 mv‡ji| Aˉ^”Q Rjis ev †Mvqvk gva¨‡gi GB K‡qKwU Qwe‡Z Avgiv cvB Zuvi cwiYZ c‡e©i wbm‡M©i weg~Z©vq‡bi Abya¨vb| GB Qwe KwU‡K †cÖ¶vc‡U †i‡L Avgiv hw` Zuvi †iLva„Z A‰bmwM©K Q‡›`i mv¤úÖwZK wPÎgvjvi w`‡K ZvKvB, Zvn‡j Zuvi weeZ©‡bi iƒc‡iLvi wKQy Avfvm Abyaveb Ki‡Z cvwi| †evSvi †Póv Ki‡Z cvwi cÖK…wZi `„k¨gvb ˉ^iƒc‡K iƒcvšÍwiZ K‡i †Kgb K‡i wkíx Zuvi A‰bmwM©K Q›`wU‡K ïay RvwM‡q Zz‡j‡Qb| wbmM©‡K msMxZgq GK A‰bmwM©K Q‡›` D™¢vwmZ K‡i‡Qb| GB Qwe¸‡jv Rjis gva¨‡g Zzwji Uv‡b AuvKv| KL‡bv KL‡bv Kvwj-KjgI e¨envi K‡i‡Qb| †iLvq iƒce× K‡i‡Qb wewfbœ R¨vwgwZK AvKvi| KL‡bv ev ïay †iLvB bvbv wef‡½ mÂigvb n‡q‡Q| nvjKv †Uvb ev QvqvZcI e¨envi K‡i‡Qb KL‡bv KL‡bv| wP·¶‡Îi ïå k~b¨Zvi g‡a¨ Qwo‡q †_‡K‡Q GB R¨vwgwZK ms‡KZ¸‡jv| Zviv RvwM‡q Zz‡j‡Q wbm‡M©i cwie¨vß ˉ§„wZ| Zv †Kv‡bv wbw`©ó wbmM© bq, †mB ˉ§„wZI weg~Z©| `k©K wbRˉ^ ˉ^vaxbZvq bvbv iƒ‡ci Avfvm Avwe®‹vi Ki‡Z cv‡ib Zvi g‡a¨| wkíxi ˉ^vaxbZvi m‡½ `k©‡Ki ˉ^vaxbZvi ms‡hvM N‡U| wkí †Zv memgqB GK ˉ^vaxbZvi wbg©vY| GB wPÎgvjvq †mB ˉ^vaxbZvB mvsMxwZK Q‡›`i bvbv D™¢v‡m †KejB wbwg©Z, wewbwg©Z I cybwb©wg©Z n‡Z _v‡K| GB Qwe¸‡jv Gfv‡eB ˉ^vaxbZvi ga¨ w`‡q weg~Z© Q‡›`i GK AwfÁvb M‡o †Zv‡j| wbmM©-ˉúw›`Z weg~‡Z©i GB A‰bmwM©K Q‡›`i AwfÁvbB mgKvjxb wPÎKjvq GB wkíxi †kÖô Ae`vb| 1987-i b‡f¤^i gv‡m KjKvZvq AbywôZ n‡qwQj Ô†gUv‡ˉ‹cÕ wk‡ivbv‡g Zuvi GKwU GKK| †Mvqvk gva¨‡g †mLv‡b Gu‡KwQ‡jb mRj I k¨vgj cÖvq wbR©b GK f‚L‡Ði wbmM©| cÖK…wZi GK msMxZgq iƒc aiv c‡owQj †mLv‡b| wbQK cÖK…wZi cÖwZiƒc Qvwo‡q wfbœZi GK m‡Z¨ †cuŠQ‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb wkíx| GB cÖZ¨qB Av‡iv m¤ú~Y©Zvi w`‡K GwM‡q‡Q 1989-Gi cÖ`k©bx‡Z| GB cÖ`k©bx‡ZB wkíxi ZË¡wek¦ m¤ú~Y© Av`j †cj| gvV, b`x, AvKvk, MvQ, c_NvU BZ¨vw` wgwj‡q wbm‡M©i mgˉÍ AvfvmB i‡q‡Q, wKš‘ Zv‡`i weˉÍ…Z †Kv‡bv eY©bv †bB| wbh©vmUzKz i‡q †M‡Q ïay| wbm‡M©i mvivrmvi‡K AvZ¥ˉ’ K‡i Zv n‡q D‡V‡Q ˉ^Zš¿ Abyl‡½i weg~Z© iPbv| wbmM©-wfwËK GB weg~Z©ZvB μ‡g μ‡g Zuvi Qwe‡Z iƒcvšÍwiZ I cwikxwjZ n‡q‡Q| 1992-†Z ÔKbwd¬±Õ wk‡ivbv‡g Zuvi GKwU cÖ`k©bx nq| ˉ’vc‡Z¨i msNvZgq R¨vwgwZ cÖvavb¨ cvq †mLv‡b| 1993-†Z †h cÖ`k©bx n‡jv, Zv‡Z weg~Z©Zv Av‡iv cÖMvp n‡q‡Q| cÖK…wZi Dcwˉ’wZ Aˉúó n‡q weg~Z©Zv cÖvavb¨ †c‡q‡Q| ïay wbm‡M©i wbh©vmUzKz Av‡jvi Avfvi g‡Zv, my‡ii AbyiY‡bi g‡Zv i‡q †Mj| weg~Z©Zvi e¨vcK PP©v ïiæ n‡q‡Q 1940-Gi `k‡Ki wkíx‡`i nv‡Z 1960-Gi `k‡K †cuŠ‡Q| cÖ_g †h K‡qKRb wkíx weg~Z©Zv wb‡q wbweó PP©v K‡i‡Qb Zuv‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg wf Gm MvB‡Zv‡Ð| Gici †mvgbv_ †nvi, ivgKzgvi, ˆmq` nvq`i ivRv, †K wm Gm cvwm°i cÖgyL wkíx weg~Z©Zvi bvbv w`K wb‡q wbweó PP©v K‡ib| cvðv‡Z¨i g‡ZvB GLv‡bI weg~Z©Zvi GKwU aviv mÄxweZ n‡q‡Q wbm©M‡K iƒcvšÍwiZ K‡i| Avi GKwU avivq cÖvavb¨ †c‡q‡Q R¨vwgwZK ˆbe©¨w³KZv| GiB GKwU aviv †M‡Q Zš¿-cÖZxK AvwkÖZ R¨vwgwZKZvi w`‡K| 1950 I 60-Gi `k‡Ki †hme wkíx weg~Z©Zv wb‡q wbweó PP©v K‡i‡Qb, Zuv‡`i g‡a¨ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ RM`xk ˉ^vgxbv_b, eveyivI mv`I‡qje, bvmwib †gvnv‡gvw`, myKvšÍ emy, jvjycÖmv` mvB, M‡Yk nvjyB cÖgyL wkíx| Gu‡`i g‡a¨ M‡Yk nvjyB e¨wZμgx| wbmM©‡K iƒcvšÍwiZ K‡iB wZwb weg~Z©Zvq G‡m‡Qb Ges Amvgvb¨ F×Zvq Awfe¨w³ev`x weg~Z©Zv I R¨vwgwZK weg~Z©Zv‡K wgwj‡q evsjvi mRj-k¨vgj wbmM©‡K iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z Ki‡Z Zv‡K †h A‰bmwM©K R¨vwgwZ Q‡›` D™¢vwmZ K‡i †Zvjv, Gi ga¨ w`‡qB wZwb fvi‡Zi AvaywbK wPÎKjvq GK weij Ae`vb †i‡L‡Qb| Zv n‡jv, weg~Z©Zv‡K †`kxq mswer †_‡K RvwM‡q †Zvjv| Gi ga¨ w`‡qB ˉ^‡`k I we‡k¦i iƒcfvebvi mgš^q mvab K‡i‡Qb wZwb| AvaywbKZvi HwZn¨`xß AvZ¥cwiPq wbg©v‡Y Zuvi G Ae`vb Aweˉ§iYxq| Ôwbm‡M©i A‰bmwM©K Q›`Õ kxl©K G wPÎKjvq Avgiv wkíxi GB AwfÁv‡biB wKQy `„óvšÍ †`wL|
Untitled - 69 Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Ganesh Haloi's recent abstract paintings MrinalGhosh Ganesh Haloi is an artist of nature. That is his domain yet there is a lot more to his work. In search of nature's essence, he redefined simplicity…. Even through the abstract he managed to keep alive Bengal's true soul. This true inspired form of abstract art depicting national fervor is his innate contribution to the post 60s Indian art scene. In accordance with world art's continuous journey towards change, his innovation is vital. He never really tried to encapsulate nature for the sake of its beauty. His creativity flourishes with a sort of philosophizing—notable among them is Buddhist philosophy. He grew up amidst conflict—both personal and cultural. Yet he nurtured a core of meditation inside of him circumventing those clashes. His art stems from that very sense of inward fulfillment. “Art has no space for limitation” he says. He believes in the theory of surplus—which while being acutely Indian is also Rabindrik (of Rabindranath). In his own words, “That flowing water cascading sans any obstruction from a full to the brim vessel is art. ”(Jogsutro Magazine, July-Sep 1995). This excess, this surplus turning pathos into joy emanates from his art. His playful banter with nature's geometric simplicity allowed him to create a supernatural rhythm. The paintings exhibited here showcase that very mystical tempo. In a way, they represent an internal dialogue of the artist. As though he is conversing with his inner self in utmost solitude; in silent verse; with only lines and shadows. This unadorned simplicity took time to master. Nature's sheer enormity became simplified in his work through many evolutions. We will analyze that shift in his work a bit later. For now though, the focus stays on the current exhibition. The majority of the work in display was done in 2012. Some were done between 2009 and 2011. Only a handful (about four), were done in 2004 and 2005. Done in erratic watercolor and Gouache medium, these pieces hint a later abstraction of nature. If we keep these four into consideration and look at his recent work then the path of evolution of his work becomes evident. We can understand how the artist altered the visible innateness of nature and exposed the mystical pulse. The journey is almost musical in its elements. The paintings are in watercolor with some occasional use of ink and pen. Strong lines in geometric patterns or plain straight lines portray his supernatural elements. Light tone or shadows were used too. Geometric clues are scattered over the blank canvas. They evoke the vastness of nature through memory. Yet it is not a specific form of nature that is
remembered, but an abstract one. The audience can interpret that abstraction in their own way. The artist's independent thinking thus collides with the visitor's. Art, as a medium is always an exposition of freedom. These paintings build, rebuild and revolutionize that concept of artistic expression and freedom in an almost musical capacity. Nature inspired abstract rhythmic exposition paintings are thus, the artist's strongest contribution to modern art. In November 1987, he had a solo exhibition titled “Metascape” in Kolkata. In Gouache he painted the uninhabited, empty lush green earth. Nature's musical tone was visible in that too. He attempted to achieve a different sort of truth—not just the prototype of nature. This determined journey towards truth escalated further in his 1989 exhibition. It was here his artistic philosophy was in full bloom. River, sky, trees, streets, open space are all there—but none has a distinct shape or form. Rather, just a hint of their existence remain. This nature- based abstract form was developed slowly and transformed his entire body of work. In 1992 he had a solo exhibition titled “Conflict” where structurally conflicted geometry took precedence. The 1993 exhibition was even acutely aware of its abstract roots. Nature's presence was blurred even further, highlighting the abstract. Like the remaining vibration of music, only the core of nature remained Abstract art as a form was practiced in a wide scale in the 1960s in the hands of the artists from the 1940s. One of the pioneers of the movement was V. S. Gaitonde. Later Somnath Hore, Ram Kumar, Syed Haider Raza, K. C. S. Paniker among others practiced the many facets of abstract art. Like the West, here too a branch focused solely on nature. Another branch focused on geometric objectivity. Those who worked closely on this in the '50s and '60s are Jagdish Swaminathan, Baburao Sadwalob, NasreenMohamedi, Sukanta Bose, Laluprashad Sai, GaneshHaloi. Ganesh Haloi is an exception among them. He arrived at abstract art by transforming nature and with sheer force of conviction blended expressive abstract art and geometric abstract art together showcasing the rural, lush greenery of Bengal and contributed in modern Indian art. His greatest contribution is waking abstract from local form. Through this he bridged the gap between home and abroad. His contribution on forming a modern yet tradition-inspired identity is sincere and crucial. Some memento of this philosophy of his is thus showcased in the exhibition titled Nature's Supernatural Rhythm.
Untitled - 68 Watercolour on paper . 34 x 26 cm . 2012
Untitled - 67 . Gouache on paper . 17 x 26 cm . 2012
Untitled - 66 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 11 cm . 2012
Untitled - 65 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 64 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 63 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 62 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 61 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 60 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 59 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 58 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 57 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 56 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 55 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 54 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 53 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 52 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 51 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 50 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 49 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012 (17)
Untitled - 48 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 47 . Gouache on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 46 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2012
Untitled - 45 . Gouache on paper . 34 x 26 cm . 2012
Untitled - 44 . Watercolor on paper . 34 x 26 cm . 2012
Untitled - 38 . Gouache on paper . 11 x 34 cm . 2011
Untitled - 37 . Watercolor on paper . 34 x 26 cm . 2011
Untitled - 36 . Watercolour on paper . 17 x 27 cm . 2011
Untitled - 35 . Watercolor on paper . 17 x 27 cm . 2011
Untitled - 34 . Watercolour on paper . 20 x 27 cm . 2011
Untitled - 33 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2011
Untitled - 31 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2011
Untitled - 32 . Watercolour on paper . 26 x 34 cm . 2011
Untitled - 29 . Gouacher on paper . 15 x 22 cm . 2010
Untitled - 28 . Watercolor on paper . 22 x 30 cm . 2010
Untitled - 27 . Watercolor on paper . 11 x 12 cm . 2010
Untitled - 26 . Watercolor on paper . 22 x 15 cm . 2010
Untitled - 23 . Gouache on paper . 17 x 26 cm . 2009
Untitled - 22 . Watercolour on paper . 22 x 30 cm . 2009
Untitled - 21 . Watercolour on paper . 32 x 22 cm . 2009
Untitled - 20 . Watercolor on paper . 26 x 18 cm . 2009
Untitled - 19 . Gouache on paper . 30 x 22 cm . 2009
Untitled - 18 . Watercolour on paper . 30 x 22 cm . 2009
Untitled - 17 . Watercolour on paper . 30 x 22 cm . 2009
Untitled - 16 . Watercolour on paper . 30 x 22 cm . 2009
Untitled - 7 . Gouache on paper . 29 x 33 cm . 2005
Untitled - 6 . Watercolour on paper . 29 x 39 cm . 2005
Untitled - 1 . Watercolour on paper . 29 x 33 cm . 2004
Ganesh Haloi Bron: 1936, Jamalpur, Bangladesh.
ARš—v‡Kw›`ªK GBiKg GK¸”Q wPÎ wb‡q 1962 mv‰i KjKvZvi AvwU©w÷ª nvD‡m nq Zuvi wkíxRxe‡bi cÖ_g GKK wPÎ cÖa©bx| Education 1956 : Graduated from the department of Applied Art at Govt. College of Arts and Crafts, Kolkata Solo exhibitions 1962 : Exhibition at Kolkata Artistry House 1967 : Exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts 1987 : Exhibition titled 'Metascape' containing Gouache paintings organized by Chitrakut Gallery, Kolkata, India 1989 : Exhibition of Gouache medium geometrical works of nature organized by Chitrakut Gallery, Kolkata, India 1992 : Exhibition at Kolkata and Delhi jointly organized by Chitrakut Gallery, Kolkata and Alliance Francaise 1993 : Exhibition in Kolkata and Mumbai jointly organized by Chitrakut Gallery, Kolkata and Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India 1997 : Exhibition at 'Gallery Espace', New Delhi 1998 : Exhibition at 'Art World' gallery, Chennai 1998-99 : Exhibition at Chitrakut gallery, Kolkata : Exhibition at Art World gallery, Chennai 2000 : Exhibition at Lakeeren Art Gallery, Mumbai, India 2004 : Exhibition at 'Gallery 88', Mumbai 2005 : Exhibition at 'Art Museum' gallery, Mumbai 2006 : Exhibition at 'Art India' gallery, New York : Exhibition at 'Gallery Espace', New Delhi : Exhibition at Akarprakar Art gallery, Kolkata 2007 : Exhibition at 'Sanskriti' gallery, Kolkata 2011 : Exhibition in Delhi, India, organized by
Akarprakar Art gallery and Art Motif gallery : Exhibition at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India, organized by Akarprakar Art gallery and Patrimonio Art Gallery Major Group Exhibitions 1969 : Exhibition titled 'Bengal Painters Presents' organized by Birla Academy and All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society (AIFACS) 1979 : Exhibition organized by British Paints Gallery, Kolkata 1980 : Exhibition titled 'Four Painters from Bengal' organized by British Paints Gallery, Kolkata 1981 : Re-exhibition of the group exhibition of the 'Four Painters from Bengal' in 1980 at the Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai under the title 'Four Contemporary Artists of Kolkata' 1983-84 : Exhibition by 'Society of Contemporary Artist' at Birla Academy's annual exhibition 1986 : Exhibition titled 'Trends in Bengal Art' in London, UK, jointly organized by 'Commonwealth Institute' and West Bengal Crafts Council. 1990 : Exhibition titled 'Bengal Art Today' organized by Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India 1991 : Exhibition titled 'Multiculturalism and Internationalism through Art' in Melbourne, Australia 1993 : Exhibition titled 'Trend and Image' organized by 'Cima' art gallery, Kolkata : Group exhibition titled 'Indian
Contemporary Art' organized by 'Maya Art Gallery, Hong Kong 1995 : Exhibition titled 'India, Korea and Japan Paintings' in Japan and Korea. : Exhibition titled 'Automan Exhibition' at AIFACS gallery in New Delhi organized by 'Cima' art gallery, Kolkata : Exhibition in New York organized by 'Bose Pacia Modern' gallery : Exhibition titled 'Bombay: An Artist Impression' in Mumbai, organized by Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India : Exhibition titled 'Exhibition of Contemporary Art', organized by 'Chitram Art Gallery', Kochin, India 2003 : Exhibition at 'Gallery Art Motif' in New Delhi 2005 : Exhibition titled 'Four Artists from India' at 'Gallery Mueller and Plate', West Germany Awards 1953 : Silver Medal by Kolkata University in transparent water colour. 1954 : Silver Medal by Kolkata University in oil colour. 1955 : Silver Medal by Kolkata University in print making. : Awarded by 'Latham Foundation' of USA for excellence in poster design 1955-70 : Gold Medal for six times by the Academy
2010 2011
of Fine Arts, Kolkata, India for painting : 'Ramendranath Chakravarty Gold Medal' by Govt. College of Arts and Crafts, Kolkata, for his achievements in Transparent Water Colour : Awarded by the Ministry of Health of the Govt. of India for his 'Family Planning' poster. : Honour by the State Fine Arts Academy of the Govt. of West Bengal, India. : 'Hirachand Dugar Memorial Award' by Rabindrabharati University, Kolkata : Honour by State Fine Arts Academy of the Govt. of West Bengal, India. : Honour by 'Sudrak' at Rabindrasadan Auditorium, Kolkata, India. : Honor by 'Calcutta Painters', Kolkata
Experience 1957-63 : Worked as a Senior Artist in the Department of Archaeology, Government of India, at the Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad, India. 1963-98 : Taught at the Government College of Arts and Crafts, Kolkata Present position Freelance artist