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The business magazine of Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Nov-Dec2013


NEW BRANDING ...take a look at our new style...

pages 26-27

EXPORTERS CLUB ...develop strong links and understanding of international trade...

pages 38

n Energy for business n Tesco encourage the young into retail

InspireContents Editorial and General Enquiries Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce MacLaurin Building, 4 Bishops Square, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9NE 01707 398400 Tel: Fax: 01707 398430 Email: Web: Chief Executive: Yolanda Rugg Publisher Benham Publishing 4th Floor, Orleans House, Edmund St, Liverpool L3 9NG Tel: 0151 236 4141 Fax: 0151 236 0440 Email: Web:

Up Front Herts Chamber Awards 24 Hours Ask the Expert Getting Started Spotlight On New business BCC Awards Chamber Branding Big Interview International Trade

4-12 14-15 17 18 19 20-21 24 25 26-27 28-29 30-31

Ambassador Programme Chamber Policy Business News Forum News Member Spotlight Business Services Chamber Chatter Chamber Events New members Last Word

33 34 35-37 38-39 41 44 45 47 48-49 50

Published November 2013 © Benham Publishing and Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce.

Think Global!

Advertising and Features Karen Hall 0151 236 4141 Tel: Email:

Last month saw the launch of our new brand, adopting the super brand of the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC), with the ‘B’ denoting the vision to grow business, locally, nationally and globally.

Production Manager Fern Badman Tel: 0151 236 4141 Email: Media No. 1387 Disclaimer Inspire is published for Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and is distributed without charge to Chamber members. All correspondence should be addressed to Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. Views expressed in Inspire are not necessarily those of Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission. © 2013. Please note that submitting an article does not guarantee publication. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content. Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us.

We have timed the launch in line with the recent announcement of the accreditation of 21 overseas British Chambers and a new Regional Trade Advisor being employed for accredited chambers within our East of England region to connect businesses with overseas partners within the BCC global network, sharing knowledge of demand for the supply of UK products and services to their overseas businesses. 2014 will be our ‘Year of International Trade’ and we will be stepping up our Program of International Country awareness seminars, and give existing and potential exporters a path into fast growing economies, supported by our partners in UKTI and UK trade and Finance. Our International Team boasts over 53 years of experience, and last year helped ship over £165m pounds worth of goods, and processed over 6600 export documents. In a major international trade survey published by the British Chambers of Commerce recently, the share of businesses who are exporting has risen from 32% to 39%, but highlighted the most common reason holding businesses back is lack of understanding on overseas markets. There is a real need for culture change so that more business and government think global, with a renewed focus on language skills in schools and in the workplace to help business communicate, and creating more incentives for businesses to compete internationally. Yolanda Rugg, Chief Executive Officer, Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce




Nora Senior appointed President of the British Chambers of Commerce The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has announced the appointment of Nora Senior as its new President, succeeding Martyn Pellew who stands down after two years in the post. Nora, who will be the business group’s first female President for ten years, was officially appointed at the BCC’s Annual General Meeting after serving as Vice President since June 2011. She is the Executive Chair for UK Regions of global PR agency Weber Shandwick and has more than 20 years’ experience in the public relations and government affairs sector. Nora has been recognised with a number of business achievement awards including Scottish Businesswoman of the Year. More recently, she was presented with the UK First Woman in the Media Award on 12 June. She said: “The British Chambers of Commerce is a leading voice on all issues relating to business and I look forward to championing its crucial work, which benefits businesses of all sizes and sectors across the UK. There are many issues that still need government attention – particularly around the muchneeded support for international trade and helping young people to join the workforce, both of which are so important if we are to see a sustainable economic recovery. “Together with the support of Chambers of Commerce across the UK, I will be working hard to ensure that the views of the business community are heard at both a local and national level, and will continue to campaign for an enterprise-friendly environment so that existing and new businesses can thrive. “At this crucial time for the UK economy, Chambers of Commerce are more important than ever. They act as a front door in every town and city across the UK, providing support to businesses directly at the coal face.” Outgoing President Martyn Pellew said: “During my tenure as President, I have worked alongside BCC Director General John Longworth to campaign on behalf of British business. My job has allowed me the privilege of visiting some truly inspiring companies over the last two years, many of whom are finding innovative ways to grow their businesses and increase their workforces. I know that with the help of their local Chambers, these businesses will continue to build on these successes.”




Debenhams Ottaway defends £1/4m parking charge Hertfordshire law firm Debenhams Ottaway LLP successfully defended a St Albans’ company in a £1/4m claim brought by a subsidiary of the Creative Parking Group. The Creative Parking Group, whose clients include Morrisons and Sainsburys, brought the action after it was alleged that the company breached a contract which would have allowed them to generate revenues from parking fines in the central St Albans development of approximately £1/4m. They instructed central London firm Michcon de Reya to bring proceedings in the High Court. The management company was represented by Luke Harrison of Debenhams Ottaway and Timothy Hammond of Tanfield Chambers who filed a Defence and Counterclaim challenging, amongst other things, the legality of parking charges on private land. The parking company subsequently agreed to discontinue its claim. Luke Harrison said “This is a victory for David over Goliath in what was an aggressively fought piece of litigation. It questions the underlying legality of parking charges levied on private land, a question which is still to be decided by a Court because the sums involved, unlike in this case, are normally too low to involve lawyers and detailed legal argument.”

"National Centre for Project Management at the University of Hertfordshire enjoys a very close relationship with the Herts Chamber. We always meet the right people at their events and together we are stronger in supporting local businesses and their growth. If your business is not a chamber member - you are missing out on huge opportunities!" Alex Mortimer, Director of Business Development, NCPM, University of Hertfordshire & Herts Chamber Ambassador

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Regular communication – the key to success When times get difficult, the first business activity to suffer a budget cut, or in some cases a complete cut, is often communication; any type of marketing, advertising or promotion that ensures you have a highly visible presence with your target audiences. While it might deliver a quick win, the longer-term result can create your own downfall: clients and potential clients fail to hear from you or see you, they believe your business may be in trouble, they don’t call, and guess what? You run the risk of going out of business…

Maximise the value of your communication With slightly fewer dark clouds on the horizon, many individuals and businesses will be looking to the New Year with renewed confidence and potentially renewed interest in what you have to sell. So how can you be sure that they’ll choose your business? And how will you get your communications back up to speed, or even started, without breaking the bank? For many the answer may simply be a reactivation of a plan they have mothballed – although in light of the changed business environment a review is always wise. For others, it may require a complete communication restart. Whichever category you fall into, here are some top tips to help you get the most out of your communication spend. Jane Ducarreaux, Director Artizan Communications Limited 01920 466678 – 07738 017313

1 Remember the 7 ‘P’s. The Army has a great phrase: “Proper planning and preparation prevents p*** poor performance.” Blunt, but to the point. Know exactly what it is you are trying to achieve and stay focused. 2 Be clear about your messages and your target audiences. Know what you are trying to say. Know who you are trying to say it to – and then ensure your communication is direct, appropriate to each audience and has a clear call to action.



3 Harness your skills. We can’t all be designers, writers, photographers, strategists. Success lies in playing to your strengths. The most effective use of your time may be to discuss what you want with an outside resource and use their experience to come up with a plan and, if necessary, implement it for you. 4 Be budget conscious and budget realistic. If you don’t have the budget of Apple, don’t expect to have communications that look and feel like Apple. Be realistic about what your business is and what you want to convey, and allocate a considered budget to fund any activities. 5 Commit to regular high quality communication. Make your money work for you. Smaller scale but regular communication is often is much more effective than one-off ad hoc communications.

How do we know? At Artizan Communications, we’ve been helping businesses develop interesting and relevant communication solutions for over 16 years. From small one-off tasks to complete programmes, we help you maximise the effectiveness of your communication to even out the peaks and troughs in your business. To find out how we can help you, call us now on 01920 466678 for an informal, no obligation chat.


In Business Together Working with Groundwork the community charity with a green heart For nearly 30 years, Groundwork has been working with partners to mobilise communities in improving and looking after green spaces in and around towns and cities. They want places to look better, streets to be safer and outside areas to be green and beautiful. Groundwork enable people of all ages to take part in activities together to make the best of where they live. They help to improve job prospects by offering training and employment opportunities. They show people how they can make their homes and workplaces better for the environment and cheaper to run. Every day Groundwork work with our partners to build sustainable communities through joint environmental action. Whether you are looking for a partner to develop and deliver your corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme, want to improve the outdoor area where you work or are looking for volunteering or team building opportunities, Groundwork could be just what you’re looking for. With an increasing focus on CSR and environmental management, companies can enhance their business proposition through partnering with Groundwork. They can offer: • Opportunities to sponsor environmental projects that benefit your local community • Corporate volunteering and team building days that make a difference to local communities

The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce has helped

3,000 work placements for young people in Hertfordshire

6640 export documents processed by our

A team building day at Cedars Park, Hertfordshire with staff from News UK “There is no better delivery partner in this field than Groundwork. They have a first class network of people on the ground. That’s been hugely beneficial to M&S; together we’ve delivered 100 Greener Living Spaces and a legacy programme that is engaging communities and changing the face of green spaces across the UK.” – Mike Barry, Head of Sustainable Development, Marks & Spencer

Whatever your size or budget, we can help to bring your corporate social responsibility agenda to life and help you to deliver on your social and environmental goals.

International Team

£165,137,987.00 value of goods helped to be shipped overseas by the International Team

2681 delegates attending our events during 2013

17329 visitors to our website each month

• Environmental awareness initiatives in the workplace • Landscape design and build for your premises • Work experience and volunteering opportunities for your staff

135 new members join




Chamber Energy explained don’t pay over the odds for your business energy bills

energy market to find the best deal. Allowing Chamber Energy to take care of this process leaves more time available for you to focus your efforts on your core business. What is the process when you contact LSI and how does their service help you get a cheaper price?

How it works for you: 1 A Chamber member contacts LSI to receive their free of charge assessment of current energy bills. 2 LSI will ask the member to sign and return a Letter of Authority (LOA). This LOA does not contractually tie the member to LSI at any time and is merely required by the suppliers to allow LSI to find all the relevant information needed to assist the member with their price comparison. 3 If contract end dates are unknown LSI will contact the member’s energy supplier, find out the dates and will report back to the member. Dependant on when the contracts are due for renewal, the process could now move to 4a or 4b.

The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce has partnered with LSI Independent Utility Brokers Ltd to offer members the benefits of Chamber Energy. LSI has 20 years experience and considerable buying power within the energy markets. Energy charges are one of the largest costs facing any business. As business energy prices continue to rise they are becoming ever more important in absolute and relative terms. Energy management and sustainability schemes have



also forced businesses to look more closely at the price that they pay for energy as well as to consider the amount of energy they consume. Many energy users are paying far higher prices than necessary, as they do not have the time or expertise to fully understand the energy market and the different options available to them to reduce costs. There has never been a better time to engage a specialist broker as LSI take the strain and help you compare the business

4 a) If the member’s contacts are due for renewal within the next six months LSI will give them the option to forward purchase and help them negotiate a bespoke length contract. LSI would arrange with the member a particular day in which they were available to send them live prices. In most cases LSI will provide the top three prices they receive and show potential savings in both monetary and percentage terms, comparing prices to the members previous contract or their current suppliers renewal rates. Utilities are a commodity and prices are always changing, therefore, LSI’s offers are only valid for a very limited period of time. As long as the member is in agreement with the prices they would be asked to sign and return a contract that LSI would then book and secure with the chosen supplier. b) If the member were tied into a longer-term contract LSI would log their details and diarise their information in order to contact them 4 to 5 months prior to their contract end date (dependant on their current energy supplier and notice periods). This service is known as


the LSI Energy Alarm Call and assists members in planning for the future. There is no need to worry about the best time to deal with your energy supplier LSI will track the market and contact the member directly at the appropriate time to carry out the comparison service laid out in 4a. 5 LSI’s registrations team would contact the member and advise once their contract had gone live with the chosen supplier. 6 LSI is available throughout the contract length to assist members with any queries they may have with regards to their business utilities.

What LSI clients say about the service they receive. “I write this in my capacity as Director of Sandman Hotel Group (UK) Limited. We commissioned several brokers to facilitate a deal on electricity and gas for our Sandman Signature Hotel Newcastle. LSI was one of the companies commissioned and they consequently won the business in both electricity and gas as they were the most attentive and offered the lowest cost.

Barrie Jacobs was my contact there and he was very diligent in procuring both electricity and gas, giving us the services we enjoyed as well as the price we expected to pay.” Mitch Gaglardi, MBA, Director, Sandman Hotel Group (UK) Limited. “We anticipate making savings of up to £3,500 a year on our gas supplies. The LSI staff have been extremely helpful and efficient in their efforts to secure a good deal for the Council.” Reg Williams, City Clerk, Salisbury City Council

Receive a FREE assessment of your current business energy contracts and find out how much you could save – call 0800 199595

Whatever the current contractual situation is with your energy supply members can contact LSI for assistance in planning for the future. Please call or e-mail us (details below) or visit our website and fill in our short enquiry forms. Please let us know when contacting us that you are a Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce member. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you save both time and money! T: 0800 019 95 95 E:

Energy Services include: • FREE assessment of your current energy contracts – LSI are offering members a free independent analysis of their existing business contracts with no obligation. • Options to reduce your commercial Gas and Electricity rates – due to LSI’s considerable purchasing power it is able to negotiate up to 25% savings. • Dedicated Named Account Management – LSI offers each client a personal Account Manager who will be available to help with any account queries. • Energy Management and Sustainability - LSI offers energy audits and advice on how to decrease costs by implementing energy saving procedures. • Siteworks & Metering – LSI offers on site project management and technical advice in regards to both gas and electricity supplies and meter installations. • Government CRC Scheme Support – LSI offers a state of the art online reporting service to assist clients in co-operation with Government legislation. The reporting allows businesses to monitor their energy usage and carbon emissions in aid of reducing their carbon footprint. To receive your FREE independent assessment of your current energy contracts, please contact Chamber Energy today: Telephone: 0800 019 9595 Email:




Students make shopping more fun! The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce joined forces with Tesco to develop education enterprise activities aimed at inspiring and teaching pupils about the retail market. The students were thoroughly involved with all activities and as it was the first time held in a secondary school situation we were extremely pleased with the enthusiasm shown and the ideas generated.”

Primary school Thorn Grove in Bishops Stortford and Thomas Alleyne Secondary School in Stevenage piloted events with the support of Tesco staff led by Bryony Thompson and Penny Cuthbert, both of whom played key roles in the development of the programme.

The teams came up with some very creative ideas and following each team’s pitch the Tesco staff had a very difficult decision in selecting the winning team.

Year 6 activity at Thorn Grove Primary School was facilitated by a team of Tesco personnel, the students were encouraged to think about how Tesco markets itself, its new innovations and technology which culminated in a phone app designed to make shopping more fun. The session was interactive, stimulating and was enhanced by having so many adults with specialist knowledge in the classroom. The challenge for the older students at Thomas Alleyne School was to create a strategy and develop a brand to launch a supermarket in Spain. Working in competing teams with the support

of Tesco staff, the students had to evaluate the current marketplace and competition. Penny Cuthbert from said “The students were involved in every stage of

the strategy with setting up Tesco in another country. They had to apply themselves in teams looking at data supplied and coming up with a workable business case.

Penny Cuthbert from said: “The students were involved in every stage of the strategy to set up Tesco in a new market. They had to work teams looking at data we supplied and coming up with a workable business case. It was the first time we’d held this kind of event in a secondary school, so we were extremely pleased with the level of enthusiasm and the great ideas that were generated.” John McBride, the Chamber’s Education Business Links Manager, said: “It was great to see staff from a key local employer give up their time to deliver a challenging business activity. The students learnt a lot about the real world of retailing and responded by demonstrating a wide range of their abilities including team working, understanding market research, competitor analysis and displaying excellent presentation skills.”

The winning team was Fantastesco.



The successful programme will now be rolled out to more schools across Hertfordshire, helping to equip young people with much needed business skills. It will also inform young people of the range of career opportunities that exist within Tesco, one of the county’s major employers.


Economy to suffer as firms struggle to find engineers If the UK is to remain able to build world-class facilities like the Olympic Park, or equivalent international projects, more engineers and technicians are urgently needed.

New research shows that this year more companies are finding it difficult to recruit engineers than in 2011. If this persists, the UK economy is more likely to continue shrinking. The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) annual skills survey shows that there is demand for new recruits but that employers are struggling to find staff. Over the next year, 58 per cent of companies are planning to recruit, compared to just 36 per cent in 2011, and compared to a high of 63 per cent in 2008 before the recession. Stephanie Fernandes, IET Principal Policy Advisor for Education and Skills said: “The engineering sector has enjoyed a renaissance recently, playing such a central role in enabling a successful Olympics Games. “The sector is of huge importance to the economy, typically accounting for a quarter of all turnover in the UK. This new research clearly shows a desire by employers to recruit new staff, but that they are struggling to find the right people.

“The planned recruitment is clearly good news, suggesting increased confidence in the economic outlook, but if firms are unable to fill their vacancies the economy will continue to shrink.” Plans to specifically recruit engineering, IT and technical staff have also increased with 39 per cent of companies planning to hire new staff within the next 12 months, compared to 24 per cent in 2011. The IET’s seventh ‘Engineering and Technology Skills and Demand in Industry’ report also shows that 77 per cent of companies are recruiting new staff as a result of business expansion. Stephanie Fernandes added: “It is more important than ever that the education system consistently delivers the engineers and technicians that industry desperately needs. This reinforces the recent House of Lords Science and Technology Committee report which called for urgent action by the government to boost student numbers in the STEM subjects.”

The skills survey can be downloaded at:

Picking the right people The University of Bedfordshire’s award winning Careers and Recruitment Services provides you with a professional agency style solution for your recruitment needs that enables you to recruit quality staff, free of charge! The service is professional, fast and offers you: • Your own Account Manager • Access to a pool of students and graduates within the region • Short turnaround to recruitment • Pre-screened short-list of suitable candidates • Interview scheduling • On campus interview facilities Terri Bradshaw from Empowered SMS Limited contacted Careers and Recruitment Services when she was looking to recruit a graduate, Terri says she chose us over other services because; She said: “You made it all so easy! You offered a free service, did all the running about for us,

Legal Issues – Debt Recovery Focusing on your sales team There are many things that a business can do to help improve its debt recovery. Businesses often don’t think about credit control until an invoice becomes overdue. Businesses should focus on credit control throughout the sales process. This means that your sales force needs to understand their role in credit control. • Ensure that your sales force is trained in debt recovery – do they understand their role in the payment recovery process? • Ensure that your sales team clarifies the legal status of the customer at the outset and the customer’s full business name. Is the customer a Limited Company / Partnership or Sole Trader? This information will become important, should you need to issue a claim against the customer for non-payment. • Ensure your sales team asks for details of where and to whom, invoices should be sent. If invoices are sent directly to the correct person, this will speed up the payment process. • Ensure your sales team understands the importance of sending the customer a copy of your terms and conditions BEFORE the first order is placed. Failure to send terms and conditions before the first order, can cause difficulties when it becomes necessary to evidence what terms were agreed. • Encourage your sales team to look out for signs of a customer’s financial difficulties and report back to the finance director if they suspect that a customer may be in financial difficulties. Then your business can take a view regarding the credit to be extended to the customer. Should you limit the credit or stop offering credit to this customer in order to limit your exposure?

and presented us with 3 candidates offering the exact skills we required.”

• Where difficult to secure new customers, your sales team may be inclined to relax procedures e.g by offering extended credit facilities or undertaking less stringent checks on new customers. Make sure sales staff understand the effect this can have on cashflow.

Terri is very happy with her employee and said that they have “exceeded her expectations”.

• Consider linking a salesperson’s commission to “paid” bills where they currently receive commission based on their sales.

Empowered SMS Limited would recommend recruitment services to all other businesses,

Contact Maria Koureas-Jones by email or telephone 01992 558411 if this article is of interest to you.

“I received a better service from yourselves than I did from a fee charging recruitment agency!” If you are looking to recruit please contact the University of Bedfordshire, Careers and Recruitment Services who will be more than happy to discuss your recruitment needs. Contact us via or alternatively phone 01582 489293.

Breeze & Wyles Second Floor, Stag House, Old London Road SG13 7LA

Tel: 01992 558411




The market grows for Silver Fox’s tie-on cable labels

Hertford Regional College invests in the future

Silver Fox, a leading UK manufacturer of labelling solutions, has reported that sales of its LXL range of tie-on cable labels have been rising steadily over the past year and are being used in increasingly diverse set of sectors.

Hertford Regional College is among 21 in the country that has successfully bid for further educational capital investment from the Government.

The £3.5 million will enable the college to complete its building programme at the Ware campus. This will involve the construction of a new Creative Arts and Media building and the removal of all the old dilapidated 1960-style buildings that remain.

The labels are now being used in situations as diverse as London Underground, North Sea oil platforms and London’s Savoy Hotel. They were also used by contractors in the construction of London’s Olympic Village and Stadium. When they were introduced, in 1999, Silver Fox’s LXL labels were a ‘first’ for the electrical instrumentation industry – not only because they are available in six colours as well as one that glows in the dark but also because users can produce 24 of these cable labels in 15 seconds. Nick Michaelson, CEO of Silver Fox, said: “Silver Fox’s tie-on cable labels are proving a hit with both buyers and engineers. “In particular, engineers want the reassurance and reliability that comes from working with a company that manufactures in the UK and that offers an extensive range of successfully tested label options, with customer-focused technical and support services around the world.”



The Ware Campus will be opened up to the public with the creation of an art and exhibition gallery area. The new campus will also offer business focused training facilities, increased access to a wide range of apprenticeships and a modern higher educational facility for University of Hertfordshire degree courses. Andy Forbes, Principal of Hertford Regional College, said: “This is great news for the college and great news for all those who work and study at Ware and for the wider East Herts Community. Our vision of Ware as a creative and enterprise campus can now be turned into a reality.” The total cost of the new development will be £10 million. This will be made up from the £3.5 million government grant, money from college reserves and the sale of college land for housing along Scotts Road. The college has already begun public consultations with local residents to seek their views on these proposals. Once planning permission has been granted, building work will start in the early part of 2014, with the new building due to open to students in September 2015. The housing development will then begin and is likely to be completed by 2017.

Andy Forbes, Principal of Hertford Regional College


Anything is possible Training can be good for your business AND good for the community “There are far too many young people whose potential is being undermined because they have not been taught the broader skills required to succeed in the workplace”, so says John Wastnage of the British Chambers of Commerce. And research shows that businesses want the same things – that’s people who: • have a real interest in what they do, so are really present when they arrive for work each day • can prioritise what they need to do next • deliver what they’ve agreed, on time and on budget and • get the best out of colleagues, customers and clients. In short, people who are low maintenance, but very productive.

It’s all about Attitude Neil Kirby, professional coach, says “no matter where you are now, the thing which most affects your chances of success in the future is your attitude.” He actively looks for ways for businesses to work with community groups because it makes good commercial sense. And it makes everyone feel good! So The Red Rubber Ball Company and the Da Vinci Studio School have developed an innovative training programme where students work alongside local business employees. All participants learn to coach one another in the skills, attitudes and behaviours that are valued in the workplace.

who have benefited from other community projects report increased engagement and surprising new initiatives. Employees bring their coaching skills back into the workplace, improving their own performance and that of those around them, increasing business profitability. Students enhance their career prospects, develop confidence and those vital problemsolving skills.

Get involved!

So what are the benefits?

So what could your business do if your staff were more engaged, more motivated, more excited when they wake up each morning just because they are going to work?

Community projects provide proven sound business gains in company performance, staff motivation, retention and efficiency as well as valuable PR in the locality. Local companies

Call Neil on 07887 955643 at The Red Rubber Ball Company to find out more.




Inspiring Hertfordshire Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards, an important part of the business calendar, approaches its third year of celebrating business excellence.

These Awards enable Hertfordshire businesses to showcase their performance and achievements to their own clients and customers, to their suppliers, business alliances and to all of Hertfordshire business communities. The Awards entry is open to members and non-members and to private and public sector organisations.

has a huge number of excellent businesses; they’re all a cause for celebration… which is just what the Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards are about.”

Yolanda Rugg, Herts Chamber Chief Executive, said: “We are very proud of Hertfordshire and as an accredited Chamber with the British Chamber of Commerce we want to shout about all that is good here. Our county

The 2014 Awards will be launched on 18 December at Marriott Hanbury Manor in Ware. There will be more information about this event on the Chamber’s website.



Once again, Herts Chamber is delighted that the University of Hertfordshire is one of the headline sponsors.

HertsChamberAwards The 2014 Awards categories are: Community Champion To recognise the achievements of a business, organisation or individual that has made a significant impact in their local community

Social Enterprise of the Year For the social enterprise or charity that can demonstrate outstanding achievements in its relevant field of endeavour; nominations can be made by the enterprises themselves or by their partners or beneficiaries.

Tourism Award To reflect a significant contribution to the development and growth of Hertfordshire tourism.

Excellence in People Development For the individual or organisation that has played an outstanding role in skills development within their business or the wider community.

Inspiring Hertfordshire 2014 Launch Wednesday 18th December Hanbury Manor, Ware, SG12 0SD 18.00 – 20.00

Excellence in Customer Service To honour the business that most demonstrates customer care excellence and achievement.

Innovation through Technology To celebrate the most innovative development in and/or use of technology in the entrant’s business.

Most Promising New Business For businesses, trading for less than three years, which demonstrate outstanding performance and future projections.

Entrepreneur of the Year To recognise the outstanding entrepreneurial efforts of an individual who has been inspirational in achieving high performance in their company or organisation.

Business of the Year To demonstrate all-round excellence in business.

Environmental Award This award will reflect outstanding work within the environmental field or contribution towards sustainable development.

Achievement in International Business This award will be given to the business that can best demonstrate exceptional performance in export markets. This year, there are two new categories that acknowledge two important aspects of Hertfordshire enterprise:

Made in Herts

Once again it is our pleasure to acknowledge that Kiss Communications is offering a prize, one year’s integrated marketing support to the value of £7500, for the Business of the Year winner.

Young Herts

The winners will be announced and celebrated at The Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards Gala Dinner on 15 May 2014 at Porsche Hatfield — where dreams are inspired!

To recognise Young Entrepreneurs in the county who have demonstrated a flare for business, or organisations that would like to nominate a young person (16 to 24 years) in their company who has shown enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to the spirit of enterprise.

If you have no time to write your award entry, but would like to enter, help is available. Contact Fiona Wilkinson, Guinea Fowl Creative, 01438 35 08 37.

To celebrate manufacturing success within the county

2014 Sponsors Headline Sponsor:




The Lamp Company provides an energy saving lighting solution for EMS Lifts LTD The Lamp Company was recently approached by Mick and Jonathan, Directors of EMS Lifts Ltd to upgrade their showroom and office lighting. The remit was to improve light output, colour distribution, energy efficiency and lower maintenance levels. At the time EMS were using a selection of aged T8 lay in modular fittings with various track lighting and recessed down lighters. White and warm white lamps were installed, creating a noticeable imbalance and Cat2 lay in modular fittings were causing uneven light distribution. After discussing the available options, it was clear the LED route would best suit their requirements. A full inventory comparing the original lighting with recommended replacements was drawn up, detailing clear evidence of the potential energy savings. Having agreed the plans, the lay in modular fittings with 4 x 2ft 18w switch start tubes were replaced with modern 60w, 30,000 hour, high output, daylight colour, LED panels, which dramatically improved the showroom’s appearance. Other fitting improvements included replacing 50w halogen GU10 down lights with 4w high output, daylight colour, LEDs. After a short trial, EMS were so impressed that one of the Director’s offices was added to the project. Mick of EMS said: “I am absolutely delighted by the input, advice given and the



High output LED lighting installed at EMS Ltd service provided from the outset. We are really pleased with the results, overall light outputs and energy savings to date, so much so we would like to proceed with stage two for the lower offices and entrance with a view to installing more LED panels.”

Should you require a free consultation and service on a similar project or advice on energy saving lighting, please contact The Lamp Company. Email or phone 01462 499105.


24.Hours Chris Smith Sales Manager Flip Solutions

“My job is to make sure that we get the clients what they are looking for and the agreements finalised...”

He said: “My day generally begins at 8.00am and the first job before I do anything else is to make myself a cup of coffee. “Although I do get out to meet clients, a lot of my time is spent in the office, overseeing the work being done by our three telesales staff and other members of the team. “In the morning, the first thing we do is review what happened the day before then we then go on to talk about the day ahead, making sure that everything is set up. “We discuss where we are with clients and new leads and what needs to be done. “It is important to set the day up properly like that and we have a whiteboard on the wall so that our team knows at what stage we are with our prospective clients. “My job is to make sure that we get the clients what they are looking for and the agreements finalised and I also liaise with our telecoms installations teams. “I am not in the office all the time. Sometimes there will be meetings to attend where I get the chance to meet our clients and prospective clients and to discuss their needs. “A lot of my time is spent raising the profile of the company so that people know what we are and what we can offer. “My working day usually ends at 6pm but it can go longer depending what is happening at the time.

Getting the planning right is important for Chris For Chris Smith, the key to business success is making time for the important things and that means keeping his team updated on a daily basis. Chris is the Sales Manager for Hertfordshire company Flip Solutions, the complete provider for business telecoms services in the UK since 2001. Flip Connect (part of Flip Solutions) is a leading provider of integrated voice and data services to customers in the small-medium business market and Chris’s job is to oversee the sales operation.

“My free time is important to me and I like to keep fit. On Tuesday, for example, I play touch rugby and every other day I try to go for a run. “When I can, I run in my lunchtime with a work colleague. We run for around 3 miles and it’s back to work for the afternoon. “On a Thursday night, the guys from work play five-a-side football, which I used to do as well but every time I played I damaged my knee so I have stopped doing that! I play squash instead.”




Prompt Payment? What can SME’s do to secure it? Maria Koureas-Jones, Head of Commercial Services, Breeze & Wyles Solicitors LLP The key is to truly know your customer – are you trading with a Limited Company? what is the full name of the Limited Company? Are you trading with a Partnership or Sole Trader? If you start trading with a Limited Company, “health check” the Company using software checking the Companies financial status. If the Company seems to represent a risk, ask for a Personal Guarantee if appropriate, if not appropriate, limit the credit limit applied to the account. Trading with a limited Company? Monitor the Company throughout the life of the account.



Many systems that allow you to health check a limited company provide a monitoring reporting system, alerting you to any detrimental changes in the Company, allowing you to take a view regarding future trading with that customer.

unpaid, the greater the risk that your customer will cease trading. Companies facing financial difficulties are often juggling creditors, so regularly chasing your debtors will help to push you to the front of the queue.

Actively chase debtors. Timing is sometimes difficult to assess where you hope for an ongoing relationship with the customer. However, remember the longer the debt is

Breeze & Wyles Solicitors LLP Tel: 01992 558411

GettingStarted Mark Sperring BSc (Hons) MBA|MIoD|MAPM|MCIOB Executive Director Business Name: Achondrite Group Start up date: November 2011 Website:


Q1: Tell us a bit about your business? Achondrite Group is a business management consultancy and executive interim management provider with more than 25 years’ worth of professional experience gained within industry by its founder. We specialise in providing business turnaround expertise in all sectors and senior managers such as portfolio, programme and project management to oversee capital investment within the built environment.

Q2: What gives your business ‘the x-factor’? The people; a combination of highly refined soft/people skills coupled with specialist industry and broad experience of business commerce ensures a service second to none.

Q3: What motivated you to set up the business? A combination of poor market conditions within the built environment and being able to put

newly acquired higher business skills/qualifications to best use i.e. my MBA which I studied for at the University of Hertfordshire from 2010-2013.

Q4: What do you like most about working for a start-up? Not having to trudge into London every day and get squashed on the London Underground! No really, being your own boss is very rewarding with every day bringing new challenges and excitement.

Q5: What has been your greatest business success to date? March 2013 when we won our first contract as ‘Interim Head of Capital Delivery’ for the London Borough of Croydon once the Company was fully up and running with regards to trademark and vat registration approvals, having the web site and all the associated social media developed and interlinked.

Q6: What has been your lowest moment? When we have been unsuccessful bidding for work when we know that we would have been ideal given our proven results and then not being provided with submission feedback despite the huge effort expended by ourselves putting our bid together.

Q7: In terms of business achievements, where do you want to be within the next 5 years? I would like to think we had a pipeline of work at least 6 months in advance, ideally 12 months and that we are able to not only take on half a dozen full time employees, but a couple of apprentices.

Q8: What would be your top tip to someone thinking of starting up their own business? Plan, plan, plan. If you are already in a job do as much of the setting-up of your new venture as possible whilst you’re drawing down a salary and if your able to bid and secure work prior to handing in your notice then that’s ideal. It could be many months before you secure your first customer from a standing start, which at times could be stressful if you have substantial living costs. This buys you breathing space!

Did you know

Drop into Business Academy

we offer bite-sized CPD sessions to support local working professionals, managers and business owners? Conveniently delivered as breakfast ‘blitz’ meetings in Hatfield, a range of relevant business and management topics are discussed and shared.

Do come along to: Friday 29 November All I want for Christmas is... a seasonal guide to social networking. Friday 31 January Achieving a fulfilling work/life balance Keep up to date with what’s new at the Hertfordshire Business School. It’s easy: there are no membership fees or commitments, just choose a topic that interests you and register your details. Breakfast sessions start at 07.45 and finish at 09.00. The entry fee is £10. Find out more: or call +44 (0)1707 285552




Working together to get it right Creating the right conditions for business success is all about creating and maintaining strong partnerships and the Dacorum experience shows what can be achieved. From showcase events, networking days, innovative approaches to projects, awards for outstanding performance; these are exciting times in Dacorum as this special feature explains.

A partnership that supports businesses I became the Business Engagement Manager for the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce in Dacorum in April. I’m based at the Maylands Business Centre and, in my short time in the role so far, I have been genuinely delighted to work with such an inspiring business community and within the dynamic teams at both the chamber and Dacorum Borough Council. We all have a common goal – to showcase the successful businesses and find opportunities for businesses to grow further and learn from each other. The close relationship between the Herts Chamber and ‘Dacorum’s Look No Further’ Team is beginning to deliver tangible benefits to our business community, building on the foundations of a proactive business-facing council. Pippa Hutchinson

The Maylands Partnership The Maylands Partnership represents the combined interests of more than 400 businesses in the Maylands Industrial Estate. The Herts Chamber is now a key member of this partnership, Frances Stickley, Kodak UK representative on the Maylands Partnership, said: “One of the major reasons why Kodak has enjoyed such a long and successful association with Dacorum is being able to access a skilled workforce. With such a wide variety of businesses here it is vital that they can recruit people with the appropriate skills. “An Employment and Skills Partnership has been established with representatives from local businesses, key stakeholders and the Council to ensure that young people in the area are trained and equipped with the skills and abilities that local businesses need both now and in the future.” Different businesses cite different benefits to locating in the area. Kodak UK and digital imaging company FFEI value the access to smart, welleducated staff and RH Hall likes the access to motorway links and airports. Andy Cook, Managing Director, FFEI, chair of the Maylands Partnership and Herts Chamber board member, said: “Dacorum is an ideal location due to its proximity to Luton and Heathrow airports and the M1 and M25 motorway networks. “Our business is high technology design and manufacture so it’s essential that we can easily recruit smart, well educated people. Dacorum is ideally situated as it offers a good choice of commutable living areas and a wealth of talent to choose from.”



Isel UK Limited Herts Chamber is delighted to welcome a manufacturing company as a new member. The Isel Group a German manufacturer of CNC engineering, has opened a UK division in Hemel Hempstead. Headed by Bob Wright, Isel are based in the Maylands Business Centre and illustrates a great example of inward investment for Dacorum particularly as they are in the manufacturing sector.

Maylands Business Centre The Maylands Business Centre is at the heart of the support available to help businesses get started within Dacorum. The centre provides virtual office facilities as well as offices and light industrial units to start up ventures and also to businesses looking to move into their first commercial premises.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the networking events I have attended through Herts Chamber of Commerce since I joined just over a year ago. They are friendly, well-organised, informative and capture a diverse range of local business leaders, who make networking entirely natural and worthwhile.” Helen Bell Cllr Andrew Williams, Leader of Elite Edge HR Dacorum Borough Council and Tring

Since it opened in June 2011, the Maylands Business Centre has been instrumental in helping new businesses flourish. Several have reported growth as a result of moving to the centre, one by as much as 80%, and many have now taken on their first employees.

Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, said: “There is no doubt that the Centre is a real success story, having been instrumental in enabling fledgling businesses to get on the commercial ladder and not only survive, but to positively thrive.”


Dacorum Business Showcase hosts 350 visitors

“It was such a pleasure to meet the chamber team today, such a breath of fresh air to meet likeminded people” Trisha Buller Ciente Berkhamsted

Small Business Forum provides opportunities Dacorum Borough Council and the Herts Chamber have launched a small business forum hosted at the Maylands Business Centre. Lesley Crisp, Maylands Business Centre manager, said: “The Small Business Forum provides a network of support for businesses in Dacorum. Twenty three local businesses attended our last meeting and we are looking to build on that every month.”

From left to right: Simon Shepard (Optima Life), Pippa Hutchinson (Herts Chamber), Mike Penning MP & Neville Reyner CBE, DL (Herts Chamber Chairman). Business owners from all over Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas who were interested in meeting local suppliers and networking visited the recent Dacorum Showcase. Representatives from more than 80 companies came together to speak with more than 350 visitors at this year’s Showcase. The event, of which the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce was an exhibitor, was held at Shendish Manor on Friday, October 18th. The Herts Chamber hosted a pre-EXPO networking lunch which saw 70 business directors come together to informally network and listen to guest presenter Simon Shepard of Optima Life inspire them with “Maximising Performance – It Starts With You”. Hemel Hempstead MP, Mike Penning officially opened the showcase, spent time visiting exhibitors at their stands and chatting to many show visitors.

This group aims to encourage micro businesses and start ups to work together to resolve business issues, provide support and to learn from each other. Forum member Indira Chima, from ‘The Counselling Living Room’, said: “It gives me a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging to a wider business community. I find it motivational and inspiring.”

Queen’s Award for Enterprise Awarded to RMG Networks Ltd RMG Networks has received the UK’s Highest Accolade for Business Success – the Queens Award for Enterprise. Having received the award for success in International Trade, the award is also in recognition of RMG’s three consecutive years of outstanding success in digital signage. “Being recognised by such an honourable award for our efforts in International Trade is a cause for celebration,“ said Daniel Horgan, Managing Director.

Herts Chamber Business Development Manager Pippa Hutchinson, who was manning the Chamber’s stand together with other colleagues, said: “The Showcase was very well attended by well established and new business start-ups alike. We were delighted with the interest people took in joining the Herts Chamber and were pleased that several local companies joined as new members at the Showcase.” Yolanda Rugg, Chief Executive of the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce added: “It was a great event to connect local businesses and grow new supply opportunities. The feedback I have received has been very positive, citing a real buzz and evidence that business confidence is very much on the increase.”

'To find out more about future Chamber events please visit

Julie Richards, RMG's Finance Director, and the Queen




Your One Stop Shop for Business Support – the Business & Technology Centre (btc) The Business & Technology Centre (btc), Stevenage is far from your average business centre. As well as offering modern, flexible office & workshop space of various sizes from 1 person upwards, btc clients have access to a whole world of business support right on their doorstep. Even if you don’t plan to base your business at the btc, you can still take advantage of the vast array of facilities and services that are available. Virtual Office Services A professional image is vital for any business, regardless of size. By simply taking on virtual services, such as call answering and mailbox packages, your business profile can be greatly improved. Are you out regularly at meetings? Having someone to answer your calls is much better than a potential client having to leave a voicemail or even worse, going elsewhere.

State-of-the-art Facilities

Training Courses

Looking for a stylish, conveniently located venue in Hertfordshire? The btc’s first class facilities are ideal. Perfect for events such as interviews, seminars and conferences, the btc is situated just off of the A1 (M) at Junction 7 and in close proximity to Stevenage Train Station. Services are available for hire to the public as well as to btc clients. Rooms can be hired for small meetings or for large scale events holding up to 144 people – and everything in between.

Whether you’re looking to start or grow a business, the btc hosts a wide range of courses that provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary for self-employment. Courses vary on subjects from ‘Business Planning’ and ‘Finance and Bookkeeping’ to ‘Social Media’ and ‘Website Development’. If you’re an existing business and looking for more specific advice, the btc also run a number of specialist surgeries in partnership with local organisations such as law firms, accountants and trade bodies.

What’s more, the btc is also home to a vibrant bistro run by catering company EatLunch which serves delicious hot & cold food. Perfect for those lunch meetings or even just a spot of grub!

Business Advice Starting a business? The btc is home to the award-winning business incubator network, My Incubator, managed by enterprise agency, Wenta. Officially opened by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh last November, the incubator offers a complete business start-up support package for entrepreneurs to fast track their business’ growth.

Generally speaking, whether you’re looking to set up a business, grow your business or even if you’re an established business, the btc has plenty to offer and is much, much more than your average business centre. Visit to find out more or call 01438 310 000.

My Incubator provides a unique environment which combines both advice and workspace within one facility. This includes modern workspace facilities, access to an on-site, professional Business Advisor, training courses, networking opportunities and more.

Networking The btc are proud to host the award-winning networking event, Business BUZZ Stevenage, on the first Friday of every month. This informal event is perfect for local business networking with an average of 50 attendees every single month! No membership is necessary, simply turn up on the day & pay £5 on the door.




Perfecting Your Pitch By Kingston Smith Regardless of the size of your business, whether you’re a start up building a client base or a more established company looking to grow, pitching for new business is tough, especially in a competitive market.

In today’s economic climate, winning new business is more important than it has ever been. A steady flow of new business and client wins can ensure your businesses financial health, prosperity and longevity, which as any entrepreneur will tell you is far from a given. With that in mind here are our top five tips for perfecting your pitch for new business.

Step 1: Do your research Before you walk into any pitch situation make sure that you do your research on the company and/or problem in hand in order to tailor your pitch so that it meets your potential client’s exact needs and requirements. It is important that you go beyond just reading the brief and that you tailor each and every one of your pitches to the company and individuals that you are actually pitching to.

Step 2: Practice makes perfect Presenting to an audience, whether it is 5 or 100 strong can be a daunting task. Although it is unlikely to alleviate the nerves entirely, practice will ensure that you enter a



pitch situation thoroughly prepared and as confident as you can be. While we don’t recommend scripting each and every word of your presentation, you should be able to navigate your way from start to finish, including all key points and USPs from memory along the way. Perhaps memorise a series of bullet points from your pitch so that the structure is rehearsed whilst still allowing for a natural delivery.

Step 3: Engage Engage your audience by asking them questions. Think about it, a long presentation with no interaction is unlikely to inspire any potential clients. Ask questions to keep your audience engaged but be sure that you are knowledgeable enough before pitching to be able to ‘think on your feet’ and not simply ask mundane ones that you should really know the answers to already.

Step 4: Sack the slides Remember that you are the presentation. Don’t let your hand-out or slides drive the pitch, get rid of any unnecessary slides; you want people to be listening to you rather than being fixated on your fancy slide show.

For those who struggle with brevity, there is a handy 11 slide pitching template created by Guy Kawasaki, a Silicon Valley author, speaker, investor and business adviser which may well help.

Step 5: Tell a story Appeal to your audience’s ‘human side’. In addition to facts and figures, use emotion and passion to sell yourself and your business proposition. Use meaningful context and make your offering relevant, worthwhile and memorable. Stories are a great way to draw others in and influence their behaviour; tell your potential investors your businesses story, one that differentiates you from your competitors. When told well, stories will resonate and stick in the minds of those you are pitching to. Winning new business requires a careful blend of understanding your clients wants and needs, presenting your businesses strengths and USPs, personal chemistry, scrupulous preparation and, of course, the hunger to win.


Herts Chamber members sweep the board at regional awards Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce is celebrating after three of its members won places at the British Chambers of Commerce Awards 2013. Ashbourne Insurance Services won the East of England’s Regional Commitment to People Development, Direct Path Solutions won the Excellence in Innovation Award and Rayden Solicitors won both the Marketing Campaign of the Year Award and Katherine Rayden has won Outstanding Personal Achievement Award for 2013. These companies will now go forward to represent the East of England in the national finals which take place in London in November. Yolanda Rugg, Chief Executive of Hertfordshire Chamber said: “We are absolutely delighted that so many of our members have been successful in the regional judging. We know we have exceptional businesses within the county and look forward to the Gala awards in November when we hope they will all be national winners.”

Katherine Rayden set up Rayden Solicitors in 2005 when the youngest of her three children was just nine months old. Over the past eight years, Rayden Solicitors has grown to be the largest family law firm in Hertfordshire. The firm employs 19 staff, the vast majority of whom work part time or flexibly, and is this year forecast to turnover just over £1m. In 2013, Rayden Solicitors was described in the Legal 500 directory for family law firms in Hertfordshire as ‘a very good niche practice’ and ‘enormously impressive’. Katherine has just been ranked as a “Leader in their Field” for family law in the prestigious Chambers and Partners directory for 2014. The firm has also been recommended. Katherine said: “I was thrilled to win Hertfordshire Entrepreneur of the year at the Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards and am overwhelmed to have won East of England’s Regional Outstanding Personal Achievement Award for 2013 in the BCC Awards. To discover that we are the only finalists to appear in two categories is amazing and concludes a very exciting and successful year for the firm and I look forward to representing Herts Chamber of Commerce at the National Awards ceremony.”

Direct Path Solutions specialise in web technology and communications working in a wide range of industries including local government and pharmaceuticals. It is best known for its flagship product called OWL which helps keep communities safe, reduce crime and keep people informed of what’s going on locally. It’s a shared, secure platform for the public and local authorities to maximise the potential of Neighbourhood Watch, School Watch, Business Watch and dozens of other schemes. Managing Director, Gary Fenton, said “Postrecession, many businesses are working hard to innovate to retain their customers and grow, so I really appreciate how tough the competition must have been. It’s great to go through to the National finals and fly the flag for Hertfordshire.”

Peter Smits, Managing Director, Ashbourne Insurance said: “We are delighted to have won the British Chambers of Commerce, East of England’s Regional Award for Commitment to People Development 2013. We have invested in hundreds of hours of training to develop our team and created our own unique charter of service entitled “the Ashbourne Way” to support staff and customers.”




Connect - Colla The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce connects businesses, develops opportunities for collaborating and stimulates growth in the county. Sitting at the heart of the business community, working with businesses of all sizes and representing all sectors, the mission of the Hertfordshire Chamber is Connect, Collaborate, Grow. With over 90 years’ experience, hundreds of events and connecting with thousands of businesses, the Hertfordshire Chamber offers practical support, useful connections and valuable access to new ideas and innovation through a range of opportunities including networking and business services to help our members do business every day.

British Chamber of Commerce, rebranding to bring our members professionalism, innovation and creativity. Our mission is to make the Hertfordshire Chamber an essential part of growing businesses in the county leading to growth in the national economy. We’ve used our vision, values and personality to create a bold, elegant and contemporary visual identity. The most recognisable feature – the growing ‘B’ logo – is inspired by growing business networks. Our new styling is clean and clear giving a high quality feel without being flashy, trendy or complicated.

With our new Chief Executive, Yolanda Rugg driving the direction, your county Chamber has taken advantage of the Superbrand status of the

Part of the team at Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce



Hertfordshire Chamber members and guests at a recent networking event


aborate - Grow At the heart of the business network Our new look website will be full of member features such as our member to members section, business finder and business directory; each member will have their own page to profile their business and visitors to the site will quickly find the suppliers they are looking for. Events are an important part of Herts Chamber and our new website will have a seamless booking system from finding and viewing events to booking and paying. Growing your business has never been easier with the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, the ultimate business network.

The new-look website prior to launch

Chocolates by Le Mare Chocolat, Stevenage




Big.Interview John Gourd Chair of the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership

Looking to the future as LEP gathers momentum Hertfordshire faces exciting yet challenging times, according to one of the business leaders tasked with driving forward the area’s economy. As Chair of the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), John Gourd has a strong belief in the power of the area’s businesses to survive and thrive without reliance on public funding. Nevertheless, he also believes that some public support is needed and in October, the LEP submitted plans for £60m of European Union Structural Investment Funding support. The application followed feedback in September from a wide range of local stakeholders and helped the LEP put together a business case to support business growth and promote urban renewal, areas close to John‘s heart.

“The Chair’s role within the LEP is to help define and set the forward strategy and ensure we have the resources in place to work efficiently and deliver against our growth strategy.”



His day job is as the Site Planning and Services Director at Johnson Matthey in Royston, the company’s largest operation and its corporate headquarters. During his career at Johnson Matthey, he has fulfilled commercial, operational and general management roles and is a founding director of the Royston First Business Improvement District Company. He was previously a board member of the Herts Chamber. Having been a board member of the inaugural LEP board, he took over the Chairmanship in July 2011 when Sir Tim Wilson stepped down to lead the Government’s report on collaboration between business and universities. John said: “From an external perspective, I bring a great deal of experience relating to enhancing the image of the LEP and its public image – both with private sector companies, local and national government. “The Chair’s role within the LEP is to help define and set the forward strategy and ensure we have the resources in place to work efficiently and deliver against our growth strategy. “My private sector experience of operating in competitive and ever-changing environments is key to this.” Much of the LEP’s work to date has centred on identifying Hertfordshire strengths and deciding which industries will be of the greatest benefit to the local economy. After an initial evaluation, the board decided to prioritise four key sectors which it expects to prosper and grow in the future, namely life sciences, engineering, the creative industries and business services.

The LEP’s priorities include: • Encouraging enterprise and business growth and building on innovation • Maintaining and improving skills and employment prospects • Identifying and prioritising the infrastructure required for economic growth • Securing greater investment from business and government. They are demanding targets and John said: “The LEP faces two major challenges. Firstly, it must find a way to deliver against the enormous expectations that government and other key stakeholders are demanding, despite having limited resources, and, secondly, it needs to set a strategy this is, at the same time, ambitious, yet sensitive to the economic environment in the county. “The county, and its businesses, have achieved an awful lot, historically, without a reliance on external funding. “I don’t see that changing, so we need to ensure we deliver what we can with what we are given and not get obsessed with chasing the funding.” He acknowledges that there is a need to kickstart the local economy onto the next stage in its development. He said: “Hertfordshire’s economy is worth £26bn GVA and home to more than 47,000 businesses, which means that it is very strong yet it has plateaued in the past decade when compared to its neighbours. “The LEP’s challenge is to listen to business and the key stakeholders, secure what resources it


“The LEP’s challenge is to listen to business and the key stakeholders, secure what resources it can and generate the right conditions for driving growth.”

can and generate the right conditions for driving growth. “This includes removing blockages that inhibit growth, fostering better connections between our businesses, shouting loudly about the businesses we have in the county and its unique location as well as encouraging inward investment and campaigning for better infrastructure.” For all the area’s independence when it comes to funding, John acknowledges that there is a need for some State financial support. He said: “The Government has promised funding for all 39 LEPs in England and we are in the process of setting out our Growth Strategy which will act as our pitch for a significant slice of the available funds. “During 2014, we must ensure that we have successfully finalised this work, made a strong and persuasive argument to Government and started to establish the correct systems and governance for delivering against our strategy. In parallel, we will continue to deliver on our current programmes.” He sees collaboration with organisations such as the Chamber as crucial if success is to be achieved. John said: “The LEP’s success will be wholly based upon unifying and co-ordinating the excellent work that a number of businessrelated organisations already do around the county, including the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce – we need to, and will, work in collaboration. “The LEP shares the Chamber’s ambitions for local businesses and a strong relationship has existed from day one.”




Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce supports India Business Centre The first UK India Business Centre has opened in Gurgaon, Delhi’s new business hub. UK Minister for Trade Lord Green flew in with a delegation of British Trade Associations, including the British Chambers of Commerce to launch the Centre, which will be run by the UK India Business Council. Chief Minister of Haryana, His Excellency Bhupindar Hooda and UK India Business Council Chair Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt participated in the lamp lighting ceremony which was attended by more than 100 guests including leading UK and Indian businesses, policy makers, and government officials. Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce is proud to be supporting this initiative which will help British companies, especially SMEs, do more business in India. This is the first such Business Centre to open in a major emerging market, since the Prime Minister’s announcement of an initiative designed by Lord Green to transform the support given to UK business overseas. The centre will help UK small and medium sized businesses work closer with more established British businesses in India and provide them with the support needed to capitalise on the huge potential of the Indian market. Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt, Chair, UKIBC said: “It will be the first of a planned network of six such centres across India, run by UKIBC in partnership with UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and the British Business Groups in India. The centres will be a home away from home for UK companies providing meeting, training, networking and conference space alongside advice and other market entry services, with a particular emphasis on SMEs wanting to get into the Indian market for the first time.” Yolanda Rugg, Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce said: “The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce is proud to be supporting this initiative to help UK SMEs into the Indian market. Having a “home away from home” with hotdesking, office space, and specialist on hand advice will make entering the Indian market easier for Hertfordshire companies.”



The United Kingdom is the third largest investor in India with a total FDI inflow of US $17.6 billion.


International Events Explore Export Newmarket Racecourse 14 November 2013 ExploreExport is a major regional event organised by UKTI to provide you with an opportunity to meet UKTI Commercial Officers from over 60 international markets with whom you are able to pre-book 1-2-1 meetings, you can also attend a selection of our 16 export based seminars and network with a broad selection of like-minded businesses Further information can be found at

In partnership with Trudos International, our seminar will show you what Russia has to offer your business and why - but more importantly how to turn opportunities into new customers, in one of the world’s fastest growing and most exciting markets. Arrive at 9am for registration, refreshments, breakfast rolls and plenty of networking opportunities.

Agenda Who are the Russians? Russia - past and present

Politics in Russia

Hatfield 19th November 2013 International Trade can be a minefield for businesses in an attempt to comply with complex laws and procedures. We are the leading provider of international trade services and our Export Team has years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to help your business with any queries and guide you through the complexities you may encounter. We are able to offer specialised documentation training for you and your staff. Our courses are run by expert trainers and cover most of the exporting procedures international trading companies will require

Business in Russia To book your place, please visit our Training and Events page on

Export Department The Chamber’s Export Department has for many years provided a practical and professional service to the exporters of Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas. With an experienced staff, we are here to help you solve your exporting requirements. The Export Department may be contacted Monday to Friday Trevor Clark 01707 398408 Frances Harris 01707 398409 e-mail: or visit

China is THE great economic success story of the past 30 years. China’s growth has been sustained and the economy continues to grow at high rates. While the rise of China is easy to acknowledge, businesses constantly need to catch up with the speed and depth of change and development in China’s large and complex market space. Whether selling, trading, investing or franchising, China offers opportunities in abundance to UK companies, large or small. The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is the leading organisation helping companies grow and develop their business with China and has been engaged with the country for nearly 60 years. We have exceptional connections with both government and business and our accumulated knowledge helps companies succeed. In partnership with Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, CBBC is now offering corporate members of the Chamber a special ‘CBBC Taster Membership’ for 3 months. This will include: • One-to-one meeting with your local China Business Adviser

To book your place, please visit our Training and Events page on

• Weekly members email and monthly newsletter of live China business opportunities, China-related events and other news

Doing Business with Russia

• Access to CBBC events at CBBC member rates

Novotel, Stevenage 20th November The Russian Federal Government will spend in excess of £1 Trillion between 2010 and 2020 on Capital projects they consider fundamental to their modernisation and continued growth.

Are you making the most of the China opportunity..?

Why Russia?

Russia’s major cities

A Practical Guide to Import Documentation & Procedure

Special offer for Members of Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce

• A subscription to the E-version of CBBC’s China-Britain Business FOCUS magazine

Frances Harris and Trevor Clark

For more information about this Taster Membership offer and the benefits, please email:




It makes sense to work together The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce believes that working collaboratively with our members is an important element of business.

“We are pleased to be part of such a dynamic business group. I have always believed in Hertfordshire Chamber and am proud to be an Ambassador” Richard Cockerill, Hill and Garwood

Ambassadors include: • National Centre for Project Management, University of Hertfordshire • Hill & Garwood That is why we are delighted to have launched a new Ambassadors programme which recognises the members that carry out work on our behalf. Earlier in September, a number of businesses came together to find out more about the Chamber after companies across the county were invited to attend a launch meeting to kickstart the programme. Being an Ambassador is all about sharing, letting others know of what’s happening early so together we can make Hertfordshire THE county in which to do business. At the inaugural meeting, the group gained a glimpse of our new branding, learnt about our new magazine, and found out about the new clubs and forums being launched.

Being an Ambassador for the Herts Chamber brings many benefits including promotion of the individual businesses in our magazine, e-newsletter and on our website too and Ambassadors will be invited to attend selected events, plus of course the opportunity to network with other Ambassadors. Richard Cockerill, of Hill and Garwood, said: “We are pleased to be part of such a dynamic business group. I have always believed in Hertfordshire Chamber and am proud to be an Ambassador”. Each quarter the group plan to meet to share ideas and new initiatives plus discuss economic information so that together, collaboratively, we can raise the profile of Hertfordshire, with more businesses, and share best practice across many professional disciplines.

• Ibis Hotel Stevenage • QUADROcreative • Hohenloher UK Ltd • Elite Edge HR • Ashbourne Insurance • Magnite PR • Lexus • UKTI East • Garden House Hospice • Ten2two




Hertfordshire bankers, the Chamber and businesses talk on best business The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and the British Bankers Association jointly hosted a lunch on 13 September at which Hertfordshire bankers from UK’s leading national banks and business leaders freely exchanged views on relationships, banking services and financing. Yolanda Rugg, Chief Executive of the Herts Chamber called for greater clarity, consistency and transparency to build stronger relationships and trust between banks and business.

Suren Thiru, economics adviser for British Chamber of Commerce — in recognising the importance of bringing banks and businesses together, particularly at this point in the economy’s early phase of recovery — said that the re-establishment of relationships is absolutely vital to the region’s economic revival. Irene Graham, British Bankers’ Association managing director of business finance, said that since the 2008 economic crash, a great deal of change for the good has already occurred, and much else was still in progress. Government structures had improved, nonexecutive directors were now required to take more active interest in day-to-day banking to fully comprehend retail banking issues and the Banking Policy Committee was scrutinising economic developments to see what else needs to happen for continued revival. She had also seen the Parliamentary Commission’s excellent work in creating safeguards to prevent a banking crisis repeat. Irene Graham reported that bank liquidity had improved substantially and that the banks were focused on their main business — lending money for business growth. She and the banking industry were aware that trust and relationships had been broken over recent years. The industry was working cohesively to repair the damage. Now, she said, is the time for transparency and honesty. Several encouraging key messages emerged. There is liquidity and a genuine will to lend, but in the right way. Equity finance is good for startups through growth accelerator schemes and angel investors. Enterprise finance and funding schemes would support entrepreneurial and business expansion ambitions, but the new watchword was affordability, not security. The business leaders spoke frankly of their frustrations in working with their banks. Many of their own clients or associates have struggled with slow response to funding applications,



being passed from pillar to post by banking staff and banking jargon. This discourages them from discussing their companies’ expansion or international trading hopes with their bank managers. Herts Chamber chief, Yolanda Rugg, believes business mentoring for business owners would help, and that there was also a fundamental need for them to improve their own working knowledge of company finance. The bankers agreed, suggesting that customers bring in their accountants to bank meetings early in the planning stages, and to use their accountants’ expertise in drafting business plans; and not just use their accountants for tax advice. Businesses, for their part, said that consistency across all the banks would help; operational variances between the banks lead to confusion and delay. A managing director of a leading tourist event venue said she was frustrated with

having to repeatedly explain her business to banking staff each time she communicated with her branch. It was as though no-one listened. The bankers admitted there had been a severe lack of investment in back office administration in staff in recent years, and were addressing this. The banks unilaterally agreed their most pressing issue was to improve communication: listening actively to customers, avoiding jargon to create an environment of transparency and trust, engaging with their customer’s business, and acting on feedback. An area director from one the country’s leading banks added that there was an urgent case for banks to deal on a local level: “to focus on the local people accent …local markets… local decisions.” He also said, “We needed to hear the gritty feedback we’ve just had — our own surveys don’t usually give us this level of truth.”


London Luton Airport wins award The ground-breaking “Get into Airports” partnership between London Luton Airport and youth charity The Prince’s Trust received a Local Impact Award in the “Building Stronger Communities” category at an industry awards ceremony held in Cambridge. Issued by the leading business-led charity of its kind in the UK, Business in the Community (BITC), recognises responsible business in action and celebrates best practice from companies who are transforming communities. The Prince’s Trust ‘Get into’ programmes give unemployed 16-to-25-year-olds hands-on experience in a specific sector, as well as developing their confidence and motivation. The positive impact that the Get into Airports scheme has on the local community and the important role it plays in helping young people secure work experience, and ultimately employment at the Airport, is a key feature of

London Luton Airport’s new Community Engagement Strategy. Through the programme, local unemployed young people undertake two weeks of training followed by a two week work placement with an Airport company. Twenty three young people have secured employment with onsite partners as a result and the Airport has ambitious plans to build on the programme going forward. For more information on the Airport’s partnership with The Prince’s Trust as well as its wider Community Engagement Strategy, please visit

Pictured are successful young people from the Get into Airport’s programme with programme co-ordinators from The Princes Trust and London Luton Airport.

l to r Matthew Weatherby, The Princes Trust, Laura-Jane Latto, Hotel Chocolat, Muijbur Rahman, London Luton Airport, Sian Pearce, London Luton Airport, Sparkle Lynch, Pandora, Masooma Kamzi, SSP

RICS launch guide to support SMEs RICS has launched a guide to help small businesses take better control of their finances through managing their property assets differently. Property costs – such as business rates and rent – are one of the most significant expenses incurred by SMEs and failure to take professional advice as to how to manage them could costs businesses thousands of pounds. The guide, which is free of charge for business owners, is available and covers all aspects of the property process. It has been endorsed by the British Retail Consortium and the Association of Town and City Management. Included within the guide is advice on: • Finding the right premises • Business rates • Tax allowances on property • Rent reviews • Valuations Paul Bagust, RICS Associate Director, said: “Times are still hard for many small businesses across the UK. Property costs are both one of the biggest overheads and one of the most complex assets to properly manage and we hope that this guide can prove an invaluable resource.” The guide can be downloaded free of charge at




Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst Anyone who calls Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst (SBC) the “GSK Incubator” has undoubtedly not heard about the corporates that have recently announced tenancy at the 10,000sq m2 site. SBC is the UK’s first open innovation bioscience campus, co-located on the GSK R&D site in Stevenage and supported by Government, industry, and the charitable sector. Its remit is to assist early-stage bioscience companies through access to commercial expertise, routes to funding, and most importantly, by fostering a culture of open innovation. In this vein, one of the latest pharmas to establish a presence at SBC includes the London-based J&J Innovation Centre, which aims to identify exciting new assets, technologies and companies for partnership through regular interaction with the 26 tenants and wider network that comprise the SBC community. MRC Technology, a life science technology transfer organisation, announced in October the relocation of MRC Technology’s drug discovery activities to the campus. The move forms an important part of MRC Technology’s evolution and sees their Centre for Therapeutics Discovery become the cornerstone tenant in SBC’s Accelerator building. Fit-out of the facilities is expected to start shortly, with completion and relocation by 2015.

biopharmaceuticals, also announced in October the opening of a Technology Laboratory on the bioscience campus. Universities are part of the mix too - Cambridge continues its collaboration with GSK to progress its drug candidates, and a London University is under discussion with SBC about bringing several projects into the fold. Other universities

GE Healthcare Life Sciences, a global provider of tools, technologies and services for life science research and for the manufacturing of

engaging with tenants include Bristol and Manchester. However impressive the actual facility, far more inspiring is SBC’s growing connections between big pharma and healthcare companies, academia, charities and SMEs to advance biomedical discovery- a true feat of open innovation.

Miranda Knaggs Sales, Marketing & Events Manager Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst

Stretched for resource? Interested in doubling your limited funds? Then tap into the University of Hertfordshire’s vast expertise through our new Innovation Voucher scheme. Work with us and we will contribute up to £3,000 on a matched funding basis, totalling £6,000 to help you: s s s s

Analyse potential international markets 'HYHORS EXVLQHVV PRGHOV DQG LPSURYH HIĺFLHQFLHV Create marketing strategy Test prototypes

Apply online:



Email: Tel: +44 (0) 1707 286406


Developing and recognising talent

The Hertfordshire County Golf Partnership was formed in March 2008 when the HCLGA (Hertfordshire County Ladies Golf Association), the HGU (Hertfordshire Golf Union (Men)) and the PGA joined forces with the primary objective of growing the game of golf across the county of Hertfordshire and ensuring that there is a pathway available to any person that wishes to participate in this fantastic game.

By Jane Black

As a Manager you know how important it is to recognise and value the experience of your staff. Giving them the opportunity to shine and be appreciated for the contribution that they make to your company’s success. Whether they have been with your company for years or are fairly new; acknowledging their expertise and the job that they do can never be underrated. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is in the perfect position to help your company and your engineering and IT staff by giving them the opportunity to benchmark their skills against international competences and gain professional titles, such as Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Engineering Technician and our newest professional title ICT Technician; aimed at ICT practitioners. Be it working as a software or systems tester specialist; network technician, security administrator, database administrator or the more traditional engineering discipline they all deserve to be recognised for their contribution in helping your company to continue to achieve results today and for the future. Attaining professional titles through the IET not only enables individuals to be recognised but it also forms part of a career development pathway and giving them access to technical information and networking opportunities with other likeminded technicians and professionals. The IET is licenced by the Engineering Council to award the professional titles to individuals who have demonstrated that they meet the competences. All our titles are protected by Royal Charter and are listed on the European Directive of protected titles. With your support the IET would like the opportunity for your staff to prove that they are the right people to help your company to continue to grow. Contact us at for more information.

Many people may not take up the sport because of financial barriers or preconceived ideas about the sport, but getting into the sport now and in the future couldn’t be easier. We can now take golf into environments where it’s never been before. We can bring golf to your workplace, shopping centers, city centers and of course golf clubs. With the development of street golf, inflatable driving nets and putting mats we can bring the game to YOUR OFFICE! If you are looking for an activity to bring into your business, which can be a fun way to develop skills and teamwork then get in touch. We can attend one off events or develop regular courses to learn

the game and a small percentage of what you might think. As an introductory offer we will give the first 10 businesses who get in touch a taster session at your workplace and a FREE 4-week course of group coaching for up to 8 people at your local club. So what are you waiting for? Get in touch now. Emma Whitlock County Development Officer Hertfordshire Golf Partnership 07706005964 Twitter @golfinherts




Business Forums Connect - Collaborate - Grow The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce business forums and clubs meet regularly providing an excellent opportunity to share information, showcase products or services and develop collaborative associations. Companies attending include a number of leading organisations who seek to improve the economic position of the county. PROPERTY, CONSTRUCTION AND SUSTAINABILITY NETWORK


This forum establishes support for all who are

Formed in 2001, this partnership brings together

concerned with property, building

key businesses in the county to promote and

development, cost, planning, design and


grow tourism within the county.

construction. Connect your business to raise your profile, build relationships and strengthen strategic alliances.

Meeting and connecting with business professionals across different sectors to develop smart working practices. • Take part in business discussions, • Elevate your brand profile at our events,

• Promote Hertfordshire as a visitor centre, • Connect with leading professionals. • Represent the interests of the industry locally, regionally and nationally,


• Ensure the importance of this industry in

This hub connects the counties leading

• Support the development of tourism and

engineers, promoting training opportunities and


recreation in Hertfordshire.

sharing best practice. • Keep abreast of change and innovation, • Connect with local business professionals,


• Take part in interesting discussions and

This club helps members develop strong links

updates across the business sector.

and understanding of international trade. Working with UK Trade and


Investment and large organisations

The Environmental Forum brings together

as DHL, the Exports Club helps its

business leaders and entrepreneurs in the

members develop their business

green market place to encourage, learn and drive change within the county. • Encourage and advise businesses on energy efficiency, • Promote the development of the

abroad. • Gain knowledge and understanding on export procedures,

environmental sector in Hertfordshire, • Meet other exporters, • Promote best practice and innovation, • Provide expert advice to support economic development.



“As an organisation with several hundred employees based at our UK HQ in Hertfordshire, Steria is keen to such work with the local community, academia, businesses and bodies such as the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce by sharing our experience, thought leadership and best practice to realise a sustainable world for all.”

• Gain help in developing effective international trade links.

Siva Niranjan, Group Programme Director, Sustainability Steria


Forum Focus: Spreading the green message The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce’s Environmental Forum has been running for just over a year, engaging organisations in the county to debate and drive down carbon emissions to create jobs in the sector; developing a low carbon economy. Sharing information is the key to this forum, so the group plans a range of activities over the next 12 months. Business networking has always been a popular way of engaging with other companies. At a recent breakfast, Steria presented their award winning environmental programme which

New! Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Property, Construction and Sustainability Network The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce supports its members by encouraging the development of an economic environment in which all business and their employees can prosper. We represent business interests in the county to local and central government, MPs and all other relevant bodies and contribute to the development of Chamber policy nationally.

provided an excellent opportunity for the company to connect with new contacts who

We are delighted to be supporting the Property

Why attend?

are able to support their supply chain.

and Construction sector by creating a new

• Network with key players in the sector to

“We hope to engage with as many members as we can”, says Sally Taylor whose responsibilities at the Chamber include running the Environmental Forum.

networking forum; the ‘Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Property & Construction network’ This is to establish support for all who are concerned with property, building

promote and generate business for your organisation, including architects, building services, chartered surveyors, construction, developers, engineers

development, cost & planning, design and “We are planning a range of events throughout

construction in any way.

the year including breakfast networking, quarterly seminars where we have forum member present plus an annual conference and exhibition”.

Core team members running these events include representatives from, Morgan Sindall, Just Housing, Mitsubishi Electric, the Royal

• Meet local business in the county • Connect with senior decision makers; gain access to leading industry figures • Hear relevant talks from the sector

Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Over the years, the Hertfordshire Chamber has successfully run Green Exhibitions with top line

National Centre for Project Management (NCPM) at the University of Hertfordshire

well as leading business professionals from Willmott Dixon, Hertfordshire County Council,

developments and exchange information with like-minded professionals

speakers such as Sir Jonathan Porritt CBE, TV personality and presenter Dick Strawbridge as

• Keep up-to-date with trends and

The Property and Construction Network will be a series of six events, each featuring a relevant speaker from the industry.

Pearce Recycling, AECOM, Fujitsu,

They are open to members and non- members

Rothampstead, Toyota and the University of

of the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce


and are designed to help you.

• Raise your profile, build relationships and strengthen strategic alliances • Entertain your clients at these informative events Watch out for more details coming soon!




Knebworth House, Conference and Events Knebworth House is the much loved family home of the Lytton’s, the stunning 500 year old Knebworth House is set in 250 acres of parkland and can offer the perfect setting for any event. Situated near Stevenage, just 30 miles north of London and with direct access from Junction 7 of the A1M, Knebworth is easily accessible from all areas. The Knebworth Barns are a unique venue for any event including conferences, dinners, exhibitions, parties and so much more. The 16th Century Tithe Barn we’re lovingly restored to create a unique setting and now with the contemporary Lytton and Cobbold Barns built in 2011, Knebworth really does have a venue to suit all occasions. The Barns are available for events for 20 - 400 guests, with the

grounds offering facilities for upto 125,000 guests. The onsite team understand that your event is about location, planning and communication and they work to bring these elements together to ensure your event runs as smoothly as possible. For further information on Knebworth call: 01438 813 825 or email




Emma Whitlock, County Development Officer

Martin Jennings, Business Development Manager

Emma Whitlock is the Hertfordshire Golf Partnership’s County Development Officer. Emma works on developing the game of golf in the County by assisting golf clubs and organisations in bringing more people into the game. She has gained seven years’ experience in the golf industry, ranging from England Golf volunteering, events organisation, golf club admin, and membership enquiries to golf coaching and marketing.

For over 15 years in the lighting industry I have been responsible for supplying many millions of light bulbs sharing great knowledge and technical know-how across all market sectors. I especially enjoy meeting clients where I advise not only great light bulb savings but offering viable recommendations for lamp & lighting improvement.

“One of my focuses will be working with businesses to bring golf into the workplace...” Emma said: “Hertfordshire is going from strength to strength, and I am looking forward to working on developing the game even further. One of my focuses will be working with businesses to bring golf into the workplace and supporting the national ‘Get Into Golf’ initiative.”

“I especially enjoy meeting clients to offer viable recommendations for lamp & lighting improvement.” I enjoy the satisfaction from clients taking the time to understand a bit more detail about their lighting and buying into demonstrated savings that often are simple to achieve. If you feel your lighting at home or work could be improved feel free to contact me for a chat.

Sarah Smits, Finance Director Sarah Smits is the Finance Director at Ashbourne Insurance and has overall financial responsibility for the 30+ year old, family-run business. She works alongside the management team, playing a key role in the broker’s new business development, HR, marketing and strategic planning.

Sarah’s outstanding contribution to the company has been recognised externally...

Debbie Hunt, Lookers Divisional Corporate Sales Manager I head up our Corporate Business Team for our Lookers Southern Division across 9 dealerships covering four brands, Land Rover, Jaguar, Lexus and Volvo. The team and I strive to provide a consultative and tailored approach that delivers a truly customer centric experience; be that the business owner or the fleet manager.

“The team and I strive to provide a consultative and tailored approach that delivers a truly customer centric experience; be that the business owner or the fleet manager.”

Sarah is a tireless networker, not only on behalf of Ashbourne, but for the benefit of the wider Hertfordshire and Essex business community, and she has personally overseen the successful fundraising of over £50,000 for Ashbourne’s chosen charities. Sarah’s outstanding contribution to the company has been recognised externally; last year winning “Entrepreneur of the Year” at the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce - Inspiring Herts awards and “Best Family Business Ambassador” at the Red Ribbon national business awards.

We seek to ensure you are able to make an informed decision by providing up to date taxation and cost of ownership information.




EValu8 Transport Innovations– supporting low carbon transport growth EValu8 specialise in low carbon transport solutions and support organisations to make more sustainable transport choices. We are specialists in Electric Vehicles and alternative fuel technology, are running the government’s ‘plugged in places’ scheme (PIP) and have installed over 450 electric vehicle charging points in the East of England and manage the Source East network. Innovation Voucher grant support EValu8 Transport Innovations are running an innovation voucher grant scheme in the East of England to encourage the region’s companies to develop new products, services and ideas across the broad area of low carbon transport. The vouchers provide easy-to-access funding, supported by the European Union, to encourage innovation and business growth in a risk free environment. The vouchers allow businesses to access specialist consultancy up to the value of £1,000; this consultancy can be provided by universities, research institutes, consultancies, or one of your own suppliers, to support innovation by your business.



How do I apply? What types of project are eligible for voucher funding? We have seen a wide range of exciting ideas so far through the scheme and are keen to fund more from other organisations. Some of the ideas we have already funded relate specifically to low carbon transport, including projects around electric bikes and vehicles, more efficient engines, lightweighting vehicles. Other projects have been in the wider application, including car route mapping software to minimise emissions and product packaging developments to reduce the number of lorries required to transport goods.

All applications for vouchers from companies will be managed by EValu8 through the short, and easy to complete, application form available on their website – Vouchers are going fast, so apply now to take advantage of the funding to support your business needs. If you have a great idea which you are not sure qualifies, please get in touch with us anyway. We would be delighted to have an informal discussion with you about eligibility. Full details of the scheme and application guidance can be found at For more information: contact us at 01707 284742 or email


East Herts broker committed to supporting SMEs to secure the best for their business Multi award-winning Ashbourne Insurance of East Hertfordshire has appointed Matthew Hunt to the position of Commercial Sales Director. Matthew, who has worked at Ashbourne since 1994, is responsible for the independent broker’s two commercial teams which have been consolidated into one, based out of the Hoddesdon branch. Ashbourne Insurance was founded 32 years ago, currently employing 26 people and has over 3,500 business and private clients.

value of having an individual to help with arranging policies and, more importantly, dealing with claims.”

Though operating in an increasingly challenging environment, particularly with competition from the internet, Ashbourne has always stuck to its founding principles of providing outstanding personal customer service to the local community.

He continued, "Ashbourne are committed to helping Hertfordshire based businesses get the best insurance cover by offering risk assessments, personal visits and regular reviews. We have two in-house claim handlers one at each office and a 24-hour, 7-day a week emergency contact procedure."

Matthew Hunt said, "We have had to really adapt to compete with the increasing number of insurance providers but we have found that businesses appreciate more than ever the

Ashbourne’s business clients benefit from on-site risk assessments and policies tailored to their specific requirements. “When getting a quote

over the internet it’s easy to overlook points or not realise the relevance of the small print,” explained Matthew. “Sometimes these discrepancies only come to light when you try and make a claim and you find the policy is invalid. At Ashbourne we go through each point thoroughly and check if businesses need any additional cover. What surprises many people is that we can often beat supposed ‘cheap’ online quotes.” Within the industry this approach has also paid off with Ashbourne able to negotiate advantageous rates for clients from insurance providers keen to cover companies which they know to be well-informed and thoroughly risk-assessed. Ashbourne's top tips when renewing your business insurance policy: • Review your schedule of cover to ensure that it remains representative of your ever changing requirements • Choose a broker or two at the most and work with them to ensure they become your advocate • If you are going to engage multiple companies ensure that they don’t all target the same insurer, many insurance companies will not quote for a risk that is submitted by multiple brokers, one or two brokers should be in a position to cover the market and ensure that insurance companies compete amongst themselves for your business • A cheap quote will mean a cheap service or poor coverage. Of course you want quotes to be competitive, but remember the true value of an insurance policy can only be seen when you come to use it by making a claim. • Start the process early, at least 6-weeks before renewal, your broker should welcome the opportunity and this will help secure better terms & premiums.

Matthew Hunt (centre) with 2012/2013 business awards, is supported by a team of professional Commercial Insurance Specialists including (from left to right) Marianne Sapsford, Pina Johnson, Dawn Spencer & Joe Ferraro

For please contact the commercial team at Ashbourne Insurance on 01992 471001 to book a no obligation Business Review.




KISS PR’s tips for raising your profile The average person receives 63,000 words of new information every day; we are inundated with information.

To stand out in this overcrowded landscape, businesses need to interest, excite and provide audiences with knowledge, help or advice. KISS PR has worked with many business-tobusiness clients keen to elevate their standing amongst a specific audience by becoming thought-leaders. Here, Justine Smith, Managing Director, offers her tips for achieving thoughtleadership status.

What is a thought-leader? A thought-leader is a recognised expert in a specific field. Thought-leadership PR is personal and focuses on either an individual or a group of company spokespeople. It is a good way of differentiating your company from others in your sector by building a network of credible experts and positioning them with the Press as informative, innovative and insightful sources that the media can call to comment on current industry issues and challenges. Justine said: “Responding to topical issues that happen in your industry needs a fast response and must offer a strong opinion, a warning or an alternative view. “Alternatively, developing a series of ideas for thought-leadership and pitching those to an editor can be very fruitful. In time, you can earn



respect from journalists and build trust and credibility for your organisation.” KISS PR’s top ten tips for building a thoughtleadership profile: 1. Find your thought-leader. Identify a person in your organisation that the industry will want to hear from. 2. Cut through the published clutter and identify areas that have not been discussed and provide an interesting, thought-provoking or controversial view. 3. Don’t expect instant results. Thoughtleaderships can take time to establish credibility and trust from journalists. 4. Keep up to date with issues affecting your industry. However, don’t confuse trend analysis or market statistics with thoughtleadership; they are fundamentally different things. Spokespeople must have an interesting opinion, an alternative viewpoint or a fresh insight into a particular topic. 5. Remember that editors are bombarded daily with press releases and ideas for articles so ensure when you pitch ideas to journalists that it’s not just company fluff with no real news value.

6. Contact all your target journalists via email and let them know you would be happy to be interviewed or comment on specific areas should they need a third party opinion. Make yourself available should a journalist call you for a comment, you won’t get a second chance. 7. If you are a real authority on a particular area, consider writing a white paper to state your position on a topic. 8. Set up a blog in your area of expertise or research suitable blogs where you could put yourself forward as a guest blogger. 9. Twitter is a great platform to drive your thought-leadership and is available for the whole twitter sphere to see. Keep your tweets consistently and regularly related to the area in which you want to gain your reputation as a leader. 10. Commenting on other blogs or in LinkedIn groups within your industry sector is a great way of building on your thought-leadership. Your comments will also show up on Google searches of your name.


Each issue we will be sharing the most popular social media debates, what's trending and what's hot. Join our social media groups to share your views and activity. @hertschamber, @inspireherts and for linkedin and facebook, /hertschamber. Facebook LinkedIn





Chamber Networking Breakfasts 07.30 – 09.00

Special Events Christmas Party Night Thursday 12th December Holiday Inn, Stevenage, SG1 1HS 7pm – Midnight

Annual General Meeting Wednesday 4th December Hertford Theatre, Hertford, SG14 1PS

Explore Export

Wednesday 11th December Knebworth Barns, Knebworth, SG3 6PY

Thursday 9th January TBC

Wednesday 18th December Hanbury Manor, Ware, SG12 0SD 17.30

Inspiring Hertfordshire 2014 Launch Wednesday 18th December Hanbury Manor, Ware, SG12 0SD 18.00 – 20.00

Inspiring Hertfordshire 2014 Launch Wednesday 18th December Hanbury Manor, Ware, SG12 0SD 18.00 – 20.00

Ambition Broxbourne Consultation

Wednesday 15th January St Michael’s Manor, St Albans, AL3 4RY

Inspiring Herfordshire – Have you entered yet?

Thursday 23rd January Macdonald Bobsleigh Hotel, Bovingdon, HP3 0DS

How Can An Angel Help My Business Grow

Chamber Christmas Networking Breakfast Wednesday 11th December Knebworth Barns, Knebworth, SG3 6PY

Training and Seminars Pensions Auto-Enrolment Tuesday 5th November Beales Hotel, Hatfield, AL10 9NG 08.00 – 09.30

Intellectual Property: Patents, Tax Relief and Cash Refunds Tuesday 12th November Biopark, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3AX 08.00 – 10.00

How to Make Effective Presentations Friday 15th November Herts Chamber Offices, Hatfield, AL10 9NE 09.00 – 17.00

A Practical Guide to Import Documentation and Procedure

Chamber Brunch Events 09.30 – 11.30 Thursday 21st November Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Stevenage, SG1 2FX

Guest Speaker: Martino Picardo, CEO Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst

Chamber Business Lunches 12 noon – 14.00 Thursday 28th November Harpenden House Hotel, Harpenden, AL5 1PE

Thursday 30th January Holiday Inn, Elstree, WD6 5PU

Green Business Networking 16.00 – 18.00 Green People Tuesday 19th November

Tuesday 19th November Herts Chamber Offices, Hatfield, AL10 9NE 09.15 – 16.00

Go Global: Russia – New Markets, New Horizons Wednesday 20th November Novotel, Stevenage, SG1 2AX 09.00 – 12.00

Homestead Court Hotel, Homestead Lane, Welwyn Garden City. AL7 4LX

Speakers: Matthew Pinto-Chilcott – HR Department Sue Cohen – Sue Cohen Limited

Green Christmas Tuesday 17th December

For full details on these events and to book, visit

Novotel Hotel, Knebworth Park, Stevenage. SG1 2AX

Speakers: Fergus Ramsey – Alliance Solutions Michael Spinks – Essex Food & Drink




Welcome to new members Agenda Recruitment Recruitment agency specialising in digital and creative Rec2Rec and medical locums. 18 Watermark Way, Foxholes Business Park. HERTFORD, SG13 7TZ T: 01992 501515 All Seasoned Social Enterprise with cafĂŠ in Letchworth and catering arm providing pre-order lunches. c/o Letchwotth Arts Centre, LETCHWORTH, SG6 3EW T: 07973 438455 Atlas Translations Ltd Translation, Interpreting and Language services. 6 Upper Dagnall Street, ST ALBANS, AL3 4DJ T: 01727 812 725 Barr & Associates Chartered Accountants. 1st Floor, 6 Silver Court, Watchmead, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, AL7 1TS T: 0845 3735906 Bowyer Bryce Chartered Surveyors. The Business & Technology Centre, Bessemer Drive, STEVENAGE, SG1 2DX T: 01438 816396 Brian Arnopp Images Commercial/Industrial photography, food and stock images. 59 London Road, WELWYN, AL6 9HU T: 07773 854728 Brighthouse Rent-to-own retailer household goods. 5 Hercules Way, Leavesden Park, WATFORD WD25 7GS T: 01923 488201

Cavendish School Mainstream Secondary School. Warners End Road, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP1 3DW T:01442 404333 Diamond Trust Trading Company Ltd Design and manufacture diamond and gem set jewellery. Valuations and consultancy. Chesham House, Church Lane, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 2AX T: 01442 200040 Direct Path Solutions Limited Developers of crime reconstruction systems. 2nd Floor, Titan Court, Hatfield Business Park, HATFIELD, AL10 9NA T: 01438 812 873 Eco Service Innovative brand of kitchen food waste disposer. PO Box 1197, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP1 9FH T: 01442 270032

"When Vantage IT joined The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, one of the benefits we hoped for was the opportunity to meet new, likeminded organisations that were equally dedicated to providing a very high quality service. We did indeed encounter many people with whom we developed great relationships and some of them became suppliers or customers......."



Elecro Engineering Limited Electro mechanical services, manufacture appliances, electrical safety testing of appliances. Unit 11 Gunnelswood Park, STEVENAGE, SG1 2BH T: 01438 749474 Emerdis Limited Technology distribution in emerging markets. 22 Sayer Way, KNEBWORTH, SG3 6BN T: 07908 896 557 EnviroVent Guarantee to eradicate your mould and condensation problems for good. 27 Ninesprings Way, HITCHIN, SG4 9NR T: 07592 873154 Limited Global chauffeured solutions for business. 66 Lammasmead, BROXBOURNE, EN10 6HY T: 08000 432131 Excello Law Solicitors, Legal Services, Employment Law. The Enterprise & Innovation Centre, Biopark, Broadwater Road, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, AL7 3AX T: 07767 895 280 Folkstock Arts Foundation C.I.C Community foundation to create a network of musicians and supporters of acoustic folk and roots. 35 Moors Ley, STEVENAGE, SG2 7NQ T: 07969 249 286 Future Hope Helping Young People in crisis gain hope and a future. 40 Castle Street, HERTFORD, SG14 1HH T: 01992 503333 Hemel Cartridges Supplier of printer cartridges. 64A London Road, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP3 9SD T: 01442 268500

Hemel Stags Rugby League Club Ltd Professional Rugby League Club, licensed premises, meeting hire and corporate sports facilities Pennine Way Sports Ground Pennine Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 5UD T: 01442 219 799 ISEL UK Supplier of CNC and Cad/Cam machine systems and components to industry, education and hospitals. Unit 17, Maylands Business Centre, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 7ES T: 01442 531225 Knight Property Management The only Chartered Surveyor letting agents in Hertford and Ware. 58 Riversmeet, HERTFORD, SG14 1LE T: 01992 308181 Lakemarine Limited Training for skills based apprenticeships in hairdressing, delivering NVQs to secondary schools and work experience opportunities. 169 High Street, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 3HB T: 07545 344121 Lloyds Bank PLC Bankers and Business Support Services. 49 Howardsgate, SME banking, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, AL8 6BA T: 07725 068828 M H Group Exporters of Tesco brand products food and non food. 88 Benslow Lane, HITCHIN, SG4 9RA T: 07801 132565 Martin & Co (Welwyn) Lettings & Estate Agents. 8 Howardsgate, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, AL8 6BQ T: 01707 334576 Metro Bank Banking. 56-58 Marlows Centre, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP1 1DX T: 020 3402 7640 Metro Bank

NewMembers Banking. Unit 3E, Borehamwood Shopping Park, Theobald Street, BOREHAMWOOD, WD6 4PR T: 020 3402 7530 Minuteman Press Print and design centre based in Ware specialising in B2B printing. 3 High Street, WARE, SG12 9BP T: 01920 463333

Redbourn Auto Solutions Commercial car servicing, repairs, checks, diagnostics, MOTs. 9-10 Redbourn Industrial Estate, REDBOURN, AL3 7LG T: 01582 679 300 Robert Mills Photography T/A Herts Business Photos Google trusted photographer. 3 Old Cross, HERTFORD, SG14 1HX T: 01992 350046

Norton Folgate Capital Consulting LLP Asset Finance, Leasing and Business Loans for all types of SME. 12th Floor, 30 Crown Place, LONDON EC2A 4EB T: 020 7965 4777

Rye House Kart Raceway One of the UK’s Foremost Karting Centres. Rye Road, Rye House, HODDESDON, EN11 0EH T: 01992 460895

Payment Sense Provider of merchant service payment machines & business loans for SMEs and new business start ups. 32 Prospect Ring, East Finchley, FINCHLEY N2 8BP T: 0800 4175355

Simply Amazing Training Limited Marketing Training & Coaching for Small, Medium companies looking to drive sales growth. Suite 321, 17 Holywell Hill, ST ALBANS, AL1 1DT T: 07985 928648

Profile Matters Public Relations. 26 High Street, RICKMANSWORTH, WD3 1ER T: 01923 606223

Shoot Me Studios Photography corporate/commercial/ retail/weddings/portraits/ prints/digital images & framed pieces. 2 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 2AF T: 01442 869099

Proforce 1 Security Limited Security Services -Security Training & First Aid Training. Unit 5 Wrotham Business Park, BARNET EN5 4SB T: 020 8275 1023 RJF Consulting Providing part time fully qualified HR director support to SMEs. Flowerwood, Little Heath Lane, Potten End, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 2RY T: 01442 864772 Real Ripple Media Limited Marketing Specialists. Suite 6, The Maylands Business Centre, Redbourn Road, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 7ES T: 01442 818110 Recover Vibrant furniture up-cycling enterprise, creating pathways into volunteering and work. 19 Tewin Court, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, AL7 1AU T: 01707 322103

Shopworks Limited Retail and Office Design and Fit Out Services, including DSE assessments for office employees. The Old Barn Rossway, BERKAHMSTED, HP4 3TZ T: 01442 875666 Smiths Coffee Company Purchase green coffee from around the world. Roast & pack to order. Also supply teas, machines & flavoured coffees. Arabica House, Ebberns Road, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP3 9RD T: 01442 234239 Step In Time Health. Oak Tree Surgery, Bennington, STEVENAGE, SG2 7QZ T: 01438 869700

"...... The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce has been fantastic at putting Vantage IT in a position to meet many new people and develop great alliances. It provides a focal point in Hertfordshire for the business community to exchange ideas, help each other and grow." Peter Tarbox, Vantage IT.

Tern Events Wedding and Events Planning. 15 Home Farm, Park Road, TRING, HP23 6QU T: 01442 828061

Utility Warehouse Utilities. 190 Drove Road, BIGGLESWADE, SG18 0HP T: 01767 312609

The Copy Wordsmith Copywriting services to grow your sales or brand. PO Box 346, WARE, SG12 4DX T: 0845 386 4930

Vantage IT Solutions Limited IT Support & IT Services and Software Development. Unit 2, Airfield Park, Cheddington Lane, Long Marston, TRING, HP23 4QR T: 01296 668966

The Secret Space Social Enterprise providing yoga and other therapies in the centre of Hertford. 105 Fore Street, HERTFORD, SG14 1AS T: 07775 907714

Vivo D’Arte Not for profit organisation offering theatre arts training and putting on high quality music and theatre productions. Five Elms, Bank Green, BELLINGDON, HP5 2UT T: 01494 758273

TISCO Financial Planning Limited Financial Advisers and Employee Benefits Consultants. Morton House, 80A Victoria Street, ST ALBANS, AL1 3XH T: 01727 734040

Western Provident Association Limited Private medical insurance. The Stables, Bennington Lordship, STEVENAGE, SG2 7BS T: 01438 869705

UHSU Solutions Limited Student Employment and Lettings. College Lane, HATFIELD, AL10 9AB T: 01707 285019

Willow Foundation Special days for seriously ill 16 – 40 year olds. Willow House, 18 Salisbury Square, HATFIELD, AL9 5BE T: 01707 259777

University Campus St Albans A joint venture between Herts University& Oaklands to provide flexible and affordable degrees. Oaklands Collage, Hatfield Road, ST ALBANS, AL4 0JA T: 01727 737 100

Workflow Imaging Systems Limited Supplier of photocopiers and printers with service and support. Logic House, 51 Knowl Piece, Wilbury Way, HITCHIN, SG4 0TY T: 0843 3092225




Steve Knight is the Chief Operating Officer for LV=’s Life division. A business which is growing steadily having positioned itself in the market as a strong player with a commitment to great customer service in the Retirement Income and Protection spaces. LV= is a UK-based mutual which was founded in 1843 to give financial security to more than just a privileged few. Today it follows a similar purpose, helping people to protect and provide for the things they love, although on a much larger scale and through a wide range of financial services. Steve joined LV= in 2008 having worked in the Life insurance industry for 25 years. He is responsible for around 550 customer service professionals as well as other teams including Change Delivery and Complaints.

“ Q

What was your first job and what was the pay packet?

I was a software apprentice for GEC Avionics, from memory I earned just over £5K a year.


I wouldn’t mind being a motoring journalist; they seem to get some fun assignments. Q


What do you always carry with you to work?

My iPad. As I try to work in a paperfree style so this has become an essential piece of kit. Q

What is the biggest challenge in your business?

How to be ‘easy to do business with’ and show we care for our customers’ individual needs within the confines of complex financial services regulations. Q

If you were the Prime Minister, what one thing would you change to help business?

My last peer review said I was focused on objectives, driven to achieve success and calm under pressure. I think that will do! Q

What was your biggest mistake in business?

Getting too sucked into the detail of a big and expensive project and forgetting what we were trying to achieve when we started. That ended up costing quite a lot of money. Q

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Don’t beat yourself up if things go wrong, keep going and try again. Nobody said it would be easy to succeed.



What can you see from your office window?

Who do you most admire in business?

Leaving a lot of flaws aside, the sheer focus and passion of Steve Jobs was hard to beat.


As a business person, what are your three main qualities?

There must be a way to protect the interests of consumers without making regulations as complex and overlapping as they are.

I don’t really have an office as all three sites I work on are open plan, but from one of them I can see an attractive car park out of the nearest window. 50

If you could do another job, what would it be?

For all things Porsche. Sales. To specify your new Porsche or to select from our extensive range of Porsche Approved pre-owned cars.

Service. Provided at your convenience by Porsche-trained Technicians. There is no better reason to have your car serviced at a Porsche Centre.

Parts. Expertly fitted Genuine Porsche Parts maintain the purity of your Porsche. Call 01707 277 911 or visit

Porsche Centre Hatfield 1 Hatfield Avenue Hatfield Business Park Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 9UA

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